I am looking to find a retoucher who I can use on a regular basis to free up my time for other small business responsibilities. That implies that the retouches will learn and edit in a style that represents my own style. Upload to Lightroom. Cull from about 300- 400 photos down to 200 using 3,4,5 star system, color correct, crop, straighten, correct exposure, decrease yellow and red skin tones, brighten and sharpen faces, remove unessesary objects, pimples, smooth skin. Same photos need to be turned in black and whites and increase exposure and sharpening on faces. Work is finished no later than 1 week. The final result that I receive - exported light room catalogue documenting all edits, and 6 folders with jpegs (full size color, full size bw, 2000px color, and bw, and 1200 px color and bw)
Hello! My name is samir, and I' m from the Dominican Republic, I am interested in your proposal work, I am new to upwork but I am expert in photoshop and lightroom and knowledge of photography, editing, valance white and color, restoration, background removal etc. The price and schedule are negociable
I hope to be of help
You can see my portfolio