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Grupo Lexi Traducciones S.
Translation Company
$40 USD / godz.
Mexico (3:15 PM)
Dołączył/a września 12, 2018
$40 USD / godz.
Lexi Translation Solutions is a translation company that has three branches of services to meet any kind of translation needs in a wide variety of languages. Lexi Dub & Sub for the great industry of media & entertainment, Lexi Business & Interpretation to navigate with ease the world of international business, and Lexi U to collaborate with creators and artists worldwide and help them to go global. We handle several languages and address urgent translations. We have certified translators and interpreters in various regions of the world and we offer high-quality services and competitive prices.
Screenplay translation for dubbing and subtitling.
Interpretation of events, conferences, and escorting for sales missions.
Simultaneous Dub for live tv.
Text translation for Academic, Legal, Technical, Financial, and Official Documents.
Clients: Netflix, Nat Geo, Discovery, Fox, and many more
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Simultaneous dubbing achieves an instantaneous translation, ideal for the transmission of live content, with the naturalness that distinguishes dubbing.
El doblaje simultáneo logra una traducción instantánea, ideal para la transmisión de contenidos en vivo, con la naturalidad que distingue al doblaje
Lingva existe para crear puentes idiomáticos en todas las áreas para que los mensajes crucen, las personas pueden entenderse y nuevos proyectos puedan crearse
Lingva exists to create language bridges in all areas so that messages can cross, people can understand each other and new projects can be created.