Horticulture therapy pricingprojekty
...strong position in the online services market. You don’t need any experience or specific skills - the willingness to work and determination are enough. As my collaborator, you will be responsible for acquiring clients who are interested in redesigning or creating websites. I will assist you in this by providing a special form that you will fill out with the client, allowing me to determine the pricing. Then, I will prepare a graphic proposal and, upon the client’s approval, I will sign a contract with them. That's when we will settle with you. I impose no restrictions on how you obtain clients. You can make calls, dig up old websites, distribute flyers, or even use your own contact database. What matters most to me is the end result, and that's what we...
Prosta strona firmowa z branzy Medical Software. Moze byc na Wordpress, moze byc oparta na szablonie - ogolnie technologia do uzgodnienia. Ma byc podobna do scale.com. Oto struktura menu: 1. Products //drop-down a)Physical Therapy Software b)Psychology Software c)Diet and lifestyle d)Generic Telemedicine Software 2. Solution //drop-down a)Private Hospitals b)Public Healthcare providers c)Healthcare insurance companies d)Other private healthcare organizations 3. Resources //frop-down a)Blog b)Documentation c)VR/AR 4. Company 5. Contact
Poszukuję osoby psiadającej doświadczenie w Allegro i integracji Baselinker. Opis zadań: - dodawanie aukcji przez Baselinker - pozycjonowanie listingów na słowa kluczowe - kontra wskaźników konta (supersprzedawca, smart, itp.) - AllegroAds - analiza konkurencji & pricing
...kurs, ktory zalicza testem. Informacje o przebiegu szkolenia trafiają do ADMINA, który widzi postępy uczestnika w szkoleniu. ADMIN dostaje powiadomienie że dany użytkownik zakończył szkolenie. I. LANDING PAGE -header: menu, telefon do kontaktu bezpośredniego -szkolenia BHP: co to szkolenie jak się odbywa, certyfikat info -korzyści/zalety kursów online: dlaczego ktoś miałby wybrać akurat nas -pricing/oferta: info o wycenie indywidualnej i rodzaje pakietów -kontakt: w oknie modalnym kontaktowy formularz plus ew info jaki pakiet kogoś interesuje Instalacja i konfig wordpressa/strony szablonu, podstawowe wtyczki wybór szablonu dostosowanie szablonu wprowadzenie treści propozycje szablonów HTML: II
Dzień dobry. Szukam Java Developerów zainteresowanych podjęciem się 4-8 tygodniowego projektu dla firmy z branży energetycznej. Kryteria są następujące: • Windows Platform • OpenLink Endur • External Pricing Module interface • Energy trading sector • Java Native Interface • FEA Swinglib Te kryteria są opcjonalne, najważniejsza jest znajomość Openlink Endur. Orientacyjny czas rozpoczęcia projektu to maj-czerwiec, praca w większości zdalna z możliwymi wyjazdami do siedziby klienta w Londynie. Proszę o wiadomość czy byłby Pan zainteresowany i czy mogłabym przedstawić Pana profil Klientowi. W przypadku zainteresowania z Pana strony, potrzebowałabym informacji o oczekiwanym wynagrodzeniu za godzinę-...
Witam, Tworzę system rezerwacji kanapek dla pracowni..., która poprawnie tworzy rezerwacje, lecz brak w niej możliwości dodawania zniżek na dzień dla różnych grup. Lista wtyczek do wykorzystania: Jeśli ktoś ma inny pomysł na utworzenie takiego systemu rezerwacji kanapek, zapraszam do propozycji, nie musi to być koniecznie WordPress, nie musi to być koniecznie WooCommerce, czy wtyczki przedstawione tutaj.
Witam poszukuję projektanta skór do wordpress, który przygotuje skórkę wg poniższych wymagań: - musi być responsywna (!) - musi obsługiwać co najmniej 2 języki - musi odpowiadać jak najwierniej istniejącemu designowi strony www firmy - musi obsługiwać wszystkie funkcjonalności obecne na istniejąc...bardzo dużą wagę przywiązuje do niebieskich linii w odpowiednim kształcie, które są obecne na wszystkich materiałach firmy, stronie www, papierze firmowym, itd. (screeny w załączniku) Możliwe jest wykorzystanie istniejącej skórki i odpowiednie jej zmodyfikowanie aby zachować korzyści już w niej zaimplementowane, takie jak łatwe tworzenie poprzez shortcode np: Sliders, Tabs, Toggles, Accordions, Pricing Tables, Buttons, Sections, Parallax Sect...
...(istniejąca strona) + prestashop (do postawienia) z modułami bądź innymi rozwiązaniami. Główny cel to sprzedaż produktów: rolety, plisy, moskitiery - systemy zaciemniające okna - wszystko co ładne i czym można okna zasłonić przed sąsiadem i słońcem (bez firan) rynek PL + EU. wordpress - istnieje jako wizytówka prestashop - sklep sprzedaż - potrzebuję moduł do wrzucania cennika z excela (CSV Pricing) czyli 1 produkt a mnóstwo opcji konfiguracji - np.: roleta, wiele kolorów, które po wybraniu pokazują jak cała roleta wygląda na oknie + ceny różne zależenie od szerokości i wysokości wpisanej przez klienta. na tej podstawie wyskakuje cena. do zrobienia jest szablonu (okno z parapetem) po wybraniu jakiejś tkaniny pokazywałob...
We are looking for 10 Polish kid voices and 6 Polish adult voices: 5 boys (8 to 10 years old) 5 girls (8 to 10 years old) 5 adult men 1 adult women To record a script of simple sentences through your mobile phone. Delivery method of recorded file: by e-mail. NO ACTING, NOR EXPERIENCE R...to 10 years old) 5 adult men 1 adult women To record a script of simple sentences through your mobile phone. Delivery method of recorded file: by e-mail. NO ACTING, NOR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FOR THIS RECORDING, the kid & adult must be 100% POLISH NATIVE SPEAKER with reading ability (for example can read aloud & clearly). Please reply me to send you more details on the job schedule and pricing of this special freelance job :) Thank you very much in advance. Best Re...
We need to set up an e-shop ClickShop (platform from ) and the introduction of our products. Description of the platform and the possibilities are here: angular # professional Content (product images, specifications, pricing) we will deliver. Details of the job: - About 30 products - E-shop fitting visual (colors, banners, keyboard) to the new version of our website - (Joomla) - E-shop in two optional languages (Polish, English) - Electronic payment processing (selection of the service provider - for discussion) - Integration with and Ebay - Functional testing e-shop, including: action, edit content, collaboration with payment sites, auction sites, etc. - Provide a comprehensive report on the commissioning and
Potrzebuje by ktoś dla mnie dopisał jedną funkcję do sklepu internetowego który stoi na Wordpress + woocommerce. Zlecenie dotyczy przerobienia wtyczki Dynamic Pricing (dokumentacja i opis: ) w taki sposób żeby działała ona na zasadzie: Jeśli klient doda do koszyka 1 produkt z kategorii X to otrzyma zniżkę na 1 produkt z kategorii Y. Jeśli klient doda do koszyka 2 produkty z kategorii X to otrzyma zniżkę na 2 produkty z kategorii Y. Jeśli klient doda do koszyka 3 produkty z kategorii X to otrzyma zniżkę na 3 produkty z kategorii Y. itd.
Zlecenie obejmuje stworzenie strony www w standardzie web 2.0. Podstrony to | Home | Pricing | About Us | Login |. Byc moze dojdzie jeszcze jedna dodatkowa podstrona. Nalezy wykonac projekt graficzny, wg podanych wytycznych (grupa docelowa, rodzaj klienta itp.), nastepnie pociecie layoutu do HTML oraz napisanie CSS, tak aby strona byla kompatybilna nawet z IE6. NA stronie glownej bedzie znajdowac sie video na ktoro zlecenie zamiescilem tutaj ,p712383,72463 .Nie ma koniecznosci kodzenia w niczym innym po za JS, HTML i CSS. Layout ma byc czytelne i przejrzysty stonowany pod moja grupe docelowa. Linki oraz tresc html, JS, ma byc zoptymalizowana pod przegladarki (slowa klucze oczywiscie dostarcze). Jesli uwazasz ze to zlecenie dla Ciebie, przeslij mi maila z
...produktów, pracy (szczegóły dostarczymy na drodze mailowej) Strona ogólne informacje: - koło 10 kategorii z licznymi podkategoriami - ogłoszenia wyróżnione/polecane (również ze zdjęciem), ostatnio dodane ogłoszenia, najbardziej popularne ogłoszenia - Menu: Górna część strony: Home, Place a listining, Search (bądź Advanced search), Stores, Pricing, FAQ, Contact Dolna część strony: Home, Place a listining, Search (bądź Advanced search), Stores, Pricing, FAQ, How it works, Advertise with us, Links, Contact - Search – przede wszystkim po słowie kluczowym i kategoriach, oraz na stronie głównej lub w opcji Advanced search wyszukiwanie uwzględniające lokalizację (kraje i miasta) oraz dodatkowe opcje typu Prices (...
Witam. Zlecę pozycjonowanie serwisu na frazy: Farouk Biosilk Silk therapy Silk infusion Distribution farouk Chi products Interesuje mnie: - oferta cenowa z uwzględnieniem każdej frazy z osobna (na email) - cena za miesiąc pozycjonowania. - płatności za wyniki (interesuje mnie TOP10) - comiesięczne raporty każdej frazy -Pozycjonowanie na wielką brytannie język angielski Zapraszam do składania ofert. Pozdrawiam.
witam, mam do odsprzedania licencje na skrypt spolecznosciowy: $300 - One Time Fee + License Removal This removes the "Powered by phpFoX" tag at the bottom of each page, title and admin panel. $75 calosc kosztowala mnie 375$, za podobne pieniadze chce odsprzedac. wiarygodnosc licencji mozna sprawdzic tutaj: skrypt aktualnie na stronie (kwestia domeny do dyskusji - jest wazna do 2009.11.02 ) uwaga! jest mozliwosc przeniesienia licencji na inna domene internetowa fvat warunki i prowizja do ustalenia, slucham propozycji
Witam Proszę o oferty Z CENAMI na instalację tych modułów lub podobnych (jeśli są lepsze od tych). Licytacje z cenami do negocjacji bez wysłania ceny mailem, nie będzie brana pod uwagę. Sklep jest już po instalacjach różnych modułów, więc w grę wchodzi tylko ręczna instalacja QTpro v1.0 - Quantity Tracking Professional: Seperate Pricing Per Customer: Manual Order Maker: Pozdrawiam.
...oparty na Oscommerce 2.2. Zajmujemy się sprzedażą biżuterii i tu się zaczyna kłopot, bo chcemy sprzedawać biżuterie: na sztuki (detal) i na wagę (w gramach w hurcie). W tym celu została dodana kontrybucja, która pozwala przydzielać grupy klientów (w hurcie i detalu, czyli mogę każdemu z grup klientów przydzielać inna cenę i produkty będą liczone po staremu) oto ta kontrybucja: Seperate Pricing Per Customer //Jak to wygląda można zobaczyć na końcu Co trzeba zmienić: jeżeli przyjdzie klient hurtowy i czym więcej towaru weźmie tym będzie miał taniej. Myślałem o pewnych progach np: klient hurtowy kupuje w sklepie w gramach (w detalu wszystko zostaje po staremu) jeżeli Klient kupi od 1gr do 100 gramów to cenę ma 1 EURO ...
Witam, mam specyficzna Mianowicie mój sklep to opart na Oscommerce 2.2. Zajmujemy sie sprzedażą biżuteri i tu się zaczyna kłopot bo chcemy sprzedawać biżuterie: na sztuki (detal) i na wage (w gramach w hurcie). W tym celu sostała dodana kontrybucja która pozwala przydzielać grópy klientów (w hurcie i detalu) oto ta kontrybucja:Seperate Pricing Per Customer nr 716 z dnia 20 Mar 2005. Co trzba zmienic: jeżeli przyjdzie klient hurtowy i czym wiecej towaru weźmie tym bedzie miał taniej. I to trzeba zmienić!! Myślałem o pewnych progach np: kient hurtowy kupuje w skelpie w gramach (w detalu wszystko zostaje po staremu) jeżeli weźmie od 1gdo 100 gramow to cene ma X, jeżeli weźmie 101 do 1000 g to cena jest nizsza jeżeli weźmie powyżej 1001...
Witam, mam specyficzna Mianowicie mój sklep to opart na Oscommerce 2.2. Zajmujemy sie sprzedażą biżuteri i tu się zaczyna kłopot bo chcemy sprzedawać biżuterie na sztuki (detal) i na wage (w gramach w hurcie). W tym celu sostała dodana kontrybucja która pozwala przydzielać grópy klientów (w hurcie i detalu) oto ta kontrybucja:Seperate Pricing Per Customer nr 716 z dnia 20 Mar 2005. Co trzba zmienic: jeżeli przyjdzie klient hurtowy i czym wiecej towaru weźmie tym bedzie miał taniej. I to trzeba zmienić!! Myślałem o pewnych progach np: kient hurtowy kupuje w skelpie w gramach (w detalu wszystko zostaje po staremu) jeżeli weźmie od 1gdo 100 gramow to cene ma X, jeżeli weźmie 101 do 1000 g to cena jest nizsza jeżeli weźmie powyżej 1001g...
...proven that Collagen Beauty, when stored at the appropriate temperature retains all, of its properties for many months. Collagen Beauty plays a vital role in natural renovation. It replaces and activates substances that are essential for regeneration, whose biosynthesis has been disturbed. It also rebuilds natural collagen in the body. Collagen renovation is a combination of hydro- and ozone therapy in water, together with water collagen massage. It produces unparalleled regeneration effects. Collagen baths help to improve the skin's condition. The bath has to start at a normal temperature of 30°C for about 15 minutes. Next, the water temperature is increased so that the collagen particles are broken which increases its effectiveness (amino acid baths). To improve th...
...proven that Collagen Beauty, when stored at the appropriate temperature retains all, of its properties for many months. Collagen Beauty plays a vital role in natural renovation. It replaces and activates substances that are essential for regeneration, whose biosynthesis has been disturbed. It also rebuilds natural collagen in the body. Collagen renovation is a combination of hydro- and ozone therapy in water, together with water collagen massage. It produces unparalleled regeneration effects. Collagen baths help to improve the skin's condition. The bath has to start at a normal temperature of 30°C for about 15 minutes. Next, the water temperature is increased so that the collagen particles are broken which increases its effectiveness (amino acid baths). To improve th...
I'm looking for a straightforward Shopify application that can assist my students in determining the cost of ...price, not dependent on volume range or material type. For example, currently my students pay $0.05 per cubic inch and getting that price is the full reason for needing this app. The ideal candidate for this project should have prior experience developing Shopify apps. They should be proficient in Shopify's API, JavaScript, and Liquid, Shopify's templating language. Understanding of e-commerce pricing strategies and the ability to create user-friendly interfaces will also be beneficial. There is a calculator app I have installed that is okay but it is very glitchy in some browsers. It has the correct behavior though. You can view it at:
...using legal templates for necessary documents. You will need to ensure all necessary collaborations are in place before finalizing your task. Deliverables: Collaborations Secured: A list of confirmed API collaborations and partnerships for each platform, with signed agreements or letters of intent where applicable. Research Report: Detailed research on each potential collaboration, including pricing, integration timelines, and expected results. Clear documentation of each collaboration process. Phased Development Roadmap: A roadmap for successful collaboration management, showing clear stages and deadlines for each platform’s API integration. Compliance and Legal Guidance (if required): Recommendations on how to proceed with legal documentation such as terms of service ...
I urgently need a marketing designer to develop a small, corporate-style PowerPoint presentation (10 pages or less) to help secure clients for my business. This presentation should detail: - A comprehensive description of my business - A profile of the Founder, President & CEO - The number of our offices and employees - Our unique business model - The services we offer - Our pricing strategy - Examples of past projects - A list of references The presentation should take a corporate and formal visual style, with key elements to be emphasized including: - Our business model and services offered - The profile of the Founder, President & CEO - Examples of past projects and references Ideal candidates for this project should possess strong marketing and design ...
I've encountered a misrepresentation suspension with Google Merchant Center. I'm unsure of the specifics, but I need a comprehensive review of my product listings to identify any potential issues. This includes, but is not limited to, product descriptions, images and videos, pricing and availability. Ideal skills for this job include: - Extensive knowledge of Google Merchant Center - E-commerce experience - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to provide clear and concise feedback - Understanding of Google’s Merchant policies It’s crucial that you are able to identify all possible misrepresentation issues and help me rectify them. Your expertise will be instrumental in getting my account reinstated.
I'm in need of a simple but illustrative logo for my veterinary rehab therapy business, which primarily focuses on canine physical therapy. The logo should be visually engaging and inclusive of canine elements. The practice name is K-9 Kinetics Rehabilitation and Sports Therapy. Key Requirements: - The logo must be illustrative in style, but simple. - It should prominently feature dogs, as these are the primary focus of the business. - While not strictly necessary, inclusion of the veterinary caduceus and some elements of canine exercise would be excellent Ideal Skill - Experience in creating animal-themed logos. - Ability to design visually appealing logos that illustrate the service that the practice provides.
I need an experienced web developer to make several modifications to my custom-built dropshipping website. The site is built on unknown platform and the changes involve pricing adjustments, shipping configurations, and automated emails. Key Requirements: - Modify the site to allow for individual customer pricing, which will be set manually by the admin - Configure the Netparcel API to specify box size/weight, auto email shipping labels to the shipping department, and blind ship the shipping address - Set up auto emails from the site to customers when tracking information is available from the Netparcel or clothing API Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python, django, laravel - Experience with dropshipping websites - Familiarity with Netparcel API - Competent in setting up auto...
I'm in need of a professional who can assist in streamlining the procurement process for raw materials. The primary focus will be on sourcing suppliers, with a strong emphasis on evaluating pricing and costs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in procurement and supply chain management - Strong negotiation skills - Proven track record in sourcing suppliers for raw materials - Excellent analytical skills to evaluate pricing and costs - Industry contacts and networks would be a plus
Tri-Fold Brochure Design for Revive Stem Objective: Create a visually compelling and professional tri-fold brochure to promote Revive Stem’s advanced stem cell infusion therapy. The brochure will serve as an informative and marketing tool to educate potential clients about our services, unique product features, and the conditions treated. Target Audience: - Adults seeking regenerative health solutions for joint pain, sports injuries, chronic conditions, or overall wellness. Key Deliverables: 1. Front Panel: - Company logo (Revive Stem) and tagline: "Revive. Restore. Renew." - Eye-catching imagery or design that conveys health, rejuvenation, and innovation. - Contact information: Address, phone number, and website. 2. Inside Panels: - Panel 1: Why C...
I'm seeking a comprehensive business plan for a nutraceuticals and supplement venture in Canada. The plan should encompass: - Market Analysis: A thorough investigation into competitor strengths and weaknesses, market share, and pricing and product offerings. Understanding customer demographics and key industry trends is also crucial. - Financial Projections: Clear, realistic financial forecasts that consider the specificities of the nutraceutical industry. - Operational Strategy: A detailed strategy to guide the business's operations, from sourcing to sales. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in market analysis, finance, and operational planning, preferably within the nutraceuticals or supplements industry. Experience with competitor analy...
Dear Professionals, I am seeking a motivated and results-driven individual to help improve the performance of my e-commerce store. The current conversion rate is 0.3%, and I am looking for a partner who can diagnose issu...to grow with us. Incentives: We offer performance-based incentives indexed to results achieved, rewarding successful efforts in improving conversion rates and advertising effectiveness. If you’re interested in joining this journey, please share: • A brief overview of your experience and relevant case studies or successes. • Your approach to increasing conversion rates and optimizing ads. • Pricing structure and any additional terms. We look forward to hearing from you and working together to build a stronger, more profitable store. War...
I'm looking to develop a compre...JavaScript, React/Angular - Back-end development: Java/Python/Ruby, Spring/Django - Database management: MySQL/PostgreSQL - API integration: Payment gateways, mapping services - Security and authentication: Encryption, secure authentication, authorization Proposal Request: We would like to request a detailed proposal from your company, including: - Project timeline with milestones and deadlines - Pricing breakdown, including any additional fees - Team composition, including roles and expertise - Communication plan, including regular updates and meetings If your company is interested and available to take on this project, please reply to this email by 21st Jan. We look forward to reviewing your proposal and discussing this project further. ...
About Me: Creative and passionate graphic designer with 1 years of experience in the field. Expertise in photo editing, graphic design, and branding solutions tailored to client needs. Dedicated...Lightroom. Experience with Canva for quick, creative designs. Familiarity with video editing tools like Premiere Pro (if applicable). Strong understanding of typography, color theory, and layout principles. Why Choose Me: Timely delivery with attention to detail. Open communication and collaboration throughout the project. Unique, custom designs tailored to your brand’s identity. Competitive pricing with guaranteed satisfaction. Let’s Work Together: I’m here to bring your vision to life through creativity and professionalism. Let’s discuss your project a...
Description: I have a label design ready and need a skilled professional to make small modifications and add placeholders. This is a straightforward task for someone with experience in label design and customization for printing. Requirements: Ability to work with existing designs and make precise adjustments Add placeholders as needed Quick turnaround time Reasonable pricing If you can deliver high-quality, customized work quickly, please share your experience and estimated delivery time.
1. Summary of Requirem...ensure alignment with our objectives and to maintain transparency throughout the project. 4. Partner Expectations: We expect our partner to provide a list of websites, including their DA and PA, that will be used for creating backlinks. Additionally, examples of previous successful campaigns should be shared to demonstrate expertise and the ability to deliver high-quality results. Competitive pricing is essential, as this project could lead to 14 additional projects if the results are satisfactory. Next Steps: Please share your best price for this project, a complete list of websites (with DA/PA) where backlinks will be created, and examples of your past campaigns. We look forward to partnering with a team that is focused on delivering quality and reliabl...
...hardware scanning) for quick additions. Basic offline capability for sales if feasible (optional). Synchronize data with the backend (orders, products, stock). Web App React-based admin/management interface for product set-up, user management, orders, analytics, etc. Possibly separate “Sales” front end if needed. Single-Vendor B2B Focus Possibly handle bulk orders, special B2B pricing, or customer-specific pricing. Payment terms (credit limit, net30, net60) for B2B customers if relevant. Scope of Work Frontend Development React (web) for manager/admin panel, dashboards, product management, etc. React Native (mobile) or similar, focusing on a user-friendly POS interface with barcode scanning. Backend Development Node.js + Express + Mongoose, defining schemas...
...focused designs Tools and Skills: • Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom, Canva, and Figma • Expertise in graphic design principles and visual storytelling • Ability to work with various file formats and resolutions • Creative problem-solving and attention to detail Why Choose Me? • Timely delivery with quick turnaround times • Unlimited revisions until you are satisfied • Affordable pricing with customized packages • Dedicated to meeting your vision and brand identity • Proven track record of helping clients increase audience engagement Portfolio and Past Work: Let’s Work Together! I am passionate about delivering designs that make an impact. Whether you’re looking for high-quality photo edits or thum...
I'm looking for a creative menu designer for my sports bar. The atmosphere is designed to be energetic and lively, so the menu should reflect this vibe. It should cat...the menu should reflect this vibe. It should cater to a full range of meals - breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Previous experience designing restaurant menus, particularly for energetic venues - Understanding of a wide variety of cuisine suitable for a sports bar - Ability to create engaging and appealing content - Knowledge of food and beverage pricing strategies - Graphic design skills for visual layout of the menu Your task will be to develop a menu that not only offers enticing food and drink options, but also contributes to the overall lively atmosphere of ...
Proposal for Canada-Based Leads in the Weed Industry Project Description: This proposal outlines the provision of 50 entries of...businesses involved in the cannabis industry, specifically those selling weed products. Deliverables: Total Entries: 50 Leads Focus Areas: Businesses involved in the sale of cannabis products. Relevant contact information (e.g., company name, contact person, phone number, email address, website). Quality Assurance: Each entry will be verified for accuracy and relevance to ensure optimal quality. Pricing: Cost per Entry: $0.20 USD Total for 50 Entries: $10.00 USD Payment Terms: Payment methods accepted: [List accepted payment methods, e.g., PayPal, bank transfer, etc.]. Delivery Timeline: Estimated delivery time for the leads: 2-3 business days after con...
I'm in the animal care industry and need a comprehensive Excel calculator to help me evaluate labor costs against reven...track labor hours, the number of animals cared for, and the cost per employee. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel with advanced formula knowledge. - Experience in the animal care industry is a plus. - Ability to create user-friendly, intuitive spreadsheets. The goal is to have a tool that helps me make informed decisions about staffing and pricing based on labor costs and revenue from these services. It needs to be easy to use. Daycare pricing is set at $42/day and 35/half day and boarding at 65/night and labor is $20/hr. I would like to only have to enter in the number of hours worked, and then how many animals are in each category. Labor % sho...
...and implement character models and kart designs inspired by Mario Kart. - **C++ Guidance**: As a beginner in C++, I'll need your expertise and mentorship to help me improve my skills while we work together. Goals: - **1 Week Timeline**: I'd like to see what we can accomplish in one week. Your ability to manage time and set achievable goals will be crucial. - **Pricing and Availability**: Please provide your availability and pricing at your earliest convenience. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in game development, particularly with Unreal Engine and C++. Experience with creating racing games will be highly advantageous. Good communication skills and an ability to mentor are key, as I am looking for someone who can guide me through the process a...
I'm looking to create a website that primarily serves as an information hub for various freight and logistics services. The site should display: - Service routes and schedules - Pricing and plans - Company history and policies The ideal freelancer for this project would be someone with a strong background in web development, particularly in creating information-centric websites. A good understanding of freight and logistics services would be a significant advantage.
I have an urgent situation with my app, ClickD, which was developed two years ago. Unfortunately, the original developer did not provide me with the source files, and I have lost contact with them. My goal is to get my app back up and running without incurri...one. The app is currently hosted on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, and I have full access to both accounts. However, I have no access to the app's source code. Key requirements: - Experience with app recovery - Familiarity with both Google Play Store and Apple App Store - Competence in navigating app development without source code Please ensure to submit an accurate pricing for this project. Your understanding and expertise in this field will greatly assist me in resolving this issue swiftly. A...
I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer to create an e-commerce app for both iOS and Android. The app will feature a countdown on product pricing from maximum retail price to a hidden minimum retail price, all managed from a backend system. The app's UI has already been designed and will be provided. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in either native iOS/Android development or Flutter, with no strict preference for either. - Experience in developing e-commerce mobile applications. - Ability to implement a backend-controlled countdown pricing feature. - Capacity to develop an all-in-one product category app. Ideal candidates will have a strong portfolio of similar projects, excellent communication skills, and a keen attention to detail. I look forward to your prop...
...Final Cut Pro, or similar for video editing. - Have experience with Adobe Photoshop or Canva for poster design. - Be knowledgeable about social media trends and audio selection. - Exhibit creativity in travel-themed content. Please note, this is a long-term collaboration opportunity. Deliverables will include source files for all content. To apply, kindly share your portfolio, your monthly pricing or cost per reel/post, and your suggestions for enhancing travel content engagement....
...to create attractive images to enhance content presentation. -Web design experience, as new pages need to be added to the site. -GitHub proficiency, since the website’s content and structure are developed there. -Bonus: Basic SEO knowledge to improve visibility. Experience in financial, fintech, or cryptocurrency-related websites is a big plus! Send me examples of your previous work and your pricing for this service. Looking forward to hearing from you!...
...looking to create a vibrant, engaging website for my party rentals business. The site should not only showcase our rental items but also facilitate online bookings and allow users to complete and sign rental agreements digitally. Key requirements include: - A colorful, fun design aesthetic that reflects the nature of our business - User-friendly interface with clear display of rental items and pricing - Efficient booking and scheduling system - Secure and seamless e-sign functionality Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in web design and development, with a portfolio of similar projects. Experience in creating e-commerce or rental websites would be a definite advantage. Your ability to deliver a site that is both visually appealing and functionally...
...tool that can integrate seamlessly with a website or function as a standalone app. --- 2. Target Audience Primary Users: Business owners in the automotive industry (dealers, brokers). Private vehicle sellers and buyers. Vehicle enthusiasts seeking market insights. User Personas: Busy Professionals: Want quick and accurate appraisals without manual research. Private Sellers: Need reliable pricing information to sell their cars. Dealers: Require tools for bulk appraisals and customer engagement. --- 3. Core Features User-Facing Features: 1. Vehicle Input Form: Fields for VIN, Year, Make, Model, Mileage, Condition, Zip Code. Optional fields for uploading vehicle images. 2. Instant VIN Decoding: Retrieve vehicle specifications (trim, engine type, features) using API...
I am looking for a logo for my mental health business. The name is renewed minds, I want someone simple but aesthetically pleasing maybe with some flowers . Hence “renewing your mind” I want something aesthetically pleasing, feminine but also welcoming.
I am currently working on a dating application and would like to integrate a video match feature into the platform. The feature will have functionalities similar to , with room...the current user and continue searching for the next match. Filtering Options: Users should be able to filter matches by gender, age, and preferences (e.g., looking for friendship, relationship, etc.). Video Interface: A user interface similar to , or a creative custom design. I am looking for a skilled developer to integrate this functionality into my application. Please provide: Your pricing details. The estimated timeline for project completion. If you are interested, feel free to reach out with your portfolio or relevant experience. I look forward to collaborating with you on this exciting project!