Sprout programmingprojekty
I am looking for an experienced programmer to create a manual bot based on the CCXT library that allows trading on the Bybit, Kucoin and Binance Futures platforms. This bot will feature a graphical user interface (GUI) and will allow trading using stop market orders. Required skills: Python programming experience. Knowledge of Bybit, Kucoin and Binance Futures API. Understanding the mechanisms of the futures market and stop markets. Ability to create graphical user interfaces (GUI). Bot features: Integration with Bybit, Kucoin and Binance Futures exchanges. Possibility to manually execute transactions on the futures market. Support for stop market orders, enabling users to control risk and minimize losses. If you are interested in this project and meet the above requirements, ple...
Sinumerik 840d , Siemens S7 Angielski komunikatywny Stawka od 55 euro Start od już najpóźniej 22 kwiecień Standard VW Miejscowość Kassel [Removed by Admin]
We are looking for a programmer with experience in developing measurement programs for Mitutoyo measuring machines, using mCosmos software. The main task will be to develop approximately 30 measurement programs to be used based on a dimensioned 3D model or a 2D drawing. We expect the candidate to have: - Experience in programming measurement software for Mitutoyo measuring machines, particularly using mCosmos software. - Knowledge of measurement methods and procedures used in the measurement industry. - Ability to interpret dimensions based on 3D models or 2D drawings. - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. - Ability to work independently and deliver projects on time. Jesteśmy w poszukiwaniu programisty z doświadczeniem w tworzeniu programów pomiarowych na masz...
...my first order on this portal and I hope for a fruitful cooperation from the beginning :) I want to create a simple business card page with basic information about the project itself, but also the option of sending an application form with the necessary anti-bot protection. Simple graphics in the field of valuation - real estate. Website adapted to PC and mobile devices without specifying a programming language. It will be easier for me to choose if the person also shares their portfolio. Best regards and feel free to contact me,...
PL Moja firma może zaprojektować dla CIEBIE co tylko chcesz. Ceny są bardzo dobrze. Skontaktuj się ze mną. OFERTA DLA CAŁEJ EUROPY ENG My company can design whatever you want for YOU. The prices are very good. Contact me. OFFER FOR ALL OF EUROPE
...kierowcy ciężarówki. [Dalszy ciąg opisu i szczegóły w w pliku Termin myślę, że jakoś mi się nie spieszy aczkolwiek, chciałbym zamknąć to zlecenie na wrzesień. Za dobre wykonanie projektu płacę solidnie :) I am looking for a person who will create a gamemode for me on the FiveM platform Project name: truck Play Project type: Truck / RPG Target platform: FiveM Project language: English / POLISH Programming language: C # / JavaScript (...) Project description: The aim of the project will be to create a game mode on the theme of "Truck with RPG elements". The player's goal will be to perform a variety of professions, however, focusing on the profession of truck driver. [Further description and details in the file The deadline I think that I am in no...
W związku z planami realizacji ogromnej ilości szkoleń w tym i w następnym roku, poszukujemy osób na stanowiska trenerskie z obszaru programowania w Języku JAVA oraz w zakresie poniższych kompetencji, technologii oraz metodyk: ✔️ Front-end Developer z czteroletnim doświadczeniem komercyjnym w AngularJS, dwuletnim w TypeScript oraz rocznym w ES6. ✔️ Programista baz danych z dwuletnim doświadczeniem z PostgreSQL ✔️ Java Developer z trzyletnim doświadczeniem komercyjnym w tworzeniu aplikacji w Frameworku Spring ✔️ Java Developer z dwuletnim doświadczeniem komercyjnym z wiedzą na temat narzędzi Gradle, Swagger, Codegen, Rabbitmq używanych jednocześnie w przynajmniej jednym projekcie ✔️ Java Developer z trzyletnim doświadczeniem komercyjnym do bloku tematycznego „Tes...
[CIO wanted] PayBuddy – a fintech startup in its infancy is looking for a CIO in Warsaw. Experience in programming for the financial sector/banking required (IOS App, Android App, Online Service in .Net). Desirable with knowledge of protection for the platforms mentioned above. Further information after sending a CV. [CIO poszukiwany] PayBuddy - fintech'owy startup w początkowej fazie rozwoju poszukuje CIO najlepiej na terenie Warszawy. Wymagane doświadczenie w programowaniu dla sektora finansowego/bankowego (aplikacja na IOS, Android, serwis internetowy w .Net) wskazane ze znajomością zabezpieczeń dla wspomnianych platform. Bliższe informacje po przesłaniu CV.
Witajcie, jesteśmy poznańskim 20-osobowym software house'm, który rozwija analityczne aplikacje webowe dla firm działających w obszarach data science i business intelligence. Po stronie front-endowej pracujemy w CSS-ie 3, HTML-u 5, JavaScript-cie, React-cie i Redux-ie. W UX Dream'ie łączymy elastycznie praktyki zaczerpnięte ze Scruma z Extreme Programming, t.j. code review, test driven development, continuous integration czy peer programming. Szukamy do współpracy do współpracy zdalnej deweloperów z przynajmniej 2-letnim doświadczeniem z Bydgoszczy i okolic. Zakładamy, że zajmiemy Ci 20 - 40 godzin tygodniowo (uszczegółowimy to wspólnie). Zapewnimy Ci 40 - 80 zł netto na godzinę.
Poszukujemy osób do współpracy na projektach pro...lub kilku z poniższych Firm: 1. SIEMENS 2. Mitsubishi 3. Allen-Bradley 4. Moeller 5. Omron 6. ABB 7. AEG 8. Schneider Modicon TSX 9. Rockwell Konieczna znajomość języka niemieckiego i/lub angielskiego. Zapewniamy długookresową współpracę na interesujących projektach. We are looking for people to cooperate on projects of industrial programming realized by our Company The knowledge of PLC programming of one or several of the following companies is necessary: 1. SIEMENS 2. Mitsubishi 3. Allen-Bradley 4. Moeller 5. Omron 6. ABB 7. AEG 8. Schneider Modicon TSX 9. Rockwell Communicative knowledge of German and / or English necessary We provide long-term cooperat...
Programista/Projektant Systemów Informatycznych Obowiązki: tworzenie aplikacji, testowanie stworzonego kodu oraz bieżące raportowanie stanu pracy, ścisła współpraca ze stanowiskami/zespołami opracowującymi systemy informatyczne, ścisła współpraca z kluczowymi interesariuszami rozwiązań informatycznych w celu odpowiedniego zaadresowania potrzeb biznesowych, koordynowanie i monitorowanie integracji w obszarach biznesowych i technologicznych. Wymagane kwalifikacje: wykształcenie wyższe o profilu informatycznym lub pokrewnym, doświadczenie zawodowe minimum 2-3 lata na stanowiskach związanych z projektowaniem i programowaniem systemów informatycznych z wykorzystaniem platformy .NET oraz technologiach mobilnych i internetowych, znajomość ASP, .NET, MVC, W...
Przyjmiemy do zespołu programistę C#, Unity3D. Zdalnie lub na miejscu. Na stałe lub na zlecenia. Idealny kandydat: - zna C# - zna Object Oriented Programming, struktury danych i algorytmy - zna Unity3D oraz plugin NGUI - lubi gry komputerowe Oferujemy pracę nad ciekawymi projektami, w przyjaznym zespole, za satysfakcjonujące wynagrodzenie w ciekawej lokalizacji.
Do małego projektu z przyczyn formalnych potrzebuje support osób posiadających następujące certyfikaty: Programming in C# Specialist. MCSD:Web Applications, tj zdane wszystkie egzaminy: 480, 486, 487 SQL Server, tj zdane wszystkie egzaminy: SQL Server 2008 - 432, 448 lub SQL Server 2012 - 461, 462, 463 Zadanie jest niewielkie, nie wymaga dużego zaangażowania ani odpowiedzialności - chodzi wyłącznie o weryfikację pewnych jego założeń. Zainteresowanych proszę o pilny kontakt.
Przyjmiemy na stałe lub na zlecenia 5 programistów C#, Unity3D. Idealny kandydat: - zna C# - zna Object Oriented Programming, struktury danych, wzorce projektowe - zna podstawy Unity3D - lubi gry komputerowe Oferujemy pracę nad ciekawymi projektami, w przyjaznym zespole, za satysfakcjonujące wynagrodzenie w ciekawej lokalizacji.
Przyjmiemy na stałe lub na zlecenia 5 programistów C#, Unity3D. Idealny kandydat: - zna C# - zna Object Oriented Programming, struktury danych, wzorce projektowe - zna podstawy Unity3D - lubi gry komputerowe Oferujemy pracę nad ciekawymi projektami, w przyjaznym zespole, za satysfakcjonujące wynagrodzenie w ciekawej lokalizacji.
Zlecę wypromowanie serwisu Docelowa liczba unikalnych użytkowników na miesiąc: 30.000 i więcej Rynek: anglojęzyczny (, , itp.) Tylko realne osoby, nie interesuje mnie sztuczne generowanie ruchu. Czekam na propozycje dotyczące zarówno strategii promowania strony jak i wynagrodzenia za w...(, , itp.) Tylko realne osoby, nie interesuje mnie sztuczne generowanie ruchu. Czekam na propozycje dotyczące zarówno strategii promowania strony jak i wynagrodzenia za wykonane zlecenie lub miesięcznego kosztu pozycjonowania. W grę wchodzi zarówno pozycjonowanie, jak i inne formy promocji. Jestem otwarty na sugestie. Przykładowe słowa kluczowe: design, graphic design, programming, inspiration, design inspiration, photoshop, web design
Poszukuję programisty, który świetnie się porusza w świecie tworzenia aplikacji mobilnych na urządzenia z systemem iOS (iPhone;iPad;iPod) Wymagane umiejętności programowania: Objective C; Cocoa; C Programming; Unity 3D (dodatkowo mile widziane) Umiejętność integracji : in app purchase; sieci reklam (revmob;chartboost;tapjoy itp); integracja programów do analizy danych (np. flurry); Dodatkowo podstawowa znajomość języka angielskiego do czytania instrukcji integracji gotowych kodów źródłowych. Na początek oferuję proste prace związane z integracją nowej grafiki i prostymi przeróbkami w gotowych już kodach źródłowych aplikacji. Przy udanej współpracy można liczyć na stałe zlecenia Jeżeli tworzysz zespół razem z dobrym grafik...
Zlecimy modyfikację źródeł (c++) programu hocr2pdf (), będącego elementem biblioteki ExactImage (źródła do pobrania z ). Modyfikacja ma na celu doprowadzenie do tego, by plik pdf wygenerowany przez hocr2pdf zawierał polskie znaki (program, w obecnej postaci, zamiast polskich znaków wstawia do pdf-a "krzaki"). Zainteresowanym programistom możemy przesłać przykładowe pliki hocr wraz z obrazkami, na podstawie których powstały. Oferty prosimy przesyłać na adres: marketing@ Tel. 17 850 75 80
...The navigation system should be intuitive and allow the visitor to quickly navigate the site starting from any page. 10. The website should be able to be linkable to our current database: GoldVision, to add contact details, etc. GoldVison is the software author and uses a sequel server back end system. Gold-Link is the name given to the built-in Gold-Vision API (Application Programming Interface). The API allows you to communicate programmatically with software for integration and import/export purposes. The Gold-Link API is a SOAP XML Web Service that is installed as part of the main software. 11. In addition the new website must contain, or retain the following features: · ESW’s domain name and email address to sta...
Moda Ego is looking for IT person who is familiar with programming to help guide technology team (English speaking) in how to feed data from Magento into Allegro. Main duty is to to help an English speaking programmer send data from Magento e-commerce platform through Allegro's API (Application Programming Interface). No programming required, just support and translation work. This person should speak English and Polish, has some a programming background.
Poszukuję osoby, która zna program SPROUT i napisze mi aplikację, która będzie Rozpoznawała nazwy instytucji w tekście (będzie kolorowała je np na żółty), próba ustalenia formy podstawowej nazwy (Ministerstwa -Ministerstwo)
...so I decided it is time to make it better and bigger. Redesign is badly needed. I am looking for web designer (front-end) to make my website sweet and looking really good. I like clean websites with a bit of glossy filling. What I am looking for? Those are the examples of websites i really like: 2) Programming I need also person to implement for me: 2a) adding image option to my posts so it can be use as real estate platform 2b) aggregation function - multifeeds from other websites. SimplePie works on my hosting nicely so you can use this platform although if there is better solution out there - please use it. Please PM me with your proposal, vision, portfolio, price, etc. Cheers KONTAKT
Zlecę wykonanie profilu na MySpace Czego oczekuje: - żeby grafika na profilu była taka sama w najczęściej stosowanych przeglądarkach i w każdej rozdzielczości żeby jej nie rozciągało tak jak tu np sama w najczęściej stosowanych przeglądarkach i w każdej rozdzielczości żeby jej nie rozciągało tak jak tu np a było tak - jeśli da rade to usunąć ten napis przy ładowaniu się strony "Thomas Myspace Editor" - zeby napis Bishop: Mix/Master/Programming(Studio78) ustawić tak żeby /Programming(Studio78) nie schodziło na dolny wiersz. Kontakt gg: 1146937
Programming Studio HR jako agencja pracy poszukuje zdolonych i ambitnych programistow do pracy w firmach polskich jak i zagranicznych, zdalnie (freelance) oraz stacjonarnie w studio. Programowanie gier: - FLASH (online, offline), - SHOCKWAVE (2D/3D), - PC (2D/3D), - MOBILE (gry na telefony komorkowe 2D/3D), - oraz moduly MULTIPLAYER do wszystkich powyzszych platform. Swoje prace prosimy kierowac na: @ Z wyrazami szacunku, Programming Studio HR
... Just draw an appropriate array and fill it like we did in class. Before doing that permute the elements in your own way (leave 2 as the last item). If the answer is positive list the elements whose weights sum up to the capacity of the bin. 2. When playing a game you are at position 0 initially. You can perform three types of moves, improving your position by 1, 2 or 3. Write a dynamic programming algorithm that computes in how many ways you can improve your position from 0 to n. For example, if n = 3, you can make it in 4 ways: 1+1+1 or 1+2 or 2+1 or 3. Hint: write it as a recurrence, then either use memoization or change to the botom-up computation. 3. Tchesio hits the road again, serious: On his trip from Nowy Sącz to Lisbon which is m kilometres long there are n gas s...
Write a program that implements the divide and conquer algorithm for finding two closest points on the plane. De...coordinates of point 1 line 3: similar, coordinates of point 2 ... line n+1: coordinates of point n output to the standard output stream: integer z, value of which is the square of the distance between the closest points Sample input: 3 1 1 -2 0 3 –2 Output: 10 Other requirements: For sorting (the initial phase of the algorithm) make your own implementation of mergesort. Programming language: C or C++. The program should run under Gnu gcc or g++ compiler. If you work with MS Windows then it is suggested to use DevC++ environment with these compilers. Submission: by email, with an attachment containing both the source and executable, zipped...
Write a program that implements the divide and conquer algorithm for finding two closest points on the plane. D...coordinates of point 1 line 3: similar, coordinates of point 2 ... line n+1: coordinates of point n output to the standard output stream: integer z, value of which is the square of the distance between the closest points Sample input: 3 1 1 -2 0 3 –2 Output: 10 Other requirements: For sorting (the initial phase of the algorithm) make your own implementation of mergesort. Programming language: C or C++. The program should run under Gnu gcc or g++ compiler. If you work with MS Windows then it is suggested to use DevC++ environment with these compilers. Submission: by email, with an attachment containing both the source and executable, zipped...
...User loads the main html page 2. user will see upper and lower frame as is now 3. User will see another banner that is added to the bottom frame dynamically, banner will not block any content from the bottom frame so it should be presented dynamically there beside some content and not block any other content (relational position pr can be done javascript, i program with jsp, so my programming language is html/js technology + jsp. When you bid for this task please state what you are planning to do and what you think the task is so that i understand that you understood the task important: if the bottom frame has a different background color then i want my banner to have the same background color. so i want my banner to appear as if its part of the bottom fr...
...skills are: - Very good knowledge of Visual Studio (Visual C#), Web Ser-vices, (N)Hibernate! - Very good knowledge in programming web technologies - Knowledge of English is mandatory Optional skills: - PHP, HTML, ASP.NET, ADO - Familiarity with source control and software testing is appreciated - Knowledge of German is highly appreciated 2. A potential candidate would take part in developing solutions for the front-end of the application, e. g. Web portal, WebServices etc. Required technical skills are: - Excellent knowledge of and experience in Web Services and Hibernate - Very good knowledge of Java and MS SQL - Very good knowledge in programming web technologies - Knowledge of English is mandatory Optional skills: - Spring, Spring WebFlo...
...similar to W3Schools. The site will host courses in Programming, Data Science, and Design, strictly matching the content and structure of W3Schools. Key Requirements: - Courses: The website will offer self-paced modules exclusively. The courses will span across three categories: Programming, Data Science, and Design. - Quizzes: Each course will incorporate quizzes to test the learners' understanding and retention of the course material. - Interactive Code Editor: The website will feature an interactive code editor, allowing learners to practice their coding skills in real time. Ideal Skills: - Web development - Experience with building educational platforms - Knowledge of creating interactive features on websites - Familiarity with programming, data science, ...
I'm looking for an experienced app developer to create a minimal viable product (MVP) of an app similar to Snapchat. The app should be available on both iOS and Android and feature: - Story feature - Chat functionality with similar privacy settings as Snapchat - ...features in chat apps - Skills in developing and integrating camera filters - Knowledge in setting up a profile scoring system - Experience with incorporating in-app purchases - Proficiency in using, and if necessary, developing basic camera filters and face recognition filters - Proficiency in back-end development and implementing user authentication systems. Please note that the preferred programming language for this project is not mentioned, but it should be one that supports developing both iOS and Android ap...
I'm developing a software application for a college project that involves a barcode scan and inventory system. The inventory consists of retail products. The application nee...developing a software application for a college project that involves a barcode scan and inventory system. The inventory consists of retail products. The application needs to be mobile-friendly. Key Requirements: - A robust understanding of mobile application development. - Experience with barcode scanning technology. - Knowledge of inventory management systems. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in programming languages suitable for mobile development (like Java, Swift, or Kotlin). - Prior experience with creating software applications. - Strong problem-solving skills to troubleshoot any potential issues duri...
...candidate should be able to understand my vision and translate it into a functional web application. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in software development with a specific focus on web applications. - Strong programming skills. - Ability to translate ideas into functional software. - Good communication skills for effective understanding of the project vision. Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in web application development is a must. - Software development experience, particularly with desktop applications, will be an added advantage. - A portfolio showcasing previous programming and software development jobs. - Understanding of current web technologies and trends. Please note, the goal of this project is not just to develop a software, but to create a pl...
...Implement temporary data storage for insights and trend analysis. Testing and Optimization: - Ensure accurate tracking of whale activity and detection of trending tokens. - Optimize scripts for scalability and minimal errors. --- Required Skills - **Blockchain Development**: - Expertise in the **Solana blockchain**, including Solana RPC API, Solscan API, and SPL tokens. - **Programming Languages**: - Proficiency in **Python**, **JavaScript**, or **TypeScript** for blockchain and API integration. - **API Integration**: - Experience working with APIs (e.g., Solana RPC, Twitter API). - **Automation**: - Ability to automate workflows, including real-time data collection and social media updates. - **Data Processing**: - Skills in processing large da...
I am seeking a skilled VB.NET developer to create a subroutine that processes file system data. The primary purpose of this subroutine is to read files and directories and monitor changes in real-time. This will be implemented using a recursive iteration over a ListView....recursive iteration over a ListView. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in VB.NET with a strong focus on data processing - Experience in creating subroutines for file system data handling - Ability to implement real-time monitoring of file system changes - Familiarity with using ListView for data display Ideal candidates are those with a robust understanding of both file system operations and VB.NET programming. The successful completion of this project will greatly enhance my ability to process and monitor file sy...
I need a Python 3 script that automates the rotation of different SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxies to change the IP address...phone number is registered. Key Requirements: - The script should be able to take phone numbers from a CSV file that I will upload. - It should seamlessly connect to the SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxies to maintain anonymity and prevent IP banning. - The script needs to be compatible with Python 3. - and also to collect me information Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Python 3 and network programming. - Familiarity with using SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxies. - Previous experience in creating scripts for data collection from service provider websites. Please note that this script is for service provider websites only. Social media and e-commerce sites are not part of thi...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create an immersive AI patient simulator tailored for medical training. This project involves crafting interactive scenarios, specifically emergency responses and routine check-ups, using realistic AI-generated voices and possibly animation. Key Components: - Interactive Scena...will help trainees learn how to respond in high-pressure situations. - Diabetes Management: This will provide insights into handling chronic conditions during check-ups. Ideal candidates for this project should have prior experience in creating AI simulations or training tools, and a deep understanding of medical training requirements. Skills in voice synthesis, animation, and scenario-based programming are highly desirable. Please share your relevant portfolio piece...
I'm seeking help with ICDL programming, specifically focusing on Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. - Experienced in teaching or tutoring ICDL content. - Able to prepare for certification assessments. Key Tasks: - Assist with understanding and practical application of ICDL concepts. - Provide targeted help with Formulas and Functions in Excel. - Support with general use of Word and PowerPoint. - Prepare for certification.
I am working on a personal project and need assistance with Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint. Microsoft Excel: - Data Entry & Formatting: I have a lot of data that needs to be entered and formatted correctly in Excel. - Creating Formulas & Functions: I need someone who is skilled in Excel to create appropriate formulas and functions to manage my data. - Data Analysis & Visualization: The project will require some data analysis and I would appreciate help visualizing the data using Excel tools. Microsoft PowerPoint: - Creating a Presentation: I need a PowerPoint presentation to accompany this project, so experience in creating engaging and clear presentations is a must. Ideal candidates should have: - Advanced skills in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint. - Experience with data ana...
I'm seeking a developer to create a Windows application that integrates with any virtual microphone adapter. The app's primary function is to open a Selenium window and route audio from that window into the ...- Sound Hotkeys: Users should be able to set a specific sound file to a hotkey via an in-app settings menu. - Microphone Passthrough: The app should allow for the passthrough of a selected microphone device on the virtual adapter, enabling the user to talk while using the pre-set sounds. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Windows app development. - Experience with audio programming and virtual audio integration. - Familiarity with Selenium and its window handling. - Ability to create intuitive in-app settings menus. Please provide relevant exp...
I'm in need of a C program that simulates a 4-core processor.... Key Requirements: - Implementation of the Round Robin (RR) CPU scheduling algorithm. - Performance monitoring capabilities. - Support for cached cores and MIPS pipeline. - Understanding and integration of the Bus MESI protocol. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in C programming. - Experience in developing console applications. -Understanding of the Mips pipeline architecture . - Knowledge of performance monitoring techniques. - Familiarity Bus MESI protocol, cache designs. This project requires a deep understanding of both C programming and computer architecture. A strong candidate will be able to effectively simulate complex processor behaviors and implement the required features seamlessly. will give more deta...
I am seeking a freelancer with expertise in graph optimization to solve a large set cover problem. The dataset involves more than 1,000 sets and requires finding an exact solution. Key Requirements: - Proven...with expertise in graph optimization to solve a large set cover problem. The dataset involves more than 1,000 sets and requires finding an exact solution. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in solving set cover problems - Proficiency in graph optimization techniques - Ability to handle large datasets Skills and Experience: - Strong mathematical and analytical skills - Familiarity with programming languages such as Python or R - Previous work with exact solution methodologies for optimization problems Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in...
I'm seeking a dedicated one-on-one tutor to help me enhance my Java programming skills. As an intermediate programmer, I would like to focus on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in depth, specifically: - Inheritance and polymorphism - Design patterns - Encapsulation and abstraction - and others Our sessions should be hands-on and project-based, with a strong emphasis on problem-solving. I believe this approach will help me grasp the concepts better and apply them in real-world scenarios. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in Java, particularly in OOP - Proven track record in teaching or tutoring - Ability to create engaging, hands-on learning experiences - Strong problem-solving skills - Familiarity with design patterns in Java Please note that I p...
...processes data from (14). Inserts the data into a PostgreSQL database with PostGIS support. Database Schema: A PostgreSQL database schema that supports: Geospatial data (via PostGIS). Parcel attribute tables. Documentation: Step-by-step guide to configure and run the script. Instructions for setting up PostgreSQL with PostGIS. Skills Required: Strong experience in Python programming. Familiarity with ArcGIS REST API. Experience with PostgreSQL and PostGIS. Knowledge of Python libraries like requests, psycopg2, geoalchemy2, and sqlalchemy. Timeline: Deliver the script, schema, and documentation within 5 working days from the start date. Additional Notes: Ensure the script can handle large datasets efficiently. Validate the script by testing it with live API responses and
I need an expert in Excel VBA to breathe new life into my project. The enhancements will involve: - **Data processing and automation**: Improving the efficiency and speed of data handling processes. - **User interface enhancements**: Making the project more use...comprehension. Visually, the reports will need: - **Better formatting and styling**: Making the reports more professional and easy to read. - **Interactive charts and graphs**: Introducing dynamic visuals to engage the viewer. - **Conditional formatting features**: Implementing visual cues for data trends and insights. Ideal candidates for this project should have a robust background in Excel VBA programming, with a strong portfolio showcasing previous similar projects. Experience in UI/UX design and data visualization ...
I am in need of a seasoned developer who can integrate a specific API into my Telegram channel. The purpose of this integration is to receive real-time alerts and notifications related to betting. Key Requirements: - ...betting. Key Requirements: - API Integration: You should have extensive experience with API integrations, particularly with Telegram. - Custom Alerts: The API needs to be set up to deliver specific betting alerts, namely surebets and valuebets. - Telegram Proficiency: A deep understanding of how Telegram works and its API is essential. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in working with APIs - Strong programming skills - Familiar with Telegram's platform and its functionalities - Experience with betting systems and understanding of betting terminology. I look forwar...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create an immersive AI patient simulator tailored for medical training. This project involves crafting interactive scenarios, specifically emergency responses and routine check-ups, using realistic AI-generated voices and possibly animation. Key Components: - Interactive Scena...will help trainees learn how to respond in high-pressure situations. - Diabetes Management: This will provide insights into handling chronic conditions during check-ups. Ideal candidates for this project should have prior experience in creating AI simulations or training tools, and a deep understanding of medical training requirements. Skills in voice synthesis, animation, and scenario-based programming are highly desirable. Please share your relevant portfolio piece...
I need a skilled progra...dashboard for each client - Admin capabilities for allocating livestock - Real-time tracking of investment growth - Functionality for clients to add new investments directly from their dashboard - Detailed investment performance reports User Roles: - The system must support both Admin and Investor roles, each with their own specific permissions and capabilities Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web programming - Experience in developing investment tracking systems - Understanding of user role management in software - Ability to create interactive dashboards The goal is to provide our investors with a reliable and engaging platform to monitor their livestock investments and track their profits over time. Please include relevant examples of your prior work in...