Math project ideas for college studentsprojekty
Musi być zrealizowany projekt dla pracy inżynierskiej. Filmik, w którym krok po kroku pokazują się etapy rekrutacji na uczelnię. Więcej już w priv. Example:
Basic requirements for a plugin to sell online courses on WordPress. Read every point before you bid. If you can't write such a plugin don't make a bid. (I know there are other plugins to sell courses, but I am not interested in rewriting other plugins, I need a plugin for WordPress, along with transferring the copyright to me) This ad is about writing a WordPress plugin that I can share as my own plugin. Please do not ask for the maximum budget - it is already set. Please do not give price offers in which you are not able to complete this order - respect my time. MAX BUDGET 750 USD !!! BEFORE YOU MAKE AN OFFER - READ ALL THE POINTS - if you don't understand any of them, ask an additional question. plugin can be run under the condition of installed ...
We need a business expert to provide insights and feedback regarding my business idea. Eventually, an effective business plan will be required. Podoba ta idea "Blitzscalingu", oczywiście w rozsądnych kategoriach. Mam materiały potrzebne do konsultacji, zbierane od lat, można na tej kanwie ruszać. Wiem co chcę osiągnąć, pracuję z agencją interaktywną mam logo i nazwę, ale nadal nie wiem jaki model biznesowy i co ma być produktem itd., a więc oni nie mogą, nie wiedzą co i jak robić dalej co jest zrozumiałe i po to szukam fachowca do pomocy. Planowałem zacząć biznes: stronę www o Wlk. Brytanii, newsy, fanpage na FB (obecnie Meta Platforms) itp. problem w tym, że ja nie specjalnie "to czuję" owszem bardzo to lubię jednak ja chciałbym czegoś co jest związane z czymś "...
Logo of shoe shop. Jesteśmy firmą, która od wielu lat zajmuje się sprzedażą stacjonarną obuwia. W tym roku zaczęliśmy sprzedaż internetową i do dalszego rozwoju potrzebujemy profesjonal...projekty minimalistyczne. Projekt chcielibyśmy otrzymać w formie jpg, png oraz grafiki wektorowej. Preferowane kolory: pomarańczowy, czarny, szary, biały (nie muszą być wszystkie - jesteśmy otwarci na propozycje). Nazwa firmy - Stolc Obuwie Logo of shoe shop. We are looking fot logo for e-commerce shop with shoes for women, children and men in medium prices. The women would be the major group of clients. We are looking for something minimalistic. We prefer black, orange, gray and white but we are open for your ideas. Name of the store is - Stolc Obuwie. The logo ...
ENG: Our website is an online rental platform for international students: We are looking for a graphic designer to prepare a leaflet. The leaflet is addressed directly to our potential customers - international students (age 19-25, mainly students/interns from UE, Turkey and USA), looking for a short-term rental in Warsaw. The customers are looking for a safe rental option and a helpful hand in foreign country. The leaflet will be distributed in hostels, universities, welcome packs etc. The leaflet should inform in a simple way about the existence of Pepe Housing, the services offered by the company and refer them to the website. It should present to the potential customer the company’s professionalism and reliability. At the same ...
Poszukuję osób do stałej współpracy - pisanie artykułów w języku angielskim na temat dekoracji wnętrz, wyposażenia wnętrz, architektury wnętrz itp. - wpisy na blogi o takiej tematyce. Zarobki: W zależności od zaangażowania 3-5 tys. PLN Proszę o wysłanie informacji o doświadczeniu, znajomości języka itp. Przykładowe wpisy:
Szukam osoby, ktora wykona projekt w stylu motion design. Ma byc to 1-2 minutowa animacja stworzona w After Effects, ktorej wynikiem koncowym ma byc pojawiajace sie logo firmy. Otwartosc na pomysl i historie mile widziana. Cena do uzgodnienia. Wiecej szczegolow zapraszam : ...ktora wykona projekt w stylu motion design. Ma byc to 1-2 minutowa animacja stworzona w After Effects, ktorej wynikiem koncowym ma byc pojawiajace sie logo firmy. Otwartosc na pomysl i historie mile widziana. Cena do uzgodnienia. Wiecej szczegolow zapraszam : imcathymayer @ I need a 1minute motion design intro animation created in After Effects. I already have an idea for a story but any new and fresh ideas are welcome:) Final result is to show a logo of design studio. Please contact me if you inter...
Poszukuję osób do stałej współpracy - pisanie artykułów w języku angielskim na temat dekoracji wnętrz, wyposażenia wnętrz, architektury wnętrz itp. - wpisy na blogi o takiej tematyce. Poszukuję osób które piszą szybko i mogą napisać w ciągu jedne...języku angielskim na temat dekoracji wnętrz, wyposażenia wnętrz, architektury wnętrz itp. - wpisy na blogi o takiej tematyce. Poszukuję osób które piszą szybko i mogą napisać w ciągu jednego dnia parę artykułów (inspirując się innymi artykułami w Internecie). Proszę o przykładowe stawki wpisu na 2000 znaków. Przykładowe wpisy:
...Pierwsza wersja aplikacji stworzona zgodnie z regułą minimum viable product, bedzie zawierała funkcjonalności wyszczególnione w punkcie "1.2 System Functions". 1.2 System Functions 1.2.1 Administrator views Po zalogowaniu sie jako administrator, mam dostęp do panelu administracyjnego w którym dostępne sa moduły: "students", "groups", "courses", "reports" Dostępne jest również narzędzie announcement, dzięki któremu mogę tworzyć komunikaty dla poszczególnych grup. -moduł "students" Jako administrator chcę miec możliwość dodania nowego użytkownika podając jego imię*, nazwisko*, email* (a zarazem login, na ktory zostanie automatycznie wysłany email wraz z danymi wprowadzon...
Zlecę poprawienie skryptu w PHP na stronie od koszyka (sklep), wywala błąd "Warning: Smarty error: math: parameter a is empty in" strona napisana w PHP smarty + js + mysql, autorski CMS
Zlecę poprawienie błędu Warning: Smarty error: math: w skrypcie koszyka w sklepie na stronie. Autorski CMS php + smarty.
I'm a foreigner looking for someone helping me with SEO execution for new Polish website. I understand Polish but can't speak it so you have to be fluent at English or Russian. I'll provide and manage the strategy while you need to do the actual work. Your main duties will include: 1. Keyword research based on my suggestions 2. Find copywriters and assign tasks to them, control the text quality 3. Find catalogs based on given criteria, confirm with me, submit website to these catalogs 4. Find presells/blogs based on given criteria, confirm with me, submit articles 5. Occasionally checking the quality of translations provided by my interpreter. I pay by hours spent on each task, please name your hourly rate. Students are welcomed! I transfer money by Pay...
We are looking for a system developer / programmer who wants to work one year in Sri Lanca Qualifications: - Minimum 3 years relevant college / university degree and good knowledge of application development, system integration and project work. Knowledge of and experience in: application development, preferably in Microsoft. Net SQL databases, preferably SQL Server development and project methodology Duration: Duration of the contract is limited to projects. Currently, the length of the project set to one year, with possible extension of 6 months. Start date: January 2014 YES Personnel provides: Competitive salary levels. Good pension and insurance Overall, safe working conditions, and high ethical standards. Ability to personal and profes...
writing/creating/researching five articles for my blog on house party ideas? 400-500 words each. Each article describes and give information/guide on one idea. It has to be informal and fun, and encouraging with some author's opinion(light fun opinion) so people would want to respond/leave comments. You will need to perform some research for fun/unusual/extiting ideas. Please do not use very first borring google page for your researches, no rewriting. Could you use your life experience or something similar? I think you'll like it :) I will have more orders in the future, around 50-100 articles. Best regards.
Website description General Information a) Music Vendor b) Joomla c) Other details functionality (front end) a) Search Panel Main For sound effects b) Search results Table display (names and folders) Every track should have Every album should have Every collection should have Results page display and filtering options c) Shopping cart d) Buying aministration panel (back end) a) Songs attributes b) Albums attributes c) Collection attributes d) Songs / Albums / Collections / Artists administration e) General attributes a) General information b) Graphic design c) Logo d) Menu e) Modules
Zlecę napisanie programu do wizualizacji funkcji matematycznych. - program powinien działać w trybie graficznym - wykresy powinny być w 2D - program powinien mieć funkcję auto skalowania wykresu - użytkownik powinien móc wprowadzać argumenty funkcji - wymagany opis każdej procedury i funkcji użytej w programie
Zlece napisanie skryptu php lamiacego match captcha zapisanego na stronie w formie tekstowej w stylu: What is 2 + 1 = gdzie trzeba w danych post za pomocą CURL dać odpowiednią wartość. Chodzi mi o maksymalnie prosty skrypt który złamie jedną stronę. Jesli ktos już takie coś robił wystarczy mu skopjowanie kodu. Skrypt juz mam niestety nie przechodzi on validacji więc czegoś brakuje. Wygrywa najtańsza oferta, skryptu potrzebuje na teraz. Jedyne co wymagam to nr gg, cena i czas realizacji
Zlecę wykonanie scriptu rozwiązującego Math Captchę z tej strony: Script może być wykonany w .js lub .php lub innym języku, ale dane wyjściowe (rozwiązanie captchy) muszą być przekazywane do scriptu .js. Opis scriptu: Chodzi mi konkretnie o to, że na pewnej stronie wyskakuje działanie matematyczne i trzeba je obliczyć, aby zamówić. Potrzebuję czegoś takiego, co samo za mnie obliczy wynik i go wpisze. Kontakt email: mazurrs@ / PW Math captcha nie będzie służyć do złych celów. Tych co pisali/potrafią zrobić takie coś zapraszam na PW/email Płacę 200-250zł (do uzgodnienia). Zapłata poprzez bank internetowy PayPal
Zlecę wykonanie scriptu rozwiązującego Math Captchę z tej strony: Script może być wykonany w .js lub .php lub innym języku, ale dane wyjściowe (rozwiązanie captchy) muszą być przekazywane do scriptu .js. Opis scriptu: Chodzi mi konkretnie o to, że na pewnej stronie wyskakuje działanie matematyczne i trzeba je obliczyć, aby zamówić. Potrzebuję czegoś takiego, co samo za mnie obliczy wynik i go wpisze. Kontakt email: mazurrs@
Witam chciałbym zlecić skrypt który będzie odczytywał za pomocą systemu OCR lub jakoś inaczej math captche czyli zwykłe dodawanie, odejmowanie lub mnożenie umieszczone na obrazku. Math captcha Zapraszam po więcej informacji na GG 1405518 lub PW Pozdrawiam
Zlecę wykonanie scriptu rozwiązującego Math Captchę z tej strony: Script może być wykonany w .js lub .php lub innym języku, ale dane wyjściowe (rozwiązanie captchy) muszą być przekazywane do scriptu .js. Opis scriptu: Na wejściu podajemy namiary na obrazek - np konwertujac do stringa w js przez canvas ( metoda toDataUrl() ) i wyslac ajaxem do skryptu php, na wyjsciu dostajemy wynik rozwiązanej mathcaptchy. Ewentualnie mogę zapłacić za sposób na ominięcie tejże captchy. Więcej informacji na PW.
Witam zlecę zakup zdjęć: (XSmall) (XSmall) (XSmall) oraz (XSmall) (XSmall)
...akapitów na język polski. Tłumaczenie nie ma być dosłowne, a raczej ma być to polski tekst mówiący mniej wiecej to samo ;) Próbka tekstu: Company was born in an era of revolution and change. People turned towards the innovation of the industrial age to create machines and other products to make life better. With the advent of the steamship and locomotive people were exposed to new products and ideas that were once only localized. Meanwhile, inventors embarked on experiments to prove theories and further these technological advances. Some stumbled upon amazing breakthroughs quite by accident – this included the innovator Dr. Arnev Goldstein, a physician from Massachusetts. Proszę o cenę tłumaczenia za 1000 znaków ze spacjami. Koni...
...NBC did with The Office originally created for the BBC by Ricky Gervais. Hollywood may dominate the global box office, but the Brits win the prize for exporting blockbuster TV shows- or at least the ideas for them. Long before Steve Carell stood in for Gervais as the obnoxious boss, Carroll O’Conner adapted his role as Archie Bunker in All in the Family from a British program called Till Death Us Do Part, set in London’s gritty East End. Even reality shows such as American Idol and Dancing With the Stars started off in Britain. More recent imports include the sci-fi crime drama Life of Mars. But as U.S viewers grow increasingly savvy about the wider world, there are fever reasons to retune British comedies for the American ...
...tresc pracy i kryteria prześle osobom zainteresowanym na adres mailowy. Mysle ze wielkosc pracy moze wahac sie około 1500 słow w razie potrzeby moze byc wiecej. Section 1 Design a WLAN based system In this section, students are supplied with a complex floor plan, the results of a site noise survey and a list of business requirements. Students will be required to design a solution, specify the required equipments, provide a series of design diagrams, and present in report format. Guidelines of the design process: Step 1 Data collection This project starts with collecting user requirements, especially the required bandwidth and its distribution. Please consider the following questions: • What are the needs of the end users? R...
Zadaniem jest napisanie programu okienkowego w Javie na podstawie jednej z wybranych bibliotek javy (np. math) + opis biblioteki i programu. 4730889 gg
Zadaniem jest napisanie programu okienkowego w Javie na podstawie jednej z wybranych bibliotek javy (np. math) + opis biblioteki i programu. Czas na zlecenie - do czwartku wieczorem. Informacje pod nr gg: 5134075
...looking for reliable partner in Poland to manage eshop branch in Poland. We will make: - language version for Poland ( - it is under construction now) - basic SEO - we will finance or cofinance advertising campaign in country - we will take care about goods delivery, guarantee and everything about goods and payments Partner have to: - promote eshop in Poland (free ad, blogs, PR, cataloques, etc), backlinks - communicate with customers in country language (mainly by email) - looking for affordable advertising ... Partner have to be perfect in Internet marketing, strong references are necessary. Target oriented, want to work hard etc. Partner can be a company. Partner will receive payment as a % from all country sales. The offer is available al...
Witam, Zlecę wykonanie prostego skryptu php/AJAX do dynamicznego wyświetlania wykresów w oparciu o dane MySQL i wpisane przez użytkownika w formularzu
Witam, poszukujemy osoby/firmy, która zajęła by się przygotowaniem kompozycji graficznej newslettera sklepu internetrowego. Polega to na tym, że my ze swojej strony dostarczamy: Projekt newslettera (layout, elementy graficzne, separatory etc.) Zdjęcia Tekst Wskazówki i zalecenia co do całości. ...a oczekuję kompletnej, przygotowanej w HTML, tudzie...maksymalnie 2 razy w miesiącu, stąd też zależy mi na dyspozycyjności i łatwym kontakcie ze zleceniobiorcą przez około 2 dni. Taki czas w zupełności wystarczy na przygotowanie jednego newslettera. Prosimy o podanie ceny za jeden newsletter. Zależy nam na fakturze VAT. W razie jakichś pytań prosimy o kontakt. pozdrawiam Michał A. Chrzanowski INQUISIO. new media. new ... do testow w formie tekstu to jest to obojetnie jaki tekst: math .. /math FUNKCJONALNOSC : - dododawanie pol: WYBIERAMY Z SELECTA POLE NP. ZDJECIE POJAWIA SIE FORMULARZ UPLOAD IMAGE ORAZ POLE HIDDEN KOLEJNOSC=1 nastepnie ZAPISZ i zapisywane jest do mysql zdjecie|images/|1; ( nazwa zdjecia powinna byc generowana na dowolna unikatowa nazwe ) DODAJ NASTEPNE POLE ... i pozniej np. WYBIERAMY Z SELECTA POLE NP. mathml POJAWIA SIE FORMULARZ i ( textarea ) do wpisania tekstu (Math...) ( ponizej kod ) ORAZ POLE HIDDEN KOLEJNOSC=2 i zapis w bazie wyglada to mnie wiecej tak : zdjecie|images/|1;math|(texaarea)|2; -wyswietlanie tych pol w html - edycja poszczego...
... po zalogowaniu student musi miec takie funkcje: -upload/download materialow tylko zwiazane z jego rocznikiem i z poddzialami. zeby troche wygladalo jak zarzadzanie katlogami w windowsie. (pkt A) -zarzadzanie swoim CV tzn moze uploadowac swoje nowe CV w dwoch jezykach te CV beda w spisie sutendtow w dziale P* gdzie moze je sobie sciagnac pracodawca. w ten sposob: -dostep do ukrytej czesci forum z poddzialami tylko dla danego rocznika niedostepna dla innych -do sciagniecia planning zajec tylko dla danego rocznika, do ktorego nalezy (maly panel do uploadu tych planningow tylko dla adminow) w tym panelu dla adminow mozliwosc tworzenia katalogow po pkt A* dla wyszstkich rocznikow. po zalogowaniu absolwenta: -mozliwosc zmiany swoich danych w formie
I’m looking for a skilled developer to help optimize or rewrite a script for data scraping from The goal is to scrape item URLs and download their HTML content efficiently while ensuring smooth operation. Current Situation: I have a JavaScript-based script that navigates to specific categories on Allegro, scrapes item URLs across multiple pages, and downloads their HTML files in a predefined structure (example attached). The script is slow due to delays between requests. Reducing these delays causes challenges with Allegro's security mechanisms, making the process less reliable. What I Need: A robust and reliable solution for faster and more efficient scraping without interruptions. The ability to download HTML files in the required structure....
I am looking for a talented app developer to build an advanced Learning Management System (LMS) as a cross-platform application. The app should be functional, innovative, and packed with features that cater to educators, students, and administrators. Below are the key requirements: Core Features 1. Modern and Intuitive Design * Create an elegant and visually appealing app interface with smooth transitions, animations, and high responsiveness. * Include an About Us section to showcase the leadership team and mission. 2. User Registration and Login * Implement a secure registration and login system for students, educators, and administrators. * Users should be redirected to a personalized dashboard based on their role (e.g., students, teachers, admin...
I need a web-based Daily Exam Result Entry System where users, specifically students, can log in to check their exam results. Key Features: - User Authentication: The system should require every user to log in. This will ensure that each student can only access their own results. - Web-Based: The system needs to be developed for the web. It should be accessible from any device with internet access. - User Interface: The interface should be user-friendly, simple, and intuitive, suitable for students of all ages. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and backend languages like Python, Ruby, or PHP is necessary. - UI/UX Design: Experience in designing user-friendly interfaces is a plus. - Database...
...are seeking an experienced website designer to create a subscription-based educational platform focused on primary math. The platform will serve as an engaging and interactive learning space for young students. Below are the key details and requirements for the project: Existing Content and Features 1. Lesson Content: • Videos explaining each lesson. • Interactive exercises for each lesson, developed using mAuthor by Learnetic, featuring built-in correction and grading mechanisms. • Custom characters and a consistent color palette integrated into the video and lesson designs. 2. Core Functionalities: • Accumulation and tracking of grades for each student. • Integra...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a Desktop application for daily exam result entry system. The application should be capable of recording and managing exam results efficiently. Key Features: - Desktop Application: This system should be built as a user-friendly desktop application. - Android Mobile App: In addition to the desktop application, I need an Android mobile app as well. - User Role: The app should specifically support the student role. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in desktop application development - Experience with Android app development - Understanding of user role management in applications The developer must ensure that the system is efficient, reliable, and easy to use for students. I look forward to receiving your proposals.
Logo Design, Branding Guidelines, and Can Label Design for an all-natural fruit juice based energy drink. The company is called MEYN Energy, and we create an energy drink made with fruit juice, lion’s mane, maca root, ginseng, and natural caffeine. There are no added sugars, artificial colourings or flavourings. The drink not only boosts energy but enhances focus too. We started off as a small production made to help the founder and his friends with focus to overcome ADHD. Now we are ready to launch to the public. We are a more refreshing alternative to coffee and a healthier alternative to RedBull, Monster, etc while still having a bold flavour. The drink is Non-carbonated to feel more fresh and natural. Requirements: Logo: At least two options, one text based and one icon b...
This project overview provides a clear roadmap for creating a compelling video that combines creativity, storytelling, and technical precision. Here’s how the details can be refined and expanded: --- Project Overview To create a visually stunning and engaging video that aligns with the brand’s identity and effectively communicates its message. This project will leverage innovative artistic direction, storytelling techniques, and cutting-edge production to captivate the target audience. --- Scope of Work 1. Pre-production: Concept Development: Brainstorming ideas that align with the brand’s identity and message. Scriptwriting: Crafting a compelling script that integrates the narrative with the brand’s tone and values. Stor...
I am looking for a talented app developer to build an advanced Learning Management System (LMS) as a cross-platform application. The app should be functional, innovative, and packed with features that cater to educators, students, and administrators. Below are the key requirements: Core Features 1. Modern and Intuitive Design * Create an elegant and visually appealing app interface with smooth transitions animations, and high responsiveness. * Include an About Us section to showcase the leadership team and mission. 2. User Registration and Login * Implement a secure registration and login system for students, educators, and administrators. * Users should be redirected to a personalized dashboard based on their role (e.g., students, teachers, admins). 3. A...
I'm looking for a logo for my MMA news application. The application will be named "FightCorner" _Contest, I have a lot of graphic design work on the same project so the winner of this will be offered further work._ I want a logo that can maybe incorporate the letters of the name i.e "FC" along with some icon design that relates to MMA. Maybe a mix where the letters "F" and "C" could look like someone kicking someone else?? Any other ideas welcome! be creative. The logo should be: - **Bold and Aggressive**: - **Incorporating Abstract Shapes**: While I want the logo to be bold, I also want it to have a modern touch with the use of abstract shapes. - **Using Dark and Intense Colors**: The color scheme should be dark ...
I'm looking for a skilled writer with a deep understanding of Indian history to create an engaging and informative e-book aimed at high school students. The e-book should cover a complete overview of Indian history in a way that's accessible and appealing to young learners. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive coverage of Indian history - Writing style suited for high school students - Ability to make history engaging for students - Experience in educational content development Ideal Skills: - Deep knowledge of Indian history - Excellent writing and storytelling skills - Experience in e-book writing - Understanding of high school curriculum - Ability to conduct thorough research
"Vivekananda" redirects here. For other uses, see Swami Vivekananda (disambiguation). Swami Vivekananda স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ Black and white image of Vivekananda, facing left with his arms folded and wearing a turban Vivekananda in Chicago, September 1893. In note on the left Vivekananda wrote: "One infinite pure and holy – beyond thought beyond qualities I bow down to thee".[1] Personal life Born Narendranath Datta 12 January 1863 Calcutta, Bengal Presidency, British India (present-day Kolkata, West Bengal, India) Died 4 July 1902 (aged 39) Belur Math, Bengal Presidency, British India (present-day West Bengal, India) Citizenship British subject Era Modern philosophy 19th-century philosophy Region Eastern philosophy Indian philosophy Alma mater Universi...
I'm seeking English proficient advanced Videographer and Editor for a full-time position over the next three months. The role involves traveling throughout Europe and Spain every weekend until the end of April, and then to Asia for the month of June. All travel expenses will be covered. Additionally I might be interest in hiring a creative person for video ideas and vision. Key Responsibilities: - Filming high-quality documentary content using professional cinema cameras. - Editing footage into compelling narratives using Adobe Premiere Pro. Ideal Candidate Will Have: - Extensive experience in videography and editing, particularly with documentary-style content. - Proficiency in using professional cinema cameras. - Deep understanding and expertis...
...creative, motivated freelancers to help showcase our products on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. What We’re Looking For: We are looking for talented content creators who can: Create engaging TikTok videos or Instagram Reels that highlight the value of our smartphone accessories. Promote our products in a way that resonates with their audience. Collaborate on affiliate-based campaigns with clear, trackable results. What We Offer: ? Attractive Commission: 10% commission on every sale made through your unique link or promo code. 15% commission if you create content for our own social media accounts. ?️ Access to professional visuals and mockups for your content creation (no need to own the product). ? A transparent and supportive partne...
I am looking for a talented app developer to build an advanced Learning Management System (LMS) as a cross-platform application. The app should be functional, innovative, and packed with features that cater to educators, students, and administrators. Below are the key requirements: Core Features 1. Modern and Intuitive Design * Create an elegant and visually appealing app interface with smooth transitions animations, and high responsiveness. * Include an About Us section to showcase the leadership team and mission. 2. User Registration and Login * Implement a secure registration and login system for students, educators, and administrators. * Users should be redirected to a personalized dashboard based on their role (e.g., students, teachers, admins). 3. A...
...creative, motivated freelancers to help showcase our products on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. What We’re Looking For: We are looking for talented content creators who can: Create engaging TikTok videos or Instagram Reels that highlight the value of our smartphone accessories. Promote our products in a way that resonates with their audience. Collaborate on affiliate-based campaigns with clear, trackable results. What We Offer: ? Attractive Commission: 10% commission on every sale made through your unique link or promo code. 15% commission if you create content for our own social media accounts. ?️ Access to professional visuals and mockups for your content creation (no need to own the product). ? A transparent and supportive partne...
...competent individual who can create original, high-quality content for the site, focusing on English Language Education. - Content translation and localization: As part of our goal to reach a wider audience, I need someone who can accurately translate and localize content into Indonesian while retaining cultural relevance. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in website design and development. - Excellent translation skills, preferably with a focus on English to Indonesian. - Ability to create original, engaging content. - Familiarity with the education sector is a plus. - Strong communication skills to discuss project needs and revisions. The successful completion of this project will not only aid in my college costs, but also help me further d...
Brief for Freelance Designer: Relapse Aligner Flyer Design Project Overview:We are a dental lab looking to create a professional and visually appealing flyer to promote our Relapse Aligner product to dentists. The flyer should highlight the benefits of the product, explain the workflow, and emphasize its cost-effectiveness for patients and revenue potential for practices. This flyer will be distributed to dental practices, so it should have a clean, professional, and engaging design. Flyer Requirements: 1. General Layout: Two-sided flyer: Front: Eye-catching headline, pricing details, and a clean, inviting design. Back: Detailed explanation of benefits, workflow, and contact information. Use soft, professional colors (black, white, green) to create a dent...