Ability learn skills quicklyprojekty
Trzeba zautomatyzować proces tworzenia i wysyłki do klientów Faktury Proforma/Faktury/Korekty Faktury (za pośrednictwem serwisów Web-To-Learn, Fakturownia, PayU). Klient zamawia produkt na platformie Web-To-Learn, klikając w link. 1. Podczas zamówienia należy, aby Faktura Proforma była automatycznie wygenerowana w serwisie i wysłana do klienta na adres e-mail. 2. Po otrzymaniu płatności należy, aby Faktura została automatycznie wygenerowana na podstawie wystawionej Faktury Proforma i wysłana do klienta na adres e-mail. 3. W przypadku zwrotu środków do klienta należy, aby Korekta Faktury była automatycznie wygenerowana i wysłana do klienta na adres e-mail. W rezultacie powinniśmy mieć możliwość pobrania danych w formacie Excel z rejestrem płatno...
I have a task to create a simple desktop application from biological databases based on a database that I have initially created, I have no idea at what level the database is made. I would need help with this project quickly because. the database is in SQL and the application does not matter, the most desirable one is in access, java In general, the project is not supposed to be complicated, it is supposed to be a desktop application in which it will be possible to search for information from a database. I just started the topic of astronomical observations, but I had a problem with the relationships between tables in this topic, so later I started a different topic, but it is In general, it doesn't matter which one, it's about the technical side of the task and its execu...
Prowadzimy swoją platformę szkoleniową na bazie - WEB TO LEARN to portal który umożliwia firmom takim jak my, stworzenie platformy do edukacji dla swoim Klientów – w ramach WEB TO LEARN dajemy dostęp Klientom do materiałów VOD, kursów, szkoleń etc. – Klienci na naszej platformie dokonują zakupu produktów, oglądają materiały szkoleniowe etc. Jedną z form komunikacji z naszymi Klientami jest nasz serwer Discord – Klienci otrzymują dostęp do odpowiednich kanałów zgodnie z zakupionymi produktami na naszej stronie. Dostęp w discord odbywa się na zasadzie ról, np. Klient zakupił produkt „Szkolenie1”, nadajemy mu rolę na discordzie „Szkolenie1”, dzięki czemu ma dostępny kanał o nazwie &bdqu...
Szukamy Senior ML Engineera do projektu związanego z computer vision. Projekt potrwa około 2 miesiące. Potrzebne zaangażowanie tej osoby to mniej więcej 20 godzin/tygodniowo. Możliwa późniejsza współpraca pr...ML/AI. Kluczowe umiejętności: 3 - 5+ lat komercyjnego doświadczenia jako Machine Learning Engineer Efektywne pisanie przejrzystego kodu w Python Umiejętność pracy z systemem kontroli Git Doświadczenie w pracy z klientem Biegła znajomość języka angielskiego Mile widziane umiejętności: Znajomość niektórych z wymienionych technologii: TensorFlow / PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning, PyMC, Keras, Scikit-Learn Doświadczenie techniczne z Docker, AWS, Flask / Sanic / Django, Vue Doświadczenie w NLP & Predictive Analytics Doświadczenie naukowe w DS / ML, Niekomerc...
Zlecę wdrożenie gotowego projektu strony do platformy Web to Learn, wraz z stroną rejestracji użytkowników kursu oraz stroną z wszystkimi kursami.
Witam, Budujemy ponadpodziałowa inicjatywe obywatelska oparta na nauce, ekologii, zdrowym rozsądku i codziennej przyzwoitości. Dla nas nie ma znaczenia jaki jest Twój wiek, religia, kolor skóry czy orientacja seksualna. Łączy nas szacunek do ludzi i do natury. Szukamy osoby, ktora pomoze nam zbudowac strone internetowa na podstawie naszych wytycznych. Strona bedzie zawierala formularz spiety z Google sheets i bedzie obslugiwala platnosci online (myslimy o integracji ze Stripe lub BrainTree). Warunki jakie musi spelniac idealny kandydat to: - Wordpress ninja - znajomosc podstawowych najlepszych praktyk DevOps - umiejetnosc tworzenia interface'u + UX / UI - znajomosc jezyka polskiego i angielskiego. - integracja z Mailchimpem Praca z wlasciwa osoba moz...
Zlecę prace przy sklepie na PrestaShop 1.7, pisanie modułów oraz modyfikacje istniejących Na początek potrzebuję integrację ...rachunków w złotych, a ja potrzebuję integracji obsługującej jeszcze euro) dodatkowo chcę żeby klient mógł pobrać rachunek po zalogowaniu do sklepu. Moduł generujący plik csv z adresami. W pliku muszą być tylko adresy z wybranych zamówień. Ręczny wybór zamówień. Modyfikacja szablonu. Na początek trzeba przerobić slidera. W chwili obecnej na grafice wyświetlana jest nazwa oraz przycisk “Learn more”, chcę żeby oba te elementy były usunięte. Poszukuję osoby/firmy chętnej do dłuższej współpracy, po wykonaniu zlecenia będzie więcej mniejszych oraz większych prac do wykonania. Chętnych p...
We need a photos of following cars (all 2017-2018 generation): - Honda Civic - Ford Fiesta - Nissan Qashqai - Volkswagen Passat We need these photos for our internal project where we learn how to use Machine Learning in mobile apps; our aim is to build an app that will recognise cars. Our requirements: - Photos must be taken with mobile device! - front-side pic is taken - both headlights are visible - car is in the centre of taken photo - Max 3 pics of the same car - $10/100 photos Zlecę wykonanie zdjęć samochodów następujących marek: - Honda Civic - Ford Fiesta - Nissan Qashqai - Volkswagen Passat - Zdjęcia muszą być wykonane smatfonem - zdjęcia muszą być wykonane od frontu (obie lampy przednie widoczne) - samochód ...
... Dobrej znajomości jednego z następujących języków programowania: Python, Java, R, Javascript, Scala, Julia, C/C++. Znajomości przynajmniej jednego systemu kontroli wersji: SVN, Git lub Mercurial. Znajomości zasad tworzenia dobrego design'u, w szczególności obiektowego. Wydajnego gospodarowania czasem. Samodzielności. Przerobienia kursu i znajomości jego treści. Zainteresowanym kandydatom rekomendujemy rozpocząć kurs i od razu wysłać swoją kandydaturę do nas. Kurs będzie można dokończyć równolegle do procesu rekrutacji. Co oferujemy pracownikowi? Stawkę 25 - 50 zł (+ VAT) za godzinę solidnej i sumiennej pracy. Ok. 10 - 30 godzin pracy w tygodniu. Otwartość na kandydatów na poziomie "junior"
...Providing first line support to our customers · Communicating with customers via messenger, voice calls, and email in a friendly and professional manner · Working remotely · 8 hours shifts, flexible hours Requirements: · Fluent English · Very good knowledge of at least one 3D application and willingness to learn others (3ds Max, Maya, Lightwave, Cinema 4D, Blender and others) · Computer with good internet connection and quiet workplace · Strong work ethic with ability to work remotely jest jednym z największych serwisów świadczących usługi renederowania przez internet. Założony został w 2010 w Wielkiej Brytanii przez dwoje wspólników, od tego czasu rozrósł się do ok. 30 osobowego ze...
Celem projektu jest stworzenie portalu e-learn bardzo rozbudowanego o funkcja dla nauczyciela i ucznia ułatwiające przepływ informacji i naukę. Video rozmowy i czat dostępne w narzędziach. Moduły księgowe i video konferencji dostępne dla nauczyciela. Gromadzenie materiałów przez nauczyciela (upload do systemu) i udostępnianie ich uczniom. Prowadzenie lekcji live stream video. Statusy online i offline dla nauczyciela i ucznia. Ogólny zarys systemu. Więcej szczegółów dla chętnych, którzy dołączą do nas... Chcetnych podjęcia się takiego wyzwania zapraszamy do nas na maila.
...monitoring the farm · Providing first line of support for customers · Communicating with customers via IM, voice calls, and email · Working remotely · 6 hours shifts, flexible hours Requirements: · Fluent English · Very good knowledge of at least one 3D application and willingness to learn others (3D Studio Max, Maya, Lightwave, Cinema 3D, Blender and others) – in terms of setting up rendering · Computer with good internet connection and quiet workplace · Strong work ethic with ability to work remotely jest jednym z największych serwisów świadczących usługi renederowania przez internet. Założony został w 2010 w Wielkiej Brytanii przez dwoje wspólników, od tego czasu rozr&oac...
Zlecę dostosowanie szablonu HTML5 do motywu Wordpress. Dotyczy to szablonu: Do tego wykonanie tej strony na gotowo. Główne funkcjonalności to system do zapisów, przejrzysty kalendarz + portfolio szkoleń z dobra nawigacją, dodawanie nowych szkoleń do oferty oraz podpięcie newslettera. Większość na bazie gotowych rozwiązań z szablonu.
...solution but i dont know SSH: Solution: First stop mysql service and Rename or delete current file and restart mysql service # /etc/init.d/mysqld stop # mv /var/lib/mysql/ /var/lib/mysql/ or other catalog name: # mv /var/lib/mysqld/ /var/lib/mysqld/ And then start mysql service # /etc/init.d/mysqld start Please help quickly, Contact: office @ -------------------------------------- Witam serdecznie, Potrzebuję osoby która w błyskawicznym tempie naprawi błąd połączeni z bazą danych na strony siedzącej na serwerze VPS na OVH. Cały ten gówniany PLESK również nie działa dlatego też trzeba byłoby prawdopodobnie wejść przez SSH i tam naprawić błąd. W internecie znalazłem prawdopodobną przyczynę
I need the text from an aria spoken and recorded so that I can learn to pronounce the text myself : Gdyby rannym słonkiem wzlecieć mi skowronkiem, Gdyby jaskółeczką bujać mi po niebie! Gdyby rybką w rzece płynąć tu do ciebie, Jaśku mój, do ciebie! Ani ja w Wisełce pląsająca rybka, Ani ja skowronek, ni jaskółka chybka, Wiatr tylko nuci: Wróci Jaśko, wróci! Gdyby mnie, o, gdyby mnie gwiazdeczką w skałach ponad zdrojem Przejrzeć się w twej duszy, przejrzeć w sercu twojem! Błędnym choć ognikiem, choć ognikiem, co tak blado pała, O, gdyby, gdyby moja łezka tobie zapałała! Ni mi błyskać w zdroju, ni mknąć nad gaikiem, Ani ja gwiazdeczką, ni błędnym ognikiem! Płyną wciąż po rosie jęki moje, płyną, Szkoda cię dziewczyno!
...algorytmu przybliżonego oraz porównanie szybkości działania (złożoności obliczeniowej) algorytmów). Wnioski. b) Zagadnienie komiwojażera. - The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) - A salesman must visit each of n cities exactly once and then return to his starting point. The time taken to travel from city i to city j is cij. - Find the order in which he should make his tour so as to finish it as quickly as possible. - Wymagania: 1. Opis i implementacja algorytmów dla tego zagadnienia: a. algorytmu generującego wszystkie możliwe kolejności odwiedzin miast, b. wybranego algorytmu metaheurystycznego, np. symulowanego wyrzażania, tabu search itp. 2. Porównanie działania algorytmów dla problemów różnych rozmiarów (ocena ja...
We are a growing company based in London. Looking for creative freelance Virtual Assistance to help us expand our business. If you know how to manage with : -Social media marketing; to increase our fans & followers on Facebook , Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ etc. Also includes set up and maintenance of Social Media profiles. -Search engine optimization (SEO) on Google -Blog creation and maintenance -Website maintenance If you are, 1. Highly dependable with lots of enthusiasm 2. Very organised with a good attention to detail 3. Focussed on providing a great service to customers 4. Flexibility - We're a young and growing company so sometimes you'll be expected to perform other tasks. 5. Adaptable to change - As the business grows, so will our systems and our staff. Ch...
...serwisu SeeTheStats. Dodatkowo chcielibyśmy, aby nasz serwis kojarzył się z profesjonalizmem, a do tego potrzebujemy m.in. profesjonalnego grafika, który projektując dla nas nowy layout weźmie pod uwagę aktualne trendy i wymagania dotyczące zarówno oprawy wizualnej, jak i zagadnień związanych z web usability. Oprócz strony głównej do adaptacji do nowego layoutu będą 4 podstrony: - Learn more: - My WebStats: (w załączniku - ) - Site Profile: * (np. ), - Rejestracja w serwisie: Nie planujemy zmiany obecnego logo serwisu SeeTheStats, ale dopuszczamy jego facelifting związany z nowym layoutem (posiadamy pliki
...be managed with Enterprise Clouds. - Implementing and developing of the cloud middleware framework that coordinates SAN & NAS hardware transparently (eg NetApp, EMC2, HP EVA) - Coordination of different levels of storage capabilities (such as volume and machine snapshots, crash-consistent backups - online and offline). - This position requires that the consultant makes himself/herself very quickly familiar with the subject of platform virtualization, storage, and memory systems. Proszę o podanie stawki dzienniej w licytacji. Rodzaj umowy - umowa o dzieło. ...
...special touches that bring their customers back for more, time after time. Course contents: Health, safety & hygiene, consultation techniques, manicure procedure, pedicure procedure, relevant massage techniques, aftercare advise. 1 day course -6 hours /Price: 149 Acrylic Nail Extension Course Acrylic Nails are beautiful and very strong. It is also the the technique that every Nail Artist should learn and offer to their clients as it attract the most customers. This course will provide you with the skill to achieve fantastic results limited only by your imagination. Course content: Health, safety & hygiene, consultation techniques, nail preparation, tipping and blending, acrylic sculpting, applying the product, basic nail art techniques, maintenance, aftercare advice, remo...
...best information about weight loss Liczba znaczników określona przez użytkownika: 2 znaczniki [KEYWORD], 2 znaczniki [DIFFERENT] Artykuł 1 przed przeformatowaniem: Many [KEYWORD] are quite expensive. If you're interested in [KEYWORD] then visit our website. You can learn about [DIFFERENT1] there. If you have questions about [DIFFERENT2] contact us. Artykuł 1 po przeformatowaniu: Weight Loss Many weight loss are quite expensive. If you're interested in weight loss then visit our website. You can learn about how to lose weight fast there. If you have questions about losing weight tips contact us. Do przeformatowania artykułu 1 program wykorzystał rekord 1 z bazy KEYWORDS i rekordy 1 i 2 z bazy DIFFERENT. Rekord 2 z bazy KEYWORDS o...
... We offer: * Competitive compensation: $2,000 (USD) monthly for a start, $3,000 after the trial period, $4,000 for proven team members * Opportunity to learn from the best: we know how to build internet software that scales, and we know what to build so that users love it * Flexibility and independence: you work from home when you want and how you want - we evaluate you based on your output We expect: * Experience writing web applications * Willingness and ability to learn quickly * High motivation and ability to work effectively without supervision * Understanding of scalability challenges * Reasonable English skills (we're not native English speakers, but we communicate in English) * Basic understanding of Facebook appli...
Witam, Poszukuję osoby solidnej i sumiennej do tłumaczenia opisów gier online np "You were able to learn how to fly, but Icebergs stopped you and crushed your dreams. Now you're back for revenge! Use the left/right arrows or A/D to steer, space bar to use boost, any key to activate special sleighs. (All controls can be customized in the option menu, with the possibility to use the mouse instead of the keyboard)" Praktycznie wszystkie opisy są bardzo kró dyspozycji daje prosty panel, gdzie znajdują się wpisy gier online z angielskimi opisami i tam tylko będzie trzeba przetłumaczyć opis. Do tłumaczenia będzie kilkanaście tysięcy ę podawać ceny za 100 lub najlepiej 1000 gier.
...able to grow with ESW’s future requirements. 2. ESW must have full access to create and update all pages of the website, with the ability to modify the website architecture in the future at no extra cost 3. The website should be accessible to search engine spiders, and be coded with good on-page search engine optimisation (search engine friendly). 4. The navigation system should be intuitive and allow the visitor to quickly navigate the site starting from any page. 5. ESW must have full access to create and update all pages of the website, with the ability to modify the website architecture in the future at no extra cost. 6. The website should be accessible to se...
He...projects. What do you need? ======================================================== - C# en ASP.NET (Visual Studio 200*) - TSQL (SQLServer 200*) - HTML, Javascript, jquery - XML / XSLT - Communication in English What do we offer? ======================================================== - Salary based on freelance hourrate - interesting and highend webprojects - Possibility to learn (better) Xslt and Umbraco Sounds good to you? ======================================================== Send an e-mail to joris@ with your motivation, CV and your hourrate. At 24 and 25 of january, i will be stay in Gdansk, to plan several jobinterviews. I'm looking forward to your reactions, and wish you a great 2011! With kind regards Joris van Ekert
Poszukuję firmy, która stworzy serwis oparty na systemie WordPress wzorowany programistycznie i designersko na:
...reklamodawcy. W pierwszym przykładzie : jest to jedno dopisane zdanie z linkiem do sieci komórkowej o2 ( sieć działa w zachodniej Europie ). Zdanie dopisane : Understanding the basics, from knowing that is an url or web address to how to edit a family photograph and upload it onto a website, there's a lot to learn. W drugim przykładzie : dopisano zdanie z linkiem 'casino' gdyz reklamodawcą jest kasyno internetowe. Zdanie dopisane / w zasadzie zdanie bylo tylko wpisano mu slowo casino / : Internet sprawi Ci wiele satysfakcji, jest tam casino, kino, encyklopedia, mozliwośc zarówno rozrywki, edukacji i nawet wiecej - poogladasz kolegów z dawnych lat ze szkolnej lawki
...reklamodawcy. W pierwszym przykładzie : jest to jedno dopisane zdanie z linkiem do sieci komórkowej o2 ( sieć działa w zachodniej Europie ). Zdanie dopisane : Understanding the basics, from knowing that is an url or web address to how to edit a family photograph and upload it onto a website, there's a lot to learn. W drugim przykładzie : dopisano zdanie z linkiem 'casino' gdyz reklamodawcą jest kasyno internetowe. Zdanie dopisane / w zasadzie zdanie bylo tylko wpisano mu slowo casino / : Internet sprawi Ci wiele satysfakcji, jest tam casino, kino, encyklopedia, mozliwośc zarówno rozrywki, edukacji i nawet wiecej - poogladasz kolegów z dawnych lat ze szkolnej lawki
...reklamodawcy. W pierwszym przykładzie : jest to jedno dopisane zdanie z linkiem do sieci komórkowej o2 ( sieć działa w zachodniej Europie ). Zdanie dopisane : Understanding the basics, from knowing that is an url or web address to how to edit a family photograph and upload it onto a website, there's a lot to learn. W drugim przykładzie : dopisano zdanie z linkiem 'casino' gdyz reklamodawcą jest kasyno internetowe. Zdanie dopisane / w zasadzie zdanie bylo tylko wpisano mu slowo casino / : Internet sprawi Ci wiele satysfakcji, jest tam casino, kino, encyklopedia, mozliwośc zarówno rozrywki, edukacji i nawet wiecej - poogladasz kolegów z dawnych lat ze szkolnej lawki
potrzebne tlumaczenie na polski i streszczenie tego artykuluFound in Translation When the third and final season of Gavin Stacey begins this fall, fans of the BBC sitcom will final...London’s upper crust, became Sanford and Son when it went stateside in the 1970s –one of the few programs at the time to deal with racial discrimination. Ultimately Gavin and Stacey moral is simple we can learn to love one another despite our differences. But all the fun in the delivery of that message lies in watching eccentric Brits act silly around each other. Their humorous idiosyncrasies including outbursts of song and dance and impersonations of Prince Charles and Camilla-are unlikely to fully translate to a U.S. version. Perhaps Americans should just learn to laugh a...
Witam, potrzebuje dostosowac darmowy theme do wordpressa. Theme jest kompletny i zawiera nawet psd wiec dostosowanie ograniczajace sie do zmiany nazw na buttonach nie powinno byc trudne. Oto url do theme'a: Co porzeba zrobic: - zmiana tekstu ...potrzebuje dostosowac darmowy theme do wordpressa. Theme jest kompletny i zawiera nawet psd wiec dostosowanie ograniczajace sie do zmiany nazw na buttonach nie powinno byc trudne. Oto url do theme'a: Co porzeba zrobic: - zmiana tekstu w naglowku i podmienienie grafiki w naglowku (ja zapewnie zdjecie) - zmiana testu i ikon trzech buttonow -> download , learn how i talk back - zmiana tekstu ponizej buttonow - instalacja theme'a przygotowanym serwerze
1) 5 videos add a text clip 2) rip 15 vids all you do is add the a caption and upload to a site I give you. 3) 1 general professional header using the logo below....for 3 other websites headers will be the same just need text change on each.... 4) design a logo(have basic idea and sample already) + a template slide for the end of the video clips(sample of one that was done b...is sick of working several different projects at once and doesn't want to deal with the frustrations of having to deal with different people every time and who may be interested in getting a lumpsum of the profits for several projects that I have going on that all have marketing plans and proven hungry buying markets. I'm looking for quality work and not a rush job! Something who can work quickly...
Mecze sie z mod_rewrite i nic nie dziala :-) Modul jest wlaczony bo na innej stronie dziala. Wystarczy jak ktos mi uruchomi chociaz jedna zamiane na np. Dodatkowo zlece napisanie skryptu? w php? na wywalanie PHPSESSION Dzieks
...body mass. The oil, which is produced from the silver carp, is known to aid blood circulation. Silver carp skins, which are used by us for production purposes, come from ecological farms situated in Hungary (including one facility near Lake Balaton). Collagen Beauty Line treatment is very easy to use. In its gel form, it can be used everyday, simply by applying to the skin. It is absorbed very quickly leaving skin feeling fresh and firm. Handy dispensers allow easy hygienic usage and thermo-isolated packaging enables safe long-term storage. It also guarantees that the collagen reaches the client in perfect untouched condition. Collagen, as a complex molecule, does not naturally penetrate deep into the skin but a protective film is formed on its surface, which prevents water e...
...body mass. The oil, which is produced from the silver carp, is known to aid blood circulation. Silver carp skins, which are used by us for production purposes, come from ecological farms situated in Hungary (including one facility near Lake Balaton). Collagen Beauty Line treatment is very easy to use. In its gel form, it can be used everyday, simply by applying to the skin. It is absorbed very quickly leaving skin feeling fresh and firm. Handy dispensers allow easy hygienic usage and thermo-isolated packaging enables safe long-term storage. It also guarantees that the collagen reaches the client in perfect untouched condition. Collagen, as a complex molecule, does not naturally penetrate deep into the skin but a protective film is formed on its surface, which prevents water e...
Job Title: Skilled iOS Developer Description: Need a custom mobile app made I need someone who is experienced in coding for iOS to create a sleek, easy to use, great looking mobile app. Basic app description: Fitness app for logging workouts. Will discuss in more detail once NDA is signed. This job needs to be completed quickly. Requirements: -Someone Who can not only program but also do UI design. -Someone with 4 star rating or above -Someone who takes pride in their work and creates polished looking products. -Someone who speaks English well. Here’s what you need to do next: Reply with examples of your previous work including any UI design examples you have done before. Please include a breakdown of the time it took you to complete these projects. If I like your previ...
As a beginner in German, I'm seeking a tutor who can help me learn the language primarily for my corporate job. The focus should be on corporate vocabulary, business communication, and cultural nuances pertinent to the workplace. Skills required: - Proficiency in German - Experience in teaching German, particularly to beginners - Understanding of corporate vocabulary and culture - Patience and ability to explain concepts clearly - Flexible teaching style to cater to my learning pace
...programming skills to join a 6-month internship. While I have not specified a required language, having a grasp on any major programming framework is a big plus. Your communication skills and ability to utilize the Microsoft Office Suite will certainly be put to good use. If you're ready to develop your craft and grow as a professional, this is the right starting point. Ideal applicants will have: - Basic understanding of programming - Familiarity with Microsoft Office Suite - Strong verbal and written communication skills No specific programming language is required; any foundational knowledge will be beneficial for your application. This is a 6-month commitment, so please only apply if you can dedicate for this period. This internship offers a great ...
...choose from the methods covered in the module as well as those not covered in this module. Describe parameter setting in your classification and regression method(s). Describe the process of data transformation and normalization for the tasks. Build and implement machine learning models and tune hyper-parameters in these models for good performance. You may implement these models using Scikit-Learn modules or other Python libraries that are not taught in this module. Implement ensemble learning for classification. Describe the ensemble method(s) that you are using. 5. Evaluation Machine Learning Models Evaluate and compare the performance of different machine learning models. You should at least use one or more of the performance metrics (as appropriate), such as accur...
I need an expert familiar with my SMM panel site and Perfect Panel to troubleshoot and optimize my API handling. Currently, I face issues when the protection against multiple orders is active. Orders are not syncing correctly with the provider and this leads to failed orders. When the protection is off, orders are coming in too quickly. A limiter and error handler need to be added to handle this situation better. The ideal candidate for this job should: - Be experienced with Perfect Panel or similar - Have a strong background in API troubleshooting - Able to implement a rate limiting mechanism - Knowledgeable in error handling I need someone who can effectively manage the 'too many requests' error currently being displayed in the order error details in the admin. I w...
...Vendors can be reviewed and rated by users. 4. Blog Section: • A blog to showcase articles, tips, and inspiration related to wedding planning and trends. • Categories for blog posts such as decor ideas, wedding planning tips, and vendor spotlights. • Easy-to-use blog management system integrated into the WordPress admin panel. 5. Search and Filtering: • Advanced search functionality for users to quickly find vendors by: o Category o Location o Budget range o Ratings 6. Design and Customization: • Responsive and mobile-friendly design. • Intuitive navigation for both users and vendors. • Vendor profiles should be visually appealing, showcasing all necessary details prominently. 7. Monetization Features (Optional, Future Scope): • Premium li...
Project Description: We’re looking to turn a short story into a beautifully illustrated comic spanning 6-8 pages. The story features two main characters: Tom, a green lizard, and Pen, a gecko, as they swap lives and learn valuable lessons about themselves. The comic should feel lively, colorful, and suitable for a family-friendly audience. We need: - Consistent and charming illustrations of the two characters in natural environments (trees, walls, sunlight, etc.). - Expressive characters to convey emotions like excitement, frustration, and joy. - A detailed guide outlining how the comic is created, step by step, from concept to completion. Below is the script: One evening, Tom the green lizard was crawling on a tree branch. Suddenly, he noticed Pen the gecko clim...
I'm in need of an Adobe Ill...illustrations based on provided reference images. These illustrations will be subsequently used for animating into a PNG sequence. The image needs to be identical, do not worry about colours, just a solid shape paying attention to the actual curves. I only need one of the shapes drawing, also please don NOT group them. I need this quite quickly! Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator with a strong portfolio of realistic-style illustrations. - Ability to replicate and adapt provided reference images to meet project needs. - Experience in creating illustrations for animation is a plus. - Attention to detail and strong understanding of visual aesthetics. Please include examples of your past work that align with these requirem...
I am experiencing issues with my Bicrypto crypto exchange platform after attempting to...Unavailable"). Ensure the Bicrypto platform is fully functional and secure post-repair. Verify proper SSL implementation for the domain and all subdomains, if applicable. Requirements: Proven experience with Bicrypto or similar crypto exchange platforms. Strong knowledge of SSL certificate installation and server configuration. Familiarity with web server environments (e.g., Nginx, Apache). Ability to work quickly and efficiently to minimize downtime. Budget: Open to bids. Note: Please only bid if you have prior experience with Bicrypto or crypto exchange platforms. Be prepared to provide references or examples of previous work in this domain. Timeline: Urgent – I need this ...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help with processing football video compilations. This will include editing together player skills and highlights into engaging compilations of the best moments. Specific Instructions: - I will provide detailed guidance on the editing process and how I'd like the final compilation to look. Music: - The background score will be dramatic and intense, requiring a good understanding of pacing and build-up to match the music. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Experience in editing sports videos, particularly football (soccer). - Ability to follow specific instructions and provide creative input when necessary. - Good sense of timing and understanding of ...
...Indian Standard Time (IST) – 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Note: This is a strictly hourly-based project. Please apply only if you agree to the specified compensation and working hours. As a Scrum Master , you will work closely with Agile teams, Product Owners, and stakeholders, learning the principles of Scrum while helping teams deliver high-quality results. This role is perfect for individuals eager to learn, grow, and start a career in Agile leadership. Key Responsibilities Facilitation and Leadership Assist in guiding and coaching Agile teams on Scrum practices, principles, and values. Support the facilitation of Scrum ceremonies, including daily stand-ups, sprint planning, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. Act as a servant leader by learning how to identify and help remo...
...Practical Course We are seeking a professional with solid experience in Machine Learning to design and deliver a practical 12-week course aimed at participants who want to acquire market-ready skills. Proven expertise in Machine Learning, especially in areas such as predictive modeling, data processing, and supervised/unsupervised learning. Previous experience as a trainer or course designer (online or in-person). Proficiency in tools like Python, TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-learn, or similar. Ability to clearly explain complex concepts in a practical and approachable manner. Strong teaching skills and a focus on active learning. Must be fluent in Spanish (spoken and written). Design a 12-week structured course with theoretical and hands-on modules. Provide...
...emphasize product details. Vintage-inspired elements, such as soft pastel backgrounds or light textures, to convey nostalgia. Messaging: Focus on exclusivity and quality: "Authentic vintage treasures from iconic decades." "Timeless style, curated with care." "Discover the elegance of true vintage." Call-to-Action (CTA): "Shop now and rediscover vintage fashion." "Explore timeless elegance. Click to learn more." Campaign Details: Placement: Instagram Stories/Reels. Facebook Feed/Stories. Objective in Ads Manager: Choose "Traffic" or "Conversions," depending on whether you want to direct users to your website or profile. Creative Format: Short, engaging video montage. Optionally, include carousel images for...
...shop. -Blend real footage with CGI for impactful storytelling. Key Skills : -Expertise in Houdini or Blender – Strong command of simulations (Particles, RBD, Vellum, Flip, Pyro, etc.). -Post-production skills – Basic knowledge of Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects, DaVinci Resolve or Fusion. -AI Tool Integration – Ability to optimize workflows using tools like RunwayML, Kaiber, Pika Labs, Topaz AI, MotionArray… -Attention to detail – Deliver polished visuals that amaze audiences and look real. Why Join Us? -Grow in a stimulating and respectful environment – We believe that communication and self-driven work motivation are the keys to success. -Invest in yourself – Special bonuses will be unlocked for learning new s...
Baseline Experiments: Train baseline models (e.g., Logistic Regression, Decision Trees) and evaluate performan...Evaluation: Optimize models using metrics like precision, recall, F1-score, and AUC-ROC. Validation: Use cross-validation and threshold adjustment for robustness. Documentation: Log all experiments, ensure reproducibility, and provide visualizations (e.g., confusion matrices, ROC curves, feature importance plots). Requirements: Expertise in machine learning algorithms and tools (e.g., Python, scikit-learn, TensorFlow). Experience with data preprocessing and imbalanced datasets. Proven track record of working on high-quality projects. Deliverables: Comprehensive experimental results and comparisons. Well-documented methodology and logs. Visualizations and insights for pu...