Simple web design school projectprojekty


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2,000 simple web design school project ofert prac znalezionych

Witam Zlecę stworzenie kolorowanki we flashu cos w stylu ,artist, Prosze o orientacyjne oferty

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Witam, poszukuje skryptera/mappera który był by w stanie zrobić mapkę w pawno do SA:MP 0.3. Dla serwera role ...0.3. Dla serwera role play. Najlepiej, aby dana osoba miała już wymyślone systemy. Proszę o dość niskie ceny ze względu na nasz niski budżet. Mapa musi się znajdować pomiędzy Palomino Creek a Montgomery z oskryptowaniem większości budynków. Liczę na co najmniej niniejsze frakcje: Palomino Creek Commissariat Palomino Creek Clinic Palomino N24 Mayor Of Palomino Creek Palomino Creek Driving School oraz prywatną organizacje jaką by był paint. Potrzeby jest także system chorób Samochodów Budynków (aby można było łatwo dodawać przez MTA) System premium Instrukcja jak używać Mapy Na wszelkie pytania odpowiadam na @

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert
39766 artykul
Zakończone left

...airs Gavin and Stacey with subtitles as British slang pronounced in a heavy Welsh accent can challenge even the most well- traveled ear. And many of Gavin and Stace’s funniest moments come when it pokes fun at other British celebrities who may be alien to American audiences. Most Brits turn up their noses at American remakes. For them, the U.S. version of the Office resembles a bad high-school play adapted from a beloved masterpiece and very few hold out hope for Gavin and Stacey either. Corden and Jones, however, are not among them. “ Everybody says, Oh it won’ translate “ says Jones . “ But we were given a treatment and straight away James and I said : Gosh it’s fantastic, isn’t it ? It seems to capture the...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...jpg + wstawic ----> BRIDESTOWN TOWERS EQUESTRIAN CENTRE ---> ale mysle ze to moze byc obok w dwoch liniach ---> powinno sie to wtedy ladnie i czytelnie skomponowac w topie 2. uklad strony 3 kolumny top menu: HOME ABOUT US CONTACT US FIND US left menu: FACILITIES RIDING SCHOOL LIVERY RETRAINING NEED A HORSE? GALLERY FAQ’s columna prawa: News --- kilka wpisow typu naglowek + text //////////////////////// nie sugeruj sie kolorami obecnej strony !!! NIE jest to SKLEP INTERNETOWY /czyli zadnych cen, koszyka/ STRONA galeria w zalaczniku przeskanowane logo -- trzeba by to zamienic na vector... powinno sie znalezc

$91 Average bid
$91 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Witam! Szukam osoby która wykona dodawacza znajomych na stronie Znajomych miałby pobierać z: ... Skrypt/program miałby wysyłać zaproszenia do osób znajdujących się na tych listach. Kontakt GG: 7127616 E-mail: patrol(at) Pozdrawiam!

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Szukam osoby, która zna się dobrze na SMF (wersja SMF 2.0 RC1.2) i mogłaby naprawić kilka błędów 1. Przy logowaniu się pojawia się biała strona, trzeba od nowa wpisać adres forum, aby na nie wejść - jest się już wtedy zalogowanym. 2. Przy wysyłaniu posta pojawia się biała strona, trzeba od nowa wpisać adres forum, aby na nie wejść - post jest jednak już dodany. 3. Poprawienie kilku błędów generowanych przez forum (zgłaszanych w panelu admina).

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Witam, Zlece pociecie i wdrozenie laya: !2009/Maxon/ pod prosty CMS, Oferty z ceną + czas wykonania na lukas@

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Witam, zlecę napisania modułu do recenzji. Na dzień dzisiejszy wygląda to następująco - ,Artykuł%20szczegół Załóżmy, że opisuję recenzję gry Pasjans. Chciałbym, aby była możliwość: - oceny gry przez redaktora/użytkownika gry - galeria (odwołująca się do Pasjansa) - komentarze (dot. recenzji Pasjansa) - zapowiedz (link do zapowiedzi Pasjansa) - video (video gry Pasjans) - tabelka na plusy i minusy redaktora. (podusmowanie gry) - kody do gry (kody do Pasjansa) Chciałbym, aby te funkcje (galeria, zapowiedz, video, kody) były pod belką niebieską. Natomiast funkcja ocena gry, znajdowała się po prawej stronie - , komentarze i tabelka na plusy/minusy na samym dole pod recenzja.

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Zlecę wykonanie spisu 500 idiomow angielskich wraz z ich tlumaczeniem na jezyk polski oraz przykladowym zdanem z uzyciem tego idomu (po ang i po polsku) przykład : beat somebody black and blue - zbić kogoś na kwaśne jabłko Tommy always threatens his little sister that he will beat her black and blue if she tells their parents about his marks at school. kryteria wyboru oferty: 70% cena 30% doświadczenie ( potwierdzone np CAE, CPE, dyplom filologi angielskiej, lub przykłady wykonanych prac) UWAGA: Zastrzegam sobie prawo do wcześniejeszgo zakończenia aukcji z wyłonieniem zwycięzcy

$24 Average bid
$24 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

...member_login_key, member_login_key_expire, subs_pkg_chosen, has_blog, has_gallery, members_markers, members_editor_choice, members_auto_dst, members_display_name, members_created_remote, members_cache, members_disable_pm, members_l_display_name, members_l_username, failed_logins, failed_login_count, members_profile_views, gallery_perms, question, answer, firstname, lastname, sex, birthdate, postcode, city, school, work, hobby, newsletter, acode, active, legacy_password) VALUES('2415','KochanyBuziaczek','3','kochany@','1069197005','','0',NULL,'0','0','1','1',NULL,NULL,NULL,'0','2','0','0','1'...

$3 Average bid
$3 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

...serwerze. *********************** DOKŁADNIEJ W oparciu np. o artykuły: należy stworzyć typ treści (CCK) zawierającej: - tytuł / nazwa zdjęcia (krótki tekst) - zdjęcie (np. w formacie JPEG) - opis (dłuższy tekst) - prawa autorskie (tekst + ew. adres WWW) - ? galeria do której należy zdjęcie ? - znaczniki META KEYWORDS (do nagłówka strony HTML <head> <meta name="Keywords" content="....">) Można je dodawać do strony poprzez drupal_set_html_head('<meta name="keywords" content="...">'); lub przez - znaczniki META DESCRIPTION Wyświetlanie (strona) pojedynczego zdjęcia powinna zawierać

$142 Average bid
$142 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Witam ! Jak w temacie - poszukuje programisty do przenoszenia serwisow do CMS MADE SIMPLE. 100% validacji !!! - TEN SKRYPT TO UMOZLIWIA JESLI NIE ZROBI SIE BLEDOW W CSS. Na pocztek - jedno zlecenie - w przyszlosci wspolpraca. Termin dowolny - ok miesiaca.

$142 Average bid
$142 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Przeniesienie witryny z wersji statycznej html do CMS. Osoba znająca CMS Made Simple lub podobny. Opis: Dzięki CMS powinna być możliwość edycji obecnej zawartości witryny. Cel uruchomienie CMS na stronie tak żeby użytkownicy i przeglądarki tego nie zauważyli. Obecnie jest kilkanaście statycznych stron, które mają wysoką pozycję w google. Podstawowe zadanie to pozostawienie obecnego projektu graficznego i zawartości bez zmian. Idealnie jeśli przygotujesz od razu mode rewrite, które przywróci w nazwach podstron końcówkę htm zamiast php. Możesz zaproponować też inny system CSM, który znasz (ważne żeby nie powodował on rewolucji na stronie). Chętnie podam zainteresowanym adres www witryny oraz odpowiem na wszelkie pytania również techn...

$71 Average bid
$71 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

...może nie być oraz zakłady np. w szachach) - dział Favorites - ulbione fora, puby, grupy wsparcia, itd itp - zeby ktos miał szybki dostep do ulubionych miejsc - dział Spy - a tu sa opcje do wyszpiegowania. W miejscu (np. Adult Center) ogłoszenia są w postaci ID, mozna sobie wyszpiegowac odpowiednie username za opłatą. Mozna tez wyszpiegować kto jest lub był włascicielem jakiegos pubu itd. itp. - School/Work place - "kolejna zamknieta grupa" dla osób z jednej szkoly lub miejsca pracy. - Friend Test - test dla przyjaciół. - List of Blocked - lista zablokowanych uzytkownikow i zarzadzanie nią. - Settings - rozne ustawienia dostępu do danych, weryfikacja danych, numery kont, preferencje uzytkownika, alerty rozne itd itp. Do wybranych potencjalnych wy...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert
5468 Serwis z rozrywką
Zakończone left

...może nie być oraz zakłady np. w szachach) - dział Favorites - ulbione fora, puby, grupy wsparcia, itd itp - zeby ktos miał szybki dostep do ulubionych miejsc - dział Spy - a tu sa opcje do wyszpiegowania. W miejscu (np. Adult Center) ogłoszenia są w postaci ID, mozna sobie wyszpiegowac odpowiednie username za opłatą. Mozna tez wyszpiegować kto jest lub był włascicielem jakiegos pubu itd. itp. - School/Work place - "kolejna zamknieta grupa" dla osób z jednej szkoly lub miejsca pracy. - Friend Test - test dla przyjaciół. - List of Blocked - lista zablokowanych uzytkownikow i zarzadzanie nią. - Settings - rozne ustawienia dostępu do danych, weryfikacja danych, numery kont, preferencje uzytkownika, alerty rozne itd itp. Do wybranych potencjalnych wy...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...gdzieś z boku) e)możliwa poprawa designu strony wg uznania. 3. Środki stron Chcielibyśmy ujednolicić ( widać że linki z boku „tłumaczenia”, „eschool” różnią się od głównej struktury) oraz ubarwić wnętrze strony. a)Zostają zakładki -kursy dla firm -kursy stacjonarne -wyjazdy językowe, warsztaty zamieniamy na -tłumaczenia, oraz dodajemy zakładkę -e-school w takiej samej tonacji. Czyli zostaje 5 zakładek. Można by uatrakcyjnić je jakoś, np., po najechaniu na zakładkę zrobić animację tej zakładki b) Tak jak na głównej stronie w prawym górnym rogu były by zakładki „kontakt” i „wersja angielska” Można by uatrakcyjnić jakoś, np., po najechaniu na zakładkę zrobić animację tej...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a talented web developer to build a basic affiliate site for me, similar to The primary affiliate network will be Amazon Associates. While I haven't finalized the exact content types for the site, it may include product reviews, blog posts, and comparison charts. Therefore, experience with e-commerce, product review sites, and affiliate marketing would be beneficial. Please note, I do not have a design ready for the site. Thus, I'm looking for a developer who can also assist with creating an appealing and user-friendly layout. A portfolio demonstrating a knack for website design and previous affiliate website projects would be highly regarded. Key skills and experience: - Proficient in web development - Experience with Amazon Asso...

$147 Average bid
$147 Średnia Oferta:
74 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a professional web developer to create a modern, clean school website primarily for information dissemination. The site needs to include sections for news and announcements, academic programs, and a staff directory. A user-friendly WordPress Content Management System (CMS) is crucial, enabling me to easily update these sections myself. Key requirements: - Proficiency in web development and design - Expertise in creating and implementing WordPress CMS - Experience in developing educational websites - Skills in ensuring accessibility and user-friendliness - Knowledge of SEO best practices Accessibility feature: The website must include a high contrast mode to support users with visual impairments.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Średnia Oferta:
35 składanie ofert

I need a simple script that can be implemented on a website to forward text messages to my Telegram. The messages should be forwarded from the website to my Telegram account. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in website scripting - Familiarity with Telegram's API - Experience in creating message forwarding systems

$27 Average bid
$27 Średnia Oferta:
30 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a small student well-being website focused on mental health resources specifically designed for high school students. Key Features: - A dedicated section for mental health resources which includes articles and tips. - Self-assessment tools to help students gauge their mental health. Ideal Skills: - Web development skills, preferably with experience in creating interactive and user-friendly websites for young audiences. - Understanding of mental health and ability to curate appropriate content. - Experience with creating self-assessment tools would be a bonus.

$200 Average bid
$200 Średnia Oferta:
116 składanie ofert

I just need this design to be put on the shoe pattern so it looks more symmetrical looking. It's for a school project.

$24 Average bid
$24 Średnia Oferta:
24 składanie ofert

I have to create a simple Trix Score application on android studio. There's already an app called trix score in app store/google play, and I have to do something similar, maybe even simpler.

$23 Average bid
$23 Średnia Oferta:
10 składanie ofert

...where I was born I had colorful, extraordinary childhood experiences as my father was eccentric and entrepreneurial (today we know he was on the "spectrum" We owned a trailer park, built a fish farm back in the 80's, and raced thoroughbred horses in the 90's which I was the primarily responsible for running starting at the age of 12 (think of the movie Big Fish) I left home at 17, finished high school, graduated from undergrad, followed by an MBA Became an investment banker and bank executive Had two further mixed children (Scottish + my mix) who we identified are sensitive with anxiety During Covid realized I was highly sensitive and had an anxiety disorder through my children's sensitivity and anxiety Tired of working twice and hard to get half as far, ...

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Średnia Oferta:
42 składanie ofert

Cell division stop motion. Focus only on MITOSIS and don't have to explain Meiosis. But include a basic comparison between Mitosis and Meiosis in the LAST SLIDE. Must be at least 3 minutes (You can stall, or do whatever. Just make it 3 minutes). Must be completed by 9th March before 11pm. Example, the video in Youtube, titled : Mitosis - Stop Motion Animation - Jordyn Alexander.

$32 Average bid
$32 Średnia Oferta:
18 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a simple IMEI database with HTML code that I can use for tracking devices. Key Requirements: - The database should allow me to search by IMEI number. The project will involve creating a basic IMEI database that is user-friendly and efficient for tracking device. I get text or excel file with IMEI and its unlocking code. I just want to upload so user just type in imei on page and can get code from that file,

$28 Average bid
$28 Średnia Oferta:
24 składanie ofert

I'm in need of a skilled Python developer to create a simple web-based Maze game. While the specifics of the game type have not been decided, I'm open to ideas and suggestions. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python, particularly for game development - Experience with web-based applications - Creative game design skills - Good communication for idea sharing and collaboration Please include examples of your previous work in game development with your proposal.

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Średnia Oferta:
21 składanie ofert

I am looking for a freelancer who can implement a simple screen design in Wordpress including a small shop. Specifically, a homepage, a shop collection (product overview) and a product detail page are required, a total of 3 pages.

$157 Average bid
$157 Średnia Oferta:
169 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a skilled Android developer to create a simple application for me. The primary function of the app will be user data collection. This app will be a personal tracking app. Where uaers can enter data about how they are feeling about certain things at certain times up to 10 fields. They will be able to access statistics over time so see progress or regression. It will send an alert once a day if data has not been entered. It will be a friendly easy to use app Key Features: - User Registration/Login via Email and Password For google play. - Integration of Social Media Login (Google/Facebook) They should be able to post their progress on social media. It should be able to be moved to iso Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android App Development - Experience with...

$624 Average bid
$624 Średnia Oferta:
225 składanie ofert

I'm seeking an experienced iOS and Android app developer. The goal is to create a unique application that primarily connects individuals with professionals across various fields. The app will also feature: - An educational interface covering school-level subjects, designed to facilitate learning and personal growth. - An AI agent capable of simulating casual interviews, offering users a platform to practice and improve their conversational skills. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in cross-platform app development, with proven experience in creating interactive and user-friendly interfaces. Skills in AI integration and knowledge in developing engaging educational content will be highly advantageous. Please provide a portfolio of similar projects you've com...

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Średnia Oferta:
52 składanie ofert
Trophy icon uw-topia Logo Design
2 dni left

I need a logo for my new venture, uw-topia. This logo s...projects. The target audience primarily consists of local government officials and school board members involved in school construction or renovation. Key Considerations: - The new logo should convey the message of collaboration, as this is central to our approach in building schools. - The uw-umlaut logo should be integrated into the uw-topia logo. - The color scheme is strictly Black and White. - The logos should have a modern, minimalist style akin to competitors like ICS advisers and Hevo. Ideal Candidates: A graphic designer with a strong portfolio in corporate logo design, preferably with experience in the education or consultancy sectors. Understanding of the significance of collaboration in design...

$20 Average bid
256 zgłoszenia

I'm looking for a straightforward portfolio website for my epoxy flooring business. The website should be able to showcase my previous work and effectively communicate my services. Key Requirements: - A 'Services' page detailing what I offer - A 'Contact Us' page for potential clients to reach out Ideal Skills: - Web design and development - Experience with portfolio websites - Basic understanding of SEO - Email setup skills Please note, I'm still contemplating whether to include a section for customer testimonials or reviews. Therefore, some flexibility will be appreciated.

$215 Average bid
$215 Średnia Oferta:
218 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a professional with strong accounting knowledge and video production skills to create a series of engaging, interactive video tutorials aimed at high school student. The primary goal of these lessons is to help students understand basic accounting principles. Key requirements: - Strong understanding of basic accounting principles - Experience in creating educational content, particularly video tutorials - Ability to explain concepts in a clear, engaging manner suitable for high school students - Knowledge of accounting principles relevant to high school curriculum - Skills in video production and editing Please include examples of previous similar projects in your proposal.

$20 Average bid
$20 Średnia Oferta:
8 składanie ofert

...Rock Lobster 'Sea2Schools' Programme and will provide a range of dynamic learning opportunities to engage students and teachers. The 'Sea2Schools' will form the logo's text, and preferably, I would like to use the company's styleguide, so that colours can be selected and if possible, similar fonts. (attached) The logo needs to be fun and engaging, suitable to market for Primary and Secondary School students. The focus needs to be on the Rock Lobster, and I would like the logo to show movement in the logo, but it must be fun and not too cartoony. Please note: The Western Rock Lobster is a specific species, so information about it can be found at our websites: and Note: The Western Rock Lobster doesn't have claws, see the websites for

$31 Average bid
277 zgłoszenia

I'm looking for a simple yet effective website for my painting company based in WA. The primary purpose of the website is to generate leads. I have some React JS code ready and a sample website for reference. Portfolio: - The website should showcase a variety of my work, including residential projects, commercial projects, and specialty projects. Contact Methods: - I want to include a phone number and an email form as the primary contact methods. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in React JS - Web development experience - Understanding of lead generation strategies through website design - Ability to showcase a portfolio effectively on a website.

$96 Average bid
$96 Średnia Oferta:
164 składanie ofert

...up so the price needs to be $50 max for like each episode, but the episodes only go for around 7-10 mins. Key Responsibilities: - Create simple yet engaging 2D animations - the drawing style will bebased on my reference photos i will send to you later on in development -i want the age range to be 10-15 years old with jokes kids will understand and non explicit jokes adults will understand. multiple of the characters will date un-inappropriately after a few episodes. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D animation - Experience in creating simple, captivating animations akin to the owl house - Ability to interpret and design from reference photos - Sound design skills for integrating background music and sound effects I will provide the storyline, storyboards, s...

$20 Average bid
$20 Średnia Oferta:
12 składanie ofert

...subscription-based school management system. Issues to Fix: If transport subscription is not activated for a student, you can still assign a grade, but it incorrectly shows "Transport Required". Sometimes, there's a calculation error in the printed receipt: If grade is unpaid but transport is paid, the receipt incorrectly shows both as paid. When only the guard fee is paid, the payment history does not appear on the receipt. The financial report (rapport financier) should display all fees, but the guard fee is missing. After installing a grade, sometimes a student cannot be added to transport. Additional Notes: If you find any other issues, please mention them, and we will discuss extra fees for fixing them. Screenshots illustrating the issues will be provided. A ...

$27 Average bid
$27 Średnia Oferta:
22 składanie ofert

I need a designer to finalize a poster design for high school students. The poster should convey an inspirational message in a motivational tone. I have the poster text and general design completed, just needs to be finalized. Key requirements: - Design should primarily target students - The message should be uplifting and motivating - Prior experience in designing educational or inspirational posters would be a plus - Work must be done through Canva Please provide past samples of similar work.

$76 Average bid
$76 Średnia Oferta:
133 składanie ofert

...for a simple, yet significantly creative company logo. The design should be minimalistic, utilizing pastel shades rather than bold or monochrome colors. An ideal logo will include both an icon and text, rather than being purely text-based or abstract. Company's name is "atakran" or "ATAKRAN". Don't forget you can prepare logo with capital or lowcase letters, you can use both styles. Depends on the design you may use mono (black and white) colors. Also if the design is ambitious it may be only text depends on the design. It don't needed to be too futuristic and sophisticated it can be old school and mindful. Key Competencies: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Identity - Vector Graphics - CR...

$72 Average bid
920 zgłoszenia

I'm looking to have a school website built primarily for information dissemination. The site should include sections for news and announcements, academic programs, and a staff directory. A key requirement is that the site comes with a user-friendly Content Management System (CMS), which will allow me to easily update these sections myself. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web development and design - Experience with creating and implementing CMS - Understanding of creating educational websites - Skills in ensuring accessibility and user-friendliness - Knowledge of SEO best practices for information dissemination websites.

$103 Average bid
5 zgłoszenia

I'm looking for a comprehensive chemistry book aimed at middle school students in India. The book should have detailed and thorough explanations and cover the following sections: - Theory explanations: These should be clear, accurate, and appropriate for the grade level. - Practical experiments: Include a variety of hands-on experiments that can be done with common household items. - Question and answer exercises: At the end of each chapter, there should be a set of questions that test the students' understanding of the material. Ideal candidates for this project are those who have a strong background in chemistry and experience in writing educational materials. I would also prefer someone who is familiar with the Indian school curriculum. The aim is to cre...

$19 Average bid
$19 Średnia Oferta:
11 składanie ofert

I need a straightforward MVP that features a single button. When clicked, this button should copy a particular Figma design frame, allowing users to paste it directly into Figma. Key Requirements: - The button must be accessible on the Web. - The action performed by the button should be to copy the frame to the clipboard. - The system should not require any form of user authentication. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Web development. - Familiarity with Figma's interface and functionalities. - Experience in creating MVPs. - Understanding of clipboard operations in web applications. Please quote your price for this project.

$72 Average bid
$72 Średnia Oferta:
18 składanie ofert

I already have a logo (see attachements) which I need slightly modified and then vectorized so that I have a .eps and .svg in the end. In the attachment there is the original version as well as a "marked" version in which the areas which should have a solid background and no pattern, marked with red lines.

$26 Average bid
$26 Średnia Oferta:
142 składanie ofert

We are seeking skilled designers to create SVG images of modular concrete fence plates. For this competition, you will need to create 3 SVG images of fence plates based on the provided reference images: - One top plate (nr.35) - One middle plate (nr.36) - One simple additional plate (simple plate). Part of this competition, please submit only one plate (nr.35). If we like your work, you will be kindly requested to complete the other 2 plates (nr.36 and simple plate) which will also mean that you are the winner of this competition and will be granted the award once the other 2 are also submitted. Only one freelancer will be requested to submit the remaining 2 plates, the one which will also receive the award. In the attached "" file, you will find 3 folders,...

$15 Average bid
25 zgłoszenia

I'm seeking a dynamic and experienced marketing manager for our EdTech platform. The primary goal is to assist in onboarding schools onto our platform. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement diverse marketing strategies which include digital marketing, content marketing, event marketing and traditional marketing - Spearhead our social media management efforts across platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and offline channels - Craft and execute compelling email marketing campaigns Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in the EdTech sector - Expertise in SEO and SEM - Exceptional content creation and event planning skills - Strong social media management experience - Proficient in crafting engaging email marketing campaigns - Familiarity with Facebook, I...

$289 Average bid
$289 Średnia Oferta:
24 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a Flutter developer to create a simple, cross-platform (iOS & Android) Automatic Timetable Generator app. Key Features: - A web-based interface for administrators to add and modify classes and faculty. - A feature for the app to automatically adjust the class schedule. - Secure user access for administrators via email and password. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Flutter and cross-platform app development. - Prior work with web-based admin interfaces. - Strong understanding of user authentication systems.

$139 Average bid
$139 Średnia Oferta:
28 składanie ofert

...Emma loved to draw. She wasn’t just good at it—she was passionate about it. But in her town, art wasn’t seen as a path to success. Most people believed that success lay in practical careers, like farming or teaching. So, while Emma kept drawing, she also worked on the farm, helping her parents with the crops. In her free time, she would sketch on the backs of old receipts or in the margins of her school notebooks. Her breakthrough moment came one summer evening when Emma’s grandmother, who had always been her biggest supporter, handed her a small, worn-out book. "This is for you," her grandmother said. "It’s the story of an artist who started with nothing, but they had a dream and never gave up." The book was about a painter who...

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Średnia Oferta:
27 składanie ofert
Motion Graphics 2D Video Creation
5 dni left

I need a professional/corporate style 2D explainer video created for a Gen AI platform tailored for schools. The target audience is school administrators. Key Aspects of the Video: - Communicate the challenges faced in the educational sector and how our platform provides effective solutions. - Utilise motion graphics for the animation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in creating professional/corporate style 2D videos. - Proficient in motion graphics. - Prior experience in creating educational or platform-related explainer videos would be an advantage. The video length to be in between 2 to 3 mins.

$276 Average bid
$276 Średnia Oferta:
26 składanie ofert
Edición simple
5 dni left

Necesito una persona para edición de vídeos diarios, se necesita herramienta de generación de imágenes IA, la edición es muy simple por lo que se pagará 3$ por vídeo de 10 minutos, un vídeo diario de lunes a viernes, se pagará de forma mensua

$21 Average bid
$21 Średnia Oferta:
24 składanie ofert