Thesis statement importance earnest essayprojekty
...the readers. The portal, apart from the elements of the rankings / entity databases, is also a news service, therefore all solutions for this type of sites must work perfectly. AMP Compatibility with Google News Hreflang Canonical e.t.c. Currently, we have all these solutions implemented, but if there is any room for improvement, we want to do it. In addition, we must place great importance on the page loading speed and Core Web Vitals. We want to achieve a much better result than today, preferably in the range of 80-100 points. The site is currently based on WordPress and quite an old template, which has not been developed (but updated by the developer) for several years. We are open to other technologies....
...semi-automatic loading of bank statements in the MT940 format and configuring the automation of the accounting process of individual transactions in the SAP S4 Hana system. At the moment, everything is posted manually and we want to improve this process a bit. We are thinking about creating two additional technical accounts in SAP for inbound and outbound transactions. After manually uploading the bank statement in the MT940 format using the FF_5 transaction, we expect SAP to transfer all transactions to technical accounts and further to Vendor and Customer accounts (probably it should search for the agreed scope and invoice number and by the amount) and to GL accounts ( searching for repeatable transactions, e.g. Bank charges looking for a transaction name). At end of the sem...
Creating Wells Fargo Bank Statement (2 months)
Potrzebuje zmienic szablon bloga z thesis 1.8 na responsywny i dobrze czytelny , i to tak zeby zachowac pozycje SEO w wyszukiwarce google. Nowy szablon juz mam, trzeba dopasowac na nowo po zmianie szablonu , byc moze poprzenosic meta tagi i inne tego typu sprawy wordpresowe, doinstalowac i skonfigurowac popup itd.
prosty Landing Page w polskiej jednej wersji jezykowej podpięte statystyki google analytics LP chcę reklamować za pomocą gogole adwords LP winna dawać możliwość mierzenia wszelekiej aktywnosci na stronie wersja responsywna wsparcie w ramach dodania wszystkich niezbędnych disclaimerów tj. cookie statement dużo obrazków mało tekstu formularz do zbierania adresów email thank you page dla wszytskich zostawiających swój adres email LP winna się szybko ładować na każdym urządzeniu może byc zrobiona z szablonu - to ma być prosto i tanio posiadam domenę i hosting - potrebne bedzie wsparcie w ramach położenia strony na serwer jeżeli coś pominałem to chętnie odpowiem na wszelkie pytania
...(również sprawdzenie czy są aktywne lub nie) 3) Sprawdzenie za pomocą DNS lookup nazwy hostów 4) Policzenie uniklanych IP, w celu oszacowania pakietów hostingowych Prosze o kontakt z oszacowaną ceną i czasem wykonania zlecenia (zależy mi na szybkim wykonaniu) Pozdrawiam Michał *********************************************** Hi, I am making a research on the web hosting market for my thesis and I was wondering if it is possible to estimate the number of hosting packages in Poland. This is why I am looking for someone who will help me to write and run a program that will count the number of .pl domains (active and not active), associate them with hosting players in Poland (, , etc. but also private servers) and will estimate the number of hos...
...(również sprawdzenie czy są aktywne lub nie) 3) Sprawdzenie za pomocą DNS lookup nazwy hostów 4) Policzenie uniklanych IP, w celu oszacowania pakietów hostingowych Prosze o kontakt z oszacowaną ceną i czasem wykonania zlecenia (zależy mi na szybkim wykonaniu) Pozdrawiam Michał *********************************************** Hi, I am making a research on the web hosting market for my thesis and I was wondering if it is possible to estimate the number of hosting packages in Poland. This is why I am looking for someone who will help me to write and run a program that will count the number of .pl domains (active and not active), associate them with hosting players in Poland (, , etc. but also private servers) and will estimate the number of hos...
...(również sprawdzenie czy są aktywne lub nie) 3) Sprawdzenie za pomocą DNS lookup nazwy hostów 4) Policzenie uniklanych IP, w celu oszacowania pakietów hostingowych Prosze o kontakt z oszacowaną ceną i czasem wykonania zlecenia (zależy mi na szybkim wykonaniu) Pozdrawiam Michał *********************************************** Hi, I am making a research on the web hosting market for my thesis and I was wondering if it is possible to estimate the number of hosting packages in Poland. This is why I am looking for someone who will help me to write and run a program that will count the number of .pl domains (active and not active), associate them with hosting players in Poland (, , etc. but also private servers) and will estimate the number of hos...
Szukam developera wordpress specjalizującego się w platformie Thesis. Głównym zadaniem developera będzie wdrożenie uzgodnionej struktury wordpress opartej na Thesis i Marketers Delight. Liczę tutaj na aktywność ze strony developera w proponowaniu najlepszych jego zdaniem rozwiązań. Kolejne zadania to instalacja potrzebnych wtyczek, oraz optymalizacja serwisu pod kątem SEO. Dodatkowe wymagane umiejętności developera - znajomość i umiejętność intalacji pluginów z płatnym contentem, lead pages, połączenie z mailchimp. Zależy mi na tym, żeby developer był z Warszawy, lub spod Warszawy. Chciałbym uczestniczyć w pracach wdrożeniowych i tym samym uczyć się tematyki wordpress.
Zlece wykonanie modyfikacji w serwisie zbudowanym na Thesis 2.0. pozdrawiam Jerzy Domanski
...handled by the server, we will supply the images for it. Please feel free to be more specific before accepting this bid, if you feel I'm missing something. 3) Image Details: this screen will show the selected image centered in the page with some info in the caption. This is the page where we will show the original image (whether it resides on your server or on a third party server is of little importance). We will have a header with our logo, some options and the thumbnail just in case the original image is not available (if residing on third party server). The website should have a proper integration into social media. It will be in Arabic, so the whole design has to fit the RTL direction and it will specialize in toons. Deliverable: website code including xhtml, js and...
our learning experience is of utmost importance! Which is why Studio dedicate themselves wholly to making your learning experience an enjoyable one. We want to hear from you! Manicure & Pedicure Course This is an essential skill for any therapist - all women want to have attractive hands and feet and also Customers return on a monthly basis. Performing manicure or pedicure is also a great opportunity to sell products to your customer - most of them will purchase the products you have used on them if best Nail Artist will use these basic services by adding them to all nail treatments as a special touches that bring their customers back for more, time after time. Course contents: Health, safety & hygiene, consultation techniques, manicure procedure
... delete device; // Close the connection so other processes can use the device. } } /// <summary> /// Connects to a Maestro using native USB and returns the Usc object /// representing that connection. When you are done with the /// connection, you should delete it using the "delete" statement so /// that other processes or functions can connect to the device later. /// </summary> Usc^ connectToDevice() { // Get a list of all connected devices of this type. List<DeviceListItem^>^ connectedDevices = Usc::getConnectedDevices(); for each (DeviceListItem^ dli in conne...
...dostępna gdyż czasami nie mam czasu na wprowadzanie zmian/korekt w danym projekcie, a czasem są to rzeczy pilne. Wymagam znajomości xhtml/css, frameworka jquery, budowy wordpressa (jego bazy, systemu szablonów) i rozeznania w obsłudze, konfiguracji i modyfikacji wordpressowych wtyczek (next-gen, wp-ecommerce, cforms etc). Dodatkowym atutem będzie znajomość popularnych szablonów wp jak Classipress czy Thesis oraz umiejętność pisania pluginów pod ten system. Ze swojej strony gwarantuję łatwość w komunikacji (sam jestem koderem więc zrozumiemy się na pewno) i szybkość wpłat. Proszę o podanie: 1. stawki godzinowej netto 2. wyceny średnio-skomplikowanego wdrożenia wp (blog, galeria zdjęć, formularz kontaktowy, elementy ajax) 3. linku do portfolio (osoby l...
...zakupionej templatce flash xml -skasowanie formularza kontaktowego w pliku fla bo jest beznadziejny (zostanie puste pole do wpisywanie tekstu z xmla) -dodanie polskich fontów we flashu bo tradycyjnie nie czyta mimo kodowania utf-8 w xmlu lub inna metoda dająca rezultat -podlinkowania 1 adresu zewnętrznego w submenu stronki ,przykład w linku poniżej ( menu "about" i np "mission statement" powinno przekierować na stronę www podanego adresu a nie do pliku xml jak to jest w templatce) robota na "5 minut" dla kogoś kto posiada flasha cs i ogólną wiedzę templatka jest bardzo popularna i osoby parające się flashem na pewno ją znają szybka akcja bez zbędnego lania wody and deliverables; - Summary of relevant experience and technical knowledge to undertake the work proposed; - Information about any tribunals, legal disputes or challenges the bidder is involved in; - An assessment of risks associated with the work and how these will be managed; - The total cost and a breakdown of costs including a statement on VAT. . Tenders should clearly demonstrate: - An understanding of website design and development; - A realistic understanding of the scale of the work; - The methodologies to be adopted; - Clear outputs and deliverables; - An appropriate mix of skills for the project; - That the risks associated with the work have...
Szukam osoby ktora podjelaby sie napisania pracy/eseju po angielsku badz po polsku na ponizszy temat Since the "credit crunch" and recent recession(s), Governments have been encouraged to "stimulate" the economy: 1. Discuss the policies/strategies the last(UK-Brown) overnment implemented to encourage this. Is there evidence that they were successful? you can also use examples from other developed countries-eg USA, Ireland, etc, in order to develop your argument We hear frequently statements from the present Government on the need to cut Government spending: 2. Discuss the changes (in context of policy) the present Government plan Will they work? What might be their impact? Globally some countries have been able to cope with the present crisis/recession bett...
...EMPLOYMENT CLAIMS CATEGORY Claims for Discrimination Claims for Unfair Dismissal Claims for Wrongful Dismissal GOOD PRACTICE CATEGORY Cleaning and Hygiene Employers' Duties Under the Health and Safety Act Health and Safety Qualifications Health and Safety Technology Occupational Health Permit to Work Safe Person Strategies Safe Place Strategies The Effect of Making a False Claim The Importance of Risk Assessment in the Workplace FIGHTING A CLAIM CATEGORY Disproving Breach of Duty Last Resort - Employers' Liability Mitigation of Liability Through 'Contributory Negligence' The Financial Ombudsman Scheme Time Limits for Claims Vicarious Liability 'Volenti non fit Injuria' - A Key Defence THE LEGAL BASIS CATEGORY Compensatio...
temat: Explain what is meant by the "European Social Model" with specific reference to the typology provided by Sapir. Discuss the reasons why the European Social Model, as characterised by France, has found renewed favour in the recent economic crisis. dlugosc: 2800slow posiadam materialy (artykuly) oraz prezentacje ktore zawieraja wiekszosc informacji potrzebnych do napisania tego eseju. bardziej szczegolowe wytyczne przekaze na maila.
Esej w jezyku angielskim temat: Explain what is meant by the "European Social Model" with specific reference to the typology provided by Sapir. Discuss the reasons why the European Social Model, as characterised by France, has found renewed favour in the recent economic crisis. dlugosc: 2800slow posiadam materialy (artykuly) oraz prezentacje ktore zawieraja wiekszosc informacji potrzebnych do napisania tego eseju. bardziej szczegolowe wytyczne przekaze na maila.
Esej w jezyku angielskim temat: Explain what is meant by the ‘European Social Model’ with specific reference to the typology provided by Sapir (’05). Discuss the reasons why the European Social Model, as characterised by France, has found renewed favour in the recent economic crisis. dlugosc: 2800slow posiadam materialy (artykuly) oraz prezentacje ktore zawieraja wiekszosc informacji potrzebnych do napisania tego eseju. bardziej szczegolowe wytyczne przekaze na maila.
Potrzebuje w ramach projektu klasy Java która będzie sie łączyła z baza danych mysql na serwerze Łaczyła rozumiem jako nawianie połączenia obsluga wyjatkow oraz zwrocenie egzemplarza klasy Statement Jest to w sumie jakies 40 linijek kodu wie okolo 10 minut pracy. Zalezy mi na czasie wykonania Wymagam uzasadnienia uzycia takiego a nie innego sterewnika. Pozdrawiam
Witam! Zlęcę wykonanie animowanej twarzy z mojego zdjęcia. Coś a'la Chris Pirillo, tak jak w tym linku: ://,200&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=344&vpy=334&dur=485&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=136&ty=113&oei=hRNfTPjoDdaSjAeEnbDxAw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:0&biw=1280&bih=907
Zlecę napisanie essayu na 1500 slow na temat: :" Evaluate the extent to which different employee voice schemes are used in practice, including an explanation of the key differences between union and non-union voice arrangements." Dalsze szczegóły wyślę osobom zainteresowanym na maila.
Szukam osoby, która wypozycjonuje w Google serwis, dotyczącego portalu piszącego eseje. Interesuje mnie tylko pozycjonowanie pod wyniki na terenie USA. Hasła custom essay, term paper, research paper, writing service
Postanowiłem strwożyć sub fora domeny postowo.PL. W związku z tym PILNIE poszukiwani są admini for REGIONALNYCH, a dokładniej for wojewódzkich. 1. dolnoś...Zalety: :arrow: 60% zysków z reklam na forach, :arrow: 50% zysków ze sklepu z gadżetami forum, :arrow: Poczta w domenie @, :arrow: Pełne prawa admina. Z mojej strony Oferuje: :arrow: Pozycjonowanie strony, :arrow: Wgranie skryptu i konfiguracja, :arrow: Konfiguracja sklepu, :arrow: Pomoc gg, e-mail i tel. OSOBY CHCĄCE SIĘ PODJĄĆ ZADANIA PROSZONE SĄ O ODPISANIE NA statement@ ORAZ PRZEDSTAWIENIE SWOJEJ KANDYDATURY. DO OBSADZENIA BĘDĄ W NAJBLIŻSZYM CZASIE. NASTĘPUJĄCE FORA.
Postanowiłem strwożyć sub fora domeny STATEMENT.PL. W związku z tym PILNIE poszukiwani są admini for REGIONALNYCH, a dokładniej for wojewódzk...Zalety: :arrow: 60% zysków z reklam na forach, :arrow: 50% zysków ze sklepu z gadżetami forum, :arrow: Poczta w domenie @, :arrow: Pełne prawa admina. Z mojej strony Oferuje: :arrow: Pozycjonowanie strony, :arrow: Wgranie skryptu i konfiguracja, :arrow: Konfiguracja sklepu, :arrow: Pomoc gg, e-mail i tel. OSOBY CHCĄCE SIĘ PODJĄĆ ZADANIA PROSZONE SĄ O ODPISANIE NA ORAZ PRZEDSTAWIENIE SWOJEJ KANDYDATURY. DO OBSADZENIA BĘDĄ W NAJBLIŻSZYM CZASIE. NASTĘPUJĄCE FORA.
Zlecę wektoryzację logo: Chodzi o napis '' i pod nim 'Nocne życie w Słupsku'. Bez tego głośnika. Tylko chciałbym, aby napis 'Nocne życie w Słupsku' był na całej szerokości logo, a nie tak jak jest teraz, że jest mniej więcej na 3/4 szerokości :) .
Zlecę napisanie pracy: 3. FOR AND AGAINST ESSAY - THE INTERNET - A BLESSING OR A CURSE? - why is it so popular? / how has it developed through the years? - why is it useful? - who are the recipients?- what are the advantages and disadvantages for different age groups? w języku angielskim, możliwie prostym, z prostą gramatyką, 1200 słówek
I need someone to convert my 28 page bank statement from PDF to Excel. - You will need to extract all details from the bank statement. - The data should be formatted into a standard table format on Excel. - No further data processing is required after extraction. Ideal candidates will have: - Experience in data entry and PDF to Excel conversion - Attention to detail to ensure all information is accurately captured. check sample
I need an experienced WordPress professional to set up a WPLMS installation on my WordPress subdomain, and integrate a series of quizzes and tests into the platform. Key Tasks: - Implement WPLMS on my WordPress subdomain - Load a variety of quizzes and tests (Multiple choice, True/False, Essay/Short Answer) - Format the quizzes and tests according to a provided design template - Use a provided set of questions and answers to populate the quizzes and tests Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress and WPLMS - Experience with quiz/test integration on eLearning platforms - Familiar with implementing and customizing WordPress themes - Able to adhere to provided design templates and brand styling Please note, I will provide the questions and answers, as well as the outlin...
...Problem-Solving: Strong ability to troubleshoot and create efficient workflows. Preferred Experience Familiarity with petitioner services and U.S. immigration processes. Experience in industries like sports, tech, or creative fields. Tryout Task Submit a capability statement highlighting your skills in: Graphic design. Marketing automation setup (e.g., Zapier workflows). Website content management (preferably using Squarespace). Your submission will be used to evaluate your expertise and suitability for the role. Reference Template: Capability Statement Template Timeline and Commitment Trial Period: 2 weeks (Estimated workload: 10–15 hours/week). Project Scope: Completion of 6 landing pages, graphics, and automation workflows. Potential for Long-Term Work: Based...
As an IT company, we understand the importance of having a robust online presence. We're seeking a seasoned SEO professional to help us enhance our website's search engine performance. Your primary focus will be keyword research, but we also need your expertise in on-page and off-page SEO strategies, as well as analytics tools. Your tasks will include: - Keyword Research: Identifying key search terms that can drive organic traffic to our site. - On-Page SEO: This will involve content optimization, technical SEO (like improving load speed), and fine-tuning our meta tags and descriptions. - Off-Page SEO: Focusing on backlink building, social media engagement, and guest posting. Ideal candidates will have a strong understanding of the latest SEO trends and the ability to cr... and order details. No credits for installed or late-reported damages. Delivery Options: CNC truck, white-glove delivery, common carrier. Additional fees for residential liftgates and missed pickups. Limited Lifetime Warranty: Covers defects in materials and workmanship for original residential purchasers. Excludes wear and tear, misuse, or improper installation. 5. About Us Mission Statement: "Providing affordable, high-quality cabinetry solutions with fast delivery and exceptional customer service." Values: Craftsmanship, value, customer focus. Background: History of Mountain Craft Builders and partnership with CNC Cabinetry. 6. FAQs Address common questions: How to place an order. Lead times and delivery schedules. Return and warranty process...
PROBLEM STATEMENT Currently the application does not have option to adjust the hours for service. SOLUTION Provide an option in application for only administrators to adjust the hours of service. CONTRACTORS ANTICIPATED TASKS (high level): 1. Analyse the current code for anticipated changes and compatibility for this feature. relevant DB table. 3. Develop backend code for CRUD of the functionality. 4. Develop frontend code with modal to adjust the percentage. 5. Unit testing on different use cases and DEV deployment DELIVERABLES 1. Demo functionality (as listed in Solution above) on dev environment.
I'm in need of an experienced web developer who can create a dropshipping website on Shopify for Home & Garden products. Key Features: - Product Reviews and Ratings: I want customers to be able to leave feedback on products, which can help influence pu...operations. - Integrated Payment Gateways: The website should support a variety of payment methods, making it easy for customers to complete their purchases. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience in creating Shopify dropshipping websites. - Knowledge of Home & Garden products is a plus. - Skills in web development, specifically for e-commerce. - Understanding of the importance of product reviews and automated inventory. - Experience with integrating multiple payment gateways. Lookin...
I need a professional who can assist me in crafting a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) for my skill assessment in Australia. As an Electronics Engineer, I have specific projects I want to highlight. - Elements of CDR: This includes Career Episodes, the Summary Statement, and Continuing Professional Development (CPD). - Projects: I have specific electrical engineering projects that I want to underline in my CDR. 80% is already done and needs refinement and changes, which I will share. Ideal Skills/Experience: - Proven experience in writing CDRs, specifically for Electronic Engineers. - Excellent technical writing skills. - Ability to present engineering projects in a compelling way. - Familiarity with the Engineers Australia guidelines for CDRs.
I'm in need of a compelling scholarship essay focused on my career goals and incorporating a personal story that inspired my career choice. Key points: - The essay needs to be focused on my career goals. - It should include a specific personal experience that inspired my career choice. - The overall tone should be suitable for an academic scholarship. Ideal skills would include excellent writing and storytelling abilities, understanding of scholarship essay expectations, and a knack for crafting persuasive narratives. Prior experience with academic writing or scholarship essay crafting would be a significant advantage.
...Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Edward M. Kennedy. OR any of from the attached list of common essay subjects. OR any from these two links of past recipients and senators Use these guidelines for Bibliographies and Citations: Requirements: Must be no more than 1,000 words but must be minimum of 700 words. Citations and bibliography are not included in the word count. Must have 5 sources at minium. Essay should NOT include identifying information about the author. 1. Demonstrated understanding
...non-commercial and for evaluation only. Please let us know if you have a rate for this. How to Apply -Share examples of relevant editing work. If you have before/after samples or can describe your editing workflow, even better. -Briefly explain why you’re a great fit, how you handle feedback, and how you ensure confidentiality. -Let us know you have a private workspace and fully understand the importance of non-disclosure in boudoir photography. -Let us know your rate per photo We look forward to partnering with an editor who values genuine beauty, precise manual editing, and an openness to collaboration- while never compromising our clients’ natural look. If this resonates with you, please reach out!...
...Problem-Solving: Strong ability to troubleshoot and create efficient workflows. Preferred Experience Familiarity with petitioner services and U.S. immigration processes. Experience in industries like sports, tech, or creative fields. Tryout Task Submit a capability statement highlighting your skills in: Graphic design. Marketing automation setup (e.g., Zapier workflows). Website content management (preferably using Squarespace). Your submission will be used to evaluate your expertise and suitability for the role. Reference Template: Capability Statement Template Timeline and Commitment Trial Period: 2 weeks (Estimated workload: 10–15 hours/week). Project Scope: Completion of 6 landing pages, graphics, and automation workflows. Potential for Long-Term Work: Based...
Develop a Financial Allocation Model Job Description We are looking for an experienced freelancer to create a financial model in Excel or Google Sheets to allocate income statement data across multiple countries based on predefined rules. This model will streamline monthly reporting, enhance accuracy, and simplify processes for analysts. Skills Required Advanced Excel Financial modeling experience must Understanding of allocation methodologies and data analysis. Deliverables A working allocation model with clear instructions for use. Documentation of logic and any encountered issues.
I'm seeking a skilled web developer with expertise in PHP to help me create an event management website. This project will require: - Understanding of event management features: The developer should be familiar with the typical needs of an event management platform, such as scheduling, ticketing, attendee tracking, etc. - Proficient in PHP: A...Expertise: A comprehensive understanding of web development is crucial, as the project will involve creating a user-friendly and effective site. Given my own background in event management website development, I can provide detailed insights and expectations for the project. The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone who is not just technically proficient, but also understands the importance of delivering a relevant and imp...
I'm in need of a pro forma financial statement for a storage unit business. This pro forma is aimed primarily at securing funding, so it needs to be compelling and detailed enough for potential investors. Key Requirements: - Expertise in financial forecasting and modeling - Prior experience with retail-based pro formas, particularly in the storage or similar industry - Ability to create a detailed income statement projection The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in finance and business, preferably with experience in creating pro formas for securing funding. You should be able to create a persuasive income statement that will aid in attracting potential investors. I need the property to have a 16 month of sales Start...
...include: - Custom theme development for Shopify and Wordpress - Familiarity with app development for Shopify & plugins for wordpress - Store setup and configuration - INSTANT communication availability (as we have only teamwork-based tasks, not work-at-your-own-pace). Only individual freelancers please, no teams/agencies. In order to separate spammers from real candidates, if you agree with this statement please write it on top of your bid: "I am available to immediately and have X hours left available TODAY!" - where "X" is the amount of hours you have available for work today immediately. This part will be taken seroiusly and won't be open for negotiation. If you can't work full time in the US time zone or if you are not bidding with your cor...
Job Posting: Marketing and Automation Specialist Innovative Global Talent Agency (IGTA) is seeking a skilled and dynamic individual to ...tracking, analyzing, and optimizing marketing performance. Problem-Solving Skills: Strong aptitude for setting up direct messaging systems and automating processes. Preferred Experience: Knowledge of petitioner services and immigration processes. Previous work in industries like tech, sports, or creative businesses. Tryout Task: As part of your application, submit an example of a capability statement highlighting your skills in graphic design, automation setup, and website content management. This will be used to assess your expertise and fit for the role. -
I need a skilled CodeIgniter developer to troubleshoot and modify my web application. The application is failing to generate customer account statements, and I need this fixed. The statements should be able to be generated in PDF format. Main Issue: - The created account statement not showing customers credit balance due amount Specific requirements: - Identify and rectify the issue preventing the generation of customer account statements. - Modify the application to allow for generation of account statements for any custom period. - Ensure the statements include the outstanding balance (I will provide a sample format). - Should provide the details of modification and codes for future backup. Ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience with CodeIgniter - Strong debugging ski...
...on crafting a comprehensive research essay analyzing the technical aspects, case studies, and theoretical perspectives relevant to this task. The ideal freelancer will have: - Proven experience in computer vision and autonomous vehicle technology - Excellent analytical and research skills - Ability to work with public datasets to simulate real-world conditions Key project tasks: - Develop and optimize lane detection algorithms - Use public datasets to test and refine the algorithms - Write a detailed research essay on the project This is a critical project aimed at significantly improving lane detection accuracy in autonomous vehicles. Your expertise could play a pivotal role. I can share more details about this project. This is kind of research essay. You ar...
I'm looking for a professional who can create math assessments in both Word Document and Publisher for Grades 5, 7, 8, and 9. I will provide the topics and types of questions, as well as and approval before proceeding Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in both Word and Publisher - Prior experience in creating educational assessments - Strong understanding of math topics appropriate for Grades 5-9 - Excellent attention to detail and ability to follow specific instructions Please note, the types of questions will include a mix of multiple choice, short answer and potentially essay questions, covering various math topics such as Algebra, Geometry and Statistics. I look forward to your bids and to seeing some of your previous work in this area. I will pay $5 per Assessme...