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    2,000 sorting large text file ofert prac znalezionych

    ...attributes c) Collection attributes d) Songs / Albums / Collections / Artists administration e) General attributes a) General information b) Graphic design c) Logo d) Menu e) Modules General information a) Music Vendor I bought this script which has many great features, like file directory security, pay-pal payment, mailing lists all transactions are checked to prevent fraud and spoofing location of files are hidden and cannot be deduced by casual browsers of the web site downloads are limited by time and number of attempts all completed sales are recorded in the database customer is sent an email with a link to the download area All pages written in PHP and script

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Szukam osoby ze znajomością programu file maker do wykonania bazy danych dla nowo powstającej firmy. Pozdrawiam Pawel

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam. Sprawa jest banalna, jednak nie mam ani karty kredytowej, ani konta na paypal. Zlecę zakup tej fotki w rozmiarze x-large lub max. Jeśli masz dostęp do serwisu oferującego tę fotografię *lub może lepszą/ lepsze :). Zapraszam do współpracy

    $5 Average bid
    $5 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Potrzebuję bannerów GIF lub Flash (ale ten drugi tylko jeśli potrafisz zrobić tak, by link na bannerze był pobierany z zewnętrznego pliku/kodu - bo to banner do programu partnerskiego, czyli link będzie indywidualny na zasadzie: ). 1. Billboard - 750x100 2. Skyscraper - 160x600 3. Banner - 468x60 4. Large rectangle - 300x300 Proszę o prezentowanie ODNOŚNIKÓW do portfolio. Oferty bez portfolio będą usuwane. Proszę o zaznaczanie informacji czy GIF, czy Flash (jeśli flash to proszę zerknąć na wymagania na górze). Zatem zgłoszenie ma wyglądać w taki sposób: np. Flash / / email do zleceniobiorcy Materiały i wytyczne wyślę do wybranej osoby. Kryterium - umiejętności 60%, cena 40%.

    $32 Average bid
    $32 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Zlece napisanie prostej aplikacji do wyszukiwania i zarządzania plikami. Jest to projekt na zaliczenie laborek na studiach i jest on potrzebny maksymalnie do piątku. Aplikacja ma być baaardzo prosta, bez zbędnych pierdół:) Specyfikacja: "Realizowanym celem w ramach projektu o powyższym temacie jest stworzenie prostej aplikacji przeznaczonej do zarządzania plikami znajdującymi się na dysku komputera. Za pomocą stworzonej aplikacji będzie można przeglądać katalogi/pliki znajdujące się na dyskach twardych komputera oraz wykonywać podstawowe operacje na plikach/folderach, takie jak: wyszukiwanie plików/folderów, kopiowanie plików/folderów, wklejanie plików/folderów, zmiana nazwy plików/folderów, usuwanie plików/...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam! Potrzebuję naprawić błąd przy upload filmów. Błąd: "Failed To Find Flength File" Strona: A tutaj w razie potrzeby konto do usera: test test Jeśli ktoś wie jak temu zaradzić zapraszam do mnie na GG bądź email: kupwwwpl@ gg: 9851962

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam. Przedmiotem zlecenia jest napisanie 48 krótkich reakcji językowych. Lista tych reakcji jest w załączniku, potrzebuję je wszystkie w języku angielskim czyli coś typu: 1. I would like thank you very much for delicious meal. This meal was the great...meal. This meal was the greatest food which I have ever eaten. Czyli tak po 2-3 zdania do każdej reakcji, z tym że potrzebuję, by nie były to proste pytania wprost, ale zawierały pewne bogactwo językowe, którym tutaj będą: tryby warunkowe, strona bierna, czasowniki modalne, rzadziej używane (lub po prostu mniej znane) odpowiedniki zwykłych słów (np. zamiast słowa "big" słowo "large"). Mogą się też oczywiście pojawić jakieś inne ciekawe konstrukcje. W razie pytań proszę pisać. Poz...

    $7 Average bid
    $7 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    skomponowanie muzyki do piosenki i nagranie jej (mp3) tekst tutaj: rozważam oferty poniżej 100 zł proszę przesłać próbkę głosu (fragment dowolnej piosenki) zastrzegam prawo do nie wyłonienia zwycięzcy w przypadku braku interesującej oferty

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Przedmiotem aukcji jest prosty programik do batchowej: 1. Zmiany nazwy pliku na podstawie tekstu wewnętrznego pliku html. 2. Exportu danych z pliku html do excela. I. Program miałby za zadanie przeszkanie tekstu według nastepujacego sposobu: 1. Po słowie kluczowym: "Nr aukcji:" wyciągnij tekst. 2. Zczytaj tekst aż do wystapienia słowa kluczowego: "Koniec". 3. Zczytany tekst będzie nazwą pliku. Rozszerzenie pozostaje bez zmian. II. Druga funkcja programu: 1. Po słowie kluczowym: "Kupiec" wyciągnij tekst. 2. Zczytaj tekst aż do wystapienia słowa kluczowego: "Koniec". 3. Zczytany tekst wyeksoprtuj do excela do komórki A1 kolejne do A2, A3 etc.

    $5 Average bid
    $5 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...EQUESTRIAN CENTRE ---> ale mysle ze to moze byc obok w dwoch liniach ---> powinno sie to wtedy ladnie i czytelnie skomponowac w topie 2. uklad strony 3 kolumny top menu: HOME ABOUT US CONTACT US FIND US left menu: FACILITIES RIDING SCHOOL LIVERY RETRAINING NEED A HORSE? GALLERY FAQ’s columna prawa: News --- kilka wpisow typu naglowek + text //////////////////////// nie sugeruj sie kolorami obecnej strony !!! NIE jest to SKLEP INTERNETOWY /czyli zadnych cen, koszyka/ STRONA galeria w zalaczniku przeskanowane logo -- trzeba by to zamienic na vector... powinno sie znalezc w topie OPIS: uklad trzy kolumny + top uklad wysrodkowany szerokosc stala 950-1000px top: Victoria Cross Cycles

    $91 Average bid
    $91 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Witam poszukuję zdjęcia takiego jak Chodzi mi o rozmiar LARGE. Proszę podać cenę. Interesują mnie jedynie osoby które moga mi wystawić FVAT, ze kupiłem to od nich abym miał poświadczenie legalności. Zdjęcie nie musi być z istockphoto, chcę mieć tylko zdjęcie które będzie przedstawiało ten sam fragment nieba.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Poszukuję osoby która kupi dla mnie grafikę Chodzi mi o rozmiar LARGE. Proszę podać cenę. Interesują mnie jedynie osoby które moga mi wystawić FVAT, ze kupiłem to od nich abym miał poświadczenie legalności.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlece wykonanie textu reklamowego do ulotki reklamujacej firme dzialajacej w branzy edukacyjnej, Text musi byc ciekawy i niekonwencjonalny. Mile widziani doswiadczeni copywriterzy lub osoby pracujace w branzy reklamowej.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...NEW MEMBERS=Recent Members CC BROWSING OWN GROUP=Browsing Your Groups CC DISCUSSION STARTED BY ON=Discussion started by <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> , on %3$s CC UNPUBLISH GROUP=Unpublish Group CC GROUP IS UNPUBLISHED=Group Unpublished CC PROFILE GROUPS=Groups CC GROUPS COUNT=%1$s Group CC GROUPS COUNT MANY=%1$s Groups CC SHOW ALL GROUPS=Show All Groups # Emails-related text CC NEW MEMBER NEEDS APPROVAL EMAIL SUBJECT=New member request to join group, %1$s CC NEW MEMBER JOIN EMAIL SUBJECT=New member joined the group, %1$s CC NEW MEMBER JOIN EMAIL=%1$s wishes to join your group, %2$s nnTo view the group, follow the link below:nn %3$s CC NEW DISCUSSION NOTIFICATION EMAIL SUBJECT=%1$s group posted a new bulletin # Friends CC FRIEND REQUEST ...

    $6 Average bid
    $6 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Zlece napisanie textu 10 X 2000 znakow-tematyka musi buc unikalny. Prosze o podanie ceny za 2000 znakow

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...based on the Zend Framework, (you can suggest other that you believe is suitable, please state why). This script has to contain the usual freelancer capabilities plus those included in the document that i will send you, please request it.(no option here to attach). Ability to select multipel languages based on user preferance. The script will have to be easily scalable to accommodate a large number of users and future multi server load distribution. The ability to plugin additional features in the future. ***Demos and ready scripts*** I understand some of you may have a ready built script please submit a demo link. I am not interested in scripts that float around the net and are hacked and rehacked. Usability, visual appeal and functionality are a must in your d...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Potrzebny mi uploader do plików napisany we flashu. Wymagania: - upload plików minimum 500MB, jeśli to możliwe nawet do 3GB - obsługa wszelkich problemów takich jak zerwane połączenia itp., jednym słowem wrzucony plik musi dotrzeć na serwer. - prościutka walidacja - przepuszczane tylko pliki zip - po stronie serwera możliwy odbiór plików z POST'a

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...Zdjęcia może kupować tylko zalogowany użytkownik żliwość wykupienia abonamentu lub pojedynczych zdjęć oraz zdjęć na własność (wszystkie grupy opisane poniżej) - link do regulaminu Każde zdjęcie jest przydzielone do jednej z dwóch głównych grup: Grupa A - 2000 pikesli do 4500 pikseli Grupa A: -Extra Small -Small -Medium -Large Grupa B - 4501 pikseli do 8000 pikseli (i większe) -Extra-Small -Small -Medium -Larg -Extra-Large Administrator musi mieć możliwość zmiany w panelu administr. Użytkownik wykupuje abonament, który przelicza się na kredyty, dzięki którym możesz pobrać zdjęcia. Każde zdjęcie jest warte określoną ilość kredytów (zależy to on wielkości i jakości zdjęcia). stock image (opis jak sprze...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę napisanie textów na stronę Strona ma stanowić ofertę sprowadzania nowych i używanych aut z USA do Polski. Licytujących proszę o nadesłanie przykładowego textu na stronę główną - ogólny text reklamowy - zachęcający do sprowadzenia auta z USA (zalety takiego rozwiązania) - zachęcający do sprowadzenia przez (czyli jakie to profesjonalne usługi prowadzimy) Text powinien mieć około 500 - 800 znaków bez spacji. Wybierzemy najlepszy, po czym zlecimy napisanie textów na podstrony. Budżet 100 pln obejmuje text na stronę główną oraz 3 podstrony. Na podstronach łatwiej - mamy gotowce do przerobienia :D przykładowe prace lub ewentualne pytania proszę kierować na adres: var1at (@) pozdrawiam i zapraszam do li...

    $2 - $20
    $2 - $20
    0 składanie ofert

    Write a program that implements... y1, -1 000 000 000 < x1,y1 < 1 000 000 000, separated by a space, specifying coordinates of point 1 line 3: similar, coordinates of point 2 ... line n+1: coordinates of point n output to the standard output stream: integer z, value of which is the square of the distance between the closest points Sample input: 3 1 1 -2 0 3 &#8211;2 Output: 10 Other requirements: For sorting (the initial phase of the algorithm) make your own implementation of mergesort. Programming language: C or C++. The program should run under Gnu gcc or g++ compiler. If you work with MS Windows then it is suggested to use DevC++ environment with these compilers. Submission: by email, with an attachment containing both the source and executable, zipped...

    $2 - $10
    $2 - $10
    0 składanie ofert

    Write a program that implements... y1, -1 000 000 000 < x1,y1 < 1 000 000 000, separated by a space, specifying coordinates of point 1 line 3: similar, coordinates of point 2 ... line n+1: coordinates of point n output to the standard output stream: integer z, value of which is the square of the distance between the closest points Sample input: 3 1 1 -2 0 3 &#8211;2 Output: 10 Other requirements: For sorting (the initial phase of the algorithm) make your own implementation of mergesort. Programming language: C or C++. The program should run under Gnu gcc or g++ compiler. If you work with MS Windows then it is suggested to use DevC++ environment with these compilers. Submission: by email, with an attachment containing both the source and executable, zipped...

    $7 Average bid
    $7 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    We&#8217;re looking for experienced Free-lance web developers to engage in extending a large-scale web project in our Poznan headquarter. WE ARE LOOKING ONLY FOR THE PEOPLE FROM THE REGION OF POZNAN who would work freelance both in our office and at home. We're offering two different positions: 1. A potential candidate would take part in developing solutions for the back-end of the application, i.e. database layer, middle-tier business components and interfaces, e.g. Web-Services, for the presentation layer. Required technical skills are: - Very good knowledge of Visual Studio (Visual C#), Web Ser-vices, (N)Hibernate! - Very good knowledge in programming web technologies - Knowledge of English is mandatory Optional skills: - PHP, HTML, ASP.NET, ADO -...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...extraction process used, which preserves its triple-helix structure. Polypeptides and amino acids, which occur naturally with collagen, are extracted in the same technological process, making the resulting protein even more effective. The most valuable collagen is extracted from silver carp skin. Scientific tests have shown that fish from the carp family have particularly valuable collagen as well as large amount of polypeptides and amino acids, which increase its effectiveness in cosmetics. The silver carp also has other health attributes. It eats only algae and can attain a very rapid increase in body mass. The oil, which is produced from the silver carp, is known to aid blood circulation. Silver carp skins, which are used by us for production purposes, come from ecological ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...extraction process used, which preserves its triple-helix structure. Polypeptides and amino acids, which occur naturally with collagen, are extracted in the same technological process, making the resulting protein even more effective. The most valuable collagen is extracted from silver carp skin. Scientific tests have shown that fish from the carp family have particularly valuable collagen as well as large amount of polypeptides and amino acids, which increase its effectiveness in cosmetics. The silver carp also has other health attributes. It eats only algae and can attain a very rapid increase in body mass. The oil, which is produced from the silver carp, is known to aid blood circulation. Silver carp skins, which are used by us for production purposes, come from ecological ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    text jest techniczny, a dokladnie jest to opis jezyka VERILOG wiec raczej wolalbym aby podjal sie tego ktos kto ma stycznosc z cyfrowka zeby nie poprzetlumaczal "glupot" :) text do przetlumaczenia jest podany w linku: do przetlumaczenia jest 10 rozdzial czyli bez ostatniej strony, w swojej cenie prosze uwzglednic to ze znaczna czesc to kod, ktorego oczywiscie sie nie tlumaczy... :D ...jesli cena bedzie za wysoka nie wybiore zwyciezcy... tylko pewnie sam do tego siade :(

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Proszę o napisanie programu o następującej treści: {Termin: 1 dzień} Utwórz licznik, który będzie działał zarówno ze skryptami PHP, jak i z dokumentami HTMl. Licznik powinień blokaować adresy IP. Licznik powinien oddzielnie zliczać liczbę odwiedzin dla każdego z nich. Licznik powinien się zacząć od liczby 32 626 362. Pod licznikiem powinna się znajdować data tegoż dnia, adres Ip. Licznik powinien być graficzny (ewent: textowy). Licznik powinien być zrobiony w 3 wersjach HTMl, PHP, MySQL. Budżet: brak ceny

    $2 - $10
    $2 - $10
    0 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a unique 3D elevation design for my home combining both modern and classic architectural styles. Ideal skills for this job: - Proficient in 3D modeling software (e.g., AutoCAD, SketchUp, Revit) - Strong understanding of both modern and classical architectural elements - Excellent design and visua...and classical architectural elements - Excellent design and visualization skills - Previous experience in residential architecture preferred - Good communication skills to understand and incorporate feedback While I haven't specified particular design elements or materials for the facade, I am open to your creative ideas and suggestions. Please feel free to include elements such as balconies, large windows, and pillars/columns if you believe they would enhance...

    $82 Average bid
    $82 Średnia Oferta:
    18 składanie ofert

    **Freelancer Job Post: Google Data Entry Specialist** We are seeking a reliable and detail-oriented Google Data Entry Specialist to assist with data management tasks. The ideal candidate will have experience in handling large sets of data using Google tools, such as Google Sheets, Google Docs, and Google Drive. **Key Responsibilities:** - Input and update data accurately into Google Sheets and other Google applications. - Organize and maintain data sets for easy access and retrieval. - Ensure data integrity and quality. - Collaborate with team members to meet project deadlines. - Perform data entry tasks with attention to detail and minimal errors. **Requirements:** - Proven experience in data entry and working with Google tools. - Strong typing skills with a high level of accura...

    $422 Average bid
    $422 Średnia Oferta:
    33 składanie ofert

    I need a Photoshop expert to help me with a very simple image edit. The task involves changing text on an image, resizing it to 800x600 pixels.

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Średnia Oferta:
    33 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced app developer to create a cross-platfo...cross-platform travel app with a focus on shared travel coordination. The primary purpose of the app is to facilitate group travel planning and coordination. Key Features: - The app should enable users to coordinate their travel plans with others, sharing itineraries, booking details and more. - It should be user-friendly and intuitive, catering to a wide range of users from solo adventurers to large groups. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in cross-platform app development, with a portfolio demonstrating successful projects. - Understanding of travel-related app development, with knowledge of features that enhance group travel coordination. - Strong UI/UX design skills, to ensure the app is accessible and en...

    $123 Average bid
    $123 Średnia Oferta:
    15 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a professional with experience in creating company profiles, specifically in the cybersecurity sector, to develop a high-quality PDF profile for my cybersecurity company. The primary aim of this profile is to attract new clients, specifically large enterprises. Key Services to Highlight: - Threat Detection and Response - Compliance and Risk Management - Penetration Testing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in cybersecurity industry - Exceptional writing and design skills - Understanding of large enterprises' cybersecurity needs - Ability to present complex information in an accessible way

    $124 Average bid
    $124 Średnia Oferta:
    50 składanie ofert

    I need assistance preparing a photo taken with my iPhone for metal printing at a size of 24" x 36". The photo will be a gift, so it's crucial that it looks as good as possible. Key tasks: - Image cropping: The image needs to be crop...24" x 36". The photo will be a gift, so it's crucial that it looks as good as possible. Key tasks: - Image cropping: The image needs to be cropped to fit a 4:3 aspect ratio. - Resolution enhancement: The final image must be suitable for printing at 300 DPI. Skills and experience required: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop). - Experience with preparing images for large format printing. - Understanding of resolution and DPI requirements for quality printing. - Ability to maintain image qualit...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    I require a skilled coder for a data extraction project focused on text data from various websites. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web scraping techniques and tools. - Strong coding skills, preferably in Python or similar languages. - Experience in data extraction from websites. - Attention to detail and ability to handle large volumes of data.

    $6 - $50
    $6 - $50
    52 składanie ofert

    ...icon on the main page. In the settings it is: - possible to define a or more a group of users for running the process on a specific list. - adding, deleting or editing lists - deciding about the modus of the program (find or fulfill): Only then can editing begin, provided that a list is known to the program. Lists can be uploaded through the settings, and an ID must be provided for it. This CSV file consists of two columns: GTIN and Location in modus finding and three columns in modus find and fulfill. When uploading, the program must indicate whether there are any ambiguous duplicates, and if so, specify the row where they appear. In such cases, the upload is rejected and provides a detailed report. The Programm must also identify if there are lines with misleading information a...

    $257 - $770
    Wyróżniony Pilny Ukryte Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $257 - $770
    16 składanie ofert

    I’m looking for a skilled designer with a strong portfolio in modern residential exterior design. The focus of this project will be on: - Integrating large windows into the design. The ideal candidate would have a background in modern design principles and a keen eye for detail. They should be able to propose innovative solutions and create a harmonious, aesthetically pleasing design that meets my specifications.

    $228 Average bid
    $228 Średnia Oferta:
    27 składanie ofert

    I need a freelancer skilled in PDF editing to help with text changes in a document. The task primarily involves rewriting content to update outdated information. This project requires: - Proficiency in PDF editing software - Excellent writing and editing skills - Ability to understand and update content effectively

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Średnia Oferta:
    11 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a developer who can create a simple iOS shortcut for me. This shortcut will help summarize text using ChatGPT, and it'll be accessible via an icon on my Home Screen. Key Features: - The shortcut will open a text box where I can paste text. - It will send the pasted text to ChatGPT along with specific prompts: summarizing the text, summarizing transcriptions into a few paragraphs, and adding a title with the date and time. - The output from ChatGPT will be displayed on the screen and will also allow me to copy it to the clipboard. The Home Screen icon can be a default app icon. The ideal freelancer for this job should have experience in iOS development and be familiar with creating shortcuts. Understanding and experience with us...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Średnia Oferta:
    9 składanie ofert

    We have several pictures in a folder that have logos and text and symbols like arrows which need to be removed. Here is a link to the folder: Here a VIDEO explanation of the project. (READ THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION TOO) Winner is the first person to put a clean pictures up with no text as per instructions. This is easy money to anyone with good photo editing skills.

    $20 Average bid
    Wyróżniony Gwarantowany
    101 zgłoszenia

    We currently use MS Fabric to house Procore analytics; however, bidboard does not have analytics and we must download an excel file. I'd like to set up a Lakehouse to manually import these excel files and then give our data analyst access to query the information. As a bonus it would be nice to be able to set up this information to share with Salesforce. This would be our first bit of outside data that we would be able to collaborate with our Procore data so I'd like some help setting it up correctly the first time. I'd also like to set it up with the Powerbi model so that when we add a new excel file it removes duplicates and I am able to slice by month, quarter, year. and custom date range.

    $1105 Average bid
    $1105 Średnia Oferta:
    19 składanie ofert

    ...of pamphlets, stickers, and folders * Adobe Illustrator and PDF files * Editable files for future changes ## Tasks by Item: ### Stickers: * Scale to specifications * Minor proportion adjustments * Ensure pixel-perfect text and QR codes ### Folder: * Scale to specifications * Minor proportion adjustments * Ensure pixel-perfect text and QR codes * Implement single design improvement ### Pamphlet: * Improve element distribution for illustrated section * Scale to specifications * Minor proportion adjustments * Ensure pixel-perfect text and QR codes ## Required Skills: * Adobe Illustrator proficiency * Print design experience * Ability to follow brand guidelines * Attention to detail for resizing specifications * Creative thin...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    53 składanie ofert

    Project overview Transcription of data from photos of books into a structured Google Spreadsheet with sorting and yearly repetition analysis. Data needs - Data entry of approximately 7,500 entries over a 25-year span from photographed books. - Entries need to be organized and sorted into pre-created Google Spreadsheet template. - Analysis required to check for repetitions of entries year-over-year. - Data Type: The data consists solely of text. - Volume: There are between 11 to 50 photos to work from. - Format: The text is printed, not handwritten. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Excellent attention to detail to ensure accuracy in data entry. - Proficiency in using Google Spreadsheet. - Experience with data entry tasks. Additional information - The ...

    $91 Average bid
    $91 Średnia Oferta:
    112 składanie ofert

    Sono un Food e Beverage Manager e vorrei creare un ebook per piccole imprese della ristorazione (piccoli ristoranti, pasticcerie, panetterie,bar, macellerie) con delle linee che aiutino i piccoli imprenditori a poter migliorare le loro gestioni operative con cencetti base e molto intuitivi. Ad oggi le formazioni online e le consulenze messe a dispozione mirano a grandi operatori del settore, il mio intendo è creare qualcosa per il mercato che ad oggi non ha accesso o visione a questo modello gestionale. L' ebook è da creare tenendo conto dei seguenti capitoli: 1. INTRODUZIONE 2. L'IMPORTANZA DEI NUMERI NELLA RISTORAZIONE 3. IL BUDGET E LA PROGRAMMAZIONE A BREVE E MEDIO PERIODO 4. SELEZIONE E GESTIONE DEI FORNITORI 5. FOOD E BEVERAGE COST CONTROL 7. OTTIMIZZAZIONE ...

    $957 Average bid
    $957 Średnia Oferta:
    15 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a minimalist, eco-friendly logo for my new company, Eco PineStraw. The logo should prominently feature pine straw in a clean, uncluttered design, using a color palette of brown, black, and white. Key requirements: - Short, punchy graphics and company name in...imagery Ideal skills and experience include: - Strong portfolio in minimalist design - Experience in creating eco-friendly logos - Proficiency in using the specified color palette The logo should convey an eco-friendly message, reflecting our commitment to sustainable practices. It should also maintain a professional and trustworthy appearance, appealing to our target market. Should include large format logo in AI, PDF, JPG Also Include logo for Instagram and other soc...

    $400 Average bid
    Wyróżniony Gwarantowany
    1871 zgłoszenia
    Speech to text
    6 dni left

    I want to make a voice ordering app

    $52 Average bid
    $52 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    ...similar approach) to distribute these newly unassigned customers evenly among all active crews. If one crew has fewer total customers, fill it until balanced before moving on. Update each customer’s assignedCrew in Firebase (avoiding null). Constraints & Considerations: If there are no active crews, show an error or skip assignment. KMeans++ must handle both large and small data sets. Ensure Firebase writes do not use null values. 2.2 Route Optimization with MapQuest Routing Trigger Condition: After KMeans++ completes daily assignments. Whenever the user initiates a “route optimization” (e.g., via a button click). Behavior: For each crew: Gather the customers assi...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    75 składanie ofert

    I am in need of a dedicated, German-speaking administrative assistant to help with a variety of tasks. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Email Management: Sorting, prioritizing, responding to emails and flagging important correspondence. - Scheduling and Calendar Management: Organizing meetings, appointments and coordinating schedules. - Translations: Assisting with translations of documents, emails, website content and app content from English to German and German to French. Ideal candidates should be highly organized, with excellent communication skills and a strong command of both German and English, with proficiency in French also being a plus. Prior experience in a similar role will be highly regarded. Please note, the ability to manage time effectively, work inde...

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    11 składanie ofert

    I’m looking for an experienced developer/researcher in deep learning, outlier detection, and large language models (LLMs) to assist with enhancing a codebase from an article. The article focuses on Deep Learning for Outlier Detection on Tabular and Image Data, and I’d like to integrate LLMs into the existing approach to expand its capabilities. Project Scope: Review the provided article and its accompanying code. Understand the existing deep learning methods used for outlier detection on tabular and image data. Enhance the code by integrating features leveraging LLMs. Potential directions could include: Using LLMs to detect outliers by analyzing context within textual metadata. Creating a natural language interface for explaining anomalies detected in tabular or image ...

    $172 Average bid
    $172 Średnia Oferta:
    25 składanie ofert

    Python and Visual Studio Code Data Processing Data Entry Web Scraping Data Mining The project involves creating a script to mine text data . Key Responsibilities: - Develop a text mining script that can efficiently extract and process data from various fields in the database. - The script should be able to handle large volumes of data and return results in a timely manner. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in SQL and data mining techniques. - Experience with developing scripts for database text extraction. - Ability to work with large datasets.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Średnia Oferta:
    24 składanie ofert

    - online exam software -user & admin not open -not opening in moblie

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    17 składanie ofert

    ...variations each of pamphlets, stickers, and folders * Adobe Illustrator and PDF files * Editable files for future changes Tasks by Item: Stickers: * Scale to specifications * Minor proportion adjustments * Ensure pixel-perfect text and QR codes Folder: * Scale to specifications * Minor proportion adjustments * Ensure pixel-perfect text and QR codes * Implement single design improvement Pamphlet: * Improve element distribution for illustrated section * Scale to specifications * Minor proportion adjustments * Ensure pixel-perfect text and QR codes Required Skills: * Adobe Illustrator proficiency * Print design experience * Ability to follow brand guidelines * Attention to detail for resizing specifications * Creative thinki...

    $100 Average bid
    Wyróżniony Gwarantowany
    15 zgłoszenia