Tutoring statistics usprojekty
...MVP): - database of affiliate offers, reference links, promotions and bonuses available on the Polish market - create user account - the ability to add your own reference link to each of the offers available on the portal - offers and users search engine In the following, additional functions will be provided when getting relevant traffic on the site: - promoting specific user offers for a fee - statistics of display and clicks on links for individual users and general for the portal - user ranking and points system awarded for activity An example of a similar page can be seen here: I would like to ask for prices and execution time for the MVP version and the version with full functionality specified in the advertisement....
Witam, zlecę wykonanie skryptu który będzie odpytywał dostępne API, filtrował i pokazywał tylko część wyników z niego na mojej stronie, API z wynikami na żywo meczy piłki nożnej, mam swój klucz.
Musisz kojarzyć tematykę programowania i to bardzo dobrze. Artykuł zawiera fragmenty kodu w C++ oraz komentarze (po //), które również mają być przetłumaczone. 1. W załączniku plik HTML do przetłumaczenia. 2. Tłumaczona ma być jedynie treść oraz komentarze kodu (tagi html bez zmian) 3. Tłumaczenie na angielski (US). Zaakceptuje zleceniodawcę po przetłumaczeniu na próbę 2-3 paragrafów, żebym widział, że rozumiesz co tłumaczysz.
Zlecę różne pracę SEO dla stron anglojęzycznych, interesuje mnie Link Building. Proszę o kontakt osoby z min. 2 letnim doświadczeniem.
...Monitor live chat at any given time the number of visitors. Transfers Agents can transfer an ongoing chat to other agents when in a pinch or when expert advice is needed. Chat routing Intelligent chat distribution between available agents. Work scheduler Manage agents' online time using the scheduler. Stats and reports Daily Summary Basic chat statistics Chat statistics Data collection via API Group statistics On-demand reporting Engagement Automated greetings Online visitors can receive automatic chat greetings that will start a chat with an agent. Personal greetings Agents can proactively start chats using pre-made chat greetings. Efficiency measuring Information on the overall effectiveness of live chat in terms of convers...
I'm looking for someone that can write simple UserScript () which will add few buttons in Tiberium Alliances browser game (). This buttons will redirect to external website with playes/alliances statistics. Script have to load with 1-2 seconds delay and first check if current game world is supported by checking it's appearence on list from (current world externalID can be get from in-game API using ().get_Server().get_WorldId()). If world is not supported script should stop loading without any notifications. Links looks like this: where extenalID is current world ID, TYPE is player, alliance or base (depends on object type) and itemID
Witam, chciałbym zlecić instalację forum phpbb plus przerobienie darmowej templatki lub zrobienie nowego stylu plus wgranie modów. Proszę o rozsądne oferty cenowe. GG: 7808803
Interesuje nas przygotowanie pozycjonowania hasła : web to print Proszę o wyceny poszczególnych krajów top 10 i top 5 (bez ). Najchętniej podejmiemy współpracę z firmą/osobą oferującą pozycjonowanie we wszystkich wymienionych krajach jednak chętnie poznamy też ofertę firm które specjalizują się tylko w kilku z powyżej wymienionych. Poszukujemy też osób do stałej współpracy w zakresie pozycjonowania w Polsce (na innych frazach). Poproszę o oferty z prezentacją sukcesów.
Zlece przetłumaczenie książki z języka polskiego na angielski-amerykański. Tematyka książki odżywianie, diety itd. Ma byc skierowana do odbiorcy amerykańskiego. Ilość znaków ze spacjami 240 tysiecy. Tylko osoby z doswiadczeniem i referencjami.
Poszukuje osoby, ktora spowoduje zwiekszenie liczby odwiedzin (serwis ma teraz ok 20 dziennie wg google statistics). Interesuje mnie wiecej - np. 100+ Proponuje rozliczenie miesieczne w oparciu o porownanie wynikow z proponowana prognoza - fair play. Cena odgrywa duza role.
Witam, Potrzebuje przetłumaczyć dobrze stronę na Angielski Amerykański i Brytyjski. Tłumaczenie polega na wpisaniu przetłumaczonej frazy obok msgstr w pliku ~sviss/ całość musi być wykonana w kodowaniu UTF-8. Nie można tłumaczyć rzeczy pomiedzy tagami <i></i>, nie tłumaczymy nazw (PokerStrategy itp). Przetłumaczony tekst musi byc w miare możliwości podobnej długości (jeżeli jest taka możliwość). W wyniku potrzebuje 2 pliki jako kopie tego pliku do ktorego link podałem wyżej () z przetłumaczonymi frazami w msgstr po en_UK i drugi po en_US. Kontakt: development@ Pozdrawiam,
Witam Interesuje mnie pozycjonowanie następujących fraz Wielka brytania i stany Times 2.Timer’s mechanisms spring tachometer cloks DE Zeitschalter Interesuje mnie wyłącznie oferta za wyniki - proszę o przysłanie ofert wstępnych zawierających następujące informacje koszt słowo miesiąc - szacowany czas dojścia do top 10 oraz minimalny czas trwania umowy Dodatkowo prosimy umieścić zdanie jakie metody chcecie państwo wykorzystać wystarczy dwa słowa trzy słowa o planowanych medtodach - nie dyskryminujemy metod black podarunkiem ze są robione z głową - jesli jednak ktoś w ofercie zastrzeże że będa wykorzystywane tylko metody white będziemy prosili o zamieszczenie takiej informacji w końcowej ofercie Domena tematycznie zgodna z słowami w domenie .e...
...retain the following features: · ESW’s domain name and email address to stay as it is; · Use a content management system to update the website; · Spell check facility when creating/updating pages; · Main search area on each web page; · Each page on the site should feature our logo; Statistics package - Google Analytics; · Site map (linking to every page); · Multiple file update; · Password protected Members area (7 equality strands and ESW Membership); · Password protected Equality Standard area for documents (eg toolkit); · MP3 videos and sound to be embedded in webs...
Witam. Zlece napisanie na podstawie wzoru(i prawdopodobnie wiekszosci kodu) napisanie prostej aplikacji w javie. Aplikacja wyglada nastepujaco: Jest sobie tabela z rekordami, jest mozliwosc dodawania rekordow,usuwania, edycji, mozliwosc sortowania na rozne sposoby. Mysle ze dla przecietnego programisty w javie nie bedzie to zadnym problemem. Zalezy mi na czasie, aplikacja musi byc napisana do jutra (wieczora) (tj piatek 8 lipca 2010). Przyklad (jak powinna wygladac aplikacja) przesle zainteresowanym na gg badz maila mail: kowalkarol1@ gg: 5243335
Na wielu stronach zauwazam wlasnie tym podobne napisy. Najprawdopodobniej chodzi o to, ze jak nazwa naszej firmy wystepuje na takich "zaufanych" dla googla witrynach to mamy szanse byc wyzej w google, bo zaufanie google do naszej strony rowniez rosnie. Chcialbym sie dowiedziec czy o to chodzi czy jeszcze o cos innego i zlecic wykonanie takich wpisow dla kilku moich stron - czesc stron jest polskich, dwie by byly z terenu UK. Prosze o zgloszenia o co dokladnie z tym chodzi i podawanie cen swoich uslug.
...stronie oraz kosmetyczne zmiany struktury storny. 1. Wprowadzić zakładki zamiast długiego tekstu, jak mozna zauważyć tu (te strona może być wzorem dla naszych ulepszeń – są w podobnej kolorystece i dostarczają podobne produkty dla rodzaju klientów jak my) W linku są zakładki (getting started; product evaluatios ; etc) U nas to będą produkty License Statistics; License Saver; LM-X; LDS. Zawartość i wymiary zakładek podobna. Dodać ikony. W tej chwili nie posiadamy zadnych logotypów produktów. Wyobrażam je sobie następująco: Trzeba zachować spójność ikon !!! a) License Statistcs – jakiś wykres jako logo b) License Saver - koło ratunkowe ;hl=pl&client=opera&rls=en&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=
Szukam osoby ktora przetlumaczy "na szybko" okolo 2 strony tekstu z jezyka polskiego na angielski (wersja US). Tematyka - marketing z branzy IT, Przeznaczenie - strona www. Wazne zeby czytajacy ten tekst amerykanin rozumial sens tekstu i nie zasmiewal sie przy co 2 zdaniu. Lekko podrasowane teksty z englishtranslatora *nie nadaja sie*. Waznymi kryteriami wyboru beda w kolejnosci: jakosc, czas wykonania, cena. Prosze o przeslanie probki max okolo 5 zdan pl/en(us) poprzez formularz pytania w serwisie. Oferty bez probki, czasu wykonania i ceny nie beda brane pod uwage. Wybranym osobom byc moze zaoferuje dluzsza wspolprace. Zastrzegam mozliwosc nie wylonienia zwyciezcy.
...Telegram bot that allows users to pay with cryptocurrency for a set number of searches. Each search involves submitting a photo, name, city, and age. The data is sent to the admin's Telegram account, where the admin can respond with results and mark the request as complete. The data is stored temporarily on Google Cloud for one week and automatically deleted afterward. The system also tracks usage statistics and generates insights. Prefer python. User Workflow 1. Payment Integration: Users pay with cryptocurrency through an integrated payment system (e.g., CoinPayments, Binance Pay). After payment confirmation, the bot updates the user's account with a balance of searches (e.g., 5 searches). 2. Data Submission: Users submit: Photo Name City Age The bot val...
...data set. Select appropriate features from the columns for your analysis with justification. Obviously, some features have a bigger impact on the compensation than others. You will decide by yourself which features should be adopted in your project. Describe the selected features such as (though not limited to) their name, description, and data type. For numeric attributes, provide descriptive statistics. It is sufficient to describe only those attributes used in your analysis. Select at least 3 or more features and plus the target variable Compensation. For a Distinction coursework, it is expected that at least seven predictors will be selected, including both numeric and categorical features. Describe the quality of the data set, such as (though not limited to) determinatio...
I'm seeking a professional with substantial experience in academic writing, specifically for scientific studies. I require assistance in writing a paper based on my experimental study in the field of orthodontics. The paper is intended for submission to an international journal. I have the results and statistics ready . Ideal candidates should: - Have a strong background in orthodontics or a related biological science - Possess exceptional scientific writing skills - Have prior experience with writing and publishing in international academic journals Your role will involve: - Assisting in the structuring and writing of the paper, particulerly in developing the "Discussion" and "Conclusion and recommendation" sections. - Ensuring the paper meets internation...
...new orders. View order details (items, quantities, and notes). Update order status to "Preparing" or "Ready for Pickup." Menu Management: Add and update items with images and prices. Manage promotions and discounts. Enable or disable items based on availability. Order History: View a log of completed and canceled orders. Communicate with customers if needed. Reports and Analytics: View sales statistics (daily, weekly, and monthly). Monitor customer reviews to improve performance. Account Management: Update restaurant details (name, location, working hours). Communication with Delivery Agents: Send notifications to delivery agents when orders are ready. Track the status of orders until picked up by the agent. Additional Requirements: Database: Use Prisma ...
I'm seeking a talented R programmer to assist with various data tasks. The ideal candidate will be proficient in summarizing statistics, performing PCA and regression analysis, visualizing data, and analyzing time series. Key Requirements: - Strong experience with R programming - Ability to summarize statistics and perform PCA and regression - Proficient in data visualization and time series analysis - Familiarity with R packages like ggplot2, dplyr, and caret Please note that the specific type of data for this project has yet to be decided, and I am open to working with financial, healthcare or marketing data. I look forward to your bids.
I'm a beginner looking for a live tutor who can teach me how to clean the carburettor and service my Coachman lawn mower. Unfortunately, I currently do not possess any tools or parts for this maintenance task. Key Aspects: - Live Instruction: I prefer a real-time, interactive learning experience. - Beginner Level: I have minimal experience with lawn mower maintenance. - Tool/Part Provision: I need assistance in sourcing and understanding the necessary tools and parts. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in lawn mower maintenance and carburettor cleaning. - Excellent teaching skills, particularly for beginners. - Ability to source and provide necessary tools and parts.
I'm seeking an expert in strategic analysis within game theory, particularly applied to the field of economics. The project involves assessing a game with a mathematical focus, specifically a card game. Key aspects of the project include: - Using game theory to develop insights into strategic interactions within the game. - Applying mathematical principles to understa...mathematical principles to understand and predict outcomes based on economic theories. - Creating algorithms to analyze strategies within the game. The ideal candidate will have: - A strong background in game theory and strategic analysis. - Experience in developing algorithms for card games. - A deep understanding of economics and its mathematical applications. - Proficiency in probability and statistics, an...
System Modifications for Existing System MERN Stack Here’s a detailed breakdown of the requested modifications for Autogradex: 1. Role-Based Access Login Implement a secu...● Export Features: ○ Export marks in multiple formats (Excel, PDF, or CSV). ○ Include detailed analytics such as average scores, highest/lowest marks, and question-wise performance. 7. Dashboard Making Create a comprehensive dashboard for real-time insights. ● Admin Dashboard: ○ Overview of organization-level activities (e.g., evaluations, uploads, and performance metrics). ○ User management statistics (active teachers/students). ● Teacher Dashboard: ○ Quick access to assigned classes and subjects. ○ Evaluation status and upcoming deadlines. ● Student Dashboard: ○ View performance trends and feedback.
First Milestone Amount:$150 First Milestone Release Condition: after completing proofreading, editing, and revising the paper to ensure that the plagiarism and AI detection rates are less than 15%, and completing the submission, and the journal system displays Under Review, and we log in to the system for verification, we will release the first stage of the milestone payment. Second Milestone Amount:$150 Second Milestone Release Condition: The journal system shows Final Decision, we log in the system to verify, we will release the second stage milestone payment. Third Milestone Amount:$200 Third Milestone Release Condition: the journal system displays Accepted, and after we log in to the system for verification, we will release the final milestone.
First Milestone Amount:$200 First Milestone Release Condition: after completing proofreading, editing, and revising the paper to ensure that the plagiarism and AI detection rates are less than 15%, and completing the submission, and the journal system displays Under Review, and we log in to the system for verification, we will release the first stage of the milestone payment. Second Milestone Amount:$300 Second Milestone Release Condition: The journal system shows Final Decision, we log in the system to verify, we will release the second stage milestone payment. Third Milestone Amount:$500 Third Milestone Release Condition: the journal system displays Accepted, and after we log in to the system for verification, we will release the final milestone.
I'm a beginner in 3D photo art seeking a tutor to help me learn the basic tools and software. Your role will be to teach me about the various tools, how to navigate the software, and provide practical exercises to help solidify my understanding. Experience in teaching 3D photo art and patience in dealing with beginners is crucial.
...if required (Not to be used for UI) Bootstrap for HTML generation and styling (No other CSS framework is allowed) SQLite for database (No other database is allowed) Redis for caching Redis and Celery for batch jobs Note: All demos should be possible on your local machine. Roles The platform will have three roles; Admin - root access An admin can monitor all the users/campaigns, see all the statistics Ability to flag inappropriate campaigns/users Sponsors - a company/individual who wants to advertise their product/service Sponsors will create campaigns, search for influencers and send ad requests for a particular campaign. Sponsors can create multiple campaigns and track each individual campaign. They can accept ad requests by influencers for public campaigns. Each Sponsor m...
set up After Effects and Premiere Pro on our pc by using anydesk and help us to create a template for our open box video, and teach us how to edit the video with the logo, brand name at the start, and call action at the end, as well as how add word in between the video. This work as discussed on chat of freelancer will take place in 3 hours.
We are tiktok's officially authorized entertainment live broadcast guild, we have entertainment live broadcast guilds in the MENA area, we need a large number of agents to help us find high-quality anchors, I need to have local resources, I have friends around me who are willing to live on tiktok or want to live on their own, you can look for me, we will focus on incubation, teach you how to live on tiktok and earn high income
I'm seeking a statistics expert with a strong background in in binary logistic regression analysis. Your role would be to help resolve the problems I am dealing with in my current assessment. - Experienced in regression analysis, specifically logistic regression
DFW-US, International Universities and Schools 12-27-2024 Budget: $75.00 USD = 3 Milestones x $25.00/milestone; Time: 3 days per milestone. I will recreate separate jobs for each milestone. I will send you the link. You will apply for one milestone at a time, and I will award you the job. Before you apply, first try this out otherwise you will be wasting your and my time. 1) If you complete this smaller job according to the following requirement then I have an immediate larger job, for millions of rows of data collection with a budget greater than $500.00 for you. 2) You will collect a total of 750,000 contact information from the following a) US and b) International university websites or from any of the online sources. Also collect contact info from V.P. of external a...
I'm seeking an AI/ML expert to develop an application that analyzes sports videos and generates written assessments. The application will need to focus on three key aspects - player performance, game statistics, and highlights summary. Key Requirements: - The application will need to support analysis of videos via YouTube links. - Proficiency in AI/ML is essential. - Prior experience with video analysis applications will be a significant advantage. - Ability to create engaging, comprehensible written assessments from the analysis is a plus. This project entails creating a sophisticated yet user-friendly application capable of delivering detailed video analyses. Your expertise in AI/ML will be crucial to the functionality and effectiveness of the application.
...for our fantasy football website. We need a player statistics tracker, a team management tool, and a trade finder. Player Statistics Tracker: - The tracker should provide real-time updates. - It needs to have capabilities for historical data analysis and player comparison tools. - We want the ability to customize player values by updating our rankings. Team Management Tool: - This tool should help with lineup optimization and roster updates. - We also want it to alert users about injuries and suspensions. - A unique feature we need is an 'auto pilot' mode. Ideal candidates should have experience in developing fantasy sports software, particularly tools for football. Strong programming skills and a deep understanding of football statistics and manage...
...leveraging Twilio's Voice Call functionality. The dashboard will cater to multiple user accounts with email and password authentication. Key features of the dashboard include: - **Voice Call Functionality**: The dashboard should support all aspects of voice calls using Twilio. - **Call Recording**: A feature that allows users to record their calls. - **Call Analytics**: Delivering insights and statistics to users about their calls. - **Interactive Voice Response (IVR)**: Integrating a system that can interact with callers and route calls accordingly. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with Python, Twilio and dashboard development. Skills in creating robust, user-friendly interfaces and implementing strong security measures for account a...
Project Title: Local Services & Online Growth Objective To create a sustainable income source by leveraging local opportunities and digital platforms. --- Phase 1: Local Services (Immediate Income) 1. Identify Skills: List your skills (e.g., cooking, cleaning, tutoring, gardening, repairs). Choose one you can offer as a service. 2. Offer Services Locally: Use local social media groups or apps like Facebook Marketplace or Nextdoor to promote. Start small, offering services at competitive rates to gain experience and trust. 3. Build a Reputation: Focus on excellent service to earn referrals. Ask for reviews/testimonials to build credibility. 4. Expand Service Offerings: Introduce related services (e.g., if you start gardening, offer landscaping or plant sales...
I'm looking for an experienced Android developer to create a Ludo King Dice Controller APK for me. The primary function of this APK is to allow manual control of the dice outcome in the game. Key requirements: - The APK must be compatible with Android devices. - The APK should enable precise manual input to di...- The APK must be compatible with Android devices. - The APK should enable precise manual input to dictate the outcome of the dice. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in Android app development. - Understanding of game mechanics, particularly Ludo King. - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces. Please note, this project does not require any additional features such as statistics tracking or customization options. A focus on the core functionalit...
I'm seeking an experienced tutor who specializes in high school mathematics, specifically Algebra. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive knowledge in Algebra - Prior tutoring experience at high school level - Strong communication skills - Patience and ability to explain complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner.
I'm seeking US-based, native Spanish speakers for a speech data collection project. This involves reading from scripts. The recordings will be made on our platform, ensuring easy and efficient data capture. Ideal candidates should be: - Fluent in both English and Spanish - Comfortable reading from scripts in Spanish. - Based in the United States Skills and experience that would be beneficial: No Prior experience is needed! Only 40 Phrases are there to be recorded and it is a 10 minute job!
I'm currently working on a set of exercises involving diodes, specifically standard and Zener diodes. I need a professional who can guide me through these calculations step-by-step. The ideal candidate should: - Have a strong understanding of diode equations and calculations. - Be able to clearly explain the concepts behind the ca...of exercises involving diodes, specifically standard and Zener diodes. I need a professional who can guide me through these calculations step-by-step. The ideal candidate should: - Have a strong understanding of diode equations and calculations. - Be able to clearly explain the concepts behind the calculations. - Provide a step-by-step solution to each question. Experience with teaching or tutoring in electronics or electrical engineering would...
The Sports Analytics Management project leverages advanced data analytics to provide actionable insights for sports enthusiasts, teams, and stakeholders. it captures live match data, player performance metrics, and historical statistics to deliver comprehensive analysis. The system uses machine learning algorithms to predict outcomes, highlight key player contributions, and recommend strategies. Fans can engage through features like live commentary, score updates, and in-depth match reports. Teams benefit from tailored dashboards focusing on player form, fitness, and game strategies. The platform supports multi-sport coverage with scalable architecture and API integrations for real-time data feeds. It aims to bridge the gap between data and decision-making in the sports industry.
I'm in need of a comprehensive Excel file detailing the top 50 universities in the USA offering PhD programs in Quantum Computing with a focus on AI. The Excel should contain the following: - University name - Details of Professors 1 to 5 including: - Their department and position - LinkedIn profiles - Emails - History of past collaborations or projects in AI - Application deadlines for both Fall and Spring batches - Program specifics I would like this data to be organized in a single sheet with categorized columns for ease of use. Ideal skills for this project include experience in data collection, proficiency in Excel, and knowledge of the field of quantum computing and AI. Previous experience compiling similar data sets will be an added advantage.
...the build-in SOL mixer to obfuscate the flow of your SOL. Avoid blockchain analysis and bubble maps that could reveal your central dev wallets. • Remove LP: Remove the liquiduity pool and sell all your sniped bags automatically at a defined marketcap, random in between range or manually. • Multiple Wallets: Your bots can buy and sell from several wallets, hiding your entry prices in the web statistics. After buying your token are transferred to another wallet for selling. • Quick Airdrops: Distribute your token to lists of wallets, making it possible to airdrop to over 100 wallets in one transaction. A great marketing method to spread your token! • Dedicated / Private SOL nodes with dynamic fee adjustments guarantee the fastest execution time for trades...
...documentation, staff management, and communication. 2. ResQProtocol: The heart of the system enables detailed documentation of operations. It captures operation data, patient information, and measures, supplemented by validation mechanisms to ensure that all mandatory fields are completed. 3. Advanced Features: Additional apps and tools like ResQTime (time tracking), ResQMaps (map creation), ResQStats (statistics), ResQLearn (training materials), and ResQCom (communication) provide comprehensive coverage of all operational requirements. Technical Requirements Server and Infrastructure: Operating System: Linux Ubuntu Domain: Already registered Technology Stack: Backend: PHP (Laravel) or Python (Django/Flask) for implementing business logic. Frontend: Modern JavaScript framewor...
...slide, designed to last a total of 15-20 minutes. No full preparation from AI is needed—getting help is fine, but the AI should not handle everything entirely. The content should be only based on the sceintific paper I provided and must be plagiarism-free and with own words. The PowerPoint should not contain too much text; instead, include visuals such as images, videos, tables, and statistics wherever available. For further Infos. you are free to use other references as well, but please ensure all references are cited properly for both the text and the images or data used. But the main part or better to say, whole of the presentation should be form the paper i provided. The important points to consider are all mentioned in the pictures I provided. You need ...
...comprehensive online tutoring platform specifically for College-level Key Features: - Video Conferencing: This is a crucial component for real-time interaction between the tutor and student. - Interactive Whiteboard: An essential tool for visual learning and problem-solving. - Assignment Submission: This feature will allow students to submit their work for review and feedback. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in College - Experience in online tutoring - Knowledge in designing or utilizing an interactive online tutoring platform - Familiarity with features like video conferencing, interactive whiteboards, and online assignment submission I am looking for a freelancer who can assist in setting up this platform, with a strong understanding of college and online tut...
...**Subscription Details**: Displays the user’s subscription plan, remaining usage, and payment options. - **Settings**: Language preferences (English/Arabic), volume, brightness, and logout. - Minimalistic design optimized for a circular touchscreen interface. #### **2.2 Companion Web/Mobile Portal** - **Features**: - User registration and login. - Subscription purchase and renewal. - View usage statistics (e.g., hours consumed, remaining balance). - **Design**: Mobile-first, responsive interface for easy navigation. #### **2.3 Admin Dashboard** - **Accessible via Web**: - Real-time analytics on API usage. - User activity tracking (last login, subscription details). - Payment and revenue management. - Logs for troubleshooting user issues. --- ### **3. Pay...
I'm a service provider in the educational sector, specifically focused on tutoring and test preparation. I need a professional to create a Google My Business profile for me. Your responsibilities would include: - Setting up the profile with accurate information about my services. - Ensuring the profile is optimized for search visibility. - Guiding on the best practices for maintaining the profile. Ideal skills for this job include: - Experience with Google My Business. - Understanding of the educational service sector. - SEO knowledge to enhance profile visibility.
I need one math, statistics expert for some work. Please accept my project. Thanks