Sample season greeting card message graphic designersprojekty
Hello, I am looking for a graphic designer to create/design the front packaging for a product in the form of a stick/sachet – similar to the Olimp Labs Hydro Stick product, which I have attached. The product is an electrolyte powder. I need three versions of the product front: Using the Saudi Arabian flag as the main theme Using the image of the King of Saudi Arabia as the main theme Using the Saudi Aramco logo as the main theme I don’t have any graphics, so I would like it to be presented in an interesting way. Would you be interested? Please send me a quote. Witam. Poszukuję grafika który wykona/ zaprojektuje front opakowania Produktu w formie sticka/ saszetki - np jak produkt Olimp Labs Hydro Stick który załączam Produkt to elektrolity w formie pros...
...user Forms from the attached C# project (one of them is the above mentioned FormGeneratorModow, the heart of the app) • Add a simple 4-button main navigational screen as on the attached pptx slide and connect the 4 user forms to the navigational buttons • Add simple one-way sending of UDP messages when parameters of any mode are changed (currently messages are sent but using COM/UART, also the message structure need to be changed) The 5 existing UI forms/screens are shown on the attached PowerPoint slide where the to-be navigation paths are also shown with arrows. The names of the forms are also visible on the slide when zoomed in in PowerPoint and can be used as reference to the attached source code where there are project files with the same names as these forms. In ...
...szczególnie w ciepłych odcieniach. - Zrozumienie zasad brandingu i umiejętność przełożenia tego na identyfikację wizualną. Ten projekt będzie świetną okazją dla wykwalifikowanego i kreatywnego projektanta, aby wywrzeć namacalny wpływ na rozpoznawalność mojej marki. I would like the logo to be inspired by the one in the attached image. In the center, there should be two dogs (like mine in the attached graphic), with the faces of French Bulldogs: one black and white, and the other black with a white collar. The dogs should be wearing helmets with the inscription "B&M". The outer border of the logo should have the same rugged edges as the ground mixer shown in the attached image, with those mentioned teeth-like features. The company is a construction firm pr...
...kolejnych produktów - Dostęp tylko do odczytu: pobieranie danych użytkowników razem z unikalnymi linkami pobieranie raportów z uzupełnionymi danymi przypisanymi do konkretnego użytkownika General Information The landing page is used to select products and to provide shipping details. It is used by companies to make their products available to their employees. A mockup on Figma and the entire graphic design were created. We need a programmer to implement the website. In addition to the proper website, we need a simple CMS panel (can be based on WP). Page appearance Page structure: Home page divided into three sections: Section 1: Banner with graphics and text Section 2: A form with checkboxes with graphics and text for each item (single-select or multi-se...
...invitation with an invitation message without going to the LinkedIn website. The way it should work is that in the "G" column we have a link to the person, and in the "H" column there is a message attached to the invitation. And when I change the I column to "YES", the invitation is to be sent with this message. 2. I would like LinkedIn to return information whether a given person has accepted my invitation (you can also check whether we are currently friends). You can set a button (macro?) to check all rows. It doesn't have to be in real time. And the current status should be returned in the "J" column. 3. The last step is to send the message normally via LinkedIn (not with an invitation). The message is in...
...invitation with an invitation message without going to the LinkedIn website. The way it should work is that in the "G" column we have a link to the person, and in the "H" column there is a message attached to the invitation. And when I change the I column to "YES", the invitation is to be sent with this message. 2. I would like LinkedIn to return information whether a given person has accepted my invitation (you can also check whether we are currently friends). You can set a button (macro?) to check all rows. It doesn't have to be in real time. And the current status should be returned in the "J" column. 3. The last step is to send the message normally via LinkedIn (not with an invitation). The message is in...
Film reklamowy w dwóch formatach, na relacje instagram oraz kostka. Film podobny do: Z wykorzystaniem naszych produktów, również mebli. Advertising film in two formats, for Instagram stories and posts. Video similar to: Using our products - furniture.
Hello, I am looking for a front-end developer to write i...components in technology mentioned above. API components and communication between backend agreed with backend developer. Business logic agreed with me. It would be best if the component had written tests. Example components: a double calendar with the ability to select time intervals and types of days, a modal window with a form for adding a user (some of the selectors taken from the API), a table and card listing of the users. Components should scale and be written responsively. The components in the mobile version will have a simplified structure. I would like to pay for individual components. I will appreciate if you can tell me your hourly rate, Please contact me if you are interested and I will provide more details.... market. You don’t need any experience or specific skills - the willingness to work and determination are enough. As my collaborator, you will be responsible for acquiring clients who are interested in redesigning or creating websites. I will assist you in this by providing a special form that you will fill out with the client, allowing me to determine the pricing. Then, I will prepare a graphic proposal and, upon the client’s approval, I will sign a contract with them. That's when we will settle with you. I impose no restrictions on how you obtain clients. You can make calls, dig up old websites, distribute flyers, or even use your own contact database. What matters most to me is the end result, and that's what we'll settle upon. We can start...
I w...plugin integrated with our WooCoomerce store. Unfortunately, a major drawback of this plugin is the functionality of making payments by transferring the payment window outside of the store (in this case to ), and we would like the payment to be made within our store. We want the plugin to be integrated so that the customer can choose to pay with a Visa, Mastercard, Vipps, or Trustly card (operators chosen by us in the plugin), and then be guided through the payment only on our online store. provides documentation that can be used to perform the integration: (). Please provide an approximate cost for the project and an estimated time of completion. We have a testing environment to check the plugin's functionality.
Już od ponad 10 lat Ad Awards jest partnerem dla ludzi chcących rozwijać swoje firmy dzięki Marketingowi 360. Pracujemy przy projektach dla branż: automotive, FMCG, fashion i przemysł. Poszukujemy utalentowanego Graphic Designera, którego mocną stroną jest projektowanie Key Visuali do kampanii reklamowych w sieci Google Ads oraz Facebook i Instagram. Współpraca opiera się na modelu per projekt. Od kilku do kilkudziesięciu godzin miesięcznie. Wszystko zależy jednak od Twojej dostępności i zaangażowania. Jesteś idealnym kandydatem, jeśli: - Znasz od podszewki pakiet Adobe CC (między innymi Photoshop) - Potrafisz przygotować koncepcje graficzne w oparciu o brief - W małym palcu masz formaty wszystkich nośników na socialki i adsy. - Masz opanowaną podstawowa obr&...
Stworzenie strony internetowej. Strona przeznaczona do sprzedaży produktów własnoręcznie robionych + opis firmy, produktów. Najlepiej polsko-angielska. Website Design, HTML, PHP, Graphic Design, WordPress
Edycja pliku z jpg do MP4, WMV lub innej formy video. Celem projektu jest nałożenie efektów na statyczny obraz tak aby zwiekszyć jego atrakcyjność.
Chciałbym aby ktoś zaprojektował mi kartkę Bożonarodzeniową oraz kartkę Wielkanocną. Ma się na nim znajdować: - Napis "Błogosławionych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia" - Napis "parafia Bąków" (tak się nazywa miejscowość) - A w Wielkanocnej ma być- "Błogosławionych Świąt Wielkiej Nocy" W załącznikach przesyłam pliki do wykorzystania. Ma być świąteczny klimat
Performing, on request, mainly illustrated characters as well as graphics and patterns for clothes. I am attaching example illustrations of what style interests me.
ENG below Zlecimy wykonanie projektów UX i projektów graficznych sklepu internetowego. Doświadczenie z CMS PrestaShop. Czas realizacji: 30 dni roboczych. Spotkanie z Klientem osobiście w Warszawie w celu omówienia szczegółów. Wymagane portfolio. We will commission UX and graphic designs for the online store. Experience with CMS PrestaShop. Delivery time: 30 business days. Meeting with a client in person in Warsaw (Poland) to discuss details. Portfolio required.
...kontaktowe (telefon, mail). Treść w dwóch językach (polska strona na końcówce .pl, a angielska wersja na .com). Wymagane dostosowanie grafiki do specyfiki i treści oferty sprzedaży tych konkretnych nieruchomości. W celu wykonania projektu wymagane będzie przygotowanie Wordpress Template I am looking for a person who will design and build a simple website - about the function of a business card / sale offer for 3 properties. One home page, a few sentences and flashy graphics at the top of the page, in the middle three photos of the property with basic information or drop-down info (+ links to subpages with detailed info about the property) + contact details (phone, e-mail) at the bottom. Content in two languages (Polish at the end of .pl, and the English vers...
...comes, plus we ultimately make it a full fledged internet casino. Slots games, roulette, bakart and so on and so on. Crypto payments - a shareholder who is also an investor has several different cryptocurrencies that we would like to implement as payment methods - now BTC payments and 777 coins are added - of course more to do. NOTE: What do I need ?? I need help with the implementation of the graphic design and a few corrections - the dev who did it to me not exactly cut everything - and I would like it to look like it should. For this, as mentioned above, constant cooperation in the development of the casino plus the implementation of additional functions. I am looking for a reliable person who would like to ultimately become a part of a great project - with long-term cooper...
...for settling liabilities, the target group of which are natural persons who need a soft debt collection tool. The project is based on Gatsby / react / material-ui. The website is nearing completion and all its functionality is ready, but requires rebranding / creating an attractive UI. We are looking for a UI designer who will visually refine the website. The cooperation may be limited to the graphic design, but it would be ideal if the project candidate also had the ability to implement the proposed changes, i.e. had experience with the above-mentioned technological stack...
Potrzebujemy kogoś utalentowanego do stworzenia marki alkoholowej. Oferta jest dla brand designers from Poland only. Potrzeba: - storytelling (nazwę mamy) - fajna kolorystyka (mamy kilka inspiracji) - logo (jpg na różnych tłach + SVG , PNG) - brand book - projekty na puszkach 330ml Jeżeli możesz to prześlij swoje portfolio oraz wstępna wycenę. Od tego zaczynamy przetarg.
...botami. Prosta grafika z dziedziny wycena - nieruchomości. Strona dostosowana do PC jak i urządzeń mobilnych bez określenia języka programowania. Będzie mi łatwiej przy wyborze jeśli osoba udostępni też swoje portfolio. Pozdrawiam i zapraszam do kontaktu, Hello, This is my first order on this portal and I hope for a fruitful cooperation from the beginning :) I want to create a simple business card page with basic information about the project itself, but also the option of sending an application form with the necessary anti-bot protection. Simple graphics in the field of valuation - real estate. Website adapted to PC and mobile devices without specifying a programming language. It will be easier for me to choose if the person also shares their portfolio. Best regards and fe...
... Prowadzę kanał na YT i szukam osoby, która będzie cięła, edytowała oraz składała nagrane przeze mnie filmy video (dodatkowo ewentualne przejścia, motion graphics, color grading, muzyka w tle itp.). Wymagane umiejętności: - znajomość języka angielskiego (kanał prowadzony jest w języku angielskim), - preferowane programy (Adobe Premiere Pro oraz Adobe After Effect). - video editing - motion graphic - color grading - korekcja dźwięku. Dodatkowo, mile widziana znajomość programów 3d (najlepiej 3ds max), ale nie jest to konieczne. Standardowa długość finalnego filmiku - między 5-15 min. Wcześniej zajmowaliśmy się tym osobiście i mamy opracowaną metodę. Przeciętne złożenie filmiku zajmuje nam od 1-2 godzin. Z mojej strony dostajesz filmiki video + audio + nagranie e...
...baselinker in the store will be visible as one "category Z" with the filtering parameters of both - the ability to edit a given product "only for the store" - discounts and promotions for a selected product, product group and category, as well as customers and customer groups, e.g. third order PLN 100 cheaper and discount codes generated - Inpost parcel lockers integration - adaptation of the graphic design chosen by us to the store - user base - SEO adjustment - Google analytics - 3CX chat Other modifications that may arise during the consultation. We are able to pay well, but we also require a job well done, professional approach, communicativeness, guarantee of operation and support....
...the amount) and to GL accounts ( searching for repeatable transactions, e.g. Bank charges looking for a transaction name). At end of the semi-automatic process we would like to be able to checked on the SAP side if everything was poste correctly using transaction FEBAN and if not, then we would like to be able to make some necessary postings/corrections . We can provide: - bank statements with sample transactions for any period - access to the SAP development and test systems - help in testing of the solution - providing other necessary data as required (list of Vendors, Customers, invoice numbers, accounts, etc.) - quick answer to any questions such as what we actually expect At the beginning, we want to check how it works for one bank account and if we will be satisfied wit...
Good morning We are looking for a new graphic design for our product, which is Chocolate on a Stick. We are only interested in the graphics of the cardboard box. Carton Front Presenting the product and interesting graphics Back of the Carton Presenting interesting graphics on which the and EAN codes. Carton dimension: 75mmx140mm (Width x Height) Graphic Design only with English Subtitles. We don't have a specific name for this product, you can suggest something. Please send me your graphic proposal and the price for its implementation in a message. We will only consider offers with the visualization sent from you. In the attachment the current graphic that we want to change. greetings Adrian
Uzyskaliśmy licencję na uruchomienie nowego online casyn...pierwszej strony (min 3 warianty). Nazwa i "kolor" umożliwiają zrobienie z tego bardzo ciekawego designersko projektu a wiodące elementy mogą się potem pojawiać w wielu kampaniach. Po zaakceptowaniu i rozliczeniu tych prac - następne zakładają przygotowanie graficzne wszystkich stron i podstron. ----- We got a license to launch a new online casino: I am looking for VERY CREATIVE graphic designers who will present the logo designs and the layout of the first page (minimum 3 variants). The name of casino and "color" make it possible to do very interesting design project and mains elements can will be use in many campaigns. After accepting your project we will do next steps for prepara...
...requires: 1. Sharpening and normalizing colors in photos 2. Sharpening and normalizing colors in photos in good quality pictures taken with cellphone camera (around 15) 3. Making bad quality old photos useful (around 10) 4. Blurring out faces of customers in some photos (around 5) 5. Small corrections in photos (f.e. removing creases in upholstery) (around 10) To begin our cooperation I'd like to see sample photos (of course with your watermark) using this guidelines: 1. Photo 1 requiers removing creases in upholstery 2. Photos 1,2 need to be on the same catalog page, they should have similar colors 3. Photos 3,4 need to be on the same catalog page, they should have similar colors Link to photos For full context
I need to create a website with several subpages and a blog. Typical business card page. It should be able to edit and place entries by me as a drag and drop editor and ACF. The site will have SSL. The website is to have Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel installed. The Google Searche Console will also be connected to the site. Sub pages: - about me, - realizations, - services, - free consultation, - contact. Witam. Potrzebuję stworzenia strony internetowej z kilkoma podstronami i blogiem. Strona typowa wizytówka. Ma mieć możliwość edytowania i umieszczania wpisów przeze mnie na zasadzie edytora przeciągnij i upuść oraz ACF. Strona ma posiadać SSL. Na stronie mają być zainstalowane Google Analytics oraz Pixel Facebooka. Do strony ma być również podłączenie Go...
salam khouya adil if it's possible ana jdid hna f freelancer o la jat ela khatrek tkheli lia message tchra7 lia chwia kifch n9ed nrbe7 chwi o ana jat ela khatrek ana dmari khfif o bzerba kant3lam, o ila momkin ga3 takhd khedmat ana nkhdmhom lk o3tini % li bryty ana nekteb ntarjam nchercher ay haja haka o smeh lia bezzaf chokran lik.
Potrzebuje osoby dla stworzenia projektu ulotki w formacie A5 według projektu w załaczniku. I need fo find a graphic guy to create flyer by the mockup .
Hi, Like last, please use material: Natural Oak structure + steel (black). Style: Mixed LOFT, industrial and Scandinavian. We need each model as: 3dmax - for designers Few image for online store Document for our worker ( welder and carpenter )
...opłatą - statystyki wyswietlen oraz kliknięć w linki dla poszczególnych użytkowników oraz ogolne dla portalu - ranking użytkowników oraz system punktów przyznawanych za aktywność Przykład podobnej strony można zobaczyć tutaj: Poprosiłbym o ceny oraz czas wykonania dla versji MVP oraz wersji z pełną funkcjonalnością podaną w ogłoszeniu. Graphic design and coding of the internet portal work includes graphic design and coding of an internet portal. The portal will be a portal bringing together users who want to earn on reference links. The basic functions of the portal will be (stage 1 of MVP): - database of affiliate offers, reference links, promotions and bonuses available on the Polish market - create user account - the ability to add your ...
The company deals with the production and service of urban air filters. I need a graphic design of a website and a working template in WordPress. The website should be subtle, effective and modern. Fully responsive. The homepage should contain graphics and videos (they are available on YouTube on the Oxygen profile). Internal pages are to contain mainly content and descriptions. The attached mockup is just a look suggestion. In addition, I need the graphic design of the certificate (printing A4 paper) and the graphic design of the stamp to the email footer (jpg).
[ENG] I need an anticheat created for, “FiveM”. Something that works along like this: , Please message me so we can speak more about this. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to message me. [PL] Potrzebuję anticheatu stworzonego dla „FiveM”. Coś, co działa w ten sposób: , Prześlij mi wiadomość, abyśmy mogli porozmawiać o tym więcej. Jeśli masz dodatkowe pytania, napisz do mnie.
I WILL FINISH THE CONTEST AS SOON AS I WILL GET THE PROPER GRAPHIC! I need to show attached files ("Odpowiedniki kursów" and "Ścieżki szkoleniowe") on the website, but I have done it in Powerpoint and they're ugly. I need them to be as beauty as possible. The company does location intelligence technologies, so please consider showing each tile as globe or something alluding to geographic information systems. The company website: The global company website: Please use Averta font (attached in the files). Please send me editable Adobe files such as .ai or .psd, because in the future I will need to add more tiles to the graphic. The texts inside the graphics: 1) "Scieżki szkoleniowe:" ArcGIS Pro: Wprowadzenie d...
Integrate Shopify with DotPay. The objective is to integrate Visa & Mastercard payments using DotPay as a Payment Gateway. The documentation to DotPay is available here: The store runs on Shopify under following link The password to the store is justperfectbody The changes need to be introduced via the GIT repository.
...Our material consists of films, transcripts and SRT in English. We are looking for a long-term translator for a long-term project with sufficient time and enthusiasm. Our topics: quantum physisc, law of attraction, healing, conscioussness, brain body connection, the secret, personal development. The material we have consists of from one hour of film to 20 hours. If you are interested we have a sample page for you to translate....
We are looking for someone who will create a film, similar to the one in the attachment, with one of our sinks. Contact us if you're interested
...również: obsługa wielu akcji jednocześnie oraz na wielu fanpage'ach. [ENG] Project is focusing on managing fanpage messenger inbox. There are few solutions that ought to be considered in this app, but the main is possibility to send mass messages to specific group of people that have written to our fanpage inbox and are described by label assigned to them manually. For example: I would like to send message about content: X to people in label X. Functionalities also included in this app are: managing many actions at the same time on couple fanpages....
I will order the creation of the WooCommerce online store. I attach a graphic design.
Szukam osoby która zaprojektuje oraz stworzy opakowanie do mojego produktu Chce by było proste ale z efektem „WOW” coś w stylu apple Osoba projektująca musi mieć jakaś wizje oraz sama wymyslec kompletne opakowanie. Razem z napisami na nim. Oczekuje więcej niż jednej propozycji.
I am looking for a graphic designer who will prepare a design / concept for colors and the appearance of one page / screen for my simple android application. the screen consists of several text fields, one graphic / icon one field for entering the evaluation with a slider, plus and minus buttons, entering from the keyboard one field to enter a possible short comment keyboard (called automatically) and 3 buttons sending settings test I will send an example to an email the locat...
...should have the following features: Length: 20-30 seconds References to the Forex exchange, currency markets Dynamic music Fast scene transitions Scenes with: training participants, conference participants, trader in front of a computer, currency charts, etc. We also require substantive support in the selection of appropriate video parameters and their subsequent editing. Below is a link to a sample movie that meets our dynamic and music requirements: At the end of the intro and outro should be presented our logo and name (will be made available after the selection of the contractor). PL: Witam. Zlęcę wykonanie krótkich filmików (intro, outro) promujących naszą markę. Filmy powinnych posiadać następujące cechy: - Długość: 20-30 sekund - Nawiązania
Poszukuję grafika (najlepiej studenta z okolic Trójmiasta), który opracuje koncepcje wizualną i wykona krótki filmik ~2-3 min. opowiadający o aplikacji (wizualizacja funkcji), tzw. "Motion graphic- app walkthrough". Przykład w poniższym linku:
W module płatności zakupionym na brakuje kilku funkcji - klient nie może zapłacić kartą ratalnie (spitted card payment) - klient nie może korzystać z kart Elo - chcielibyśmy dodać wymóg bezpieczeństwa - załączyć plik pdf lub jpg przed zezwoleniem na wprowadzanie danych karty i przetwarzanie płatności Zleceniobiorca musi znać j. Polski i mieć doświadczenie w Presatshop. Możliwość dłuższej współpracy przy tworzeniu witryny.
Java. Potrzebuje demona komunikujacego sie z serwerami komunikatora Signal. Jest gotowa biblioteka: Mozna tez skorzystac z bardzo skutecznego (komunikacja z commandline). Na dzien dzisiej...(komunikacja z commandline). Na dzien dzisiejszy uzywam w/w commandline ale jest to rozpaczliwie wolne bo za kazdym wywylaniem podnoszona i kladziona jest cala java. Potrzebuje wiec skutaczny interface pomiedzy Signalem a moim softem (php). Java powinna chodzic caly czas. W przypadku otrzymania message - powinna wywolac jeden z moich skryptow php przekazujac zawartosc pewnie POSTem. Jesli ja chce wyslac message to podaje go do javy pewnie w postaci jsona. Do ustalenia. Demon ma wysylac i odbierac message - nic wiecej. - pierwszy: loyalty card możliwość zbierania pieczątek, po kliknięciu w daną pieczątkę wyświetla się okienko z koniecznością wpisania kodu do zaakceptowania nadania pieczątki po 9 zebranych pieczątkach pojawia się komunikat jakiś tekstowy (np. Jedzonko Gratis!) i startujemy od nowa - drugi guzik (blank do wypelnienia samemu) - trzeci guzik (blank do wypełnienia samemu) ENG version I need the application in IONIC technology. An application to collect stamps. - first screen login (or setting up an account, via facebook or googlemail) | - 3 buttons bottom menu - first: loyalty card the ability to collect stamps, after clicking a given stamp a window is displayed with the need to enter the code to accept the stamps after 9 collected stamps a text...
Poszukuję specjalisty który utworzy program do odczytów kart inteligentnych( kart kierowców) za pomocą urządzeń SMART IC Card Readre EZ100PU.
1. Strona internetowa wykonana w 2007 roku potrzebuje odświeżenia- chodzi głównie o nadanie jej nowoczesnego wyglądu oraz napisanie jej w RWD. 2. Strona główna jest już gotowa w 80-ciu procentach, trzeba więc dokończyć proste podstrony (około 50). Skłaniam się do wykonania strony w Wordpressie (kup...jest pozycjonowana, oczekiwałbym, wprowadzenia zaleceń optymalizacyjnych pod SEO, . 4. Projekt stosunkowo pilny- 3 tygodnie na realizację. Oczekuję, że wybrana osoba będzie się ze mną precyzyjnie i systematycznie komunikować oraz będzie w stanie poświęcić projektowi czas i energię. Dbałość o szczegół oraz odrobina wrażliwości graficznej/estetycznej- mile widziane. We`re looking for Polish web designers only, so if you don`t speak this language perfectly please do ...
Mam już gotowy schemat w 3D , aczkolwiek jest nieczytelny do końca, potrzebuję schematu blokowego. Praca ma polegać na przerysowaniu tego schematu w SEE Electrical, EPlan, lub podobnym programie. Rysunek mieści się na jednej stronie A4 W załącznikach prześle : 1. Rysunek 3D 2. Tabele połączeń 3. Przykładowe zdjęcie jak ma wyglą...załącznikach prześle : 1. Rysunek 3D 2. Tabele połączeń 3. Przykładowe zdjęcie jak ma wyglądać gotowy projekt I already have a ready 3D scheme, although it is illegible until the end, I need a flowchart. The work is to reuse this scheme in SEE Electrical, EPlan, or similar program. The drawing fits on one A4 page In the attachments it will send: 1. 3D drawing 2. Connection tables 3. A sample photo of how a finished project should look like