What is mixing and masteringprojekty
I have a task to create a simple desktop application from biological da...biological databases based on a database that I have initially created, I have no idea at what level the database is made. I would need help with this project quickly because. the database is in SQL and the application does not matter, the most desirable one is in access, java In general, the project is not supposed to be complicated, it is supposed to be a desktop application in which it will be possible to search for information from a database. I just started the topic of astronomical observations, but I had a problem with the relationships between tables in this topic, so later I started a different topic, but it is In general, it doesn't matter which ...
Witam, Poszukuje osoby z bardzo dobrym angielskim pisanym do tłumaczenia moich tekstów reklamowych na język angielski. W wiekszosci beda to teksty reklam (200-500 slow) Co jakis czas również artykuły (1000-2000 slow) Szukam kogoś kreatywnego, nie tylko zdby tłumaczył ząb w ząb to co mu wyśle ale również szukał ciekawych zamienników i zwrotów które np lepiej jest użyć w danym przypadku. Prosze podać swoją cene za 1000 slow. Od tego zaczniemy. P.S. Prosze pisać do mnie na Ty! Pozdrawiam Krzysiek
Potrzebny programista Ruby on Rails. Doświadczony. Najlepiej z okolic Śląska.
03335855511 plz contact....................................................................................................................................................
03335855511 plz contact....................................................................................................................................................
Podejmę współprace z sumienną osobą która będzie pozyskiwać klientów na moje usługi : - Retusz zdjęć - Grafika 3D - Montaż video - reklamy, animacje, spoty, screencasty - Mix/mastering nagrań muzycznych - Wykonanie stron WWW (takie zlecenia są dla mnie najmniej pożądane - jednak w przypadku zastoju zleceń w poprzednio wymienionych dziedzinach - strony WWW również wykonuję) Współpraca polegająca na wyszukiwania osób i firm które mogą być zainteresowane moimi usługami. Rozliczenia procentowe od każdego zlecenia. Faktury VAT
Zlecę napisanie 10-15 krótkich tekstów / notek zachęcających do skorzystania z usług studia nagrań. Zakres tematyczny to : nagrania lektorskie, infolinie IVR, produkcja muzyki, mix/mastering, jingle radiowe, spoty wideo, reklamy wideo. Oczekuję że osoba która się tego podejmie wyszuka informacje z obszaru wskazanego przeze mnie, na własną rękę. Napisze to lużnym językiem oraz doda teksty zachęcające go skorzystania oferty. Długość jednego tekstu (działu) - max 1 strona A4. Z powodu krótkiego terminu - czas aukcji to 4 dni.
Oferuje sprzedaż podkładów muzycznych w stylu hiphop, rnb, funk. Sprzedaż na wyłączność, pełne prawa do nieograniczongeo wykorzystania w mediach, na wlasnych albumach, stronach internetowych itp. Możliwość dłuższej współpracy. W ofercie także normalizacja nagrań (mix, mastering). Dziesiątki zadowolonych klientów! Wykorzystywany sprzęt: -AKAI MPC500 -Behringer Eurorack UB1002 -Kurzweil KS40A -CME M-Key -Korg nanoKONTROL -Reloop RP2000 Mk3 z systemem Ortofon PRO OM -American audio Q-D5 -Notebook HP G62 Udział w produkcji albumów m.in.: -Deliberacja - Piętnaście tytułów -EDSK - Czas zmian -Dee minzar - El padrino -Liwenlwc - Antologia -Siła wyższa - Lepsze czasy mixtape oraz wiele innych singli, projektów. ZAPRASZAM DO ...
Zlecę poprawę jakości ścieżki audio z dialogami (głos). Do zrobienia: - odszumienie - normalizacja poziomów głośności (nie automat!) - w nagraniu często początki są wysoko, później głośność sukcesywnie spada wraz ze zmęczeniem mówcy, normalna rzecz - gate na oddechy - ścieżka była cięta, ale czasami coś słychać - poprawa parametrów brzmieniowych (lekkie ubasowienie) Zlecenie dla amatora z doświadczeniem lub hobbysty. Jak zwykle szybko i tanio. To nie ma być produkcja r/tv, zadowolę się sensowną jakością. Do obrobienia jest około 20 filmów, śr. długość sztuki 30 min. Jeżeli znasz się na tym i potrafisz zrobić to z użyciem własnych, automatycznych nastaw, czekam na ofertę. Jakkolwiek liczę, że rzut oka na waveforma raczej będzie potrzebny. J...
Chodzi o logo grupy. Prosty pisany delikatnie zaokrągloną czcionką napis "Say What", uderzająca prostota. Say What to grupa muzyków łączących soul, funk i hip hop. Liczymy na ciekawe pomysły.
witam, chciałbym nagrać tekst instrukcji - w wersji audio: a) potrzebuję lektorów którzy nagrają tekst ulotki / instrukcji w profesjonalnym studiu dźwiękowym (głos męski lub/ żeński) b) konieczny będzie proofing nagrania: dokładne sprawdzenie nagrania pod kątem zgodności z tekstem instrukcji c) nagranie musi być zoptymalizowane (montaż i mastering), d) nagranie musi być przekazane na nośniku cyfrowym (płyty CD-R, DVD-R) z nagranymi tekstami wraz z prawami autorskimi Efekt finalny - sam dźwięk - taki mniej więcej jak tu: Zainteresowanych proszę o przysłanie próbki jakiegokolwiek "swojego" nagrania. Będę rozpatrywał tylko oferty z próbkami. pozdrawiam
Zlecenie polega na szybkiej profesjonalnej ocenie i poprawie brzmienia nagrania lektorskiego. Nagranie było zrobione w studio nagraniowym, trwa 82 minuty. Był przeprowadzony mix, mastering i poprawki . Zależy mi na obiektywnej ocenie i w miarę możliwości "podrasowaniu" nagrania.
zlecę pozycjonowanie. przewidywane frazy to music factory, online studio, mastering studio i podobne. szczególy mailowo. budżet nie może przekraczać 80 złotych.
Jednosobowa działalność, zatem stronka niemalże półprywatna - szczegóły po zakończeniu aukcji. Tematyka - muzyka (realizacja nagrań, mastering), programowanie (Delphi). Działalność - szeroko pojęta branżą IT oraz wspomniane zlecenia muzyczne. Potrzebny mi sensowny logotyp uwzględniający profil działaności oraz nazwę (JH NET), którego użyję również w pisanych programach (splash screen/about). Strona jest umieszczona na serwerze (STANDARD) zatem do dyspozycji jest MySQL, PHP4, PHP5, XML, CGI. Interesuje mnie głównie profesjonalny graficzne szablon - strona główna i kilka podstron w podobnym layout. Technika dowolna, obym mógł aktualizować stronę dostępnym darmowym oprogramowaniem :)
? Are you looking for a high-qu...tracks using advanced subconscious programming techniques, designed to enhance success, wealth, and personal growth. ✅ What I Offer: ? Fully customized subliminal audio tailored to your specific goals ? Binaural beats & Solfeggio frequencies to enhance the subconscious effect ? Hidden yet powerful affirmations to reprogram your mind effectively ? High-quality sound engineering with professional mixing & mastering ? Tracks for manifestation, confidence, financial success, positivity & more ? Why Choose Me? ? Experience in subliminal message creation & audio engineering ? Unique, tailor-made tracks for maximum effectiveness ? Immersive listening experience with guaranteed results ? Order now and experienc...
I'm looking for a skilled film editor for my short drama. The editing process will involve: - Cutting and trimming footage to create a cohesive and engaging narrative. - Color correction and grading to enhance the visual appeal and consistency of the film. - Sound design and mixing to ensure a polished and immersive audio experience. The editing style should be natural and subtle, in line with the overall tone of the film. If you have experience working with drama films and can deliver high-quality editing, I would love to hear from you.
We’re looking for a fresh, eye-catching t-shirt design featuring a trending, powerful statement that people would love to wear and share! The design should be modern, bold, and aligned with current fashion and social media trends. What we want: A unique, catchy design for ( Do More of What You Love ) Stylish typography and design elements A design that works well on dark t-shirt colors High-quality, print-ready files (PNG, SVG)
I'm seeking a creative and professional logo for my site, Bakkop. This platform provides cloud backup services for businesses, eliminating the need for on-site servers. Requirements: - The logo should reflect the nature of our service, potentially incorporating imagery related to cloud storage or data backup. - A modern, minimalistic style is preferred, but all suggestions are welcome. - The logo should be versatile enough to look good in both colour and monochrome. Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design and logo creation. - A strong portfolio of modern and minimalistic designs. - Ability to understand and translate a brand's mission into visual design. Please provide examples of your previous work with yo...
I am looking for a skilled production engineer to assist in my studio. The primary tasks will involve real-time audio and video mixing and mastering during studio recordings for podcasts. Key responsibilities: - Real-time audio and video mixing and mastering during recording sessions - Ensuring the highest possible sound and video quality for our podcast episodes Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in a studio setting, specifically with podcast production - Exceptional skills in audio and video mixing and mastering - A keen ear for detail and a commitment to quality - Experience with equipment maintenance preferred but not essential
I'm working with a local product, 034 Records, to create some hip hop, RnB and pop music. The primary goal of this project is to record new tracks in a home studio setting. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in: - Audio engineering - Mixing and mastering - Understanding of Hip Hop and RnB music elements We aim to create high quality recordings that reflect the unique sound of our local hood. Your expertise in mixing and mastering will be crucial in transforming our raw recordings into polished tracks ready for release.
More details: What style do you prefer for the landing page? Corporate and professional Do you have any specific CRM platforms you prefer to be integrated? need in built crm, very basic What functionalities do you need in the inbuilt CRM? Lead management, Contact management, Email marketing
...CSS, and HTML will be crucial in ensuring the design is faithfully and effectively implemented. The client is AT and T client in Dalllas , Texas, USA Key Requirements: - Proficiency in React JS - Strong skills in Bootstrap, CSS, and HTML - Experience with UI development - Ability to work from design mockups Your role will primarily involve developing user interface components based on provided design mockups. The successful candidate will be able to translate these designs into high-quality, interactive UI elements. Familiarity with Angular may be beneficial, but the main focus will be on React JS. I have a comprehensive set of design mockups ready for implementation. Your ability to interpret and execute these designs will be key to...
...create a sleek, modern, and bold logo for my business. The logo will need to be attention-grabbing, conveying the following message: Text Focus: Bold and easy to read "WE BUY HOUSES AS-IS & PAY CA$H! 757-317-0127!" (Large and highly visible) Key requirements: - A design that is both bold and eye-catching, in line with the specified style. - A bright and vibrant color scheme. - No specific imagery is needed, but creativity is key. - The logo should be sleek and modern, yet easy to read. - Avoid clutter-prioritize readability from a distance Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in logo design. - Strong understanding of color theory, typography, and modern design aesthetics...
I'm seeking an experienced video editor for my YouTube channel focused on sharing professional and academic insights. Your responsibilities will include: - Editing raw footage into cohesive and engaging content. - Apply simple transitions, titles, and minimal effects as necessary. - Add appropriate and meaningful b-roll. - Perform natural and realistic color grading and audio mixing. - Optimize videos for YouTube in terms of format, length, and thumbnail suggestions. - Collaborate closely to meet deadlines and ensure consistency with the channel's branding. - Generate, review, and ensure the accuracy of captions in English. Key skills and experiences should include: - Proficiency with industry-standard...
We have an adult website similar to OnlyFans launching soon. It has been 90% completed by another development team but we are looking for a full stack developer who could complete and maintain this website when needed. It runs on Wordpress also. More details: Is this project for business or personal use? For starting a new enterprise What information should successful freelancers include in their application? Experience How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP
I'm seeking a professional audio engineer to mix and master my hip-hop tracks. The goal is to achieve a clean and clear sound. Key Details: - Music Genre: Hip-Hop - Number of Tracks: 1-5 - Desired Sound: Clean and Clear Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in mixing and mastering hip-hop music. - A keen ear for achieving a pristine sound. - A portfolio demonstrating prior work in similar projects.
I'm seeking a talented music producer to help bring my Punjabi song to life. The sound I'm aiming for is a fusion of both traditional and modern elements. I've got specific references that encaps the sound I'm after, so you'll have clear examples to work from. Key Responsibilities: - Full production of the track - Mixing - Mastering Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in music production - Familiarity with both traditional Punjabi sounds and modern music trends - High level of expertise in mixing and mastering - Ability to work from specific musical references and examples
We are looking for a highly creative and skilled video editor to transform raw event footage into a dynamic, engaging, and professional highlight video. The final video should be visually compelling, seamlessly integrating key moments, transitions, and effects while maintaining a natural storytelling flow. Project Scope: - Footage Editing: Trim and enhance raw videos, reducing background noise where possible. - Highlight Snippets: Extract impactful quotes and moments from speakers and interviewers. -Voiceover Integration: Use voice clips from the raw footage, aligning them smoothly with the flow of the video. (No external voiceover; all voices will be from the event.) Creative Effects: - Apply fast-forward, slow-motion, and cinematic trans...
, during the order the notes written by the customer are inserted in the order email but there is no trace left in admin, I think the problem occurred when I put paypal 3 installments.
As a new retail business, I need a logo that embodies a Classic & Coz...need a logo that embodies a Classic & Cozy style. The logo must be designed with both 2D and 3D drawings for execution purposes. Key requirements: - Adherence to the design guidelines I will provide - Adherence to the design Guidlines for the Site ( Open-Mall) - Modern but classic & cozy design - 2D and 3D design skills The ideal designer for this project should have a strong portfolio in retail logo design, a deep understanding of classic & cozy aesthetics, and the ability to create detailed 2D and 3D drawings. I am open to creative suggestions for elements or symbols to be included in the logo. Ultimately, I am looking for a professional who can help me establish my b...
I'm looking for a skilled sound technician for an upcoming music concert. Your primary responsibility will be mixing sound during the performance to ensure a seamless auditory experience for the audience. Key Responsibilities: - Mix sound during the concert - Collaborate with performers and other crew members to ensure sound quality Ideal candidates will have: - Experience in sound mixing for live music events - Excellent understanding of sound equipment - Ability to work under pressure and adapt to changing circumstances Please provide examples of previous music concerts you've worked on and your role in them.
...multi-camera angles, and well-paced cuts. -Add dynamic elements like B-roll, relevant stock footage, and subtle animations to enhance storytelling. -Audio cleanup & enhancement (noise reduction, compression, and EQ) for clear, professional sound. -Create engaging short clips (Reels, Shorts, YouTube clips) with captions and hooks to drive social media engagement. -Incorporate branding elements (logos, lower-thirds, overlays) while maintaining a clean aesthetic. -Stay updated on podcast editing trends and adapt techniques to ensure a fresh and modern feel. Ideal candidate has the following: •Experience in podcast/video editing (examples of high-quality work preferred). •Proficiency in Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolv...
...images for our Lion’s Mane powder product, created as quickly as possible. The following 3D renders are required: 1. Core Product Shots (Professional & Clean) ✅ Flat Lay on White Background – A well-lit, high-resolution image of the Lion’s Mane pouch, clearly showing branding & key product benefits. (Inspired by Spacegoods, Beyond Alpha) ✅ Angled 3D Mockup – A slight tilt of the bag to create depth and visual interest. (Inspired by Life Cykel, Everyday Dose) ✅ Close-Up of Powder Texture – A macro shot of the freeze-dried powder spilling from a scoop. (Inspired by Auri Mushroom Gummies & Beyond Alpha) ✅ Packaging + Scoop Setup – The pouch with the stainless steel scoop placed beside it for premium presentation. 2. Benefit & In...
...assist with my hyperpop track. The project involves comprehensive editing, mixing and mastering. Key Requirements: - Editing: I'm in need of professional chops and overall voice effects. - Mixing: You'll need to balance the different elements of the song, creating a cohesive sound. - Mastering: The final step is making sure the track is polished and ready for release. Voice Effects: The track will require a variety of voice effects, including Auto-Tune, Reverb, Distortion, bit crush, stereo movement, and delay. I have the bgm track...maybe the stems il have to find them , a few rough drafts mixer states and fl project files ready. For the chops I vocalized them while singing to give a good idea ...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a brand logo for "Faith is Victory". The new logo should take inspiration from the attached image (the image is of a buffalo) , but it must not be a complete copy. The ideal freelancer for this project should: - Have a strong portfolio in logo design - Be capable of producing modern, vintage, or minimalistic styles - Understand how to convey feelings or messages through design While I haven't specified a style or key elements from the attached image, the new logo must convey a feeling of victory and success.
...experienced LinkedIn strategist to optimize and grow both our personal profile and company page presence through strategic content and engagement. ## Core Focus Areas **Profile Optimization & Growth** - Enhance personal profile () and KratosLab company page - Implement proven engagement strategies to build quality connections - Create compelling content that drives meaningful interactions - Develop thought leadership positioning in the AI and technology space **Content Strategy Implementation** - Create text-based posts optimized for maximum engagement - Structure content with strategic three-line hooks for better visibility - Implement newsletter and short-form video content - Build interactive content including polls and LinkedIn...
I'm in need of an audio developer with a proven track record in creating high-quality, energetic and upbeat background music using FL Studio. The music will be used for songs, so it needs to be catchy, well-structured, and professionally mixed. Requirements: - Extensive experience with FL Studio - Proven track record in creating background music - Ability to create energetic and upbeat music - Strong audio mixing skills - Able to deliver high-quality sound Please reach out if you can help. Thanks!
...real-time, useful for platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Key features: Color Representation: Each instrument or instrument group in the track will be assigned a specific color. Example: Drums = Blue Piano = Yellow Bass = Red Real-Time Visualization: As you work in Cubase, the software will reflect the track’s instrument composition on the screen, updating as different instruments play. Dynamic Color Mixing: When two instruments play together, the software will display a mix of their respective colors in proportion. Example: If drums (blue) and bass (red) are playing simultaneously, the screen will show a blend of blue, purple (the mix of blue and red), and...
I'm seeking a seasoned music mix and mastering artist based in Bangalore, specializing in Hip-hop. Key Details: - **Genre:** The track is Hip-hop, so familiarity with this genre is crucial. - **Duration:** The track is less than 3 minutes. - **Reference Tracks:** I'm not certain of the exact sound, but I am open to your expert guidance. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in mixing and mastering Hip-hop music. - A deep understanding of the genre's intricacies and trends. - A professional-grade mixing and mastering setup. - Ability to deliver high-quality sound. Please include examples of your previous work in your proposal.
...the company’s overseas brand promotion and marketing. - Develop and execute promotion plans to enhance brand exposure and market influence. 2. Social Media Account Management - Manage and update daily content for platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, etc. - Create content aligned with platform characteristics and target audience preferences. - Track performance data, analyze trends, and optimize strategies to improve engagement and follower growth. 3. Short Drama Translation & Content Updates - Source and select high-quality short drama content from overseas platforms. - Translate subtitles (English-Chinese and vice versa) and adapt content for different platf...
More details: Which part of the activation process are you looking to bypass? Both parts What type of solution are you looking for? Software modification / firmware Do you have access to the source code of the FutureRip software? No
More details: What is the specific delivery location for the estradiol gel? 43 E Main St, Rockville, UT 84763 What is the preferred time for the delivery? Evening/Night How would you like the package to be handled or disguised? Disguised as a different product
I'm looking for a professional web developer with extensive experience in Shopify to design and create a robust E-commerce website for selling physical products. The project also involves designing a companion app. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive understanding and experience with Shopify - E-commerce website development expertise - App design experience - Skills in creating user-friendly, visually appealing interfaces - Knowledge of best practices in physical product e-commerce - Good communication skills for understanding my vision and providing updates Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. I'm excited to see how we can work together to bring this project to fruition.
I have a family video full of travel adventures that I need to enhance with music and sound effects. The ideal candidate for this project is a sound mixing professional with a keen sense for synchronizing music with visuals. Key Requirements: - Add movie score music to accompany the video - Synchronize music with specific moments in the video - Create a seamless blend of sounds to enhance the viewing experience Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in video sound editing and sound mixing - Exceptional understanding of music and ability to match it with video content - Prior experience with family or travel videos preferred Please include examples of your previous work in your bid.
I'm in search of a skilled music producer specialized in the Hip-hop/Rap genre. Your ex...shine in vocal comping, as this will be the main focus of our collaboration. Key Responsibilities: - Understand and implement vocal comping techniques to enhance the quality of the tracks - Engage in beat making to create catchy and rhythmic beats typical of the genre - Provide top-notch mix and mastering to ensure the final product is industry-standard You should have an understanding of the vocal styles of specific artists I have in mind. Reference tracks will be provided, so a good ear for detail and a knack for replicating certain vocal qualities will be essential. Previous experience in the hip-hop/Rap genre is a must, and your portfo...
I'm in need of an audio engineer who specializes in mixing live performances, particularly for the regional Mexican genre.
...goal setting and achievement, and developing emotional intelligence. Additionally, I'm looking for guidance on mastering my subconscious mind and achieving clear thinking. Coaching Sessions: - Delivery: All sessions will be conducted online via video call. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in personal development coaching - Expertise in emotional intelligence and self-confidence training - Skills in teaching goal setting and achievement strategies - Knowledge of subconscious mind mastery techniques - Ability to facilitate clear thinking exercises. Your ability to create engaging and interactive sessions is crucial, as is your patience and understanding. Please provide a proposal detailing...
I seek a growth hacker. My app 10 Kudos is made to share useful contacts among friends: I suggest my babysitter, you suggest your vet, and at the end we have a kind of community yellow pages, a list of the favorite providers of your friends. I think it can be useful, but now I have no idea how to spread it. I'm not seeking a marketing agency who will spend zillions on ads, I'm seeking a strategist who can teach me how to spread the app so that the people find it useful, and ideally have the users themselves bring their friends to the app.