Graphic design creating outlineprojekty
Witam do reportazu video potrzebuje dwoch rzeczy - animowanej wejsciowki, czegos w rodzaju drugiej animacji tutaj: - logo (logo spojne z wejsciowka tez umiejetne polaczenie zdjecia z grafika) wybranym osob przekaze wiecej szczegulow, prosze o portfolio prac
...the preparations have been made to hold this conference in the second week of October at a leading hotel in London - The Carlton. Mr Roberts wishes to send circular letter to the Human Resources Managers of all the companies on your mailing list, encouraging them to send suitable staff on their organisations to the conference. The letter should stimulate their interest. It should include an outline of the theme of the conference, its aims and any other relevant information you consider relevant. The letter is to be dispatched with copies of the programme and a registration form so that places can be reserved immediately. PREPARE THE LETTER ,PROGRAMME AND REGISTRATIONT FORM As a result of your mailshot 150 places are filled for the conference. Write a letter to The C...
Witam Jeśli o mnie chodzi, jestem Graphic Designerem z kilku letnim doświadczeniem. Radze sobie nawet całkiem nieźle z projektowaniem stron www, sklepów internetowych, rozbudowanych portali czy stron produktowych. Nie jest mi również obcy, flash, html/css, poligrafia - dtp czy jakieś animacje. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc zajmuję się grafiką, projektując również dla znanych marek. Jednak nie można się znać na wszystkim, moja wiedza i umiejętności są dość obszerne jednak jestem tylko człowiekiem dlatego potrzebuje fachowca w sprawach na których ja się kompletnie nie znam. Nie ma co ukrywać - programowanie to nie jest moja mocna strona. Dlatego poszukuje do bliższej i przede wszystkim stałej współpracy zdolnego programistę. Poszukuję do stałe...
Zlecenie wykonanie grafiki do gry Zlecenie składałoby się z 3 części: 1 część: Kluczową częścią zlecenia jest wykonanie wioski sportowej składającej się z różnych budynków (np. coś w stylu: ). Każdy budynek to osobna grafika. Budynki mogą przyjmować inny wygląd w zależności jak bardzo są rozwinięte (drobne zmiany względem obrazków z niższego poziomu, wstępnie zakładam że będzie to maksymalnie 5 poziomów, ale niektóre budynki będą miały tylko 2 lub nawet 1). Każdy budynek musi posiadać wersję graficzną "w trakcie rozbudowy". Obrazki powinny być typu gif, png itp - nie flash. Budynków będzie około 15 Bez umiejętności wykonania tego elementu proszę nie zgłaszać swojej oferty. Atutem będzie realizacja
Witam serdecznie, Poszukuję zleceń od osób lub firm z zakresu projektowania graficznego stron internetowych/portali/serwisów społecznościowych/wizytówek www itd. Moje portfolio Gwarantuje indywidualne podejście do każdego realizowanego projektu oraz korzystne warunki współpracy. Pozdrawiam, Adam Rudzki / GG: 6016343 / rudzkidesign@
witam Poszukuje osoby z doświadczeniem realizacji podobnych zadan czyli wdrozenia serwisu na bazie template do wordpressa z więdza na temat SEO. Do wdrozenia jest serwis w oparciu o zakupiony template (template pliki my dostarczamy): Cel: Wdrożenie, zmiana górnego menu (logo, układ menu wyrzucenie funkcji szukaj) Przygotowanie szablonu pod wyszukiwarki SEO Umieszczenie tresci wedlug otrzymanych materiałów Rozliczenie: Mile widziana faktura VAT Umowa o dzieło. Termin: Proszę podac termin realizacji od daty przekazania plikow. Osoby tylko pełnoletnie mogące wystawic fakture VAT lub podpisac umowe o dzielo wraz z portfolio wykonanych dotychczas wdrozen serwisow. Zastrzegam mozliwosc nie wybrania oferty/referenta
Witam, UWAGA --> juz 2 firmy z Polski znalezione pr...dlugoterminowa wspolprace. Ponizej krotka informacja o projekcie, po wiecej szczegolow prosze o kontakt. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ prototyp: Website elements and functionality. Website will contain a custom CMS (Content Management System) to maintain the content of the site. Website Elements: 1. Admin Area • Creating New Categories and Subcategories • Maintaining Banners displayed on the website • Maintaining Designers' Accounts 2. Users Area: • Simple and Advance Search Feature • Interactive Map (find designer by zip code) • Creation of Account which will allow manage email alerts
...szybko i dobrze, bede mial kolejne wieksze zlecenia - licze na dlugoterminowa wspolprace. Ponizej krotka informacja o projekcie, po wiecej szczegolow prosze o kontakt. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Website elements and functionality. Website will contain a custom CMS (Content Management System) to maintain the content of the site. Website Elements: 1. Admin Area • Creating New Categories and Subcategories • Maintaining Banners displayed on the website • Maintaining Designers' Accounts 2. Users Area: • Simple and Advance Search Feature • Interactive Map (find designer by zip code) • Creation of Account which will allow for example manage email alerts 3. Designer Area: • Payme...
Witam zlecę proste animacje flashowe elementow do www wg wlasnego projektu; chodzi o: - logo wektorowe obracajace sie wg wlasnej osi - baner poziomy - kilka elementów graficznych ... zlecę proste animacje flashowe elementow do www wg wlasnego projektu; chodzi o: - logo wektorowe obracajace sie wg wlasnej osi - baner poziomy - kilka elementów graficznych + kilka napisów (fade in, fade out, slide in, slide out, etc.) - baner pionowy jw - ikonki drgające (po najechaniu na nie myszką), sztuk 5-7 - intro do strony (max 10 sekund, logo "rysujące się samo" tj. outline, teksty, wypełnianie kolorem, jakiś błysk, etc.) Interesuje mnie zlecenie wszystkiego jednej osobie, proszę więc o ceny netto za cały zestaw. Szczegóły na maila. Po...
Witam, Poszukuję osoby która wykona krótkie (do 20s) intro pełne ciekawych efektów w programie Adobe After Effects lub podobnym. Będzie to intro wykorzystywane do kursu DVD. Przykład takiego intra: -> Adobe After Effects -> Motion Graphic ;feature=related Proszę nie licytować wysoko. Nie zależy mi na produkcji filmowej. Ponadto z tego co widzę można kupić gotowy szablon AE na już 70 usd.
witam Poszukuje wykonawcy kilkusekundowych (max 10s) filmikow (kilkanascie produkcji) z serii motion graphic : Poszukuje osob ktore posiadaja w swoim portfolio podobne produkcje i znaja programy typu adobe premier, after effects, animacja 2d, 3d, flash. Prosze o przesylanie ofert cenowych za jeden film wraz z portfolio. Dziekuje
Witam, Szukam osoby ktora naprawi mi forum. Prosze o oferty doswiadczonych osob, ktore znaja przemo. Wywala blad Error creating new session DEBUG MODE SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '-1' for key 2 prosze o nr gg sprawa pilna Pozdrawiam Krzysztof
...template do smf, który w chwili obecnej jest w czerwonym kolorze. celem tego zlecenia jest edycja plików i "przemalowanie" go na zielono, z zachowaniem tych samych wymiarów, itp. smodyfikowane mają być tylko elementy konstrukcyjne templejta bez ikon i przycisków proszę o oferty z ceną i czasem wykonania i KIEDY mozesz zacząć ps. chodzi o template taki jak (nazwa: outline) ps2: od zwyciezcy aukcji oczekuje zmieszczenia sie w zaproponowanym terminie. nie interesują mnie żadne wymówki: dodatkowa praca, wesele kumpla, śmierć w rodzinie. wiele osób nic sobie nie robi z tego, że osoby dla których pracują też mają jakieś linity czasowe. zasada jest prosta: nie masz czasu - nie składaj oferty. szczególnie dot...
...tworzenia katalogow i asignowania do nich userow, musi to byc specjalna kategoria userow, np publishers) * stats - joomlastats * galeria nawigacja (po cztery z kazdej strony logo, calosc we flaszu) * Home * How We Can Help You * Graphic Design * Photography (tam bedzie tekst i linki do galerii) * Website Design * Photo/Image Shop (to sklep) * Testimonials * Contact nawigacja bedzie w stopce i w glowce flaszowej, w stopce dodatkowe linki Gallery Links Admin, reszta stopki jaka jest (czyli Design by Creative Artroom) sklep * thumbnaile kategorii 200 szerokie * po kliknieciu na Photo/Image Shop sa kategorie obrazek i opis * po kliknieciu na konkretna kategorie lista produktow wyswietl...
witam. Poszukuje osoby ktora wykonalaby ikony do gry symbolizujace rozne typy budynkow. Coś na wzór: W sumie około 80 grafik-ikon. Prosze podawac propozycje cenowa za 1 sztuke.
Witam, jestem grafikiem komputerowym lecz potrzebowałbym profesjonalny, nowatorski i uniwersalny logotyp. Ten który mam aktualnie znudził mi się i chciałbym go zmienić. Zapraszam na stronę: - gdzie jest mój aktualny logotyp. W razie wszelkich pytań proszę pisać na: graphic@
Witam. ...Szukamy programisty/grafika do twrozenia strony - nie dla nas - tylko dla osoby ktora bedzie nalezala do naszej firmy. Jezeli ktos nie rozumie pojecia firma fonograficzna mozna jasniej powiedziec wytwornia plytowa. Szukamy programisty/grafika narazie nie do pracy tylko do wspolpracy. Za wykonanie strony/banerow/prezentacji/okladki cd itp oferujemy. dole strony (stopka) umieszczenie. Graphic/Webmaster. Imie / Naziwsko Page. Adres strony protfolio ,... zamiast page moze byc takze E-mail. stronie glownej oferujemy takze miejsce na baner reklamowy. Od zainteresowanych nie wymagamy duzego doswiadczenia i umiejetnosci tylko PHP,CSS,PHOTOSHOP,FLASH Osoby zainteresowane WSPOLPRACA prosimy o licytacje i podanie numerow gg i/lub email. Pozdrawiam. Micha...
...There will be an audio button with some kind of photo above, preferably policeman, telling people what we are doing and to download the free report via the Opt-In box. 2. Remove the main navigation column on left (editable content to run the full width of page - see image at the bottom) • Main Menu will be replaced by top menu running horizontally underneath the header (remove graphic links Home-search-contact) • Add “Bookmark This Site” link within top menu (last item) • Download the Ebook link removed • Login box will display only on the resources page • “Logout” appears in top menu for logged-in users 3. When clicking on Resources if you are NOT logged in the message should not...
...poszczególnych elementów profilu innych użytkowników(inni użytkownicy mogą zarządzać komentarzami, jakie otrzymują{nie podoba Ci się czyjś komentarz na Twój temat, możesz go usunąć Użytkownikowi nie wolno zmieniać, usuwać etc elementów profilu lub plików wrzuconych przez innych użytkowników. Portal powinien mieć kilka zakładek; tak jak Zakładki powinny się nazywać: my music, my video, my graphic, my writing(w pierwszym etapie uruchamiamy tylko zakładkę my music, później rozszerzamy o kolejne) Wyszukiwarka ludzi: Wg. płci, wieku, tego czy ma swoją muzykę, czy nie, ze względu na zdjęcie itp. Kolejna zakładka portalu to część informacyjna my events tam będziemy pisać o wszystkich wydarzeniach, o których ...
I need an Excel data dump sheet designed to mimic the look and feel of my personal expense dashboard. This includes using the same colors as the dashboard. It should be tailored to incorporate specific safety categories, with the data arranged to display correctly on the graph. The ideal freelancer for this project should ...mimic the look and feel of my personal expense dashboard. This includes using the same colors as the dashboard. It should be tailored to incorporate specific safety categories, with the data arranged to display correctly on the graph. The ideal freelancer for this project should have - Extensive experience working with Microsoft Excel - Strong design skills to match the dashboard aesthetics - Understanding of safety data categories - Proficiency in creating... media manager to oversee my Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channels. The role includes creating and posting 5 posts and 3 reels on Instagram and Facebook weekly, as well as producing content for YouTube shorts. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Develop engaging FB, INSTA posts, reels and YouTube shorts. - Scheduling and Posting: Ensure posts are uploaded at optimal times for maximum engagement. - Community Engagement: Primarily focused on initiating conversations with followers. - Paid Campaigns: Plan and manage paid advertising to boost visibility and engagement. - Organic Marketing: Develop strategies to grow the channels without relying solely on paid ads. - Logo Creation: Design a unique and appealing logo for the brand. Ideal Skills and Experience:...
I'm looking for a web designer...knack for modern and artistic aesthetics to create a unique portfolio site for me. Key Responsibilities: - Design a creative and artistic portfolio website reflecting my design work. - Implement a modern and minimalistic style throughout the site, ensuring a professional touch. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web design and development. - Experience in creating portfolio websites. - Strong understanding of modern and minimalist design principles. - Ability to translate graphic designs into an engaging and interactive website. While I haven't specified a preferred layout for displaying my designs, I am open to suggestions that would best showcase my work. A visual understanding of design paired wit...
...sleek design for a Facebook ad giveaway picture. The main objective of this design is to increase our brand awareness through the giveaway. This February, we’re keeping things extra cool! Place an order of $50,000 or more, and you’ll receive a FREE Engel MT-V45F Fridge—the perfect companion for adventures, road trips, and keeping your essentials chilled! ? Offer valid until February 29th—don’t miss out on this cool opportunity! ? Order now and claim your FREE Engel MT-V45F Fridge today! Key Elements Required: - Product Image: The design must include the photograph supplied - Engel fridge - Brand Logo: Our logo (Phoenix Sheds) should be prominently featured in the design, this can be ripped from our webpage if required. Idea...
Eating/ ASMR/Mukbang Review/Remix Video Project We're seeking a creative and skilled video editor to produce a humorous and entertaining review/remix video that showcases a collection of popular mukbang channels. _Project Overview:_ This project involves creating a unique review/remix video that combines clips from various mukbang channels, adding humorous commentary, memes, stickers, sound effects, and other engaging elements. The goal is to create a light-hearted, comedic video that pokes fun at the mukbang genre in a playful way. Think of it as a "best of" or "funniest moments" compilation, but with a humorous twist. We're looking for someone who can creatively edit together clips from different mukbang channels, adding their own brand of humor an...
I need a skilled graphic designer to format and design an informative booklet. It will primarily be a minimalist design style with graphics and illustrations included throughout. Key Responsibilities: - Format and design the provided content into a professional looking booklet - Create and incorporate graphics and illustrations in a minimalist style - Ensure the design is suitable for an informative purpose Ideal Skills: - Proficient in design software such as Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, or equivalent - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Experience creating informative booklets or similar materials - Ability to create original graphics and illustrations
I need a professional graphic designer who can enhance and vectorize my logos for merchandise. Unfortunately, I only have printed copies and images of the original logos. I also need some minor tweaks to the design. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Vectorization - Adobe Illustrator or equivalent software Experience: - Proven track record in logo enhancement and vectorization - Experience working on designs for merchandise - Prior work that involved modifying existing designs
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a modern, clean logo for my brand. The color scheme for this logo is black and yellow, so a good understanding of color contrast and design aesthetics in these colors is key. The logo will primarily be used on my website, flyers and t-shirts so it should be designed with web compatibility in mind. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Previous experience designing logos - Strong understanding of color theory and design principles - Ability to create a design that is web-friendly - Portfolio showcasing modern and clean designs.
I'm seeking a field sales representative who can sell Paytm QR codes. Specifically, this individual will be responsible for generating both static and dynamic Paytm QR codes to facilitate transactions. Key Responsibilities: - Selling Paytm QR codes in the field - Generating both static and dynamic Paytm QR codes - Creating detailed sales reports and metrics tracking the performance of QR code sales - Collecting and analyzing customer feedback to improve service and sales strategies Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in field sales - Familiarity with Paytm and QR technology - Strong communication and sales skills Please note, the primary focus of this role is sales, with a secondary task of QR code generation. The primary target market will be retail stores. Th...
...Assessment Table Risk Factor: Likelihood (1-5) Impact (1-5) Raw Score (L × I) Weight (%) Weighted Score Financial Risk 5 4 20 30% 6.0 Eligibility & Compliance Risk 4 5 20 25% 5.0 Operational Risk 3 4 12 20% 2.4 Fraud & Abuse Risk 2 5 10 15% 1.5 External Risks 3 3 9 10% 0.9 Total Risk Score 15.8 (Moderate Risk) Step 6: Mitigation Strategies For high or critical risks, outline corrective actions such as: Regular audits & compliance checks Enhanced training for caseworkers Improved fraud detection tools Automated eligibility verification This structured scoring method ensures an objective, data-driven risk assessment for LIHEAP. Could you like a customizable Excel template for this?...
I'm looking for a vintage-style logo for my classic car collection, specifically featuring International Harvester Scout II's. The logo should incorporate a silhouette of the Scout II and include the text "Ploen Garage". Ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proficiency in graphic design, particularly logo creation - A strong portfolio of vintage-style designs - Ability to incorporate specific imagery and text into design - Experience with automotive-themed designs would be a plus
I need professional assistance in integrating my Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) into the Dokan product listing pa...additional product information. Key Requirements: - Add an ACF field to the Dokan product list page to showcase supplementary product details. - Modify the edit product page so it appears as a pop-up. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and WooCommerce, specifically with the Dokan plugin. - Experienced in working with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF). - Strong skills in JavaScript and jQuery for creating pop-up interfaces. - Excellent understanding of eCommerce platforms and product information display. This project requires a keen eye for detail and the ability to seamlessly integrate new features into an existing site. Experience with user interface modifications ...
I'm seeking a modern, dynamic, and memorable logo that encapsulates the power of pressure washing. The logo should also prominently feature my company's name. Key Elements: - Incorporation of pressure washer imagery - Use of water elements - Inclusion of my company ...pressure washing. The logo should also prominently feature my company's name. Key Elements: - Incorporation of pressure washer imagery - Use of water elements - Inclusion of my company initials The logo should be designed using a bold and vibrant color scheme. A comprehensive understanding of modern design principles and a knack for creating visually striking logos will be crucial for this task. Experience with dynamic, impactful imagery and the ability to convey a strong message through d...
I need a professional and clean redesign of a handout for a local marketing workshop. The primary goal of this handout is to promote my services to potential client...professional and clean redesign of a handout for a local marketing workshop. The primary goal of this handout is to promote my services to potential clients. Here is the handout: Key responsibilities: - Redesign the handout with a professional and clean aesthetic - Incorporate persuasive marketing elements to appeal to potential clients Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Graphic design - Marketing knowledge - Experience creating professional promotional materials
I'm looking for a modern styled logo that includes both an icon and text. The logo should utilize vibrant colors, with a primary focus on the use of 'vibrant colors' as opposed to a specific color like blue, green, or red. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong graphic design background - Proven experience in creating modern logos - Proficiency in working with vibrant colors - Ability to creatively incorporate both text and an icon into a logo - Excellent understanding of color theory and design principles - Strong communication skills to understand and incorporate feedback
...specializes in both graphic and motion design. The project will focus on creating a logo and social media graphics. Key responsibilities: - Design a unique and engaging logo - Create visually appealing social media graphics - Develop comprehensive brand guidelines for consistent use of graphics - Animate the logo for use in videos and presentations - Create digital banner ads for online advertising - Design visually appealing email templates for marketing campaigns - Illustrate custom icons for use in digital and print materials - Perform advanced typography work for both web and print - Produce engaging video content for social media platforms Ideal candidate will have: - Proven experience in both graphic and motion design - Strong por...
I'm seeking an artist to create 5 - 6 headshot sketches in the same style of the example image attached. Photograph of subjects for sketching will be provided. The sketches will be used on a website and PowerPoint presentations, so they need to be professional and of hig...sketches should mirror the realistic, professional style of 'Natasha Mandie'. - Quantity: I need between 4 to 6 unique headshot sketches initially and will then add adhoc, as new people join our company. - Background: All sketches should have a transparent or no background, allowing for easy integration into various formats. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design and sketching - Previous experience creating professional headshot sketches - Ability to deliver high...
...coin. The target platforms for this project are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The ideal candidate should be skilled in creating engaging image-based content and have a knack for crafting 'informative' posts with a humorous twist, in line with the meme coin theme. The primary objective is to drive sales and increase investments in the meme coin. The marketing campaign budget is $30 to $200. The marketing campaign is expected to run for 1 weeks." I will provide branded assets for use in the campaign. The primary target demographic is crypto enthusiasts. The marketing campaign should include daily posts on each platform. The marketing campaign should focus on creating image-based memes for each platform. The marketing campaign should prioritize high engag...
I need a creative, modern, world map themed restaurant menu designed. The menu should be one page, double sided, featuring: - Menu items with prices: I will provide the list of items and prices, but you may need to advise on layout and design to fit everything in a clear, appealing way. Ideal skills for this project include graphic design, particularly with experience in creating menus or similar promotional material. A good understanding of modern design principles and aesthetic will be key to bringing this vision to life.
I'm seeking a talented filmmaker and crew to help me bring to life an action short film set in a futuristic world. The film revolves around the theme of infiltration. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in action film production - Strong understanding of futuristic ...infiltration. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in action film production - Strong understanding of futuristic world-building - Ability to creatively interpret and convey the theme of infiltration - Excellent skills in visual storytelling - Ability to work within a set budget and timeline Ideal Skills: - Cinematography - Visual Effects - Sound Design This project is perfect for someone with a passion for action films and a knack for creating immersive, futuristic landscapes. Let's create s...
I'm seeking a designer to create a modern, monochrome bottle sticker for branding purposes. The design should reflect a contemporary aesthetic, while fitting within the monochrome color scheme. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficient in graphic design software. - Previous experience in product packaging or label design. - Strong understanding of modern design principles. - Ability to create minimalist yet impactful designs. The bottle sticker is intended for a beverage product. The bottle sticker should be 2 x 3 inches. Please incorporate our company logo into the design.
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer for a modern-style logo for my restaurant. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design software. - Strong portfolio of modern logo designs. - Excellent understanding of contemporary design trends. - Able to create a unique and memorable logo. - Good communication skills for understanding project requirements.
I'm in need of a logo for my fashion brand. It should be a pictorial mark, which means it will be a graphic-based design. The logo needs to convey a fun and playful aesthetic, as this is the core of my brand's identity. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating pictorial mark logos - Experience in the fashion industry, understanding its unique requirements and trends - Ability to translate a fun and playful brand identity into a visual design A successful design will not only be visually appealing, but will also encapsulate the essence of my brand. I look forward to seeing your creative interpretations.
I'm looking for a personalized CMS that aligns with a modern and trendy design aesthetic. The main focus of the customization will be on the design and layout. The CMS should incorporate interactive animations to enhance user engagement. Ideal skills and experience for this project include: - Proficiency in CMS development and customization. - Strong background in modern, trendy design. - Expertise in creating interactive animations. - Experience with implementing minimalistic yet engaging layouts.
I'm looking for a podcast logo that reflects a vintage and retro style for a podcast called 'Bitcoining History'. The logo needs to incorporate the Bitcoin symbol and some elements of historical imagery. Key Elements: - A design that is modern yet has a vintage and retro feel to it. - Simple - Incorporation of the Bitcoin symbol and historical imagery. - Open to different colors and palettes. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design with a strong portfolio in vintage and retro styles. - Experience with creating podcast logos or similar audio branding. - Ability to understand and creatively incorporate specific thematic elements (Bitcoin and history). Please provide samples of your previous work that align with this brief. I look forward to seeing your i...
I need a professional to edit my logo. The project involves modifying the text to change my name, phone number, and website. I have all the new text details ready. Please note that the changes are purely text-based - there are no color or shape adjustments required. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator - Photoshop Please be prepared to deliver the edited logo in various formats suitable for print and digital use. Looking forward to seeing your bids.
I'm in need of a talented graphic artist who can design colorful, child-friendly math worksheets. The worksheets are aimed at children aged 3 to 6 years and should be designed in an illustrative style. Key Requirements: - Design an 8.5"x11" worksheet with 6 math equations - Design an 8.5"x14" worksheet with 8 math equations (horizontally) - Use of primary colors for the designs - Incorporation of numbers as visuals in the worksheets I'm looking for a long-term commitment with the right designer, so consistency in quality and style is key. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, child-friendly design, and an understanding of early childhood education principles. Please provide samples of similar work...
I'm looking to adapt my existing logo for a T-shirt and Hoody. The alterations should focus on the text and font, making them bold and vibrant. The new design should incorporate primary colors like black, white, and yellow. Using the Shakedown Logo and Shakedown text with a tag line "A JUMBO OPERATOR KNOWS THE FEELING". We would like the logo in a bolt yellow outline similar the the Billabong logo attached. Please look at the files attached before entering. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in graphic design with a strong understanding of typography and color schemes. A portfolio showcasing previous logo adaptations will be highly regarded.
I need a professional product flyer designed and written for an electronics item. The project includes creating content and design for a A4 size flyer. I'll provide website, logo and content guidelines. You will be required to create marketing content. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Copywriting - Creative content writing - Print Design Experience: Expertise in designing materials for print, ensuring high-quality and user-friendly layouts. Tone: The content should be written in a formal and professional tone. Please follow our specific branding guidelines for the design and content. The primary goal of the product insert is to educate customers about the product item. The product insert should be in A4 size. The product insert should be...
I need a designer to replace a weight with a physical wallet in a provided image. The task requires keen attention to detail and the ability to create a realistic and convincing image. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software - Strong understanding of design principles - Attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines
I am in search of a skilled programmer who can design a comprehensive administrative software tailored for businesses. The software should encompass crucial features such as Inventory Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Financial Reporting. Key Requirements: - The software needs to be compatible with touch screen functionalities, web-based platforms, or server operations. - There is no need for this software to integrate with any pre-existing systems or software, allowing for complete flexibility and independence of the software. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in software development with a strong portfolio in creating administrative software. - Experience with designing user-friendly interfaces for touch screen compatibility. - Knowledge of incorporating ...