Adhesion definition biology waterprojekty


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    2,000 adhesion definition biology water ofert prac znalezionych

    O firmie: Firma Wordfall zajmuje się produkcją i wynajmem wyjątkowych wodnych maszyn dla branży event-owej i reklamowej. Maszyny są na tyle unikalne, że pewnych rozwiązań z naszego portfolio nie oferuje nikt inny na świecie. A nawet jak oferuje, to gorsze. To powoduje, że z naszych usług...(1-2 razy na kwartał) Wymagania: Bardzo dobra znajomość jednego z języków: niemiecki, francuski, hiszpański, włoski, arabski, rosyjski. Dobra znajomość języka angielskiego lub innych języków jest silnym atutem Doświadczenie w pracy na podobnym stanowisku Samodzielność Doświadczenie w tłumaczeniu dokumentów będzie ogromnym plusem. PROSIMY O APLIKACJĘ PRZEZ FORMULARZ NA STRONIE INTERNETOWEJ:

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Wymagany język napisanej aplikacji: Python Model obiektu: zbiornik z wodą z jednym wlewem i wylewem Program ma przyjmować dane wejściowe takie jak: oczekiwana wyso...jednym wlewem i wylewem Program ma przyjmować dane wejściowe takie jak: oczekiwana wysokość słupa cieczy, czas, itp. Mają być one wprowadzane przez konsolę. Program ma na wyjściu porównać dane otrzymane przez PID i fuzzyPID w postaci wykresu. Wykres ma być przedstawiony przy użyciu matplotlib. Required language of application: Python Model of an object: water tank with one inlet and one outlet App is supposed to take input data like: water height, time, etc. These have to be passed into console App is supposed to compare data received by PID and fuzzyPID in a chart. The chart is supposed to be created in ...

    $420 Average bid
    $420 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    Projekt obejmuje przygotowanie logotypu dla linii produktów. Produkty to urządzenia do filtracji wody. Logo powinno zawierać jedno słowo "Prime". Powinno zawierać element lub elementy graficzne kojarzące się z wodą lub nawiązywać kształtem do fali. Może nawiązywać do innego firmowego loga "Water Star", które przesyłam w załączeniu. Logo widziałbym w dwóch wariantach tj modernistycznym (nowoczesnym) oraz drugim tradycyjnym i ekskluzywnym (czcionka jak pismo odręczne lub podobny styl).

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert

    Posiadam Prostą aplikację RoR, którą próbuję przenieść na serwery AWS. - Mam skonfigurowaną bazę danych na Amazon RDS - Mam skonfigurowane repozytorium dockera, uruchamiające się lokalnie bez problemów Mam skonfigurowane Cluster, Service i Task Definition oraz Repozytorium na ECS Gdzieś w powyższych konfiguracjach widnieje błąd, przez co mimo że AWS oznacza wszystkie serwisy jako działające, otworzenie przeglądarki pod adresem serwera nie pozostawia wątpliwości, że usługa nie działa. Zadanie polega na dokończeniu konfiguracji i udokumentowaniu w którym miejscu był błąd.

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 składanie ofert

    Szukam wykonawcy grafik do wycinania na ploterze frezującym lub water jet, Grafiki inspirowane tradycyjnymi wzorami etnograficznymi rosyjskimi, Grafiki przeznaczone do wykorzystania na podświetlane panele ścienne, sufitowe. Grafiki będą wycinane w arkuszu o wymiarze 120 x 60 cm, muszą być dostosowane do tego rozmiaru Warunek współpracy: prawa autorskie przechodzą na zleceniodawce, zakaz publikacji w jakiejkolwiek formie. Proszę o podanie propozycji cenowej za 1 szt grafiki oraz orientacyjny czas wykonania. W razie pytań o szczegóły proszę o kontakt mailowy biuro@

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    posiadam system 6 programów napisanych w Clipperze 5.2 (mam dostęp do pełnych źródeł) zależy mi na przekompilowaniu za pośrednictwem dowolnego narzędzia (sugeruje darmowy HMG - opis dostępny ) w teorii powinno się dać to zrobić w przysłowiowe 5 min ale pojawiają się problemy typu (multiple definition of ...) czekam na oferty najchętniej osób mające doświadczenie w przenoszeniu programów z clippera do windows

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...- umożliwi tworzenie e-albumów w formie książki elektronicznej. Na tle konkurencyjnych rozwiązań aplikacja umożliwi dowolne kreowanie wyglądu e-albumu poprzez narzędzia online - możliwe wdrożenie w formie aplikacji HTML5 / CSS3 lub Adobe FLASH Moduł integracji z systemami przygotowania do druku - umożliwi integrację procesu przekazywania e-albumów w formacie elektronicznym PDF / JDF (Job Definition Format), gotowym do produkcji dla wybranych drukarni - na bazie wcześniej utworzonego e-albumu online. Moduł do automatycznej budowy interaktywnej mapy zdjęć - umożliwi wydobywanie ze zdjęć informacji o lokalizacji ich wykonania. Na bazie wydobytych danych moduł będzie umożliwiał utworzenie e-albumu z oznaczeniem lokalizacji wykonanych zdjęć na mapach (przeglądani...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...trzy, które musimy wybrać jednocześnie - TO KLUCZOWA FUNKJONALNOŚĆ WYSZUKIWARKI Adresy dostawy i faktury nadal rozjechane Przy próbie podejrzenia faktury nadal FPDF error: Could not include font definition file Przy zamówieniu cały czas pojawia się opakowanie ozdobne i opakowanie ekologiczne Przy płatności przelewem proszę usunąć tekst "dostawa może potrwać dłużej" Proszę przy przesyłce kurierskiej zablokować możliwość zapłać przy odbiorze - przesyłkę kurierską pobraniową zrobię jako osobny sposób dostawy. Przy potwierdzaniu zamówienia komunikat FPDF error: Could not include font definition file Proszę o rozszerzenie ilości znaków w nazwie produktów tak, aby na liście mogła się znaleźć cała nazwa " CONTINENTAL...

    $61 Average bid
    $61 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert MEDIUM (10 kr.) MEDIUM (50 kr.) MEDIUM (10 kr.) MEDIUM (38 kr.) SMALL (30 kr.) SMALL (30 kr.) SMALL (30 kr.) SMALL (30 kr.) SMALL (30 kr.) Pozdrawiam!

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, Zlece wykonywanie prac z zakresu HNC Applied Chemistry Przyklad: Assignment Task: Research the following topics: -Electrolysis of molten salts -Electrolysis of aqueous ionic solutions -Products at the anode and cathode -Oxidation and reduction equations -Find out about the role of water in electrolysis and the meaning of overvoltage itd. pelny Assignment wysle emailem lub przez Skype Oczekuje wypelnienia pelnych zadan na minimum PASS Wszystkie odpowiedzi mozna znalezc w internecie z wiedza chemiczna i znajomoscia jezyka angielskiego. Przyznam sie szczerze ze poprostu nie mam czasu na odrabianie lekcji. Wspolpraca bedzie mozliwa przez 2lata. Mozliwosc otrzymywania zadan co tydzien! Na nie ktore zadania dla osoby znajacej sie w temacie moze to zajac max 1h. ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...gramatycznie, jakościowo i merytorycznie. Mile widziana kreatywność i oryginalne ujecie tematu. Na stronie już są teksty edukacyjno - rozrywkowe, np: Chciałbym teksty typu entertainment/funny/interesting, np. Does bong size matter ? Yes it does! badz Practice makes perfect. How to roll a joint. Można wspomnieć o celebrity bongs/joints, czyli o takich

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę pozycjonowanie strony na hasła: balustrady cięcie wodą orurowania Water Jet orurowanie samochodowe balustrady producent Interesuje mnie pierwsza 10 i cena za 1 dzień top 10. Tylko na fakturę szczegóły na email

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    40122 Animacje
    Zakończone left

    Jeżeli potrafisz wykonać animację na poziomie podobnym do przedstawionych poniżej napisz do mnie mam dla Ciebie zlecenie... YouTube - Cool CG Fluid Morphing with RealFlow YouTube - 3d Studio Max Animation YouTube - Magic Water Realflow 4 (Fluid Simulation) YouTube - particulas YouTube - 3DsMax 9 particle simulation YouTube - Thinking Particles Morph Test 01 YouTube - Soldier to dust YouTube - Krakatoa Test YouTube - 3D Studio Max - Particle Flow with the famous teapot YouTube - realflow

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Licytacja dotyczy wypozycjonowania na pierwszej stronie wyników google 2 stron. 1. Strona Pozycjonujemy na słowa "waterjet, water-jet, water jet, cięcie wodą" z głównym naciskiem na waterjet. 2. Strona Pozycjonujemy na te same słowa z głównym naciskiem na cięcie wodą. Konkurencja jest dość niewielka, więc powinniśmy dość łatwo wskoczyć na pierwszą stronę wyników. PROSZE O KONKRETNE OFERTY CENOWE. Podałem wszystkie informacje które wystarczą na przygotowanie wyceny. Aukcje "do negocjacji" będę ignorował.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam serdecznie, Zlecę wykonanie strony dla radia inetrnetowego. Wymagam tylko rzetelnej, sprawnej i uczciwej współpracy. Zależy mi aby jako tło strony był jeden obrazek, który będę sobie mógł co jakiś czas zmieniać. Oto kilka wytycznych co do wykonania strony radia: 1. Całą grafikę radia zastąpi jedna wielka tapeta na cały ekran. Np. ta lub inna. Raz w tygodniu będziemy ją wymieniać, lub np. raz w miesiącu 2. Na środku tapety lub w którymś z górnych rogów umieścimy duży okrągły guzik PLAY z bezpośrednim odnośnikiem do włączania odtwarzania muzyki. Ma to byc coś w tym stylu: 3. gdzieś muśimy umieścić widoczne

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Licytacja dotyczy wypozycjonowania na pierwszej stronie wyników google strony Pozycjonujemy na słowa "waterjet, water-jet, cięcie wodą".

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Do przygotowania jest logo dla firmy handlującej maszynami. Główna nazwa firmy to "WATER-JET". Prawdopodobnie dojdzie do niej jeszcze słowo "Poland" lub "SYSTEMS Poland", jeszcze nie wiadomo. Logo powinno być proste, czytelne i nowoczesne. Proszę o oferty tylko od osób które zajmują się projektowaniem logo na co dzień. Po zalicytowaniu proszę o przesłanie swojego portfolio na adres

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    1417 Program w Javie
    Zakończone left

    Here is your task – develop a system to help Betsy manage her till. Being a bit of a Java Guru, Betsy has already written some code. In particular her code enables the system to save everything from one run to the next. She has a...give back. 5. The getBalance method tells her what is left in the till and how much money she made during the day You need to implement these classes and any others that you need. However in order not to break the save facility, you must make sure that when you add new classes, each must “import*;” and must include “implements Serializable” after the class name definition as in the following: e.g. class Person implements Serializable Your code should be well designed, be readable, be well commented and nicely...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...absorbed very quickly leaving skin feeling fresh and firm. Handy dispensers allow easy hygienic usage and thermo-isolated packaging enables safe long-term storage. It also guarantees that the collagen reaches the client in perfect untouched condition. Collagen, as a complex molecule, does not naturally penetrate deep into the skin but a protective film is formed on its surface, which prevents water evaporation. This way it moisturises easily and its fragmented particles together with the polypeptides and amino acids can penetrate deep into the skin to become a building material of natural collagen. Additionally, the liquid that is used for protein extraction enables natural synthesis to occur in the skin. To guarantee the best production quality, tests have been conducted i...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...absorbed very quickly leaving skin feeling fresh and firm. Handy dispensers allow easy hygienic usage and thermo-isolated packaging enables safe long-term storage. It also guarantees that the collagen reaches the client in perfect untouched condition. Collagen, as a complex molecule, does not naturally penetrate deep into the skin but a protective film is formed on its surface, which prevents water evaporation. This way it moisturises easily and its fragmented particles together with the polypeptides and amino acids can penetrate deep into the skin to become a building material of natural collagen. Additionally, the liquid that is used for protein extraction enables natural synthesis to occur in the skin. To guarantee the best production quality, tests have been conducted i...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...Specializing in Plastics/Polymers Markets Specializing in Membranes/Separations Markets Specializing in Instruments/Sensors Markets Specializing in Information Technology Markets (includes IT, Banking, Communications, Computers, Discrete Electronic Devices and Systems) is seeking a contract writer(s) who can research and write market research reports analyzing Environmental Mitigation markets (Waste, Water, Air, Land) Specializing in Life Sciences including Biotechnology and Healthcare Specializing in Chemical Industries Markets Specializing in Advanced Materials (includes Ceramics, Composites, Electronic Materials, Nanotechnologies, Optics, SMT/Coatings) Wszelkie pytania kierowac na maila. Przemek1983a@ Pozdrawiam Przemysław...

    $2 - $2037
    $2 - $2037
    0 składanie ofert

    I'm in urgent need of a professional engineer skilled in FEA simulation. The project involves: - Creating simple model of the part. (Acrylic) - Conducting structural analysis using FEA within Inventor Please include in your application: - Your experience with Autodesk Inventor - Your FEA experience - Any past projects related to engineering water tanks Time is of the essence, and I need this project completed today. I have the software and experience to complete myself. I have done said simulations before. This project will take between 1 or 2 hrs together. If you complete this project well, I have other FEA projects available.

    $99 Average bid
    $99 Średnia Oferta:
    17 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an expert to help me design an electronic thermos flask. This flask should be able to heat or boil water at the press of a button. Key aspects of the project include: - Feasibility Research: I need a thorough analysis of the cost implications and electrical components required for this project. - Design: You'll need to prepare both an electrical and an aesthetic design for the thermos. The efficiency of heating is the most crucial factor for the design. - Material Selection: The choice of materials for the exterior of the thermos should be based on feasibility. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in product design and engineering, particularly with heating devices. Experience with induction heating and knowledge of cost-...

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert need of a detailed site plan for a new commercial metal building being constructed in a flood plain. The site plan needs to encompass a variety of important elements: - Utilities: The plan must include provisions for the following utilities: - Electrical service - Water supply - Gas line - Sewer - Storm Water - Sewer Plan: A comprehensive sewer plan is needed to ensure proper waste disposal and management. - Storm Water Plan: Given the building's location in a flood plain, a well-conceived storm water plan is paramount to mitigate potential flooding issues and to comply with local flood-specific regulations. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in site planning and a thorough understanding of flood-spec...

    $391 Average bid
    $391 Średnia Oferta:
    59 składanie ofert
    Ui animation -- 2
    6 dni left

    Project Overview I need a high-definition UI animation that showcases the front-end experience of our SAAS product. The animation will demonstrate how our AI-powered conversational search technology works on an e-commerce website. This animation will be used on our marketing website to visually explain the product’s functionality and appeal. Key Deliverables 1. UI Animation • Create a high-definition animated demonstration of the product’s functionality on a mock e-commerce website. • The animation should be engaging, visually polished, and seamless. It should showcase the conversational search technology in action. 2. Mock E-commerce Website Design • For the animation, use a mock website designed to look like a modern, fashion-focused e-commer...

    $44 Average bid
    $44 Średnia Oferta:
    28 składanie ofert

    I am seeking a professional with experience in creating commercial electrical plans to assist with preparing my partial plans for power distribution. This is for a permit. The project is to power pool motors for (2) water features and (8) LEED lights. The power source is an existing panel on site. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in electrical design for commercial buildings - Familiarity with Florida's permitting process - Ability to work with and update existing plans.

    $52 / hr Average bid
    $52 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert
    Ui animation
    6 dni left

    Project Overview I need a high-definition UI animation that showcases the front-end experience of our SAAS product. The animation will demonstrate how our AI-powered conversational search technology works on an e-commerce website. This animation will be used on our marketing website to visually explain the product’s functionality and appeal. Key Deliverables 1. UI Animation • Create a high-definition animated demonstration of the product’s functionality on a mock e-commerce website. • The animation should be engaging, visually polished, and seamless. It should showcase the conversational search technology in action. 2. Mock E-commerce Website Design • For the animation, use a mock website designed to look like a modern, fashion-focused e-commer...

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    52 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a designer to create a digital design for a native food and gardening theme. This de...native food and gardening theme. This design will be printed on t-shirts, aprons, and tea towels as advertising merchandise. Key elements to include: - Native foods - Cultural symbols - Our logos for both Yield Lot 7 and Little Bush Kitchen The overall theme should be traditional, so a design that echoes traditional aesthetics would be ideal. The preferred style for the illustrations is digital or water colour. Ideal candidates should have: - Experience in merchandise design - A strong portfolio in traditional-themed digital design - Ability to incorporate specific logos into the design - Excellent understanding of using cultural symbols and native foods in a respectful and...

    $119 Average bid
    242 zgłoszenia

    I'm looking for a seasoned professional, with expertise in design and engineering, to help with the overall design of a water jet cleaning machine. The machine should be: - Waterproof - Aesthetically pleasing - Sturdy and durable - Simple in construction The ideal candidate will not only have a strong background in technical design, but will also be able to ensure manufacturing feasibility. Experience in creating designs that are both functional and appealing is crucial. This project will involve working on the overall design of the machine, so you're expected to have a comprehensive understanding of design principles.

    $133 Average bid
    $133 Średnia Oferta:
    38 składanie ofert
    Lush Green Rooftop Oasis
    6 dni left

    I'm seeking a landscape designer...bustle of the city below. Key Project Elements: - Design a 'natural and wild' style rooftop garden. This should not be overly manicured, but instead have a wild, organic feel to it. - Incorporate water features into the design. This could be anything from a small pond, a fountain, or a simple water bowl for birds. The sound of water should add to the peaceful ambiance of the space. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in landscape design, particularly with rooftop gardens. - Strong understanding of creating 'natural and wild' style landscapes. - Proven track record of successfully incorporating water features into designs. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed when bidding. ...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert

    ...bills like electricity/water bills etc. Development and implementation of large-scale Indian e-governance systems in web and mobile platform with features similar to Kerala's "Akshaya Centers". Aim is to deliver a centralized system of digital and e-governance services to the public through a chain of affiliated service centers. These centers act as one-stop solutions for various government and non-government services, promoting digital inclusion and improving access to essential services in rural and urban areas alike. Key Features Required: 1. E-Governance Services: a) Issue of certificates like income, caste, and domicile. b) Filing tax returns, birth/death registration, and land records. 2. Digital and Utility Services: a) Bill payments for electricity, ...

    $3075 Average bid
    $3075 Średnia Oferta:
    53 składanie ofert

    ...Animations: Including attack, defense, and evasive maneuvers. - Walking/Running Animations: Different speeds, terrains and styles. - Jumping Animations: Various heights and styles of jumps. - Dying Animations: Realistic and game-appropriate death sequences. - Interacting with Objects Animations: Picking up, throwing, using objects. - Swimming Animations: Different strokes and speeds for various water scenarios. - Climbing Animations: Scaling different types of surfaces. I'm also looking for a lot more animations to be used in Carrers such as any and all animations i would need for a farmer ect The ideal candidate for this project would have: - Extensive experience in character animation for games. - A strong understanding of different animation styles. - Ability to creat...

    $3368 Average bid
    $3368 Średnia Oferta:
    28 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a professional graphic designer skilled in minimalist design for a logo for my home services contracting business. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in creating minimalist logos. - Understanding of the home services industry. - Strong portfolio showcasing modern design aesthetics. I would appreciate a designer who can transla...ideal candidate will have a keen eye for design and a knack for creating visually appealing, easy-to-recognize logos. The attached file is an example of what I’m looking for. We are an Eco friendly soft wash contractor that works with residential and commercial customers. I like the circular design and the blue and green colors that highlight the eco friendly nature of what we do. I also like the water drop. Our name is actual...

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Średnia Oferta:
    76 składanie ofert

    I need a Spring Core expert for my project. I have some unanswered questions regarding Dependency Injection, Aspect-Oriented Programming, and Bean Definition. Your task would also involve improving code maintainability and simplifying configuration management. The application I'm building is an Enterprise Application. Ideal skills include: - Extensive experience with Spring Core - Strong understanding of Dependency Injection, Aspect-Oriented Programming, and Bean Definition - Ability to improve code maintainability - Expertise in simplifying configuration management - Experience in building Enterprise Applications

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    14 składanie ofert

    ...(already built only a front end). - Any notes, annotations, and bookmarks are displayed on the right-hand side, and any context information is displayed in the left-hand side approximate to the text highlighted or investigated by the user. - Context information 1: Provide a set of recommended papers based on the selected text using genAI (already built). - Context information 2: Provide word definition in the context of the given paper using genAI (already built). - Context information 3: Reduce reference navigation (already built). - Establishing and manipulating notes, annotations, and paper relationships for an overall overview (partially built). - The extension should allow the export (in Microsoft Word format) and integration of notes (in Word processes) (partially built). -...

    $98 Average bid
    Wyróżniony Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $98 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    I'm in the conceptual stage of designing a new, battery-powered hot pack aimed at replacing the traditional hot water-based packs used in clinics. Key Features of the Hot Pack: - It should utilize hot filament/tube based heating similar to oil-filled radiator heating pads, ensuring uniform heat distribution across the body surface. - The design must prioritize patient safety and compliance with medical standards. Scope of Work: - Product design: I need a professional who can assist in turning this concept into a feasible product. - Patent filing: It's crucial that we protect this unique idea, so I require assistance in filing for the necessary patents. - Manufacturing processes: Your expertise will be needed to develop a plan for how to manufacture this hot pack at scale...

    $523 - $1046
    Ukryte Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $523 - $1046
    26 składanie ofert

    ...maximizing parking spaces, while also incorporating appealing and functional landscaping features. Key Project Aspects: - Parking Design: The plan should prioritize maximization of parking spaces for cars. Design should take into account ease of access and traffic flow within the parking area. - Landscaping: The plan should include the creation of green spaces and lawns, as well as the incorporation of water features like fountains and outdoor seating areas. The landscaping should not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the project, but also provide functional outdoor spaces. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Civil engineering or landscape architecture background - Proven experience in commercial project planning - Knowledge of effective parking space maximization strategies - Cr...

    $145 - $434
    $145 - $434
    14 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a skilled professional for the design and analysis of a comprehensive water network. This will encompass a potable water distribution system, a wastewater collection system, and a stormwater drainage system. Key Responsibilities: - Design of the potable water distribution network - Analysis of the entire water network - Implementation of design elements such as pipe sizing and layout, pressure management, and WaterCAD design Essential Skills: - Proficiency in WaterCAD and relevant design software - Experience in potable water distribution and wastewater network design - Knowledge of stormwater drainage systems Please include in your proposal your previous experience with similar projects and any relevant certifications.

    $459 Average bid
    $459 Średnia Oferta:
    37 składanie ofert

    i need to draw a water waves... i have the demo to ricreate...

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Średnia Oferta:
    81 składanie ofert

    I need a logo for my sports podcast, 'The Cooler Guys'. The podcast has a fun and light-hearted tone, so I'm looking for a logo that is cartoonish and fun. Key elements to include: - A water jug: This is a nod to the name of the podcast and the typical office cooler. - Sport-related icons: As a sports podcast, incorporating various sport-related symbols would be ideal. - A Microphone: This represents the podcasting aspect. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a strong portfolio in cartoonish and fun designs, with experience in creating logos. Understanding of sports and podcasting culture will be a plus. I am seeking a designer who can deliver a modern and sleek logo with a playful twist.

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Średnia Oferta:
    117 składanie ofert

    I need a professional logo designed for my water bottle brand. The style should be minimalistic, with elements including water droplets, bottle imagery, and text. Key Requirements: - Design a minimalist logo that incorporates water droplets and bottle imagery, alongside the brand's text. - Use a blue and white color scheme to reflect the brand's identity. - Have a strong portfolio in logo design, particularly in the minimalist style. - Experience in working with beverage-related brands is a plus.

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Średnia Oferta:
    42 składanie ofert FROM product $where"); $result = $command->queryAll(); Potential Causes: Missing Variable Definition: The $where variable might not be properly defined or assigned a value before it's used in the SQL query. Configuration Issue: The migration from cPanel to DirectAdmin might have caused configuration changes that affect how variables are handled within the application. Technical Skills Required: Proficiency in PHP 7 development Experience with the framework Understanding of database queries and variable scoping in PHP Project Deliverables: A fully functional website with the variable not found error resolved. Identification of the root cause of the issue (missing variable definition or configuration issue). Any necessary code modifications or configur...

    $92 Average bid
    $92 Średnia Oferta:
    32 składanie ofert

    ...futuristic looking environment. There are orbs floating in the air the number of these orbs represents what hour it is. and these orbs are floating above a pond where when a second passes we see a random water ripple in the pond. and on top of the pond floats a flower like structure with 60 petals where petals grow one by one every minute. so if the time is currently 14:23 we have 14 orbs floating 23 petals on the flower like structure and each second that passes we can see a water ripple in the pond. it need to include cool animations for how the petals grow and disappear and same thing for the water ripples in the pond and the spawning of the orbs in the air and there disappearing and the lightning changes based on the tie of the day (day, night, sunset, sunrise ...

    $148 Average bid
    $148 Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    I need a realistic photomontage with good definition, which represents a woman sitting in front of her birthday cake in the center and behind the woman, along the entire space of the image, a series of people (the guests at the party). The woman must have the face of the photo that I will send to the person who will create the project. The guests are Italian murderers and TV presenters who deal with crimes. The freelancer will have to search for photos of the faces of these people on the web based on the list I provide below, to use their faces by transforming them into the guests who are around the birthday girl. Attention: on the left half side of the image (up to the center) there must be the TV presenters and above them there must be a festive banner with the words “buon c...

    $41 Average bid
    $41 Średnia Oferta:
    41 składanie ofert

    I need someone to come and tighten some bolts under my kitchen sink. The bolts and fittings are made of metal. Currently, there is no water leakage, but I want to ensure everything is secure before a problem arises. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Plumbing experience is preferred - Ability to work with metal materials - Attention to detail to ensure all bolts are properly tightened

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 składanie ofert

    I'm embarking on an exciting journey to establish a butcher shop, and I'm in search of funds to cover the $5 million needed for my first year of business. The breakdown of my financial needs is as follows: - $4 million earmarked for construction and equipment - The remaining $1 million allocated for operating expenses, which includes purchasing, employment, utilities, rendering, and water treatment. I am looking for a combination of funding sources including Loans, Investors, and Grants, with a particular focus on Corporate Grants. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in sourcing and securing corporate grants - Proven track record with investor relations - Experience in negotiating business loans - Understanding of the meat industry and butcher s...

    $7654 Average bid
    $7654 Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert
    roblox game
    4 dni left

    ...different specialties and powers. Quests & Progression: Include story-based quests or missions that allow players to grow stronger, level up, and unlock new abilities, similar to Black Clover's character progression. 2. Game Mechanics Define the mechanics that will drive your game. Some features might include: Magic Types: Create different types of magic based on elements or concepts (e.g., fire, water, light, dark, etc.). Each player can specialize in one type or have a unique magic power. Magic Duels: Implement a combat system where players can duel each other using magic spells. Consider a combo system where players chain different attacks together for higher damage. Leveling System: Players should be able to level up their magic and unlock new spells as they pro...

    $4879 Average bid
    $4879 Średnia Oferta:
    11 składanie ofert

    ...irrigation system that ensures efficient and uniform water distribution, tailored to meet the evolving needs of modern agriculture. The goal is to create a high-performance solution that enhances crop productivity while minimizing water usage and operational costs. Scope of the Project: This research and development initiative focuses on conceptualizing, designing, and testing an advanced traveller rain gun system. The project involves: • Conducting detailed research on current irrigation challenges and industry needs. • Developing a durable and efficient traveller mechanism suitable for various terrains and climates. • Enhancing water delivery precision through advanced engineering and technology integration. • Designing the system to optim...

    $590 Average bid
    $590 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    I need a draw: "An illustration with five tokens: 1. In the bottom left corner, a vibrant blue water droplet symbol representing 'Water.' 2. In the bottom right corner, a brown cube-shaped symbol representing 'Earth.' 3. In the top right corner, a white sphere symbol representing 'Air.' 4. In the top left corner, a yellow sun-shaped symbol representing 'Light.' 5. In the center of the image, a larger green plant token symbol representing 'Plant.' The tokens are connected circularly with pipes, and the background is paper-brown, resembling a map. The image is adorned with dense clusters of tiny stars, subtly scattered as if blown by wind, but not distractingly so. A thicker, blue ink-drawn arc extends from th...

    $10 Average bid
    37 zgłoszenia

    I'm looking for a Shopify expert to help me set up an online shop. This store is unique as it will have 5 branches, each with its own pincode and independent inventory and delivery system. The products sold will be primarily water can deliveries. Key Features: - Subscription service for regular deliveries: The store should cater to customers who wish to subscribe for regular water deliveries. - User account management: The store needs to have a seamless user account management system, allowing customers to create and manage their accounts effortlessly. - Order tracking: A reliable order tracking system is a must, so customers can monitor their deliveries in real-time. Ideal candidates for this project should be well-versed with Shopify's platform and have previous...

    $88 Average bid
    $88 Średnia Oferta:
    27 składanie ofert