Ucla civil engineering undergraduateprojekty
To complete forensic failure report. Must be experienced in mechanical/ material engineering. Please be advised that you are required to WRITE the analytical part of the report around 1000-1500 words, calculations might have to be included . SPECIFIC case study, materials provided. Zlecenie z zakresu inżynierii. Przyjmujący zlecenie musi miec wyksztalcenie kierunkowe. Zlecenie napisania części analitycznej raportu analizującego przyczyny usterki spawanej rury ze stali nierdzewnej (316). Czesc wprowadzajaca , opis przypadku zostały juz napisane (po angielsku). Raport dotyczy konkretnego przypadku (case study). Zalączone sa do tego diagramy, do których trzeba sie odnieść. Cżesc analityczna musi analizowac przyczyny usterki oraz je udowodnić. Okolo 1500 słow+ sprawdzenie t...
Dzień Dobry, Do wykonania animacja/wizualizacja 3D drogi ekspresowej. Interesuje mnie wizualizacja podobnej jakości jak W zakresie droga ekspresowa, drogi dojazdowe, wezły, MOP Dostarczam model wykonany w Civil 3d dla całości zagadnienia. Proszę o przybliżoną wycenę i termin wykonania. Interesuje mnie współpraca z osobami mającymi doświadczenie przy podobnych realizacjach.
Poszukuje konstruktora do stałej współpracy. Do wykonania - projekt mechaniczny MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 3d w step dxf, dokumentacja wykonawcza, złożeniowa w pdf maszyny dla pralni dywanów.
Potrzebny fotograf do zrobienia zdjęć ślubnych, kameralna uroczystość w Urzędzie Stanu Cywilnego w poznańskiej Wadze, a później obiad weselny w restauracji. Termin 10 Listopada. Proszę o oferty z cenami, i jeśli to możliwe wgląd do tymczasowego portfolio. [English translation] A photographer is needed to take pictures of weddings, an intimate ceremony at the Civil Registry Office in Poznań Waga, and later a wedding dinner at a restaurant. The deadline is 10 November. I am asking for offers with prices, and if possible, an insight into the temporary portfolio.
Programowanie hydraulicznych ruchow za pomoca LabView Skills: doswiatczenie w Labview min. 3-5 Lat doswiatczenie w kierunku Hydrauliki albo control Engineering CAN-BUS English languages skills nice to have: pierwsze doswiatczenie , przemysl morski Wynagrodzenie godzinowe, prosze podac jaki zarobek jest wymagany
Hi, for one of my Clients I need for a 6 months job, to start ASAP in Wielkopolska, an process engineer with good level of knowlage of plastic injection processes. Work is about: - opracowanie technologii procesu wtrysku tworzyw sztucznych - opracowywanie specyfikacji technicznej maszyn, urządzeń i przyrządów od koncepcji, poprzez dostawę, instalację do uruchomienia produkcji - opracowanie ergonomii stanowiska pracy - opracowywanie specyfikacji materiałowych - przeprowadzanie analizy PFMEA - opracowanie TPM przy udziale odpowiednich służb i kontrola nad utrzymaniem sprawnych maszyn - wspieranie faz rozwoju wyrobu/procesu oraz ciągłego procesu poprawy i wprowadzania działań oszczędnościowy - wprowadzanie statystycznych metod kontroli procesu (SPC, FTQ) - optymalizację i dob&o...
Hi, for one of my Clients I need for a 6 months job, to start ASAP in Wielkopolska, an process engineer with good level of knowlage of plastic injection processes. Work is about: - opracowanie technologii procesu wtrysku tworzyw sztucznych - opracowywanie specyfikacji technicznej maszyn, urządzeń i przyrządów od koncepcji, poprzez dostawę, instalację do uruchomienia produkcji - opracowanie ergonomii stanowiska pracy - opracowywanie specyfikacji materiałowych - przeprowadzanie analizy PFMEA - opracowanie TPM przy udziale odpowiednich służb i kontrola nad utrzymaniem sprawnych maszyn - wspieranie faz rozwoju wyrobu/procesu oraz ciągłego procesu poprawy i wprowadzania działań oszczędnościowy - wprowadzanie statystycznych metod kontroli procesu (SPC, FTQ) - optymalizację i dob&o...
Witam, Podejmę współpracę w zakresie dekodowania plików ionCube PHP Encoder 6.x (starsza wersja) Skuteczność dekodowania plików: 90 - 100% oryginalnego źródła. Istnieje możliwość przetestowania jakości zdekodowanych plików. Stosowany dekoder pozwala szybko zdekodować nawet duże projekty. Informacje dodatkowe: info@
...that in actual products the driver efficiency advantage may reach 20% while also enabling smaller, lower-cost drivers that run 10% cooler . Driver efficiency "Maximizing the LED voltage, as Cree has done in the new high-voltage XM-L and XT-E LEDs, is a very effective way to minimize current through the LED driver output rectifier," said Peter Vaughan, director of applications engineering at driver-IC manufacturer Power Integrations, Inc. "This can reduce losses and heat dissipation in the driver and increase the overall system luminous efficacy by several percentage points." The concept of HV-LEDs and the efficiency advantage is not new. Indeed Cree offers a number of HV-LEDs in larger arrays. But Scheidt said, "Most HV-LEDs are efficient an...
potrzebny mi jest ktoś kto perfekcyjnie zna IDA Pro, do wykonania będzie spory projekt prosze o oferty za godzine pracy
Witam! Szukam osoby która dobrze obsługuje programy takie jak Microstatio, Civil. Zlecę zrobienie projektu, coś dla drogowców. Projekt ronda: niweleta, przekroje poprzeczne, sytuacja itd. Pozdrawiam! gg:5720781
...Importance of Risk Assessment in the Workplace FIGHTING A CLAIM CATEGORY Disproving Breach of Duty Last Resort - Employers' Liability Mitigation of Liability Through 'Contributory Negligence' The Financial Ombudsman Scheme Time Limits for Claims Vicarious Liability 'Volenti non fit Injuria' - A Key Defence THE LEGAL BASIS CATEGORY Compensation Payouts Held in Trust Criminal and Civil Liability Damages Under the Human Rights Act Employers' Common Law Responsibilities Key Health and Safety Legislation Legalisation of 'No Win No Fee' Statute and Common Law The Compensation Act 2006 MYTHS & REALITIES CATEGORY Economic Costs of the 'Compensation Culture' Government Responses to the Compensation Culture...
...and the ability to translate that to the development team); is easy to work with (soft skills); and has the ability to prioritize tasks and reduce stress levels. Description: As a Web Project Manager, you will drive timely execution of multiple projects from requirements through delivery and support across cross functional teams. You will work in close partnership with marketing, design, engineering and development teams, support, IT and other organizations. Responsibilities: Work with Marketing, User Experience Design, and Analytics to gather initiative requirements, and prepare specs for the Development and Quality Assurance Teams. Work with Development and Quality Assurance Teams to scope projects, and ensure designs are implemented and tested to specification...
Zlecenie dotyczy działającego pod systemem 16-bitowym DOS programu sprzedażow...wyłącznie w wersji binarnej/skompilowanej. Celem zlecenia jest utworzenie paczki / poprawki (patch, crack), która naprawi ten problem. Posiadam licencje na program. Nie można zlokalizować producenta tego dość historycznego oprogramowania. Wspomnę tylko, że interfejs jest wyłącznie tekstowy i program wykorzystuje jako bazy danych pliki DBF. Z tematem kojarzą się tekie tagi jak: reverse engineering, technika odwracania, inżynieria odwrotna, dekompilacja, system DOS, assembler, debugowanie, odpluskiwanie, DBF, binary patch, crack Oczekuje na zgloszenia osob, ktore w swoim doswiadczeniu zawodowym maja do czynienia z asemblerem oraz tworzeniem paczek dla wersji binarnej oprogramowania (crackin...
Szukam osoby, która wykona niewielką wizualizacje rysunku wykonanego w Autocadzie. Rysunek ten przedstawia terminal kolejowy. Preferowany program to civil 3d, jednak nie jest to wymogiem. Proszę o zgłoszenia wraz z dotychczasowymi wizualizacjami. Pozdrawiam Stanisław Raczyński
IT Engineering Inc, poszukuje programistów(możliwa zdalna współpraca) do stałej współpracy przy tworzeniu, rozwijaniu rozbudowanej platformy e-commerce dla jednego z klientów firmy. Oferta kierowana jest do doświadczonych programistów. Na pracę składać się będą wszystkie elementy nowoczesnego programowania, począwszy od projektowania rozwiązań, poprzez implementację w postaci kodu PHP, po wdrożenia i analizę wydajności. Zakres obowiązków: tworzenie rozbudowanych aplikacji internetowych, rozwijanie i poprawa działania istniejących aplikacji, Oczekiwania: bardzo dobra znajomość języka PHP5, znajomość relacyjnych baz danych, znajomość podstawowych technologii internetowych (HTML,JavaScript, CSS, AJAX), znajomość technik pro...
Przedmiotem zlecenia jest zreversowanie procedury obslugi okna dialogowego wraz z podprocedurami obslugi zdarzen tego okna. Program jest napisany na platforme windows 64bitowa oraz posiada metode uniemozliwiajaca jego debugowanie/diasemblowanie. Nalezy bezposrednio z pamieci wlaczonego procesu diasemblowac kod procedury reversujac go do dzialajacego programu platformy windows (moze byc program konsolowy jezyka c/c++ lub nawet delphi). Okno dialogowe programu: Sekcje PE+ programu oraz jego modulow dynamicznych: Waga plikow wykonywalnych:
Poszukuję osób do zrealizowania kursów multimedialnych dla pracowników mojej firmy. Kursy miałyby obejmować takie programy jak: - AutoCAD Civil 3D(wersja od 2009r.), - AutoCAD Architecture(wersja od 2009r.), - AutoCAD Electrical (wersja od 2009r.), - 3DstudioMax(wersja od 2009r.), - Oraz innych programów z pakietu firmy AUTODESK (prócz AutoCADa i Inventora) Jeśli znasz biegle któryś z ww. programów, jesteś osobą kreatywną oraz posiadasz wysoką kulturę osobistą zachęcam do przesyłania aplikacji. Praca do realizacji w domu na legalnie dostarczonym przeze mnie oprogramowaniu. W aplikacji proszę napisać orientacyjną wartość wynagrodzenia za 2-3 godzinny wideo kurs ...
Reverse enginering programu wyglądacego na dosyć prosty, interpretuje on dane przesyłane z urządzenia za pomocą interfejsu USB. Czy ktoś z was podjąłby się takiego zadania? Wszelkie dodatkowe informacje na priv. Przemek PS. Prawo explicite dopuszcza reverse engineering majacy na celu umozliwienie wspolpracy zewnętrznych urządzeń z komputerem. Zabraniajace go punkty licencji sa niewazne i niezgodne z ustawą antymonopolową.
I'm seeking a backend engineer skilled in Python, and data preparation activity for ML. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate in the design and development of a robust, efficient, and secure RESTful API. - Implement best practices in API development for scalability and maintainability. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Pytho - Pro...backend engineer skilled in Python, and data preparation activity for ML. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate in the design and development of a robust, efficient, and secure RESTful API. - Implement best practices in API development for scalability and maintainability. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Pytho - Proven track record in RESTful API development. - Strong understanding of backend engineering principles. - Excellent problem-solving and commun...
I'm in need of a structural plan for the concrete foundations of an industrial warehouse. The project requires an understanding of both warehouse specifications and concrete foundation design. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in structural engineering, specifically for industrial facilities - Experience with warehouse design and construction - Proficient in concrete foundation design Requirements: - Comprehensive structural plan for concrete foundations - Ability to incorporate warehouse specifications into the design - Strong understanding of the structural demands of an industrial facility
I am seeking an experienced mechanical engineer consultant who specializes in steel structures and mechanical components simulation. This project primarily pertains to the analysis and safety of steel st...the design of steel structures - Simulate mechanical components to ensure safety and structural integrity - Assist in material selection to optimize strength and durability The primary objective of this project is to conduct thorough structural analysis to ensure safety and reliability of the equipment. The ideal candidate for this project will be one with a strong background in mechanical engineering, particularly with steel structures, and can provide expert consultancy on the design, simulation and material selection processes. Experience in working with industrial equipment i...
I need a freelancer skilled in PowerPoint to assist me with creating a 3-day training presentation on technical skills. The first day is already outlined in a Word document, and I require the content to be transferred into a provided PowerPoint template. Key Respo...and clarity - Provide insights on potential elements to be added for completeness Deadlines: - Day 1: Completed by 5pm EST on Monday the 27th - Day 2: Completed by 5pm EST on Tuesday the 28th - Day 3: Completed by 5pm EST on Wednesday the 29th Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Microsoft PowerPoint, with experience in designing professional presentations - Strong understanding of engineering and business skills - Excellent proofreading and editing abilities - Creative mindset for visual design and content e...
The objective of this project is to accurately translate a technical document from Spanish to English. The document contains specialized terminology and detailed information relevant to [specific industry or field, e.g., engineering, IT, medical, etc.]. The translation must retain technical accuracy, ensure clarity, and be suitable for professional use.
...non-conventional sources of conflict and conditions of peace. Connect to your Industry Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS), since its inception as an independent think tank, has sought to encourage research, dialogue and deliberation on a broad range of conventional and non-conventional sources of conflict. Over the years it has endeavored to bring together scholars, academics, practitioners and civil society, in the context of addressing a wide range of issues prevailing in the international system and providing them with sustainable solutions We are proud of the impact we have with our Defence & Security clients, the strength of our relationships, and the variety of our skills and expertise that we bring to help them achieve their mission. Connect to your career...
Project and construction management firm providing engineering, claims management, and inspection services. Also provides residential engineering designs for ADUs, add-ons, and new construction. Company Name: Oasis Consulting Team I am looking for a simple logo. One that could be added to letterheads and business cards and still be legible. Please no basic icons from Microsoft or Canva. Because the initials spell out OCT i think itd be cool to work an octagon in. I do not do the construction, i just help manage it and protect the owner.
...professional landscape architect or civil engineer with significant experience in commercial projects. The primary focus of this job is maximizing parking spaces, while also incorporating appealing and functional landscaping features. Key Project Aspects: - Parking Design: The plan should prioritize maximization of parking spaces for cars. Design should take into account ease of access and traffic flow within the parking area. - Landscaping: The plan should include the creation of green spaces and lawns, as well as the incorporation of water features like fountains and outdoor seating areas. The landscaping should not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the project, but also provide functional outdoor spaces. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Civil engineering or la...
I'm seeking assistance to publish my research paper in Open Access journals recognized by Anna University, Chennai, India. The paper is situated within the field of Electrical Engineering. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in publishing in engineering journals, particularly in the field of Electrical Engineering. - Familiarity with the journal selection process and the criteria set by Anna University. - Strong understanding of the Open Access publication model. - Excellent research and writing skills to enhance the paper's publication prospects.
I am in need of an attorney with expertise in Fair Housing Civil Law. I am currently facing a discrimination issue with both HUD and my local housing authority, specifically regarding disability discrimination. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Fair Housing Civil Law - Experience litigating against HUD or local housing authorities - Strong track record in handling disability discrimination cases - Ability to strategize and provide comprehensive legal support in discrimination cases I am seeking a legal professional who can assist me in navigating this challenging situation and advocating for my rights.
I'm seeking an experienced automotive engineer to assist with the testing and validation of DC brush headlight motors. Specific tasks will include: - Conducting performance testing to evaluate power consumption of the motors - Assessing durability under various conditions The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive background and experience in automotive engineering - Proven expertise in testing and validating DC motors - Ability to diagnose issues with motors under load
I'm in need of a structural engineer who can create detailed, safe and efficient plans for a wood-burning fireplace with a gas starter. This fireplace is intended for an outdoor living space, serving both heating and aesthetic purposes. The preferred ...materials for the fireplace structure are CMU blocks and a brick hearth. Must also show vertical rebar reinforcements… it is 15’ tall going vertically from 80” to 60” to 36” and 3’ thick unless a larger footing and thickness is recommended Ideal Skills and Experience: - Structural engineering, particularly for outdoor installations - Experience working with fireplace designs - Knowledge of CMU block and brick construction - Understanding of heating and aesthetic considerations - Ability to...
I'm seeking a legal researcher with expertise in Florida real estate law to assist with a civil case. The task involves researching relevant case law and statutes pertaining to property disputes and landlord-tenant issues. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct comprehensive legal research on Florida statutes and case law relating to real estate - Focus on property disputes and landlord-tenant issues - Prepare findings for use in filing a final order Ideal Candidate: - Strong background in real estate law - Proven experience in legal research - Familiarity with Florida law - Ability to present findings in a clear, concise manner Your expertise will aid in our preparation for litigation and ensure compliance with legal standards.
I'm seeking an experienced data engineer with extensive knowledge in Python, AWS S3, Step Function, Docker, Athena, EC2, and PyCharm. Key Responsibilities: - Assist with configurations and debugging on AWS, Docker and ...with extensive knowledge in Python, AWS S3, Step Function, Docker, Athena, EC2, and PyCharm. Key Responsibilities: - Assist with configurations and debugging on AWS, Docker and PyCharm. - Help optimize code in PyCharm for better performance. - Troubleshoot and resolve issues related to Docker, including configuration and deployment. The ideal freelancer will have a strong background in data engineering and practical experience with the mentioned platforms and tools. Python proficiency is a must, along with the ability to work independently and solve proble...
I'm preparing for a civil case and need assistance researching relevant Florida Statutes. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in statute law, particularly in Florida, and experience in legal research for civil cases. Key tasks will include: - Identifying and interpreting relevant Florida Statutes - Providing a detailed report of findings - Offering insights on the potential impact of these statutes on the case
...This research and development initiative focuses on conceptualizing, designing, and testing an advanced traveller rain gun system. The project involves: • Conducting detailed research on current irrigation challenges and industry needs. • Developing a durable and efficient traveller mechanism suitable for various terrains and climates. • Enhancing water delivery precision through advanced engineering and technology integration. • Designing the system to optimize water usage, ensuring sustainable irrigation practices. Key Features and Innovations: • Uniform Water Distribution: Precision-engineered nozzles to achieve even coverage across the field. • Water Efficiency: System designed to reduce wastage and maximize irrigation efficiency. • ...
I'm looking for a designer that help me choose one from the two logos I have for my brand 10x Engineering Labs, improve it to make it professional and design the following: 1. Logo Animation with Sound Design: Create a short animated version of the logo, including sound effects or music, to serve as an engaging introduction for videos. 2. Social Media Profile Picture: Design optimized profile versions of the logo to fit platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook... 3. Horizontal Logo Adaptation (Expanded Version): Adjusting the logo to create a horizontal layout, suitable for headers, banners, or other wide-format uses.
...algorithms, data analytics, and predictive modeling to streamline processes, enhance customer engagement, and maximize profitability. Key components of the model include real-time data processing, automation of routine tasks, and intelligent forecasting, which collectively ensure adaptability and scalability. The research adopts a structured methodology, encompassing data collection, feature engineering, algorithm selection, and performance evaluation through key business metrics. Case studies from various industries demonstrate the model's effectiveness in reducing costs, improving decision accuracy, and fostering innovation. The findings underscore the critical role of AI in reshaping traditional business practices, emphasizing its potential to drive sustainable growth and...
# AI Story Video Creation - bid for max 3 Minute Videos ## Project Overview Looking for a video creator who can generate engaging story videos using AI tools. I will provide story topics/ideas, and...quality (1080p minimum) ## Deliverable - 3 -minute story video - High-quality audio and visuals - Professional editing and transitions - Background music ## Quote Requirements Please provide: - Cost per 3 minute video - Turnaround time per video - Sample of previous AI-generated video work (if available) - List of AI tools you plan to use ## Skills Required - Experience with ChatGPT and prompt engineering - Familiarity with AI voice generation tools - Knowledge of AI image generation - Video editing and compilation skills Please include examples of similar work in your proposal if ...
...non-conventional sources of conflict and conditions of peace. Connect to your Industry Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS), since its inception as an independent think tank, has sought to encourage research, dialogue and deliberation on a broad range of conventional and non-conventional sources of conflict. Over the years it has endeavored to bring together scholars, academics, practitioners and civil society, in the context of addressing a wide range of issues prevailing in the international system and providing them with sustainable solutions We are proud of the impact we have with our Defence & Security clients, the strength of our relationships, and the variety of our skills and expertise that we bring to help them achieve their mission. Connect to your career...
I'm looking for a custom design for a sea waste removal cage. Key Specifications: - The cage needs to be made from high strength marine grade stainless ...should be made of knotted mesh to effectively contain seaweed and other debris. - There should be four strong square rigging points for lifting the cage. These points should be positioned at the corners of the cage. - The dimensions of the cage should be approximately 2 meters in width, 2 meters in length, and 50 centimeters in height. Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in marine engineering and design. - Experience with materials science, particularly with marine grade stainless steel. - Knowledge of mesh types and their applications in marine environments. - Ability to design robust rigging points for heav...
...Video Upload: • Section to upload a short video (2 minutes max): “Tell us why you want to become a U.S. Citizen!” • Submit Button: • Clear, bold button with: “Apply Now!” Sponsor Application CTA: • “Are you a company looking to sponsor a pathway to citizenship? Click here to learn more.” 3. Job Categories Page Industry Options: • Healthcare • Trades (e.g., electricians, plumbers) • Engineering • Shop Workers • Landscaping • Construction • Cleaning Services • Finance • Technology • Hospitality Description: • Each category features a brief description of typical roles, sponsorship opportunities, and participating companies. Search Functionality: •...
Hello; According to our previous discussion. Would love to continue our collaboration. Thank you!
I am in need of a skilled Structural Engineer specializing in LGSF design for a cottage. The project primarily focuses on designing the structural elements of the walls and roof. Key Responsibilities: - Design the LGSF structure for t...the structural elements of the walls and roof. Key Responsibilities: - Design the LGSF structure for the cottage's walls and roof. - Ensure the designs meet safety and durability standards. - Collaborate with me to incorporate any specific design elements. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in LGSF structural design, specifically for hotel / cottages - Strong understanding of structural engineering principles. - Ability to design aesthetic yet functional structural elements. Please include examples of similar projects you've worked ...
I'm in need of a design for a 500 ft riser. The core of this project involves a 1" stainless steel pipe at the cen...specifications: - The honeycomb area will extend all the way to 50 ft from the top. Beyond that point, the 4" space will be eliminated and only the 1" pipe will continue to 500 ft. - The materials for the riser should be durable and capable of withstanding different types of flow, as the cells will be carrying a variety of gases and liquids. Ideal skills for this job would include mechanical engineering, expertise in fluid dynamics and material science, with a good understanding of honeycomb structures. Experience in designing large-scale pipelines or riser systems will be a significant advantage. 2D and 3D versions with numbers identifing eac...
I'm looking for experienced estimators with a specialty in earthmoving and civil construction. Candidates with a civil engineering degree and familiarity with Australian civil construction will be given priority. Key Responsibilities: - Assisting with estimating earthworks on commercial, industrial and residential projects - Estimating utilities, drainage, building pads and foundations Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in ProEst, Bluebeam, Buildxact - Extensive knowledge of civil construction in Australia - Strong analytical and estimating skills
I'm seeking a professional civil engineer with extensive experience in designing structural components for commercial buildings, specifically a retail space. The project involves sizing steel beams and footings to support heavy loads. I need someone to stamp the drawings in Illinois Key Tasks: - Design steel beams and footings for a retail space - Create detailed CAD drawings - Ensure design can support heavy loads Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in structural design software (, SAP2000, ETABS) - Extensive knowledge of steel construction - Previous experience designing heavy load commercial buildings - Able to provide detailed CAD drawings
I'm in need of a skilled attorney who can help me with a motion in opposition to a motion to dismiss in a federal court case. The case involves 9 causes of action related to civil rights, discrimination and LGBTQ issues. Key Tasks: - Write a motion to dismiss - due in 48 hours - Legally outline and lay out the 9 causes of action - Incorporate supporting evidence including documents, witness statements and photos Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of federal court procedures - Extensive knowledge of Washington, DC Superior Courr law/procedures. - Proven track record in civil rights and LGBTQ cases - Excellent legal writing skills - Ability to work under tight deadlines Your expertise will be crucial in helping me oppose this motion to dismiss effective...
I'm in need of a talented AI Developer with a strong background in generating realistic female models. The primary use for these AI-generated models will be for website visuals in marketing materials. Thus, the level of realism required is photorealistic. Key Requirements: - Expertise in AI Engineering/Development - Proven experience in generating realistic female models - Essential skills in Photoshop Editing - Familiarity with Blender is a bonus - A creative mindset and technical expertise Your task will be to produce lifelike AI-generated content that can effectively enhance our web-based marketing efforts. If you are passionate about AI and have the skills and experience we are looking for, we would love to hear from you.
I'm looking for a structural engineer to create a full set of engineering plans for a major remodel of my home, which includes adding a second story. The architectural plans have already been completed. Key aspects of the project: - Need for comprehensive structural engineering plans - Second story addition - No existing structural drawings available Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in creating structural engineering plans for home remodels - Ability to work collaboratively with architects - Strong understanding of home structural elements such as foundations, load-bearing walls and roof structures. Please, only bid if you can provide a full set of plans. A keen eye for detail and a commitment to safety and quality is essential. Looking forwa...