Sermathai vasan college mca lecturer phone numberprojekty
Szukam programisty Google Android / Apple iOS do napisania prostej (w moim mniemaniu) aplikacji na tel. komórkowy (Smart Phone) - docelowo na wszystkie rodzaje Smart Phone'ów. Na podstawie wpisanego przez użytkownika słowa aplikacja ma wyświetlić wyniki z bazy danych programu. Użytkownik ma możliwość wybrania kilku kryteriów wyświetlenia wyników. Baza danych jest gotowa. Optymalnie osoba z Wałbrzycha lub okolic, możliwa jest jednak współpraca online. @ exiter@
Witam mam do wykonania grę Number Link i wygląda tak : Muszę ją mieć wykonaną w programie C++ Builder 6. Z tego co wiem to musi się tworzyć tablica jak do szachów tyle, że 7 na 7, a w niej losowo w parach liczby od 1 - 5. Następnie użytkownik musi łączyć te liczby w pary za pomocą prostej (jak na schemacie w linku). Po połączeniu ma się wyświetlić komunikat ,,Brawo". Gra ma być wykonana na do środy 9 luty.
...pozycjonowania, zasugerowanie najefektywniejszego modułu SEO/SEF joomla - pomoc w uruchomieniu Adsense oraz rozpoczęciu kampani AdWords, - drobne poprawki i usprawnienia w portalu (np: osadzanie YouTube i poprawne wyświetlanie na IE 6.0) - poprawienie useablity Opcjonalnie: - dodatkowo pomoc w wyborze i konfiguracji modułu/komponentu do stworzenia bazy telefonów jak na: Selekcja po producentach, możliwość dodawania kilka zdjęć oraz plików specyfikacji technicznej PDF. Dodatkowo możliwość prezentacji wybranych kilku modeli na stronie głównej. Adres obecnie istniejącego serwisu podam na priva wszystkim zainteresowanym. Proszę o wstępną wycenę. Mile widziane wstępne projekty szablonu- wybiorę ten który najbardziej przypadnie mi do gustu. Nie inte...
...najbardziej wskazana ! Prosze o wycene kazdej ponizszej frazy z osobna LUB TEZ KILKU FRAZ, KTORYMI BYLIBY PANSTWO ZAINTERESOWANI ( wprowadzenie do top 10 w (USA), jezeli to mozliwe to rowniez podanie ceny za wprowadzenie do top 5 oraz prosze o podanie przyblizonego czasu / PRZEDZIALU CZASOWEGO ( wprowadzenie danej frazy do top 10 / opcjonalnie do top 5 ! ) Lista fraz: mc number dot number commercial truck financing truck financing commercial truck leasing truck driver job trucking job cdl jobs boat shipping yacht shipping boat transport yacht transport commercial cleaning chicago office cleaning chicago chicago cleaning service chicago maids construction companies chicago construction chicago construction services chicago Osoby / ...
...'payments/success', 'email' => $this->u['mail'], 'firstname' => $_POST['first_name'], 'lastname' => $_POST['first_name'], 'street' => $_POST['address1'], 'street_n1' => '0', 'street_n1' => '0', 'city' => $_POST['city'], 'postcode' => $_POST['postcode'], 'phone' => $_POST['phone'] ); foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; } rtrim($fields_string,'&...
1. Trzeba skonfigurować router Cisco 837 pod neostradę (hasła do routera nie znam). Jest oczywiście kabel konsolowy. 2. Skonfigurować telefon Cisco IP Phone 7941 pod któregoś z usługodawców VOIP np. freeconet
...following describes the basic requirements: Before anyone will be able to submit an application, they will need to register with the Derbyshire Crimebeat site. They will need to provide the following information in order to register:  Their email address  A password  Their full name  Their full address  Daytime phone number  Evening phone number Once they have registered, they will be able to login to the site in the future using their email address and password. You should provide facilities that enable the user to change their personal information, including their password. Once registered with the site, users can submit one or more applications for funding. Each application mu...
...End. Even reality shows such as American Idol and Dancing With the Stars started off in Britain. More recent imports include the sci-fi crime drama Life of Mars. But as U.S viewers grow increasingly savvy about the wider world, there are fever reasons to retune British comedies for the American ear. For the past decade, BBC American has been broadcasting British originals straight to a growing number of U.S family rooms – this year’s ratings have been the highest yet- and Gavin and Stacey has already played to critical praise in the U.S. The British get their American as in with an evening lineup that’s full of U.S. shows like CSI and Desperate Housewives. Friends airs for two hours every night, and American TV has even started to permeate British ...
...weight of the aircraft. Not only is it important to know the total weight, it is also important to know the location of the centre of gravity, i.e. the place at which the total load appears to act. The contribution of any item to the weight of an aircraft and its effect on the centre of gravity is normally expressed as a pair of numbers. 1. The first number is the weight itself. 2. The second number is the apparent location of that weight with respect to some specified datum. This second value is known as the ‘arm’. These calculations are normally known as the ‘weight and balance’ calculations. The calculations need to consider: – The empty, or basic, weight of the aircraft (allowing ...
Witam, Używam prostej biblioteki eksportu do Excela "" (znalezionej w sieci). Generuje ona plik Excela poprzez bezpośrednie tworzenie pliku BIFF (bodajże wersja 5 ) za pomocą funkcji "pack". Rozpoznaje czy wstawiana wartość jest liczbą czy nie i w zależności od tego tworzy komórkę typu number lub tekst. Problemem jest data - traktuje i wstawia ją jako tekst. A potrzeba żeby była datą. OPCJA 1: Dodałem w PHP rozpoznawanie czy wstawiana wartość jest datą. Nie wiem natomiast jak w tym formacie oznaczyć że komórka jest typu data. Jeśli słowa BIFF, BOF, FORMAT i XF coś Ci mówią, to zapewne wiesz jak to zrobić. OPCJA 2: Jeśli nie wiesz jak to zrobić, a potrafisz zastąpić tą bibliotekę inną biblioteką eksportu do Excela, któ...
Witam, Używam prostej biblioteki eksportu do Excela "". Generuje ona plik Excela poprzez bezpośrednie tworzenie pliku BIFF (bodajże 5) za pomocą funkcji "pack". Rozpoznaje czy wstawiana wartość jest liczbą czy nie i w zależności od tego tworzy komórkę typu number lub tekst. Problemem jest data - traktuje i wstawia ją jako tekst. A potrzeba żeby była datą. OPCJA 1: Dodałem rozpoznawanie czy wstawiana wartość jest datą. Nie wiem natomiast jak w tym formacie oznaczyć że komórka jest typu data. Jeśli słowa BIFF, BOF, FORMAT i XF coś Ci mówią, to zapewne wiesz jak to zrobić. OPCJA 2: Jeśli nie wiesz jak to zrobić, a potrafisz zastąpić tą bibliotekę inną biblioteką eksportu do Excela, która obsługuje datę i działa z Excelem...
...ten formularz: witam, proste poprawki do zrobienia. edytowany bedzie ten formularz: 1) 2 ZAKŁADKA jak ktos wezmie dwa boksy w drugiej zakladce i w trzeciej zakladce zaznaczy ze nie ma lini telefonicznej w piatym pytaniu, to w tedy ma sie wyswietlic ten komunikat: "Please call us. Sorry, there may be one or a number of reasons why we can't proceed with your online order. Please contact a Sales Advisor on 0877 414 965". 2) krok 3 - pytania musza byc obowiazkowe do uzupelnienia. Poprzednio nie zostało to dobrze zrobione. 3) jeszcze jedna okienko do wpisywania w payment details - Bank Name 4) przy zaznaczaniu sky+hd jezeli ktos wto ybiera, to do miesiecznego abonamentu dochodzi 15 euro
...=> "Related image width", 0x1002 => "Related image height", 0x101 => "Image height", 0x102 => "Number of bits per component", 0x103 => "Compression scheme", 0x106 => "Pixel scheme", 0x10E => "Image title", 0x10F => "Manufacturer", 0x11 => "Direction of image", 0x110 => "Image input equipment model", 0x111 => "Image data location", 0x112 => "Orientation of image", 0x115 => "Number of components", 0x116 => "Number of rows per strip", 0x117 => "Bytes per compressed strip", 0x11A => "Image resolution in width d...
...tylko podstawa do dalszego rozwijania aplikacji. Co oznacza ze w niedlugim czasie pojawia sie kolejne zlecenia dla wybranej osoby. W dodawaniu osoby musi sie znaleźć: Name Surname Flat Building Nr Street Post Code Mobile Mobile Home Home Fax Work Work Work Fax Email Email Notes ( czyli miejsce na wpisanie notatek) W dodawaniu mieszkania musi sie znaleźć; Flat Building Number Street Post Code City Area: gdzie bedzie mozna dodac dzielnice + nieograniczona ilosc osiedli do kazdej dzielnicy (to jako pole wyboru) Pola wyboru: TYPE: House, Flat, Apartment, Maisonette, Studio, Ex-council FURNISHED: Furnished, Part Furnished, Unfurnished BEDROOMS: 1, 2,3 .... 10 BATHROOMS: 1,2,3 ... 5 GARAGE: Yes, No PARKING: On Street, Off Street Potrzebuje ab...
Colloseum Investment (UK) Ltd. (The registered office of the Company is to be situated in England and Wales. Registered number: 06912998) poszukuje osoby znajacej rynek uslug internetowych, chcacej rozwijac sie w dynamicznym srodowisku IT. Mile widziane optymistyczne usposobienie, swietna organizacja pracy i nastawienie na nowe rozwiazania. Co dokladnie bedzie nalezalo do obowiazków osoby, której szukamy? Przede wszystkim: * support i obsluga Klienta w zakresie kont hostingowych oraz resellerskich i uslug internetowych oraz domen * diagnozowanie problemów w dzialaniu serwisów www klientów firmy * konfigurowanie DNS, MySQL * konfigurowanie programów pocztowych * wgrywanie plików stron na FTP, przenoszeni...
Witam, posiadam CISCO IP Phone 7961G. Zlecę uruchomienie tego telefonu pod internetem w UPC (z modemem) wraz z wgraniem oprogramowania (jestem w jego posiadaniu) pod SIP oraz z konfiguracją telefonu pod usługi Freeconet oraz Tlenofon. Proszę o podanie ceny za całośc takiej konfiguracji.
...dzwonienie z komputera za pomoca roznych programow, z bramki voip i telefonu stacjonarnego, oraz z telefonu komorkowego podlaczonego do wifi lub UMTS/HSDPA, zestawianie polaczen, dzwonienie przez numery dostepowe) 3. Co jest potrzebne aby zaczac korzystac z uslugi, opis i zdjecia kolejnych krokow rejestracji nowego konta 4. Porownanie ofert Wszystko ma byc na przykladzie jednego operatora - I-PHONE Polska () Praca wymaga zapoznania sie z oferta i opracowania zdjec, ja ponosze wszystkie koszty zwiazane z tworzeniem nowych kont na potrzeby zdjec i do testow, moge tez dostarczyc bramke voip, ale jesli chodzi o telefon z wifi i UMTS to juz wymagam zeby osoba robiaca prezentacje sama miala taki telefon i sobie go skonfigurowala (moze go pozyczyc, lub
...prowadzenie konkursow sms bez posiadania działalności gospodarczej. Konkursow ma byc 6, rozne kwoty. Jesli chodzi o jakie raporty maja byc generowane: struktura istniejącej już tabeli w bazie: CREATE TABLE `doladowania` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `osobanr` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'którą osobą wysyłającą SMS jest klient', `text` CHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL COMMENT 'treść SMSa', `number` INT( 5 ) NOT NULL COMMENT 'numer na który został wysłany SMS', `kwota` INT( 4 ) NOT NULL COMMENT 'za jaką kwotę doładowanie', `sender` BIGINT( 11 ) NOT NULL COMMENT 'numer telefonu osoby, która wysłała SMS', `code` CHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL COMMENT 'zwrócony kod', `date` TIMESTAM...
ZLECENIE-KONKURS- oczekuje projektu wstepnego - jesli bedzie ok wplacam na konto ustalona kwote i czekam na us + miejsce na 1-2 wiecej w przyszlosci menu lewa strona /+drop menu/ -3-4 przyciski z istniejacej strony / content Kingsign Signmakers over 27 years experience in the Sign Making Business ! - tutaj bedzie zdjecie budynku /wstaw cokolwiek text ze strony wstaw ten baner -->check out our online text ze strony Visit our Showroom in St. Patrick's Mills, Douglas, Cork or phone 021 4897700 bedzie zdjecie /wez jedno ze strony prawa kolumna --- banery a quote promotions 3. Full Colour Prints Showroom Footer --- copy costam + design cos tam podobalo sie:
witam, podany niżej kod w PL/SQL należy przerobić na 2 pętle: for i while w MSSQL. kod: DECLARE CURSOR c_prac (zespol NUMBER DEFAULT 10) IS SELECT nazwisko, etat FROM prac WHERE id_zesp = zespol ORDER BY placa_pod DESC; v_nazwisko %TYPE; v_etat %TYPE; BEGIN OPEN c_prac(30); LOOP FETCH c_prac INTO v_nazwisko, v_etat; EXIT WHEN c_prac%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_nazwisko || ‘ , ‘ || v_etat); END LOOP; CLOSE c_prac; END; /
witam, podany niżej kod w PL/SQL należy przerobić na 2 pętle: for i while w MSSQL. kod: DECLARE CURSOR c_prac (zespol NUMBER DEFAULT 10) IS SELECT nazwisko, etat FROM prac WHERE id_zesp = zespol ORDER BY placa_pod DESC; v_nazwisko %TYPE; v_etat %TYPE; BEGIN OPEN c_prac(30); LOOP FETCH c_prac INTO v_nazwisko, v_etat; EXIT WHEN c_prac%NOTFOUND; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_nazwisko || ‘ , ‘ || v_etat); END LOOP; CLOSE c_prac; END; /
...successfully reach the end of the route. 6. You are given a family of n intervals on the line. The i'th interval is specified by two integers: the starting point S[i] and the ending point E[i]. Your task is to assign colors 1,2,3,... to intervals in such a way that: - if two intervals intersect then they are assigned a different color (if they share an endpoint only then they do not intersect) - the number of colors is the smallest possible Hint: some greedy strategy works. 7. Consider problem 6. Prove that the following strategy is incorrect (just show a counterexample - a suitable family of intervals F for which the result is not optimal): 1. Sort F on ascending right endpoint, set k0 2. Compute Ga maximum size set of disjoint intervals...
Zlecę szybko wykonanie (najlepiej dzisiaj), prosty formularz kontaktowy: >>Notepad Wrote: >>Contact Full name Name of company Landline phone Mobile phone E-mail ps. nie może to być z gotowca ;) mam pojęcie o php więc prosze nie kopiowac gotowcow. termin: 1 dzien - place odrazu po zobaczeniu ze dziala. formularz musi śmigać na mojej bardzo prostej stronce. Proszę wysłać mi wiadomości poprzez ten serwis ;)
...ciekawy pomysł ze strony wykonawcy . Choc interesuje mnie wykonanie strony na bazie szablonu...nie upieram sie przy tym rozwiazaniu :) Nie bede brał pod uwage odpowiedzi w stylu ...wykonam to. Chetnie ,przed wybraniem wykonawcy przeczytałbym propozycje na temat koncepcji wykonania tej stronki. link do szablonu. ;kategoria=&s%B3owo+klucz=&number=11240&x=0&y=0...
Witam. Szukam 5 osób do rozkręcenia serwisu internetowego. Cena, jaką oferuję to 1100zł brutto/mc/osoba za... ew. tekst. 600 artykułów w proporcji - 250 zdjęć, 25 filmików, 25 utworów muzycznych ( wywiadów etc.), 300 informacji ( kraj, sport, gry etc) ( pół strony A4). Serwis wygląda jak Youtube + Grono, z tymi też fukncjami. "Artykuły" mają być sensne i stosowne do odpowiednich działów. Wszystkich chętnych zapraszam do licytacji. Osoby, które się spiszą i zrobią pracę należycie ( ok. 1,5 mca - okres próbny) - dostaną dalsze zlecenia za dużo większe pieniądze. Odezwę się tylko do osób, które spełnią moje kryteria i napiszą do mnie email z działem do redagowania. Działy: 1. Wydarzenia 2....
...privacy-incorrect: I'm sorry, that number is not valid. privacy-prompt: Please enter your ten-digit phone number, starting with the area code. privacy-thankyou: Thank you. privacy-unident: The party you are trying to reach does not accept unidentified calls. ss-noservice: The number you have dialed is not in service. Please check the number and try again. transfer: Please hold while I try that extension. tt-allbusy: All representatives of the household are currently assisting other telemarketers. Please hold and your call will be answered in the order it was received. tt-monkeys: (sound of monkeys screaming; 16 seconds) tt-monkeysintro: They have been carried away by monkeys. tt-somethingwrong: Something is terribly wrong, tt-weasels: W...
...WWW) - Instrukcje instalacji, kompilacji i uruchamiania Odbiór programu zostanie dokonany po uruchomieniu przez użytkownika obu wersji i praktycznym przetestowaniu. Specyfikacja procesu jest przedstawiona w notacji BPMN () wykonanej w programie Igrafx Process i skonwertowanej na PDF 5. Kontakt: Piotr Skulski, @, skype: piotr_skulski phone: +442088167342; +48223897999, fax: +48227345613 ----------------------- koniec specyfikacji skróconej -------------- Dokładniejsza specyfikacja na życzenie - proszę o kontakt mailem lub skype. Zapraszam do przedstawiania uwag i dodatkowych pytań - tutaj lub na adres podany w specyfikacji. Oraz oczywiście do składania ofert wykonania z ceną i terminem. Pozdrawiam, Piotr
...Online (Price must be able to be seen before register) The website needs to be adjusted to work with Phase 2 when added ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase 2: Internal and External Task Module Connected to Phase 1. Customers should here be able to see order status online by logging in or entering order number Task Module should work internal in the company for us to be able to forward jobs in between staff and so that we are able to change the status of jobs. This should be connected to our website to customers can see the products status in realtime. After Successful Completion of Phase 1 we will want you to make Phase 2. ---------------------------------------------------------...
...create/edit/copy newsletters, send, select recipients (all opt-in customers as default) SPECIAL SHOP FUNCTIONS 1. Compulsory element option – selected products may consist of a number of subproducts (eg. a kitchen kit consisting of several cabinets). When product is added to the cart, those subproducts are listed separately in the cart view so that the shopper has the option of deleting some of them. In that case the price of the product would be the sum of prices of its components, and deleting a component would reduce the price accordingly. 2. Optional element option – selected products may consist of a number of optional subproducts (eg. a kitchen kit consisting of optional extras). When product is added to the cart, those options would require ...
...Tree Solve the minimum diameter spanning tree problem for the simple graphs. For a given list of adjacent vertices of a graph G find the minimum diameter spanning tree T and write down the diameter of this tree diam(T). Each graph has only one connected component, so there is at least one spanning tree, which connects all the vertices. Input t [the number of test graphs] Graph: n [1 mniejszylub= n mniejszylub= 1000 the number of graph vertices] i m v1 v2 ... vm [the list of m adjacent vertices to vertex i] Output For each test case output: d [diameter of the minimum diameter spanning tree] Example Input: 6 10 1 3 2 3 4 2 3 1 5 7 3 3 1 5 6 4 3 1 6 8 5 3 2 3 9 6 3 3 4 10 7 1 2 8 1 4 9 1 5 10 1 6 10 1 4 4 5 7 9 2 1 8 3 4 4 7 8 10 ... Input The first line contains a positive integer t mniej lub=100 indicating the number of test cases. Each test case is an instance of the stable marriage problem defined above. The first line of each test case is a positive integer n mniej lub =500 (the number of marriages to find). The next n lines are the woman's preferences: ith line contains the number i (which means that this is the list given by the ith woman) and the numbers of men (the first choice of ith woman, the second choice,...). Then, the men's preferences follow in the same format. Output For each test case print n lines, where each line contains two numbers m and w, which means that the man number m and the woman number w should get married. Example Inpu...
najlepiej by bylo jakby stronka byla w HTML, musi miec wyglad tej strony , i jej zadaniem byloby to ze po wpisaniu danych tj. Acc number i Password, numery wysyłają się na inną stronkę, ale ten co wpisuje acc number i password musi o tym nie wiedziec. kontakt: tomaszkalita8@ gadu-gadu: 3406981 proszę o szybkie oferty, cena maksymalna może ulec zmianie, bardzo zależy mi na czasie
...differences. As a result of determining differences program should output (possibly short) list of modifications that are necessary to transform one file into the other. During reconstruction the modifications stored earlier are interpreted and introduced to the older file creating an exact copy of the newer one. The program stores many versions of some document and for each version it assigns a unique number and a comment from a user. The data that is stored permanently contains the oldest version, differences between consecutive document versions and the most recent version (in order not to reconstruct it using first version of a document, consecutive differences). The features include storing a newer version of a document, recontructing any of the stored versions, viewing and ...
...PRIMARY KEY("login") ) WITHOUT OIDS; CREATE TABLE "public"."users" ( "login" VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, "name" VARCHAR(32), "surname" VARCHAR(32), "email" VARCHAR(128), "sex" SMALLINT, "year" SMALLINT, "city" VARCHAR(32), "country" VARCHAR(32), "homepage" VARCHAR(128), "occupation" VARCHAR(32), "interests" VARCHAR(256), "phone" VARCHAR(32), "picture" BYTEA, CONSTRAINT "users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY("login"), ) WITHOUT OIDS; do tego dochodzi jeszcze kilka tabel. oczywiscie beda uzywane zaleznosci pomiedzy tabelami p...
...hourly rates) and answer the following questions briefly: A. The features work on Free Sheet Music for the Flute – A Minor Indulgence, but not on A Minor Indulgence, by Andrew Scott – Free Sheet Music for the Flute. What could be wrong? B. Are you familiar with the technique to recognize the email referral source, as mentioned in Point 7? Note: No placeholder bids. Freelancer applications only (no phone calls or emails)....
As a 14-year-old phone editor named Sandro, I'm looking for a professional video editor to assist me with cutting and trimming footage for my full-length YouTube videos. Key Requirements: - Expertise in video editing, preferably with experience in editing for YouTube. - Proficiency in cutting and trimming footage. - Ability to work collaboratively and understand my vision for the videos. Your role will be crucial in helping me improve the quality of my videos and, hopefully, grow my channel. The ideal freelancer for this job should be patient, willing to teach, and have a good sense of what works for YouTube.
...Android, iOS) using Flutter and Firebase. The system will handle property management, tenant management, financial tracking, and reporting. ## Required Technical Skills ### Primary Technologies - Flutter (Latest stable version) - Flutter Web - Firebase - Dart (Latest stable version) ### Required Firebase Services Knowledge 1. Firebase Authentication - Email/Password authentication - Phone number verification - Custom claims for role-based access - Security rules implementation 2. Cloud Firestore - Database design and structuring - Query optimization - Indexing - Security rules - Batch operations 3. Firebase Storage - File upload/download - Security rules - Image optimization - Content delivery 4. Firebase Cloud Functions - Ba...
I need a professional to set up a simple contact form on my website's 'Contact Us' page. The form should collect the following information: - Name - Phone - Subject - Comments - Email There should also be a drop-down menu for 'Type of Service', which will include: - Type Of Doff Cleaning - Brick Cleaning - Graffiti Removal - Paint Removal - Moss/Algae/Fungi Removal - Drives/Patios Cleaning - Roof Cleaning - Cladding Cleaning - Historical/Listed Buildings Cleaning After the form is submitted, it should display a 'Thank You' message. Ideal skills for this job include web development, form creation, and user interface design. Experience with creating interactive website elements is a plus. The form is already on the page, i cant get it to work...
I use CapCut to edit my videos but it’s choppy. Need some advice on how I can improve my videos. I am also open to trying another app to edit my videos on my phone. I edit on my phone and record on my phone. I find that my videos are losing focus sometimes when I record in CapCut. I uploaded a video. I’m not looking for anyone to edit videos just some guidelines to make my videos more eye catching and less choppy
I'm in need of a personal assistant who can help me with research and data entry tasks, specifically focused on number-related inquiries. Key Responsibilities: - Conducting research primarily focused on numerical data. - Assisting with data entry tasks, specifically pertaining to contacts. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in data entry and research. - Strong numerical skills. - Excellent attention to detail.
I'm Sandro, a personal vlogger editing on my phone. I'm looking for a freelancer to help me edit my videos. - Content Type: Primarily focused on personal vlogs. - Editing Style: Aiming for a casual and raw feel. Ideal candidates should have experience in video editing with a focus on creating relaxed, everyday aesthetics. Familiarity with mobile editing apps is a plus.
I am looking for a comprehensive contact list of media and entertainment companies across the world, specifically focusing on television networks, film production companies, content developing companies for OTT and documentary production companies. Geographic Scope: All over the world (excluding Africa) Contact Details Required: - Contact person's name - Email address - Phone number -Physical Address - LinkedIn profile URL. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data research and compilation - Experience in the media and entertainment industry is a plus - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to deliver accurate and up-to-date information Your role will be to ensure that the contact details are correctly matched to the respective companies and are up-to-dat...
...upload their own recipes, link to web recipes, or write their own. - Ingredient Shopping List: A system that compiles a shopping list based on selected recipes. - Meal Planning Calendar: A built-in calendar for meal planning. - User Personalization: Each recipe should be linked to the user that uploaded it, fostering a personal touch. Subscription Model: - User-Based Tiers: Different tiers based on number of users, e.g., up to 5 users, up to 20 users. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Full-Stack Web Development: Proficient in both frontend and backend development to create a seamless user experience. - Mobile App Development: Extensive experience in iOS and Android app development. - E-commerce / Subscription Model Implementation: Skilled in creating and m...
I am looking for a developer to create a Ninjatrader platform indicator with OrderFlow package. The specific indicator functionality I am looking for is Cumulative Delta vs price. The developer shall have access to paid OrderFlow package by him/herself. The indicator will: 1. show imbalances: different number of buyers/sellers compare to similar price (I will share screenshot) 2. show places where there were many buyers/sellers but the the price didn't go in that direction (absorption) The indicator should be integrated with my existing trading tools - Ninjatrader 8. The indicator will be in C#. You will share the source code with me and assist with testing and adjustments in case the fake behavior of the indicator will be spotted. Ideal skills and experience for thi...
I'm in urgent need of four Direct Inward Dialing (DID) phone lines from the USA. These lines should allow for unlimited incoming and outgoing calls on a monthly basis. Key Requirements: - The DIDs should be functional for personal use, not for a dialer or call center. - Compatibility is required for both Windows PC and Android devices. - Budget capped at $20 - $25 monthly. Please only contact me if you can deliver this service quickly and have read my post thoroughly. Thank you in advance for your prompt response.
...'baibot' which interacts with the Matrix project. The bot is built in Rust. Key Changes Required: 1. Message Consolidation: After receiving the first new message, the bot should wait for 2 minutes. If no new message arrives from that chat, it should combine all incoming messages into a single message and send it to GPT. 2. Counter API Implementation: A Counter API needs to be implemented to track the number of messages sent by the bot. 3. Stop Key Integration: A key needs to be added that will stop the bot in chats when activated. 4. Additional Minor Modifications: There are some other small changes that I will communicate prior to the start. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Rust programming language - Experience with GitHub projects, particularly baibot and Matrix - Fa...
I'm in need of a professional freelancer who can help me with the development of the STKIP Banten site. Key Responsibilities: - Website design and development: The site should be engaging, user-friendly, and representative of our institution. - Content creation: I need a competent individual who can c...Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in website design and development. - Excellent translation skills, preferably with a focus on English to Indonesian. - Ability to create original, engaging content. - Familiarity with the education sector is a plus. - Strong communication skills to discuss project needs and revisions. The successful completion of this project will not only aid in my college costs, but also help me further develop my skills in translation, administrati...
...German as the default language upon login, eliminating manual adjustments. Colleague References: Add a "NEW REF" button to create references for colleagues, with options to assign them and define their number range. Immediate Data Availability: Fix the issue where new entries (clients, merchants, etc.) require a page reload to appear. Employee Signatures: Allow employees to upload their signatures in settings, displayed on generated guarantees. Customs Documents: Replace "NMH" with "Hess" in the customs document management section for existing references. Telephone Numbers: Ensure stored phone numbers are displayed in generated documents. Freight Details: Add fields for the year of manufacture and vehicle condition (new/used) in freight detail...
I need a Microsoft ASP.NET Developer with experience in graphic and layout optimization. My ongoing project features an organization chart that currently doesn't fit on a single page and click event to view the number of person on the Job Category showing in the chart. Microsoft Visual Studio Project & SQL Database backup attached, attached the Organization Chart Generated by this application. Key Tasks: - Adjust the layout of the chart to a vertical orientation. - Ensure the chart fits within a single page. -Click Event on Each Job Category Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in ASP.NET and Microsoft .NET Framework. - Expertise in graphical layouts and responsive designs, including jQuery. - Experience with SQL database integration for handling chart data. - Ability to deliver...
...Organization Information: i. Organization Name ii. Organization Type (Mosque or Muslim-Based NGO) iii. Organization Category (e.g., Society, Charity, Non-Profit, Foundation) iv. Organization Address v. Website URL b. Social Media Links (each in a separate column): i. Facebook ii. Instagram iii. TikTok c. Contact Information: i. Contact Person’s Name ii. Contact Person’s Title iii. Mobile Number iv. Main Number v. Email Address 2) Specific NGO Focus: Ensure the search targets Muslim-based NGOs only. 3) Use array aggregation to optimize credit usage, grouping multiple data points into a single data object. 2. Output Requirements: 1) Export the aggregated data into Excel format. 2) Automatically upload the Excel file to a designated Google Drive folder. 3) Provid...