Part time data entry uaeprojekty
...username and password. #registration forms CC REGISTER NEW=Register new user CC NAME=Name CC USERNAME=Username CC EMAIL=Email CC PASSWORD=Password CC VERIFY PASSWORD=Verify Password CC I HAVE READ=I have read and agree to the CC TERMS AND CONDITION=Terms & Conditions CC NEXT=Next CC REGISTER=Register CC BACK HOME=Back to home CC USER REGISTERD=User Registered. CC FIELD ENTRY=Field entry CC IS EMPTY=is empty CC FIELD=Field #register email send ACCOUNT DETAILS FOR=Account Details for %1$s at %2$s SEND_MSG=Hello %s,nnThank you for registering at %s.nnYou may now log in to %s using your username and password. SEND_MSG_ACTIVATE=Hello %s,nnThank you for registering at %s. Your account is created and must be activated before you can use it....
...zdefiniowana jako transakcja zrealizowana dnia tego i tego o tej i tej godzinie w kwocie X a płatnikiem jest Y o numerze konta Z. Opóźnienie nie powinno być większe niż kilkanaście sekund w stosunku do terminu zaksięgowania na koncie. Krótko mówiąc potrzebujemy otrzymać dane: - kto (dane wpisywane w przelewie w polu "Płatnik"), - w jaki sposób (numer konta płatnika) - kiedy (data, godzina, minuta, sekunda księgowania na naszym koncie), - i za co (tytuł transakcji) zapłacił i potrzebujemy dowiedzieć się o tym on-line, jak najszybciej, najlepiej natychmiast po zaksięgowaniu przez bank. Te dane będą potem dalej przetwarzane przez system - no ale to oczywiście już inna bajka - chodzi na tym etapie o samo pozyskanie ko...
We are looking for a detail-oriented person for: internet research, organization of data, and some simple product translation (English to Polish). Will pay an hourly rate. Interested candidates must be able to take instructions and communicate in written or spoken English. If you are interested, send responses in English (and only in English) and send us your resume or a summary of your experience, along with your proposal for an hourly rate. While not required, if you have blogging experience let us know. Ideal candidates should be prepared to start immediately and have availability for a minimum of 40 hours over the next week (or more) and part-time over several months. Send responses to: wickerparkmark@
...Home Fax Work Work Work Fax Email Email Notes ( czyli miejsce na wpisanie notatek) W dodawaniu mieszkania musi sie znaleźć; Flat Building Number Street Post Code City Area: gdzie bedzie mozna dodac dzielnice + nieograniczona ilosc osiedli do kazdej dzielnicy (to jako pole wyboru) Pola wyboru: TYPE: House, Flat, Apartment, Maisonette, Studio, Ex-council FURNISHED: Furnished, Part Furnished, Unfurnished BEDROOMS: 1, 2,3 .... 10 BATHROOMS: 1,2,3 ... 5 GARAGE: Yes, No PARKING: On Street, Off Street Potrzebuje aby nie dalo dodac sie dwa razy tego samego mieszkania ani osoby ale chcialbym aby system sprawdzal przed dodaniem wszytskich danych (strata czasu), dostep po zalogowaniu sie. Do tego wyszukiwarka i podstrony z lista wszystkich mieszkan i osob. ...
...powyższej rozpiski wraz z terminem wykonania. Atutem będzie ciekawe portfolio oraz krótka informacja dlaczego Wasza oferta jest lepsza od innych, potwierdzona doświadczeniem w pisaniu podobnego rodzaju treści. Proszę nie podawać kwot za ilość znaków, lecz za całość projektu, z uwzględnieniem rozpiski ile znaków przewidują Państwo na każdy tekst. Propozycje artykułów dotyczących innych miast UAE mile widziane. Lista stron, na których można zebrać niezbędne informacje: ,;adw=1&gclid=CMnD1-iOxZUCFQyR1QodoBO9iQ
Witam, poszukuj...samochodow zarowno dostawczych jak i osobowych. Edytowana przez admina i zalogowanych uzytkownikow 4. linki do juz istniejacyh stron: Ubezpieczenie samochodu, odszkodowania 5. Naprawa samochodow / przeglad - dzial edytowany przez admina 6. Opony - klient bedzie mial mozliwosc zamowic opony oraz ich ewentualna wymiane. Logowanie, platnosc online. 7. Part exchange - uzytkownicy beda mogli tutaj zamieszczac swoje oferty samochodow jako part exchange. Powyzszy opis jest wstepny i moze ulec zmianie. Strona ma byc bardzo ladna w oblsudze, przyjazna dla uzytkownika, z przejrzystym backstagem. Prosze o kontakt wylacznie osoby, ktore sa w stanie zaplanowac,zaprojektowac i wykonac taki serwis. Interesuja mnie jedynie profesjonalne oferty. P...
Poszukuję freelancera na kwiecień do tworzenia aplikacji webowych. Warunki koniecznie: 1. Dobra lub bardzo dobra znajomość Ruby On Rails 2. Doświadczenie w tworzeniu serwisów webowych 3. Zamieszkanie w Krakowie lub okolicach (gotowość do 1 spotkania w tygodniu) 4. Praca w domu, pięć dni w tygodniu 8h przez 4 tygodnie- wykonywanie zleconych rzeczy 5. Podpisanie umowy o poufności 6. Uczciwość! Kwestia warunków prawnych współpracy pozostaje do uzgodnienia wg preferencji. Forma i transze płatności również do uzgodnienia (dziennie, tygodniowo itd.)
Witam, Szukam osoby ktora naprawi mi forum. Prosze o oferty doswiadczonych osob, ktore znaja przemo. Wywala blad Error creating new session DEBUG MODE SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '-1' for key 2 prosze o nr gg sprawa pilna Pozdrawiam Krzysztof
Poniżej jest opis - angielski wymagany na poziomie średnim: Analyx is a professional services firm with its headquarter in the centre of Poznan. We develop state-of-the-art web applications for clients in Europe and the U.S. We’re looking for a freelance or full-time/part-time Flash Action Script Programmer to engage in developing “the next big thing” in Community / Web 2.0 web applications! A potential candidate would work with a team web developers on a regular basis in our Poznan office. Required skills are: - Relevant experience in Flash Action Script 2 (AS2) or AS3 - Good knowledge of English or German is mandatory since we are an in-ternational company and use the language every day - Grafic design, visual skills e...
Firma MWProjekt Marek Wyleżoł () dysponuje systemem CATIA v5. Poszukuję zleceń z zakresu: modelowanie bryłowe i powierzchniowe (krawędziowo-powierzchniowe), modelowanie powierzchni swobodnych, symulacje ruchu, wykonywanie dokumentacji 2D, obróbka chmury punktów (z procesu skanowania) i plików stl...MWProjekt Marek Wyleżoł () dysponuje systemem CATIA v5. Poszukuję zleceń z zakresu: modelowanie bryłowe i powierzchniowe (krawędziowo-powierzchniowe), modelowanie powierzchni swobodnych, symulacje ruchu, wykonywanie dokumentacji 2D, obróbka chmury punktów (z procesu skanowania) i plików stl. Możliwe jest także organizowanie szkoleń związanych ze stosowaniem modułów: Sketcher, Part Design, Assembly Design, Wireframe and Surface Design, Draft...
Szukam osoby do pozyskanie i zapisania w pliku txt, xls. itp, danych dresowych ze strony typu panorama firm. Szczegoly na email. Z racji ilosci rekordow w gre wchodzi raczej automat, nie reczne data entry. NIE należy używać kodu źródłowego na licencji GPL (GNU General Public License), gdyż wymaga ona, aby program także był na takiej licencji (otwarty kod źródłowy). Chyba można używać LGPL (GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE / GNU Lesser General Public License). Dekodowanie na polskie litery można zrobić np. tak: uses MimePart; //biblioteka Synapse var Part: TMimePart ... := UTF_8; ; Edycja maili w formacie HTML można zrobić np. w TWebBrowser - ustawiamy designMode = 'On' lub chyba w w TinyMCE (?licencja?). W razie pytań proszę o maila. Wynikiem zlecenia powinien być skompilowany program + kod źródłowy z komentarzami do Delphi 5 - 2007 lub darmowym Turbo Delphi Express. Umowa o dzieło + prze...
...odpowiedz czy ktos byly zainteresowany storzeniem nastepujacego programu: PART 1 Obtain 5 Amazon query result documents via as in the first exercise. You can use queries of your choice as long as no product appears in more than one of the result documents. Save the XML documents to disk in the "projects/1" directory as: xml xml xml xml xml PART 2 Write a DTD for Amazon query result documents and validate all 5 xmlamazon-results*.xml documents. PART 3 Write a RELAXNG for Amazon query result documents and validate all 5
Przedmiotem aukcji jest stworzenie stylu do forum opartego na skrypcie phpbb3 o tematyce POKER. Styl w miarę prosty nie chcę zbyt dużych "bajerów". Szczegóły co do moich oczekiwań odnośnie poszczególnych elementów graficznych na e-mail. W tym zleceniu chodzi mi o czas wykonania, w związku z tym budżet mogę przeznaczyc trochę większy. Bardzo mile widziane przedstawienie swoich wcześniejszych prac !!
Trochę zmian w stosunku do poprzedniej licytacji. Szukam osoby ( wspólnika ) do współpracy przy tworzeniu zarobkowego forum. Warunek dobra znajomosc phpbb3 jak i serwerów WWW. Tu by mi chodziło o samo stworzenie szkieletu forum najlepiej na niedarmowym serwerze z domeną typu Ja piszę artykuły i prowadzę negocjacje. Nawet przy dosyc niskim nakładzie pracy można się spodziewac zarobków w granicach 200-800 zł tygodniowo. Proszę o oferty.
Slideshow czytający dane z xml'a Powinien wyglądać następująco: Zmiana zdjęcia co 5 sek ew. dodatkowo tworzenie miniaturek w "locie" gg:6289098 are planning to do and what you think the task is so that i understand that you understood the task important: if the bottom frame has a different background color then i want my banner to have the same background color. so i want my banner to appear as if its part of the bottom frame. just like its part of the page. it can be above the al4a but it must be as if dont just add another frame that will be in the middle, if you do that the advertisement/banner that you add wont appear as inherent as part of the bottom site. i want you to understand my target of this task, the upper frame is mine, i dont want to show any advertisements there because i dont want users to think im advertising anything. the bottom frame is not mine because its po... and at home. We're offering two different positions: 1. A potential candidate would take part in developing solutions for the back-end of the application, i.e. database layer, middle-tier business components and interfaces, e.g. Web-Services, for the presentation layer. Required technical skills are: - Very good knowledge of Visual Studio (Visual C#), Web Ser-vices, (N)Hibernate! - Very good knowledge in programming web technologies - Knowledge of English is mandatory Optional skills: - PHP, HTML, ASP.NET, ADO - Familiarity with source control and software testing is appreciated - Knowledge of German is highly appreciated 2. A potential candidate would take part in developing solutions for the front-end of the application, e. g. Web...
...spotkan z klientami (handlowiec bazujac na prezentacji bedzie opowiadal o ofercie), prezentacja bedzie zostawiana u klientow, wsparcie dzialan marketingowych (prezentacja na stoisku podczas targow, wystaw, konferencji) - prezentacja bedzie skladala sie z 6 czesci : informacje o firmie, korzysci dla klienta (te dwie czesci widoczne z kazdego poziomu prezentacji) + 4 glowne uslugi (mailing room, data entry, workflow manager, contact office) - nawigacja: mozliwosc swobodnego przejscia pomiedzy poszczegolnymi czesciami prezentacji, mozliwosc zatrzymania/ pauzowania prezentacji, mozliwosc wylaczenia dzwieku, mozliwosc puszczenia prezentacji w postaci zapetlonego filmu (gdzie wszystko po kolei automatycznie sie odpala) Prezentacja ma by we flashu, BEZ PROJEKTU GRAFICZNE...
...protein extracted from specific types of fish. So far, in the world of cosmetics, only anima! collagen has been used. However, due to mad cow dis-ease, animal collagen has been systematically withdrawn from the market and has now been successfully replaced by protein extracted from fish. After carrying out tests, it was found to have better cosmetic properties than animal collagen. This is due, in part, to the very delicate collagen extraction process used, which preserves its triple-helix structure. Polypeptides and amino acids, which occur naturally with collagen, are extracted in the same technological process, making the resulting protein even more effective. The most valuable collagen is extracted from silver carp skin. Scientific tests have shown that fish from the carp ...
...protein extracted from specific types of fish. So far, in the world of cosmetics, only anima! collagen has been used. However, due to mad cow dis-ease, animal collagen has been systematically withdrawn from the market and has now been successfully replaced by protein extracted from fish. After carrying out tests, it was found to have better cosmetic properties than animal collagen. This is due, in part, to the very delicate collagen extraction process used, which preserves its triple-helix structure. Polypeptides and amino acids, which occur naturally with collagen, are extracted in the same technological process, making the resulting protein even more effective. The most valuable collagen is extracted from silver carp skin. Scientific tests have shown that fish from the carp ...
I'm see...diligent freelancer for a data entry project involving approximately 3,000 companies. The task requires inputting company information into a directory page on a website. Key Responsibilities: - Extracting data from an existing directory website, including: - Company name and address - Contact information - Description of services - Inputting this information accurately into the designated website Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in data entry - Attention to detail - Familiarity with extracting data from websites - Ability to follow instructions accurately Please note, this project does not require any data cleaning or verification beyond basic entry. Therefore, I am not looking for a freelanc...
We are looking for a talented and dedicated full-time video editor to join our team. This is a monthly, full-time position (40 hours per week) where you’ll be working on various video projects. The role will involve producing around 10 videos per week with 2-3 revisions per video. Key Responsibilities: Edit and produce 10 videos per week with 2-3 revisions each Work closely with the team to ensure high-quality and timely delivery Collaborate on creative video concepts and execution Maintain a consistent editing style that aligns with our brand Requirements: Strong video editing skills with experience in editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro) Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously while meeting deadlines Experience in handling revisions and...
...Import: Upload leads using Excel files or CSV format. Manual Entry: Allow users to input numbers manually. 2. Call Modes Manual Calling: Enable users to make calls directly through the app. AI-Powered Automatic Calling: AI should initiate calls on behalf of the user, engaging leads in natural, human-like conversations. 3. Multilingual Support Auto-Detection of Language: AI should detect the language spoken by the lead after the initial greeting. Example: If the lead speaks Tamil after "Hello," the AI should switch to Tamil automatically. Language Library: Support for major regional and global languages with natural, human-like tone and flow. 4. AI Conversation Features Provide real-time responses to common queries (e....
I've built a framework in my Adalo project, but I need a skilled developer to help fix some relationships and workflows before it can go live. The project centers around a ticket buying app. Specific tasks include: - Fixing the ticket selection process: This part of the project isn't functioning as it should and requires attention. - Payment processing: This is crucial to the app's core functionality and needs to be seamless and error-free. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Adalo: Familiarity with this platform is essential. - Strong problem-solving skills: You'll need to troubleshoot and rectify issues in the app's current framework. - Understanding of e-commerce workflows: Experience with ticket buying system...
I'm seeking a seasoned sales strategist and business development expert with a solid background in IT to help expand our customer base primarily targeting medium-sized enterprises across the national market. Key Requirements: - Expertise in crafting and executing sales strategies. - Proven track record in business development within the IT sector. - Skills in targetin...development within the IT sector. - Skills in targeting and penetrating medium-sized enterprises. The ultimate goal of this project is to increase our market reach and revenue by successfully tapping into this customer segment. Your experience and strategic thinking will play a pivotal role in driving our business growth. Note: We are looking for someone with extensive experience in this domain on part time...
I need assistance with copying and typing printed text from reports. The reports are 1-10 pages in length. Ideal skills and experience: - Excellent typing skills - Attention to detail - Experience with data entry - Ability to accurately copy from printed text
...McKinsey 7S, BCG Growth Share Matrix, PESTLE, SWOT), and I'm looking to add slides for the following frameworks in the same style: 1. Value Chain Analysis 2. Ansoff Matrix 3. McKinsey Three Horizon Framework 4. Balanced Scorecard 5. OKR Framework Additionally, I need assistance in ensuring that I can change the colors in the master template to different variants for this template. The second part of the project involves building a completely new slide template with the same slide content but in a different style, which will need to be suggested. - The new slide template should adopt a "Modern and Sleek" style. - The primary goal for the new frameworks' slides is to achieve a "Professional Appearance". Ideal candidates for this project will have:...
...McKinsey 7S, BCG Growth Share Matrix, PESTLE, SWOT), and I'm looking to add slides for the following frameworks in the same style: 1. Value Chain Analysis 2. Ansoff Matrix 3. McKinsey Three Horizon Framework 4. Balanced Scorecard 5. OKR Framework Additionally, I need assistance in ensuring that I can change the colors in the master template to different variants for this template. The second part of the project involves building a completely new slide template with the same slide content but in a different style, which will need to be suggested. - The new slide template should adopt a "Modern and Sleek" style. - The primary goal for the new frameworks' slides is to achieve a "Professional Appearance". Ideal candidates for this project will have:...
I am conducting a research study to gather insights from IT security professionals about their experiences and opinions on security advice. Participants will be asked to complete a short survey, which should take approximately 15-20 minutes. The ideal candidate for this survey is someone who has been working in IT security for at least one y...which should take approximately 15-20 minutes. The ideal candidate for this survey is someone who has been working in IT security for at least one year. This includes professionals such as Security Analysts, Cybersecurity Engineers, SOC Analysts, Penetration Testers, IT Security Managers, or others in similar roles. We're looking for freelancers in Europe and Americas to be part of this research study. Only bid if you are part of ...
I'm looking for a talented 3D modeler to create seamless STL or OBJ files ...largest brick panel required is (w)500mm x (h)750mm, 2mm thick. - **Tiled Roofing**: Roof tile sheet can be (w)300mm x (h)100mm, up to 4mm thick. - **Timber Posts**: Should be (w)20mm x (h)20mm, 2mm thick, with a detailed timber grain pattern. The file must be compatible with Blender, as well as Tinkercad. I will use Tinkercad to resize the models as needed. I have specific textures in mind for each part, with the washed brick wall needing to be a whitewashed brick. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software, particularly Blender. - Experience in creating detailed, printable 3D models. - Ability to replicate specific textures and colors in 3D models. - Knowledge of 3D printing requirements a... have knowledge on Arduino UNO and electronic components, making design that fits these components perfectly is a plus, instead of a fixed 20cm x 10cm x 5cm size. please do consider wiring header space, as I will only be using jumpers and not soldered to strip boards. -Arduino UNO -3x 18650 battery holder, -A4988 motor driver Structural Improvements: Reinforce the shaft connection: Make the part where the shaft connects to the body thicker to improve sturdiness and durability. Aesthetic Changes: Remove the empty logo on the front of the design and make the surface plain and flat. Deliverables Updated 3D model file with all modifications. Clear documentation or notes on the changes made. Compatibility with common 3D printing or manufacturing processes. Ideal Skills for the...
I've got a bike with a damaged disc brake pad. I think the brake pad got damaged/squished together when in storage. I'm in need of a skilled bike mechanic to assess the damage and repair or replace the brake pad. Also need additional help putting a part back on the derailleur a per the picture. Hoping once this is fixed I can get my back tire on Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in bike maintenance - Experience with disc brake systems - Ability to handle bike repairs post-accident
I'm seeking a part-time professional to assist with administrative and data entry tasks. This role primarily involves working with mixed data - both text and numerical. Key Responsibilities: - Data Entry: Accurately inputting mixed data into the system. - Administrative Support: Assisting with various administrative tasks. - Customer Service: Occasionally addressing customer inquiries. - Scheduling and Coordination: Helping with scheduling and coordination tasks. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data entry. - Strong attention to detail. - Excellent organizational skills. - Good communication skills for customer service and coordination tasks.
Ticketing sy...stories that are not ready or need refinement. Project names should be part of the prompt instead of hardcoded. Should be able to ask it insight questions about your project and it should return things such as: work allocated for a given sprint (story points), work completed (total points completed, say/do rate (points in sprint /points completed) sprint metrics by project, by Individual, by sprint. Stories by age and provide insight such as how long they’ve been open etc. sprint burn rates, using story points and how much time has gone by. This should include some sort of story insight, along with metrics in some visually appealing way. Should be able to prompt for other generic analytics by pulling back data and hanging the GPT analyze and...
I am looking for a skilled Virtual Assistant whose primary responsibility will be data entry. The tasks will primarily involve working with Excel for scheduling and calendar management as well as email sending through outlook. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Excel - Detail-oriented for accurate data entry - Good organizational skills for managing tasks - Reliable and self-motivated - Email management: Sorting, prioritizing and responding to emails as appropriate. - Calendar scheduling: Organizing appointments, meetings and events. - Travel arrangements: Planning and coordinating travel logistics. - Job booking: Assisting with scheduling and booking tasks. - Checklists: Maintaining and updating task lists. - Completion rates: Tracking and reportin...
I need assistance entering SKU numbers from Catalog 3 and Catalog 4 into various catalogs. Use Catalog 1 as a reference, but do not use SKU's from Catalog 1. Requirements: - Proficient in data entry - Able to work with PDF format - Attention to detail - Able to accurately transcribe information from images and text - Able to navigate randomly listed information Ideal candidates should be meticulous, able to work under minimal supervision and possess a keen eye for detail. Familiarity with SKU systems and catalogs is a plus.
...create a Telegram bot that automates trading signals on the IQ Option binary platform. The bot should operate with 1-minute expiry trades, providing entry and exit points. Key Requirements: * Strategy Implementation: The bot should utilize a trading strategy with a high success rate (at least 101%). * Market Analysis: The bot should automatically analyze the market and give trade signal * User Interaction: The bot should be semi-automated, requiring user confirmation for each trade. * User-friendliness: The bot must be stable and provide visual indicators for signals and it should match real time of market to platform same time signal Ideal Skills and Experience: * Proficiency in developing Telegram bots * Experience with the IQ Option binary trading platfo...
I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a Telegram bot 24/7 that automates trading signals on Real market and OTC market on the IQ Option binary platform. The bot should operate with 1-minute expiry trades, providing entry and exit quotes. Key Requirements: 1. Strategy Implementation: The bot should utilize a trading strategy aimed at maximizing the win rate, targeting at least a 101% success rate. 2. Market Analysis: It should automatically analyze the market, pinpoint the best investment opportunities, and execute transactions. 3. User Interaction: The bot will be semi-automated, requiring user confirmation for each trade. 4. User-friendliness: The bot must be stable, effective, and have visual indicators for signals and trades to enhance user experience. Ideal Skills and...
I'm seeking a skilled software developer to create auxiliary software that will primarily focus on automating certain tasks. The software will need to handle: - Data Entry: Automating the process of inputting data manually. - Calculations: Performing various calculations based on different numeric inputs. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proficient software development skills with a focus on automation. - Experience with creating software for data handling and calculations. - Excellent English communication skills for clear understanding and discussions. Please note that the details of the project will be shared privately. Thank you.
...completing a Data Storytelling Hallmark project. Part of that project includes analyzing data and creating data visualizations. This activity is designed for practice. You will be provided with a sample dataset and will be guided through the steps for analyzing data, interpreting/summarizing data, and creating data visualizations. Open the following Word document and Excel workbook and save them (with your name) to your desktop. You need both to complete the assignment. Follow the instructions included in the Word document to fill in the Excel worksheet and then use those results to complete the bottom section of the Word document. Once completed, please submit both to Canvas. Data Analysis and Visualization Data Anal...
I need an basic architectural drafter to produce 2D Drawings for a residential renovation project which will be submitted as part of a 'Complying Development Application'. The project involves the kitchen, bathroom, and dining room in a small terrace style house with some walls being removed and doors & Windows Added. Allow for 3 revisions to finalise. Draft, For Approval, For Construction Part 1: Basic Demolition Plan noting walls to be removed (Could be combined with Engineer Drawing) Overall Floor Plan Detailed Joinery Elevation Drawings -Kitchen -Dining room Storage -Bathroom Vanity 2 External elevations - can be on one drawing Part 2: Structural Engineer has marked up drawings, the comments need to be captured All drawings have been prepare...
...gamified experiences, Outpost harnesses cutting-edge AI technology to make these innovative tools accessible to businesses of all sizes. Our flagship offering is a customizable AI sales agent equipped to handle customer inquiries, provide tailored product recommendations, and facilitate seamless transitions to video or chat interactions with live team members when needed. We currently have a part-time lead developer that is building the MVP, but to meet upcoming delivery deadlines- we need more resources. That's where you come in! There are a few moving parts to the MVP including: - a Shopify-integrated chat interface - a dashboard for clients to engage in chat and review AI-driven chats - an AI layer powered by OpenAI We already have clients signed up waiting for ... challenges. Together, we will create materials that not only inform but also inspire medical professionals as they strive to improve patient care in their communities. If you are passionate about the power of language in medical communication and are ready to help shape the future of accessible healthcare information, we invite you to join us in this impactful project. Apply today to become part of a team that values excellence, innovation, and a shared vision of improving health outcomes through effective language adaptation....
We are looking for 5 native English-speaking men, aged 45 and older, to record a UGC-style commercial for our product. Essential Requirements: Experience in storytelling and creating UGC-style videos (similar to Instagram shop videos). Strong communication skills and the ability to tell engaging stories. Use of a high-quality front camera on a smartphone to ens...engaging stories. Use of a high-quality front camera on a smartphone to ensure excellent video and audio quality. What We Provide: A detailed script with approximately 450 words. A sample video to serve as a reference for style and quality. Important: Participants are not required to edit the video. Simply follow the script and instructions to record. If you meet the requirements, get in touch and be part of this amazin...
The specifics of the Samam Entry Project have not been defined yet. The project could potentially cover various tasks, including data entry and verification, text editing and proofreading, or image and graphic editing. Ideal freelancers for this project should possess excellent attention to detail, strong editing skills, and experience in data entry and verification. Understanding of the finance, healthcare, or education industries could be beneficial, but not necessary.
I'm looking for a talented DJ/producer who can create a 1-minute mix of the chorus from "Move" and "Allah Aleik ya Sidi". The middle part of each song needs to be blended together in a way similar to the attached DJ Nemz version, but with Arabic lyrics at the end. This mix will be used for an event performance, so it needs to be high quality and suitable for live play. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in music mixing software - Experience in creating event performance mixes - Understanding of blending different song elements - Ability to incorporate specific lyrical elements - Familiarity with the mentioned songs or similar genres Please note, the mix should be ideally suited for an event setting, and should maintain a good energy level throughout.
I'm in need of an experienced Graphic Designer and Social Media Manager who can create compelling posts and captions for my client accounts across Facebook, Instagram, and Twi...Maintain consistency across multiple accounts Requirements: - Proficiency in all major social media platforms - Ability to manage multiple accounts simultaneously - Creative and strategic thinker - Experience in graphic design and social media management - Able to develop branding guidelines and templates from scratch Please note, I do not have any existing branding guidelines or templates, so part of your role will be to create these. I'm looking for someone who can not only execute tasks but also contribute creatively and strategically to the overall social media presence. Hours of Availabilit...
...e-commerce and digital marketing. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills with the ability to adapt to different audiences. • Strong understanding of budgets, targets, and product pricing. • Proficiency in analysing sales data and making data-driven recommendations. • Self-motivated and proactive with exceptional organisational skills. • Proficient in Microsoft packages including Excel and PowerPoint. • Knowledge of graphic design is an advantage. Join our team as an Amazon Account Executive and take your career to new heights! Apply now and be a part of a dynamic and innovative organisation that values your skills and offers growth opportunities. We offer a competitive salary package and a vibrant work culture that encour...