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solid, clear and efficient software
$35 USD / godz.
Germany (2:49 PM)
Dołączył/a grudnia 18, 2011
$35 USD / godz.
We are a tight group of developers with strong experience in the following areas:
- Complex multi-tier applications using C++ on UNIX and Windows platforms.
- Scalable database design in MySQL and all major RDBMS.
- Low-level network management with direct access to TCP/IP and HTTP protocols.
- Modular web applications using PHP on most standard open-source frameworks.
- Custom web sites written from scratch to meet high requirements on efficiency and flexibility.
- Design and implementation of REST APIs for exchanging data between web services.
- Installation, configuration and operation of full-text search services based on apache SOLR.
- Image and signal processing using state-of-the-art algorithms and open-source packages.
- Code optimization for resource-critical environments.
We focus our work on quality, and build all our products on the three basic components that every program needs: solidity, clarity and efficiency. Our challenge is to find for each project the right mixing between them.
The best programmer I've ever worked! He has fulfilled any requests with ease.
He never said no to my request no. I think I'll hire Bramfeld definitely short for my other projects!
thanks a lot