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Alberto L.
3D and 2D animations,MotionGraphic,MobileApp,Web.
$30 USD / godz.
United States (1:38 PM)
Dołączył/a sierpnia 14, 2017
$30 USD / godz.
Dear employer,
We are serving in USA since 2000 and have gain a lot popularity throughout USA. Now, we are here to spread our good name by providing flawless services.
Here at Nterprize design, our utmost priority is to serve clients to the fullest in the best possible way of creating value for money because I believe in long-term relationships.
Services that we are providing successfully:
1. Web Development and Design responsive
2. Mobile Apps Android/IOS/Window.
3. Softwares , DesktopApps, C# ,Windows and MaC
4. UI/UX For Mobile Apps.
5. Layouts for Web Design.
6. 3 D modeling, Animation,Rendering,Lights and Textures.
7. 2 D animation for video explainers, Ads, Cartoons,Lifestyle,Business.
8. Video Editing , Motion Graphic, After effects,Youtube Channel Videos.
9. Special Effects And Sounds.
10. Graphic Design , Sketchs, Indesign Catalogs, Broucheres, Flyers,Poster Banners, Etc.
11. Graphic Design for Facebook Campaign an Instagram Include:
12. Social Media Managing.
Again, done an urgent fix. They really know how to do a best work and delivers quality without any bug or problems in the system.
A true professional freelancer in his expertise.