Sample file trascriptionprojekty
...EXIFów dla zdjęć. Poniżej plik do tłumaczenia. Poproszę o wycenę i czas realizacji. $EXIFY = array( 0x0 => "GPS tag version", 0x1 => "North or South Latitude", 0x1 => "Interoperability Identification", 0x10 => "Reference for direction of image", 0x100 => "Image width", 0x1000 => "Related image file format", 0x1001 => "Related image width", 0x1002 => "Related image height", 0x101 => "Image height", 0x102 => "Number of bits per component", 0x103 => "Compression scheme", 0x106 => "Pixel scheme", 0x10E => "Image title", 0x10F => "Manufactur...
...zrobi stop klatki swojej pracy (screenshoty, listingi kodu) od początku do końca (czyli począwszy od pierwszych poleceń w linii komend, przez listing kodu w Javie, kompilację do JavaScriptu a skończywszy na screenshocie gotowej aplikacji) --> to ma pomóc w odtworzeniu każdego kroku cyklu życia aplikacji Aplikacja ma na stronie startowej mieć menu wyboru poszczególnych sampli i zawierać 2-4 sample, np.: - tabela sumacyjna - formularz kontaktowy/rejestracyjny - przykład aktywnych przycisków lub dag&drop Zlecenie dla osoby prywatnej/programisty. Ps1. Nie interesuje mnie projekt, który będzie zlepkiem dostępnych w sieci kodów takich aplikacji. Ps2. Proszę o rozważne ceny, gdyż projekt ma być prostą aplikacją. Ps3. Interesuje mni...
Potrzebujemy stronę internetową dla naszej nowej linii produktów (ekrany projekcyjne). Strona ta NIE będzie sklepem internetowym. Będzie przypominać stronę firmy i jej produktu(ów) : Typu – News, O nas, Cechy Produktu, Kontakt... etc. Potrzebny jest design w CSS i HTML oraz jakąś grafika (top baner etc...). Teksty sami dostarczymy. Proszę przesłać wycenę oraz sample swoich prac na: oskar (@) Dziekujemy.
Witam Zlecę przygotowanie tekstów na stronę www. Strona będzie się zajmować sprzedażą sklepu internetowego. Wielkość i obszerność tekstu jest uzależniona od dobrego pomysłu i płynnego pióra. Prosta strona 5 podstron Home Onas Realizacje Sklep Kontakt Proszę tylko o poważne propozycje. Dodatkowo proszę przesłać sample tekstu na home (tylko te oferty będą brane pod uwagę, które prześlą sample). pozdrawiam
Zlecę nagranie sampli (pojedyńczych słów) audio (mp3 lub wav lub mov lub avi lub mpeg) tak, aby dało się z nich złożyć dowolną godzinę wypowiadaną przez komputer. Sample mogą być zawarte w jednym pliku audio lub video dowolnego formatu w dobrej jakości, mono. Interesują mnie wszystkie języki obce z wyjątkiem angielskiego. Proszę o zgłoszenia tylko osoby z poprawnym akcentem w danym języku. Sample muszą uwzględniać wszystkie kombinacje, tak aby dało się sklecić dowolną godzinę. Np.: po Polsku były by to słowa: jedna, dwie, trzy... (minuta, minuty), do, po (godziny, godziniie), pierwszej, drugiej, trzeciej... (do południa, po południu), w pół, pierwsza, druga, trzecia... (godzina) itd. Do pliku należy załączyć krótki opis składni w danym języku z uwzględni...
Potrzebny mi uploader do plików napisany we flashu. Wymagania: - upload plików minimum 500MB, jeśli to możliwe nawet do 3GB - obsługa wszelkich problemów takich jak zerwane połączenia itp., jednym słowem wrzucony plik musi dotrzeć na serwer. - prościutka walidacja - przepuszczane tylko pliki zip - po stronie serwera możliwy odbiór plików z POST'a
Witam, Zlecę...rozwiązania tego problemu poprzez wykorzystanie serwisu. prezentacja będzie liczyć około 30 slajdów musi być estetyczna i maksymalnie prosta: chodzi o dobre wrażenie i zaciekawienie odbiorcy, a nie o szczegóły techniczne serwisu. Prezentacja musi mieć formą zgodną z zaleceniami pokazanymi tutaj: oraz tutaj: Szukam więc kogoś kto ma zmysł estetyczny i dobierze odpowiednie zdjęcia, typologię i hasła do prezentowanego materiału. proszę o oferty zawierające cenę, oraz link do poprzednich prac gdzie będę mógł ocenić styl i jakość pracy. jeśli potrzebne są dodatkowe informacje to proszę o kontakt: heniu28 (at) result possible then return any one of them. Sample input 1: 6 3 4 2 5 0 3 6 4 1 1 2 3 2 4 6 1 2 Answer: 3 1 5 4 6 2 Sample input 2: 10 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 3 5 6 7 3 6 7 8 3 7 8 9 3 8 9 10 3 9 10 2 3 10 0 Answer: CYCLE Technical requirements: 1. The program should be written in C++ (preferably, DevC++ or g++) or in Java. 2. It should read data from the standard input stream (keybord) and write to the standard output stream (display). No files should be used. 3. The program will be run from the command line (Linux, MS Win). If the program is named prog2 then it will be tested as follows (in the cmd window under MS Win, for example): C:prog2 < where the file contains sample input data, and it should displ...
...4 z CGIAR-CSI SRTM 90m są w formacie geotiff. Każdy plik to wysokości dla kawałka ziemi 5x5 stopni geograficznych na regularnej kracie 6000x6000. Wysokości w metrach [-500,9000] inne ujemne wartości oznaczaja regiony bez danych. Geotiff mozna skonwertować do prostego formatu PNM. Przykładowy plik do czytania dla kawałka Polski: 15-20E, 50-55N tutaj () Przykladowy kod sample (~anl/dyd/GKw/srtmtst.c) wczytuje plik pomijając nagłówek i odwracając kolejność bajtów na właściwą. Otrzymujemy dane w tablicy. Wyświetlić siatkę czworokątów/trójkątów (lub lepiej przy pomocy GL_QUAD_STRIP całe paski) z widokiem z góry, rzut perspektywiczny lub równoległy z możliwościa zbliżania/oddalania i przesuwania na boki i góra/dół. Na...
Witam, potrzebuje przerobic ten skrypt darmowej galerii z TM Nie działa w nim zapisywanie ustawien do pliku. Jest to kwestia napisania jednej klasy, ktora w pliku jest pusta. POTRZEBUJE TO NA WCZORAJ. Dla zdolnego programisty bedzie to moment gregory-pozn@
Witam. Potrzebuje "na wczoraj" dokonac zmiany w tym darmowym szablonie: Chodzi o to, ze CMS nie zapisuje zmian do pliku. Problem tkwi w pliku admin/services/ Klasa odpowiedzialna za zapis danych jest pusta.
...standard input stream: line 1: integer n, 2 <= n <= 1 000 000 line 2: integers x1, y1, -1 000 000 000 < x1,y1 < 1 000 000 000, separated by a space, specifying coordinates of point 1 line 3: similar, coordinates of point 2 ... line n+1: coordinates of point n output to the standard output stream: integer z, value of which is the square of the distance between the closest points Sample input: 3 1 1 -2 0 3 –2 Output: 10 Other requirements: For sorting (the initial phase of the algorithm) make your own implementation of mergesort. Programming language: C or C++. The program should run under Gnu gcc or g++ compiler. If you work with MS Windows then it is suggested to use DevC++ environment with these compilers. Submission: by email, with an a...
...standard input stream: line 1: integer n, 2 <= n <= 1 000 000 line 2: integers x1, y1, -1 000 000 000 < x1,y1 < 1 000 000 000, separated by a space, specifying coordinates of point 1 line 3: similar, coordinates of point 2 ... line n+1: coordinates of point n output to the standard output stream: integer z, value of which is the square of the distance between the closest points Sample input: 3 1 1 -2 0 3 –2 Output: 10 Other requirements: For sorting (the initial phase of the algorithm) make your own implementation of mergesort. Programming language: C or C++. The program should run under Gnu gcc or g++ compiler. If you work with MS Windows then it is suggested to use DevC++ environment with these compilers. Submission: by email, with an ...
1) 5 videos add a text clip 2) rip 15 vids all you do is add the a caption and upload to a site I give you. 3) 1 general professional header using the logo below....for 3 other websites headers will be the same just need text change on each.... 4) design a logo(have basic idea and sample already) + a template slide for the end of the video clips(sample of one that was done before can be found at the end of the video clips below) 5)3 banners general design and text already made just need someone to put it together for me. This job may seem like a lot of work but it is mostly editing refining and perfecting. Most of the creative work is done, I just need someone professional who knows what they are doing to put everything together for me. I'll provide you with full...
Stracilem kontakt z gosciem, ktory strone budowal. NIE MAM ŹRÓDEŁ FLASHA. Strona - zakładka pracownia optyczna. Element we flashu - "strona w budowie" do zastapienia przez inny element we flashu. Prosze zasugerowac CO MOZNA tam wstawic. Zdjecia? Tekst? Tekst+zdjecia? Czy mozna przewijac itd. ...NIE MAM ŹRÓDEŁ FLASHA. Strona - zakładka pracownia optyczna. Element we flashu - "strona w budowie" do zastapienia przez inny element we flashu. Prosze zasugerowac CO MOZNA tam wstawic. Zdjecia? Tekst? Tekst+zdjecia? Czy mozna przewijac itd. Tak mialo by to wygladac : Element do zastapienia tu : Zdjecia dostarcze.
Witam! Szukam osoby która wykonałaby grafikę, rysunkową. Chodzi o 21 rysunków postaci, po 3 rys...przykładowym proszę składać na adres mail: rafal@ Demo: prosiłbym o rysunek postać - tej dziewczyny: Ale postać na rysunku ma mieć: niebieskie dżinsy, czarna bluza, małe piersi, lekko widoczne, blond włosy, długie, okulary (zwykłe). Postać smutna, załamana, w dłoni może trzymać rewolwer. Tło: jakiś grundż bardzo jasny lub ciemny. W stylu jak w pliku sample, lub zbliżonym. Termin wykonania całego zlecenia - negocjonowany indywidualnie, mi się nie śpieszy, ale dłużej niż miesiąc to czekać nie chce :). Cena: negocjowana indywidualnie, chce wybrać najlepszego artystę rysownika, ale żeby mi kieszeni nie zrujnował ;).
...account. Small print: “Please note that PayPal payments will be made automatically (immediately upon purchase payment clearance) however manual payments will only be made once a week”. • Accept Terms and Conditions (create blank page, admin to fill content) 4. Congratulations, you have successfully signed up with our Affiliate Program, please check your inbox for a sample email to forward to your contacts 5. Auto-email gets sent (admin-editable): Please forward this to your friends and contacts: I just found this amazing site selling a book on how to never again pay a speeding fine! Check it out at If you decide to buy, please enter AFFILIATE CODE in the Affiliate Code box. 6. When a purchase with a code is con...
Witam wszystkich kreatywnych Chcemy dac wolana reke dla wszystkich krajowych mlodych wykonawcow muzyki bardzeiej popularne gatunki. chcemy aby ktos poprowadzil stworzenie oraz wdrozenie danego produktu. Oferu...kreatywnych Chcemy dac wolana reke dla wszystkich krajowych mlodych wykonawcow muzyki bardzeiej popularne gatunki. chcemy aby ktos poprowadzil stworzenie oraz wdrozenie danego produktu. Oferujemy dobre warunki wpolpracy. Najbardziej kreatywny dostanie zlecenie. Narzedzia wolna amerykanaka. Uwaga""""" szukamy pomyslu co sie w tym serwisie moze znajdowac. Co nas interesuje: zlecenia dla DJow, ich sample, Video, Utwory, Biografia, Info o gosciu. etc.. Promujmy mlodych musykow z blokowisk oraz powstrzymajmy ich mlode emocjie. Dziki temu serwisowi ...
Wykonanie menu pionowego z jednostopniowym podmenu. Np cos takiego: jednak po kliknieciu powinno rozsunac sie klikniete menu i pokazac zawartosc podmenu (ktore bedzie zawieralo pare pozycji). Reszta pozycji analogicznie powinna zsunac sie w dol. Predkosc rozsuwania podmenu nie powinna byc definiowana funkcja liniowa (menu powinno do polowy czasu trwania ruchu rozsuwac sie szubko a pozniej zwalniac lub tez cos podobnego - duza dowlonosc). Dane powinny byc wczytywane z pliku gdzie bedzie
I'm seeking a captivating book cover design for "Cryptid Whispers" by Tristan St Reynolds. The cover needs to reflect the mysterious nature of the book and feature depictions of cryptids in a forest/nature setting, as indicated in the provided sample image. Key Requirements: - Incorporate elements of cryptids and forests/nature on the cover - Convey a mysterious mood - Use the art style in the provided sample image Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design and illustration - Prior experience in book cover design - Strong understanding of the 'mysterious' mood and how to visually represent it - Ability to replicate a specific art style
...length. - The other is 6ft in length and 5ft in width. - One signage should prominently feature my studio's services and specialties. - The color scheme can be elegant light pastel colors that look very luxury and chic - The design should incorporate photographs of the studio or my yoga pose picture. You will be provided with: - A few sample pictures for design inspiration. - My logo (created on Canva). - The information to be included (sourced from a sample I made). - The specific color schemes I'm considering. The design must be visually captivating, as the signages will be viewed by passersby in luxury neighborhoods, without stopping for a closer inspection. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio in high-end design, excellent understanding of col...
I'm looking for a professional who can help increase my YouTube watch hours and download German subtitles for Me - Download German subtitles for provide list of Movies and Series Show me sample below Two Season Family Guy=23 Season Der Bergdoktor (2008)=18 Season - Work on increasing the watch hours across all my content. What I need see the Attached file too for German Subtitle
I'm looking for an expert in DHCP fingerprinting to help me identify various devices. The focus will be on: - Personal computers and laptops - Mobile devices - Internet of Things (IoT) devices I have a l...Managed Switch Huawei S5735S-L8P4S-QA2 Huawei S5735S-L8T4S-QA2 Huawei S5735S-S24P4X-A Huawei S5735S-S24T4S-A Huawei S5735S-S24T4X-XA Huawei S5735S-S48T4S-A Huawei S5735S-S48T4X-A Huawei S5736-S24S4XC Huawei S5736-S24UM4XC This is just a sample, I have a list of ~20,000 devices. After identification, I need these devices categorized by their device name. This project is crucial for enhancing my network management and security. Once the data set is provided I will verify the validity of it with Please provide the dhcp of the above mentioned sample...
I ne...The model should be saved to a file for future use. 2. **Program 2**: This program will analyze input data row by row, using the trained model from Program 1 to recognize similar patterns in an input data file representing out of sample data. Key project requirements: - Compatibility with Python version 3.12. - Able to run via JupyterLab in Anaconda, or directly from command line. - Programs should operate within a MS Windows environment. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Proficiency in Python. - Experience in working with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), particularly for pattern recognition tasks. - Familiarity with JupyterLab and Anaconda. - Ability to deliver robust, efficient, and well-documented code. Specification and sa...
...graphic designer to create a logo for our family-run artisanal workshop, “Cantoni,” which has been restoring antique furniture and precious objects for over 60 years. Founded by a passionate woodcraft master, our workshop combines tradition and attention to detail with a desire to rejuvenate our image and establish a strong online presence. {{ What We Need }} A new logo based on the attached sample (the client already likes this concept). The new design should be simple yet representative of a restoration workshop. The key element is a stylized wooden plane (pialla) with a handle in the shape of a “C” (initial of Cantoni). The word “Cantoni” should appear incised into the wood of the plane (or using the “C” as the handle and &ld...
Looking for a skilled AI Filmmaking and Visual Effects Specialist to collaborate on innovative projects combining traditional filmmaking with cutting-edge AI technology. The ideal candidate should have experience in visual effects, a solid understanding of AI tools for filmmaking, and a creative approach to problem-solving. What are we looking - sample video Responsibilities: Conceptualize and execute visual effects for various projects. Utilize AI tools to create and enhance visual elements, including virtual production, deepfakes, and generative art. Edit and composite high-quality visual effects that align with the project’s creative vision. Stay updated on the latest trends in AI and visual effects. Troubleshoot technical challenges related to visual
I have around 250 photos of motorcycles with white background. All of them need professional background removal. Requirements: - Open each image in photoshop - Make a copy of the image in a new layer an...white background. All of them need professional background removal. Requirements: - Open each image in photoshop - Make a copy of the image in a new layer and remove the white background - save each image like this with a 2 layer PSD file (original image with white background + one with background removed) Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software, particularly Adobe Photoshop - Attention to detail to ensure no motorcycle parts are left with the background Please note, there are no additional edits required aside from the background removal. Some sample phot...
I have around 100 JPEG images that need a small date change on a balloon from "2024.01.04" to "2025.01.04". No other modifications are required. Attached sample of photo with balloon that needs editing. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software eg photoshop - Attention to detail - Ability to work with JPEG images
I need someone experienced with WordPress and product uploads to help me upload two Excel sheets of products to my site. - One sheet contains over 3,000 products with compressed images. - The other has about 40,000 products without compressed images. I would like to know if I can upload the compressed images later ...compressed images later in bulk after the 40,000 products are uploaded. Please let me know if this is within your capabilities. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in WordPress product uploads - Ability to handle large data sets - Understanding of bulk image uploads - Excellent attention to detail to ensure every product is listed correctly. I have attached the file. Please import the products on your website to show me and apply fo...
...for user experience. Since I will not be available for frequent communication, I need a freelancer who can work independently and handle the creative and functional aspects of the project on their own. Scope of Work: Theme and Design: Examples of theme: 1) 2) Envato theme link - Site sample link - Sections: Cat Merchandise Section: Showcase products like novelty slippers, cat-printed clothing, home décor, electronics, and more. Hello Kitty Section: Focus exclusively on Hello Kitty-themed items. Functionality: WooCommerce integration for seamless shopping. Responsive design for mobile and desktop. Payment gateways
...flair. ## Deliverables: 1. **Folder Design:** - Front and back cover with California Cookout branding (logo, color scheme, etc.). - Inside pocket design (if relevant). - Business card slit on the inside pocket (if relevant). 2. **Color Summary Page of Testimonials & Reviews:** - Attractive layout with 3-5 highlighted testimonials. - Consistent with brand colors and style. 3. **Sample Menu Sheets (3 Separate Pages):** - **Wedding Menu** (includes appetizers, beverages, surf & turf entrée, upgraded side package, cake cutting service). - **Social Events Menu** (no appetizers or desserts, but similar to wedding menu layout). - **Corporate Events Menu** (simplified offerings, speedy service emphasis, canned sodas and bottled water, cookie plat...
...effectively. Deliverables: * Comprehensive and compelling grant application tailored to the SBIR Fast Track guidelines. * Collaboration with our internal team to incorporate technical details and strategic objectives. * Timely submission of all required documentation to meet program deadlines. To Apply: Please submit the following: * Your current CV, highlighting relevant experience. * A sample of your grant writing, preferably an SBIR-related document or similar technical writing in the biomedical field. Preferred Qualifications: * Familiarity with biomedical innovation, wearable health technologies, or wellness products. * Experience working with startups or small businesses in the MedTech or health-tech sectors. If you have the expertise and drive to contribute...
I am looking for an experienced Power Apps developer to create an application aimed at collecting and analyzing ideas from corporate employees. This app should facilitate data collection and r...outside of a large corporate organization and are aware how to package/deliver app ready to implement on their SharePoint. I require a thorough understanding of your requirements to make this work. I prefer a two stage approach - 1) create a simple fast sample for testing then, after a design phase where I provide you with all content, 1) you design/build a customized app that can capture the information and, house/analyze the data input. STEP ONE: work together to create a simplified APP for testing on my client's SharePoint site. If this sample works, I will negotiate the big...
I need an MS Power Apps developer to create a simple app for data gathering and status reporting. This app will be used to test a concept on my corporate client's SharePoint site. Key Features: - A Welcome Screen - A clickable Questionnaire to g...Status The style of the Welcome Screen should be corporate, matching the aesthetics of a corporate environment. The app also needs to support multiple languages. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MS Power Apps - Experience with SharePoint - Ability to design in a corporate style - Knowledge of multilingual app development - Strong understanding of data gathering and reporting functionalities If our sample tests and works, I will be hiring a complete version of this App. I will provide you with the design in a storyboard/flow format a...
I'm in need of a very simple Java program that I can deliver in the next 5 hours. The program's primary function will be handling text files, specifically performing both reading and writing operations. Key Requirements: - The program must be able to read and write to text files. - The program should be designed based on slides I 5 hours. The program's primary function will be handling text files, specifically performing both reading and writing operations. Key Requirements: - The program must be able to read and write to text files. - The program should be designed based on slides I will provide. - Must be delivered within a strict 5 hour time frame. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Java programming. - Experienced in file handling operations. - Able to wo...
...professional who can create math assessments in both Word Document and Publisher for Grades 5, 7, 8, and 9. I will provide the topics and types of questions, as well as the textbook students are using to ensure the assessments are at the appropriate level. Key Responsibilities: - Create 1 assessment for each grade - Follow provided guidelines in terms of format, fonts, sizes, etc. - Produce 3-5 sample questions for review and approval before proceeding Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in both Word and Publisher - Prior experience in creating educational assessments - Strong understanding of math topics appropriate for Grades 5-9 - Excellent attention to detail and ability to follow specific instructions Please note, the types of questions will include a mix of multiple choice, s...
convert these two shapes outline to a dxf file. Simple geometry for $60 USD total + $10 for 48 hour delivery.
I need someone who can bring my website look and feel up to date, and make it look more high-end and professional. my website is Here are a few good sample sites of the look and feel of what I want
I'm seeking a skilled illustrator to convert a pencil drawing into a vector (.svg, .ai) format. The vectorization needs to cater specifically for print. Key Requirements: - Expert in vectorization with a focus on detailed shading - Ability to faithfully replicate intricate pencil details in a vector format - Proficient in delivering high-quality .sv...faithfully replicate intricate pencil details in a vector format - Proficient in delivering high-quality .svg and .ai files The finished product should be a black and white vector illustration, as I am looking for a monochrome design. Please provide examples of similar work you've done in your bid. The end result will be laser printed on anodized aluminum in the size of (full figure) 3cm by 8cm. The sample is approx. 1/3 of...
Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide r...loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) DON YOM- MAHAWITAYALAI MAHA SARAKHAM ROAD THA 44150 KANTHARAWICHAI THAILAND • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be released the following week after the site visit to give us time to organize the report and contact ...
I'm looking for a designer to revamp the packaging for our new product - a set of 3 dice, which comes with a free bag and a leaflet. The packaging should communicate that this is a larger, upgraded version of our product. Key design elements include: - **Colour Changes**: The current packaging is orange, but we want to switch to a more striking black ...colour should be black. - **Writings and Text Details**: You'll need to update the text to reflect the product's features and our brand messaging. The style should be bold and modern to match our target demographic. The ideal candidate for this project should have experience in product packaging design, particularly in creating appealing, bold designs that stand out on the shelf. Please send a sample of your work ...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can create a seamless 10-second loop GIF for me. The animation will involve a smooth fade of an image along with some text. The ideal candidate sho...deadlines - Previous experience working on similar projects is a plus. Please provide examples of your previous work with GIFs and animations. I have attached an existing one about the BBB. I have attached my logo (with the red circle). I want a new Gif with my circle logo doing what the BBB logo does in the sample and the words in the new Gif should say: GET THE BEST INSURANCE PLAN. GIVE A CALL TO AGENT DAN. The words should be animated similarly to the words in the sample. The sample BBB GIF is able to be texted to someone and it plays and repeats continuously. I want my ne...
As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable...activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Mandawe Afghan Market • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be released the following week after the site visit to give us time to organize the report and contact you ...
I'm seeking an experienced video editor for my YouTube channel. The ideal candidate will transform raw footage into clear, engaging videos suited for the platform. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw footage into engaging software tutorials - Incorporate on-screen text tutorials and B-rolls - Enhance the video with graphics, captions, and sound effe...) - Previous experience editing tutorials or software demonstration videos - Strong understanding of YouTube’s audience and content strategies - Capacity to deliver high-quality work within tight deadlines - Motion graphics or sound design experience is a PLUS. Additional Requirements: -MUST be available to join Zoom for interviews -able to work during US work hours is a MUST Please submit a sample of your previous work...
Project Overview I want an Android app for showcasing multiple business vendors in the Kashmir region who sell dry fruits. Buyers will be able to: 1. View different brands and their catalogs. 2. Place sample orders. 3. Make payments through a secure payment gateway. 4. Chat with vendors for inquiries. --- Key Features 1. Vendor Listings List of all registered vendors (brands) with their details (e.g., name, location, ratings). 2. Product Catalog Display of vendor-specific products with descriptions, prices, and images. 3. Sample Order System Option for buyers to request product samples directly from specific vendors. 4. Secure Payment Gateway Integration of payment methods like UPI, credit/debit cards, or net banking. 5. Chat Support Buyer-to-ve...
We need a logo for our Kids toy store brand "MGY Kids" which is the baby and kids toys brand, we are going to launch in ECommerce store. I have attached the logo sample for your reference. Need source file with all the fonts and elements. Please dm me for any queries on the requirement.
...the last paragraph to apply. (Sample Request) I am looking for talented professionals to create After Effects videos targeting the adult entertainment niche, specifically focusing on female domination and BDSM themes. Work Details: Use my private collection of AI-generated images and real photos to produce short videos. Develop engaging storylines, as no specific narrative will be provided. Videos will be 1 minute and 30 seconds in length - 15$ per 90 seconds each video. Payment will be made per completed video. Ideal Candidate: Has a portfolio demonstrating experience with similar content. Proficient in After Effects with a strong understanding of video editing, AI integration, and VFX. Comfortable working with explicit adult themes and the BDSM niche. Sample Reques...
**"Set Cookies from JSON File and Refresh Webpage Content Dynamically"** --- ### **Project Overview** The objective of this project is to create a script or program that loads a set of cookies from a JSON file, applies them to a specified website, and refreshes the webpage to reflect the updated cookies. This tool will allow users to simulate custom sessions or user states for testing, automation, or development purposes. --- ### **Project Requirements** 1. **Load Cookies from JSON** - The JSON file should contain an array of cookies with standard properties (e.g., `name`, `value`, `domain`, `path`, `expiry`, etc.). - Validate the structure of the JSON file before processing. 2. **Set Cookies for the Target Website** - Programm...