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  • auditions in dubai 2018
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2,000 auditions in dubai 2018 ofert prac znalezionych

API Połączyć Woocomrce z API od dostacy. ( )

$133 Average bid
$133 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert

Potrzebuję 4 artykuły na jutro – mamy zamówione publikacje, a copywriter, który się tym zajmował wylądował w szpitalu i nie skończy tego. Jeden artykuł o zegarkach męskich, drugi o damskich, trzeci o drewnianych i czwarty ogólnie o sklepie z zegrakami.

$16 Average bid
$16 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert

Szukam copywritera, który tworzy ciekawe, interesujące i angażujące czytelnika artykuły. Branża: suplementy diety. Teksty w języku polskim.

$18 Average bid
$18 Średnia Oferta:
5 składanie ofert

Szukam osoby, która wykona modyfikację strony internetowej opartej na WordPress. Wymagam dobrej znajomości WP, doświadczenia w modyfikowaniu templatek do WP, HTML, CSS. Dużym plusem będzie znajomość zagadnień związanych z optymalizacją SEO.

$107 Average bid
$107 Średnia Oferta:
22 składanie ofert

Poszukujemy utalentowanego programisty do przygotowania interaktywnego formularza-generatora produktów na Wordpressie wraz z opcją wysyłania wiadomości email. Więcej informacji udzielimy prywanie. Współpraca będzie się wiązała z podpisaniem umowy o zachowaniu poufności.

$89 Average bid
$89 Średnia Oferta:
7 składanie ofert

Witam, poszukuję osób, które są w stanie przygotować bazę danych osób, którzy prowadzą jednoosobowe działalności gospodarcze i są na pełnym ZUS-ie. Nasze rozwiązanie pozwala zoptymalizować koszty prowadzenia firmy do 50% w skali miesiąca. Więcej informacji udzielę w prywatnej wiadomości.

$164 Average bid
$164 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert

Jestem byłym biznesmenem lecz nie posiadam własnego wkładu, dlatego szukam wspólnika do wykonania projektu apki, która będzie wskazywała aktualne miejsca przebywania kontrolerów biletów - taka zabawa w Pokemony. Szczegóły pomysłu są na stronie: Jestem zainteresowany współpracą lub odsprzedaniem pomysłu. Forma ogólnopolska lub regionalna, czyli wielu wykonawców w wielu miastach. Kontakt ze mną : [Removed by Admin - please see Section 13 of our Terms and Conditions]

$351 Average bid
$351 Średnia Oferta:
5 składanie ofert

Moduł sterownika tworzącego napęd dysku dla Windows 10. Po zainstalowaniu udostępni strukturę katalogów zapisaną w pliku (przykład pliku: <disc> <file> <name></name> <size>1234</size> <time>2018-01-31 16:38:55</time> <attr>readonly</attr> </file> <file> ... </file> <dir> <name>Dir1</name> <file> <name></name> <size>5678</size> <time>2018-02-28 01:59:59</time> <attr>readonly</attr> </file> ... </dir> </disc> Operacje na plikach kończą się komunikatem błędem braku dostępu. Możliwe będzie tylko wyświetlenie ...

$161 Average bid
$161 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert

Szukam kogoś kto dopasowałby theme na Tumblerze (prywatny blog fotograficzny). Wybrałam i zainstalowałam poniższy darmowy theme, ale wygląda inaczej niż bym chciała. Darmowy theme MINIMALISM - Po zainstalowani...permalink itp. - Notes (komentarze) 3. Zdjęcia w każdym wpisie ułożone jedno pod drugim (pojedynczo), NIE np. po dwa lub trzy obok siebie jak tutaj 4. Zdjęcia dopasowujące się dynamicznie do strony. Wymiar 799px na wysokość (na szerokość wyjdzie wtedy ok. 1200px) 5. Zakładki w menu z lewej strony (zdjęcia uporządkowane datami – rok): 2018 2017 2016 OLDIES About Commercial Poproszę o wycenę. W razie dodatkowych pytań proszę pisać. Pozdrawiam, Karolina

$16 Average bid
$16 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

O nas: Firma parts2cars zajmuje się sprzedażą używanych części pochodzący...zamieszczony numer telefonu: +48 508 366 865, e-mail: Tekst w szablonie powinien być w języku polskim i angielskim oraz informacja że rozmawiamy po angielsku. Adres firmy jest mile widziany choć nie konieczny. Dworcowa 18, 83-000 Pruszcz Gdański. Preferowane modele na szablonie to audi A8 D5, SQ7, RS5. Aby zobaczyć jakie to modele wystarczy wpisać w google markę, model auta i rok 2018, ponieważ zależy nam na świeżym szablonie. W załączniku logo firmy oraz zdjęcie wizytówki Zamieściłem także przykładowy szablon konkurencji, aby wiadomo było na czym polega projekt Zapraszamy do udziału w konkursie. Nagroda pieniężna w kwocie 500zł gwarantowana dla najlepszego projektu.

$135 Average bid
Wyróżniony Gwarantowany
33 zgłoszenia

Jestem marketerem internetowym. Potrzebowałbym zmontowania 3-5 minutowego filmiku na potrzeby landing page. Posiadam szablon podobnego filmiku na bazie którego chciałbym, aby było stworzone nasze wideo. Ze swojej strony dołączam tekst, który będzie zawarty w filmiku. Jesteśmy ciekawi, czy byłaby możliwość zorganizowania lektora przez osobę tworzącą filmik. Chciałbym aby dodane zostały slajdy podobne do tego które są w filmiku do którego podamy link oraz cicha muzyka w tle. Link do video na bazie którego chciałbym aby powstał filmik:

$12 Average bid
$12 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Witam serdecznie, zlecę przygotowanie 10 autorskich arkuszy maturalnych do matury rozszerzonej z matematyki 2018. Arkusze mają być wzorowane na arkuszach maturalnych z poprzednich lat z matury, przygotowanych przez Centralną Komisje Egzaminacyjną.

$113 Average bid
$113 Średnia Oferta:
3 składanie ofert

Poszukiwana osoba do współpracy przy nanoszeniu na zdjęcia satelitarne w Google Earth obiektów z map. Dla osoby, która będzie wykonywała zadanie, dostarczona jest mapa nałożona na zdjęcia satelitarne w programie w Google Earth. Zadanie polega na odnajdywaniu określonych obiektów na mapie i stawianiu w tym miejscu "pinezki" jako lokalizacji tego obiektu. W ciągu 1 godziny przeciętnie znajduje się około 40 obiektów (choć przy odpowiedniej organizacji można zwiększyć tę liczbę do 50/h). Zlecenie dotyczy zlokalizowania 500 (pięciuset) obiektów. Szczegóły zlecenia: - Efekty przekazywane są w postaci pliku Google Earth z zapisanymi obiektami. - Znalezione obiekty są następnie sprawdzane pod kątem rzetelności lokalizacji (...

$83 Average bid
$83 Średnia Oferta:
7 składanie ofert

Oferty wyłącznie z POLSKI Umiejętności: Laravel, MVC, PHP, MySQL, html5, css3, SEO, website design Witam! Szukam programisty który wdroży kilka poprawek w funkcjonującym już serwisie: - modyfikacja bazy danych i systemu wyszukiwania miejscowości - stworzenie podstrony poświęconej promowaniu - podpięcie automatycznego fakturowania z - wdrożenie logowania przez - naprawa błędu przy umiejscowieniu ofert promowanych Więcej szczegółów przekaże na spotkaniu w Warszawie bądź w Krakowie. Pozdrawiam!

$94 Average bid
$94 Średnia Oferta:
6 składanie ofert

Tematem projektu jest stworzenie przykładowej bazy w postgreSQL -Baza powinna opisywać jakiś proces -Baza powinna zawierać minimum 6 tabel ( nie więcej niż trzy tabele słownikowe) -Tabele muszę zawierać klucze główne -Tabele muszą być powiązane z kluczami obcymi -Baza danych powinna zawierać minimum 2 widoki -Baza powinna zawierać minimum 2 wyzwalacze -Baza powinna zawierać minimum 2 procedury/funkcje(nie liczą się sekwencje kluczy głównych) Dodatkowo będzie potrzebna dokumentacja, która będzie zawierać diagram ERD, spis tabel z opisem kolumn, opis funkcji/procedur wraz z listingami, opis wyzwalaczy wraz z listingami. Ponadto potrzebne będą: -Skrypty tworzące bazę danych, tabele i wszystkie pozostałe elementy bazy danych (widoki, wyzwalacze) -Skrypty w...

$124 Average bid
$124 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert
Trophy icon Nowe logo QAP 2018
Zakończone left

Proszę o propozycję logo firmy Jako efekt: plik psd bez tła i pliki jpg, png, gif Logo bez 2018 !

$67 Average bid
111 zgłoszenia

ZLECĘ ZAPROJEKTOWANIE POWIERZCHNI BIUROWEJ Szukamy freelancera z doświadczeniem w projektowaniu powierzchni biurowych, który podejmie się zaprojektowania przyjemnego, nowoczesnego biura: parter ok. 200m2 z pomieszczeniem obsługi klienta piętro ok. 400m2: pomieszczenia biurowe oraz socjalne, sala konferencyjna Termin realizacji: do marca 2018 r. Prosimy o zgłaszanie swojej kandydatury wraz z portfolio prac na adres podany w ogłoszeniu. Preferowane osoby z okolic Trójmiasta, mieścimy się w Gdyni (Polifarb). projekt@

$1048 Average bid
$1048 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert
$20 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

...persona for our company AI. These two characters should share a consistent design style, specifically a realistic approach. We are Business setup company based out of Dubai. We need an character who can define as problem solver for our client. Our logo should be visitable. Character name of this character should define from looks Key Requirements: - Design a superhero and an animated character with a similar, realistic design style. - Characters should embody a smart and professional persona. - Ensure the characters come across as friendly and approachable, yet with a strong and fearless undertone. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in character design and animation. - Previous experience with creating brand mascots or company AI faces. - Strong understanding of designing &#...

$35 Average bid
140 zgłoszenia

I'm looking for a Programmatic SEO specialist to help build a d...looking for a Programmatic SEO specialist to help build a directory-based, lead-generating website featuring real estate listings in Dubai. The site needs to be built and up-and-running in less than 3 days using ChatGPT APIs and other AI tools. Your expertise should include: - Extensive knowledge and experience in programmatic SEO with a focus on converting leads - Proven track record of increasing website traffic through programmatic SEO In your application, please detail your prior experience with Programmatic SEO and how you plan to implement it for this project. I would also appreciate any insights you can provide on how you would utilize ChatGPT APIs in the site developm...

$358 Average bid
$358 Średnia Oferta:
103 składanie ofert

Subject: Web Positioning Project in Dubai Good afternoon, My name is Jessica, and I am interested in launching my project as soon as possible. I need to know if you have the capacity, availability, and necessary tools to assist me in this process. First, allow me to explain what I am looking for. My goal is to position my website in Dubai to reach the maximum number of potential clients in the market. My work focuses on advertising fashion and organizing fashion and luxury events. To achieve these objectives, I believe it is essential to improve my website. This includes: 1. Content Update: I need to add more information about the services I offer, as well as specific details about my previous projects. 2. Attractive Design: I want to ...

$1149 Average bid
$1149 Średnia Oferta:
132 składanie ofert

I am seeking a talented graphic designer or brand specialist to redesign the logo, badges and certificate, for my website award platform. The new designs should embody a minimalist aesthetic, while also conveying a sense of innovation and creativity. The current designs are outdated from 2018, so we need 100% fresh and exciting designs :) Please note that the current logo and badges do not have to be retained in their entirety. You are encouraged to propose a fresh perspective, while considering the minimalist style and the need to convey innovation and creativity. Budget: $30 USD or BEST bid

$25 Average bid
$25 Średnia Oferta:
75 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a professional writer to craft a compelling company profile for my luxury car sales business in Dubai. The primary aim of this profile is to enhance our brand image. Key components to be included: - Client testimonials: These will serve to validate our credibility and build trust with prospective clients and partners. - Our company relationships: A highlight of our strategic partnerships within the luxury car industry. The tone should be formal and professional, in line with the expectations of our target audience. The ideal candidate will have a background in corporate writing, preferably within the luxury sector, and a proven track record of creating engaging, high-quality content.

$365 Average bid
$365 Średnia Oferta:
65 składanie ofert

...high-end imitation jewelry business based in Dubai, UAE. The project includes the following deliverables: • E-Commerce Website: Design and implement a responsive, easy-to-navigate website using WordPress (open to professional suggestions on platforms like Shopify or Magento). Integration with social media accounts is essential. • Graphic Design: Creation of a custom logo that resonates with our luxurious brand identity, along with website templates, banners, sliders, and other graphics. • SEO & Digital Marketing: Full SEO optimization (off-page, on-page, technical) to target the UAE market, competitor analysis, and integrated digital marketing strategies. This includes keyword research, internal linking, and on-page optimization. Additionally, support ...

$5458 Average bid
$5458 Średnia Oferta:
144 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a social media expert who can help me attract real, region-specific followers to my Instagram and TikTok accounts. My content primarily revolves around a ride-hailing platform aimed at t...Instagram and TikTok accounts. My content primarily revolves around a ride-hailing platform aimed at the youth. The main goal of this project is to boost my brand awareness. Key Requirements: - Proven track record of growing social media accounts with real, region-specific followers. - Experience in targeting and engaging with the youth demographic. - Knowledge of ride-hailing industry is a plus. - Skills in creating engaging content and strategizing posts for maximum reach. Please note, I am not interested in bots or fake followers. The goal is to establish a ...

$37 Average bid
$37 Średnia Oferta:
10 składanie ofert

...nannies, drivers, etc.) in the United Arab Emirates. This platform aims to streamline the rental process, ensure compliance with UAE labor laws, and provide a secure, user-friendly experience for both employers and workers. **Key Components of the Feasibility Study (From My Perspective):** 1. **Market Analysis:** - Demand assessment: Evaluate the size of the domestic labor market in the UAE, including regional demand (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, etc.) and target demographics. - Competitor analysis: Identify existing agencies, platforms, and informal channels (e.g., word-of-mouth) and highlight gaps this platform could fill (e.g., transparency, trust, efficiency). - Cultural and social insights: Address UAE-specific expectations (e.g., preference for liv...

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr Średnia Oferta:
24 składanie ofert

Personal Assistant – Supplier & Third-Party Coordination ? Location: Remote (Preferred: Dubai-based) ⏳ Duration: Project-based (Potential for long-term collaboration) ⏰️ Working hours: part-time (2 hours per day, 5 days a week) ? Compensation: Based on experience About the Role: We are seeking a highly organized assistant to support a confidential beauty and wellness startup with supplier research, stakeholder coordination, and third-party engagement. Due to the sensitive nature of the project, details will be disclosed upon signing. Key Responsibilities - detailed job description attached (1) Identify and engage with suppliers, manufacturers, and testing labs. (2) Request quotations, lead times, and compliance details. (3) Schedule and manage meetings and follow-ups. (...

$19 / hr Average bid
Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
$19 / hr Średnia Oferta:
12 składanie ofert

I'm launching a training and HR consultancy business in Dubai and need a professional, corporate-style website. Key Goals: - The primary objective of the site is lead generation. Key Features: - The website should incorporate contact forms to facilitate potential client outreach. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web design and development expertise is crucial, with a strong portfolio in creating corporate websites. - Experience in lead generation strategies and incorporating them into web design will be highly valued. - Knowledge of the training and HR consultancy sector will be an advantage. - Excellent understanding of UX/UI design principles to ensure the site is user-friendly and engaging.

$176 Average bid
$176 Średnia Oferta:
118 składanie ofert
Python API Program Debugging
4 dni left

...issue. The ideal candidate will have strong problem-solving skills and a keen attention to detail. Please only apply if you can demonstrate relevant experience. I attached 1. See "Screenshot showing the " The fact that things in red are constant is very natural. What is not natural is that things in blue are constant across different commodities. Can you fix the problem by fixing the python code? 2. I wanted to make it download yearly total trade, not monthly. A programmer said "The yearly data database only goes up to 2018 and is no longer updated. The provided API is also no longer functional, and the available variables do not include HS CODE or related data, suggesting that it has been discontinued." Do you also think so? 3. A pro...

$25 Average bid
$25 Średnia Oferta:
32 składanie ofert

Title: Real Estate Lead Generation & Marketing Freelancer Needed – Dubai Market Description: I am a newly established real estate agent in Dubai looking to build my presence and generate potential buyers for my listings. I have access to sellers but need a strong marketing and lead generation strategy to find serious buyers. I am looking for a skilled freelancer who specializes in real estate marketing, lead generation, and branding to help me grow. Responsibilities: • Run targeted Facebook, Instagram & Google Ads to attract property buyers. • Manage and grow my social media presence (Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok). • Create high-quality property listings, videos & reels to showcase properties. • Implement an SEO strate...

$102 Average bid
$102 Średnia Oferta:
15 składanie ofert
Luxurious Dubai Event Landing Page
3 dni left

Only serious people apply this. I know copy paste and AI propsals. My budget is $50 final. I just need home page design only for now. I will give you other pages design after I like your home page design. Create a landing page for upcoming event in Dubai which is happening at April 11 – 14, 2025 | Dubai, UAE. This event is for very rich people which offers enjoyment with very hot girls, photoshoot, helicopter ride, exotic parties, desert tour etc. The website will have many videos to attract the users, call to action button and a form to book the event. Use dark background with gold color foreground a lot of card layouts. I just need home page design only for now. I will give you other pages design after I like your home page design. Form Inputs Name ...

$109 Average bid
$109 Średnia Oferta:
77 składanie ofert

...investing in cryptocurrency. Key Features: - Prioritize Arbitrage: The platform should primarily focus on algorithmic trading through arbitrage. - Global Accessibility: A major goal is to increase the platform's global accessibility. Payments should be facilitated through PayPal, SWIFT, cryptocurrency, and cater to markets in the CIS and Europe. - Legal Compliance: The platform must operate within a legal framework, with necessary licenses in key jurisdictions such as El Salvador, Dubai, and Switzerland. - Guaranteed Returns: Investors should receive fixed percentages based on actual trading, ensuring guaranteed payouts. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience in algorithmic trading. - Understanding of the cryptocurr...

$500 - $4000
Wyróżniony Ukryte
$500 - $4000
12 składanie ofert

...Format: 1400-1600 words Purpose: To engage in the genre of an argument and use tools in Weebly or Adobe Spark to create a multimodal argument. Audience: A well-read internet audience Background: For your second major project, you will write a multimodal argument on Weebly or Adobe Spark on an idea relating to issues of food culture and consider the larger implications of it. This could be the same idea you wrote your narrative on or not. The specific prompt is in the box below. PROMPT: After doing the readings and watching videos on food issues around us, choose a topic that speaks to you most. This could be something from the readings or not. Take a position/stand on the issue and write a multimodal argument (using Weebly or Adobe Spark) in which yo...

$106 Average bid
$106 Średnia Oferta:
21 składanie ofert

I need recruiters to help me find 100-150 skilled workers for the construction industry in Dubai from India.

$460 Average bid
$460 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

...registration & voter participation from January 2018 to present for 1 person. Name, DOB, residences, and voting districts will be provided upon hire. Jurisdictions include: Waterloo/Electoral District #114 and Huron-Bruce/Electoral District #042. I want a written response to these questions: 1. Is the person registered to vote in Ontario. If so, when did they register and in which municipalities? I believe that would have been first done early in 2018 and may have changed in 2020 or later. 2. In what elections did the person actually cast a vote or receive a ballot? Need a list of date, nature of election, and how verified. Verify info for these six elections since January 2018 and any subsequent Canadian elections: Ontario Mu...

$106 Average bid
$106 Średnia Oferta:
23 składanie ofert
Need Conference Assistance in DUBAI
2 dni left

I'm looking for a freelancer to attend a conference in DUBAI on my behalf. The primary goal of this assignment is to network with potential clients. Your responsibilities will include representing my company and establishing connections that could lead to future business opportunities. We are looking for a local freelancer of DUBAI , who can attend a conference on behalf of our company . We will provide you Hall ticket and our visiting cards and all .The conference is a premium conference ,it will be organized in a five star hotel , they will arrange lunch and evening time party and all too. You have to join their as our executive, Make the presence of our company over there. You have to exchange the card with all the exhibitors who has kept their stall a...

$138 Average bid
$138 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert
Conference Assistance in DUBAI
2 dni left

I'm looking for a freelancer to attend a conference in DUBAI on my behalf. The primary goal of this assignment is to network with potential clients. Your responsibilities will include representing my company and establishing connections that could lead to future business opportunities. We are looking for a local freelancer of DUBAI , who can attend a conference on behalf of our company . We will provide you Hall ticket and our visiting cards and all .The conference is a premium conference ,it will be organized in a five star hotel , they will arrange lunch and evening time party and all too. You have to join their as our executive, Make the presence of our company over there. You have to exchange the card with all the exhibitors who has kept their stall a...

$115 Average bid
$115 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a professional, Dubai-based personal dressing stylist to help me revamp my wardrobe for various occasions and settings. I want to enhance my dressing style to look more polished and impactful in office settings, social events, and casual outings. Key Responsibilities: - Curate a new, refined wardrobe for me, potentially involving shopping for new pieces. - Provide guidance on how to present myself for different scenarios, ensuring I have a great appearance. - Help me strike a balance between a classic, formal look and a modern, trendy approach, with a focus on business casual for work. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in fashion styling, particularly for the business and social realms. - Based in Dubai for ease of perso...

$140 Average bid
$140 Średnia Oferta:
3 składanie ofert

...Specialist to manage advertising campaigns for our diverse client base. As a marketing agency in Dubai, we work with businesses across real estate, beauty, restaurants, automotive, and sports industries, and we need a skilled specialist to create, optimize, and manage high-performing ad campaigns. ‏Responsibilities: ‏ • Develop, set up, and manage Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns for multiple clients. ‏ • Optimize ad performance based on analytics, A/B testing, and audience insights. ‏ • Manage budgets effectively to ensure maximum ROI. ‏ • Stay up to date with Meta’s latest advertising trends and policies. ‏ • Provide clear, data-driven reports on campaign performance. ‏Requirements: ‏ • Proven exp...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Średnia Oferta:
64 składanie ofert

...integration. This is a short-term project (4-5 days) where you will work on-site in Dubai. While our tech team will provide real-time support and guidance throughout the project, we need a Zoho professional to lead the technical implementation. Key Responsibilities: • Customize and configure Zoho CRM according to our business needs. • Implement workflow automation to optimize sales processes and lead management. • Integrate Zoho CRM with third-party tools using API integrations. • Work closely with our tech team for real-time support and guidance. • Provide basic training and documentation for the team on the final setup. Requirements: • Proven experience in Zoho CRM customization and automation. • Strong skills in...

$51 / hr Average bid
$51 / hr Średnia Oferta:
16 składanie ofert

Discover your path to eCommerce freedom with us! The Company in a Nutshell GTEcom BV was established in 2018 and headquartered in The Netherlands. Our mission is to continue scaling our operations and opening & sustaining more successful global brands to achieve our target of $500M revenue and more than 50 stores worldwide by 2027. Our diverse team of 70 and growing remote e-commerce experts in their own niches from different parts of the world is helping us transform our vision of growing the company to a reality. We are committed to cultivating a culture of hard work, freedom and responsibility, constant improvement, and positivity in our team. The Upsides of Working with Us Thrive in a results-driven environment with the auto...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Średnia Oferta:
30 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a mid-level Tax Accountant with solid experience in corporate tax filing, particularly in Dubai. My small business requires quarterly tax filings, and I need someone who can also assist with document preparation and organization, as well as guiding me through any new regulations that may come into play. Need quarterly audits and share records and tax filing. Key Responsibilities: - Corporate Tax Filing: Ensure timely and accurate filing of corporate taxes in accordance with Dubai tax regulations. - Document Assistance: Help in gathering and organizing all necessary documentation. - Regulatory Guidance: Keep me informed about any new changes in tax regulations. In addition to corporate tax, I also need support ...

$110 Average bid
$110 Średnia Oferta:
29 składanie ofert
ATV Design
22 godzin left

"I want to make design improvements to the ATV whose link I will provide below. I want it to feel more modern and premium so that customers feel it's a 2025 model, not a 2018 one. Those interested can get in touch for details." ATV link :

$34 / hr Average bid
$34 / hr Średnia Oferta:
8 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a Tax Accountant on a contractual basis. The role primarily involves handling tax filing for small business in Dubai. Key Responsibilities: - Tax Filing: Ensure timely and accurate filing of corporate taxes in accordance with Dubai tax regulations. Current Status: - Some documents are prepared, but further assistance may be required in gathering and organising all necessary documentation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with corporate tax filing in Dubai. - Strong understanding of Dubai's tax regulations. - Small business tax expertise preferred. - Ability to assist with document preparation and organisation.

$164 Average bid
$164 Średnia Oferta:
19 składanie ofert

I'm in need of a compelling name for my Real Estate company in Dubai. The name should exude professionalism and trustworthiness as we're involved in all facets of Real Estate - selling, buying, renting, and managing. Key Considerations: - The name should be easy to spell and marketable. - We prefer avoiding personal names. - Numeric references (like '800') and geographic references (like 'Dubai') could be beneficial, but we're open to abstract concepts and creative suggestions. - A potential concept could be similar to '800brokerae', considering all company numbers in Dubai start with 800. Skills and Experience: - Branding and Naming Expertise - Knowledge of Real Estate Market - Understanding ...

$50 Average bid
265 zgłoszenia

I'm seeking a talented designer to create a logo for my new ladies dragon boat team . Based in Dubai we are called Dubai Dragons . With colours pink navy and white I do have some logo done by AI just want it more wow with a cool dragon and layout and the skyline of Dubai also .

$81 Average bid
$81 Średnia Oferta:
162 składanie ofert

I need a professional to update a few of my architectural blueprints from the 2018 version of Creative Cloud to the 2021 version. There are 1 to 5 blueprints that need updating. The current blueprints are available in PDF format. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Adobe Creative Cloud - Experience with architectural blueprint editing - Ability to work with PDF files Please reach out if you have the necessary skills and experience.

$123 Average bid
$123 Średnia Oferta:
31 składanie ofert

Freelance B2B Content Writer (Recruitment & HR) – Remote Company: Caliberly (Recruitment Agency) Location: Remote (MENA experience preferred) Engagement: Part-time/Freelance (Monthly Contract) About Us: Caliberly is a fast-growing recruitment agency based in Dubai, specializing in tech and non-tech hiring across various industries. We are seeking an experienced B2B content writer with expertise in crafting high-quality content for the recruitment and HR industry. Role & Responsibilities: Develop engaging and insightful B2B content for LinkedIn, blogs, website, and email marketing. Write thought leadership articles, whitepapers, and industry reports focused on recruitment trends, talent acquisition strategies, and HR best practices. Create compell...

$88 Average bid
$88 Średnia Oferta:
28 składanie ofert

...recruitment agency based in Dubai, specializing in both tech and non-tech hiring. We are looking for a creative and proactive freelance content creator to manage job seeker engagement posts across our LinkedIn and Instagram pages. Role & Responsibilities: • Create 8–12 engaging social media posts per month focused on job seekers' interests (career tips, job alerts, industry insights, and interview guidance). • Design eye-catching visuals using Canva (or other design tools). • Write compelling captions and LinkedIn-friendly posts that drive engagement. • Optimize content with relevant hashtags and keywords for better reach. • Track and suggest ways to improve engagement based on analytics. Who You Are: • Proven experience ...

$388 Average bid
$388 Średnia Oferta:
93 składanie ofert
Trophy icon Engaging Bilingual Webshop Flyer Design
Zakończone left door selling. For my webshop: Needs to be in: dutch Use logo and teddy from my webshop. Same colors as webshop but really decent and nead. Promo code: FLYER15 voor 15% korting Use the next products in a good way in our flyer (cheap products with price): - - - - - - - - -

$31 Average bid
126 zgłoszenia