Fix wordpess theme for IE, iPad, mobiles - repost
$30-250 USD
Płatność przy odbiorze
I need to fix several issuse for worpdress theme 'superstore' in IE, iPad and mobiles. Look archive with fixes here
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Please bid accordingly.
Max budget: $70
Numer ID Projektu: #4536835
O projekcie
Przyznany użytkownikowi:
Hello, after I have seen your requirement for this project, I sent you a private message. Please check your PMB for more details. Best regards, Eugen.
10 freelancerów złożyło ofertę za $81 w tym projekcie
I can fix these several browser issues of your wordpress website. I will complete this work in 2 days.
Hello Hiring Manager, please visit your PMB for more details about my work ,skills and expertise. I have read your given core description of project at our best and will surely give better results.
Hi, Have Gone through your details. We have left a PMB for you plz have a look over there. Thnx Jay JS Infoway Team