Preset appointmentsprojekty
Zlecę przygotowanie presetu do Lightning Room na telefonie. który będzie taki jak ten z załączników. jak na profilu
Szukam telemarketera, ktory jest pewny siebie i umie rozmawaic z ludzmi, oraz czuje sie komfortowo w argumentowaniu "objections". Osobiscie przeprowadze trening i dostarcze skrypt, natomiast rzecz polega na tym aby nie rozmawiac z klientem jak robot tylko traktowac krypt jako przyklad rozmowy. Wymagany b. dobry angielski orar poniewaz nasi klienci to mieszanka Polakow oraz Brytyjczykow.
Trzeba utworzyć stronę www, na której będą miniaturki ujęć różnych presetów kamer PTZ IP zamontowanych w kościele. Po kliknięciu w miniaturkę kamera powinna dostać rozkaz "jazdy" na zapisany już w jej pamięci wybrany preset, czyli pozycję PTZ (pan/tilt/zoom). Dysponujemy gotowym , prawidłowo działającym rozwiązaniem (rozszerzeniem do Chrome) - ze skryptami Javscript, jako wzorem działającej aplikacji. Wybieranie presetów jest tam jednak zbyt niewygodne dla księży (pole wyboru, zmiana presetu wymaga kilku kliknięć, nie można zmienic nazw presetów, trudno zapamiętać, co który oznacza). Łącznie są tam 4 kamery PTZ i każda ma 12 presetów. Oprócz tego trzeba dołożyć sterowanie w 4 kierunkach i zoom (też we wzorze jest...
Zlece wdrożenie WordPress-a z gotowego szblonu ;pr_code=m45MwZ87tnlDMJSO6XRp7KNNJTYAYz i zainstalowanie go na moim serwerze
Witam, Ma to być szablon o tematyce GSM oraz akcesoria GSM barwy kontrastowe, nowoczesne prefesjonalne:) moze byc dokladnie takie jak to: ;pr_code=BUBw1YwRq111t6e44XLtRDjdr30y8A
Zlecenę podpięcię szablonu flash (link poniżej), pod nasz autorski cms. Dane do wyświetlenia dostarczane w postaci xml'a (struktura do ustalenia). ;pr_code=ob7OCN595CUW35q6CVFDB5usGrLIwt Proszę o konkretne oferty wraz z czasem realizacji i możliwością wystawienia FVAT, rachunku
Zlecę postawienie strony z użyciem poniższego szablonu. ;pr_code=m45MwZ87tnlDMJSO6XRp7KNNJTYAYz Szablon jest wykonany pod flash ale rozważam także możliwość postawienia na innym systemie. Konieczna możliwość wystawienia fatury. Zainteresowanych proszę o kontakt.
Zlecę wykonanie intro strony www w technologii flash. Całość ma przypominać taką templatkę ;pr_code=OafU8Ylepa4nOgN43On9NszHCoMppe. Motywem głównym mają być trójkąty, jako element logo. Część główna logotypu wygląda tak i w tej kolorystyce i konwencji ma być utrzymane intro. Może być zachowana ruchoma kostka z tła, wolałabym żeby bloki miały kształt przypominający kopnięty kwadrat z loga i kolory szaro-czerwone. Takie dwa trójkąty pół na pół kolorami podzielone. Dobrze byłoby żeby ruszały się w taki sam sposób jednakże nie chcę żeby w jednym momencie całość była cała czerwona albo cała szara. Ma się zmieniać. Może być zachowane menu przednie, pod warunkiem że będzie bardziej
Zlecę wykonanie strony www z elementami flash. Strona główna w rodzaju: ;pr_code=z6kE3jSbnYztA9KlWlwRj8Cb702DWV około 8 podstron w tym drobna galeria foto. Cały materiał w oparciu na którym miały by być zbudowane elementy flash są przygotowane. Oferty z proponowaną ceną za cały projekt proszę na adres @
Witam, zakupiłem szablon z templatemonster ;pr_code=m45MwZ87tnlDMJSO6XRp7KNNJTYAYz do zrobienia jest drobna usługa - przerobienie menu na - podam treści, - zmiana napisu 'from project to realisation' na wskazany - inne linki - dorzucenie istniejącego loga - ew. lepsza kompresja (aktualnie zajmuje 1.8 MB) Proszę o koszt takiej usługi, sprawa wydaje się być prostą i chyba nie czasochłonną. coxcoxcox@
Witam zlęcę modyfikację szablonu strony ( strona flash) Strona przedstawiać będzie sporą ilość zdjęć (Portfolio). Proszę określić koszty, czas realizacji, proszę o portfolio , początkującym dziękuje... link do szablonu ;pr_code=m45MwZ87tnlDMJSO6XRp7KNNJTYAYz trzeba dołożyć kilka podkategorii do kategorii każda podkategoria będzie oddzielną galerią. Liczę na szybką realizację i poważne podejście
Poszukujemy osobę lub firmę do wykonania strony internetowej w technologii flash. Strona miałaby wyglądąć jak połączenie dwóch szablonów (;pr_code=D06QyLD6ztl5X8c458l4tdKSM2951Z oraz ;pr_code=D06QyLD6ztl5X8c458l4tdKSM2951Z ). Proszę o oferty samodzielnego wykonania strony lub oferty przerobienia tych dwóch szablonów na potrzeby naszej firmy (po uprzednim wykupieniu przez nas tych dwóch wyżej wspomnianych szablonów). Pytania o szczegóły proszę pisać na adres Przyjmujemy oferty od osób/firm wystawiających FV lub na umowę o dzieło.
Poszukujemy wykonawcy prostej strony z szablonu. adres szablonu: ;pr_code=Norsz5ET4K9E1F0qmvaj914VVq7ihg nie trzeba robić cms. dostarczymy wszystke texty po angielsku. pisz na amber1st{&}
Poszukuje profesjonalisty ktory wykona mi okreslony serwis randkowy (wiecej szczegolow nie moge podac gdyz pomysl jest dosc innowacyjny). Chciałbym aby byl to pieknie wykonany serwis w stylu: ;pr_code=io2N391sG9m29R5ZuIPSnDo8GTi036 lub ;pr_code=io2N391sG9m29R5ZuIPSnDo8GTi036 Chcialbym miec pozniej mozliwosc uaktulanienia tej strony, zmian oraz FORUM jak zakładka. Jeszcze pytanie: czy trzeba wykonac jakas baze danych, ktora bedzie zawierala rejestrujacych sie uzytkownikow? Jesli TAK, rowniez jestem zainteresowany jej wykonaniem. Prosze podawac gg, kontakt, pozdrawiam
Opis zlecenia: Zlece wykonanie bazy hotelowej, ma posiadac identyczne funkcje jak na tym szablonie - ;pr_code=MkadVz5tDN5I0tuA3DI4wPOY9qey3A na stronie głonej chciałbym żeby byla mapka znalezionych hoteli taka jak tu- przez osobę prowadzącą hotel-możliwość rejestracji, logowania, dodania, zmieniania danych. płatności. itp Prosze o wycene i czas realizacji Prosze o podawanie portfolio z projektami
...powyższą stronę. Nowa szata graficzna + system CMS. Jaki byłby koszt takiej usługi u Was w przypadku: 1) stworzenia przez Was całej grafiki na stronę i wbudowanie w nią systemu CMS, 2) dostarczenia przeze mnie gotowego, zakupionego szablonu strony (plik. psd), przerobienia jej do moich potrzeb i wbudowanie w nią systemu CMS? Szablon strony byłby taki: ;pr_code=U8ObjT8LO7gM8HHAFeTPgCY1zwU5uq System CMS: (nie wiem tylko, która wersja). No chyba, że macie: 1) własne gotowe szablony, które można by przerobić (oprócz tych widniejących "na sprzedaż", 2) lepszy, tańszy, bardziej funkcjonalny system CMS niż z Nie ukrywam, że obawiam się nieco zlecenie stworzenia całkiem
Zlecimy wykonanie 3 stron internetowych: 1. Dla Firmy z branzy nowych mediow, zajmujacej sie produkcja filmowa. Strona pozwalajaca na dodawanie zdjec filmow i tekstow wraz z CMS do podmiany tresci oraz projektem graficznym opartym na gotowym szablonie - np. ;pr_code=D06QyLD6ztl5X8c458l4tdKSM2951Z 2. Dla wspolpracujacego z nasza firma Scenarzysty, Pisarza. Strona wraz z bloggiem pozwalajaca na dodawanie zdjec filmow i tekstow wraz z CMS do podmiany tresci oraz
Witam, Proste i pilne zlecenie kieruje do osób posiadających doświadczenie w projektowaniu grafiki we flashu. Zlecenie obejmuje dostosowanie do indywidulanych wymagań zakupionego szablonu strony we flashu: Zlecenie będzie obejmować przygotowanie loga, - podmiane tekstów na wszystkich podstronach - dodanie i podmiana zdjęć - dodanie tekstu na stronie głównej - dodanie do stopki dodatkowego tekstu oraz loga - wrzucenie i uruchomienie strony na moim serwerze (opcjonalnie) Zlecenie pilne. Dla wybranej osoby gwarantuje dodatkowe zlecenia. Proszę o licytacje osoby doświadczone, które mogą pochwalić się swoim portfolio. Oferty wyłącznie zawierające cenę oraz przybliżony czas realizacji
Zlecę wypełnienie podaną treścią templetu: W ramach zlecenia zakładam zakup wyżej wymienionego templetu lub wykonanie go samemu. Proszę o podanie ceny i terminu realizacji oraz telefonu kontaktowego.
...projektu do wymagań XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN. 2. Zmiana nazw pozycji menu. 3. Zaprogramowanie podmenu i podstron. 4. Dodanie do animacji flasha tekstów i zdjęć, które dostarczę.. 5. Przystosowanie formularza email. 6. Dostarczyć nam wszystkie źródła po wykonaniu pracy. 7. Zmiana kolorystyki elementów flasha. Projekt, który chcę zlecić znajduje się pod linkiem: Dokładny opis projektu prześlę na email. Poniżej dla przykładu załączam linki do kilku dotychczasowych prac: www
I'm seeking a seasoned professional in cold calling and appointment setting for my website design agency. The primary focus of this campaign is to secure meetings with potential clients, specifically targeting small businesses. Your role will involve: - Cold calling small businesses to pitch our website design services - Setting up appointments for further discussions - Potentially gathering useful information about the businesses, such as their current website status and budget range, before the appointment Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in cold calling and appointment setting - Excellent communication and persuasion skills - Understanding of website design services would be an advantage - Experience working with small businesses - Ability to gather and re...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a website for my fishing guide hire business. This platform's primary function is to facilitate booking appointments. Key Features: - Highlighting Services: The website should showcase our guided fishing trips and fishing lessons, providing detailed information and enticing visuals to attract potential customers. - Booking System: A crucial element of the site is a comprehensive booking system. This should include a calendar displaying our availability for guided trips and lessons. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development and design - Prior experience with creating booking systems - Ability to integrate visually appealing elements to highlight our services - Understanding of creating user-friendl...
...Key Features: - E-commerce capability: The website should have robust e-commerce functionality to facilitate the online sale of tires and auto parts. - Product search and filtering: A user-friendly search and filter system is essential to help customers easily navigate our product catalog. - Appointment booking: The site should incorporate a feature that allows customers to book auto services appointments online. Inspiration: I have a few existing websites that can serve as models for what I'm looking for. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in e-commerce website development - Experienced in creating product search and filtering systems - Capable of integrating online booking systems - Familiar with the tire and auto service industry is a plus. If you're inte...
I'm looking for a well-structured, comprehensive weekly schedule template for my dental office. This template will help manage patient appointments and coordinate our dental procedures. Key Features: - Appointment Times and Durations: The template should allow for precise scheduling of each patient's appointment. - Dental Procedures Type: There should be a section to denote the specific procedure each patient will be undergoing and the monetary production associated with each appointment type, with calculations of daily and weekly production. - Provider Designation: It needs to include space to designate where providers are used during appointments, to keep providers efficiently moving from patient to patient. - Procedure Difficulty/Stress Level: It should have a...
...experience by providing engaging, clear, and concise prompts or guidance. Integration with AI-Driven App Our application utilizes AI for industrial safety processes; however, the avatar will primarily function as a UI/UX element that presents instructions. We want the avatar to reflect an “AI presence” in a commercial sense—showcasing our commitment to innovative technology—while adhering strictly to preset workflows and instructions. Technical Requirements The solution should be compatible with our existing application architecture (please specify any frameworks you’d recommend or have experience with, e.g., Unity, Unreal Engine, WebGL, or other 3D rendering engines). The avatar should be optimized for smooth performance on various devices (deskto...
I'm seeking an AI consultant to help me create a multifunctional chatbot and to map out the services for my marketing agency and to add additional services for us to sell. This chatbot will serve in customer support and assist with internal process automation, specifically scheduling appointments. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a chatbot for customer support and internal process automation - Implement chatbot functionality across social media platforms Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI and chatbot development - Experience with process automation - Familiarity with social media integration
...history, prescriptions, lab results, and other relevant data. The system should support data aggregation from multiple healthcare providers. API Integration: Integrate Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) APIs to fetch and display patient records. Appointment Schedulling Implement a scheduling feature that allows users to book, reschedule, or cancel appointments with hospitals or healthcare providers. The system should display available time slots and handle user preferences. API Integration: Integrate with existing appointment and scheduling APIs from healthcare providers (e.g., Zocdoc API, hospital-specific APIs). Participants are expected to use the Postman API platform to interact with external APIs and demonstrate efficient wor...
...craft personalised email pitches tailored to each wholesaler or retailer. AI can analyze their business profiles and suggest the right language and product highlights to include. 2. Chatbot or Virtual Assistant: Deploy an AI chatbot on our website or through messaging platforms (like WhatsApp or LinkedIn). It could provide retailers with instant information about our brand, schedule tasting appointments, and answer common questions about pricing, packaging, and logistics. 3. Lead Scoring and Prioritisation: Use AI to analyze potential leads by looking at factors like location, business size, or existing product range. This would help prioritize contacting wholesalers or retailers most likely to carry ROBOT Kombucha. 4. Follow-Up Automation: Implement AI to send polite follow-u...
I'm looking for an Operations Manager with expertise in Xero Bookkeeping. Your key responsibilities will include: - Xero Bookkeeping: The highest priority will be handling our Xero bookkeeping. You will be responsible for bank reconciliation and ensuring our finances are in order. - Scheduling CEO Appointments: Assisting with the CEO's calendar and appointments - Creating Reports: Generating various reports as required - Managing Team Members: Overseeing other team members and ensuring tasks are completed The ideal candidate will have robust experience in bookkeeping, specifically with Xero, as well as management and scheduling skills. Proficiency in creating comprehensive monthly financial statements is a must. You should be able to track expenses, manage invoice...
...Booking System: o Interactive interface for customers to: View available services with descriptions and pricing. Select desired Service(s), dates and times for appointments. Confirm bookings via email or SMS notifications. o Real-time availability to prevent overlapping appointments. 2. Customer Management: o Customer profiles storing contact details and booking history. o Option for customers to log in and manage their bookings (reschedule, cancel, etc.). o Loyalty points or rewards system for returning customers. 3. Admin Dashboard: o Comprehensive calendar view of all bookings. o Ability to modify, add, or delete appointments manually. o Analytics and reporting tools for tracking service demand and customer behavior. 4. Payment Integration: o Secure online ...
Looking for a hardworking VA to help me with high volume cold outreach via Instagram DMs and Twitter DMs - I need someone ready to work very hard and start immediately for 4-8 hours of work per day. The goal is to send 1000 cold messages per day for outbound lead generation for my fitness coaching offer (targeting men over 30 earning a higher inc...I would normally hire multiple people for this sort of job, but if you have a serious work ethic this can be all yours. *BONUS* if you have also had experience doing appointment setting for coaches, you can earn a commission per call that you book with a prospect on top of your hourly rate, so if you are actually a great communicator and have sales experience if you can help book QUALIFIED appointments for me, your income potential is M...
Seeking a full-time member to join our team. We're a real estate photography agency based in New York. The job will start with a 3-week trial period at 48 hrs/week. If we find during that period that you are a good fit for the role, this...NYC time -- Great visual eye -- Attention to detail -- Fluent in English -- Great communication (verbal and written) -- Patience -- Experience with Google Docs, Google Calendar, & Microsoft Excel preferred -- Content writing experience is a plus. -- Newsletter management is a plus. Roles & Responsibilities -- Quality check photos and provide feedback to photo editor. -- Schedule photography appointments with clients and photographers. -- Respond to customer inquiries via email promptly. -- Send lead generation messages. -- Online r...
I'm developer for a project aimed at enhancing customer communication for tradespeople. Core Features: - In-app messaging: The app should facilitate direct communication between tradespeople and their customers. - Push notifications: Important updates or messages should be promptly communicated via push notifications. - Appointment scheduling: The app should include a feature for scheduling appointments between tradespeople and customers. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in mobile app development, particularly for customer communication. - Previous experience working on similar projects is highly desirable. - Ability to create user-friendly interfaces that cater to tradespeople. Please note that the app does not need to support mult...
...INITIAL SETUP & OUTREACH PLAN (Milestone 1) Comprehensive plan detailing your prospecting methods, outreach schedule, and follow-up strategies. A set of initial outreach templates (first message + follow-ups). QUALIFIED LEAD LIST (Milestone 2) A curated list of 50–100 leads that closely match our Ideal Customer Profile, complete with contact information and brief notes on why they’re a fit. APPOINTMENTS SCHEDULED (Milestone 3) Successful scheduling of calls or demos with a set number of prospects (to be agreed upon). Detailed handover of prospect notes for each scheduled call. ONGOING WEEKLY REPORTS (Milestone 4, repeated) Updates on the number of outreaches sent, responses received, calls booked, and any feedback or insights gained. Suggestions for refining ap...
...program. This is a long-term opportunity with a performance-based commission structure in addition to hourly pay. Responsibilities: 1. Make outbound calls and send emails to prospective clients. 2. Book qualified meetings with prospects for our sales team. 3. Maintain high call volume and consistent follow-up. 4. Deliver engaging and professional communication to secure appointments. 5. Meet weekly targets for appointments booked. Requirements: * Proven sales experience in a similar role. * Strong communication skills with a confident and clear accent. * Comfortable making outbound calls and presenting via email or phone. * Available to work between 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM PST. * Motivated by performance-based incentives. Compensation: * $3/hour base pay. * Perfo...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a website for my IV hydration business, which also includes weight loss shots. The primary goal of the website is to gain clients. Key Features: - Online appointment scheduling: The website should have a seamless online booking system which allows clients to schedule their appointments with ease. Information to be included: - Services offered: The website should clearly outline the services offered by the business. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development, particularly in creating booking systems. - Ability to design an informative and user-friendly website. - Knowledge in SEO and digital marketing strategies to enhance client acquisition.
I'm seeking a skilled software developer to create a Windows-compatible application that adjusts and warps the output of two projectors for alignment with a 180-degree curved screen. Key Features: - Utilize NVIDIA’s Warp and Blend API for image warping and blending. - GUI with essential functionalities: * Real-time preview of adjustments * Manual input for precise control * Preset options for quick calibration Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows software development - Experience with NVIDIA’s Warp and Blend API - Strong ability to create user-friendly GUIs Please ensure your proposal includes relevant examples from your portfolio.
I am seeking a skilled cold caller to help set appointments for my business. Your primary task will be to reach out to potential clients and secure meeting times. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct cold calls to generate appointments - Target both businesses and consumers - Maintain professional and persuasive communication Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in cold calling - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - Ability to engage both B2B and B2C audiences
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a comprehensive e-commerce app for both Android and iOS, focusing on service sales. Key Features: - Appointment Booking: Users should be able to easily schedule appointments with service providers. - Customer Reviews: A review system for customers to rate and provide feedback on services. - Service Provider Profiles: Individual profiles for each service provider, showcasing their expertise, ratings, and available services. User Authentication: The app will require a robust user authentication system, with login options via email and phone number. Ideal Skills: Proficiency in cross-platform mobile app development, experience with e-commerce and service-based apps, and a strong understanding of user authentication systems are crucial f...
I need a dedicated representative to handle my website inquiries after hours. The inquiries should be dealt with via phone calls. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Excellent communication skills - Customer service experience - Ability to handle calls professionally - Time management skills to schedule appointments - Sense of urgency The representative will be responsible for making appointments as needed. It is essential that all interactions are handled with a high degree of professionalism and urgency.
I'm looking for a developer to create a VB.NET application that connects with Microsoft Teams. The application should be capable of: - Creating, deleting, and updating appointments/meetings - Integrating with Outlook calendar The application doesn't need a specific user interface. Only the code behinde functions would be enough. User authentication should be secure, using a Username and Password method in the code behind. This can be hard coded. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with VB.NET, Microsoft Teams API, and Outlook calendar integration. Knowledge in developing secure authentication systems is a plus.
I'm seeking a personal assistant who can help me manage my email and calendar, while also assisting with marketing for my small business. Personal Responsibilities: - Manage email inbox and communications - Scheduling and calendar appointments - Applying for new job opportunities Marketing Tasks: - List Building: Find prospects online and add them to our internal database - Social Media Engagement: Follow and engage with targeted users on Instagram Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in personal assistance and marketing is essential. - Proficiency in list building and managing Instagram engagement is preferred. - Strong organizational skills to manage scheduling and calendar. - Excellent communication skills for coordinating on various tasks.
I'm looking for a seasoned appointment setter in India to join my digital marketing agency in a part-time role. Your main task will be to reach out to potential B2B clients via phone, nurturing leads and setting appointments for our sales team. We will offer base pay + incentive on a successful sale **Key Responsibilities:** - Conduct outbound calls to potential B2B clients - Nurture leads and convert them into appointments - Collaborate with the sales team to streamline the process **Ideal Skills:** - Proven experience in outbound calling and appointment setting, preferably for agencies - Excellent communication skills - Strong lead generation abilities - Proficiency in HubSpot or similar CRM software If you're motivated, results-driven and possess a knack for ...
I'm seeking a modern and sleek e-commerce website for residential water filtration systems. This platform should enable customers to: - Learn about the different water filtration systems and their costs - Purchase these systems online - Schedule their own service appointments When scheduling an appointment, customers should provide: - Their name and contact details - Their preferred date and time - The type of filtration system they need Ideal candidates for this job should have experience in e-commerce website development, preferably with a focus on home appliance or service-based platforms. A keen understanding of modern, sleek design aesthetics is also crucial. Previous work samples that reflect this style will be highly regarded.
I'm looking for an Admin Assistant to support my home care agency. The primary tasks will include: - Scheduling and managing appointments - Handling billing and invoicing - Communicating with clients The ideal candidate MUST have prior experience in a home care or personal care agency. Proficiency in tools and software commonly used in this industry is a plus, but not a requirement. Strong administrative skills, customer service background, and a passion for helping others will also be advantageous. Please write "Home Health" in your response to make sure you've read the posting entirely.
...Functionalities: Customer Management: Module to store personal and business information of customers. Invoices / Purchases / Sales / Quotations: Ability to select customers, pull products from stock, and create sales, purchase, or quotation records. Collection and Expense Management: Manage income and expense records effectively. Subscription and Calendar: Track customer subscriptions and manage appointments. Inventory Management: Monitor product stock levels and movements. Reporting: Generate reports for income, expenses, sales, and collections. Additional Information: I have previously prepared a detailed PDF document outlining the modules and features of the project. It includes references to existing solutions but can be streamlined for simplicity. If you are interested...
...visibility via LinkedIn. The goal is to book 50-60 calls per month through strategic, personalized and high-engaging interactions. Key Responsibilities: - Setting up automated workflows for LinkedIn lead generation, messaging, follow-ups, and appointment scheduling using Expandi. - Crafting a tailored, brand-focused approach that boosts our brand awareness while generating leads and scheduling appointments. - Integrating automation tools with Zapier, Make (Integromat), or Power Automate. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in LinkedIn automation and outreach, specifically with Expandi. - Strong understanding of various marketing tools, with the ability to help determine the best for our needs. - Experience in B2B lead generation and appointment setting. - Knowledge of HubSpot,...
...generating quality leads and enhancing our outbound sales efforts. What You’ll Do: - Identify and engage decision-makers in targeted industries primarily in Malaysia - Conduct outreach through cold calling and multichannel marketing - Qualify leads for business automation and AI solutions - Track and update CRM records with precision - Meet weekly metrics, including touchpoints, qualified leads, and appointments set What We Offer: - Flexible scheduling with at least 10 hours weekly (2-4 hours daily) - Competitive incentives for leads that result in closed deals - Potential for increased hours and long-term opportunities based on performance What You Bring: - Proven experience in lead generation and sales development (Tech/SaaS/AI preferred) - Ability to meet weekly targe... growth by qualifying leads and setting appointments with identified prospects. Responsibilities: • Engage potential clients and key decision-makers across targeted industries in Singapore mainly through cold calling. • Establish initial contact with prospects and maintain engagement through various outreach activities to cultivate business opportunities. • Assess the needs of potential clients, focusing on business automation solutions, and qualify leads accordingly. • Maintain accurate and up-to-date records in our CRM and other necessary reporting tools. The role requires a commitment of 2 hours daily, totalling 10 hours weekly. You will provide weekly updates detailing your activities, the number of qualified leads, and appointments sched...
...leads and setting appointments with identified prospects. Responsibilities: • Engage potential clients and key decision-makers across targeted industries in Singapore mainly through cold calling. • Establish initial contact with prospects and maintain engagement through various outreach activities to cultivate business opportunities. • Assess the needs of potential clients, focusing on business automation solutions, and qualify leads accordingly. • Maintain accurate and up-to-date records in our CRM and other necessary reporting tools. The role requires a commitment of 2 hours daily, totalling 10 hours weekly. This is a recurring assignment, subject to good performance. You will provide weekly updates detailing your activities, the number of qualified leads,...