Re-design 3 eBook Covers

  • Status: Closed
  • Nagroda: $50
  • Uzyskane Zgłoszenia: 40
  • Zwycięzca: vishnuremesh

Opis Konkursu

I have 3 books in a YA series. A friend did them one at a time and now the series is finished I feel they need a more cohesive look.

I have full license for the photo's used, I like the idea of a colour theme for each and they need to fit both Amazon and Smashword sizing, and standout in a thumbnail.

I have included original photos used for the original covers but think I need to reference an ethereal theme.

The books have a theme of heaven/hell, love across a divide and should appeal to a teen reader or older readers who love the YA genre. The main protagonists are clear from books one and two covers-

Book one - the characters fall in love and fight evil
Book two - they struggle being apart physically although he is a spirit presence to her. They break up and make up
Book three - they are united but struggling with the past - and face a big threat to her home town they have to conquer

But love is the overall underlying thread.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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Opinie o Pracodawcy

“Vishnu really listened to the feedback and came back again and again with tweaks and updates to the covers I needed. I can highly recommend him.”

Zdjęcie profilowe annaandrews, United Kingdom.

Publiczna Tablica Wyjaśnień

  • annaandrews
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 11 lat temu

    OK, so with a day to go we have a couple of front runners. Kiekoomonster has given a flavour of the stories inside and the set really looks professional and cohesive. Vishnuremesh's set really hones in on attractive characters that would appeal to a female YA reader. Very different but both great!

    • 11 lat temu
  • kiekoomonster
    • 11 lat temu

    please rate #57 thanks

    • 11 lat temu
  • annaandrews
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 11 lat temu

    Just to be clear, the guys in the picture's are all good guys from heaven and the girl is human.

    • 11 lat temu
  • Wackymummy
    • 11 lat temu

    Hi, which parts of my designs do you like/not like? :)

    • 11 lat temu
  • annaandrews
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 11 lat temu

    Thanks for some GREAT entries. I have uploaded more photo's to help. My favourites so far have a sense of magic/supernatural and are giving the three covers a 'linked' look and feel.

    • 11 lat temu
  • vishnuremesh
    • 11 lat temu

    can you upload more photos?

    • 11 lat temu
  • creativemessiah
    • 11 lat temu

    In fact you could use my abstract designs on the cover and the face of the author on the back side or as a small thumb nail at the bottom right hand side on the cover
    So using the abstract design with the author's face will be a better idea than using 2 is there in design 1 and also that of the author

    • 11 lat temu
  • creativemessiah
    • 11 lat temu

    I have purposely given abstract designs for cover as yours is a global offering on amazon. Also you need to have a certain level of mystery on the cover to compel the person to pickup the book and read its reveiews. According to research people have their own choice/bias against faces so ideally in an emotional theme like love there should be an abstract design...and please remember there are 3 books in a series and repeating faces in all 3 may make them boring. And you could embed a line from your storyline on the cover to link all 3 books

    • 11 lat temu
  • annaandrews
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 11 lat temu

    Text colours are pretty but get lost in thumb nail

    • 11 lat temu
  • annaandrews
    Organizator Konkursu
    • 11 lat temu

    I think 1&2 are more on theme. I like the cohesiveness of 6 7 8 but they don't tell the reader about the stories.

    • 11 lat temu

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