Image Retouching Services
Photo retouch includes enhancing brightness, color and details and removing any scratch, stain, yellowish or partial damage from photos with Photo restoration or photo retouching techniques. Photo image retouching includes functions such as removing dust and ‘noise’ from photos. Digital image retouching can also be used for resizing, changing colors, orientation of objects, selecting and merging images and also to add special effects. All of these require the right skills & tools and images can be transformed into high quality photos if they are applied correctly.
#Photo Composition
#Color Manipulation
#Image Preparation
#Image Retouching Services
#Beauty Retouching
#Hair Retouching
#Weight Retouching
#Eye Correction
– Eye white color correction, Iris color correction, Thicker eyelashes, Applying Eye makeup, Removing wrinkles & dark circles around the eye, etc.