Ars electronic mosquito killerprojekty
Logo sklepu internetowego "Kardio - Zegarki" - branża elektroniczna - smartwatche Logo of the online store "Kardio - Zegarki" - electronic industry - smartwatches
We are looking for help in creating semi-automatic loading of bank statements in the MT940 format and configuring the automation of the accounting process of individual transactions in the SAP S4 Hana system. At the moment, everything is posted manually and we want to improve this process a bit. We are thinking about creating two additional technical accounts in SAP for inbound and outbound transactions. After manually uploading the bank statement in the MT940 format using the FF_5 transaction, we expect SAP to transfer all transactions to technical accounts and further to Vendor and Customer accounts (probably it should search for the agreed scope and invoice number and by the amount) and to GL accounts ( searching for repeatable transactions, e.g. Bank charges looking for a transaction...
Szukam osoby ktora potrafi szybko wymodelowac model 3D perfum: ,182985,8514
Witam, szukam osoby, która wykona okładkę dla płyty EP z muzyką instrumentalną w klimacie industrial/metal/ electronic.
Witam, poszukuję osoby, która wykona animowany teledysk do 3-minutowego utworu instrumentalnego w klimacie industrial/metal/electronic.
Mam kolejne zadania powiązane z naszym poprzednim zleceniem 'Picture manual - electronic locker system'
Zaprojektuj logo dla bloga o zdrowiu Blog będzie o zdrowiu, najnowszych doniesieniach ze świata medycyny, zawsze w oparciu o solidne, potwierdzone dane naukowe. Żadnych niepotwierdzonych tekstów bez solidncych referencji. Mój blog ma nazwę: Ars Longa Vita Brevis skrót ALVB chciałbym aby pod logo była linia tekstu: Dbając o zdrowie korzystaj z dowodów naukowych
Dzień dobry, zlecę wykonanie ORYGINALNEGO projektu graficznego (layout) wraz z pocięciem do CSS i wdrożeniem na platformie CMS WordPress. Reprezentuję firmę która będzie ostatecznym użytkownikiem tej strony. Ma to być estetyczny, SEO optymalny, product page dla nowo wprowadzanego na ryne...elektroniki użytkowej. Zgłoszenia od osób bez portfolio składającego się z wdrożonych, aktualnie działających projektów nie będą brane pod uwagę. Hello, I'd like to find a freelancer who will design an ORIGINAL layout, and then implement it on WordPress CMS platform. It's got to be of high aesthetic, SEO optimized design for a product page of a newly introduced product from premium consumer electronic-sector. Freelancers without an on-line portfolio of functioni...
...(using AS3). The application is little like MS Paint, but with extra features and more simple in other areas. The application’s interface is supposed to be displayed by a projector and the multi-touch functionality coming from infrared controllers (“IR Pens”), which would be tracked by an IR USB camera together with a tracking app (eg. CCV, Touchlib or similar). System is little similar to an electronic whiteboard. The application has the following functionality: 1. Administrative: extra window where admin defines app settings; 2. Main app window: window area where user draws his images with a menu sidebar; 3. Graphical: drawing brush, color palette, size/blur/transparency of brush, stencils (with manipulation: rotate, move, scale), stamps, edit (undo, redo,...
Wybrać funkcję logiczną czterech zmiennych f(A,B,C,D)=E(2,3,7,9). Należy zrealizować funkcję w postaci pełnej, a następnie zminimalizować metodą Karnaugha i zrealizować w postaci mini...czterech zmiennych f(A,B,C,D)=E(2,3,7,9). Należy zrealizować funkcję w postaci pełnej, a następnie zminimalizować metodą Karnaugha i zrealizować w postaci minimalnej. Obydwa układy trzeba zasymulować w programie EWB512 (Electronic Wo. Należy przygotować dokumentację - zamieścić w niej wszystkie obliczenia, schematy i zrzuty ekranowe dla obydwu otrzymanych układów (dla postaci pełnej i minimalnej). W skrócie: - tabela prawdy - wypisanie wzoru - schemat w programie Electronic Workshop - zminimalizowanie metodą karnaugha - wypisanie wzoru - schemat w programie elect...
Mam do przerobienia logo dostępne w załączniku interesuje mnie aby to PM było w tle electronic lub coś podobnego
Mam do przerobienia logo dostępne w załączniku interesuje mnie aby to PM było w tle electronic lub coś podobnego
...Description of the platform and the possibilities are here: angular # professional Content (product images, specifications, pricing) we will deliver. Details of the job: - About 30 products - E-shop fitting visual (colors, banners, keyboard) to the new version of our website - (Joomla) - E-shop in two optional languages (Polish, English) - Electronic payment processing (selection of the service provider - for discussion) - Integration with and Ebay - Functional testing e-shop, including: action, edit content, collaboration with payment sites, auction sites, etc. - Provide a comprehensive report on the commissioning and testing We expect: - Complex organization of the work and activities - To carry out all the necessary
zlecę pozycjonowanie sklepu elektronicznego na słowa shop electronic, electronic components wyszukiwarka lub adres strony prosze o wycene ew dobranie odpowiednich słów do pozycjonowania tego sklepu na rynek irlandia - anglia
...wysokiej jakości - np. grubszy papier, połysk Dla przykładu w przypadku ulotki Audio wstępne założenia przewidują, że na pierwszej stronie zostaną opisane główne technologie wykorzystane w produkcie, czyli jitter-killer, korekcja DSP oraz wzmacniacz multibit PWM. Ich opis oraz obecną ilustrację graficzną można obejrzeć na (portal Audio z lewej strony, Informacje ogólne). Przykładem jednej z możliwości oprawy graficznej jest umieszczenie logo w górnej części lub w tle pierwszej strony, z prawej strony ikonki z nazwami 3 technologii, które będą opisywane (jitter-killer, korekcja DSP oraz wzmacniacz multibit PWM) obok nich opis, a z prawej ilustracja ich działania przy wykorzystaniu animacji, które już teraz są umieszczone na stronie inte...
Zlecę dorobienie polskich znaków do czcionki Czcionka musi się poprawnie instalować w Windows.
Zlecę dorobienie polskich znaków do czcionki
Mam do wykonania zlecenie. Potrzebne mi logo, które będzie unikalne. Ma to być jakiś znak, który będzie kojarzony ze stroną, a w nim ma być zawarty skrót EPG, a pod spodem napis 'electronic professional gaming'. Reszty nie będę narzucał, liczę na wyobraźnię grafika.
...this site. While the current site provides information on the charity, all applications for funding have to be submitted on paper. This causes problems for the charity since they have to schedule meetings of the trustees to go through the applications. It would be preferable to allow applications to be submitted on-line and stored in a database. The co-ordinator would then be able to circulate electronic copies of the application. It would also speed up acceptance or rejection of applications. The following describes the basic requirements: Before anyone will be able to submit an application, they will need to register with the Derbyshire Crimebeat site. They will need to provide the following information in order to register:  Their email address  A p...
...też 2-3 tagi (typu wykonawca, rodzaj muzy). Dodanie 1 teledysku z panelem - do 1,5 minuty. Można dodać kilka, kilkanaście dziennie lub co kila dni - tak aby np. miesięcznie dodawać 100 teledysków. Osoba sama wybiera, jakie - czyli dochodzi jeszcze wybór z YT teledysków, głównie nowości lub znani artyści - tutaj duża dowolność, byle nie była to mp3-ka [bez video]. Rodzaje muzyki: alternative, electronic, hiphop, metal, pop, reggae, rock, techno - z każdego mniej więcej po równo, klasyfikacja bardzo ogólna, bez "czepialstwa" z mojej strony. Trochę polskich oczywiście też - można wziąć na tapetę jakieś listy przebojów. Prosto, łatwo i przyjemnie, proszę o cenę za 10 dodań. Możliwy długi czas współpracy, oferta...
XoMoX Electronic B.V. z siedzibą w Holandii zleci wykonanie: - projektu graficznego strony www razem z panelem dla użytkowników. Strona musi mieć możliwość edytowania poprzez CMS. Nie interesuje nas żaden gotowiec. - projektu graficznego dokumentów firmowych wykorzystywanych do wystawiania faktur czy oficjalnych listów do kontrahentow. - logo firmy Czym się zajmujemy? Sprzedajemy nawigacje satelitarne na terenie całej Europy ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Francji, Belgii, Niemiec i Holandii. Kontakt z nami: - mailowy - telefoniczny Wymagamy wystawienia fv VAT. Posiadamy europejski numer VAT, tak więc fv będzie netto Kontakt: XoMoX Electronic B.V. tel.: +31 64202276 e-mail: xomox@ www:
...była tez kampania reklamowa: kalendarzyki, koszulki i ulotki rozdawane na imprezach, promocja na myspace. Wtedy też zostało podjętych wiele owocnych współpracy przy promocji marki: wspołpraca z klubami, agencjami, artystami. Średnia dzienna ogladalność wynosiła ok. 2500 unikalnych userów. W ramach promocji serwisu zostały wydane płyty pod naszym brandem Electronic Beats vol.1 (maj 2007) Technoparty Electronic Beats vol 2 (grudzień 2007). Akcja ta miała popularyzować muzykę elektroniczną i promować młodych nieznanych producentów. W sumie zostało sprzedanych kilkadziesiąc tysięcy płyt w Polsce, jako że cena wynosiła tylko 6 zł. Były dostepne w kioskach Ruchu oraz w Empikach na stoiskach z prasa muzyczna. Do sukcesów mozna również zaliczyć...
Witam potrzebuję programisty, który potnie, wdroży system CMS (dowolny) oraz wypełni treścią nowo powstający serwis dla zaprzyjaźnionej firmy. ~killer/fano/ - oto projekt graficzny. Czas realizacji: 30 dni. Wynagrodzenie. 800zł netto. kontakt: gg : 1404631 kom: 509483807 stara www firmy. w niej będą przenoszone informacje.
Poszukujemy informatyków do współpracy przy tworzeniu serwisów internetowych. Wymagania: - znajomość HTML, CSS, PHM, MySQL, Joomla, zasad pozycjonowania w Google - umiejętność tworzenia oprogramowania do zarządzania stronami - systemy CMS Dostarczamy gotowe projekty w .psd do pocięcia pod szablon, należy tworzyć szablony w opaciu HTML i CSS oraz budować...tworzenia oprogramowania do zarządzania stronami - systemy CMS Dostarczamy gotowe projekty w .psd do pocięcia pod szablon, należy tworzyć szablony w opaciu HTML i CSS oraz budować system zarządzania CMS - najlepiej Joomla. Strona oraz menu są budowane i uzupełniane przez naszą agencję. Prosimy o wysłanie linków wykonanych wcześniej i działających serwiów. Marek Welzel Agencja...
Witam Mam do sprzedania rewelacyjna domene Jej rewelacyjnosc polega na tym, ze jest to bardzo znany tytul na rynku. Gry takie jak Battlefield, FIFA, NBA, NHL, Need For Speed sa produkowane wlasnie przez firme o tej nazwie. Kontakt: gg: 1194222 e-mail: wilddawid@ Pozdrawiam
...Plastics/Polymers Markets Specializing in Membranes/Separations Markets Specializing in Instruments/Sensors Markets Specializing in Information Technology Markets (includes IT, Banking, Communications, Computers, Discrete Electronic Devices and Systems) is seeking a contract writer(s) who can research and write market research reports analyzing Environmental Mitigation markets (Waste, Water, Air, Land) Specializing in Life Sciences including Biotechnology and Healthcare Specializing in Chemical Industries Markets Specializing in Advanced Materials (includes Ceramics, Composites, Electronic Materials, Nanotechnologies, Optics, SMT/Coatings) Wszelkie pytania kierowac na maila. Przemek1983a@ Pozdrawiam Przemysław...
Potrzebne instrukcje do cwiczen na pracownie dla informatyka,wiec podstawowe cwiczen na temat "Wzmacniacz operacyjny – zastosowania ogólne".Dziesiec na temat "Zastosowania wzmacniacza operacyjnego do nadawania i odbioru sygnałów".Cwiczenia powinny zawierac badanie charakterystyk,symulacje i powinien byc ...pracownie dla informatyka,wiec podstawowe cwiczen na temat "Wzmacniacz operacyjny – zastosowania ogólne".Dziesiec na temat "Zastosowania wzmacniacza operacyjnego do nadawania i odbioru sygnałów".Cwiczenia powinny zawierac badanie charakterystyk,symulacje i powinien byc w postaci pisemnej(doc) z zalaczonymi schematami pod Electronic Workbench.
I'm looking for an expert to design a compact electronic device that can be integrated into a firearm. This device should be capable of collecting and transmitting data via a cellular network. While the specific types of data to collect haven't been finalised, the device should be capable of monitoring various environmental conditions, specifically GPS data. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in electronic device design and development - Experience with data collection and transmission technologies - Knowledge of environmental monitoring - Understanding of firearm safety and integration - Proficiency in working with cellular network technologies
Upgrade application, database, call log, accept electronic payments , error logs , log in
I need a seasoned developer to review, troubleshoot, enhance features, and validate my WHMCS 8.11.2 module, which sends electronic invoices via Dátil's API. I previously developed a basic version with AI assistance, but it requires expert oversight for functionality verification and error correction. The project also involves addressing identified bottlenecks in processing. You will be responsible for: - Conducting a thorough code review and troubleshooting any issues - Enhancing the module’s features, particularly API integration, user interface and performance - Performing rigorous testing and validation to ensure error-free functionality The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience with WHMCS module development - Proficient understanding of Dát...
I'm seeking a person who will help me with some shipping forwarding in Hong Kong. Key Responsibilities: - Assisting with the storage of electronic components for a short time. - Ensuring the safe and efficient storage of components. - The person need to live in Hong Kong, I need him to be in contact with couriers during the day. Ideal Skills: - Understanding of storage solutions for electronic components. - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
...registration and authorization through social networks and email. Power Rental: Option to choose power and rental cost, configure mining parameters. Equipment Sales: Catalog of mining equipment with the option to buy and sell. Account Management: View mining statistics, manage rented power and equipment. Payment System: Support for various payment systems (cryptocurrencies, bank cards, electronic payment systems). Marketplace: Platform for buying and selling miners and equipment. Technical Support: System for seeking help and resolving issues. 3. Architectural Requirements Microservice Architecture: Separation of functionality into individual microservices for better scalability and manageability. Security: Implementation of security measures to protect u...
...intelligence, cloud-based infrastructures, and mobile/web interfaces. Key Features to Develop: AI-Powered Diagnostics: Rapid interpretation of 12-lead ECG data with high accuracy. Predictive models for cardiovascular risk assessment (e.g., arrhythmias, blood pressure estimation). Data Integration: APIs to collect health parameters from third-party devices (e.g., smartwatches). Compatibility with Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. User Interfaces: Mobile application for end users to view/share health data. Web-based dashboard for clinicians with advanced reporting tools. Cloud Infrastructure: Secure storage of patient data with compliance to healthcare regulations (e.g., HIPAA). Remote Monitoring & Prevention Tools: Continuous monitoring capabilities using w...
...governing cannabis leaf usage. 3. Global News and Breakthroughs in Medicinal Cannabis: • Updates on cannabis legalization worldwide and its implications. • Breakthrough research studies on cannabis for pain, cancer, and psychological disorders. • Success stories and real-world applications of medicinal cannabis globally. • Innovations in cannabis formulations and delivery systems (e.g., electronic inhalers, syringes, edibles). • Economic and societal impacts of medicinal cannabis industries across countries. Tone and Style: • Theme: Blend ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern scientific breakthroughs. • Tone: Educational, engaging, and slightly poetic while maintaining professionalism. • Style: Consistent across all blogs with a ca...
...Functionalities: Doctor Profiles: Detailed profiles with specialty, experience, availability, and ratings. Appointment Booking System: Patients can book consultations based on doctor availability. Secure Video/Chat Consultation: Integrated video conferencing for consultations (e.g., via Twilio or similar APIs). Payment Integration: Multiple payment options for patients to pay for consultations. Electronic Health Records (EHR): Allow patients to upload, store, and access medical records securely. Multilingual Support: Arabic and English interfaces. Platform Customization: Custom branding with our logo, colors, and domain. Mobile-responsive design for seamless use on phones and tablets. Security and Compliance: Analytics Dashboard: Admin dashboard for monitoring doctor performance,...
I'm looking for a talented audio engineer or music producer to mix two electronic songs of mine. Each song is approximately between 3 to 5 minutes long. The goal is to create a smooth tempo transition between the two songs. - Skills Required: Proficiency in audio mixing software, strong understanding of electronic music, experience with tempo transitions - Ideal Experience: Previous work with electronic music mixes, demonstrated ability to create seamless song transitions, strong attention to detail
The task is the same as the one you completed for us previously which included the four attached renders: 3D modeling and rendering. Please use the same environment as in the attached renders. Render 1: with closed curtains Render 2: with mosquito net Render 3: with mosquito net (viewed from the front) Render 4: open curtains without mosquito net
We nee...need a GIS expert to assist in our mosquito larvicide distribution project in India. We aim to create local maps 0.5 KM radius of stagnant water with roads and landmarks. we want to offer this map to our e-commerce customers whose pin codes we know. we will get 3 days to create maps Key Responsibilities: - Utilize satellite imagery to identify areas of stagnant water. - Map these areas alongside roads and landmarks for easy navigation and understanding. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in GIS software and satellite imagery analysis. - Experience in creating detailed, user-friendly maps. - Ability to work at a village-level scale. Your expertise will help us effectively reach and assist communities in need, ultimately contributing to the reduction of mosquito population...
We are looking for an experienced designer to develop a custom enclosure for our electronic product, which includes a 4.2" screen. The enclosure should be optimized for vacuum casting (low-volume production) and must protect the internal components while maintaining a sleek, professional look. Key Responsibilities: Design a functional and aesthetically appealing enclosure around an integrated screen. Ensure the design is optimized for vacuum casting (e.g., parting lines, draft angles, wall thickness). Incorporate necessary mechanical features such as snap-fits, bosses, ribs, etc., as needed. Collaborate on iterating the design based on feedback, ensuring all dimensional and functional requirements are met. Provide final CAD files (STEP, IGES, or other mutually agreed formats)...
I'm seeking an experienced consultant for the architecture, content development, and authoring tools of an HTML-based IETM (Interactive Electronic Technical Manual) Level 4. Key Requirements: - Expertise in architecture design for IETM Level 4 - Proven track record in content development for technical manuals - In-depth knowledge of various authoring tools suitable for IETM Level 4 Please note, I am currently open to suggestions for the most suitable authoring tool for this project, as I do not have a specific one in mind. Recommendations based on industry standards and your personal expertise will be highly valued. Ideal Skills: - Experience with IETM Level 4 - Proficiency in content creation and technical writing - Familiarity with a range of authoring tools and software ...
...functionality. 2. **Demonstrated Forces**: The model must showcase the following three movements clearly: - **Flapping** - **Lead-Lag** - **Feathering** These movements should be **functional and adjustable** on the model, allowing users to actively demonstrate their effects. 3. **Mechanism**: - The forces can be displayed using **mechanical or electronic systems**. - **Electronic systems are preferred**, ensuring precise and smooth movement. 4. **Video Demonstration**: A demonstration video of the movements is available for reference: [Instagram Reel Link] () 5. **3D Printing**: - The model must be designed for **3D printing** and should result in a **functional, high-quality print**.
... Key Features: - The platform should primarily facilitate patient-doctor chat. This feature is crucial and needs to be user-friendly and reliable. - The UI should be simple and clean, ensuring easy navigation for all users, regardless of their tech-savviness. Integrations: - The platform will need to incorporate payment gateways for transaction processing. - It should also have access to Electronic Health Records (EHR). Experience with EHR integration is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python with extensive full-stack development experience. - Prior experience in building telehealth platforms is highly desirable. - Strong understanding of creating simple, clean user interfaces. - Experience with integrating third-party services, particularly payment gateways and EHR sy...
I'm in need of a Shopify expert who can help me design an appealing and functional online store. The main focus of this store will be selling physical electronic ride on cars for kids. Key Responsibilities: - Design a user-friendly, attractive Shopify store - should be colored for kids preferably a light background - Ensure optimal product display for electronics - Implement effective e-commerce strategies - In need of a Home Page, Products Page, Sales Page, and Contacts Page Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Shopify store design - Strong understanding of e-commerce for electronics - Excellent design skills - Knowledge of SEO and digital marketing strategies Will provide Shopify User login info Would need to get this done within a couple hours
I'm looking for a talented music producer to develop a joyful and upbeat Christmas song in BandLab. The track should be 1 minute long and consist of 5 different parts. Key Requirements: - The song should prominently feature piano and bells, guitar and drums, as well as synthesizers and electronic beats. - The song's lyrics and themes should revolve around traditional Christmas motifs. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in using BandLab - Excellent understanding of music composition - Ability to integrate various instruments seamlessly - Experience in producing upbeat, joyful tracks - Familiarity with traditional Christmas themes and motifs Please note, the song needs to be suitable for the Christmas season, so a joyful, upbeat mood is essential. The ideal freelancer will have ...
ISSUE: I previously improved the fan performance in my PC by physically cleaning the fan. But it now displays a black screen due to suspected hardware issues. It works completely fine when connected to external monitor via HDMI to HDMI cable. This needs to be fixed so that private PC internal screen can also display in addition to ...toolbox and some knowledge and experience in fixing my PC hardware. I will also explain the troubleshooting I have previously done. Please help me to fix the problem outside of my main job working hours. Specifically I would like instructions for further troubleshooting. Also if spare parts are needed, please help me to purchase the parts. Afterwards, I would like a consolidated report in electronic format that describes how the problem...
I have an ATV electronic drum kit with an aD5 sound module, a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Audio Interface, a Behringer XenyX Q1202USB mixer, and Reaper 7.3 DAW on a Dell Inspiron Computer. I need assistance connecting these components so I can record playing the drums along with MP3 music files using Reaper. - My main difficulty lies in connecting the hardware components - I want to monitor audio during recording sessions using both headphones and studio monitors - I have all the necessary cables for connecting these components Ideal candidates for this project should have experience with electronic drum kits, Focusrite audio interfaces, Behringer mixers, and Reaper DAW. They should also have a good understanding of audio setup for recording. Please reach out if you can help me...
I'm in need of a skilled PCB designer to assist with a project-specific PCB design. The PCB is intended for a consumer electronics application, and it will be a double-layer layout. Key components to be included on the PCB: - Microcontrollers - Power regulators - LoRa - RTC - UART - Discrete components Ideal candidates will have a robust understanding of PCB design for consumer electronic products, proficient in double-layer PCB layouts. Experience with placing and integrating microcontrollers, power regulators, and other specified components is vital. Please also demonstrate your knowledge of working with LoRa, RTC, and UART in your proposal.
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I'm in need of a highly detailed 3D model and animation for an electronics product. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in 3D modeling software - Prior experience with electronic product models - Proficient in creating animations Please ensure your portfolio showcases similar projects.
I'm looking for a fun and engaging flyer to promote my new product, the ELECTRONIC INSECT BITE HEALER, on Facebook and Instagram. The flyer needs to prominently feature positive customer reviews, so we can change the names of some Amazon reviews I have. It should also be bright and vibrant in color scheme. Key elements to include: - Photos of the product and packaging (supplied) - Some 5-star reviews (supplied, but names need to be changed) - Our logo (supplied) - Our website (supplied to the winner) - QR CODE (supplied to the winner) The product is user-friendly as it comes with a USB charged power pack, can be plugged into your mobile phone, and includes a Type C to Lightning plug adapter. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Graphic Design - Marketing - S...