Arp spoof vbprojekty
Potrzebuję przerobic baze w Accesie na program w zrobiony w VB-2005. Baza w Accesie zawiera tylko 2 tabele i 3 formularze (wprowdzanie danych, przegladanie-edycja, wykres na podstawie wprowadzonych danych liczbowych).
Szukam osoby z okolic Radomia, która zna VB 6.0 i potrafi poprowadzić kurs podstaw z zakresu: - zasady programowania w VB 6.0 - instrukcje warunkowe i pętle (IF FOR) - Visual Data Manager - zakładanie baz danych - projektowanie formularzy oferty proszę wysłać na trk@, zajęcia od 9:00 do 17:00 w Radomiu, 2 razy po 3 dni w październiku.
Potrzebuję przerobic baze w Accesie na program w zrobiony w VB-2005. Baza w Accesie zawiera tylko 2 tabele i 3 formularze (wprowdzanie danych, przegladanie-edycja, wykres na podstawie wprowadzonych danych liczbowych). Dla zainteresowanych mogę przysłać plik MDB, aby zapoznac sie i wycenic projekt.
Poszukuję osoby/firmy która wykona program/serwis intranet z następującymi cechami: 1. Spis komórek, telefonów stacjonarnych, użytkowników w czasie od zakupu do utylizacji, 2. Wydruków protokołów zdawczo odbiorczych przy zmianach w "magazynie" telefonów, 3. Ze sformatowanych plików excela sumowanie użycia utylizacji, 2. Wydruków protokołów zdawczo odbiorczych przy zmianach w "magazynie" telefonów, 3. Ze sformatowanych plików excela sumowanie użycia zarówno telefonu komórkowego (plus) jak i stacjonarnego (netia) na każdego użytkownika, z opcją wysłania automatycznie e-maila do użytkownika oraz zbiorczej paczki do przełożonego dla wszyskich jego podwładnyc...
Position: Contract VB/ASP Developer Skills: Excellent opportunity for an experienced VB/ASP , English Language .Working with an experienced UK company to deliver to some of the worlds biggest brands project, asset and brand management applications. Applicant must have 3 years experience in ASP, VB, SQL/T-SQL, Com+, HTML and XML. Great communication, analytical and troubleshooting skills a must, as is experience of developing in an Object Orientatedarchitecture. Position : Contract Web Designer. Skills: 2 Years experience of designing and delivering web design including experience in Web applications and portals (not only classic websites). Good English Language skills. Working with a UK company including trips onsite to UK companies. More info on ...
Witam. Zlecę napisanie krótkiego programu w Accessie na zaliczenie przedmiotu. Nie wiem jak to wygląda gdzie indziej, ale my tworzymy formularz i do niego dodajemy trochę kodu. Program nie musi być kompilowany, może być uruchamiany spod Accessa. Program to właściwie coś jakby prosta gra. Na wstępie pole kombi z wyborem poziomu. Komputer losuje jakąś liczbę. Zakres losowania zależy od wybranego poziomu (np łatwy: losuje liczbę z przedziału 0 - 10, średni: 0 - 50 itp). Teraz rola użytkownika polega na odgadnięciu tej liczby. Wpisuje jakąś liczbę, a komputer wyświetla informację np, Szukana liczba jest większa, szukana liczba jest mniejsza lub TRAFIŁEŚ!. Fajnie by było gdyby po zakończeni gry pokazywała się informacja z najlepszymi wynikami (najmniej ruchów) pobierana z j...
Witam! Zlecę napisanie oprogramowania CAM według algorytmu opisanego na mojej stronie Licytowana cena powinna zawierać wykonanie wszystkich elementów z oraz opracowanie i wykonanie interfejsu graficznego. Oprogramowanie udostępniam na zasadach licencji GNU. Warunki: - ...zastrzegam sobie prawo do odstąpienia od umowy bez podania przyczyny. Pieniądze wypłacam po oddaniu w pełni funkcjonalnego i działającego programu oraz jego kodu źródłewego na wskazane konto. Najważniejsze funkcje pomocnicze do głównego engine'u wykonałem i udostępniłem na stronie , jednak są one napisane w Gambas'ie i nie przetestowane. Myślę że szybko i łatwo się je zportuje do VB .NET Pozdrawiam, Daniel Mazurkiewicz
Mam program z kodem źródłowym w Visual Basicu, który chciałbym spolszczyć. Generuje on kod HTML, ale angielskojęzyczny. Chodzi o to, by generował HTML z językiem polskim i naszymy rodzimymi ogonkami, w standardowym kodowaniu. Rutyna, o któ...rodzimymi ogonkami, w standardowym kodowaniu. Rutyna, o którą chodzi przetwarza tekst z .rtf na HTML. Niektóre "specjalne" znaki są przez tę rutynę generowane w postaci tych wieloznakowych kombinacji, ale ja chcę, żeby polskie okonkowe litery były generowane w normalnej jednoznakowej postaci. Sprawa wydaje mi się dziecinnie prosta i szybka dla kogoś, kto zna VB, po prostu nie mam czasu dowiadywać się w jakiej postaci są w VB szeregi znaków, a w jakiej pojedyncze znaki, a już szc...
napisanie programiku ktory moglby byc wywolany np z javascript i mogl zapisac na dysk twardy okreslony plik txt (oczywiscie z zadana sciezka). Wystarcza dwa argumenty [sciezka,string] z tym ze string moze byc do kilkudzesieciu kilobajtow i wiekszy Wiecej na maila Sprawa pilna !!!
Zadaniem dla zwyciezcy bedzie przepisanie programu napisanego w Javie do Visual Basica. Program w wersji skompilowanej mozna pobrac ze strony: Zwyciezca oczywiscie dostanie zrodla programu
Mam 4 kategorie każda zawiera listę imion i nazwisk ( niektóre się powtarzają ) oraz końcowy przykładowy miesięczny grafik w Excelu. Zadanie dotyczyło by: 1. Stworzenie comiesięcznego pustego szablonu z nagłówkami na podstawie przykładowego grafika z podanymi datami i pewnymi specyficznymi polami, które jednak by też...Zapisanie końcowej formy z możliwością wydruku i rozesłania do innych osób e-mailem. 4. Możliwość modyfikacji tych 4 kategorii tzn. chodzi o kasowanie, dopisywanie imion i nazwisk ale zarówno globalnie jak i w obrębie każdej kategorii. Zainteresowanym osobom wyślę dane wejściowe w postaci .xls. Ponieważ osoba wpisująca te dane dotychczas korzysta z Excela najlepiej by było wykorzystać Excel i VB. Chętnie udzielę bardziej szc...
Zlecimy wykonanie systemu zdalnego zarządzania komputerami. Założenia: - kontrola kilkoma komputerami jednocześnie, z określonym hostem - język wykonania: C# - systemy operacyjne: Windows Szczegóły (wraz ze zrzutami ekranu) zostaną podane na mail'a, po przesłaniu prośby o dane. Udostępniane zostaną również przykładowe kody VB, z których można wykorzystać niektóre rozwiązania. Wymagania: - rzetelność - czytelny kod - podział na klasy - znajomość technicznego języka angielskiego Oferujemy możiwość stałej współpracy przy kolejnych projektach. Z góry dziękujemy wszystkim uczestnikom za złożone oferty. Życzymy powodzenia w licytacji.
Do wykonania jest baza danych w MS Access z interfejsem użytkownika (najlepiej w VB). Głowne zadania bazy to: Ewidencja: -Firm, -Szkoleń i kursów oraz innych usług (np wykonanych biznesplanów, itp), -Uczestników szkoleń (Uczestnicy są TYLKO z zarejestrowanych w bazie firm) Firmy dzielimy na klientów potencjalnych i stałych (możliwość przeniesienia z potencjalnych do stałych). Rejestracja kursów i poszczególnych uczestników kursu z poszczególnych firm. Możliwość wydruku naklejek i kopert adresowych do wybranych firm/pracowników (którzy są zarejestrowani w bazie tzn. że odbyli już jakieś szkolenie w naszej firmie). Możliwość wyszuiwania danych po zadanych kryteriach dla kursów, firm, pracownikó...
Witam serdecznie, pilnie potrzebuje programu w VB + kod zrodlowy (w miare mozliwosci z ogolnym opisem) ktrory bedzie prostym odtwarzaczem mp3: - polecenie otworz plik - linia, w ktorej bedzie wyswietlana nazwa aktualnie odtwarzanej piosenki - play, stop, przewiniecie, pauza - regulacja glosnosci. Pilne zlecenie - prosze pisac na gg 1026635 lub na lamek@ oferty.
Należy ułożyć algorytm i zaprogramować go w języku vb. Oczywiście bezwzględnie konieczne są kody źródłowe oraz proste wytłumaczenie działania programu. A oto programy do wyboru.... Program odpowiadający na pytanie, czy wprowadzona linia jest poprawnym wyrażeniem arytmetycznym "+,-,/,*,(,),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0", np. ( ( 22 + 5 ) / 4 ) * 11 - 2 Znalezienie na szachownicy "n x n" drogi skoczka z dowolnego punktu takiej, że odwiedza jednokrotnie każde pole i (ewentualnie, ale niekoniecznie) wraca do punku wyjścia. Na wejściu mamy 2 liczby (wiersz, kolumna) pozycji startowej, a na wyjściu mamy ciąg punktów (np. 48 dla szachownicy 8x8), kolejnych pól - drogi (pary liczb - współrzędne) Mamy na szachownicy pozycję skoczka...
Aplikacja typu klient-serwer. Jezyk: preferowany c/c++, moze byc delphi lub vb. Platforma: klient - windows serwer - linux Ogolny opis: Potrzebny jest program do udzielania konsultacji. 1 osoba vs kilka(nascie), konsultacje moze przeprowadzac kilka osob. Mozliwosci klienta: Glowna osoba ma nadzor nad aplikacja. Mozliwosc wyswietlenia animacji we flashu, zatrzymania jej, zaznaczenia obszaru, okienko do malego 'czatu' z reszta osob, w zaleznosci od predkosci lacza rozmowa glosowa i kamerka. Osoby konsultujace sie, moga sie wlaczyc do konsultacji, widziec animacje, ewentualnie rozmawiac z konsultantem na 'czacie' lub glosowo, kamerka z konsultantem. Serwer: Obsluga polaczen, obsluga bazy mysql lub postgresql. Cena do uzgodnienia.
Sprawa jest bardzo pilna! Trzeba podłączyć bazę danych do stronki wykonanej w ASP.Net i przedstawienie danych za pomocą rozwijanego drzewa. Wiecej informacji prześlę mailem.
Bir hap eğitim uygulaması düşünüyorum. Ücretli p2p video görüşmeleri ve ücretli yorumların yapılacağı bir mentör-öğrenci platformu olacak. Belirli bir sektör için olacak. Şu anda logo domain vb. kimlikler hazır. Yapısal olarak detayları ayrıca toplantıda görüşebiliriz. Bu uygulama sonrası sürekli bakimi ve geliştirme olacaktır o yüzden uzun süreli bir çalışma ön görüyoruz. Note for foreign freelancers; Fluent Turkish language is a must here. Thank you.
I'm looking for a Photoshop whizz who can create a satirical spoof ad for a local business. The ad is intended for a local free magazine and should be so over-the-top and badly done that it’s funny. Key Components: - The ad should be a trade advert for a local business. - It should use over-the-top exaggeration to convey its humor. - The visuals should incorporate badly edited photos to emphasise the comedic aspect. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Photoshop is crucial. - A knack for visual humour and satire would be beneficial. - Experience with creating print media would be a plus. Please note, the aim is not to offend but to entertain. The ad should look deliberately comically bad, so freelancers with a good understanding of absurdist humour and parody will be at an ...
I am looking for a highly skilled developer to create an advanced SMTP sender tool. The tool should be well-designed and efficient, with the following key features: Spoofing Capabilities: Ability to spoof sender names and email addresses. Header Customization: Support for multiple custom headers in outgoing emails. Link Rotation: Automatically rotate links within email bodies to avoid detection. Sender Name Rotation: Rotate sender names dynamically for each email sent. Performance-Oriented: Must be able to handle high-volume email sending efficiently. Tech Stack: Ideally built in Go, Python, or Node.js for performance and reliability. Requirements: Proven experience with SMTP protocols and email sending systems. Familiarity with email spoofing techniques and header management. Kno...
I'm seeking an experienced developer to create a Telegram chat bot that uses Asterisk. The bot should be able to make calls, capture DTMF tones, and spoof caller IDs. It should also read custom text to the receiver of the call and be capable of placing calls from a spoofed number. Key features should include: - Making calls - Capturing DTMF tones - Spoofing caller ID The bot will only run on the Telegram platform, specifically as a chat bot. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with Asterisk - Proficient in developing Telegram bots - Strong understanding of DTMF tone capture - Ability to implement caller ID spoofing - Experience with text-to-speech technologies
...çekimleri yapacak, profesyonel ekipmana sahip, freelancer fotoğrafçı arıyoruz. Videolar, sosyal medya ve YouTube platformlarında yayınlanacaktır. Bu projede yer almak için yaratıcı ve teknik açıdan yetkin bir arayisimiz mevcuttur. İstenen Nitelikler: * YouTube ve sosyal medya için uygun video formatlarında çekim yapabilen, * Yüksek kaliteli video ekipmanına (kamera, ışıklandırma, ses sistemleri vb.) sahip ve kullanabilen, * Video düzenleme yazılımlarına (Adobe Premiere, CapCut .) hakim, İş Tanımı: * Mimarlarla ve projeleriyle ilgili video çekimlerinin yapılması. * Çekimlerde video ışıklandırma, ses kaydı ve çekim açıları gibi teknik unsurların yönetilmesi. * Çekim sonrası video düze...
I'm looking for a talented developer to create a sophisticated Fivem Spoofer with the ability to spoof IP addresses and hardware IDs. The final product should be compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux. Key Features: - Spoof IP Address: The spoofer should be able to effectively mask the user's actual IP address with a different one. - Spoof Hardware ID: It should also have the capability to change the hardware ID to enhance user anonymity. Additional Requirements: - Multi-platform: The spoofer should work seamlessly across Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. - Customizable Theme: I prefer a design that can be customized with different themes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in C++ and network security. - Prior experience in developing spoofing sof...
MVP Development for Cloud-based Webapp: Project goal Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a cloud-based web application focusing on CAD/CAM software integration on Azure. Scope of work - Develop a full-stack cloud-based web application. - Integrate Autodesk Inventor API or similar CAD/CAM software using .NET SDK. - Implem...CAD/CAM software integration, Autodesk Inventor API usage, or cloud-based web applications. Experience with .NET SDK for CAD integration and automating design tasks is highly desirable. Additional information will be share post service is selected Frontend framework React.js, AngularJS Backend framework Flask, Django, Spring Programming language Python, C#, HTML & CSS, JavaScript, VB Developer expertise Security, Databases, ...
I have a simple VB .NET project that I need converted into C# .NET. The project should be well-structured and the conversion should focus on improving the code's readability. The work will be done on my system via AnyDesk or a similar tool. Skills and Experience Needed: - Proficiency in both VB .NET and C# .NET - Strong understanding of code readability principles - Experience with remote desktop tools like AnyDesk - Ability to deliver well-structured code
I'm looking to create a standardized email template in Outlook. The template will permit users to insert specific fields while keeping the rest of the content fixed. Your role will be to outline the whole process for setting it up whether using VB or other method . But it needs to be a process native to Outlook Microsoft office (external apps will not work due to security policy) Key Components: - Fields for User Insertion: The user should be able to input Text, Number, and Date fields in both the email body and the subject header. - Template Design: The layout, text, and fonts must remain consistent throughout the template. Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of Microsoft Outlook - Experience in creating email templates - Ability to clearly outline and explain tech...
I'm looking to create a standardized email template in Outlook. The template will permit users to insert specific fields while keeping the rest of the content fixed. Your role will be to outline the whole process for setting it up whether using VB or other method . But it needs to be a process native to Outlook Microsoft office (external apps will not work due to security policy) Key Components: - Fields for User Insertion: The user should be able to input Text, Number, and Date fields in both the email body and the subject header. - Template Design: The layout, text, and fonts must remain consistent throughout the template. Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of Microsoft Outlook - Experience in creating email templates - Ability to clearly outline and explain tech...
Merhaba 1 dakikalık bir videoda bina çevresi drone ile çekilmiştir. Bina sınırları dışında kalan yerlerin maskelenerek ağaç vb doğal bir alan görünümü sağlanması talep edilmektedir.
İŞ İLANI Prodüksiyon Sorumlusu Aranıyor! Eğlence temalı video çekimlerimiz için, 4 günde bir gerçekleştirilecek projelerde çalışacak Prodüksiyon Sorumlusu arıyoruz. Tüm prodüksiyon sürecini baştan sona organize edebilecek, ekipman ve malzemeleri ayarlayacak, sahada aktif destek verecek bir ekip arkadaşı arıyoruz. Görev Tanımı: Çekim düzeneklerinin (ör. kırılmaz cam, dev cezalı Jenga, yarışmalar vb.) hazırlanması ve kurulumu, Gerekli ekipman ve malzemelerin temini, taşınması ve yönetimi, Çekim alanının hazırlanması ve düzenlenmesi, Çekim sırasında tüm operasyonel işlerin yönetimi. Aranan Nitelikler: Prodüksiyon süreçlerinde tecrübeli veya hızlı &o...
I need an experienced ASP.... This file and the accompanying vb code can be found in the attachment. There are eight files that the user may download and it is hard-coded that these files are called: • • • • • • • • I would like to retain the first two, delete the other six and add two new ones: • • Changes in the files available to download would impact a couple of other pages as well: and ManageSubscriptions.aspx. These files and their accompanying vb code are also in the attachment.
I'm looking for a professional with solid experience in writing unit tests using MStest for my Asp.Net web application. The project is built using VB and framework 4.8.1. Key Areas for Unit Tests: - Business Logic - Data Access Layer - User Interface I need someone to write all the unit tests from scratch. Fortunately, I have detailed documentation available for the functionalities, so you won't be starting from scratch. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in VB and Asp.Net - Extensive experience with MStest - Ability to write comprehensive unit tests from scratch - Good understanding of business logic, data access layers and user interfaces - Familiarity with interpreting detailed project documentation
I'm looking for a professional with extensive experience in Microsoft Access to help upgrade our existing 32-bit database to a 64-bit version. The main purpose of this upgrade is to enhance compatibility with our operating system and eliminate ongoing issues. Key Requirements: - Upgrade the database to 64-bit - Ensure the new version wor...compatibility issues - Prior experience with database security measures - Excellent troubleshooting skills for potential compatibility issues with third-party software or database files. Please note: The key goal of this project is to eliminate current compatibility issues. Copy of existing DB and forms will be provided. Deliverable is a full copy of replacement database, forms and associated VB/.Net code. Data migration not required...
- Müşteri talepleri doğrultusunda özgün ve yaratıcı logo tasarımları oluşturmak, - Tasarımlarınızın markanın kimliğini ve değerlerini en iyi şekilde yansıtmasını sağlamak, - Grafik tasarım araçları (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop vb.) kullanarak logo tasarımlarını dijital ortamda geliştirmek, - Farklı sektörlere ait markalar için yaratıcı ve özgün çözümler üretmek, - Müşteri geri bildirimlerine göre gerekli revizyonları yapmak ve tasarımları tamamlamak, - Tasarımların tüm medya platformlarında etkili bir şekilde kullanılabilir olmasını sağlamak.
Étude de la configuration d'ARP Inspection sur un switch Cisco • Objectif : Analyser et configurer Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) sur un switch Cisco et observer son impact sur les communications du réseau. • Compétences : Configuration de switch Cisco, ARP Inspection, VLAN, Commandes CLI Cisco. • Tâches : • Configurer un switch Cisco en mode Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI). • Créer un réseau avec plusieurs périphériques (ordinateurs, serveurs, routeurs) et VLANs. • Activer DAI sur les ports où les périphériques se connectent et observer comment le switch inspecte et valide les requêtes ARP. • Analyser les logs du switch pour voir les détai...
I am looking for a freelancer experienced in VB Audio VoiceMeeter, Zoom, and OBS Studio to help me set up audio routing between two applications. The task involves configuring VoiceMeeter to capture audio from one app and seamlessly transmit it to another. Requirements: Proven experience with VB Audio VoiceMeeter (or similar audio routing tools). Familiarity with Zoom and OBS Studio audio configurations. Ability to troubleshoot and optimize audio quality for live use. Good communication skills to provide clear guidance or remote setup assistance. Details of the Task: Set up VoiceMeeter to route audio from App A (e.g., WhatsApp Desktop) to App B (e.g., Zoom). Ensure both input and output audio streams are clear and without feedback or delays. Provide instructions or support... • Strong portfolio showcasing a range of projects and design skills. • Understanding of user-centered design principles and best practices. • Experience in creating responsive designs and working with design systems. • Basic knowledge of HTML/CSS (preferred, not mandatory). • Excellent communication and problem-solving skills. Skills Must Have: • Color Combination knowledge • Made ARP System (Eg: Dashboard, CRM, Admin Panel) • Had Worked with Storyline. • How Social Media graphics works and have knowledge of it. • Make Designs according to the Content. • Have knowledge of making Cartoon Character with the help of Sketching. What We Offer: • Opportunity to work on diverse and innovative proje...
...Ücretlendirme: • Sizin durumunuza göre aylık belirli bir sabit ücret. • Performansa bağlı olarak iş başı prim şansı (ek kazanç imkanı). • Hakkıyla çalışmanız durumunda 7 haneli kazanç elde etme fırsatı sunuyoruz. Bu tamamen sizin eforunuza bağlıdır. Aradığımız Nitelikler: • Bilgisayar işleri konusunda tecrübeli. • Instagram yönetimi konusunda yetenekli (içerik bulma, içerik üretme, fotoğraf paylaşma vb.). • Çok yönlü, hızlı ve adaptasyon yeteneği yüksek. İş İçin Örnek Tanımlar: • Instagram için belirlenen içerikleri bulmak, paylaşmak ve yönetmek. • Belirli projelerde tasarım üretimi (örneğin: “3 ade...
MVP Development for Cloud-based Webapp: Project goal Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a cloud-based web application focusing on CAD/CAM software integration on Azure. Scope of work - Develop a full-stack cloud-based web application. - Integrate Autodesk Inventor API or similar CAD/CAM software using .NET SDK. - Implement ...projects involving CAD/CAM software integration, Autodesk Inventor API usage, or cloud-based web applications. Experience with .NET SDK for CAD integration and automating design tasks is highly desirable. Additional information will be share post service is selected Frontend framework React.js, AngularJS Backend framework Flask, Django, Spring Programming language Python, C#, HTML & CSS, JavaScript, VB Developer expertise Security, Databases, ...
I need a skilled VB developer to integrate SUNMI POS into my VB application to handle sales transactions. The specific requirements for this project include: - Implementation of the SUNMI POS to facilitate sales transactions within the VB application. - Enabling the receipt printing feature of the SUNMI POS. - Configuring the integration for receipts to be printed using a Dot matrix printer. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with VB application development and SUNMI POS integration. Familiarity with Dot matrix printers and receipt printing software is a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal.
Étude de la configuration d'ARP Inspection sur un switch Cisco • Objectif : Analyser et configurer Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI) sur un switch Cisco et observer son impact sur les communications du réseau. • Compétences : Configuration de switch Cisco, ARP Inspection, VLAN, Commandes CLI Cisco. • Tâches : • Configurer un switch Cisco en mode Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI). • Créer un réseau avec plusieurs périphériques (ordinateurs, serveurs, routeurs) et VLANs. • Activer DAI sur les ports où les périphériques se connectent et observer comment le switch inspecte et valide les requêtes ARP. • Analyser les logs du switch pour voir les détai...
...fonksiyonları kesinlikle olmak zorundadır. Yukarıda belirtilen 4 fonksiyon dışında projenize özel en az 2 farklı işleve sahip fonksiyon daha kullanmanız gerekmektedir. Bu durumda kullanıcı menüsünde en az 6 işlem seçimi olacaktır. o Fonksiyonlar 3-4 satırlık basit işlemler değil daha kapsamlı önemli işleri yürütmek için hazırlanacaktır. Örn: Elektrik faturalarının hesaplanması, Maaş zamlarının belirlenmesi vb. - - Projede yapılan işlemlerinin aktif olarak kullanılabildiği bir menü tasarlanmalıdır. Ana menüye dönüş, çıkış ve diğer işlemler arasındaki geçişler sağlanmalıdır. Menü kullanım kolaylığına özen gösterilmelidir. Projede giriş/çıkış işlemleri, dinamik bellek fonksiyonla...
...for others. While prank calls can be fun in the right context, they can also be disruptive or harmful if taken too far. Here’s a general overview of how to prank call using some popular apps, along with important guidelines to ensure it’s all in good fun: 1. Using Prank Call Apps: There are several apps designed specifically for prank calling. These apps usually allow you to change your voice, spoof the caller ID, or even play pre-recorded messages. PrankDial: This is a popular app for prank calls. You can choose from a variety of prerecorded messages to send to a friend or someone else. SpoofCard: This app lets you change your voice and disguise your phone number, so it appears as though you are calling from a different number. Call Voice Changer: This app allows y...
I have some source files and need a programmer who can guide me in converting these into a Windows application. I don't know in which programming language these files were written . Not much is known about the additional functionalities of the application as of now,...programmer who can guide me in converting these into a Windows application. I don't know in which programming language these files were written . Not much is known about the additional functionalities of the application as of now, so it's essential that the programmer can provide guidance on what could be incorporated based on the source files. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in C++, VB - Experience in Windows application development - Ability to provide clear, comprehensible guidance ...
I'm looking for a talented Full Stack Frontend Developer who can help support an existing team for frontend development of existing web app functionalities such as registration , login, forget password etc. MVP Development for Cloud-based Webapp: Project goal Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)...CAD/CAM software integration, Autodesk Inventor API usage, or cloud-based web applications. Experience with .NET SDK for CAD integration and automating design tasks is highly desirable. Additional information will be share post service is selected Frontend framework React.js, AngularJS Backend framework Flask, Django, Spring Programming language Python, C#, HTML & CSS, JavaScript, VB Developer expertise Security, Databases, Source control I look forward...
C# ile hazırlanmış bir desktop restoran uygulamasının Yemek Sepeti, Getir Yemek, Trendyol Yemek sistemleri ile ; 1. Tüm detayları ile Ürünlerin gönderilmesi , 2. Sipariş bilgilerinin çekilmesi (ürün, müşteri vb.), 3. Sipariş tahsilat bilgilerinin çekilmesi, entegrasyonlarının yapılması. Entegrasyon örnek bir veri tabanın üzerinden yapılacaktır. Örnek veri tabanında; 1.Ürün tablosu, 2.Müşteri tablosu ş tablosu tablosu olacaktır. Tablolardaki alanlar ihtiyaca göre belirlenecektir. Yemek Sepeti, Getir Yemek, Trendyol Yemek sisitemleri ile entegrasyon tecrübesi olan kişiler tercih sebebidir.
...Sosyal medya trendlerini takip ederek izleyici kitlesini genişletecek yaratıcı projeler oluşturmak • Videoların izlenme ve etkileşim oranlarını analiz ederek içerik stratejilerini optimize etmek • Emlak sektörü ile ilgili bilgileri video içeriğine dönüştürmek, izleyicilerle etkileşim kurmak Aradığımız Nitelikler: • Video prodüksiyonu ve düzenlemesi konusunda deneyim (Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro vb.) • YouTube algoritmalarını ve içerik stratejisini anlama • Emlak sektörü hakkında temel bilgi ve tutku • Yaratıcı düşünme, problem çözme ve özgün içerikler üretme becerisi • İyi derecede yazılı ve sözlü iletişim becerileri ...