Average rate rewriting articles hourprojekty
Projektowanie banerow na strone www. Zainteresowana osoba powinna mowic po angielsku w stopniu pozwalajacym na swobodne komunikowanie- polecenia beda w jezyku angielskim. Prosze o przeslanie ewentualnego portfolio oraz swojej stawki za godz w jez. angielskim na wickerparkmark@ymail.com. Looking for someone to design website banners. Must be able to take instr...Prosze o przeslanie ewentualnego portfolio oraz swojej stawki za godz w jez. angielskim na wickerparkmark@ymail.com. Looking for someone to design website banners. Must be able to take instructions in English. Want to start with a pilot project to do 5 banners, and if the results are good then we will continue. Please respond in English with a few examples of your design work and your hourly rate at wickerparkmark...
...spłaty po kliknięciu pokazuje się nr konta lub opcja dotpay z dopłatą 3.5 % i tytuł (może być np YuJiNt, abym tylko wiedział od kogo to) ewentualnie skrypt który automatycznie będzie się logował na konto i sprawdzał po tytule płatności wpłaty. oczywiście opcja b, c, d, itp tak samo jak a., opcja po wysłaniu monitu zablokowanie opłacenia nast. raty gdy niezaplaci sie monitu- obecnie że może samą rate płacić ale musze przypomnieć bo niema żadnego przypomnienia. Opcja wysyłania mailingu masowego- np odnośnie promocji w serwisie, - jest możliwość zadawania pytań pod aukcja chciałbym aby była wysyłana informacja na maila dla pożyczkobiorców (PB) - po zakończeniu lub zaprzestaniu spłaty informacja na str aukcji: Spłacono, spłacono z opóźnieniem , windykacja ...
Posiadam średnią wiedze na temat tworzenia zaplecza i pozycjonowania. Poszukuję osoby...tworzenia zaplecza i pozycjonowania. Poszukuję osoby, która wskaże mi najlepsze drogi inwestycji: kupno domen, hostingu, serwisów, skryptów itd... i pomoże zbudować zaplecze. Zaplecze ma służyć pozycjonowaniu 10 różno tematycznych stron/sklepów internetowych. Czas tworzenia to 3 miesiące (jeśli czas jest zbyt krótki możemy się jakoś dogadać). Płatność może być etapami, ale najwiekszą rate zapłace dopiero po ukończeniu pracy i przetestowaniu zaplecza na taki wynikik jaki się umówimy. Prosze o informacje z orientacyjną ceną oraz tym jak dana osoba widzi swój wkład w budowe zaplecza (czy ma być to tylko wiedza, czy praca r...
Witam, zlecę wykonanie aplikacji SMS plus serwis internetowy do tego. Ogolne klient rejestruje się, zakłada konto, uzupełnia skarbonkę płatnościami. Potem może przy użyciu swojej komórki, poprzez wysyłke SMS'a pod określony nr, dysponować swoimi środkami. Jedna wysyłka SMS'a pod zdefiniowany nr to pobranie ze skarbonki określonej kwoty. Wysyłający otrzymuje potw...określonej kwoty. Wysyłający otrzymuje potwierdzenie SMS operacji. Operacje są standardowe, tzn jest jedna. Klient wysyła SMS'a, w treści wpisuje nr tel kom znajomego, ze skarbonki pobierana jest określona kwota, obaj tzn wysyłający i jego znajomy otrzymują SMS'y potwierdzające. Nie wiem jaki nr mógłby to obsługiwać, chodzi mi o taki zwykły o standardowej płatności wg cennika operator&oacu...
Witam, zlecę przygotowanie 6 kalkulatorów kredytowych kalkulatory są w arkuszu excela. w każdym z nich jest jedna z poniższych funkcji PMT, RATE no i SUMA (na pmt łatwo znaleźć wzór w necie) <--- wzory kalkulatorów. Jest 6 zakładek - zakładka "porównaj kredyty" to nic innego jak dwa formularze do obliczania kredytu na jednej stronie. Zapraszam osoby które potrafią te arkuszowe funkcje przenieść do PHP lub JS fajnie jakby strona nie musiała się przeładowywać (JS, ajax) termin max 2 dni pozdrawiam rosow --------------------- JEŻELI NIE JESTEŚ PEWIEN ŻE POTRAFISZ TO ZROBIĆ NIE LICYTUJ SIĘ. NIE MARNUJ MOJEGO I SWOJEGO CZASU. ---------------------
...Udane kliknięcia: • SUC (Succesful User Clicks): • UA (Users action): • UA - pc (Users action - post click): • UA - post view (Users action - post view): • CTR-V (Click through ratio - views): • CTR-U (Click through ratio - users): • CR-V (Conversion rate - views): • CR-U (Conversion rate - users) : • AR-V (Action rate - views): • AR-U (Action rate - users): • TTC (time to click): • TTA - pc (time to action - post click): • TTA - pv (time to action - post view): • Ranking wydawców: • Ranking placementów: • Ranking kategorii placementów: •...
Witam, potrzebuje podłączyć UPS Online Rate do DNNStore - czyli do modulu sklepu dla DotNetNuke. Prosze pisać koszt i czas realizacji.
...funkcja "Klienci, którzy kupili ten produkt kupowali również". lista nowości, najpopularniejszych, promocji, wyprzedaży, produktów dostępnych za punkty użytkownika. newsletter – możliwość zapisania się na listę poprzez podanie email opcja "powiadom znajomego". - email lista ulubionych użytkownika indywidualne rabaty % dla zarejestrowanych klientów happy hour - rabaty w określonym czasie np. w godz. 10-12 statusy produktów i kategorii (dostępny(a) dla klientów lub nie) prezentowanie najczęściej kupowanych produktów Zamówienia informacja o zamówieniu wysyłana na konto e-mail szyfrowanie danych podczas transakcji - SSL email do Klienta z potwierdzeniem złożonego ...
...in-ternational company and use the language every day - Grafic design, visual skills etc. are not necessary (but nice to have) – we are really only looking for an AS programmer Optional but not required skills: - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - JavaScript frameworks, e.g. prototype, jQuery, MooTools, scriptaculous or simi-lar ones Analyx offers an inspiring work environment and above-average payment. If you are interested to know more, please don’t hesitate to apply via mail or call right away. Analyx sp.z o.o sp.k. Tel.: +48-61-856-7-650...
zlecę implementację systemu cashbill (sms premium rate - kody sms) do galerii internetowej szczegóły na maila. mój: lpopialo@
Odrazu zaznaczam iz praca jest prawie wykonana zostało pare drobnych poprawek. w zwiazku z tym iz stracilem kontatk z poprzednim zleceniobiorca wystawiam oferte jeszcze raz. Praca polega na przepisaniu layoutu strony tak by obsługiwała 1/2/3 kolumny (w zależności od klasy)...wysokości tak by dolny napis z ścieżką i numerami stron zawsze był na dole przy footerze. Opcja banner (prosze zajrzeć do css) powinna pozostać możliwa. jeśli poprawa kodu wymaga więcej pracy niż przepisanie całości od nowa, istnieje też taka możliwość byle by tylko div z contentem znajdował się na początku przed innymi w strukturze. (dobrze było by wykorzystać :)
...funkcja "Klienci, którzy kupili ten produkt kupowali również". lista nowości, najpopularniejszych, promocji, wyprzedaży, produktów dostępnych za punkty użytkownika. newsletter – możliwość zapisania się na listę poprzez podanie email opcja "powiadom znajomego". - email lista ulubionych użytkownika indywidualne rabaty % dla zarejestrowanych klientów happy hour - rabaty w określonym czasie np. w godz. 10-12 statusy produktów i kategorii (dostępny(a) dla klientów lub nie) prezentowanie najczęściej kupowanych produktów Zamówienia informacja o zamówieniu wysyłana na konto e-mail szyfrowanie danych podczas transakcji - SSL email do Klienta z potwierdzeniem złożonego ...
...obrazka" lub "cośtam - nazwa galerii - tytuł obrazka" Nagłówek HTML powinien zawierać META KEYWORDS i DESCRIPTION. Aby przyspieszyć działanie, obrazki i miniaturki powinny być cache'owane za pomocą Użycie tego modułu opisano m. in. tu: Jak się da, to obrazki mogą być serwowane bezpośrednio z dysku (wgrywamy je np. do katalogu "images" na serwerze). Obrazki mają być grupowane w struktury - galerie i podgalerie (każda też opatrzona swoim obrazkiem). Podobnie jak np. tu: Przykładowa struktura galerii: |- Lato (obrazek lata)
...sesji cokies. -obsługa kanału RSS dla innych serwisow.. -obsługa kanałów SMS (mamy gotowe rozwiązania, kwestia implementacji) - możliwośc wybrania opcji "prezent" przy zakupie i dodania dodatkowej kwoty prezentowej, opakowania itd.. -zabezpieczenia przez zdublowaniem miejscówek w czasie realnej szybkiej sprzedaży zmasowanego "ataku klienta" -obsługa Happy hour - rabaty w określonym czasie np. w godz. 10-12 i dla określonej imprezy i biletów. - możliwośc zakupu za wirtualne pieniądze (punkty, fundusze z kart klubowej, lub podobne..) - pełna edycja transakcji zakupowej przez amina głównego, czyli edycja transakcji poprawnej i nieudanej z opcjami przypisania biletów do takich transakcji…(szcze...
Zlecę wykonanie statycznego ew. animowanego GIF-a o wymiarach 120 x 400 px (tak, pionowy!): - tematyka: Happy hour 17.00- 18.00 (rysunek powinien sugerować, że w tym czasie godzinach czeka jakaś okazja) - kolorystyka: umiarkowana, (przewaga szarości, fioletu, granatu, niebieskiego etc. - kolory niepstrokate, delikatne, dostosowane do szarego tła witryny) - forma: może zawierać element(y) fotografii - "waga": do 25 kb O wyborze oferenta zdecyduje cena i termin wykonania (portfolio oczywiście też obejrzę :) Zlecenie jest pilne. Bardzo proszę o niezadawanie pytań mailem, proszę po prostu o oferty. Oferty z "ceną do negocjacji" nie będą brane pod uwagę.
... 3. Possible integration with the website and e-shop. OBJECTIVES 1. The objective is to provide incentive to carpenters and builders (target market) to use Laminex kitchens 2. The carpenter uses the Virtual Kitchen to impress the client and gain additional credibility by associating himself with Laminex, thus improving his conversion rate 3. The carpenter also uses the program as a tool to simplify his ordering process – once his client has viewed and approved the virtual kitchen, the order is automatically generated for him to place with Laminex, thus assisting him in quote preparation, saving time, and ensuring order accuracy VISITOR INTERFACE 1. Select floor plan / edit measurements / insert doors/windows / edit
Witam serdecznie, Zlecenie jest bardzo pilne... dotyczy modyfikacji lub napisania skryptu o podobnym dzialaniu do tego: Skrypt jest wykorzystywany przy jednym z projektow jednak ma kilka bledow i wymaga poprawienia. Skrypt moze byc tez napisany od nowa jesli to dla zleceniobiorcy bylo by wygodniejsze rozwiazanie. (osoba zainteresowanym podan link do projektu w budowie, oraz opisze dokladniej na czym polega bledne dzialanie). Zlecenie jest tez zleceniem testowym, w przypadku udanej wspolpracy chetnie nawiazal bym stala wspolprace przy tego typu zadaniach (i nie tylko). Zapraszam do licytacji oraz w przypadku pytan do kontaktu.
...polecanie poprzez generowane linki z obsługą czasowej ważności linku…ważności sesji cokies. (60 dni ? ) -obsługa kanału RSS dla innych serwisow.. - możliwośc wybrania opcji "prezent" przy zakupie i dodania dodatkowej kwoty prezentowej, opakowania itd.. -zabezpieczenia przez zdublowaniem miejscówek w czasie realnej szybkiej sprzedaży zmasowanego "ataku klienta" -obsługa Happy hour - rabaty w określonym czasie np. w godz. 10-12 i dla określonej imprezy i biletów. - możliwośc zakupu za wirtualne pieniądze (punkty, fundusze z kart klubowej, lub podobne..) - pełna edycja transakcji zakupowej przez amina głównego, czyli edycja transakcji poprawnej i nieudanej z opcjami przypisania biletów do takich transakcji...
... 3. Possible integration with the website and e-shop. OBJECTIVES 1. The objective is to provide incentive to carpenters and builders (target market) to use Laminex kitchens 2. The carpenter uses the Virtual Kitchen to impress the client and gain additional credibility by associating himself with Laminex, thus improving his conversion rate 3. The carpenter also uses the program as a tool to simplify his ordering process – once his client has viewed and approved the virtual kitchen, the order is automatically generated for him to place with Laminex, thus assisting him in quote preparation, saving time, and ensuring order accuracy VISITOR INTERFACE 1. Select floor plan / edit measurements / insert doors/windows / edit
Witam jestem administratorem strony strona jest oparta na systemie jportal i chce go zmienic gdyz jest on malo funkcjonalny i zrzera za duzo transferu. nowy system ma miec opcje: newsy - wraz z komentowaniem tworzenie nowych podstron (w jportal articles), oczywiscie wczesniej tworzenie dzialow komentarze do tych podstron spam cenzor jesli chodzi o komentarze subskrycja automatycznie generowane menu (dodaje podstrone do danego dzialu - dochodzi nowa pozycja w menu w tym bloku jaki odpowiada za dany dzial dodatek z javascript. rozwijane menu kazdego kabaretu. dopiero po kliknieciu na kabaret rozwijaja sie jego skecze opczywiscie jakis panel admina by sie przydal no i oczywiscie dostosowanie jakiejs grafiki. moze byc ta co jest badz propozycja nowej licze na
koder/dekoder full rate gsm. najlepiej w javie. program ma odczytywac plik wav kodowac na gsm i zapisywac w innym pliku wav. musi obslugiwac tez dekodowanie sygnału gsm.
Requirements...applicants need to have their own computer and browser and be legal US residents of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, or West Virginia. All applicants should be comfortable communicating through Discord, WhatsApp or similar real time messaging service. Benefits: Flexible working hours: Set your own schedule and work from the comfort of your home. Competitive compensation: Pay equates to $40 an hour or more, depending on how quickly you can complete your project. Work-life balance: Balance work with your personal commitments by choosing the number of hours or projects that fit your schedule. If you have a passion for user experience and want to help us with website UX & QA, we want to hear from you, no previous UX testing experience required! Job Types: Contr...
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I'm looking for an experienced social media marketing expert to help generate leads for my business. Key Objectives: - Focus on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for lead generation - Promote a variety of content, including blog posts and articles, video content, and infographics and images Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in lead generation - Proficient in creating engaging content for diverse platforms - Strong understanding of leveraging different types of content for maximum impact - Experience with Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn - Knowledge of SEO and content marketing strategies
I am seeking a talented designer to create a visually appealing and modern design for my lifestyle magazine. This magazine will cover various sections including Health & Wellness, Home & Decor, as well as space for ads and articles. Key Responsibilities: - Design a modern, minimalist yet engaging layout for the magazine - Create distinct sections that are easy to navigate - Ensure the design is conducive for both articles and advertisements Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in magazine and print media design - Strong understanding of modern design principles - Ability to create engaging, reader-friendly layouts Your design will play a crucial role in the magazine's appeal, so a keen eye for detail and a passion for lifestyle content is a plus.
I worked incredibly hard for over a year to bring you a top-no...USD, INCLUDED!) ➡️ Numerous attachments with client conversation pipelines, strategies, tools and much more! (199 USD, INCLUDED!) ➡️ Dive into biweekly live streams with the masters, ask anything you want, and pick up secrets they don't just share with anyone. (100 USD per hour, INCLUDED!) ➡️ An overview with my thoughts of all newsletters I'm subscribed to in freelancing/AI/Digital, giving you the edge you need. (99 a month, INCLUDED!) ➡️ ️Personal guidance & mentoring from best freelancers (From 80-120 USD per hour, INCLUDED!) Worth THOUSANDS of dollars, it’s yours for only 129 USD a year.. Be quick, as the price can go up at any moment.. I’m looking forward to seeing you on the...
I'm looking for a skilled freelancer with access to reputable general news websites to share my client's story. The goal is both to inspire readers and boost our brand visibility. Key Details: - The tone of the story needs to be professional. - The story should be posted as 1-2 blogs/articles. - Ideally, the freelancer would have a portfolio of similar guest posts, showcasing their ability to reach a wide audience and engage readers. Skills and experience we're looking for: - Strong writing and storytelling skills. - Experience with guest blogging and brand storytelling. - Access to general news websites for guest posting. - Ability to convey a professional tone.
I'm seeking a proficient researcher for an extensive literature review in the field of Chemistry. Key r...extensive literature review in the field of Chemistry. Key responsibilities include: - Analyzing historical developments in Chemistry - Investigating recent advancements - Conducting a comparative analysis of various theories The literature review should primarily focus on research papers. Therefore, I need a freelancer who is experienced in sourcing, reading and interpreting complex academic articles. Prior experience in Chemistry or a related scientific field will be highly advantageous. Skills required: - Excellent research skills - Strong understanding of Chemistry - Ability to interpret and compare complex theories - Proficiency in academic writing and synthesis...
Get 250 Good Domain Authority Web 2.0 blog backlinks to supercharge your website. Will Provide 250 Web2.0 Blog Backlinks With very Cheap Price.Indexer#1 (95%+Crawled rate): Indexer#1 is an advanced procedure designed to guarantee that Google spiders crawl all your backlinks effectively. This involves various techniques like link shortening, individual link pinging, generating RSS feeds, creating XML sitemaps, and more. Your link, along with the specified anchor text, will be utilized in this campaign to produce 250 Web2.0 blog backlinks. This cost-effective and secure method aims to boost the ranking of your link(s) on Google. I used paid artical spinner for Artical spinning. All websites link Accepted. Most of links will be High Domain Authority ( 30- 100)
I need a lead generation expert who can provide 5 manual complete contacts per hour for $2 per hour. Full details here:
...future projects. Must-Have Skills: - Proficiency in software such as Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, or similar digital tools. - Experience in digital art, motion graphics, or visual effects with a focus on high-quality outputs. - A strong eye for detail and the ability to create effects that align with the sophistication of a luxury brand. Payment Terms: - Open to either hourly or flat-rate payment for the project, depending on the agreement. Application Requirements: - Provide a brief introduction explaining your approach to achieving this effect. - Include portfolio samples that demonstrate relevant work or showcase your expertise in creating high-quality, luxurious visuals. If you have the skills, creativity, and precision to design this signature eff...
Speech Rate Requirements: 1 pass at slightly faster speed, 1 pass at normal speed. The speech rate should not include noticeable pauses; pauses between words in a sentence should not exceed 0.5 seconds. Do not speak so fast that the words become unclear. Recording Texts: For all entries except the two specified below, record twice each—once at normal speed and once at slightly faster speed. The following two entries must be recorded 10 times each—7 at normal speed and 3 at slightly faster speed: This totals 502*2+2*10=1024 Phrase per person, primarily from large cities, distributed evenly across northern, central, and southern regions. Recording Requirements: Slightly faster speech is defined as faster than normal but still in a clear and natural speaking manne...
I'm seeking a skilled writer with access to multiple online platforms to craft three formal, professional blogs/articles about our client. The primary focus will be on the client's experiences and the challenges they've faced, along with the solutions provided throughout their journey. Make sure that the website are yours Key responsibilities: - Write 3 blogs/articles based on our client's story - Highlight challenges faced and solutions provided - Maintain a formal and professional tone throughout Ideal skills and experience: - Excellent writing and storytelling ability - Access to multiple blogging platforms - Experience in formal, professional writing - Ability to convey complex challenges and solutions in an engaging manner
I'm looking for talented Italian graphic designers to create the layout for a new A4 catalog. The catalog will include text and images, but no graphs or tables. There's currently no existing style or model to follow, so creativity is key. Please provide your cost for creating the master page, as well as your page rate based on the master page for catalogs of various lengths: up to 50 pages, up to 100 pages, and over 100 pages.
I'm in need of an expert who is familiar with Xactimate software. I have measurements and drawings available in digital files, and I'm looking for estimates for both roof and interior. - I have digital files (e.g., PDFs, CAD) ready for you to work with. - I'm flexible with hiring: it can be on a per project basis or we could negotiate a part-time rate based on a specific volume. - Your main task will be to put together roof and interior estimates using these files. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Xactimate software - Experience in building estimating - Ability to interpret digital measurements and drawings - Good communication for discussing volume and rates - Attention to detail for accurate estimating.
The idea app..ask all permitions to user, that app let easy saves position of user every hour. The idea is user not knows this, and not have any notification that bothers hims. Is really important this works all time, so app not be closed by system. Android app made in kotlin.
I HAVE CODE IN TEXT FILE - BUT ALSO HAVE GITHUB. So thi...operation queue to handle uploads, ensuring that the main processing pipeline remains responsive. 7. **Handling Network Latency** - **Asynchronous Upload**: Use the AWS SDK for Swift to upload each file from the buffer to S3. Implement retry logic to handle transient network errors. - **Network Buffer**: The upload buffer helps smooth out any network latency issues by maintaining a steady upload rate. 8. **Sending to Server** - **AWS S3 or Media Services**: Consider using AWS S3 for storage or AWS Media Services for streaming. Use the AWS SDK for Swift to handle the upload. - **Error Handling and Retries**: Implement error handling and retry logic to ensure files are uploaded successfully, even if there are temporary netwo...
...offer. B) The user then Builds a Match. That Build makes those 30 filters available again, but this time the user is telling the site exactly what he or she wants in a date or a match. C) The site determines what percentage of your match request is fulfilled by each matching member, then it finds what percentage of your profile filters are also matched by other users' requests. After finding the average percentage between two users, the site then add additional points for certain filters that match. The site then displays a total match percentage for the two matching users . The Demo site is mine but is only for UI appearance. The Demo displays exactly how I want the pages to look. The site is only an HTML visual guide, but the site belongs to me, and the pages are in HTML/...
...yet Practical: Balancing high-energy visuals with clear, actionable tips. What to Include in Your Proposal Samples of Previous Work – Especially if you’ve edited tutorials, educational content, or short-form social media videos. Brief Introduction – A couple of lines about you, your editing style, and why you’d be a great fit for an AI-driven productivity channel. Estimated Turnaround Time – Average time needed to deliver the first draft and accommodate revisions. Rates – Your preferred pricing structure (per video, monthly retainer, etc.). Next Steps If you’re excited to collaborate on videos that help viewers level up their productivity using the latest AI tools, please reply with your portfolio and a short note explaining how you can...
I'm preparing for a role as a Security Consultant in the application security domain for a bank. I need an experienced professional who can conduct a mock interview with me, focusing primarily on assessing my technical skills. Key Requirements: - The mock interview should be tailored to cover specific technical areas based on the job description. This may include, but is not limited to, vuln...should ideally have a strong background in application security and can provide insights from a bank's perspective. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience as a Security Consultant or in a similar role. - Proficiency in application security with a focus on banking systems. - Previous experience conducting technical interviews or mock interviews. The mock interview should las...
I'm seeking a digital marketing expert with a strong emphasis on brand building, to enhance the visibility of my tailoring i...digital marketing expert with a strong emphasis on brand building, to enhance the visibility of my tailoring institute. Key Responsibilities: - Crafting and executing a digital marketing strategy focused primarily on social media and search engines. - Creating engaging blog posts and articles, as well as videos and visual content, to drive brand awareness. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in digital marketing, particularly in brand awareness campaigns. - Proficiency in creating and promoting blog posts, articles, videos and visual content. - Strong understanding of social media and search engine marketing. - Excellent communication skills a...
I'm looking to create a comprehensive educational website from scratch. The site should cater to delivering various types of content including online courses, informative articles and blogs, as well as interactive tutorials and quizzes. Key Features: - A user-friendly interface for accessing blogs and courses - A robust backend to manage content I'm seeking a web developer as well as content creators with a strong portfolio in creating educational or e-learning websites. Experience with implementing secure user login systems and creating scalable sites is a plus. Creativity in design and a knack for creating engaging, interactive elements will be highly regarded.
I'm looking for a skilled logo designer to create a straightforward, modern style, monochrome logo for me. The design should incorporate both text and an icon. All the necessary details will be provided, and I expect it to take no more than an hour of your time. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Previous experience with logo design - Understanding of modern, minimalist design principles Please provide examples of your past work that align with this project scope. Thank you.
...with a caller for a 15-day cycle. You will focus on building rapport, as your pay depends on call durations—longer calls lead to higher earnings. - Strictly avoiding sharing any personal details. This allows you to create your virtual identity freely. - Effectively managing client interactions while maintaining professionalism and engagement. Payment & Time Commitment - Earnings: ₹200 per hour of audio calls. - Potential Monthly Income: ₹24,000 if you work at least 4 hours a day for 30 days. - Payment will be transferred to your bank account after each call -Responsibilities 1. Confidentiality: Respect all guidelines about sharing personal information. The caller must only interact with your virtual persona. 2. Performance Goal: Build strong engagement ...
...theme. Two options are available: -Purchase of the personalized template: $6 I provide you with a ready-to-use graphic template that you can edit yourself. -Full design by me: $10/hour I handle the entire creation process: card design, layout, customization, and finalization. The total time required will be estimated based on your specific needs. Deliverables: -A complete card game with [X] cards (number and families to be defined). -High-resolution files ready for printing and a digital version (if requested). Terms: -Template option: Fast delivery, no modifications included. -Full design option: $10/hour rate, with a preliminary time estimate provided before starting the project. This project is ideal for creating a unique and fun game inspired by the "7 F...
...with the model answer provided by the test creator and generate a score. - Feedback: - Students will receive detailed feedback on their performance, including explanations for correct answers and areas for improvement. - Results can be stored for review and progress tracking. 4. File Validation System: - Every uploaded file will include a feedback system where students can rate its usefulness. - Files with high ratings will be featured prominently, while low-rated files can be flagged for review. 5. User-Friendly Resource Links: - Each uploaded file will have a download link and a shareable URL for easy distribution among students. 6. Advanced Search Features: - Users can search for materials or tests based on keywords, file types (PDF, Wor...
I'm in need of a professional to maintain my 3 webpages and corresponding social media platforms. This includes (2) WordPress-based websites and (1) SAAS-based website. i will give you access to all the 03 website Ad...optimization. - Social Media Management: On Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, you will maintain a consistent posting schedule. This will involve creating and posting three engaging posts weekly from each webpage, totaling nine posts weekly. Skills & Experience Required: - Web performance optimization, specifically speed enhancement. - Proficient in WordPress and SAAS platforms. - Excellent content rewriting and SEO skills. - Experience in managing and creating content for social media platforms. - Ability to source and use stock images in a relevant a...
...with a strong background in content writing and graphic design, specifically in eBook and presentation design, as well as advertising design. The individual must possess the ability to write in a professional tone, and to create designs that are both innovative and simple, ensuring the desired impact. Key Responsibilities: - Content Writing: Crafting engaging and professional content, including articles and product descriptions, with the aim of enhancing digital presence and increasing interaction. - Graphic Design: Designing eBooks, presentations, and professional advertisements using tools like Canva. - Content Marketing: Developing strong marketing content to improve digital visibility. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in content writing and graphic design. ...
SEO for website ..................... Basic:- 200 backlinks + 10 keywords + 1 articles for off page work = charge will be 50 USD ( on page + Off page SEO)
I'm looking for a seasoned content and ghostwriter to create engaging articles focused on the technology and gadgets sector. The primary goal is to entertain readers, so a knack for storytelling and captivating narratives is essential. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing technology-related content - Exceptional storytelling abilities - Ability to write engaging, entertaining articles - Strong command of tone and voice - Timely delivery and commitment to exceed expectations. Your task will be to bring ideas to life, aligning with the vision and goals set for each piece.