Management & Professional Development Department, Gov't of Punjab, Pakistan
High Achievers Professional Development Program
Exploitation of Security Risks in Solar Inverters through Remote Network Access
Solar inverter is a core component of solar energy solutions. Connectivity is one of their features making inverters part of IoT and cyber-physical systems. This study explores solar inverters to find security capabilities and identify vulnerabilities which can become target of cyber-attacks. A monitoring solution is presented and suggestions are given to provide security services by design in future solar inverters.
Electronic Voting Booth (EV-Booth)
A centralized, online Election System utilizing Smart National ID Card. Its working is like an ATM machine. Electoral Rolls are stored in a central database on internet. Front‐end application runs on a standard PC anywhere. Voter inserts his smart card into smart card reader, his data is verified from server and if voter is genuine, he is allowed to cast his vote. Votes are also stored in online database. Voter lists and results can be viewed on a website or can be received on mobile by sending SMS to serve
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
Freelancer Orientation
US English
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