I want to get stream links from google drive API
example :
drive link : [url removed, login to view][------------- FILE ID --------------]/edit
the output data will be something like this :
https:\/\/[url removed, login to view]\/videoplayback?id=514adf649a4a26b7&itag=18&source=webdrive&requiressl=yes&ttl=transient&pl=33&ei=fMhUWb-LG4LaqAX33LeIBQ&mime=video\/mp4&lmt=1498658113008404&ip=2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe60:4fb2&ipbits=0&expire=1498742972&sparams=api,ei,expire,id,ip,ipbits,itag,lmt,mime,mm,mn,ms,mv,pl,requiressl,source,ttl&signature=39331686B41A3116730AD5AF172579D23B47BF70.3DCC5D335422CFEBCC86FE29DF3BFD65A3C3FE92&api=6C2488F9433A07E661320A69E29C2&cms_redirect=yes&mm=31&mn=sn-n4v7kn7k&ms=au&mt=1498728463&mv=m&key=cms1&app=storage
but links should work
Hey Friend,
Myself having has 10 + years experience of web site development.
Expert in Custom programming in php / Mysql / Jquery / Wordpress/ Joomla / OSC / Magento /OpenCart / Android / Mobile development / Responsive.
Ready to start the work immediately.
I am confident to handle your projects with dedication and good quality.
Urmila Gupta
We have 10+ years of experience in software development
We have few questions
1->Do you want to develop in the PHP / in the app ?
2->Are you using google drive api ?
Thanks for posting the project and I am ready to start as soon as I have your permission. I will deliver the perfect outcome and with in the time and budget. Looking forward. Thanks.