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Vien L.
Remote Expert/ Consultant
$10 USD / godz.
Vietnam (10:12 AM)
Dołączył/a września 12, 2024
$10 USD / godz.
I have more than ten experience years working in Chemical and Refinery & Petrochemical. My expertise are process efficiency improvement, operation optimization, production yield maximization, technical training, standard procedure/ manual development and consultant, engineering problem solving. I led the number of projects in Oil and Gas of EPC, pre-commissioning, commissioning, start up, normal operation, turnaround, compliance with safety standards. With my specialties, I am willing to provide expertise solutions and support your business to achieve technical and economic target.
I have more than ten years experience working in Refinery and Petrochemical and Chemical. My expertise are standard procedure/ manual development and consultant, engineering problem solving, operation optimization, technical training. I experienced the number of projects to optimize production and compliance with safety standards.
Thanh Hoa, Vietnam
kwi, 2015 - Aktualnie
9 lat, 8 miesięcy
sie, 2013 - mar, 2015
1 , 7 miesięcy
Viet Tri Chemical
sie, 2013 - mar, 2015
1 , 7 miesięcy
Give technical standard of production.
Develop chemical products, gather data and monitor quality.
Review Process flow diagram (PFD).
Phu Tho, Vietnam
sie, 2013 - mar, 2015
1 , 7 miesięcy
Chemical engineering
2008 - 2013
5 lat
2008 - 2013
5 lat
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