Whats normal hip hop artist budgetprojekty


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    2,000 whats normal hip hop artist budget ofert prac znalezionych

    ...konferencja, wystawa ) w różnych miastach oraz w powiekszeniu na całą mapę polski – Ew. możliwość wchodzenia przez kategorie na mapy oraz ze względu na kryteria – np.: interesuje mnie pub a nie pizzeria w mieście łódź. Czy też, interesuje mnie festiwal, nie koncert w mieście warszawa i Ew. muzyka Rock/Metal.. - Możliwość kupienia biletu: w serwisie podobne rozwiązanie jest na stronie oraz połączenie ze sklepem odpowiedzialnym za sprzedaż biletów. - Tworzenie prezentacji, takich jak w serwisie (taki sam charakter zróżnicowania) – połączenie z płatnością online - dodanie modułów: recenzja/relacje – coś na wzór portalu – z możliwością przypisania do recenzowanego obiektu (np.: zespół/ar...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...KOMENTARZE DO WPISÓW, EDYToWAĆ WYGLĄD SWEGO BLOGA oraz dodawać przede wszystkim VIDEO Z YOUTUBE'a i innych serwisów. Ogólnie coś pokroju Lecz nie aż tak zaawansowane. Serwis który staram się utworzyć będzie serwisem dostępnym dla ograniczonej liczby użytkowników (pracowników pewnej firmy) i naprawde potrzebuję PODSTAWOWEGO SYSTEMU. wiem że cały projekt nie bedzie taki 'HOP SIUP' i łatwy do zrobienia. Ale zależy mi na cenie, rozsądnym programiście i czasie. A co do poziomu logowania admina. W panelu admina dodatkowo znalazłaby się opcja usuwania kont użytkowników (BEZ EDYCJI ICH DANYCH gdyż chce by każdy użytkownik miał wolność słowa i poglądów) a reszta do ugadania. Interesuje mnie cena. BIE...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    14408 tłumaczenie
    Zakończone left

    dopisanie i weryfikacja pracy licencjackiej portrait of the artist as a young man as a novel of development, kontakt na mail kmak6@

    $2 - $204
    $2 - $204
    0 składanie ofert

    ...konferencja, wystawa ) w różnych miastach oraz w powiekszeniu na całą mapę polski – Ew. możliwość wchodzenia przez kategorie na mapy oraz ze względu na kryteria – np.: interesuje mnie pub a nie pizzeria w mieście łódź. Czy też, interesuje mnie festiwal, nie koncert w mieście warszawa i Ew. muzyka Rock/Metal.. - Możliwość kupienia biletu: w serwisie podobne rozwiązanie jest na stronie oraz połączenie ze sklepem odpowiedzialnym za sprzedaż biletów. - Tworzenie prezentacji, takich jak w serwisie (taki sam charakter zróżnicowania) – połączenie z płatnością online - dodanie modułów: recenzja/relacje – coś na wzór portalu – z możliwością przypisania do recenzowanego obiektu (np.: zespół...

    $2 - $2
    $2 - $2
    0 składanie ofert
    12033 Ikonki na strone
    Zakończone left

    Zlecam zrobienie 6 ikonek na moja strone ktore bede jako gorne menu... kontak, forum, galeria, artykoły, imprezy, download chciałbym zeby ikonki były zrobione w stylu hip-hop oraz były dopasowane do stylu mojej strony...

    $4 Average bid
    $4 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...pozycjonować będą się tylko elementy nadrzędne typu nazwa czy lista galerii; - dodawanie artykułów powinno móc wspierać standard czyli korzystanie z dostępnych styli CSS danej podstrony a nie że potem wygenerowany akapit jest pełen opcji tagów (np. powinno być: <p>Nowe ogłoszenie <strong>dziś już na stronie</strong></p> a nie <p style="bgcolor=#FFFFFF; font-type=normal">Nowe ogłoszenie <b><span style="font-type=bold" height=15px>dziś... i td) - dodawanie artykułów powinno pozwalać na dodawanie zdefiniowanych tagów wynikających ze struktury strony czyli np. "treść o artykułach" powinno pozwolić na wzięcie w link słowo "artykułach" gdy taka podstrona "...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam. Zlece wykonanie biznes planu -> 40 - 70stron A4 Wraz z anliza rynku, .... Cena max. 9.000,-Euro. Celem biznes planu beda przedsiewziecia.: -Studio nagraniowe -Studio graficzno - programistycznje -Studio tłumaczeń -Organizacja konkursów "walk na słowa" -Szkoła tworzenia muzyki/realizowania muzyki oraz DJ -Produkcja ubrań w stylu Hip Hop (przy współpracy z firmą, która produkuje ubrania) -Radio Proszę tylko o poważne oferty, najlepiej osoby z wyk. wyzszym kierunkowym ekonomia - marketing. Termin. do 6tygodni. *Dodatkowym atutem będzie to iż osoba będzie posiadać doświadczenie w dziedzinach podanych powyżej *Biznes plan może zawierać także elementy graficzne. Pozdrawiam.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    11673 Logo strony www
    Zakończone left

    Witam szukam grafika ktory zrobi mi logo dla mojej nowej strony www strona posiwiecona jest hip-hopowi...

    $2 - $8
    $2 - $8
    0 składanie ofert

    Na początku mówie że jest to oferta dla ludzi którzy nie będą chcieli pieniędzy (ewentualnie mało) Jest to oferta która umożliwia promocję. Mowa tu o prowadzeniu strony internetowej adres lub stworzenia nowego portalu. Nie jesteśmy całkowitymi amatorami!!! Istniejemy na Koszalińskiej scenie Hip-Hopowej gramy koncerty. Nie mamy w naszych szeregach nikogo kto sie zna na www, osoba która zrobiła tą strone teraz nie ma czasu się nią zajmować. Z góry Dzięki !

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, Zlecę wykonanie designu przystosowanego do układu jPortal dla radia internetowego! Nie mam ogólnie przygotowanej koncepcji, gd...internecie jest mnóstwo, dlatego strona powinna się WYRÓŻNIAĆ i być rozpoznawana! Jeżeli chodzi o jakąkolwiek zasadę - raczej unikałbym JEDNOLITOŚCI oraz CZERNI... Raczej od "luzackiego stylu młodzieżowego" proponowałbym coś konkretnego, przejrzystego a zarazem profesjonalnego. Z góry zaznaczam, iż radio będzie nadawało na kilku kanałach - MIX, POLSKA, TECHNO/HOUSE, DISCO, R'N'B/HIP-HOP W związku z powyższym - radio będzie kierowane do zróżnicowanej grupy ludzi - od 15 do 30 lat (a nawet wzwyż) Termin wykonania: max 7 dni Jestem solidnym zleceniodawcą, o czym świadczy m&oa...

    $2 - $81
    $2 - $81
    0 składanie ofert
    8744 Pozyskanie kredytu
    Zakończone left

    Witam. Mam zamiar otworzyc trzy firmy ktore beda dzialac w trzech branzach glownie muzyka (studio muzyczne,wytwornia plytowa oraz produkcja / sprzedaz ubran w stylu hip hop | skate). Szukam osoby ktora bedzie w stanie pozyskac kredyt z banku i/lub EU w wysokosci ok. 13-22 mln PLN. Oczywiscie posiadam biznes plan na kazda firme oraz strategie maerketingowa. Osoba ktora pozyska kredyt dostanie 40% udzialow w kazdej firmie (studio muzyczne,wytwornia muzyczna oraz z firmy ). Nasza firma ( muzyczne) nie bedzie tylko komeryjne bedziemy dawac szanse ludziom zaistniec na rynku za darmo. Wiecej info - prosze wyslac email przez Pozdrawiam.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę wykonanie templatki do Joomli. Tematyka: New Style, Hip Hop, Breakdance, Freestyle. Będzie to strona grupy tanecznej prowadzącej szkołę tańca (głównie Hip Hop, Breakdance, nie żadne tańce klasyczne). Szukam grafiki pomysłowej, oryginalnej, może być w stylu Web 2.0 (chociaż nie bardzo pasuje do tej tematyki - chyba, że komuś uda się to zgrabnie połączyć). Strona będzie oparta na Joomli/Mambo i interesuje mnie tylko i wyłącznie stworzenie "tematu" (template), który wgram jednym kliknięciem. Na stronie będzie pojawiać się dużo newsów i powinna się ładnie "rozciągać w dół". Na pewno będą też reklamy (trzeba uwzględnić miejsce na reklamy Google AdSense i jakieś banery). Menu będzie liczyć dość dużo pozycji (ok...

    $2 - $61
    $2 - $61
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, mam do zakodowania taka strone: PODSTRONY: ::REPERTUAR wyswietany na dwa sposoby 1. w postaci krotkich zajawek (tytul + miniaturka) na stronie glownej, jak to zaprezentowane jest na ( ) (czesc SPRAWDZ TO INFO) 2. ale i takze dostepny ma byc na oddzielnej podstronie w postaci ( ) (jak newsy pod linkiem) ::GALERIA podzielona na dwie czesci: 1. jedna dostepna dla wszystkich. 2. druga widoczna dla osob ktore sie zalogowaly. ::WYSTAPILI U NAS spis wykonawcow, ktorzy wystapili w naszej knajpce wraz z opisem, biografia i zdjeciami ::FORUM php BB podpiete pod nasza grafike ::PODCAST mozliwosc dodawania najciekawszych nowosci z sieci( jakich krotki opis plus mozliwosc podlinkowania jakiejs strony, pliku muzycznego itp, co

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    telefony: nokia, sony ericsson, simens w najprostszej postaci interesuje mnie tylko przerobka kodu na JAVE. dostarcze dzialajace zrodlo w pascalu napisane x-lat temu w celu zrozumienia zagadnienia. wersja normal: ----------------------------------------------------------------- poziom trudnosci w grze ustala sobie sam gracz. na tej podstawie generowane sa losowo obiekty (poziom trudnosci=liczba obiektow). postac porusza sie w kierunkach (gora-dol-lewo-prawo zadnych skosow). gra musi emitowac dzwiek. maksymalnie 4 sygnaly nastepujace po sobie w takim odstepie czasu aby mozna je bylo zliczyc. koniec wymagan :) praktycznie brak animacji w grze. grafike dostarczam wg wytycznych ktore otrzymam. pixelart nie jest mi obcy dlatego sadze, ze nie bedzie problemu ze zrozumieniem s...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam. Proponuje wykonanie strony WWW dla grupy DJi (podstrony): - Strona glowna - Imprezy - spis imprez (tytul + lead + foto + link wiecej) itd - Cykle - opisy imprez cyklicznych - DJ - lista DJi (imie i nazwisko + foto + kilka zdan + link wiecej} itd. - Charts - "l...do okladek z muza jaka gramy: ,2&mediaid=2&avail=1&ptitle=shop%20by%20cover Muza: afrobeat, funky, nujazz, trip-hop, lounge, chillout itp Czekam na propozycje. Wybierac bedziemy na podstawie kreacji strony glownej. Najlepszego!

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Hi My name is Przemyslaw, I look for people who could help me put the new product, Collagen into The market in system multi level marketing I’m interested in all countries, the most about US and all around US. Everything is described below. FURTHER INFORMATION - WHAT IS COLLAGEN BEAUTY LINE? Collagen is a normal protein, which can be found in animal and human tissue. It is one of the most important proteins in our body; it comprises 30 % of all protein in the body and 70 % of skin protein. Collagen's most distinctive feature is its shape of construction; the vast ma¬jority of molecules form the shape of a super helix - created from three polypeptide chains, which spiral around a common axis. Fish collagen is a completely natural protein extracted from sp...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Hi My name is Przemyslaw, I look for people who could help me put the new product, Collagen into The market in system multi level marketing I’m interested in all countries, the most about US and all around US. Everything is described below. FURTHER INFORMATION - WHAT IS COLLAGEN BEAUTY LINE? Collagen is a normal protein, which can be found in animal and human tissue. It is one of the most important proteins in our body; it comprises 30 % of all protein in the body and 70 % of skin protein. Collagen's most distinctive feature is its shape of construction; the vast ma¬jority of molecules form the shape of a super helix - created from three polypeptide chains, which spiral around a common axis. Fish collagen is a completely natural protein extracted from sp...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Grafika do strony głównej o tematyce: skate, hip hop itp. Informacje pod emailem

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    341 prosta stronka
    Zakończone left

    zlece wykonanie prostej strony internetowej zespołu hip-hopowego dla kogos kto sie zna na grafice bedzie to 1-2 dni roboty. stronka ma byc prosta bez zadnych fajerwerkow cos w stylu ja dostarczam grafike do wykozystania na stronie nie mam za duzo kasy wiec liczy sie cena

    $2 - $20
    $2 - $20
    0 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an experienced 3D artist to create a basic render of a rooftop bar, inspired by the Indochine style. The bar is intended for a hotel, serving drinks and food, and the design should cater to the socializing and lounging aspect. Key Requirements: - Follow the provided reference photos closely, which include actual images of the rooftop, the flooring type, tables, and the overall concept. - Highlight the Indochine style throughout the design. This should include a blend of traditional Asian elements and Colonial French influences. - Incorporate the bar area, seating arrangements, and the overall decor and ambiance in the render. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D rendering software. - Strong understanding and appreciation of Indochine style. - Ability to create engagi...

    $126 Average bid
    $126 Średnia Oferta:
    53 składanie ofert
    Trophy icon Classic Company Logo Design
    2 dni left

    ...and evaluate the real designers, pls just post not more than 3 designs in case you have more than one, therea are like 3-5 persons posting more than 11 is a lot and by the way very bad designs i can make it super better than those, so im looking for a real deisgner with talent and creativity, not someone that makes copy-paste, thanks! This is a Logo for my client and I know three are excellent artist here super good, so I ask you for your magic with a new design. Company Name: Ramirez Martinez Drywall, could be reduced to RMD, Ramirez Drywall. Client is open to colors and style, but he likes more old style kind of script, but he is not married to any style. This new logo could be in a Cube with the 3 letters. New Form integrating the 3 letters some how, unique but easy to unde...

    $60 Average bid
    294 zgłoszenia

    Hi everyone, I’m reaching out to explore collaborations with interior designers, art consultants, and professionals who connect art with discerning clients. I represent Ash, an Italian abstract artist whose works are sought after for their ability to transform spaces into powerful, meaningful experiences. With a sales base starting at €12,000 (approximately €1 per cm²), Ash's pieces offer exclusivity, authenticity, and inimitable emotional depth. These large-scale works don’t just decorate—they tell stories and create unforgettable visual impact. We’re offering an attractive commission structure, with increased margins for higher-value placements. Additionally, we can arrange live viewings of select pieces to support your recommendati...

    $1906 Average bid
    $1906 Średnia Oferta:
    34 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a talented artist to create a large self-portrait (up to 24x36 inches) in oil paint. This will be a striking piece with a detailed background Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expert in oil painting - Proven experience in portrait creation - Ability to design and paint detailed backgrounds - Portfolio of large-scale works - Strong understanding of composition and color theory. Please provide your portfolio showcasing relevant work.

    $1238 Average bid
    $1238 Średnia Oferta:
    71 składanie ofert
    Celebrity/TV Show Editor
    6 dni left

    ...record with celebrity content and knowledgeable about editing requirement and obtaining footage. - Skills in visual communication and QUALITY content in terms of keeping the resolution consistent. - Quick turnaround. **This is a bid for ONE video of approximately 15 minutes your bid is the FIXED PRICE** If the collaboration is successful, we can continue working together on 1-4 videos a day. Normal videos on the channel range from 10-20 minutes each. THERE WILL NOT BE ANY NEGOTIATIONS AFTER BIDDING. I have 6 channels to run. I have not time to haggle. YOUR BID IS HOW MUCH YOU ARE WILLING TO DO THE JOB FOR. Look at the video you need to make that style video, I will provide the audio and script. You can do this between Capcut and Canva. Simple overlays and standard motion effe...

    $33 Average bid
    $33 Średnia Oferta:
    29 składanie ofert

    I am in need of a talented fashion sketch artist to design nightwear dresses, specifically nightgowns. I want someone to bring my vision to paper and ideally someone who can create technical drawings to give to manufacturers and seamstresses

    $412 Average bid
    $412 Średnia Oferta:
    37 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a highly skilled artist to create an artwork for a custom mousepad. The theme of the art is Harry Potter, specifically incorporating the House logos and the Hogwarts logo. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Familiarity with Harry Potter universe - Previous experience in creating designs for merchandise - Ability to work with intricate details

    $79 Average bid
    $79 Średnia Oferta:
    47 składanie ofert

    Project Description: Turnkey Web Application Development Using Django MAXIMUM BUDGET: USD 2,250. 1. Project Conditions Exclusive internal use: The application is intended only for the employees of the importing company. No external users will have access or be able to make purchases through the application. Deadline: 3 weeks from the project award. Current status: The project is already 20% complete. Partial deliveries: At least 2 partial revisions are required before the final delivery for feedback. 2. Objective Develop a turnkey web application for an importing company that facilitates: - Management of customer orders. - Consolidation of purchases made from factories. - Administration of an inventory. - Registration and customization of client information. - The application ...

    $2120 Average bid
    $2120 Średnia Oferta:
    107 składanie ofert
    Voice Over for Video
    6 dni left

    I'm seeking a male voice over artist aged between 25-35 to voice over a 25-second video. The tone should be casual, similar to the provided example. Key Requirements: - Voice over should match the tone, mood and style of the example video. - Deliver clear, high-quality audio. - Keep within the time limit of 25 seconds. Budget: $25.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of an independent film artist to create testimonial videos for our marketing campaigns. Key Aspects: - The videos will feature our customers sharing their experiences and opinions about our product/service. - The style should be formal and professional, aiming to build trust and credibility with potential customers. - The purpose of these videos is primarily for marketing promotion. Ideal Candidate: - The freelancer should have a strong background in film production, with specific experience in creating testimonial videos. - Excellent audio-visual editing skills are a must to ensure the final product is polished and professional. - Previous work in marketing related video production will be a plus.

    $1043 - $2085
    $1043 - $2085
    0 składanie ofert
    WordPress Plugin Expert Needed
    6 dni left

    I'm looking for a WordPress professional to assist with the installation and c...get contacts approval? When a new listing is added in my website a. From link posting advertisement- , the advertiser should get whats app or mail or SMS for confirming or declining the advertisement. or b. Upload bulk listings available in excel file containing listings data from admin panel using plugin wpallimport plugin, all numbers should get whats app or mail or SMS for confirming or declining the advertisement. 2. Need to disable the mail id as mandatory field and would like to have contact number otp login through SMS or Whats app 3. I want you to audit my website and Show me how to maintain wordpress site as keeping backup and restore

    $83 Average bid
    $83 Średnia Oferta:
    34 składanie ofert

    (( for art and fashion insta account )) I'm looking for a visual artist to create a captivating series of 5-6 high-resolution images, exploring the theme of human senses in an realistic style. The images should be designed with a similar pattern, (((( they must be simple and symbolic that reflects the idea of the senses without being too direct )))) (((((please check the attached images)))) Key Requirements: - The artistic interpretation should oscillate between realistic and similar to attached images style - The color palette can be a single shade or a harmonious combination of two, preferably sticking to black and white or blue with complementary hues. - Each image must be suitable for an Instagram post. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in visual arts, particularly in...

    $485 Average bid
    193 zgłoszenia
    Smart Contract for a Memecoin
    6 dni left

    I am looking for expert Smart Contract Developer for my memecoin. Basically I am planning to launch a new MEMECOIN . The Coin should be compatible with BEP20 , ERC20 and Base scan. Some of The Special Feature that i am looking into this smart contract are 1. Gas Fee will be paid from my Wallet , for a certain period of time for...Special Feature that i am looking into this smart contract are 1. Gas Fee will be paid from my Wallet , for a certain period of time for some whitelisted wallets 2. Should all the features like the existing memecoins like pepe, shib, floki. 3. Dont Laugh at No 1, I am planning for providing special feature for my app users. 4. No 1 is applicable only for my app users, rest of the users will pay normal gas fee from their wallet 5. I will launch the memec...

    $113 Average bid
    $113 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an artist to scale up an existing 1.5x1.5 feet floral and leaf design to fit a 3x3 feet centre table, while maintaining the same aesthetic and using the same flowers and leaves throughout. Creativity is key here, as I need a visually appealing and symmetric design at the end of the project. Feel free to use your creativity to create the design. Key aspects of the project include: - Leaving a 3 inch border around the main design, which will also incorporate the same flowers and leaves - Creating a border design for the table's side panels, with one panel horizontal and the other vertical, both 4 inches wide - Ensuring symmetry from all sides - Thick lines should be used in the design as this is for wooden carving The design should embody a realistic style wit...

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert
    Web ERP App Development
    6 dni left

    ...costs for profit tracking. The system must accommodate various pricing structures based on insurance coverage, allowing clients to see normal prices alongside insurance options when they inquire about services. Additionally, we need to implement a queue system for patient assistance, where clients can be billed and directed to the appropriate service provider. Results for lab tests may vary in delivery time, so the system should keep track of pending results. Furthermore, we require an integration with a government tax agency for online billing, which includes real-time API connections to obtain digital signatures and tax ID authorizations. The budget for this project is limited to $300. The developer must be available in their timezone and provide frequent updates (ev...

    $529 Average bid
    $529 Średnia Oferta:
    101 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a skilled motion graphic artist to create a modern, 1-minute animated wedding invitation for me. Key elements for the project: - The video should include animated illustrations that creatively express the details of the event. - Text details of the event need to be incorporated in a visually appealing way. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio of modern motion graphics, particularly in the context of event invitations. Experience with integrating text and animations seamlessly is a must. I'm hoping for a finished product that is both engaging and informative, setting the mood for our special day.

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an experienced graphic artist to elevate my faceless YouTube channel. The graphics should be bold and colorful, reflecting the energetic and engaging content of the channel. Key Responsibilities: - Design an eye-catching channel banner. - Create compelling video thumbnails to boost click-through rates. - Develop animated intros that captivate viewers from the get-go. - Conceptualize and design a unique character for the channel. - Design a visually appealing studio/background. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly for YouTube. - Ability to create bold and colorful designs. - Experience with character and background design. - Proficiency in designing animated intros. - Understanding of the YouTube algorithm and what makes...

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Średnia Oferta:
    81 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a professional male voiceover artist with a natural history documentary (746 words) and a British accent for a 10-minute documentary. The voiceover needs to be engaging and captivating, perfectly aligning with the dramatic nature of the documentary. Ideal Skills: - Professional voiceover experience, particularly in documentary narration - Ability to deliver a dramatic performance - Strong British accent This the intro of the film: Intro: The sun shimmers on the sands of the Arabian Peninsula, one of the harshest, most unforgiving environments on Earth. The beauty of undulating dunes stretches into a menagerie of blistering, inhospitable terrain and yet it was not always like this. You’d be forgiven for thinking that not much could survive in the sands cove...

    $277 Average bid
    $277 Średnia Oferta:
    22 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a talented background artist with a knack for creating captivating, cartoon-style environments set in fantasy worlds. Here is the example of the animation that we prefer: Video length: 5-10minutes. Frequency: 6-7 videos/week. Target: 25 years old and older Key Requirements: - Proficient in cartoon-style background art - Experience in designing fantasy world environments - Prior work in creating backgrounds for animation films - Ability to meet deadlines and work collaboratively Your role will be crucial in bringing these whimsical worlds to life, so a passion for fantasy and animation is a plus. If your portfolio aligns with this vision, I look forward to hearing from you.

    $900 Average bid
    $900 Średnia Oferta:
    59 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a talented background artist who can create engaging, cartoonish-style backgrounds set in a fantasy world for my animation. Here is the example of the animation that we prefer: Video length: 5-10minutes. Frequency: 6-7 videos/week. Target: 25 years old and older Ideal Skills: - Proficient in creating cartoonish and abstract designs - Experience in designing for fantasy settings - Strong understanding of creating vivid, engaging cityscapes and natural landscapes in a cartoonish style. Your work will contribute significantly to building the visual appeal of the animation and immersing the audience into the fantastical narrative.

    $871 Average bid
    $871 Średnia Oferta:
    50 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a skilled music producer specialized in creating full tracks. The genre is Hip Hop and I specifically need assistance with beat creation. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven track record in Hip Hop production - Proficiency in beat creation - Experience in full track production - Excellent understanding of the genre's nuances I have a vocal audio and a inspiration track Its a 30 second audio song

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Średnia Oferta:
    18 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled 3D artist to create realistic 3D images of various athletic products including shirts, bags, pants, and sunglasses. Requirements: - Creation of 3D images from front and side views - Use of transparent backgrounds for the images - High level of detail and realism in the 3D models Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience in creating product images - Ability to deliver high-quality, realistic visuals Please include a portfolio of your previous work in your bid.

    $360 Average bid
    $360 Średnia Oferta:
    84 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for designer proficient in Photoshop to create a personalized tattoo design for me based on images I provide. This should be a very easy photoshop task. I just need something to provide to my tattoo artist to convey my vision.

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Średnia Oferta:
    43 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a talented illustrator to create a .puppet file with a simple, cartoonish character. The puppet should be capable of lip syncing and performing normal hand and leg movements, like walking. Key Requirements: - Create a puppet in a cartoonish style. - The puppet should have the ability to: - Wave - Point - Clap - Deliver the final project as a .puppet file. - Provide a video documenting the entire puppet creation process. Ideal Skills: - Expert-level illustration skills, particularly in creating cartoonish characters. - Experience with puppet creation and lip syncing. - Ability to create and deliver a detailed project video. Please showcase your relevant work in your bid. Thank you.

    $174 Average bid
    $174 Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a talented artist who can paint a scene of a pool hall for me. The scene should depict two teens (a boy and a girl) at a pool table with their dad watching from a nearby table. I can provide photos of the teens, father, and the poolhall to model after. No facial detail needed as they can be facing away. This will be for our pool room. My partner's father taught she and her brother to shoot pool when they were young, and he recently passed away. I want this to be a heartfelt commemorative piece that they can look at and cherish forever. Key Requirements: - The painting needs to be in a realistic style, capturing the detail and atmosphere of a typical pool hall. Examples of style preference attached. - The size of the painting should be medium, specifically...

    $316 Average bid
    $316 Średnia Oferta:
    72 składanie ofert

    ...modern, and professional websites. • Technical Skills: o Proficiency in WordPress, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. o Familiarity with page builders like Elementor or WPBakery (optional). o Knowledge of SEO best practices. • Communication: Strong English communication skills, with responsiveness to feedback and deadlines. ________________________________________ Preferred Qualifications: • Experience with artist or portfolio websites. • Ability to deliver additional graphic design or customization if required. • Long-term availability for ongoing projects as a vendor. ________________________________________ What We Offer: • A competitive project-based fee. • Future opportunities to collaborate as a vendor for a business specializing in printing, desi...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    104 składanie ofert

    We are looking for a talented voice artist who can record a series of Islamic short stories for children in the Italian language. As some of the stories include arabic dua, hadith and suras of the quran it would be very great if you are arabic nativ speaker as well. The ideal candidate should have a clear and engaging voice, with the ability to convey emotions effectively through narration. Experience in storytelling or voice-over work is highly desirable. This project aims to bring these stories to a wider audience, making them accessible in Italian. If you are passionate about storytelling and have the right skills, we would love to hear from you.

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    I am in need of a talented CGI artist who specializes in product rendering, specifically for electronics and gadgets. The primary purpose of these renditions is for E-commerce listings. Ideal candidates should possess: - Extensive experience in CGI and product rendering. - A strong portfolio showcasing previous work with electronics and gadgets. - Understanding of E-commerce requirements and best practices for product visualization. - Ability to deliver high-quality, photorealistic images in a timely manner. I look forward to your bids and am excited to collaborate on this project.

    $36 Average bid
    $36 Średnia Oferta:
    22 składanie ofert

    I am seeking a skilled 3D artist to create a mid-poly, detailed and textured model of a futuristic small spaceship. The model will be used as a game asset in the Godot 4.3 game engine, in the glTF (.gltf, .glb) format (Blender). Key Features: - Small spaceship : enough for 2 astronauts. - Approximate disk or cylindrical shape. - Cargo door that can open and close. - The cargo can be filled with shiny irregular shaped gold nuggets. So I need models for the gold nuggets. - Two jet engines located at the rear. When operated, the jet engine exhaust glow bright blue (no flame, because we are in space) - 2 seat pilot cabin with glass windows. I need an empty cabin, and a cabin with a pilot inside. - Twin laser-cannon rotating gun. Your expertise is needed in intricate mechanical detaili...

    $145 Average bid
    $145 Średnia Oferta:
    63 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an interior designer to transform my living room, bedroom, and kitchen into a minimalist haven. The primary focus is on creating a relaxing atmosphere in the living room. Given my tight budget, innovative and cost-effective solutions will be highly appreciated.

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    17 składanie ofert

    I’m looking for new freelancers (age 16-20) interested in doing dramatic and horror-tone voice-overs in Hindi and English for YouTube videos. This is a great chance to learn, improve your voice acting skills, and build a portfolio. If we get good results, compensation will be provided. Key Responsibilities: Deliver engaging voice-overs with a dramatic or horror tone in Hindi and English. Collaborate with the team to create the right mood and impact for each video. Enhance the viewer's experience by using voice modulation and expressions. Ideal Candidates: No prior experience required, just a passion for voice acting. Age 16-20. Strong interest in horror, suspense, and storytelling. A clear, expressive voice in Hindi and English with good modulation. How to Apply: Share why ...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert