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    2,000 axle design truck ofert prac znalezionych

    Stworzenie od nowa strony na podstawie obecnej. Stworzenie i prowadzenie facebook instagram

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert
    FiveM gamemode gta:v
    Zakończone left

    ...która stworzy dla mnie gamemode na platformę FiveM Nazwa projektu: truck Play Typ projektu: Truck/RPG Platforma docelowa: FiveM Język projektu: Angielski/POLSKI Język programowania: C# / JavaScript (...) Opis projektu: Celem projektu będzie stworzenie trybu gry o tematyce “Truck z elementami RPG”. Przeznaczeniem gracza będzie wykonywanie zróżnicowanych zawodów, skupiając się jednak na zawodzie kierowcy ciężarówki. [Dalszy ciąg opisu i szczegóły w w pliku Termin myślę, że jakoś mi się nie spieszy aczkolwiek, chciałbym zamknąć to zlecenie na wrzesień. Za dobre wykonanie projektu płacę solidnie :) I am looking for a person who will create a gamemode for me on the FiveM platform Project name: truck Play Project ...

    $518 Average bid
    $518 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    Potrzebuję wyceny za prowadzenie ciężarówki z rzeczami z Polski do Gronau w Niemczech __ I need a quote for driving a truck with things from Poland to Gronau in Germany

    $4500 Average bid
    $4500 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...jest dedykowana wszystkim podmiotom prowadzącym działalność w branży mobilnej gastronomii. Ma się ona składać z dwóch paneli głównych. Jeden dostępny dla klientów na którym będzie można zlokalizować food truck, przejrzeć menu, zamówić w nim jedzenie oraz zobaczyć przewidywany czas przygotowania posiłku. Następnie do klienta przyjdzie powiadomienie np. z konkretnym numerem, kiedy posiłek będzie gotowy. Okazanie numeru uprawnia do odbioru posiłku. Drugi panel będzie służyć właścicielom placówek. Będzie w nim można zarządzać zamówieniami oraz powiadamiać klientów o gotowości posiłku. Food truck po uruchomieniu aplikacji powinien być lokalizowany w czasie rzeczywistym. Przydatna może być również implementacja jakie...

    $1295 Average bid
    $1295 Średnia Oferta:
    32 składanie ofert
    oh boy towing
    Zakończone left

    tow truck company I need a grant

    $511 Average bid
    $511 Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert
    JSPRIT Programmer
    Zakończone left

    ...version of it does not have all required by us functionalities. We need to have JSPRIT algorithm enhanced by multi pallets load functionality in (2D). Currently there is an option to check number of homogenous pallets load (pieces) into the truck as well as to check its weight or sq meters. But all these are homogenous parameters. In real business life scenarios often there are different sizes of pallets which are loaded onto the same truck. Therefore JSPRIT would need to be associated/linked with another bin packing algorithm which would check during every truck loading if another pallet would still be possible to be added. --------------------------- Poszukujemy programisty/firmy z dogłębną wiedzą i doświadczeniem w zakresie algorytmu JSPRIT wykorzystywanego...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...different brake drums B) Takes more time to flow through the lines than hydraulic fluids.@ C) Is always leaking through air line fittings. 5) If your vehicle has an alcohol evaporator - it is there to - A) Rid the wet tank of alcohol that condences & sits at the bottom. B) Eliminate the need for daily tank draining. C) Reduce the risk of ice in air brake valves in cold weather.@ 6) If your truck has dual parking control valves you can use a seperate tank to - A) Release the spring emergency parking brake to move a short distance@ B) Apply more brake pressure if the main tank is getting low. C) Stay parked twice as long with your service air pressure. Osoba wygrywajaca otrzyma program z ktorego nalezy skopowac pytania (jest to w formie testu) program pokazuje pytanie + 3 od...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...gry do wglądu tutaj: (wymaga wtyczki Unity). To czego potrzebujemy, to grafika menu, ekran wygranej, ekran przegranej, ekran powitalny. Każda z tych rzeczy ma być w tylko jednej rozdzielczości, po zapłacie chcemy dostać plik Photoshopa z warstwami. Jeśli chodzi o styl grafiki, ma być analogiczny do gier takich jak: Interesują nas ceny rzędu 50zł od ekranu, tak więc wszelkie duże studia graficzne mogą sobie ten projekt odpuścić - szukam indywidualnych twórców, dla których 100-200zł za kilka ekranów to uczciwa cena. Proszę o licytowanie jedynie osoby z portfolio. Proszę nie wysyłać maili, link do portfolio proszę zamieścić w opisie

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Pilne! Zlecę dokończenie skryptu wyszukiwania produktów - wersja testowa - Brakuje powiązań filtrów, które powinny być przypisane tak samo jak filtry na stronie :b np. wybierając filtr size "14" w następnym filtrze "Inch size" mamy do wyboru tylko jedną wartość (wyświetlają się tylko te które mamy przypisane do danego rozmiaru) a nie wszystkie kilkanaście. Proszę o kontakt jedynie osoby bardzo dobrze znające się na VirtueMart.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, poszukuję osoby chętnej ,,wspólnika'' do prowadzenia i zarządzania stroną. Strona to SimulationSite Strona jest tworzona z myślą o grach symulacyjnych, strona składa się z Portalu i Forum, niewiele brakuję do pełnego funkcjonowania. Stroną ma na myśli zebranie wszystkich graczy gier symulacyjnych którzy są podzieleni na np. Hard Truck, Flight Simulator X, w jedno miejsce. Wymagam od 2HQ: -podstawowe znajomości HTML, PHP -wkładu finansowego (o małych kwotach mowa) I chęci Po więcej informacji proszę pisać na: E-mail: simulationsite@ GG: 6855184 (zazwyczaj niewidok)

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam! Prosze o wycenę stworzenia grafiki o tematyce Euro Truck Simulator i przystosowanie jej do forum phpbb3. 3 Rózne wersje kolorytyczne strony , niepowtarzalny i unikalny design. Ze wględu na liczne oszustwa płatnośc nastapi po dokonaniu zlecenia i przewstawienia efektów na swojej stronie www Kontakt : 2047916

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, poszukuję osoby chętnej ,,wspólnika'' do prowadzenia i zarządzania stroną jako 2HQ. Strona to SimulationSite Strona jest tworzona z myślą o grach symulacyjnych, strona składa się z Portalu i Forum, niewiele brakuję do pełnego funkcjonowania. Stroną ma na myśli zebranie wszystkich graczy gier symulacyjnych którzy są podzieleni na np. Hard Truck, Flight Simulator X, w jedno miejsce. Wymagam od 2HQ: -podstawowe znajomości HTML, PHP -wkładu finansowego (o małych kwotach mowa) I chęci Proszę pisać: E-mail: simulationsite@ GG: 6855184 (zazwyczaj niewidok)

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, poszukuję osoby chętnej ,,wspólnika'' do prowadzenia i zarządzania stroną jako 2HQ. Strona to Strona jest tworzona z myślą o grach symulacyjnych, strona składa się z Portalu i Forum, niewiele brakuję do pełnego funkcjonowania. Stroną ma na myśli zebranie wszystkich graczy gier symulacyjnych którzy są podzieleni na np. Hard Truck, Flight Simulator X, w jedno miejsce. Wymagam od 2HQ: -podstawowe znajomości HTML, PHP -wkładu finansowego I chęci Proszę pisać: E-mail: simulationsite@ GG: 6855184 (zazwyczaj niewidok)

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, poszukuję osoby chętnej ,,wspólnika'' do prowadzenia i zarządzania stroną jako 2HQ. Strona to Strona jest tworzona z myślą o grach symulacyjnych, strona składa się z Portalu i Forum, niewiele brakuję do pełnego funkcjonowania. Stroną ma na myśli zebranie wszystkich graczy gier symulacyjnych którzy są podzieleni na np. Hard Truck, Flight Simulator X, w jedno miejsce. Wymagam od 2HQ: -podstawowe znajomości HTML, PHP -wkładu finansowego I chęci Proszę pisać: E-mail: simulationsite@ GG: 6855184 (zazwyczaj niewidok)

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...frazy z osobna LUB TEZ KILKU FRAZ, KTORYMI BYLIBY PANSTWO ZAINTERESOWANI ( wprowadzenie do top 10 w (USA), jezeli to mozliwe to rowniez podanie ceny za wprowadzenie do top 5 oraz prosze o podanie przyblizonego czasu / PRZEDZIALU CZASOWEGO ( wprowadzenie danej frazy do top 10 / opcjonalnie do top 5 ! ) Lista fraz: mc number dot number commercial truck financing truck financing commercial truck leasing truck driver job trucking job cdl jobs boat shipping yacht shipping boat transport yacht transport commercial cleaning chicago office cleaning chicago chicago cleaning service chicago maids construction companies chicago construction chicago construction services chicago Osoby / Firmy bez solidnego doswiadczenia, wlasnego ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...(artykuly) W zwiazku z tym bardziej interesuje mnie wspolpraca z kims, kto bedzie budowal dla mojej firmy wlasne "zaplecze" do pozycjonowania!! Jestem skolnny zaplacic "podstawe" za wykonana prace + premie za wyniki, a nie jedeynie okreslona stawke za poszczegolne frazy w momencie kiedy osiagna one wysokie pozycje! Przykladowe frazy: ifta reports ifta quarterly report truck insurance illinois start trucking company start up trucking company Interesuje mnie jedeynie dlugotrwala, powazna wpolpraca. Podkreslam, ze chodzi o frazy w jezyku angielskim w (zadna fraza nie bedzie pozycjonowana w polsko-jezycznych wyszukiwarkach!!). Moja firma/pracownicy, moga wykonywac czesc mechanicznych (czyli prostych/czasochlonnych czynnosci) jak np. pisanie a...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, poszukuję szablonu do Seicento i/lub wykonania grafiki na auto. Płyta z CAR'N TRUCK COLLECTION 2007 zawiera wiele pojazdów, ja potrzebuję jednego. Jeśli ktoś zaskoczy mnie projektami rozważę współpracę dot. projektu reklamy na auto, jeśli nie, ofertę traktuję także jako ew. odkupienie rzutu Fiata Seicento. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowaną osobą pisz pw i oferuj możliwości, chętnie portfolia i linki do prac wykonanych pozdrwiam seb

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ..., czy nie wchodza w gre. Ponizej przedstawiam liste fraz, za ktore chcielibysmy uzyskac wycene od zainteresowanych osob: start trucking company start trucking business starting trucking business us dot authority boc 3 filing trucking cargo insurance trucking company insurance truck insurance illinois commercial trailer insurance insurance for trailer trucks permits truck concession commercial truck registration illinois truck registration semi truck registration Prosimy rowniez zainteresowanych o przeslanie opisu swoich technik i metodologii w pozycjonowaniu, a takze posiadanego doswiadczenia w tej materii. Jestesmy zainteresowani dluzsza wspolpraca, jesli wyniki spelnia nasze oczekiwania i strona znajdzie sie odpowiednio wysoko w...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...góry główne menu czyli Start, Download, Forum, Linki i takie inne podstawowe linki nawigacji, poniżej blok o nazwie Ciężarówki i Transport a w nim poszczególne działy, jakie to już mam nadzieję będzie można zmienić później jak CMS będzie na serwerze, z przykładowych to mogę podać: Filmy Opisy ciężarówek Polskie Country Ceny Paliw Pogoda Czas jazdy Modelarstwo Słownik pojęć Serwis CB radio Iowa 80 Truck Stop Modele 3D US Trucks - być może zostanie podział na Kącik Kierowców PL i USA Pod tym menu ma być blok o nazwie Gry, tak jak to jest teraz podzielony ma być na producentów gier czyli kolejno: Soft-Lab Nsk, JoWood, Nikita, G5 software itd. jak się kliknie na któregoś z producentów ma się rozsunąć menu i link ...

    $2 - $306
    $2 - $306
    0 składanie ofert

    Mam przygotowane zarysy/ikony pojazdów: ciężarówki, ciągnika siodłowego, naczepy, traktora oraz maszyny budowlanej. Pochodzą one z Corel Cliparts, są nieco przerobione. Potrzebuję dorobić do nich ikony: auta dostawczego (transportera), przyczepy, autobusu, oraz ikony "inny pojazd", gdzie byłby kształt jakiegoś nieokreślonego pojazdu typu "truck". Ikony mają odpowiadać stylem tym, które już mam: Ikony mają być dostarczone w formacie wektorowym. Ikony mogą być wykonane lub pochodzić z klipartów, byle zleceniobiorca miał prawa do ich wykorzystania. Termin realizacji: jak najszybciej. Proszę o podanie terminu oraz proponowanej kwoty.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Name of the Taco Truck is: Colorado Taco Truck I'm looking for a vibrant, engaging wrap design for my Taco food truck. The design should be: - Bubbly and fun, appealing to people looking to book private catering, corporate events, weddings, churches, and schools. - Incorporating rustic colors, reflecting the spirit of Colorado Ideal candidates will have experience in vehicle wrap design and a portfolio showcasing fun, family-friendly designs. A good understanding of Mexican culture and aesthetics will be a plus. But Not looking for traditional Mexican designs.

    $100 Average bid
    13 zgłoszenia

    I'm looking for a comprehensive 3D visual concept for a mobile entertainment business, operating from a cargo truck. This truck will host interactive exhibits aimed at engaging the general public. Key aspects of the project: - Design of the truck and stabilizer arms - Visualization of the main attractions - Interactive exhibits geared towards the general public Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in 3D modelling software - Experience in designing for mobile entertainment - Understanding of interactive exhibit design - Ability to create engaging visual concepts

    $78 Average bid
    $78 Średnia Oferta:
    38 składanie ofert

    I' company. The logo should feature a delivery van and a truck situated in a yard, reminiscent of an auto showroom with fleets. Key Requirements: - A modern design aesthetic - Incorporation of specified elements (delivery van, truck, yard, auto showroom) - Creation of a catchy, relevant slogan - A good use of color combination (not restricted to specific colors) Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong graphic design skills with a modern touch - Experience in logo design and brand identity - Excellent understanding of color theory - Creative copywriting skills for slogan creation - Ability to interpret and incorporate detailed visual concepts I'm open to any good color combination that fits the modern style and enhances the design...

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Średnia Oferta:
    100 składanie ofert

    I am seeking a temporary professional to assist with setting up in-store visual dis...seeking a temporary professional to assist with setting up in-store visual displays across our retail locations primarily in Texas, but also in Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Kansas, and Wyoming. Key responsibilities will include: - Designing and implementing attractive and effective in-store displays - Maximizing the visibility and appeal of a diverse range of products, from C-store items, truck stop goods, hardware, groceries, auto parts, to apparel Ideal candidates should have experience in retail merchandising, particularly with setting up visual displays. Understanding of diverse product categories and the ability to create compelling displays that drive customer engagement and sales i...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a developer to create an autom...Key Features: - Send drivers WhatsApp messages about loading and offloading based on prompts from a Google Sheet. - Dispatch daily polls to drivers asking for updates and if diesel is needed. - Notify clients when trucks are en route to them (without providing specific ETAs). - Transfer data from one Google Sheet to another. - Enable drivers to log breakdowns or issues to me via WhatsApp. - Send truck booking details to customers when prompted from the Google Sheet. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Google Sheets automation. - Experienced in WhatsApp API or similar messaging platform integration. - Strong understanding of logistics and fleet management communication needs. Please provide examples of similar projects you've do...

    $550 Average bid
    $550 Średnia Oferta:
    66 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced FiveM developer to create a UK-based server reflecting the CMG community's features. The server should encompass a mixed environment, with both urban and rural elements. Key Features: - **Job Integration**: The server needs to include a variety of jobs such as Police Officer, Doctor, Mechanic, Pilot, Delivery Driver, Truck Driver, Taxi Driver, Postal Service Employee, Restaurant Staff, and Diver. - **Licensing System**: A realistic licensing system is crucial. Players should require licenses for various activities and jobs, including Pilot, Driving, Firearms, Mining, and Diving. This system should also apply to illegal activities and firearm acquisition. - Custom cars and custom clothing. The cars will need to be de-badged to comply with Ro...

    $2030 Average bid
    $2030 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    ...behind a pick up truck or SUV. The design should be: - Nice and clean: The logo should not be overly busy, but convey a sense of trust and ease. - Modern: It should fit into a contemporary aesthetic, appealing to a wide range of customers. - Minimalist: The design should be simple and uncluttered, embodying a minimalist style. The color scheme for the logo includes Electric Blue, Silver, and White, with hot pink used as an accent. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A strong portfolio of modern and minimalist logo designs - Experience in creating designs for the rental industry, or similar sectors - A good understanding of color theory and ability to work with the specified color palette - Skills in conveying complex ideas simply and effectively ...

    $750 - $1500
    $750 - $1500
    113 składanie ofert

    Onboard 5 truckers then no need to call just be there account manager and earn average $250 per trucker per month. I'm looking for a driven sales representative to join my truck dispatching team. You'll focus on owner-operators, generating new business leads via cold calling, and nurturing relationships with truckers to help grow our revenue. Key Responsibilities: - Generate leads through cold calling - Build and maintain relationships with owner-operators - Drive revenue growth, earning a 30% commission on sales Resources Provided: - Contact lists for cold calling - Script templates to assist with calls - Access to our CRM software for tracking and managing leads Ideal Skills: - Proven sales experience, preferably in the trucking industry - Excellent communication a...

    $1431 Average bid
    $1431 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert
    Trophy icon Bold Tri-Fold Brochure Design
    5 dni left

    I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to create an 8.5 x 11 tri-fold brochure for my RV-Boat-Auto-Truck detailing business. This vibrant and eye-catching marketing tool will help promote my services to a diverse customer base, including RV, boat, auto, and truck owners. Key Responsibilities: - Design a bold and vibrant brochure that effectively promotes the array of detailing services we offer. - Create an engaging layout that captures the attention of our target audience - all types of vehicle owners. - Prepare the design to be postal ready. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Experience in creating marketing materials - Understanding of print design specifications - Ability to create visually appealing and eff...

    $160 Average bid
    420 zgłoszenia
    Removalist App MVP Development
    5 dni left
    Zweryfikowany development, preferably with experience in creating service-based applications. - Strong understanding of user interface design, ensuring the app is easy to navigate for both customers and staff. - Expertise in implementing secure payment systems and real-time tracking features. Easy Mover App Development Brief Vision & Mission The Easy Mover app aims to streamline the moving process for both customers and subcontractors through an intuitive and comprehensive digital platform, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency. Design Inspiration The app's UI design should be vibrant and engaging, drawing from the colorful geometric patterns provided. This design will be used consistently across the app to maintain visual appeal and brand ide...

    $400 Average bid
    $400 Średnia Oferta:
    47 składanie ofert
    Trophy icon Logo Design for JMR Courier Co.
    8 dni left

    ...Austin, Texas. We are a premier delivery service specializing in fast, reliable, and secure deliveries, ranging from documents to packages. The logo should reflect our core values of trust, efficiency, and professionalism. Incorporate design elements that convey speed and dependability, such as a delivery truck, cargo sprinter van, envelope, or package, but keep the overall look clean and modern. The color palette should include bold and professional colors (e.g., navy blue, gray, or white) but feel free to suggest other options that align with our brand. The design should be versatile enough to work on business cards, vehicles, uniform embroidery and digital platforms. Please provide the logo in multiple formats (PNG, JPEG, vector files etc) and include a tran...

    $60 Average bid
    1793 zgłoszenia

    I'm looking to hire a professional removalist with a moving truck to help me move furniture into my apartment. The job involves bringing: - Sofas and couches - Beds and mattresses - Cabinets and tables up 3-4 flights of stairs. You will need to come prepared with: - A moving dolly - Furniture straps - Protective padding Please ensure you have all necessary equipment for a safe and efficient move. The ideal candidate for this job is someone with experience in moving heavy furniture, is physically fit, and can handle the stairs without difficulty.

    min $32 / hr
    min $32 / hr
    0 składanie ofert
    Trophy icon Oklahoma Excavation Safety Expo
    Zakończone left

    Oklahoma Excavation Safety Expo (logo) Change the colorful state out with the Okie 811 ( logo) Oklahoma City, OK Pictures of building, OKC memorial, city skyline. (Attached) Picture of Gridhawk truck and locator (attached) Logo's (LineQuest & Gridhawk)

    $100 Average bid
    Wyróżniony Pilny Gwarantowany
    317 zgłoszenia
    Trophy icon Louisiana DP Summit
    Zakończone left

    I need a flyer made for the Louisiana DP Summit. Please include the following: Louisiana DP Summit (logo) Jan 28-30, 2025 Double Tree by Jilton Lafayette, LA Pictures of hotel Welcome to Louisiana sign, alligator, etc. (Attached) Picture of Gridhawk truck and locator (attached) Visit our booth! Logo's (LineQuest & Gridhawk)

    $104 Average bid
    Wyróżniony Pilny Gwarantowany
    332 zgłoszenia

    Project Title: Professional Photo Editing to Match Key Visual Standards Project Description: I need a professional photo editor to enhance my photos and ensure the final results align with the quality and style of the following key visuals: Teh Celup Sosro Key Visual - Ramadan Project Requirements: Retouch and edit the photos to match the professional look and feel of the sample projects linked above. Ensure the color grading, lighting, and overall composition are of high-quality, adhering to industry standards. Deliver final images that are ready for use in advertising and promotional materials. Project Files:

    $69 Average bid
    $69 Średnia Oferta:
    81 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a data analyst with a keen understanding of truck valuation. The primary goal is to identify pricing trends based on current vehicle prices advertised on truck sales. Key areas of focus will be: - Analyzing prices primarily for trucks - Taking into account specific truck attributes such as make and model, mileage, and year of manufacture Ideally, the freelancer should have: - Strong data analysis skills - Experience in vehicle pricing analysis, particularly trucks - Ability to identify and interpret pricing trends - Proficiency in data visualization tools to present findings in an understandable manner

    $11 / hr Average bid
    Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $11 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    12 składanie ofert

    I need an expanded abstract branding page and logo for Sugar Rush Candy Co. with deeper insights into the background imagery, including a candy castle representing Candy Wonderland and the happiness mission behind Sprinkles and her candy friends. The reason for the abstract design page and logo is because I’m starting a mobile Candy truck and I need inspiration to vinyl wrap the bus. Here is the info for you to draw inspiration. I will also load an image of sprinkles, the lead character for the company. Don’t stir away from the image. Abstract Branding Page for Sugar Rush Candy Co. & Logo 1. Key Concept and Vision Theme: A magical Candy Wonderland full of whimsy, bright pastel colors, and joyful energy that instantly brings smiles to children and famil...

    $125 Average bid
    455 zgłoszenia

    Hi, I’m looking for someone to design a aesthetic menu BOARD sized at least A3 dimensions similar to the one in the attached picture(Please check the picture before submitting the entry).The theme should be pink or baby pink and white, and the board should be clean and visually appealing. Here’s what I need: • Check for any spelling mistakes and correct them if necessary. • Organize the menu items accordingly, ensuring the main focus is on momo as it is Nepalese food truck and add pictures of the menu items like shown in the attached photo. • You can also create an identical Menu as attached. • Feel free to suggest or use the following formats if they enhance the design: o Example 1: Menu Item: Veg - $price Chicken - $price o Example ...

    $63 Average bid
    47 zgłoszenia

    Create a simple production plan to work out when each supplier needs to begin production in order to ensure we deliver the Summer 25 fragrance to all customers on time for the season launch. The planning needs to show when each truck of filled bottles is to be sent onwards to the packer, and then when the deliveries of complete units are going from the packer to the 3 fulfilment centres (via seafreight for the USA, and road for the UK & EU). Key information: Summer 2025 30ml forecasts are as follows: - 66,000 for the US market - 30,000 for the UK market - 6,660 for the EU market ❖ All customers need to have their perfume delivered by 21/06/25. ❖ The bottling part is the first step of the production, then the bottles are sent to the packer where additional items are packed with ...

    $179 Average bid
    $179 Średnia Oferta:
    46 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer with extensive experience in creating Shopify E-commerce stores. This project involves building a comprehensive online marketplace for truck parts. Key Requirements: - Full website build: The project requires developing an e-commerce store from scratch, tailored specifically for selling truck parts. - API Integration: A crucial part of this project is the integration of several third-party APIs, including: - Payment gateways: The store needs to support multiple secure payment options. - Shipping services: Incorporating reliable shipping APIs for real-time delivery updates and shipping options. - Inventory management systems: Ensuring the store is synced with our inventory for accurate stock representation. - Shopify E...

    $473 Average bid
    $473 Średnia Oferta:
    321 składanie ofert
    Cartoonish Logo Featuring My Vehicles
    1 dnia left

    I'm looking for a logo that creatively incorporates my squarebody truck and sandcar in a fun, cartoonish style. The logo should be primarily in black and white, capturing the essence of both vehicles in a playful yet professional manner. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Cartoon Style Illustrations - Vehicle Illustrations - Black and White Design Expertise

    $79 Average bid
    $79 Średnia Oferta:
    163 składanie ofert
    Dynamic Demand Forecasting in Transport
    5 godzin left

    To develop a robust, scalable, and dynamic system that forecasts daily truck demand, compares forecasted demand with available capacity, and optimizes resource allocation to maximize profitability. The system will dynamically suggest maintenance schedules, voluntary unpaid leave programs, and outsourcing decisions, providing actionable insights via a user-friendly dashboard for both operations and sales teams. Project Deliverables: Data Integration and Preprocessing: Data Sources: Historical shipment data (2 years). Real-time shipment arrival data from OTM (arrival dates, shipment types, volumes). External factors (holidays, weather, geopolitical impacts). Tasks: Clean and preprocess the dataset: Handle missing values, normalize data, and perform feature engineering. Genera...

    $1008 Average bid
    $1008 Średnia Oferta:
    37 składanie ofert

    ...useful statistics for decision-making. Key Features: Job & Client Management: Record and manage transport jobs, including client names, product types, and destinations. For each transport job, specify the number of loads, destination details, and associated costs. Each job entry includes details such as the price paid per employee per load and the daily rate for the truck driver. Employee & Driver Payment Tracking: Easily track and calculate employee wages based on the number of loads they handle. Track and manage driver payments based on their daily rate for each transport job. The app automatically calculates the total employee and driver payments for each job, ensuring accuracy and reducing manual calculations. ...

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    72 składanie ofert

    ...visibility and engagement strategies. Content: Reel no. 1 ## Kesar Mango Journey ## Concept: Show the journey of a Kesar mango, from being handpicked in the orchard to reaching the table. Script/Scenes: Scene 1: A close-up of a mango tree with ripe Kesar mangoes hanging. Scene 2: A farmer picking the mangoes gently and placing them in a basket. Scene 3: Mangoes being packed in a crate and loaded onto a truck. Scene 4: A family at home unpacking the mangoes, slicing them open to reveal the vibrant golden color. Text Overlay: "From the orchards to your table! ?✨ #KesarMango #FreshAndDelicious" Music: Upbeat, feel-good traditional instrumental. Reel No 2: ## Alphonso Mangoes - The King of Mangoes ## Concept: Showcase why Alphonso mangoes are considered the king of mang...

    $71 Average bid
    $71 Średnia Oferta:
    44 składanie ofert

    ...creative designer who can illustrate a fun, cartoonish image for my dessert truck. The image should primarily feature Children 2 girls 2 boys These characters should be engaging and suitable for a dessert truck setting. Ideally, they should represent the spirit of my food truck business and be able to capture the attention of potential customers. I want a giant crepe wrap in the centre with 2 children on each side, the dessert truck is called the crepe escape, so i need the giant crepe to have hands and legs and a happy face, looking like its escaping with the children. I want the image to be on a dark background, with neon blue and purple fireworks in the sky. Add depth and vibrance to the image. Id like a 4D dessert truck on the side on the image pr...

    $70 Average bid
    $70 Średnia Oferta:
    49 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a minimalistic, monochrome logo for my brand, 'Virti'. Key requirements: - The logo should incorporate the word virti with an optional icon. - The design should be clean and simple, adhering to a minimalistic style. - it is for a construction training school it can include truck, cranes, forklift or heavy machinery icons. Ideal skills for the job: - Proficiency in graphic design software. - Experience in creating minimalistic designs. - Strong understanding of typography and iconography. Please include your portfolio with relevant examples of previous work. I look forward to seeing your designs!

    $63 Average bid
    1157 zgłoszenia

    ...seeking an adept branding specialist to create simple brand guidelines for my country pub. The primary goal is to ensure marketing consistency across both print and digital platforms. This project is to produce simple easy to follow guidelines for our existing logo which I would like to be able to expand and promote as we bring online new parts to the business including our own beer and soon a tap truck. Further projects will be launched once we find how this all works and we find someone who gets our style and wants to continue helping us grow. As we live in a rural area we are hoping to find a professional online that we can work with. We are developing a local music festival and have live music acts performing at the pub. We are a small business trying to grow with bette...

    $240 Average bid
    $240 Średnia Oferta:
    38 składanie ofert

    Title: Design and Engineer a Tea Truck Conversion for Toyota Land Cruiser LX (1988 Model) Description: I am looking for a professional to help me design and engineer the conversion of my Toyota Land Cruiser LX 1988 pickup into a fully functional tea truck. The project should include both the interior and exterior design, focusing on aesthetics, functionality, and practical implementation. Key Requirements: 1. Exterior Design: • Modern, attractive branding that aligns with a tea shop concept. • Creative use of the vehicle’s structure while maintaining its rugged appeal. 2. Interior Layout: • A functional workspace for tea preparation and serving. • Space allocation for storage, equipment, and utilities like a sink,...

    $364 Average bid
    $364 Średnia Oferta:
    49 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced software developer to create an API that integrates customer data(Truck entry into the UK) into S&S Software used for UK imports. Key Requirements: - Develop an API for data integration - Focus on customer data specifically - Ensure compatibility with S&S Software Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in API development - Experience with customer data integration - Familiarity with S&S Software for UK imports would be a significant advantage.

    $210 Average bid
    $210 Średnia Oferta:
    23 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a professional who can re-draw a site plan for submission to Miami Dade City, incorporating two changes. The modifications include: - Adding a new permanent structure: A food truck. I have detailed dimensions for the new building, so your task will be to integrate these into the site plan. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in CAD or similar design software - Familiarity with Miami Dade City planning regulations - Experience in site plan design and modification - Attention to detail and precision

    $416 Average bid
    $416 Średnia Oferta:
    136 składanie ofert