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2,000 writing summary cheap ofert prac znalezionych

Demurez Cover Arts () is a new picture agency specialised on images for book covers. We are located in Vienna and plan to open a second office in Krakow soon. We are seeking a Freelancer for Keywording for 20-30 hours/week You will keyword our images through the internert. You are free to choose your working place and working time. The right candidate should have: - Good writing skills in English & German - Quick & reliable internet connection at your working place - Interest in art and a good imagination skills - You live in or close to Krakow - You can issue an invoice Please send your application with CV & photo via email to

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...namespace System::Windows::Forms; using namespace System::Data; using namespace System::Drawing; using namespace System::Text; /// <summary> /// WARNING: If you change the name of this class, you will need to change the /// 'Resource File Name' property for the managed resource compiler tool /// associated with all .resx files this class depends on. Otherwise, /// the designers will not be able to interact properly with localized /// resources associated with this form. /// </summary> public ref class MainWindow : public System::Windows::Forms::Form { public: MainWindow(void) ...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...proposal. Please also show any contingency items. 2. Tenders should include: - Completed cover sheet. (The completed cover sheet will not count towards the page limit); - Description of the proposed work; - Detailed programme of the work to be undertaken, including a work plan showing key date/milestones and deliverables; - Summary of relevant experience and technical knowledge to undertake the work proposed; - Information about any tribunals, legal disputes or challenges the bidder is involved in; - An assessment of risks associated with the work and how these will be managed; - The total cost and a breakdown of costs including a statement on VAT. . Tender...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...standardowego panelu Drupala. Redaktor -- tylko wybrane funkcje administracyjne: **/ Ustawienia (zmiana adresu email, hasla, strefy czasowej, nazwa strony itp). Generalnie tutaj wszystkie opcje, ktore jest w stanie zrozumiec uzytkownik i moga okazac mu sie przydatne. **/ Stwórz nową podstronę (link bezpośredni do Create Page, bez opcji Create Story). Tutaj mogą zostać: tytuł, body tekst, split summary i menu settings. Reszta jest zbyteczna: Input format, Revision information, Comment settings, Authoring information, Publishing options. **/ Aktualizuj podstronę (odpowiednik administer>content management>content) - możliwe do wywołania z poziomu konkretnej strony oraz z listy podstron. Lista podstron serwisu jest widoczna cały czas w menu panelu administracyjnym....

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Zlecę wykonanie dwóch modyfikacji pluginu WP e-Commerce: Potrzebuję dwóch funkcji: 1. Wybór formy wysyłki (przez dropdown lub radiobuttony) na podstawie...podsumowania (Checkout) przed zsumowaniem należnej kwoty (koszt wysyłki ma być wliczony do sumy). 2. Płatność poprzez - napisanie bramki na podstawie bramek istniejących (najbliższa wydaje się być bramka Paypal Express Checkout) oraz na podstawie dokumentacji: a) : b) pluginu: Posiadam konto w , które może zostać w razie potrzeby wykorzystane do testów. Faktura VAT mile widziana, ale nie niezbędna. W razie pytań zapraszam.

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Zapraszam chętne osoby do poprawienia błędu: Warning: imagejpeg() []: Unable to open './galeria/mini/phpcmnq8D' for writing: Permission denied in /home/megaaukc/domains/ on line 188 oraz jeszcze 1 który powiem zainteresowanemu. Zapraszam do kontaktu gg 3246270, kto pierwszy ten lepszy. prosze o podanie ceny za wykonanie.

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Chcialbym zlecic prace w jezyku angielskim. Temat: "Comparative summary of Classicism and Positivism" Praca musi byc oparta na 2 tekstach, ktore sa wymagane + ewentualne dodatkowe zrodla (opcjonalnie). Tresc pracy musi byc napisana w taki sposob, aby osoba, ktora nie zapoznala sie z tekstem potrafila ta prace zrozumiec. Referencje: styl Harvard (wymagane) Limit slow to 600 slow.

$30 Average bid
$30 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Zlecę (na zasadzie stałej współpracy) pozycjonowanie strony w wyszukiwarce dla następujących fraz: small business software bespoke business software business management software quotation software simple business software bespoke business software software for small business cheap business software Możliwe, że dojdą inne słowa kluczowe. Konieczna faktura VAT, bez tzw. "black seo" - interesuje nas stała współpraca. Nie akceptujemy ofert bez portfolio.

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Do wykonania wtyczka do popu...odtwarzania, filmu zostanie on przeniesiony na pobrany wcześniej z adserwera URL. Oczywiście ma czas odtwarzania filmu reklamowego zostają wyłączone elementy odtwarzacza pozwalające ominąć film reklamowy. Uwagi: 1. Funkcjami odtwarzacza można zarządzać z wbudowanego API odtwarzacza, podobnie jest z playlistami. 2. Dokumentacja pisania wtyczek: 3. Przykłady wtyczek do emisji reklamy dla innych sieci reklamowych: - kolumna "Advertising networks" 4. API: Wszelką korespondencję proszę kierować na adres "wroclaw [zwierzę z bananem] ".

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...confidential consideration to this position, please send your resume directly to The right person will have proven experience in Web Development and Project Management. The role requires strong communication, organizational and project-management skills, and knowledge of the various phases of online e-commerce, website and marketing content development and production (copy writing, Web site design, interaction design, front end technologies and implementation). The ability to simultaneously manage multiple complex projects with critical deadlines and material risks is essential. Detailed knowledge of online, content development and e commerce (including a strong working knowledge of iterative Web design processes, a understanding of front-end technologies, a...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

We are looking for young hard-working, honest, ambitious people who want to gain experience by realizations on Internet. A very good knowledge of English is required. Editorial and researching information, writing thematic texts, we are also looking for web-masters, programmers and animators. If you are interested in this adventure, please send brief information about yourself, Info including interest, the argument of your skills and how you would contribute to this business. We do not accept CV! Contact studio@

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert
55032 Internet Service
Zakończone left

We are looking for young hard-working, honest, ambitious people who want to gain experience by realizations on Internet. A very good knowledge of English is required, including an ability to write precise information, whilst having a knowledge and analysis of global markets, particularly the BRIC. Editorial and researching information, writing thematic texts, we are also looking for web-masters, programmers and animators. If you are interested in this adventure, please send brief information about yourself, including interest, the argument of your skills and how you would contribute to this business, via e-mail address; produkcja@

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Drodzy Państwo! Poszukuję dwóch _kreatywnych_ i _inteligentnych_ osób o bardzo dobrej znajomości angielskiego (i z odpowiednimi writing skills), którym chciałbym zlecić napisanie _dobrej jakości_ tekstów. Będą to: - około 30 artykułów o długości 4500-6000 znaków bez spacji - 70 postów blogowych długości 2500-3000 zbs - 65 _opisowych_ przepisów kulinarnych na różne dania (z góry narzucone), długość 2500-3000 zbs. (wszystko do podziału na dwie osoby; proszę __OFEROWAĆ CENĘ ZA POŁOWĘ__ powyższej ilości) Notki blogowe będą proste i bardzo łatwe do napisania. Artykuły będą od Państwa wymagały nieco większego nakładu pracy, trzeba będzie zapewne dokonać pewnego researchu w internecie... Niemniej jednak biorą...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

witam potrzebne jest to na jutro tj. 19 maj na 9.00 proponuję 50 zł płatne w ciagu 1-2 dni po odebraniu zlecenia przelewem na konto p...konto prosze o nr telefonu w zgłoszeniu przykładowy temat na króciutkie wypracowanko :do góra 1000-1200 słów Ladies and gentlemen, on Friday we watched the second part of the film &#8222;The Queen&#8221;. If you want to make up for the absence try to watch it, or find an article about the time of Princess Diana`s death and the reaction of the Royal family on the Internet and write a summary. Homework &#8211; write a short piece on why it was difficult for the Royal family to respond to the death. (or some other aspect of the problem) zgłoszenia prosze na mail : bgsz@, koniecznie prosze o nr telefonu po...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...zlecenia przelewem na konto prosze o nr telefonu w zgłoszeniu przykładowy temat na króciutkie wypracowanko : Ladies and gentlemen, on Friday we watched the second part of the film &#8222;The Queen&#8221;. If you want to make up for the absence try to watch it, or find an article about the time of Princess Diana`s death and the reaction of the Royal family on the Internet and write a summary. Homework &#8211; write a short piece on why it was difficult for the Royal family to respond to the death. (or some other aspect of the problem) zgłoszenia prosze na mail : bgsz@, koniecznie prosze o nr telefonu pozdrawiam...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Szukam osoby, która wypozycjonuje w Google serwis, dotyczącego portalu piszącego eseje. Interesuje mnie tylko pozycjonowanie pod wyniki na terenie USA. Hasła custom essay, term paper, research paper, writing service

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Szukam osoby, która wypozycjonuje w Google serwis, dotyczący ubezpieczeń samochodowych. Interesuje mnie tylko pozycjonowanie pod wyniki na terenie USA. Hasła * car insurance * auto insurance * car auto insurance * cheap car insurance * cheapest car insurance * cheaper car insurance * <nazwa stanu> car insurance * <nazwa stanu> auto insurance * online car insurance

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...calls 1,170, and is all in frsps calls 1,170, and is all in cambatzu shows [Qc Tc] Cinqueporte shows [Kd As] frsps shows [Kh Qs] *** FLOP *** [Qh Td 3h] *** TURN *** [Qh Td 3h] [7h] *** RIVER *** [Qh Td 3h 7h] [Jd] cambatzu shows two pair, Queens and Tens Cinqueporte shows a straight, Ace high frsps shows a pair of Queens Cinqueporte wins the pot (4,545) with a straight, Ace high *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 4,545 | Rake 0 Board: [Qh Td 3h 7h Jd] Seat 1: le-filou-59640 (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 2: gavrla (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 3: Cinqueporte showed [Kd As] and won (4,545) with a straight, Ace high Seat 4: frsps showed [Kh Qs] and lost with a pair of Queens Seat 5: Viktor37 didn't bet (folded) Seat 6: cambatzu showed [Qc Tc] ...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Witam Jak w temacie. Szukam osoby do wykonania intro strony. Kllimatem i dynamiką jak: z wjazdem logo jak: "Scenariusz" 1. wjazd logo + 2-3 teksty 2. pozniej kilkanaście sekund z "wchodzącymi" layoutami www, każdy bedzie sie skladal z kolejnych warstw podobnie jak w pierszym linku. całość ok 30 sek Wszystko w klimacie świateł itp jak w podanych linkach. Wizualizacje kolejnych etapów i części layoutów przygotuje wybranej osobie. Na wszystkie pytania chętnie odpowiem. Prosze o przesłanie wstepnej wyceny i portfolio. Pozdrawiam

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

WEBSITE SPECS SUMMARY &#183; Australian portal for viewing football videos (as embedded links from YouTube) &#183; Design as per &#183; Modelled on &#183; Website objectives: &#183; Generate footy fan traffic by displaying footy videos &#183; Create member database by providing incentives to register &#183; Achieve profit through selling advertising space on the site STRUCTURE / MODULES 1. Design as per (click on navigation row to see content page design, click on search to see results page, click on a video for details page) 2. Two advertising modules, each can be switched (by admin) to either google ads or banner ads (top &#8211;

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

We are looking for a detail-oriented person for: internet research, organization of data, and some simple product translation (English to Polish). Will pay an hourly rate. Interested candidates must be able to take instructions and communicate in written or spoken English. If you are interested, send responses in English (and only in English) and send us your resume or a summary of your experience, along with your proposal for an hourly rate. While not required, if you have blogging experience let us know. Ideal candidates should be prepared to start immediately and have availability for a minimum of 40 hours over the next week (or more) and part-time over several months. Send responses to: wickerparkmark@

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert poniższe słowa kluczowe dla przeglądarek amerykańskich. Słowa kluczowe dla których strona ma być wypozycjonowana: buy cialis online; generic cialis; cheapest cialis; cialis for order; buy cialis; purchase cialis; cialis proffesional viagra; buying viagra; buying viagra online; cheapest viagra; viagra supplier/s generic viagra; viagra for sale; buy viagra; viagra proffesional levitra; cheap levitra; levitra proffesional Słowa kluczowe mogą ulec zmianie (nastąpi to jednak przed przystąpieniem do prac nad pozycjonowaniem) Interesuje mnie aby dla żadnej frazy strona nie była w Google na niższej pozycji niż 5. Pozycjonowanie miało by być dla strony całkowicie nowej tworzonej od podstaw. Tak więc nazwy domen etc byłyby wybierane specjalnie pod to by pozycjonowa...

$34 Average bid
$34 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

zlece projekt (portfolio) z 'network security' na ok 4000 wyrazow, projekt w jezyku ang. tytul projektu: Executive summary relating to the establishment of a secure infrastrukture for DGH. DGH case study wysylam na maila osobom zainteresowanym lub do sciagniecia z:

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

zlece projekt (portfolio) z 'network security' na ok 4000 wyrazow, projekt w jezyku ang. tytul projektu: Executive summary relating to the establishment of a secure infrastrukture for DGH. DGH case study wysylam na maila osobom zainteresowanym lub do sciagniecia z:

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

zlece projekt (portfolio) z 'network security' na ok 4000 wyrazow, projekt w jezyku ang. tytul projektu: Executive summary relating to the establishment of a secure infrastrukture for DGH. DGH case study wysylam na maila osobom zainteresowanym

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

zlece projekt (portfolio) z 'network security' na ok 4000 wyrazow, projekt w jezyku ang. tytul projektu: Executive summary relating to the establishment of a secure infrastrukture for DGH. DGH case study wysylam na maila osobom zainteresowanym

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert poniższe słowa kluczowe dla przeglądarek amerykańskich. Słowa kluczowe dla których strona ma być wypozycjonowana: buy cialis online; generic cialis; cheapest cialis; cialis for order; buy cialis; purchase cialis; cialis proffesional viagra; buying viagra; buying viagra online; cheapest viagra; viagra supplier/s generic viagra; viagra for sale; buy viagra; viagra proffesional levitra; cheap levitra; levitra proffesional Słowa kluczowe mogą ulec zmianie (nastąpi to jednak przed przystąpieniem do prac nad pozycjonowaniem) Interesuje mnie aby dla żadnej frazy strona nie była w Google na niższej pozycji niż 5. Pozycjonowanie miało by być dla strony całkowicie nowej tworzonej od podstaw. Tak więc nazwy domen etc byłyby wybierane specjalnie pod to by pozycjonowani...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...magazynowy towaru. Poniżej podaję opis tego co dostawca podaje: With the Web APIs service, software developers can query our products stocks, pricelists, perform business operations directly from their own computer applications. Uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, PHP, Python, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET. To start writing applications using Web APIs: Step 1 Download the Web APIs Development Kit The Web APIs Developer's Kit provides documentation and example code for using the Web APIs service. Download now! Step 2 Request a License Key To access Acme Services, you must obtain a license key. Step 3 Create Your Application Using Your License Key Your application must include your l...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert
6766 modyfikacja joomli
Zakończone left

WEBSITE ENHANCEMENT SPECS FOR SUMMARY 1. Joomla E-shop selling single downloadable product 2. Enhancement objectives &#8226; Create &#8220;Opt-in&#8221; box where people enter Name and e-mail to get a copy of a FREE report &#8226; Simplify the ordering process &#8226; Introduce an Affiliate Program ORDERING PROCESS 1. On the product page, replace the quantity box and checkout button with &#8220;Buy Now&#8221; button 2. Remove the checkout step and (after Buy Now goes straight to registration) 3. Remove &#8220;returning customers please log in&#8221; section 4. Add new non-compulsory textbox &#8220;Affiliate Code&#8221; 5. Deactivate all auto-emails to customer except for the download link AFFILIATE PROGRAM

$142 Average bid
$142 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

...punkt, poproszę cena i czas wykonania oraz podsumowanie całości. Szczególną uwagę proszę zwrócić na moduł virtual kitchen, chcielibyśmy w ofercie dostać informację w jakiej technologii będzie to robione oferty proszę przesyłać na: arturm@ - zależy mi na czasie, tak więc proszę nie czekać na zakończenie aukcji ze swoją ofertą. Szczegóły poniżej: WEBSITE SPECS FOR NETKITCHENS SUMMARY 1. Australian company supplying kitchen cabinets and benchtops (both separately and as complete kitchens) to trade and retail customers throughout Australia 2. Full CMS site with integrated e-commerce shop 3. Unique shop functions – multivel membership, various discounts per level/individual, subproducts, attributes, swap image function for colour attribute, s...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...magazynowy towaru. Poniżej podaję opis tego co dostawca podaje: With the Web APIs service, software developers can query our products stocks, pricelists, perform business operations directly from their own computer applications. Uses the SOAP and WSDL standards so a developer can program in his or her favorite environment - such as Java, PHP, Python, Perl, or Visual Studio .NET. To start writing applications using Web APIs: Step 1 Download the Web APIs Development Kit The Web APIs Developer's Kit provides documentation and example code for using the Web APIs service. Download now! Step 2 Request a License Key To access Acme Services, you must obtain a license key. Step 3 Create Your Application Using Your License Key Your application must include...

$76 Average bid
$76 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

...profilu innych użytkowników(inni użytkownicy mogą zarządzać komentarzami, jakie otrzymują{nie podoba Ci się czyjś komentarz na Twój temat, możesz go usunąć Użytkownikowi nie wolno zmieniać, usuwać etc elementów profilu lub plików wrzuconych przez innych użytkowników. Portal powinien mieć kilka zakładek; tak jak Zakładki powinny się nazywać: my music, my video, my graphic, my writing(w pierwszym etapie uruchamiamy tylko zakładkę my music, później rozszerzamy o kolejne) Wyszukiwarka ludzi: Wg. płci, wieku, tego czy ma swoją muzykę, czy nie, ze względu na zdjęcie itp. Kolejna zakładka portalu to część informacyjna my events tam będziemy pisać o wszystkich wydarzeniach, o których będziemy chcieli napisać Strona gł&o...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Projekt dla australijskiej firmy webmasterskiej - możliwość stałej współpracy. Szczegóły poniżej WEBSITE SPECS FOR LAMINEX NETKITCHENS SUMMARY 1. Australian company supplying kitchen cabinets and benchtops (both separately and as complete kitchens) to trade and retail customers throughout Australia 2. Full CMS site with integrated e-commerce shop 3. Unique shop functions – multivel membership, various discounts per level/individual, subproducts, attributes, swap image function for colour attribute, search per price bracket, multiple image per product (see Special Shop Functions below). 4. Possible integration with Virtual Kitchen software. DESIGN Main kitchen image dominating the Home page, possibly rotating in flash. Underneath featured categor...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

I need an article focused on Creative Designers for Fantasy Miniatures Kickstarters, targeting Kickstarter backers specifically. Key Points: - The piece should examine the role of a cr...processes involved. - The article needs to demonstrate how great design contributes to a successful campaign. - It should include a few specific creative designers or projects I have in mind as case studies. - It must incorporate interviews or quotes from industry experts. Skills/Experience Required: - Strong background in writing about crowdfunding, miniatures, gaming, or fantasy art. - Ability to craft engaging, well-researched pieces. - Informative, engaging writing style tailored for Kickstarter backers. - SEO optimization skills to drive traffic. - Experience with interviews and sourci...

$9 Average bid
$9 Średnia Oferta:
7 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a professional to rework my estimating spreadsheet. This is primarily for estimating material and labor costs. The spreadsheet should provide a detailed breakdown of costs, not just a high-level summary. Spreadsheet calculates the amount of concrete, tile, coping and plaster based off of pool dimensions. Inputs are Perimeter, water surface area, interior Surface area, distance of the equipment from the furthest edge of the pool Spreadsheet allows you to pick from a list of material that included the material cost along with a "kit" of other items that are required to complete that Piece of the project.. for example: a pool skimmer kit may include, Skimmer, PVC Pipe, PVC Fittings, Glue, and Labor hours.. All of the items in the Kit need to be easily upd...

$1994 Average bid
Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
$1994 Średnia Oferta:
26 składanie ofert

I am seeking a professional to create a Wikipedia bio article focusing on my client / friend's professional career. This article should highlight my major projects and contributions, as we...completed and will be submitted - I had already created a bio and submitted it however it was rejected since I didn't have any edits or creations on the platform. I can supply you with what was submitted as a starter. - Write or rewrite a compelling and factual bio article. - Post the article on Wikipedia and get published ASAP. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing Wikipedia articles. - Excellent writing skills. - Understanding of Wikipedia's guidelines and standards for article submission. - Ability to create engaging content that accurately reflec...

$410 Average bid
$410 Średnia Oferta:
30 składanie ofert

...previous ratings and have been awarding projects for 10+ years. The chosen freelancer will receive positive feedback score and prompt payment. ----------------- About the task ----------------------- Build an AI-enabled application which 1. Recognizes the correct column header and places the correct data in the correct column a. Excel b. Text c. Word document d. PDF 2. Recognizes hand-writing upload from 1. Image files (JPG, GIF or PNG) 2. PDF files 3. Compiles the data into a correct Excel sheet (for students, parent and teacher) 4. Uploads the data into our web application called Kontakkt Please read the attached project file carefully, which explains the output tasks We will provide the winning bidder with a live user account to login to Kontakkt, with data already...

$80 Average bid
$80 Średnia Oferta:
33 składanie ofert

I'm a professor seeking assistance to create a PowerPoint presentation for a detailed case study on Corporate Communications and Public Relations within the Business and Management realm. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proficiency in PowerPoint - A strong understanding of Business and Management - Experience in Corporate Comm...PowerPoint presentation for a detailed case study on Corporate Communications and Public Relations within the Business and Management realm. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proficiency in PowerPoint - A strong understanding of Business and Management - Experience in Corporate Communications and Public Relations - Ability to create engaging and informative presentations - Excellent writing skills - Creativity i...

$72 Average bid
$72 Średnia Oferta:
33 składanie ofert
High-DA Guest Post for Backlinking
6 dni left

I am looking for a person who can do 5 guest posting under budget on Good DA websites. Key Requirements: - Craft a compelling, SEO-optimized article of 500-700 words, You can use GPT - Identify and secure a guest post on a high-DA site - Ensure the post is relevant to my industry The ideal freelancer will have a strong portfolio of successful guest posts, excellent writing skills, and a deep understanding of SEO principles. Experience in securing posts on high-domain authority sites is a must.

$22 Average bid
$22 Średnia Oferta:
25 składanie ofert

I'm seeking an expert to help me craft a compelling business proposal. The proposal will be...adults battling drug addiction. - **Counseling and Therapy**: The proposal should highlight our commitment to providing quality counseling and therapy services. - **Community Outreach and Education**: An integral part of our service will be community engagement, educating the public about substance misuse and our efforts to combat it. The ideal candidate will be proficient in business proposal writing, with a deep understanding of drug rehabilitation services. Experience in the healthcare sector, particularly in substance misuse services, will be highly advantageous. We aim to create a proposal that not only outlines our service, but also persuades potential investors of its necessity...

$513 Average bid
$513 Średnia Oferta:
58 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a Chinese & English speaking professional with in-depth experience in troubleshooting and maintaining Siemens S7-1200 / S7-1500 PLCs and KUKA robots. The primary focus of this project is addressing software errors in the KUKA robot and PLC. The p...Siemens S7-1200 / S7-1500 PLCs and KUKA robots. The primary focus of this project is addressing software errors in the KUKA robot and PLC. The project is in Slovakia, I expect 1 week and will need to start from Monday 10 March. Ideal candidates should: - Have extensive knowledge in Siemens S7-1200 / S7-1500 and KUKA robot systems. - Be able to communicate fluently in Chinese both reading and writing. - Have a strong background in maintenance and troubleshooting. - Possess problem-solving skills to effectively deal wi...

min $46 / hr
min $46 / hr
0 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a talented Flutter developer to create an offline task management and reminder app named Taske. The app will feature a beautiful and professional UI, integrated pedometer functionality, and banner pushing through the Django admin panel. Key Features: - The main screen should be a dashboard with a task summary. - Users can organize their tasks and set recurring reminders (one-time and location-based reminders are not part of this project). - The app will allow users to track their physical activity through a pedometer and receive activity-based notifications. - Subscribed users will have access to additional features such as data backup. - Admins will manage banners through Django. - Users will enjoy an optimized experience based on their subscription status. I...

$264 Average bid
$264 Średnia Oferta:
16 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a talented Flutter developer to create an offline task management and reminder app named Taske. The app will feature a beautiful and professional UI, integrated pedometer functionality, and banner pushing through the Django admin panel. Key Features: - The main screen should be a dashboard with a task summary. - Users can organize their tasks and set recurring reminders (one-time and location-based reminders are not part of this project). - The app will allow users to track their physical activity through a pedometer and receive activity-based notifications. - Subscribed users will have access to additional features such as data backup. - Admins will manage banners through Django. - Users will enjoy an optimized experience based on their subscription status. I...

$298 Average bid
$298 Średnia Oferta:
10 składanie ofert

Booking App Design Summary Overview The booking app is designed to be fully responsive and work seamlessly across mobile, tablet, and laptop screens. Users should be able to log in, sign up, search and filter grounds, select locations, book multiple grounds and slots, make payments, and view booking summaries. Pages & Features 1. Login Page - Fields: Email/Phone, Password - Option to reset password - Social login (Google,) 2. Signup Page - Fields: Name, Email, Phone, Password, Confirm Password - Option to agree to terms and conditions 3. Ground Details Page - Displays ground information (name, type, address, images, amenities) - User reviews and ratings - Availability calendar - Pricing details (based on time slots) 4. Booking Page - Location Selection: Users select a loca...

$139 Average bid
$139 Średnia Oferta:
19 składanie ofert

I need a talented script writer to craft an engaging advertisement script aimed at children. Your primary goal will be to help increase our brand awareness through this advertisement. Ideal skills and experience include: - Previous experience writing advertisement scripts - Understanding of children's language and interests - Creativity and ability to write engaging content - Experience in branding and brand promotion - Ability to work within specified deadlines If you can write a script that captivates a child's attention and promotes brand recognition, I want to hear from you.

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Średnia Oferta:
38 składanie ofert
Software App README Creation
6 dni left

I'm seeking a professional to create a detailed README file for a software application. The primary purpose of this README will be to explain the project setup. Key Requirements: - The README should be to explain the project setup. Key Requirements: - The README should be clear and concise, making it easy for anyone to understand how to set up the project. - Understanding of software application development and setup processes is crucial. - Experience with writing technical documents is preferred. The README will need to cover instructions for setting up the software on multiple platforms, including Windows, MacOS, and Linux. Therefore, familiarity with these operating systems is a plus. Ideal Skills: - Technical writing - Software development - Cross-pl...

$23 Average bid
$23 Średnia Oferta:
32 składanie ofert

I need an experienced Urdu writer to improve the pronunciations of my song lyrics for The...lyrics. I would appreciate it if you could rewrite the lyrics in better Roman Urdu or with the correct phonetic symbols (zair, zabar, paish, khari zabar). The primary audience for these lyrics is native Urdu speakers, so it is essential that the improved lyrics sound natural and authentic to a native speaker. Key Requirements: - Expert understanding of Urdu language and grammar - Experience in writing song lyrics - Familiarity with phonetic symbols and their correct usage - Ability to write in Roman Urdu - Understanding of the needs of native Urdu speakers Please note that while the primary focus is on improving pronunciations, a good command of grammar and rhyming will also be b...

$20 Average bid
$20 Średnia Oferta:
5 składanie ofert

I am considering writing a book about my life experience as I have been approached by a publishing platform and wanted to educate myself more on the industry as while I have always wanted to write a book, I have little experience in the process. Who I am Here is a summary of my background, experience, and journey I am of mixed race (Chinese, African, Scottish, but from Jamaica) My family immigrated to Toronto, Canada where I was born I had colorful, extraordinary childhood experiences as my father was eccentric and entrepreneurial (today we know he was on the "spectrum" We owned a trailer park, built a fish farm back in the 80's, and raced thoroughbred horses in the 90's which I was the primarily responsible for running starting at the age of 12 (think ...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Średnia Oferta:
42 składanie ofert

I'm looking for an educational piece aimed at academics and researchers, focusing on the ethical implications of how AI can manipulate consciousness. The article should: - Explain the concept of AI's influence on consciousness in a way that is accessible yet intellectually stimulating. - Delve deep into the ethical considerations surrounding th...manipulate consciousness. The article should: - Explain the concept of AI's influence on consciousness in a way that is accessible yet intellectually stimulating. - Delve deep into the ethical considerations surrounding this issue. - Use appropriate academic language and references. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in AI and ethics, with experience writing for an academic audience. A knack for clear, engag...

$14 Average bid
$14 Średnia Oferta:
35 składanie ofert

...- A thorough explanation of the detailed algorithmic steps alongside relevant mathematical derivations is essential. - The paper should utilize Ethereum scanner data along with CoinGecko API data for model explanation and performance illustration. Ideal Skills: - Profound understanding of GNN-based models and recommender systems - Expertise in cryptocurrency data analysis - Strong technical writing skills - Ability to break down complex concepts into comprehensible segments. Please note, the paper needs to extensively compare model performance and not delve into practical application scenarios. However, this aspect may be briefly touched upon as supplementary content. Code implementation examples are not necessary, but a clear and logical sequence of model explanation along...

$85 Average bid
$85 Średnia Oferta:
12 składanie ofert