Bartop arcade cabinet plansprojekty
Zlecę dodanie do istniejącego serwisu następujących funkcjonalności: systemu dodawania ogłoszeń z opcji darmowej na płatną cenników oraz abonamentów w panelu z płatnościami dotpay Portal oparty o sysyem OSCLASS MARKET ------------ I would like to add the following functionalities to the existing website: 1. Change of the system of adding ads from free to paid option 2. Adding price lists and subscriptions in the panel with dotpay payments Portal based on OSCLASS MARKET system
Witaj, widziałem w opiniach, że zintegrował Pan komuś elastisearch więc chciałem spytać czy może pomoże Pan mi. Jest taka aplikacja - Django plans, której zadaniem jest stworzenie systemu subskrypcji miesięcznej lub rocznej i nie wiem jak zrobić, aby aplikacja tylko ograniczyła widok. Chodzi oto, aby użytkownicy bez opłaconego konta nie mogli wejść do danego kursu. Z tego co widziałem, trzeba tylko napisać krótki walidator, są tam gotowe, ale tylko ograniczające ilość na przykład dodanych zdjęć.
Tworzę portal w oparciu o framework django, nie jestem jednak zaawansowanym programistą pythona, więc szukam osoby, która zintegrowałaby aplikację Django plans. Samo zainstalowanie nie jest problemem, chodzi jednak oto, aby django plans sprawdzało czy użytkownik ma dostęp do danej strony, jeśli tak, powinno mu wyświetlać kursy, jeśli nie, musi mu pokazać informację, że ta część serwisu dostępna jest w abonamencie.
Zlecę aprojektowanie unikalnego wzoru automatów ARCADE 5 różnych modeli. Wizualizacja 3D jak i projekt pod CNC. Przykłady w załączniku.
...które wyglądają tak Bingo| Kompania Węglowa bankruptcy averted Bango| Adam Roguski Django| Rzeczpospolita Strana| 04 Mango| ekonomia i rynek Lango 04.07.2014 ------------------ Kompania Węglowa bankruptcy averted Kompania Węglowa has signed an initial agreement with its bond program guarantors which encompasses rolling them over and conducting a new issue in accordance with plans to conduct restructuring of the company's debt as well setting commitments that the coal giant can meet. KP issued PLN1.23bn in medium-term bonds on September 2013. Chciałbym zlecić przygotowanie strony www, na której będę mógł 1)wgrać pakiet 15stu takich plików txt 2)edytować je (najlepiej jakby to było okno powiązane z google docs i z ichniejszym m...
Jest do zrobienia aplikacja dla dzieci typu memory: 2 tryby gry: single game i arcade game. - W arcade mamy 8 tematów (zwierzęta, instrumenty itd..) do wyboru każdy ma 9 leveli i łącznie 30 obrazków do zdobycia. Za każdy level otrzymuje się kolejne 3 obrazki z których generowane są pary w kolejnym levelu. Czyli startujemy z 3 obrazkami na każdy temat i jeżeli zdobędziemy wszystkie obrazki w danym temacie (czyli szybko będziemy odsłaniać pary) to będziemy mieć ich 30 po przejściu wszystkich leveli w tym temacie. Każdy temat ma te same układy kafelek (obrazków zasłaniających) w poszczególnych levelach. Kafelki różnią się obrazkami. Są 4 tematy dźwiękowe w których w czasie gry po odsłonięciu dobrej pary słychać dźwięki. - ...
WItam, Mam do wprowadzenia kilka poprawek na swojej stronie z ktorymi nie moge sobie...wprowadzenia kilka poprawek na swojej stronie z ktorymi nie moge sobie poradzić 1 Przeniesienie loga do góry tak aby było widoczne( Dopasownie kolorystyki loga do strony) 2 Wykasowanie Komunikatu ktory pojawia sie w trakcie ladowania strony "The requested content cannot be loaded Please try again later" 3 Wstawienie na mojej stronie podstrony na wzór http://xn----8sbehubhgexidspi1f.xn--p1ai/Plans/k1/ chodzi mi o to wyświetlenie zdjęc bez ladowania nowej podstrony + wstawienie pod każdym piętrem tabelki na wzór z tej strony + dopasowanie jej kolorystycznie do strony. Moja strona -
Przedmiotem aukcji jest po...się też po kliknięciu w menu po prawej stronie, odpowiednio: reklama: strona główna statystyki strony ;op=sitestats regulamin ;op=terms plany i taryfy ;op=plans logowanie klienta ;op=client ;redirect= Zlecenie dotyczy poprawy tylko kilku url, a nie wszystkich w całym serwisie. W 80% url są już poprawione! To co jest do poprawki dokładnie opisałem w aukcji.
Witam, Zlecę przerobienie skryptu Scripteen Arcade Script V1.6 demo tak aby była możliwość dodania gier poprzez dodanie kodu embed , oraz wgranie miniaturki przez upload
Witam, Zlecę przerobienie skryptu Scripteen Arcade Script V1.6 demo tak aby była możliwość dodania gier poprzez dodanie kodu embed , oraz wgranie miniaturki przez upload
Witam, Zlecę przerobienie skryptu Scripteen Arcade Script V1.6 demo tak aby była możliwość dodania gier poprzez dodanie kodu embed zamiast pliku flash
Zlecę tłumaczenie około 10 tekstów z ang na polski o tematyce powiązanej z architekturą ogrodową. W tekstach będzie sporo technicznych zwrotów. Przykładowy tekst - Proszę o cenę za 1000 znaków.
Zlecę przerobienie skryptu Scripteen Arcade Script V1.6 demo tak aby była możliwość dodania gier poprzez dodanie kodu embed zamiast pliku flash
Witam, mam problem z doborem hostingu do strony hostingu zdjęć bez limitu. Dlatego mam kilka firm które pr...który umożliwi uruchomienie takiej strony i czy może być instalowany hosting zdjęć ze względu na wykorzystywaną dużą powierzchnię dyskową. Myślę tylko i wyłącznie o Planie hostingowym. Czekam na oferty
Witam Potrzebna jest mi pomoc przy modzie. Zainstalowałem na swoim forum phpBB2 by przemo moda ARCADE Mod i chyba jest jakis kłopot ze stylem, czy z czymś (wczesniej jakis chłop mi miał zrobić dobry styl, jednak porzucił robotę i poszedl w ****). Trzeba być zalogowanym aby to sprawdzić, ponieważ inaczej nic nie da się sprawdzić. Klikamy w ten link: , dajemy wyświetl wszystkie gry, czy jakoś tak i wyświetla się pusta strona. Na forum przema mi nie pomogli dlatego zakładam zlecenie. A na prawdę potrzebny jest mi ten mod z grami. KONTAKT GG: 12524839 Pod uwagę będę brał cenę.
Witam Potrzebna jest mi pomoc przy modzie. Zainstalowałem na swoim forum phpBB2 by przemo moda ARCADE Mod (,highlight,arcade+mod) i chyba jest jakis kłopot ze stylem, czy z czymś (wczesniej jakis chłop mi miał zrobić dobry styl, jednak porzucił robotę i poszedl w ****). Trzeba być zalogowanym aby to sprawdzić, ponieważ inaczej nic nie da się sprawdzić. Klikamy w ten link: , dajemy wyświetl wszystkie gry, czy jakoś tak i wyświetla się pusta strona. Na forum przema mi nie pomogli dlatego zakładam zlecenie. A na prawdę potrzebny jest mi ten mod z grami. KONTAKT GG: 12524839 Pod uwagę będę brał cenę.
witam Zlecę przerobienie skryptu Scripteen Arcade Script V1.6 demo tak aby była możliwość dodania gier poprzez dodanie kodu embed zamiast pliku flash
Web development company an immediate need to hire a Project Manager, to join their team. This is a direct hire full time permanent opportunity with a base salary, benefits, and bonus potential. For immediate and confidential consideration to this position, please send your resume...projects, and ensure designs are implemented and tested to specifications. Strong execution focus in driving end to end project schedules either as stand alone projects or as components of larger programs which may be directed by others. Holding program/project team members accountable for their commitments, milestones, resources and deliverables. Effectively communicating objectives, plans, status, issues and risks in a timely manner to team members, stakeholders and management. Husar3000...
Witam, zlece instalacje komponentu PU Arcade dla Joomla 1.5, i doprowadzenie go do stanu pełnej użyteczności (gdyz sam po instalacji mam z nim problem - skrypt nie zapisuje wynikow), a także dokonanie drobnej zmiany - inna punktacja liderów. Oczekuje na propozycje i rozsadne ceny, pod numerem gg 7909326.
witam, Zlecę modyfikację skryptu gier: - ilość kredytów ustalona bez rejestracji/logowania - reklama adsense przed uruchomieniem gry przez xx sekund (przykład: ) - dodanie socialmedia do gier (bookmarks) - integracja logowania z twitterem, facebookiem, gmail - linki przyjazne dla wyszukiwarek - dodanie skryptu tapet () tak by można było połączyć bazę danych w jedną (tapety i gry). Możliwe jest rozwiązanie gdzie w systemie tapet podepnie się grafikę i wyłączy konieczność rejestracji/logowania tylko wyświetlane tapety/wyszukiwarka/oceny itd. pozostaną - stworzenie systemu punktów System punktowy: - punkty za każdą rozegraną grę przyznawany nie częściej niż co X minut
Interesują mnie następujące modyfikacje: ;t=8051 ;t=1260905 Zastrzegam sobie, że oferty bez podania czasu wykonania oraz ceny nie będą uwzględniane oraz że mogę nie wyłonić zwycięzcy.
Witam, poszukuje solidnego freelancera lub firmy do stworzenia strony internetowej. Wymagana duza dbalosc o detale i najwyzszy standard kodu php/mysl, oraz html/css zoptymalizowany pod SEO. Wymagane takze doswiadczenie w tworzeniu CMSow (Control Panel), doswiadczenie z platnosciami online (a...• Creating New Categories and Subcategories • Maintaining Banners displayed on the website • Maintaining Designers' Accounts 2. Users Area: • Simple and Advance Search Feature • Interactive Map (find designer by zip code) • Creation of Account which will allow for example manage email alerts 3. Designer Area: • Payment Plans - payment OnLine ( and paypal) • Creation and Maintaining the profi...
zlecę wykonanie modyfikacji komponentu Joomla! -> PU Arcade.
1) 5 videos add a text clip 2) rip 15 vids all you do is add the a caption and upload to a site I give you. 3) 1 general professional header using the logo below....for 3 other websites headers will be the same just need text change on each.... 4) design a with full details on what to do. I'm looking for someone who would be interested to work longterm with me and is sick of working several different projects at once and doesn't want to deal with the frustrations of having to deal with different people every time and who may be interested in getting a lumpsum of the profits for several projects that I have going on that all have marketing plans and proven hungry buying markets. I'm looking for quality work and not a rush job! Something who can wor...
...Signup for different plans that you configure and host their images + Make, Edit and Delete folders to store images + Move images from from folder to folder + Upload JPG, GIF, PNG image files + Change Image quality settings + Resize images on upload + Create image PORTFOLIOS (photo albums) + Create image SLIDESHOWS + Create AUCTION GALLERIES + Upgrade their plan at any time + Cancel their plan at any time + Change their account settings such as password and email + View a demo account to try it out before they signup ewentulanie (+) integracja z jakims prostym modulem sklepowym lub przez (rynek TYLKO POLSKI) Strona administratora: + Configure each plan by price, bandwidth, space, features and more. + Add, edit and delete new plans. + A...
I need a freelancer to erase red markings from my house plans PDF without touching the black lines. Only on the first 5 pages it’s not much The final version should be sent back to me as a PDF. Please review the attached file before bidding on the job.
I'm seeking a professional draftsman to create detailed plans for a 3500 sqft, modern-style, three-story home in Dallas, Texas. This project requires a design from scratch, so creativity and experience in modern home design is paramount. Key Responsibilities: - Develop comprehensive blueprints and designs for a three-story, 3500 sqft modern home. - Provide cost estimates for the design and drafting process. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in drafting and home design, particularly for modern style homes. - Strong understanding of structural integrity and building codes. - Excellent communication skills for discussing design concepts and revisions.
I need someone to draw me up some plans with elevations. I have measured the building overalls and i will give a not to scale design, which i then need someone to draw to scale using appropriate software to scale. - Type of Plans: Floor plans - Level of Detail: Basic layout - Software: AutoCAD Ideal skills and experience for the job include proficiency in AutoCAD, experience in creating floor plans, and ability to work from a not-to-scale design.
I own a pop culture arcade bar that is in dire need of a digital overhaul. This includes a comprehensive social media strategy, content creation, brand identity development, meta ads management, influencer engagement, regular posting, graphic design, and more. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a social media strategy aimed at driving more foot traffic to the bar - Create engaging content for Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok - Manage and optimize meta ads - Engage with influencers to promote the bar - Regular posting and graphic design to maintain a consistent brand identity Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in social media strategy and content creation - Strong graphic design skills - Experience with brand identity development - Proficiency in managing meta ads - Exc...
I'm seeking a professional architect to create detailed residential plans for a large single-family home. The design should encompass: - Seven to eight bedrooms, plus 1-2 staff rooms - A home office and two additional offices - A gym and recreation room - A salon - A theater - A golf simulator - A speakeasy hidden within a clubroom - A twelve car garage The ideal freelancer will have extensive experience in designing large residential properties and will be able to deliver comprehensive and precise architectural plans. Please include samples of similar projects in your proposal.
I'm looking for a professional to create detailed building plans for my residential home. The project involves removing a bearing wall located in my kitchen and replacing it with a LVL beam spanning 24 feet. The plans must take into account: - The specifications for the LVL beam - Structural integrity post-wall removal - Integration of the electrical rework, as I will only need changes made to the electrical systems, not plumbing Ideal skills and experience would include: - Expertise in structural engineering and building design - Experience with residential projects - Ability to create comprehensive, easy-to-understand plans - Familiarity with electrical systems and requirements during such renovations Please include in your bid any relevant examples of past w...
Hello Would you be willing to work with me on the architectural plans for the 4000K house? I already did and almost got approved plans for 9942 Sq Ft, but we decided to make it 4000 sq Ft (based on the existing design, elements, and layout - went through San Diego County already 2 rounds ). - Location Plan: Showing property boundaries, orientation, surrounding context, access points, topographical information (if relevant), setback requirements, and zoning overlays. - Site Plans: Detailed site layout with dimensions, landscape elements, parking and driveway configuration, utility connections, drainage systems, and outdoor living spaces. - Detailed Floor Plan: Complete room layouts with dimensions, wall thicknesses, door and window schedules, built-in furniture,... to connect individuals affected by job losses due to Trump and Musk, and to document their stories. Key Features: - User-generated content: Initially, the site will feature written stories, with a future expansion to video content. - Searchability: The site needs to be easily searchable. - User engagement: Users should be able to comment on, rate, and share stories on social media. Future Plans: - Merchandise: Eventually, we plan to sell merchandise on the site. Requirements: - User registration: All users must register with a verified email address. - Skills: Ideal freelancers for this project should possess extensive experience with WordPress, have a strong understanding of community-building website features, and can implement robust user registration systems. Knowledge ...
... and troubleshoot issues. Encourage community engagement like PCPartPicker forums. ✅ ? Contact Us Page: Live Chat, Email Support, and Phone Support. Support Ticket System for warranty claims. ✅ ? FAQs Page: Common questions about orders, builds, warranty, returns, and repairs. ✅ ? Warranty & Returns Page: Explain warranty policies for different products. Offer extended warranty & protection plans as upsells. ✅ ? Affiliate & Referral Program Page: Customers can earn rewards by referring friends. ✅ ? Careers Page: Hire remote employees or local staff in the future. ✅ ? Privacy Policy & Terms of Service Page (Legal Compliance). 5️⃣ Additional Features for a Competitive Edge ? ? AI Chatbot & Smart Support AI-powered chatbot to answer common customer questio...
...backend of my project. The web platform is ready to launch with front-end and most of the functionality complete for backend. The following is required to be worked on: 1. Integrating pricing plans with the functionality 2. Fixing the pricing plans for both clients and admin to integrate the custom fee 3. Some changes to presentation and functions(Not the design but the adjustments of buttons, fields etc) 4. Basic changes to Home page (Adding couple of buttons for new pages and 1 presentation slideshow on home page) 5. Fixing 1 core functionality. The function is ready but not integrated with pricing plans. 6. Creating and integrating API for email marketing. Some minor changes might also be required which will include some basic changes to presentation. NOTE: Pl...
I will provide hand-drawn sketches that will serve as the basis for the CAD drawings. While I do not have any existing digital plans, I believe my sketches will be sufficient for this project.
I require a skilled Civil Engineer or AutoCAD operator for the detailed design of a new lift station. This will be situated next to the existing one. I have preliminary plans, but need someone to complete the construction drawings and piping schematics. Electrical sheets are complete already. Key Requirements: - Develop comprehensive construction drawings using Civil 3D - Incorporating site plans, structural details and elevation views - Completing detailed piping schematics Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Civil 3D - Strong background in civil engineering - Experience with lift station designs - Excellent AutoCAD skills Please note, all designs will be subject to my review and approval.
I'm looking for a professional who can create a high-quality 3D rendered image for the proposed rear elevation of my property at 8 The Green Walk. I have detailed architectural plans available for reference, so the ideal freelancer would be skilled in 3D modelling and rendering, with experience in interpreting architectural drawings. Key elements that should be included in the render: - Accurate depiction of the existing architectural elements - High-quality visualisation that can be used for presentations or discussions with stakeholders Please include examples of your previous work in your proposal. Thank you.
...profile, team, payment status, settings). • Player statistics (fetch & update real-time player stats from an external API). • Fantasy team roster data (store and update team selections). • Implement Cron Jobs for Data Updates: • Fetch & update player statistics periodically. • Sync with the external sports API to keep data current. ? 3. Payment Gateway Integration • Implement subscription plans & one-time purchases via: • Stripe (Web, iOS, Android) • Apple Pay (iOS) via Stripe • Google Pay (Android) via Stripe • Ensure secure transactions and real-time payment validation. • Allow premium feature unlocks based on payment status. ? 4. API Integrations 1. Sports Statistics API Integration (fetch player ...
Project Title: Pixel Racers: Turbo Drift Overview: Pixel Racers: Turbo Drift is a retro-inspired, fast-paced mobile racing game where players customize cars, drift through dynamic tracks, and compete against AI or real players. The game features pixel-art graphics, intense drifting mechanics, and an electrifying synthwave soundtrack to create an immersive arcade racing experience. Game Features & Requirements: 1. Gameplay Mechanics: • Drifting System: Players can tap and hold to drift, with longer drifts earning style points. • Boost System: Successful drifts fill a turbo meter, giving temporary speed boosts. • Multiple Race Modes: • Career Mode: Progress through various race circuits, unlocking new cars and tracks. • Time Trials: Beat your best...
I'm looking for a skilled architect or designer to create floor plans, front elevation and 3D renderings for a series of four traditional-style homes. Key Requirements: - Design should incorporate an open-plan living area, walk-in closets, and a home office space in each house. - The front elevation must include multiple garage spaces. - High-end 3D renderings, with 2-3 images for each home. Process: - I need the first home completed before moving on to the next. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in architectural design and 3D rendering software. - Experience with traditional-style home designs. - Ability to create detailed and high-quality renderings. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed.
I'm looking for a professional architect who can design a two-story residential building using shipping containers. Key Components: - Design for a two-floor shipping container home. using 2 X40 foot by 8 foot and 3x 20 foot by 8-foot shipping containers for the ground floor and 2x 20 by 8 ft shipping containers on the second floor. this is an off grid desert home with no restrictions. - Aesthetic appeal with a modern architecture style. - Knowledge and experience in sustainable and innovative housing designs. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in architectural design software. - Strong understanding of shipping container structural integrity. - Experience with designing modern residential buildings.
I'm seeking a skilled AutoCAD professional to create a custom, but basic template for me. The template will be primarily used for drafting construction details. Key Requirements: - Incorporation of architectural elements including floor plans, elevations, sections, layouts, and basic annotations - Expertise in AutoCAD with a strong understanding of construction detail drafting - Experience in creating user-friendly, efficient AutoCAD templates The ideal freelancer will have a strong background in architectural design, and a demonstrated ability to deliver high-quality, precise AutoCAD templates.
Be Well is an AI-powered platform that provides personalized nutrition and fitness plans, while seamlessly connecting users to healthy restaurant meals tailored to their dietary needs. Our goal is to make healthy living effortless, affordable, and sustainable by combining AI-driven customization with real-world accessibility. Key Points: • AI-Driven Personalization – Unlike generic meal plans, Be Well uses machine learning to create highly customized diet and workout recommendations based on user goals, metabolism, preferences, and real-time progress. • Restaurant Integration – Users don’t just get meal plans—they can order healthy meals directly from partner restaurants, ensuring that eating well is as easy as ordering fast food. ...
...indépendants ✅ Optimisation de la génération de leads et du funnel de conversion ✅ Gestion et intégration de Odoo CRM & Odoo Marketing ✅ Pilotage des relations B2B et négociation avec les clients ✅ Animation de réunions commerciales et suivi des KPI ✅ Mise en place de stratégies d’internationalisation pour l’expansion des activités ? Profil recherché ✔ Expérience confirmée (Minimum 5 ans) en cabinet de conseil ou dans un rôle similaire ✔ Maîtrise avancée de Odoo (CRM, Marketing, Business Development, Sales Pipeline) ✔ Expérience en stratégies digitales et en développement commercial ✔ Excellente communication et capacité à négo...
- Create a detailed concept for a pop-up luxury retail store that effectively engages customers and enhances brand visibility. This project emphasizes creativity, strategic marketing, and an understanding of transient retail trends. Key Components of the assignment: 1. Concept D...point converted to pdf): o A 10-15 minute presentation summarizing your pop-up concept. o Include visual aids (e.g., slides, mock-ups) to support your ideas. 2. Design Report (pdf): o A detailed report (8-12 pages) that includes: § Executive summary § Concept and target audience analysis § Location and logistics § Design and layout details § Customer engagement strategies § Branding and marketing plans § Sustainability initiatives § Evaluation metrics § Include...
...ambitious project to design a commercial distillery and need expert assistance with the architectural plans. Key Requirements: - Design of a functional yet appealing distillery layout - Compliance with relevant building and safety regulations - Incorporation of efficient use of space - Creation of plans suitable for submission to building authorities Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in commercial building design, particularly for 'industrial' use - Strong understanding of architectural principles and regulations - Ability to translate design concepts into comprehensive plans - Excellent communication skills to incorporate feedback and make necessary adjustments Im only looking for plans for a small 1200 square foot post and beam type building. ...
I need a professional to create a detailed 2D CAD drawing for a floor plan of a commercial building. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficient use of CAD software - Previous experience with architectural plans, specifically floor plans for commercial buildings - Attention to detail - Understanding of architectural drawing standards and conventions