Average salary in romania 2017projekty
Demo gry mobilnej pokazujące koncepcje gry w formie aplikacji-strona główna + 3 pierwsze plansze z użyciem Augmentent Reality czas realizacji: do 1 kwietnia 2017
Witam. Pilnie zlecę wypełnienie kilkuset wniosków i formularzy. Ostateczny termin to koniec lutego, aczkolwiek zależy mi by były one wypełniane cyklicznie w paczkach po kilkadziesiąt sztuk dziennie. Formularze są mniej więcej tego typu : Możliwa jest współpraca z kilkoma osobami, również w skali długoterminowej, aczkolwiek narazie rozmawiamy i skupiamy się tylko na tym miesiącu. Zlecenie jest podzielone na "paczki" po 50 wniosków. Chcę aby mniej więcej taka ilość była wprowadzona w ciągu jednego dnia. Częstotliwość wprowadzania wniosków może ulec nie wielkim zmianom. Proszę o podanie ceny za 50 sztuk wniosków wypełnionych w ciągu ok. 1 dnia. Jest kilka wytycznych odnośnie ich wypełniania, ale to raczej banały i formalności. Ni...
Witam Zlecę stworzenie małego serwisu internetowego połączonego z aplikacją na komórce z systemem android. Zależy mi głównie na zaimplementowaniu logiki zgodnie z wytycznymi a później przekazaniu kodu i praw autorskich do niego. Ogólne działanie systemu. System składa się z aplikacji webowej, dostępnej z poziomu każdej przeglądark...mailem i mogę odpowiedzieć na pojawiające się pytania. Tak jeszcze odnośnie zaakceptowania wykonanej pracy. - cały system jest napisany i działanie zademonstrowane - cały kod źródłowy (wraz z instrukcją jak umieścić go i skonfigurować GAE) jest w umieszczony na githubie, we wskazanym przez zleceniodawcę projekcie/repozytorium Projekt powinien być skończony do końca marca, tj. do 31 marca 2017 roku. Pozdr...
Zlecenie obejmuje stworzenie prostych 3 kalkulatorów wynagrodzeń na 2017 rok. - Kalkulator wynagrodzeń - Kalkulator odesetek ustawowych - Kalkulator odesetek podatkowych Przykłady: 1) 2) 3) Całość powinna zostać tak napisana, żeby tylko wgrać pliki na ftp i wstrzyknąć kod php w wordpressa. Z naszej strony napiszemy jak od strony prawnej powinno to być obliczane.
Only polish people. Portal internetowy związany z tematyką zdrowego stylu życia oraz lifestyle poszukuję osób chętnych do pisania artykułów. Stawka 30zł za artykuł na min 2500 znaków. Wymagania: - lekkie pióro - znajomość zasad polskiej pisowni - elastyczność -otwartość. Only polish people.
W szablonie wyglądu wydarzeń w jevents, napisanym przez inną osobę, nie wyświetla wydarzeń przypisanych do 2017 roku (po kliknięciu przycisku następny rok). W standardowych szablonach opcja przeniesienia do kolejnego roku działa. Problem leży w pliku /components/com_jevents/views/flat/year/tmpl/ Proszę o wycenę i czas realizacji.
Zlecę napisanie artykułu na 20 tys. znaków. Tematyka: Matura 2017.
...serwisów skupiających się wokół powyższych tematów, tabele porównujące oferowane usługi, ich ceny i zakresy (o ile firmy będą podawać takie dane). Wypisać mniej więcej rząd wielkości ile jest takich firm (w katalogach typu panorama firm, powinny być takie dane) Wydarzenia związane z branżą Wyszukać i wypisać jak najwięcej planowanych wydarzeń związanych z branżą HR i rekruterską w roku 2016 i 2017. Mogą być też inne wydarzenia, ważne by na tych zdarzeniach można było spotkać się z przedstawicielami dużych firm, managerami z działów HR, czy też z firmami rekrutującymi. Wypisać trzeba daty, miejsca (kiedy i gdzie) będą odbywały się te wydarzenia. Jeżeli wydarzenie jest cykliczne tez można je wpisać, nawet jeżeli nie jest jeszcze zapowiedziane że...
...serwisów skupiających się wokół powyższych tematów, tabele porównujące oferowane usługi, ich ceny i zakresy (o ile firmy będą podawać takie dane). Wypisać mniej więcej rząd wielkości ile jest takich firm (w katalogach typu panorama firm, powinny być takie dane) Wydarzenia związane z branżą Wyszukać i wypisać jak najwięcej planowanych wydarzeń związanych z branżą HR i rekruterską w roku 2016 i 2017. Mogą być też inne wydarzenia, ważne by na tych zdarzeniach można było spotkać się z przedstawicielami dużych firm, managerami z działów HR, czy też z firmami rekrutującymi. Wypisać trzeba daty, miejsca (kiedy i gdzie) będą odbywały się te wydarzenia. Jeżeli wydarzenie jest cykliczne tez można je wpisać, nawet jeżeli nie jest jeszcze zapowiedzian...
...serwisów skupiających się wokół powyższych tematów, tabele porównujące oferowane usługi, ich ceny i zakresy (o ile firmy będą podawać takie dane). Wypisać mniej więcej rząd wielkości ile jest takich firm (w katalogach typu panorama firm, powinny być takie dane) Wydarzenia związane z branżą Wyszukać i wypisać jak najwięcej planowanych wydarzeń związanych z branżą HR i rekruterską w roku 2016 i 2017. Mogą być też inne wydarzenia, ważne by na tych zdarzeniach można było spotkać się z przedstawicielami dużych firm, managerami z działów HR, czy też z firmami rekrutującymi. Wypisać trzeba daty, miejsca (kiedy i gdzie) będą odbywały się te wydarzenia. Jeżeli wydarzenie jest cykliczne tez można je wpisać, nawet jeżeli nie jest jeszcze zapowiedziane że...
Firma XO CARE jest liderem na rynku unitow stomatologicznych. W najblizszym czasie chcielibysmy poszerzyc nasza strone internetowa o mozliwosc konfiguracji naszego flagowego produktu - XO 4. Poszukujemy osoby lub firmy, ktora jest w stanie podjac sie: - zaprojektowania architektury konfiguratora - zapr...zaproponowanie UI/UX zgodnego z reszta strony - zakodowanie i personalizacja konfiguratora - optymalizacja pod katem np. pracy na iPadzie XO CARE posiada pelny model i dokumentacje 3D produktu. Nie oczekujemy zatem dodatkowego modelowanie czy optymizacji modelu. Przykladem oczekiwanych rezultatow moga byc ponizsze strony: Zainteresowany wieksza iloscia informacji prosze o kontakt.
We're looking for HR specialist, who can help us find suitable person for our company who can help us find suitable person in EMEA region (Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania).
...<lastname>mook kim</lastname> <nickname>mkyong</nickname> <salary>200000</salary> </position> <position posname="junior specjalist"> <firstname>jan paul</firstname> <lastname>knogh</lastname> <nickname>dykhong</nickname> <salary>100000</salary> </position> </type> <type typname="cooperator"> <position posname="specjalist"> <firstname>ben</firstname> <lastname>white</lastname> <nickname>bwh</nickname> <salary>250000</salary> </position> </type> </staff&g...
...offering family vacations, recreation and balneologic treatment and SPA. The center is located in a small town, by the lake. The offer is aimed mainly to seniors and average income families. We’re not looking for the whole website project – we’re in need for graphical elements, such as: stock photos, background graphics, button graphics (and/or other elements) and improving existing website (screenshots in enclosure). The result should be consistent and well looking. We expect esthetically presented proposal, and, after accepting providing us with the source files in one of the widely-used formats (Adobe Photoshop, Corel, GIMP, InkScape also accepted) If you wish, you can combine all elements in a wordpress or joomla ...
We are looking for a system developer / programmer who wants to work one year in Sri Lanca Qualifications: - Minimum 3 years relevant college / university degree and good knowledge of application development, system integration and project work. Knowledge of and experience in: application development, preferably in Microsoft. Net SQL databases, preferably SQL Server development and project methodology Duration: Duration of the contract is limited to projects. Currently, the length of the project set to one year, with possible extension of 6 months. Start date: January 2014 YES Personnel provides: Competitive salary levels. Good pension and insurance Overall, safe working conditions, and high ethical standards. Ability to personal and professional ...
Przedmiotem zlecenia jest pozycjonowanie strony angielskiej w www.google.co.uk. Hasła: My salary Salary Calculate my salary Salary checker Salary comparison Pay calculator Pay averages Pay scale Prosimy o warunki współpracy wraz z wyceną każdej frazy na wspolpraca@ Dla zainteresowanych: Domena jest poprawnie zaindeksowana w google posiada 2 lata.
...=============== We 're a small webdevelopment Agency, called Tribal, from Den Bosch, in the Netherlands. We have 15 employees (4 developers) Our core business is developing Websites and intranets, for midsize companies in the Netherlands, in often cases complex websites, based on the best open source .net Framework, Umbraco. Examples , , At this moment our development is done by several webcompanies in the Netherlands, an offshore company in China and intern at Tribal. In may 2011, we want to start a nearshore department in Gdansk, starting with a small team of 2-3 developers, managed by our Technical director, who moves to Poland. He also is an expert in Xslt, which we use a lot. We're looking for hardwork...
Web development company an immediate need to hire a Project Manager, to join their team. This is a direct hire full time permanent opportunity with a base salary, benefits, and bonus potential. For immediate and confidential consideration to this position, please send your resume directly to Husar3000@yahoo.com. The right person will have proven experience in Web Development and Project Management. The role requires strong communication, organizational and project-management skills, and knowledge of the various phases of online e-commerce, website and marketing content development and production (copy writing, Web site design, interaction design, front end technologies and implementation). The ability to simultaneously manage multiple complex projects with critical deadlines...
Witam. Zlecę optymalizacje serwera dedykowanego opartego na systemie Redhat Centos. Serwer miewa "zwisy" dość cyklicznie o określonej godzinie. Mimo stosunkowo małego obciążenia, które powinny generować serwisy znajdujące się na nim - Load average jest bardzo wysoki. W skład aukcji wchodzi również udzielenie mini korków z obsługi serwera.
Szukamy osoby, firmy, która podejmie się pozycjonowania angielskiej strony w Zlecenie polega na pozycjonowaniu strony na słowo "Salary Review" top 10. Oferty proszę kierować na wspolpraca@
Należy przygotować pliki konfiguracyjne Nagios'a do monitoringu usług lokalnych oraz usług na zdalnych maszynach. Nagios będzie już zainstalowany na serwerze głównym oraz NRPE na serwerach zdalnych. Usługi jakie trzeba monitorować to: ssh, www, ftp, smtp, pop3, pop3s, imap, imaps, mysql, postgresql, cpanel, directadmin oprócz tego takie rzeczy jak load average, zajęte miejsce na dysku i może jeszcze coś dojdzie (nie wszystkie usługi będą na każdym serwerze). Zlecenie ma być typem kopiuj/wklej tych plików do konfiguracji + ewentualne informacje co gdzie trzeba umieścić. Nagios jest zainstalowany z plików źródłowych - konfiguracja w /usr/local/nagios. Nie będzie dostępu do serwera z Nagiosem ani tego zdalnego także wszystko co zostanie w...
We are running jewelry eshop www.Silver.Ag. We are looking for reliable partner in Poland to manage eshop branch in Poland. We will make: - language version for Poland ( - it is under construction now) - basic SEO - we will finance or cofinance advertising campaign in country - we will take care about goods delivery, guarantee and everything about goods and payments Partner have to: - promote eshop in Poland (free ad, blogs, PR, cataloques, etc), backlinks - communicate with customers in country language (mainly by email) - looking for affordable advertising ... Partner have to be perfect in Internet marketing, strong references are necessary. Target oriented, want to work hard etc. Partner can be a company. Partner will rec...
...jest opis - angielski wymagany na poziomie średnim: Analyx is a professional services firm with its headquarter in the centre of Poznan. We develop state-of-the-art web applications for clients in Europe and the U.S. We’re looking for a freelance or full-time/part-time Flash Action Script Programmer to engage in developing “the next big thing” in Community / Web 2.0 web applications! A potential candidate would work with a team web developers on a regular basis in our Poznan office. Required skills are: - Relevant experience in Flash Action Script 2 (AS2) or AS3 - Good knowledge of English or German is mandatory since we are an in-ternational company and use the language every day - Grafic ...
poszukuje osoby z Krakowa (najchetniej) do wspolpracy przy konkretnych zleceniach / projektach na chwile obecna: wykonanie skryptu (w funkcjonujacym juz serwisie) generujacego krotka liste ofert (zajawek) - po kliknieciu na jedna z nich przechodzi sie do strony szczegolowej, generowanej wg. okreslonego szablonu nalezy rowniez wykonac prosty panel do zarzadzania tym mechanizmem, dodawanie i usuwanie zajawek oraz przypisanych do nich stron szczegolowych przyszlosciowo (oczekiwania): w wypadku dobrze ukladajacej sie wspolpracy oferuje zlecenia dorywcze o podobnym, jak opisane powyzej, charakterze - doswiadczenie w tworzeniu proj. dzialajacych w oparciu o PHP/MYSQL - mile widziana znajomosc Action Script - komunikatywnosc - dyspozycyjnosc i terminowosc - swobodny dostep do ...
...We’re looking for an elite VSL Video Editor who is willing to edit in German. If you don’t live and breathe video editing, don’t bother applying. We don’t hire average. We hire the top 1%. If you’re not constantly pushing for better, this isn’t for you. Who We’re Looking For: A highly motivated, fast-working video editor who thrives in a high-performance environment. Someone who can take script, voiceover, and product footage and turn it into engaging, fast-paced content that grabs attention immediately. A creative mind that knows how to source high-quality B-roll and enhance the base edit with effects, audio design, and innovative storytelling. Someone who is not afraid of multiple rounds of revisions—we strive for p...
REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION FOR WEB-BASED RECRUITMENT PORTAL 1. Functional Requirements 1.1 User Management • Admin Users: Manage job postings, track applications, approve name revelation, and finalize selection. • Recruiters: Review applications, shortlist candidates, and schedule interviews. • Hiring Managers: Approve shortlisted candidates, participate in interviews, and make final hiring decisions. • Candidates: Register, apply for jobs, and track application status. • System Users: Role-based permissions ensure security and controlled access. 1.2 Job Posting & Vacancy Management • HR can create, edit, and delete job vacancies. • Each job is assigned a unique job reference ID. • Jobs are posted on the career page and external job boards...
...and cafes based on Google Maps data. Key Features: - The app pulls data from Google Maps, focusing on establishments with over 100 reviews and an average rating of 4.5 or higher. - It displays the top 10 cafes and restaurants closest to the user's location. - The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android, featuring a modern design. - Users can post reviews but will only be able to view the locations. - I want to have visibility on how the data is being pulled and sorted. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in cross-platform mobile app development - Familiarity with Google Maps API - Experience in clean, modern UI/UX design - Skills in backend development to ensure data accuracy and app synchronization Please provide an estimate for cost, ti...
I'm seeking a data analyst with expertise in working with the Hull Moving Average. The primary objective of this project is to analyze Forex data to generate trading signals. Key Responsibilities: - Use the Hull Moving Average to analyze Forex data. - Focus specifically on signal generation. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data analysis. - Extensive experience with the Hull Moving Average. - In-depth knowledge of Forex market data. - Ability to generate and interpret trading signals.
I'm looking for a talented web developer with experience in AI to create a SaaS web app for me. The app's AI should focus on generating and summarizing study materials, and providing custom responses based on user inputs. Creating quizzes and flashcards based on input material. Similar to Quizlet and Vaia apps. The main goal is to help users (primarily students) create and study flashcards, summaries and quizzes, with the option to generate them automatically from uploaded PDFs, images or text passages. Below is an overview of the functionality I’d like implemented: 1. User Registration and Profiles Sign Up / Log In: Standard email/password or social logins. Profile Settings: Basic information, notification preferences, and language settings. 2. Flashcard...
...: The Following sections will be present in basic employee dashboards : 1. User Profile : Full Name Profile Picture Employee ID / Staff Code Date of Birth Gender Blood Group Contact Number Email Address Emergency Contact Details Job Title / Designation Department (HR, Sales, IT, etc.) Reporting Manager / Supervisor Employee Type (Full-Time, Part-Time, Contract) Employment Start Date Work Location / Branch ( Bangladesh Geo Coding) Shift Timing & Work Schedule Agent Booth Name 2. Attendance and Leave Management system : Already discussed the details. There will be a running time clock( current time in bd) in the dashboard . It will have 2 options. Check in/Out of office. When an employee presses check in it will record that time. Then check i...
I'm in need of a dedicated and committed freelancer to assist with my academic job search. The job involves primarily researching job listings, with a focus on specific geographical areas and job platforms. - Geographical Focus: The job listings should be concentrated on the Middle East, UK, Europe, Australia, China, and Japan. - Job Platforms: A significant part of the job will involve looking through LinkedIn, various academic job portals, and university career sites. The ideal candidate for this job should be skilled in using spreadsheets and Google Docs, as these will be essential in organizing and tracking the job applications. Please be aware that: - There will be a small test prior to offering a contract. It should take 20 minutes to complete the test. ...
...seekers will create profiles detailing their work experience and skills. - Advanced Search: Incorporate search and filtering options based on job title, location, salary range, experience level, job type, and industry. - Mobile-Friendly: The portal should be responsive and accessible on mobile devices. - Payment Integration: Set up payment gateways for potential premium job postings. - Documentation and Training: Comprehensive guide and training for portal management. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Salesforce development, with prior experience in creating job portals or similar websites. Exceptional skills in implementing user roles, advanced search options, and creating responsive designs are crucial. Experience with integrating payme...
I'm looking for a skilled writer to craft an informative and educational blog focused on organic and natural nutritional products. Target Audience: - The blog will specifical...health and wellness trends, as well as organic and natural food products, will be beneficial. Key Responsibilities: - Write engaging content about organic and natural food products from a nutritional perspective. - The tone should be informative and educational, but still accessible for the average health enthusiast. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in health and wellness writing, particularly focused on organic and natural food products. - Ability to convey complex nutritional information in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner. - Understanding of the interests and...
Looking for a develop that knows about API and Calling them and making in to short codes - Its for a darts website so pulling though info like : We have it working and calling but its alot of work to do them all so need help. // PLAYER AVERAGES SHORTCODE function player_averages_shortcode($atts = array()) { // GET THE PLAYER AVERAGES ONCE AND STORE IN SESSION VARIABLE if(!isset($_SESSION["playeraverages"])){ $playeraverages_curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($playeraverages_curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => '', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION =...
I'm in need of a comprehensive list of around 500,000 consumer email addresses in total from various USA states below: * California • Texas • New York • Florida • Illinois • Pennsylvania • Ohio • Georgia • Washington • New Jersey • Massachusetts • North Carolina • Virginia • Michigan • Colorado • Arizona • Tennessee • Maryland • Indiana • Connecticut 3 ESSENTIAL REQUIRMENETS: - Geographic Location: Email addresses must belong to consumers located within the specified states with residential addresses of the customer. - Age Demographic: The email addresses should primarily belong to individuals aged between 26+ years. - Should be house...
I'm seeking an experienced social media marketer to help boost my Instagram page. My primary goal is to gain more local clients for my service-based business through this platform. Key Responsibilities: - Implement strategies to increase local followers - Improve post engagement to...my service-based business through this platform. Key Responsibilities: - Implement strategies to increase local followers - Improve post engagement to reach potential clients - Enhance content quality to represent my brand and attract clients Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in growing Instagram pages for local businesses - Expertise in creating engaging content for service-based industries - Strong understanding of social media marketing strategies and tools -Speaking a...
Location: Remote We are a leading provider of advanced agricultural storage solutions, specializing in the design and implementation of state-of-the-art HVAC-R (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration) systems. Our focus is on optimizing cold storage and ripening processes to ensure the highest quality and efficiency for our clients. We are seeking a skilled PLC Programmer to develop a comprehensive HVAC-R controls package tailored for agricultural cold storage and ripening facilities. The ideal candidate will have experience with Schneider Electric's EcoStruxure Machine Expert software and a strong background in designing control systems that manage airflow, refrigeration equipment, air quality, and ethylene levels. Key Responsibilities...
I run covering hospitality news from Romania and the Republic of Moldova. I've started using n8n to collect news into Google Sheets based on Google alerts rss, but need assistance to enhance my automation further with ai gents and reduce the manual work. The primary goals are: - Reducing the time spent on manually publishing news articles into my Wordpress backend - Identifying what steps are still mandatory to be done by a human - Improving overall workflow efficiency I hope to find a freelancer with: - Expertise in n8n - Skills in process automation and workflow optimization - Experience with Wordpress Your task will be to help me fully utilize the capabilities of n8n and streamline my news publication process, allowing me to focus on content quality rather ...
I'm looking for a professional who can help me populate a Power BI dashboard with our Hotel Food and Beverage data. This dashboard is crucial for tracking our performance and making data-driven decisions. Key Metrics: - Revenue by outlet - Covers - Average Revenue per Cover (ARC) Categorization: - By meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner) - By outlet (restaurant, bar, room service) - By date (daily, weekly, monthly) Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Power BI - Strong understanding of Food and Beverage industry metrics - Experience with data categorization and visualization Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm seeking a highly organized and proactive Executive Assistant (EA) to join my online marketing company. This is a full-time, lon...Responsibilities: - Managing my email - Scheduling my calendar - Booking my travel - Coordinating various projects - Conducting research and preparing reports - Handling any incoming tasks Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in administrative work - Experienced with ClickUp - Possessing excellent communication skills - Able to work full-time, with some schedule overlap with the team Please start your application text with "I am the best fit for this role, because.. ". In your application, include: 1. A brief description of yourself 2. Why do you feel you qualify 3. What is your expected monthly salary for a full time job Subj...
...all over India to join and play on this exciting platform. Compensation is attractive - you'll earn a daily commission along with a salary that's 30% of the total profit you generate each day. Key Responsibilities: - Promote the Sikkim gambling platform across various channels. - Attract and invite online players from across India. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in marketing. - Familiarity with the online gambling industry. - Understands the dynamics of online user engagement in India. Preferred Marketing Strategies: - Proficient in Social Media Marketing. - Able to strategize and execute Email Marketing campaigns. - Experienced in Affiliate Marketing to widen the reach. Your ability to drive traffic and convert vie...
I need a PowerPoint presentation designed for a real estate project in Bangalore, aimed at potential home buyers. This presentation will be used as a sales tool. Key Focus: - The primary objective of this presentation is to highlight the advantages of the project's location. These should be presented in an engaging, persuasive manner. - The design of the presentation should be clean and modern, in line with contemporary design trends. It should appeal to the average home buyer, without being overly complex or cluttered. Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating sales presentations, preferably in the real estate sector. - Strong understanding of PowerPoint and its design features. - Ability to convey information in a clear, engaging manne...
I'm seeking a professional telecaller to reach out to potential customers from a provided dataset. Your primary tasks will be to: 1. Generate leads for personal loans. 2. Collect relevant customer information such as salary, total EMI payments, and CIBIL score. You will be primarily targeting salaried employees. The ideal candidate for this project should possess: - Excellent communication skills - Experience in telemarketing or lead generation - Ability to collect and report customer data accurately Please initiate the call with: "Hii sir priyanshu here on behalf of bajaj finance. You enquired for personal loan... so may I know how much fund do you need right now?" If a customer expresses readiness to proceed, please send me their contact number. I will ha...
I'm looking for a professional who can design and develop a specialized website for payroll management. This site should be tailored to calculate salaries for contractors specifically. Key Requiremen...professional who can design and develop a specialized website for payroll management. This site should be tailored to calculate salaries for contractors specifically. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive payroll functionalities, primarily focusing on employee salary calculation. - A keen understanding of contractor payment structures and salary calculations. - Prior experience in designing payroll systems or similar websites is highly preferred. Skills Needed: - Web development - Payroll management systems - Understanding of contractor salary structures - ...
I need an experienced Excel professional to create a 5-tab sprea...Budget tabs) - The first two tabs will be for data input and analysis results, respectively. Information for the parameters are found on the study, (Total staff, salary, total students, overtime, ) parameters should include all costs and revenues. - Text descriptions will be the primary parameters to be plugged into the spreadsheet. - The spreadsheet should feature automated calculations and data validation to ensure accuracy and ease of use. Categorys in the toddler and infant budget tabs should be label by months (Jan - Dec) screenshot of examples of what it should look like are also below. Need to have exercise 2 completed in this study, with all answers and the anweers to reflect the excel shee...
We are looking for a talented and committed video editor and motion graphics designer to own the entire video production process, ensuring consistency in branding, quality, and engagement of our new faceless YouTube channel. If you have a passion for visual storytelling, video editing, YouTube SEO, and high-impact animations, this role is for you! Key Responsibilities: ✅ Edit and produce high-quality faceless YouTube videos (8-10min long) using stock footage, motion graphics, and engaging visuals. ✅ Create eye-catching animations, kinetic typography, and infographic-style visuals to explain financial concepts in an engaging way. ✅ Research and implement YouTube SEO best practices (thumbnails, metadata, engagement strategies) to maximize video reach. ✅ Ensure all videos alig...
...Developer with exceptional technical skills Experience in React, Node.js, and cloud infrastructure Strong background in building scalable, high-performance applications Passion for solving real-world challenges What Makes This Different: Not just another job - a chance to build something that transforms an entire industry Potential to become our CTO if you prove your exceptional capabilities Startup equity as part of your compensation package Working on cutting-edge circular economy technology Opportunity to significantly reduce carbon emissions through innovative tech solutions Tech Stack Preferences: React/ Node.js TypeScript AWS/Cloud Infrastructure GraphQL Docker/Kubernetes What We Offer: Competitive salary Equity stake in a high-growth startup Flex...
I'm seeking a seasoned financial writer to produce high-quality, educational blog posts for my website, which targets individual investors interested in pooled investment in alternative assets. Key Requirements: - Exceptional writing skills with the ability to create engaging, informative content - Writer will need to do good amount of research to assemble the content for the blog - Writer will need to deliver the sources of all the numbers & stats mentioned in the content - Writer will need to search for 3-4 matching royalty free images, which can be used in the post - Average 1000 words / post Initial engagement will be for 20 posts, with potential of long term engagement.
...from Accounting Basics to Final Accounts. The course should be structured in chapters and professionally recorded with high-quality video, clear audio, and live Tally software demonstrations. Course Structure: (Expected Topics) 1. Introduction to Accounting & Tally Prime Basics of Accounting (Concepts, Principles, Double Entry System) Accounting Terms (Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Income, Expenses, etc.) Types of Accounts (Personal, Real & Nominal) Introduction to Tally Prime Installation & Activation of Tally Prime 2. Tally Prime Interface & Features Understanding the Tally Prime Dashboard Company Creation, Alteration & Deletion Configurations & Settings in Tally Data Security & Backup in Tally 3. Masters in Tally ...
... Preferred Design Style: - The overall aesthetic of the t-shirts should be Abstract, in line with the selected style. Color Scheme: - The t-shirts will have a white background. Design Arrangement: - The photos should be arranged in a random pattern, creating a unique and engaging design for each piece in the collection. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in t-shirt design, particularly with abstract aesthetics. - Strong understanding of visual composition and color theory