Build a Graphic for website slider / header image

  • Status: Closed
  • Nagroda: $50
  • Uzyskane Zgłoszenia: 29
  • Zwycięzca: ishakabir06

Opis Konkursu

Hi, I am a owner of a restoration company and need someone to design very nice graphic for our main page header image. We do water, mold, and fire restoration so I would like to have all three items very well presented on the graphic with the following text. "MEERODAN RESTORATION" "Water Mold & Fire Restoration Team" somewhere align with our phone number which is 404-428-6521. Graphic needs to be very modern and good looking, all the text should be there nicely position and designed, as well as the fire, water, and mold somewhere on the graphic.

Header Size: 1335x600px

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