Professional website design costprojekty
I would like to commission the rewriting of the Conotoxia Pay payment plugin integrated with our WooCoomerce store. Unfortunately, a major drawback of this plugin is the functionality of making payments by transferring the payment window outside of the store (in this case to We want the plugin to be integrated so that the customer can choose to pay with a Visa, Mastercard, Vipps, or Trustly card (operators chosen by us in the plugin), and then be guided through the payment only on our online store. provides documentation that can be used to perform the integration: (). Please provide an approximate cost for the project and an estimated time of completion. We have a testing environment to check the plugin's functionality.
Platform with some basic functionalities for remote learning, consisting of 7 independent modules communicating via API. The solution is not complete (it has not been developed for a few years) and it is required to upgrade PHP from version 5.5 to 7.4 and Symfony framework from 2.3/2.4 to 5.2 before continuing future development.
VOD platform template * screen of available videos - minitures with description and categories * screen of bought videos * screen of video player * screen of video details (before opening) * screen of user profile (basic data - name, mail, password, etc) * popup window /dialogbox with some warning / info * screen of payment details - cost, period of access to video etc html + css + php template for popular templating engine: PREFERRED SMARTY if javascript - jQuery used I will NOT be a Wordpress template.
Poszukuję osób z doświadczeniem do poprowadzenia szkolenia z produktów MS Project (jak w temacie) w lipcu i sierpniu 2019. Więcej informacji w dalszej korespondencji.
Zlecimy zadanie wykreowania sprzedaży na nasz suplement diety w modelu CPS - możemy zaoferować atrakcyjną prowizję (cena produktu ponad 200zł/szt.).
Największa sieć affiliacyjna Admitad szuka wydawców, web masterów, (dział reklamy w internecie), blogerów. Płacimy po modelu CPA (Cost per Action). Mamy więc od 1500 reklamodawców z całego świata z którymi będziecie mieć możliwość spółpracować. To może być jak i aktywnym tak i pasywnym zarobkiem.
Witam Szukam inwestora - ów, wspólnika-ów, udziałowca-ów z kapitałem 600 000 -800 000 zł celem uruchomienia zakładu produkcji trumien Posiadany jest rynek zbytu w UE, PL i Wschód Europy , na ilości 1000 i "+" szt w skali miesiąca zysk 80 - 100% kosztów produkcji. w pełnym toku produkcji 1000szt/m-ąc...kosztów produkcji. w pełnym toku produkcji 1000szt/m-ąc w pełnym toku produkcji 1000szt/m-ąc zysk w skali roku około 2 900 000 zł Hello Seeking investor - s, partner-s, s-shareholder with a capital of 200 000 - 400 000 eu goal of starting production plant coffins Possessed is a market in the EU, UK and East Europe, at the level of 1000 and the "+" pieces per month gain 80 - 100% of the cost of production. ...
...widziana integracja SMS Premium) 3 Instalacja gotowego modułu Skype. 4 Osadzenie filmiku YT lub innego Vimeo , wraz z przykładowym otagowaniem go zgodnie ze , kategoria film, produkt, edukacja, autor. Demo projektu Możliwe dodatkowe extra zlecenie tej samej osobie po wykonaniu tych 4 powyższych to: 1 Zaprogramowanie/instalacja pluginu/modułu serwerowej aplikacji typu Cost Per Action, wraz z możliwością pobrania kodu do wklejenia formularza/reklamy etc. z której to serwer generuje sprzedaż nalicza profit dla właściciela domeny na , którą wkleił kod tego formularza/reklamy. (Czyli typowy program afilacyjny ale bez "pośredników", gdzie właściciel domeny sam pobiera kod formularza i ma profit z pierwszej ręki.) Proszę uwzględnić, że jest t...
Zlecę wypozycjonowanie strony w wyszukiwarce słowa kluczowe: Energy price comparison Swiching energy providers Cut cost of energy Gas & electricity company in uk How to reduce gas and electricty bill Lower energy bills proszę o konkretne i szczegółowe oferty
...line voltage down to the 4V level that would be required in a single emitter that's equivalent in size and lumen output to the array. In the simplest case where a rectifier diode drives an LED, the system efficiency goes from 87.5% with a single emitter to 98% with the HV array. Cree says that in actual products the driver efficiency advantage may reach 20% while also enabling smaller, lower-cost drivers that run 10% cooler . Driver efficiency "Maximizing the LED voltage, as Cree has done in the new high-voltage XM-L and XT-E LEDs, is a very effective way to minimize current through the LED driver output rectifier," said Peter Vaughan, director of applications engineering at driver-IC manufacturer Power Integrations, Inc. "This can reduce losses a...
Poszukuje osoby, ktora posiada plik do platnosci rbsworldpay, ktory odpowiada za przekazanie informacji do sklepu o statusie zaplaty ...+Kingdom&displayAddress=new+format+address1%0Anew+format+address2%0Anew+format+address3%0Anew+format+town%0Anew+format+region&transTime=1313762603546&name=AUTHORISED&testMode=0&ipAddress=
Witam, CPAlead jest największą firmą w US działającą na rynku CPA (cost-per-action) Zasada działania jest bardzo prosta - na naszej stronie umieszczamy "widget" (okienko które wyskakuje na stronie i blokuje dostęp do jej treści użytkownikowi) Użytkownik musi skompletować ofertę (ankiety, triale itp) aby odblokować treść srony. Do stworzenia cały system od rejestracji poprzez statystyki po widget.
...linkiem do zmiany). 6. Partner otrzymuje email z potwierdzeniem rejestracji poprzez klikniecie linku. 7. Po zalogowaniu partner w panelu ma mozliwosc edycji swoich danych, skopiowania kodow i zobaczenia statystyk. PANEL ADMINA 1. Lista uzytkownikow z mozliwoscia uporzadkowania. 2. Lista banerow/linkow wraz z mozliwoscia dodawania,usuwania. 3. Mozliwosc edycji wartosci wynagrodzen dla CPC (cost per click) ze skutkiem tylko dla przyszlych klikniec. W przyszlosci mozliwosc dodania rowniez CPL i CPR. 4. Mozliwosc wyrozniania niektorych partnerow - 3 poziomy w zaleznosci od ilosci zebranych klikniec (jeszcze do ustalenia dokladne wartosci). System ma automatycznie zmieniac status i powiadomic o tym mailowo/i przy logowaniu podczas zmiany statusu na wyzszy. Wyzszy status m...
...wykonanie portalu spolecznosciowego - warunkiem jest znajomosc jezyka angielskiego gdyz specyfikacja jest w tymze jezyku. Specyfikacja ponizej . Website Requirements 1. It is important for the new website to be stylish, effective, easy to use and accessible. The website will need to hold the user’s attention, provide the relevant information, and be able to grow with ESW’s future requirements. 2. ESW must have full access to create and update all pages of the website, with the ability to modify the website architecture in the future at no extra cost 3. The website should be accessible to search engine spiders, and be coded with good on-page search engine optimi...
Witam, zlece zrobienie zadania w języku angielskim z przedmiotu Project Management and Implementation na podstawie gotowego case study, w którym trzeba bedzie: - Develop a business case (około 5-6 stron) - Produce network diagrams and Gantt charts (Microsoft Project) - Estimate project time and costs - Review cost estimation techniques - Design risk analysis form and conduct risk analysis - Design and complete scope change request change form. Do opracowania jest 9 zadań, które przesyłam zainteresowanym na adres mailowy. W skład zadań wchodzi używanie programu Microsoft Project, w którym trzeba wykonać wykresy diagramy itp. Wszystko musi być napisane w języku angielskim, nie moze być sciagniete z angielskich stron, ale moze być sparafraz...
Pilnie poszukuje osoby ze znajomością wyżej wymienionego programu. Do wykonania będzie drewniany pomost. Wszystkie szczegóły udzielam pod mailem: @ lub Skype:
Zlecę wykonanie prostych prac edycyjnych w Adobe Flash CS5 Professional. Jedyne co jest wymagane to biegła obsługa tego środowiska. Doświadczenie designerskie, webmasterskie mile widziane. Proszę licytować cenę za godzinę.
...tylko informacja ze np. takie reklamy był wyświetlane jako reklam sieciowa, bezpłatna lub wogle bez informacji żadnej. PONIŻEJ OPISUJE FUNKCJE JAKIE BĘDĄ PRZY WYŚWIETLANIU REKLAM. CPM (Cost Per Mille) - koszt za tysiąc, w tym modelu podstawą rozliczenia jest 1000 odsłon danej formy reklamowej mogę ustalać oczywiście dowolna wartość nie tylko 1000. CPU (Cost Per User) - koszt na użytkownika, ten model określa zrealizowanie konkretnej liczby skierowań unikalnych użytkowników poprzez kliknięć w kreację reklamową, która zaprzestanie być wyświetlana w chwili osiągnięcia zamierzonych skierowań. CPD (Cost Per Day) lub FF (Flat Fee) - koszt na dzień, opłata za z góry określony czas emisji reklamy. ATT (All The Time) - wykorzystując ten model r...
...AdSense, Adkontekst) Wyświetlania banerów w kilku miejscach na stronie dzięki strefom Programowalny start kampanii Model emisyjny zakłada w jaki sposób będzie następowało rozliczenie za emisję reklamy. CPM (Cost Per Mille) - koszt za tysiąc, w tym modelu podstawą rozliczenia jest 1000 odsłon danej formy reklamowej. CPU (Cost Per User) - koszt na użytkownika, ten model określa zrealizowanie konkretnej liczby skierowań unikalnych użytkowników poprzez kliknięć w kreację reklamową, która zaprzestanie być wyświetlana w chwili osiągnięcia zamierzonych skierowań. CPD (Cost Per Day) lub FF (Flat Fee) - koszt na dzień, opłata za z góry określony czas emisji reklamy. ATT (All The Time) - wykorzystując ten model reklama będzie ...
...fikcyjnych danych. Baner umieszczony na zewnetrzej stronie, wykupiony z budżetu kampani oczywiscie mojej fikcyjnej kampani , miesieczna oplata za umieszczenia banera na innej stronie, wpisanie ilości klikniec w baner, ile osob kliknęło na ten baner który będzie przenosil na strone internetowa kampani i inne. Na podsawie wpisanych danych system będzie obliczal takie wskaźniki marketingowe jak np.:cost per click obliczany budżet będzie, koszty za baner itp….. to wszystko musi być oparte na algorytmach i polaczone z baza danych która posiadam a oprocz tego także musi być to napisane w opisie który także posiadam ale trzeba będzie w nim umiescic to co wlasnie zostalo napisane innymi slowy go przerobic powiększyć go o to co zostalo wykonane szczeg&oacu...
zlece wykonanie "programiku" do konwersji plikow tekstowych do konkretnego szablonu .csv np. plik tekstowy w ktorym sa dane (kolumny) name TITLE DESCRIPTION PRICE URL IMAGE BRAND ITEM GENDER RETAIL (txt) na .csv (kolumny)ProductNo, Product, SKU, Oem, Supplier, ProductType, Price, PriceRetail, Cost, Taxable, Surcharge, SurchargeTitle, Shipping, ShippingExemptInd, SaleExclude, Quantity, Unit, Threshold, Weight, Length, Height, Width, ContainerCode, Brief, Description, Subscription, Thumbnail, Photo, Template,
...Statystyki reklamy dla reklamodwacy wydawcy oraz admin ( najlepiej żeby miału dużo już opcji na początek np. Zliczanie kliknięć odsłon itp. ) - Reklama kontekstowa - wyświetlanie pionowa i poziomo ustalanie kolorów czcionki i ramek - reklamy rozliczane według modelu CPM lub CPC Co to jest CPM? PM - Cost Per Mile - jest to opłata za 1000 wyświetleń danej formy reklamy. Jest to model najbardziej rozpowszechniony, pozwala z góry ustalić za co dokładnie płaci reklamodawca. Co to jest CPC? CPC - Cost Per Click - to cena jaką płacisz za pojedyncze kliknięcie w reklamę. Ten model cenowy jest przewidziany dla wszystkich form reklamowych dostępnych w skrypcię Oferuje także możliwość stałej współpracy. Szukam do tego osoby nie firmy która z...
...Statystyki reklamy dla reklamodwacy wydawcy oraz admin ( najlepiej żeby miału dużo już opcji na początek np. Zliczanie kliknięć odsłon itp. ) - Reklama kontekstowa - wyświetlanie pionowa i poziomo ustalanie kolorów czcionki i ramek - reklamy rozliczane według modelu CPM lub CPC Co to jest CPM? PM - Cost Per Mile - jest to opłata za 1000 wyświetleń danej formy reklamy. Jest to model najbardziej rozpowszechniony, pozwala z góry ustalić za co dokładnie płaci reklamodawca. Co to jest CPC? CPC - Cost Per Click - to cena jaką płacisz za pojedyncze kliknięcie w reklamę. Ten model cenowy jest przewidziany dla wszystkich form reklamowych dostępnych w skrypcię Oferuje także możliwość stałej współpracy. Szukam do tego osoby nie firmy któr...
E-commerce Print House Website This project is split in 2 Phases. ----------------------------------------- !! Please only bid for Phase ONE (1) !! – Please give detailed suggestions of which methods you will use to complete. Phase 1: Making a Website with an E-commerce Solution Order Module Online Payment with VISA/Master Card and Pay pal,. We will provide the layout and logos. The website must be fit in our design. The visitors should be able to: -Select Print Products -Finish -Additional Services -Upload file (Print File, Must work to send at later stage to) -Enter address and amount etc to later be able to see full cost including transport (calculated on weight of each product from database), postage fees, VAT etc. -Re... - zależy mi na czasie, tak więc proszę nie czekać na zakończenie aukcji ze swoją ofertą. Szczegóły poniżej: WEBSITE SPECS FOR NETKITCHENS SUMMARY 1. Australian company supplying kitchen cabinets and benchtops (both separately and as complete kitchens) to trade and retail customers throughout Australia 2. Full CMS site with integrated e-commerce shop 3. Unique shop functions – multivel membership, various discounts per level/individual, subproducts, attributes, swap image function for colour attribute, search per price bracket, multiple image per product (see Special Shop Functions below). 4. Possible integration with Virtual Kitchen software. DESIGN Main kitchen image dominating the Home page, possibly rotating in flash. Underneath featur...
Projekt dla australijskiej firmy webmasterskiej - możliwość stałej współpracy. Szczegóły poniżej WEBSITE SPECS FOR LAMINEX NETKITCHENS SUMMARY 1. Australian company supplying kitchen cabinets and benchtops (both separately and as complete kitchens) to trade and retail customers throughout Australia 2. Full CMS site with integrated e-commerce shop 3. Unique shop functions – multivel membership, various discounts per level/individual, subproducts, attributes, swap image function for colour attribute, search per price bracket, multiple image per product (see Special Shop Functions below). 4. Possible integration with Virtual Kitchen software. DESIGN Main kitchen image dominating the Home page, possibly rotating in flash. Underneath featured ...
I'm looking for a dedicated sales repersentative to help market and sell commercial swimming pool switch boards. This project is strictly commission-based, offering 5% of the total project price per sale. (average cost per switchboard = $10000) The company name is Aquaflow Controls Target Audience: - The primary target for these switchboards are commercial pool builders and commercial pool equipment suppliers throughout all of Australia Sales Approach: - The focus will be on digital marketing, though not in the traditional sense. - Primary methods will be phone calls and emails using the provided documentation in support. - The key is to get the clients interest to forward information to be quoted Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in sales, preferably within the commerci...
I'm looking for a talented coder with expertise in sports APIs and open-source platforms to develop a cost-effective live scores app for me. - App Functionality: The app should track and display live scores from baseball games. - Platforms: The app should be compatible with iOS, Android, and Web. Ideal candidates should have experience in developing sports-related applications and a deep understanding of integrating and utilizing sports APIs. I value cost-effectiveness, so knowledge of open-source platforms is a plus. Prior experience with baseball data will be a significant advantage.
I'm l...looking for a talented individual based in Mumbai or Bengaluru with a background in plastics to help me create a prototype for a plastic machine. The design is already complete, and the prototype will be for a household cleaning appliance. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize the provided design to create the prototype. - Source and use as many regular, readily available parts as possible to avoid the cost of dye manufacturing. - Understand and work with the specifications and requirements of a cleaning appliance. The goal is to produce around 300 units, so the ideal candidate should have experience in prototyping for production. Skills in sourcing cost-effective materials and parts are a plus. Prior experience in creating prototypes for household app...
I need an estimate for painting both the interior and exterior of an industrial building. The total area to be painted is about 10,000 sq ft and it involves mixed surfaces such as metal and concrete. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Previous experience in industrial painting - Familiarity with painting different types of surfaces - Ability to provide cost-effective estimates - Knowledge of safety protocols in industrial settings
...the website for Vibranium, a leading company specializing in website UI/UX design. The ideal candidate will be responsible for enhancing the user experience, creating visually engaging layouts, and improving the overall interface design. The project will focus on delivering a sleek, modern, and intuitive design for our business portfolio website, ensuring it is responsive and optimized for both desktop and mobile users. Key Requirements: -Proven experience in UI/UX design, with a strong portfolio -Proficiency in design tools (Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, etc.) -Knowledge of web development technologies (HTML, CSS) -Understanding of SEO-friendly design practices -Ability to incorporate user feedback and collaborate effectively ...
...I'm in need of a skilled web designer who can create a professional and corporate-style Wix website. The design will need to be flexible for future page additions. Key Pages: The website should initially include: - Home - About Us - Contact - Services - Blog - Testimonials - Portfolio - FAQs - Careers - Request a Quote SEO: An integral part of this project is SEO. I want this site to become a top contender for "hot shot hauling", "hot shot trucking company", etc. Logo Design: Depending on pricing, we might need a refresh of our current logo, so experience in logo design would be appreciated. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Wix - Website design - SEO expertise - Logo design experience (a plus) - ...
I need a double sided A6 leaflet logo in various formats, but need someone to arrange it and add graphics to make it look sleek and professional Key Requirements: - Arrange textual content on the leaflet - Integrate my logo and branding elements - Add appropriate graphics and photographs Ideal Designer: - Has a modern and clean design approach - Prior experience in corporate and professional leaflet design - Able to source and incorporate appropriate generic photographs from the internet You will have the freedom to select colors and design elements, as I am open to your creative suggestions. The goal is to create a leaflet that communicates our insurance claim process clearly, while maintaining a sleek and professional appearance. Pleas...
I'm looking for a company that specializes in creating User-Generated Content (UGC) videos, specifically customer testimonials. The testimonials will be shared primarily on our social media platforms, and should be delivered in a professional and polished style. Key Requirements: - Experience in video production and editing - Ability to capture and convey customer sentiments in a polished manner - Understanding of social media content requirements and trends Ideal Skills: - Video editing software proficiency - Excellent storytelling ability - Strong understanding of social media platforms
...experienced affiliate marketing professional to help me run successful paid ad campaigns and generate income through affiliate offers Project Requirements: Campaign Setup: Create and manage high-converting paid ad campaigns across platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, or TikTok Ads. Use native ad platforms like Taboola, Outbrain, or PropellerAds if necessary. Offer Optimization: Select the best-performing affiliate offers from (or other networks). Optimize campaigns to maximize ROI and earnings. Landing Page Design: Create or suggest high-converting landing pages for the campaigns. Ensure landing pages are mobile-friendly and comply with ad platform policies. Ad Copy and Creatives: Write compelling ad copy tailored to the selected offers. Desig...
I'm seeking a meticulous freelancer for a data entry task. The job entails transferring data from a 300-page PDF file into an Excel spreadsheet. The data needs to be organized into clear columns such as First Name, Last Name, Address, City, ZIP Code, and Other relevant details. Requirements: - Exceptional accuracy and attention to detail. - Experience in data organiza...clear columns such as First Name, Last Name, Address, City, ZIP Code, and Other relevant details. Requirements: - Exceptional accuracy and attention to detail. - Experience in data organization in a clean and structured format. - Timely delivery of the completed file. The data in the PDF file is text only and has a consistent layout. If you're interested, please provide your estimated time and cost for t...
I need a professional graphic designer to update my current logo. The goal is to give it a cleaner, more professional appearance while retaining the existing logo shape/design. - Key Requirements: - A strong portfolio of logo design - Ability to create minimalist and modern designs - Experience with web-focused design The updated logo will primarily be used on my website, so it needs to be optimized for web use.
I am looking for a skilled WordPress developer to optimize my website, ****, and enhance its performance, user engagement, and mobile usability. The website is built on WordPress and primarily uses the **Divi Theme** and the **Fancy Product Designer (FPD)** plugin for custom product designs. A new website design is also required to meet the mentioned requirements. Key Requirements: 1. **Performance Optimization:** - Improve site loading speed using caching, image optimization, minification, and database cleanup. - Implement GZIP compression and assess plugins for performance impact. 2. **User Engagement and Conversion:** - Redesign navigation for intuitive user flow. - Add clear call-to-actions (CTAs) and social proof elements like cu...
I'm looking for a skilled photo editor with expertise in retouching and enhancements to work on more than 15 photos. Enhancement specifics include: - Skin smoothing and ble...retouching and enhancements to work on more than 15 photos. Enhancement specifics include: - Skin smoothing and blemish removal - Face edits - Teeth whitening - Background fixing - Enhancing The photos are mainly family holding my baby, parents with baby. My goal is to make these photos look professional and printable memories to hang in her room and/or around the house Ideal candidates should have: - Proficiency in photo editing software (Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.) - Experience in professional photo retouching - An eye for detail and quality The goal is to have perfectly polished pho...
...Model: - Detail your pricing structure for generating leads, including: - Cost per lead estimates based on location or targeting complexity. - Volume discounts or incentives for larger lead orders. - Transparency in your fee breakdown (e.g., ad spend vs. service fees). 5. Onboarding New Clients: - Outline the onboarding process for new solar clients, including: - How campaigns will be set up and optimised for specific client needs. - Timeline for delivering the first leads after onboarding. 6. Tracking and Reporting: - Explain how you will track, monitor, and report on campaign performance. - Tools and dashboards used to share insights and progress with our team and clients. - KPIs to measure success (e.g., cost per lead, conversion rates). 7. Adaptability: - Desc...
Project: Custom Multi-Tier Affiliate System for WordPress We are looking for an experienced WordPress developer to customize and implement a multi-tier affiliate commission system for a unique business model. The system will use Ultimate Affiliate Pro or a similar plugin as a foundation and will require custom logic for commission distribution and affiliate activi...practices. Project Timeline: The project is expected to take approximately 4–6 weeks, including testing and final adjustments. How to Apply: Share examples of past WordPress projects, especially those involving custom affiliate systems or WooCommerce integrations. Confirm your willingness to sign an NDA before receiving detailed project specifications. Include a proposed timeline and estimated cost based on the ...
I'm in search of a designer who can create a modern, minimalist logo for my brand, utilizing the images I will provide. The logo should convey professionalism, and incorporate the color scheme of purple, black, and white. the logo of the United States is what I would like but the state of florid...United States is what I would like but the state of florida in purple and the TN logo ill provide I would like in the middle of the United States between the baseball seams. the purple paint on the image is a stain. I only want the state of Florida in purple Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in modern, minimalist design - Strong understanding of conveying brand messages through design - Experience with color theory and application in logo design - Ability to ...
I'm looking for an expert in managing Amazon Sponsored Products with a focus on reducing my Advertising Cost Of Sales (ACOS). Key Requirements: - Proficient in Amazon Advertising - Proven track record of reducing ACOS - Familiarity with Sponsored Products I have not yet tried any specific strategies to reduce my ACOS, so your expertise in this area will be crucial. Please share your previous experiences and successful strategies in your bid.
looking for a skilled freelancer to create a dynamic website with the following pages: 1. Home Page: A visually appealing and responsive landing page that dynamically displays content. 2. Contact Us Page: A functional and dynamic contact form where user inputs are saved to a database and can be accessed via an admin panel. 3. Blog Page: A blog section where I can add, edit, and delete posts dynamically using an admin panel. The blog should support categories, tags, and a search function. Key Features Required: • Fully responsive design (desktop, tablet, and mobile). • Admin panel/dashboard for managing content (blog posts, contact form submissions, etc.). • Backend development with database integration (MySQL or similar). • Framework/Platform: [Spe...
I'm looking for a seasoned professional with experience in installing Padel courts to help install a court in a sports complex. The court is primarily aimed for recreational use, so it should meet the required safety and quality standards. The court should be installed with an artificial grass surface. The ideal candidate would have: - Prior experience in installing Padel courts. - Expertise in working with artificial grass surfaces. - Knowledge of safety and quality standards for recreational sports installations. - Ability to complete the project in a timely manner. We are looking for an experienced Spanish professional to assist with installing Padel courts. What we offer: ✅ Airfare to Tunisia ✅ Fully covered housing, transportation, and meals ✅ Competitive compe...
Seeking a Professional Development Team for a Custom Website and Mobile Application We are looking to build a long-term partnership with a dependable and skilled development team. This is NOT a job for out-of-the-box solutions or one-off developers. If you plan to use pre-built templates or do not intend to provide long-term support, please do not apply! If you have relevant experience building custom web and mobile applications, and can provide examples of your work in your bid, related to recruitment and job-matching industry, keep reading. High-Level Job Overview We are a startup in the professional recruitment and job-matching industry. Our goal is to develop a custom website and mobile application (iOS and Android) that connects job seekers and employers...
User Generated Content(UGC) is what we are looking for the perfume. I want someone to create video for the perfume. I'll send them free off cost. and you can keep the perfume for ever. We simply want to give giveaway perfume for UGC video.
...promote the Sail GP 2025 event hosted in Sydney, Australia. The goal is to boost ticket sales through strategic ad campaigns across multiple platforms. Event Details: Event Date: 8th February 2025 Location: Sydney, Australia Website technology: Squarespace Objectives 1. Ad Copy & Creatives Platforms: Google Search Ads Facebook & Instagram Ads (posts, stories, reels) Tasks: Write compelling, conversion-focused ad copies. Create visually engaging ad creatives using provided raw images/media. 2. Ad Campaign Management Goals: Maximize CTR (Click-Through Rate). Minimize CPA (Cost Per Acquisition). Boost ROAS (Return on Ad Spend). Drive increased ticket sales (170-190 tickets available). Activities: Launch and optimize ad campaigns. Use location-based targeting and e...
Project Description: I am seeking a talented and experienced mobile app developer...frameworks like Flutter/React Native). Experience in API integration and handling JSON/XML data. Familiarity with Figma or similar design tools. Deliverables: Fully functional and tested Android and iOS applications. Source code with proper documentation. Additional Notes: This project is straightforward and does not involve complex functionality. Further details about the project and specific requirements will be shared with the selected freelancer. Next Steps: Please share your estimated time and cost for the project along with your relevant experience and examples of similar work you have completed. I look forward to collaborating with a skilled professional to bring this project to...
I'm looking for an experienced web designer to improve the design and layout of my landing page. The URL is Key Requirements: - Focus on creating a professional and corporate design style. - Strategically emphasize customer testimonials and reviews within the design. - Enhance the overall aesthetic to boost conversion rates. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in web design, particularly for landing pages. - Strong understanding of design principles and user experience. - Ability to incorporate and highlight specific content within design.