Vbnet inline assignmentprojekty
...Programming language: C # / JavaScript (...) Project description: The aim of the project will be to create a game mode on the theme of "Truck with RPG elements". The player's goal will be to perform a variety of professions, however, focusing on the profession of truck driver. [Further description and details in the file The deadline I think that I am in no hurry but I would like to close this assignment in September. I pay solidly for good project performance :)...
...stylów - należy pamiętać, że poszczególne części wiadomości e-mail powinny być łatwe do wymiany lub nawet usunięte bez wpływu na spójność pozostałej części wiadomości e-mail / Graphical design of an email containing dynamic content - two paragraphs / texts defined by the end user - header image uploaded by the end user Design should be HTML5 compliant and supported by email clients - please use inline styles only without embedded CSS rules - design should be displayed properly on all mobile devices and native email clients For the purpose of further enhancements and automated generation - please use as few different styles as possible - please note that particular sections of the email should be easily replaceable or even removed without affecting cohesion...
aplikacja pobierająca dane z jednej bazy, wyświetlająca dynamiczny formularz inline na podstawie pobranych pól do edycji (ajax) pobranych danych wraz z walidacją, zapisuje dane do lokalnej bazy i pozwala wygenerować pdf'a z zapisanych danych.
Do pocięcia prosty layout (jeden widok). Widok podstawowy + 2 widoki RWD. Wymagania: - BEM CSS - SCSS/SASS/LESS/Stylus - dowolnie - Podział na 2 pliki CSS (uproszczone critical rendering path - 1. pliki załączany inline, 2. zwyczajny CSS - wystarczy rozbicie na pliki, reszta zostanie zrobiona na dalszym etapie) - RWD - desktop, tablet pion, mobile - background slider (efekt fade, preferowany slider cycle2, bez touch events - tylko paginacja) - preferowany, ale nie wymagany NPM + Grunt/Gulp Załączony widok jest poglądowy, do wyceny.
...napisanie opisów produktów do apteki internetowej. Opisy muszą być autorskie, unikalne, zgodne z zasadami SEO o długości 500 - 1000 zzs. Wynagrodzenie za pracę w formie barteru - oferujemy atrakcyjny zestaw kosmetyków (ponad 20 produktów o wartości 300zł): ;ik=0646d48ff1&view=att&th=14039926667a8374&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=f_hjtv1i5h0&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P8LgQS2tXuaoF9sAuIkrHqT&sadet=1375437743213&sads=ZAu-Sxxmp7XS8ljydY051GYphVk&sadssc=1 - jest to zdjęcie poglądowe z naszej poprzednie aukcji, większość kosmetyków jest taka sama, oto aktualna lista: Zestaw kosmetyków zawiera: BIELENDA: - Brązujący krem na dzień i noc 50 ml - Przeciwzmarszczkowy krem z awokado dzień/noc 50 ml
...tematów. Artykuły muszą być autorskie, nie publikowane na żadnym innym serwisie, posiadające min. 2500 zzs, artykuły opatrzone tagami. Wynagrodzenie za pracę w formie barteru - oferujemy atrakcyjny zestaw kosmetyków (ponad 20 produktów o wartości 300zł): ;ik=0646d48ff1&view=att&th=14039926667a8374&attid=0.1&disp=inline&realattid=f_hjtv1i5h0&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P8LgQS2tXuaoF9sAuIkrHqT&sadet=1375437743213&sads=ZAu-Sxxmp7XS8ljydY051GYphVk&sadssc=1 Zlecenie zostanie przekazane osobie, która zaoferuje napisanie jaknajwiększej liczby artykułów. Artykuły muszą być dobrej jakości, nie 'preclowe', unikalne, pisane potocznym, zrozumiałym językiem. Oferujemy dłuższą współpracę, już w tradycyjn...
Zlecę tanie napisanie 15 artykułów w języku angielskim. Oto wytyczne: All articles must be minimum of 250 words. All articles must be written in 3rd person perspective (unless granted permission by editor to write in 1st person perspective) All articles must contain content that is inline with the particular pubsite's brand/voice. (And not include anything related to adult content, gambling, illegal activities, fraud, or self-promotion). All content must be approved by an editor in order to be considered valid for incentive traffic. All articles must be written by the affiliate stated. Plagiarism and multiple authors will not be tolerated and anyone caught doing it will not be allowed to submit articles in the future. All articles must be divide...
...na stronie aplikacji (należy się zalogować do aplikacji dostępnej na stronie). - Poprawienie kompatybilności z bieżącymi wersjami przeglądarek: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer - Poprawienie kompatybilności z przeglądarką mobilną Safari na iPad (wersja iPada: 2, 3, różne rozdzielczości ekranu) - Uporządkowanie kodu w hierarchiczne arkusze stylów i wydzielenie stylów inline, usunięcie powtórzeć, itd. - Dostosowanie kodu do obowiązujących standardów HTML/CSS Przyjmując rozliczenie projektu spodziewam się że żadna z obecnych funkcjonalności ani wystroju graficznego aplikacji nie zostanie usunięta lub zmieniona. Poprawieniu ulec ma natomiast poprawne wyświetlanie się aplikacji pod różnymi przeglądarkami jak wymieniono powy...
Witam, Poszukuję doświadczonego programistę z bardzo dużą znajomością joomli + K2 w stronie nale...itp - usunięcie nie potrzebych elementów ze strony które mogą negatywnie wpływać na pozycjonowanie w google i obniżać jej wartość - jeśli jest zle zrobiona strona 404 to należy ją zmienić - usuniecie błędów na stronie tak by strona była zgodna z standardami programowania W3C ;charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0&verbose=1&user-agent=W3C_Validator%2F1.2 - mile widziana dalsza współpraca przy rozbudowie strony. To jest pilna sprawa więc proszę o zgłaszanie się tych osób które mają faktycznie czas. Proszę o określenie realnego czasu pracy.
Do...fabułą dnia codziennego. Tresci na stronie jest sporo (nie jest ona widoczna jako calosc na 1 screenshocie ekranu) wiec zabiegi typu onload w body odpadaja bo potem trzeba wertować strone i szukac miejsca w ktorym sie ostatnio pracowalo. Linki warte uwagi, pomocne przy realizacji projektu: Oczywiscie powyzsze linki zawieraja jedynie czastkowa wiedze lub mogą być źródłem wstepnej inspiracji do projektu ktory wymaga znacznie szerszego spojzenia na zaprezentowane wyzej technologie. W celu ułatwienia komunikacji, oferentów, bardzo proszę o pozostawianie swoich numerów gg.
Witam, zlecę cięcie layoutów do html/css. Wymagana dobra znajomość powyższych. Kod powinien mieć całkowicie oddzieloną treść od prezentacji, brak styli inline oraz powinien się walidować i działać dobrze w najpopularniejszych przeglądarkach. Proszę o cenę za pocięcie 1 strony layoutu.
Witam, Zlece wykonywanie prac z zakresu HNC Applied Chemistry Przyklad: Assignment Task: Research the following topics: -Electrolysis of molten salts -Electrolysis of aqueous ionic solutions -Products at the anode and cathode -Oxidation and reduction equations -Find out about the role of water in electrolysis and the meaning of overvoltage itd. pelny Assignment wysle emailem lub przez Skype Oczekuje wypelnienia pelnych zadan na minimum PASS Wszystkie odpowiedzi mozna znalezc w internecie z wiedza chemiczna i znajomoscia jezyka angielskiego. Przyznam sie szczerze ze poprostu nie mam czasu na odrabianie lekcji. Wspolpraca bedzie mozliwa przez 2lata. Mozliwosc otrzymywania zadan co tydzien! Na nie ktore zadania dla osoby znajacej sie w temacie moze to zajac m...
Witam, Zlecę naprawienie wtyczki lub konfiguracji wordpress'a mam wtyczkę i po konfiguracji i próbie skryptu wyskakuje mi gz--mixed-boundary-sellfromblog Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable zalacznik --mixed-boundary-sellfromblog Content-Type: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mime_content_type() in /home/sebq2/domains/ on line 135 Proszę podawać konkretną cenę lub np. za pozytywny komentarz Pozdrawiam
Stworzenie kopii skryptu w php + mysql dostępnego online: git: (python + django) 1. Skopiowanie wyglądu oraz podstawowej funkcjonalności - użytkownicy - pulpit (dashboard) - zadania (z podzadaniami) - kalendarz (agenda) - powiadomienia na maila (nowe zadanie, nowy komentarz itd) 2. Dodanie możliwości komentowania "inline" każdego zadania (task) przez użytkowników (ajax) z prostym formatowaniem i edycją komentarza 3. możliwość sortowania zadań (reorder) - w "najszybszy dla programisty" sposób (czyli nie musi być ajax) Jest tam kilka jeszcze rzeczy ale w/w są najważniejsze. Bardzo zależy mi na czasie, później na kwocie. Pozdrawiam, Bartek bartosz (at) kom: 606
...oddzielnie, wyłączne, prawa autorskie muszą przejść na zleceniodawcę ) - (skróty artykułów olinkwane do predefiniowanych struktur na stronie www) : od 5 do 10 informacji (możliwość wrzucenia do szablonu 5,6,7,8,9,10 informacji), każda o informacja będzie w edytorze CMS w Systemie intencjonalnie podlinkowywana. - - cały content powinien posiadać szerokość nie większą niż 650px. - wyłącznie style inline (atrybut 'style', a nie 'class') - wszystkie pliki graficzne muszą być umieszczone w repozytorium, a odwołania do nich w html - kod powinien być zgodny ze specyfikacją xhtml (zamykanie tagów etc.) - dozwolone jest użycie następujących tagów html: a, strong/b, em/i, strike, u, p, ol, ul, li, br, ...
Zlecę poprawienie 20 błedów w kodzie html strony www. Informacje o błędach można zobaczyć pod linkiem: ://www.aneros.nserwer.pl/&charset=(detect+automatically)&doctype=Inline&group=0&st=1&user-agent=W3C_Validator/1.781
...ponizszej strony: Background Last year, one of the assignments for the first year Client Side Web Development module was to create a new web site for Derbyshire Crimebeat, the charity run by the High Sheriff of Derbyshire. Derbyshire Crimebeat provides funding for projects by young people that aim to reduce crime in Derbyshire. The new web site went live late last year. The purpose of this assignment is to extend this site. While the current site provides information on the charity, all applications for funding have to be submitted on paper. This causes problems for the charity since they have to schedule meetings of the trustees to go through the applications. It would be preferable to allow applications to be submitted on-line and stored in a database. The co-ordinator wou...
...podstrony 4. Nagłówki H2 będą znajdować się pod obrazami: • Strona główna: Dlaczego warto wybrać ING OFE? + co najmniej 2 dodatkowe nagłówki H2 + tekst do nich. • Pozostałe pod-strony: analogicznie 5. Zmienić każdy główny element menu strony na H3 zawierające słowa kluczowe. 6. Wszystkie obrazy powinny posiadać: • alt="" opis obrazka • NO inline styles: <img style="border: 0pt none ; margin: 0pt 0pt 5px;" alt="tu powinien być opis" src="design/images/" /> 7. URL'y – nazwy linków powinny być zmienione: • => (wstawić w nazwę linku słowo kluczowe nawiązujące do zawartości
Poszukuję kogoś kto podstrony w validaotrze doprowadzi do zera tak aby był zgodny z validatorem. Strona jest w Zend Controller Przykład: ;charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0&user-agent=W3C_Validator%2F1.654
Zlece napisanie programu w ANSI C. Mam konkretne zadanie w jezyku angielskim, potrzebuje programisty C, ktory napisze podany program i stworz...The calculations also need to consider the length of the runways at the proposed departure airport and the intended arrival airport. The length of runway that is required will depend on the weight of the aircraft, the altitude of the airport, the atmospheric pressure, the runway surface, the wind direction and various other factors. For the purposes of runway length requirements in this assignment, we have ignored those issues and thus simplified matters somewhat. We have fixed length requirements for take-off and landing runways and we ignore aircraft weight, atmospheric conditions, altitude and any othe...
You are required to design, write and test an ANSI C program to help you solve various logistics and flight planning tasks. There...The calculations also need to consider the length of the runways at the proposed departure airport and the intended arrival airport. The length of runway that is required will depend on the weight of the aircraft, the altitude of the airport, the atmospheric pressure, the runway surface, the wind direction and various other factors. For the purposes of runway length requirements in this assignment, we have ignored those issues and thus simplified matters somewhat. We have fixed length requirements for take-off and landing runways and we ignore aircraft weight, atmospheric conditions, altitude and any othe...
witam Zlecę poprawienie błędów kodu strony wg szczegoly błędów ;charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0 pozdrawiam
Zlecę optymalizację kodu strony internetowej pod kątem wyszukiwarek oraz co do standardu w3c. Chodzi mi głównie o usunięcie tych błędów: ;charset=(detect+automatically)&doctype=Inline&group=0 Wymagania: - zatrudnienie w firmie pozycjonerskiej lub posiadanie własnej(ych) strony www (szukam praktyka, nie teoretyka) - doświadczenie min. 2 lata także w pozycjonowaniu fraz trudnych - będę potrzebował faktur VAT na to zlecenie Jeśli zleceniobiorca jest z Krakowa, będzie to jego dodatkowym atutem. Ogłoszenie wysłałem również do kilku firm. Po zoptymalizowaniu na początek będzie mnie interesowała fraza "zakłady bukmacherskie". Do tej pory znalazłem cenę 7,21zł netto/dzień za tą frazę
szczegóły: patrz [Business Scenario] około 4 stron a4, proszę o specyfikację ceny - pozostałe oferty nie będą brane pod uwagę. proszę uwzględnić też w licytacji czy praca będzie napisana w języku polskim czy angielskim sprawa w miarę pilna (czwartek/piątek) po szczegóły zapraszam joasiula@ pozdrawiam Joanna --- Objectives On completion of the assignment the student should be able to: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the basic hardware and software components of a computer system. Distinguish between hardware and software and be able to describe the functions of the basic hardware/software components of a computer system. Show an appreciation of application software packages that can be used to satisfy business need...
...for the day. Use KMeans++ (or a similar approach) to distribute these newly unassigned customers evenly among all active crews. If one crew has fewer total customers, fill it until balanced before moving on. Update each customer’s assignedCrew in Firebase (avoiding null). Constraints & Considerations: If there are no active crews, show an error or skip assignment. KMeans++ must handle both large and small data sets. Ensure Firebase writes do not use null values. 2.2 Route Optimization with MapQuest Routing Trigger Condition: After KMeans++ completes daily assignments. Whenever the user initiates a “route optimization” (e.g., via a button click). Behavior: For each cre...
Project goal Enable single user functionality for warehouse assignment at login in Odoo system. Scope of work - Implement functionality allowing a single user to assign a warehouse at the time of login. - Ensure product deduction from the correct warehouse stock during sales or repairs without multiple users.
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
I need a skilled FreeCAD expert to assist with an engineering assignment involving a 4-bar linkage. The linkage should perform a rotational motion. Key project requirements include: - Designing the 4-bar linkage in FreeCAD based on specific dimensions I will provide. - Ensuring the design is suitable for rotational motion. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience with FreeCAD and 4-bar linkage design. - Strong understanding of rotational motion mechanics. - Ability to work with specific dimensions and deliver accurate designs.
...experience I can do the assignment related to this job that you have mentioned very well. I have been working as a Data Entry in a private company for about 10 years. I have studied Computer Office from computer campus called IDM, I successfully completed all the four sections namely Microsoft Word, MS Excel, Power Point, and Internet. And successfully studied Microsoft Office at NIBM campus and obtained a certificate. I will do Data Entry, Copy Typing, Big data Entry, Insert Data, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Excel Data Entry, Copy paste, PDF I’m committed to providing excellent and fast service with 100% accuracy of work all the time. I’m dedicated to providing high quality virtual assistance and ensuring client satisfaction. I’m able to complete the ...
I am experiencing some stability issues with my woocommerce website, such as header distortion and the theme reverting to the home page unexpectedly. These issues may be linked to some of the paid plugins I have installed. I need a woocommerce specialist to diagnose and fix these problems. In addition to the stability issues, I require assistance with the email notifications system. Currently, I need all orders to be tagged to order email id as a vendor for products that are not listed by any vendor and new products. I would like this process to be automated based on specific rules, rather than doing it manually for each product. Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with Woocommerce - Proficient in identifying and resolving website stability issues - Familiarity with configuring v...
...cumbersome Excel sheet system. The primary goal is to streamline the process, enhance collaboration and make the project management more efficient. Key Requirements: - The portal should replicate the collaboration and comments features from my Excel sheets. This involves creating a space for team members and clients to leave feedback, ask questions and contribute to the project. - Incorporate task assignment and tracking capabilities. I want to be able to delegate tasks and monitor their progress within the portal. - Implement an admin and user role access control system. As the project owner, I need to have full control over the portal, while team members and clients have limited access based on their role. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development, p...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a SaaS-based project management tool with a core focus on task management. client tester and developer owner grouping with anonimus data The tool should support the following task management features: - Task Assignment: Ability to delegate tasks to team members - Progress Tracking: Monitor the progress of each task - Notifications and Reminders: Automatic alerts for due dates and updates The tool is intended for web use only. Therefore, expertise in web development and SaaS solutions is crucial. Experience in building project management tools will be highly advantageous. Please make sure you include relevant examples from your portfolio.
...cities categorized by population). Chicago Keywords Performance: Detailed performance data for Chicago-specific keywords and blogs. SEO Comparison: A year-over-year comparison of SEO performance. Content Insights: Types of pages (e.g., location pages, blogs) currently ranking for escape room-related keywords. Blog Suggestions: Existing suggestions for blog content improvements to boost rankings. Assignment Expectations: We are looking for an expert SEO professional to analyze the provided data and offer actionable recommendations in the following areas: 1. Diagnosis: Identify potential reasons behind the decline in rankings compared to the previous year. Assess if shifts in industry trends (e.g., search intent, blog formats, keyword strategies) may have impacted our performance....
I am in need of a highly competent administrative assistant, to manage a adminstrative assignment for me. Key Responsibilities: - General administrative tasks - Handling documents Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in customer support and administration - Excellent email management skills - Strong data entry and scheduling abilities - Exceptional communication skills
...located in Python/Jupyter notebooks. Your task will be to check that each student has completed their respective assignment. There is no need to grade the submissions for accuracy, simply confirm whether each assignment has been completed or not. Requirements: - Provide each student's name and their corresponding grade on a separate sheet. - The format of the student names and grades can be in any form (Excel spreadsheet, CSV file, or even handwritten/scanned). - No specific comments are required on the assignments, just a confirmation of completion. - Results can be organized in any order (alphabetically by student name, in the order assignments were reviewed, or grouped by assignment). Ideal Skills: - Familiarity with Python and Jupyter Notebooks - Attent...
I'm in need of a subcontracted development team specializing in custom software development, primarily for Windows platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in software development, multiple languages in OOP and RPA - Proficient in custom soft...software development, multiple languages in OOP and RPA - Proficient in custom software development. - Prior work with Windows compatible software. - Ability to handle individual work assignments. - Capacity for high-quality deliverables. Your role would be to complete individual software development tasks as assigned. The team should be able to provide members for obtaining sub contracted assignment roles, attending meetings, responding to emails and manage the full cycle of software development from conception...
I'm on the lookout for an experienced Power Automate Developer who is proficient with Work Queue Management, API integration and Azure Cloud Services. Key Tasks: - Integrate an external API - Develop a workflow with specific functionalities: email notifications, task assignment, and data validation Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with Power Automate, API integration, and Azure Cloud Services - Demonstrable knowledge in creating workflows that support task assignment, email notifications and data validation What to Include in Your Bid: Your bid should highlight your relevant experience, particularly with Power Automate and creating workflows with specific functionalities. Give it a go, if you believe you're the right fit for this job.
I'm looking for a proactive and versatile Virtual Assistant to help manage my X (twitter) account. Your main responsibilities will include: - Posting tweets: You will be tasked with crafting and scheduling content that aligns with my personal brand and int...sometimes taking on a professional tone, other times being more casual or even humorous. Your ability to switch between these styles will be key to the success of this role. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience managing Twitter accounts - Excellent communication skills - Ability to analyze engagement and adapt strategy accordingly - Creativity to craft engaging content For now: the assignment is limited to posting 1000 tweets. (short/long/meaningful) Non AI. Please reach out only if you can accomplish thi...
Storecheckers are a Global Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits and audits. This assignment is an audit of an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met. You MUST HAVE fluent English skills, and you must be able to communicate in a professional manner and be smart and well-presented, as you will be representing us during the audit. As an auditor, you will arrive at the test center an hour before the start of the exam, give your ID, show a letter of authorization, which we will provide for you beforehand, and tell them what you are there to do. You will then sit with the TCA or the manager and ask a series of questions, and ask to see various things. The audit itself is very simple and easy, as we ...
Storecheckers are a Global Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits and audits. This assignment is an audit of an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met. You MUST HAVE fluent English skills, and you must be able to communicate in a professional manner and be smart and well-presented, as you will be representing us during the audit. As an auditor, you will arrive at the test center an hour before the start of the exam, give your ID, show a letter of authorization, which we will provide for you beforehand, and tell them what you are there to do. You will then sit with the TCA or the manager and ask a series of questions, and ask to see various things. The audit itself is very simple and easy, as we ...
Storecheckers are a Global Market Research and Mystery Shopping company. We undertake worldwide mystery shopping visits and audits. This assignment is an audit of an Examination Centre, checking that the security standards are being met. You MUST HAVE fluent English skills, and you must be able to communicate in a professional manner and be smart and well-presented, as you will be representing us during the audit. As an auditor, you will arrive at the test center an hour before the start of the exam, give your ID, show a letter of authorization, which we will provide for you beforehand, and tell them what you are there to do. You will then sit with the TCA or the manager and ask a series of questions, and ask to see various things. The audit itself is very simple and easy, as we ...
I'm looking for a skilled app developer to create a job site progress tracking app for both iOS and Android. Key Features: - Photo Upload: Site workers should be able to take photos of the job site's progress and upl...and Android. Key Features: - Photo Upload: Site workers should be able to take photos of the job site's progress and upload them directly to the app. - Progress Reports: The app should be able to generate progress reports automatically. - Task Assignment: The app should have a feature that allows for task assignment. Target Users: - The primary users of the app will be site workers. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in app development for both iOS and Android. - Experienced in implementing photo upload features in apps. - Capable of creating a task ...
...project is the Blaze AI tool, the freelancer can also use that, or use the built in NavMesh Agent system. Skills and experience required: - Extensive knowledge of Unity and 3D game development - Strong understanding of game design principles - Creative thinking and problem-solving skills - Previous experience in developing PC games - Ability to work collaboratively and incorporate feedback The assignment is to make the monster behaviour always follow targets tagged Archer or Tower constantly refreshing their pathing and targetting to the nearest target, and then attack the target, stopping movement while attacking; after target is dead stand still and animate idle if no other targets are alive; when new targets are spawned, go for new targets. This behaviour should always be ob...
I'm in need of a Java developer with a deep interest in information security, specifically in data encryption. The project involves sovling the college assignment. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in Java programming - Strong knowledge and interest in information security - Experience with data encryption techniques - Problem-solving skills and creativity in approaching challenges
...Phone Detailed Report on GBP Video Verification for Small Office 1. If you used your own phone to perform the video verification, how did you coordinate with the owner of the business? 2. How did you gain access to their GBP account to complete the process? 3. Were there any challenges ensuring everything was correctly linked to the business owner's profile? Local Store Verification For this assignment, you must also provide a detailed explanation of how you perform video verifications for Local Stores. Include specifics on how the process differs from small offices and the unique challenges involved in proving the store belongs to the business. Non-Evident Operations Verification For businesses like consulting services, where operations are not evident, and the only equip...
Task Assignment: Website Redesign for my business Inner Zen Kinesiology I am reaching out to discuss a project that I would like your assistance with. My business, Inner Zen Kinesiology, is in the process of redesigning its website to better reflect my brand and improve functionality. Below are the key objectives for the project: 1. Branding: Update the website’s branding to align with our holistic health and wellness focus. 2. SEO: Optimize the site for search engines to improve visibility and rankings. 3. Booking Page & Payments: Implement a user-friendly booking system and secure payment options. 4. Content: Audit and improve the existing content while adding high-quality new material. 5. Analytics: Set up tools to track website performance and user behaviour. 6. Social...
I am in need of a radiologist, who can provide consultation services for a special assignment. This will involve interpreting images and completing a specially designed template based on reading reports. I am open to hiring a professional based abroad. Key Responsibilities: - Consult on radiology images - Complete a specially designed template based on image interpretation Ideal Candidate: - Board certified radiologist - Strong experience in image interpretation and report writing - Ability to work with custom templates - Open to international candidates - Excellent communication skills for consultation purposes
PLEASE READ - WILL DELETE BIDS THAT ARE NOT INLINE WITH THIS SECTION: I'm on the lookout for top-tier web designers to join and help build a promising new Digital Services Company. Our primary focus will be on creating high-quality DYNAMIC Moving websites, we are lead by stunning colors and imagination!! Our current home page design needs a lot of help! But we have a base! I have attached some additional documentation for reference to build. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop professional, user-friendly business websites - Incorporate essential features such as contact forms, blog sections, and product showcases - Collaborate closely with the rest of the team to ensure