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    2,000 gadget currency exchange ofert prac znalezionych

    narazie zmontowalem cos takiego, zwraca "false" co robie zle? ZAPLACE za rozwiazanie <?php /* cURL */ $fields = array('id' => '37953', 'amount' => $total_price2, 'currency' => 'PLN', 'description' => l_id().'.'.$this->u['mail'], 'lang' => substr(LG,0,2), 'channel' => 0, 'URL' => URL.'payments/success', 'email' => $this->u['mail'], 'firstname' => $_POST['first_name'], 'lastname' => $_POST['first_name'], 'street...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Szybkie zlecenie dla znających temat. Zlecę stworzenie prostego google gadget dla serwisu ogłoszeniowego, np jak: Tylko oferty z ceną i terminem realizacji. Pozdrawiam,

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    43376 Google gadgets
    Zakończone left

    Zlecę stworzenie prostego google gadget dla serwisu ogłoszeniowego, np jak: Pozdraiwam,

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    - Biegła znajomość Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2008 - Biegła znajomość Microsoft Exchange 2007 - Znajomość problematyki DNS, SMTP - Znajomość zagadnień bezpieczeństwa

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę wykonanie strony na podstawie dostarczonego szablonu : ;skin=25&locale=pl&currency=0&pr=yes&src=yes&nt=yes&help=yes&sample=yes&faq=yes&nmg=yes&auth=yes&down=yes&chm=&hide_flash=0&search=&PHPSESSID=2b48f0477db3289f813eec2a37daabe5&referer=http%3A%2F%%2Faff%2Fpreview.php&i=26962

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Przedmiotem zlecenia jest stworzenie wspaniałego designu strony, gdzie ...aplikacją flash. Istotnym dla mnie, poza atrakcyjnością wizualną, jest zaprojektowanie strony w zgodzie z najwyższymi standardami usability. UWAGA: Oferta skierowana wyłącznie do PROFESJONALISTÓW, którzy są w stanie pochwalić się umiejętnościami i portfolio przynajmniej na poziomie jak tutaj -> ;skin=21&locale=en&currency=null&pr=yes&src=yes&nt=yes&help=yes&sample=yes&faq=yes&nmg=yes&auth=yes&down=yes&chm=&hide_flash=0&search=&PHPSESSID=d78a18ab63bd913294aa4a3a62dbe219&referer=http%3A%2F%%2F&i=24123 Jednak CENA odegra również dużą rolę.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...Administratora do konfiguracji serwera Windows SBS 2008. Dokładniej usługi POP3 Connector. Obecnie postawiona jest domena oraz profile mobilne + synchronizacja kalendarzy Outlook. Możliwa zdalna realizacja zlecenia. Zdalny pulpit lub dowolny program VNC. Zlecenie polega na ustawieniu naszych skrzynek mailowych w biurze tak, aby korzystały nie z zewnętrznego serwera, tylko z serwera Exchange. Serwer Exchange ma co około 30 min synchronizować się z zewnętrzną pocztą i propagować maile na odpowiednie skrzynki do użytkowników w domenie. Jeśli kilku użytkowników korzysta z tej samej skrzynki powinni mieć synchronizowane wysłane i odebrane maile oraz kategorie (ale to w sumie chyba oczywiste założenie). Wszyscy użytkownicy domeny korzystają obecnie z Outl...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    33786 Gadget do iGoogle
    Zakończone left

    Potrzebujemy programisty html, xml, javascript do przygotowania pluginu iGoogle Wymagania: - Umiejętność programowania w JavaScript, XML, html - Znajomość narzędzi wspomagających programowanie: SVN - Słowność, terminowość i zaangażowanie są elementem krytycznym Dodatkowe atuty: - Umiejętność pracy zespołowej, elastyczność - Doświadczenie w przygotowaniu wtyczek na iGoogl - Sumienność i samodzielność w działaniu - Możliwość wystawiania faktury VAT Do przygotowanie jest wtyczka iGoogle która będzie wyświetlała pewne strony www ze wskazanej strony. Do wyświetlania sa tresci, obrazki. W drugiej wersji jest specjalnie przygotowana mapa google.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    30851 Mod VirtueMart
    Zakończone left

    Krotko: mam 2 kategorie produktow: Kraj 1 i Kraj 2. W kazdej z tych kategorii ceny sa w Waluta 1 i Waluta 2. Problem w tym, ze na stronie ceny sa zawsze przekonwertowane na default currency Waluta 1 lub Waluta 2)... Acha, nie interesuje mnie rozwiazanie w postaci przelicznika, bo tym sposobem ceny w jednej z kategorii zawsze beda zmienne. Chodzi o to, zeby ceny byly stale i pokazane w walucie regionalnej (moim zdaniem mozna byloby np. walute dodac jako atrybut kategorii - to rozwiazaloby problem). Prosze o konkretne oferty cenowe. PS. Hmm, innym rozwiazaniem jest druga instalacja VM (jedna dla cen w Walucie 1, druga dla cen w Walucie 2) - bazy musza byc rozroznialne, zeby skrypt nie pomieszal produktow (a w zasadzie ich cen wyrazonych w danej walucie, bo produkty beda takie same)

    $142 Average bid
    $142 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Mam do przemigrowania serwer Exchange 2003 do 2007. W zakres prac będzie wchodzić: - instalacja serwera Exchange w lokalizacji A, - migracja skrzynek (ok. 200), - integracja z oprogramowaniem ORF (), - przygotowanie procedur potrzebnych dla uruchomienia produkcyjnego, - instalacja serwera Exchange w lokalizacji B, - skomunikowanie lokalizacji A i B (jedna domena), przez istniejący VPN, Poszukuję osób _z doświadczeniem_, bo "na upartego" sam mogę to zrobić ale spodziewam się różnych niespodzianek.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, poszukuje osoby/fir...zarowno dostawczych jak i osobowych. Edytowana przez admina i zalogowanych uzytkownikow 4. linki do juz istniejacyh stron: Ubezpieczenie samochodu, odszkodowania 5. Naprawa samochodow / przeglad - dzial edytowany przez admina 6. Opony - klient bedzie mial mozliwosc zamowic opony oraz ich ewentualna wymiane. Logowanie, platnosc online. 7. Part exchange - uzytkownicy beda mogli tutaj zamieszczac swoje oferty samochodow jako part exchange. Powyzszy opis jest wstepny i moze ulec zmianie. Strona ma byc bardzo ladna w oblsudze, przyjazna dla uzytkownika, z przejrzystym backstagem. Prosze o kontakt wylacznie osoby, ktore sa w stanie zaplanowac,zaprojektowac i wykonac taki serwis. Interesuja mnie jedynie profesjonalne oferty. P...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...our product. This is an example of this kind of notification: E-Mail message in Plain TXT format and each value should be in "" and values are separated by a comma: "Date in format MM/DD/YY","Product Name","Quantity","Customer Name","Customer E-Mail","Serial Number","Price of Order","Currency of the Order","Discount Codes if Applied" So an example: "02/28/08","Product name","1","Yevgeniy Kim","yevgeniy@","1234567890","24.95","USD","DISCOUNTCODE" And if there's no discount applied: "02/28/08","Product",&q...

    $142 Average bid
    $142 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    18777 Exchange clicks
    Zakończone left

    Nic dodac, nic ujac jak tylko clone serwisu Zadne "okolo" nie wchodza w gre. Wersja jezykowa polska lub angielska lub niemiecka ( jedna do wyboru). Tekst do tlumaczenia na inne wersje jezykowe w jednym miejscu. layout oparty na DIV a nie tabelach Nie interesują mnie oferty pośredników, na ofert typu "do negocjacji" nie odpowiadam Proszę wystaw cena i termin.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Poszukujemy wykonawcy aplikacji opartej na Adobe AIR (flash) wspierającej tworzony przez nas serwis online. Aplikacja zawierała będzie kilka głównych funkcjonalności, jednak na tym etapie chcemy zlecić wykonanie aplikacji z funkcjonalnością managera plików. Najlepszym przykładem na tym etapie będzie ;extid=1433018 Oczywiście nie chodzi nam o dokładną kopię. Jesteśmy w stanie zaproponować dobre warunki finansowe za sprawanie zrealizowane zamówienie. Cena i termin realizacji do negocjacji. Ewentualne pytania proszę kierować na adres biuro(at)

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...Busines 2003 na pozostałych XP Prof. Chciałbym aby serwer odbierał pocztę z jednego konta. Poczta ta powinna być widoczna na 3 wspomnianych komputerach (przychodząca i wychodząca) i dodatkowo możliwość sprawdzenia jej poprzez www. (na www powinny znajdować się wszystkie wiadomości z serwera) + sprawdzenie jej poprzez telefon (wchodząc na wspomnianą stronę). Opcja taka jest dostępna poprze Exchange serwer o ile się nie myje, ale niestety nie wiem jak to skonfigurować. Nie mam możliwości sprowadzenia informatyka gdyż znajdujemy się poza granicami kraju. Ostatni jaki był narobił więcej kłopotów niż było to warte. Reasumując ustawienie poczty na 3 komputerach + umieszczenie tego na www. W razie pytań proszę pisać. Instrukcje musze miec do piatku wieczor ! !! !!...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    1397 menu pionowe
    Zakończone left

    Wykonanie menu pionowego z jednostopniowym podmenu. Np cos takiego: jednak po kliknieciu powinno rozsunac sie klikniete menu i pokazac zawartosc podmenu (ktore bedzie zawieralo pare pozycji). Reszta pozycji analogicznie powinna zsunac sie w dol. Predkosc rozsuwania podmenu nie powinna byc definiowana funkcja liniowa (menu powinno do polowy czasu trwania ruchu rozsuwac sie szubko a pozniej zwalniac lub tez cos podobnego - duza dowlonosc). Dane powinny byc wczytywane z pliku gdzie bedzie

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...insulation) • Green (symbolizes environmental sustainability) • Additional colors representing construction, as deemed suitable by the designer, such as white or gray Symbols & Design: • A geometric design representing insulated panels, such as houses with overlapping rectangular panels • A symbol for thermal insulation, such as a heat and cold icon or a barrier wall preventing external temperature exchange inside buildings • An element that conveys lightness, such as a feather, representing the product’s lightweight nature Typography: • A modern and clean font that conveys strength and sustainability • The possibility of creatively integrating the Arabic letter "ز" with the English letter "Z" Deliverables: • ...

    $48 Average bid
    $48 Średnia Oferta:
    75 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a highly qualified full stack developer with extensive knowledge in coding languages like PHP, Python, JavaScript, and HTML. The project involves developing a new community of an exchange trading platform website and a mobile app for both iOS and Android. Applicants must have a profound understanding of blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) technology, as well as a strong grasp of the crypto markets. Must be an open minded thinker and puts passion to complete a project before they do money Key Project Aspects: - Develop a community exchange trading chart platform website - Create a mobile app compatible with both iOS and Android - Integrate elements of blockchain and AI - Incorporate aspects of the crypto markets Qualifications: - Proven experience wi...

    $824 Average bid
    $824 Średnia Oferta:
    69 składanie ofert

    Hi Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 Experts, We are looking for an... Additionally, we want to track all deposits made at any time, not just the first deposit. Reporting Requirements: Once the tracking is set up, we need to generate a campaign-wise report in GA4 that includes: Registrations: Count only. First-Time Deposits: Count only (users who registered and then made their first deposit shortly after). First-Time Deposit Value: Total deposit amount in currency. Anytime Deposits: Count only Anytime Deposits Value: Count only These events and audience data should also be available for import into Google Ads as conversion metrics. I have access to the GTM, GA4, staging server and the live website for testing purposes. Please let me know if you require any furthe...

    $51 Average bid
    $51 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert

    Hi please accept this AUD currency project so i may pay.

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    I'm looking to develop a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) for cryptocurrency. This project will primarily involve: - Building the DEX from the ground up, ensuring it is robust, secure and can handle high volumes of transactions. - Implementing necessary features such as order books, trade matching engine, liquidity provision mechanisms, and other typical DEX functionalities. - Ensuring the platform is user-friendly, with a seamless interface for traders of all experience levels. - Integrating secure wallet functionality for users to transact their crypto safely. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. - Proven track record of developing DEX platforms or similar projects. - Strong understanding of security ...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    ...user info, booking history, and transaction details. * Ensure secure handling of sensitive data (e.g., GDPR/CCPA compliance). * Build an admin panel for managing flights, pricing, and user support. * Additional Features: * Add email/SMS notifications for booking confirmations and flight updates. * Include a FAQ or customer support chatbot. * Enable multi-language and multi-currency support (optional stretch goal). * Technical Specs: * Use modern frameworks (e.g., React, Django, or Laravel) for scalability. * Optimize for speed and SEO to improve discoverability. * Ensure cross-browser compatibility (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.). * Deliverables: * Fully functional website with source code and documentation. * Testing report ensuring bug-fr...

    $354 Average bid
    $354 Średnia Oferta:
    19 składanie ofert

    **# RICHIESTA DI SVILUPPO BACKEND PER SISTEMA DI INTERSCAMBIO LAVORATIVO** ## **1. Descrizione del Progetto** L’obiettivo del progetto "Transfer Work" è sviluppare un sistema che permetta ai dipendenti di scambiarsi il posto di lavoro con altri colleghi della stessa professione e ruolo in città diverse. Il sistema deve analizzare e proporre combinazioni di scambio, anche su più livelli, e gestire l’accettazione o la rinuncia da parte degli utenti. Il backend sarà realizzato con **Laravel** e **FilamentPHP**, e dovrà supportare la gestione delle inserzioni, la ricerca automatizzata degli scambi e la gestione delle transazioni tra gli utenti. ## **2. Tecnologie Richieste** - **Framework**: Laravel (ultima versione stabile) - **Adm...

    $1161 Average bid
    $1161 Średnia Oferta:
    39 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a talented scriptwriter for my YouTube channel focused on gadget reviews and storytelling. Key Responsibilities: - Craft engaging scripts that fit a casual and conversational tone - Ensure scripts are suitable for 5 to 10 minute videos Ideal Skills: - Experience in scriptwriting for YouTube - Passion for gadgets and storytelling - Ability to write in a casual, conversational tone Please include relevant samples of your work or links to your previous scripts.

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Średnia Oferta:
    24 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a crypto application primarily for trading cryptocurrencies. The app should support real-time market data, enabling users to make informed trading decisions. The application needs to be accessible on both web and mobile platforms (iOS and An...About Us Page – Establish credibility by sharing your mission, experience, and why customers should trust you. Contact Form & Live Chat – 24/7 chat support or a quick-response contact form. 6. Additional Features for High Conversions 7. join our community (telegram button) Money-Back Guarantee & Returns Policy – Helps build customer confidence. Email Capture (for Retargeting) – Offer a discount in exchange for an email subscription. Frequently Asked Questions (F...

    $182 Average bid
    $182 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    ...slows to a stop. The computer is finally silent. Shot 25: The door opens, revealing the stickman’s mother standing in the doorway. Shot 26: Over-the-shoulder shot – The mother stares at her exhausted son, concerned. Shot 27: Close-up – The stickman looks up at her, drained, lifeless. Scene 7: The Final Sound Shot 28: Sudden DING! echoes in the room. Shot 29: Close-up – The stickman and his mother exchange a slow look. Shot 30: Wide shot – The stickman slowly rises from his chair, back straightening. Shot 31: Mid shot – His movements are deliberate, almost solemn. Shot 32: Over-the-shoulder shot – He takes a step toward his mother. Shot 33: Close-up – The stickman’s face hardens with resolution. Shot 34: Mid shot – He wal...

    $36 Average bid
    $36 Średnia Oferta:
    15 składanie ofert

    I need an indicator with panel (mockup w...only show as discussed. The main formula is heiken ashi smoothed, with the combination of ATR and MACD as filters. There should be a True False variable for that along with the inputs (period1 etc). The formula is simple, when there is a change in trend, color change and when the first bar closes with the change, a triangular arrow should show on the screen and an audio alert showing the signal, currency pair, time frame should show(sms, email alerts options should be there like always). There should be an option to ignore signals if x amount of candlesticks were not formed before issue, for example if 2 red bars showed and then 1 blue bar showed and right after a red showed again that signal should be ignored because this indicates trend i...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Średnia Oferta:
    24 składanie ofert
    Research on UK Stock
    5 dni left

    I am seeking a seasoned researcher with access to historical Bloomberg Chat data and other proprietary financial sources. The brief is to conduct a thorough investigation into public information, particularly any potential leaks, market rumours and speculation, concerning an M&A transaction that took place in relation to a specific UK listed stock that was listed on the London Stock Exchange. Research Focus: - Identify whether there were any market rumours, leaks or speculation regarding a particular M&A transaction before it closed in 2023. - Time period: the years 2021, 2022 and 2023. Deliverables: - Details of findings and the sources checked - Copies of source references Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong research skills - Access to and familiarity wit...

    $793 Average bid
    $793 Średnia Oferta:
    14 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a seasoned developer who can create a custom market-making (MM) bot for both Centralized (CEX) and Decentralized Exchanges (DEX). Key Requirements: - The bot should be capable of generating trading volume on a DEX - It needs to have a feature that adjusts the price to follow a specific exchange to deter arbitrage trading from users - The bot should be compatible with all possible CEXs and DEXs (including but not limited to Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken, as well as DEXs like SOL and other meme coins) Additional Details: - Post-development, I require the source code - Please provide a breakdown of cost and estimated development time Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in programming languages suitable for bot development (Python, Java, C++) - Strong understanding of m...

    $3005 Average bid
    $3005 Średnia Oferta:
    49 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a diligent individual to assist in collecting data from the annual reports of the top 100 companies on the London Stock Exchange. The data collection needs to be thorough and precise, encompassing information from the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, and the annual report itself. Key Responsibilities: - Scrutinize the annual reports/financial statements of the specified companies to extract the necessary data. - Collect data from specified sections of the reports. - Excellent attention to detail. Delivery: - The final data set should be provided in an Excel spreadsheet. Please note, I require this task to be completed within 2 days. The budget for this project is $25.

    $21 Average bid
    $21 Średnia Oferta:
    49 składanie ofert
    Tally Prime Video Course Creation
    5 dni left

    ...Payroll Processing – Employee Creation, Salary Structure, Payslip Generation Provident Fund (PF) & Employee State Insurance (ESI) in Tally 7. Financial Reports & Analysis Understanding & Generating Reports (Trial Balance, P&L, Balance Sheet) Ratio Analysis & Business Insights MIS Reports & Decision Making Exporting, Printing, & Mailing Reports 8. Advanced Features & Automation Multi-Currency Transactions Budgeting & Scenario Management Order Processing (Sales/Purchase Order, Delivery Challan) Interest Calculation & Outstanding Reports 9. Data Management & Troubleshooting Data Import/Export & Synchronization Remote Access & Multi-User Features Common Errors & Troubleshooting in Tally 10. Final Accoun...

    $277 Average bid
    $277 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    ...Estimation of future costs, including raw materials (cattle), transportation, labor, and compliance costs. Cash Flow Analysis: Detailed cash flow statement including operating, investing, and financing activities. Capital Expenditure (CapEx) Planning: Assess required investments in facilities, equipment, and technology. Risk Analysis & Sensitivity Testing: Market Volatility: Factor in risks such as currency fluctuations, price changes, and market downturns. Regulatory Risks: Analyze the impact of changing trade regulations, tariffs, and compliance requirements. Scenario Analysis: Develop various "best-case," "worst-case," and "most-likely" financial scenarios. Model Structure & Usability: Modular Design: The model should allow easy updates,...

    $13 / hr Average bid
    $13 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    ...rate limits/errors. Suggest optimizations for execution speed and caching. Technical Specifications Recommended programming languages and frameworks. Suggested best practices for WordPress plugin security. Handling API authentication (OAuth2 vs. API keys). Deliverables A comprehensive written development plan (format: structured document or flowchart). API integration flow diagrams and data exchange models. Timeline estimation for each phase of development. Ideal Candidate Strong WordPress plugin development experience (but will not be coding). Ability to write clear, technical documentation. Experience with API integrations (Google Sheets, OpenAI, image sourcing APIs). Familiarity with content automation workflows in WordPress. Knowledge of PHP, JavaScript, and REST API best p...

    $144 Average bid
    $144 Średnia Oferta:
    108 składanie ofert

    ...Coaching in Exchange for Editing) Hey, I’m Rishabh, a clinical nutritionist and strength & conditioning coach. I run Resilient Fitness, an online fitness coaching business. I already work with 1-2 editors but am looking for another one to join on a barter deal—you help me with 1-2 videos per week, and in return, I personally coach you in fitness. What You Get: • Personalized fitness coaching from me (nutrition, workouts, accountability) • A structured plan to help you achieve your fitness goals • The opportunity to learn and grow in both fitness and editing What I Need From You: • Editing 1-2 short-form videos per week (Reels/Carrousels) • Clean, engaging edits that align with my content style (Check out my profile: @rishabhfitt) ...

    $7 Average bid
    $7 Średnia Oferta:
    21 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a Shopify expert to set up my store. It will be selling physical products, so the project will include: - Configuring the store for autolocation - Setting up multi-language support (just English for now) - Implementing multi-currency functionality I will be using a pre-made theme, so there is no need for custom design work. Your expertise will ensure a smooth, efficient setup process.

    $169 Average bid
    $169 Średnia Oferta:
    191 składanie ofert

    Hi, I'm looking for someone to help me run a simple raydium exchange bot on The bot is supposed to buy or sell depending on choice. Preferably someone who knows I can provide rpc and everything needed during creation.

    $133 Average bid
    $133 Średnia Oferta:
    21 składanie ofert to find all necessary apps and automations to maximize sales and engagement. 1️⃣ General Setup • Complete Shopify store setup with a professional, engaging design. • Mobile-optimized & fast-loading site for seamless user experience. • Multi-language support (English, French, Spanish, etc.). • Secure payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal, Crypto as an option). • Automated tax calculation & currency conversion. 2️⃣ E-Commerce & Dropshipping Features • Product catalog with high-quality images & descriptions. • Dropshipping integration (AliExpress, Zendrop, or CJ Dropshipping). • Automated order fulfillment & tracking. • Dynamic pricing & discount system for promotions. • Bundling & upsell feature...

    $158 Average bid
    $158 Średnia Oferta:
    53 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a web-based horse betting application for me. This application should have a Node.js backend and support the following core functionalities: - A sophisticated betting system that facilitates exchange betting. - Real-time updates from live races. The application will use custom data feeds for live race updates, so experience with integrating custom APIs is crucial. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Node.js, web application development, and an understanding of exchange betting systems. Previous experience in developing betting applications will be a significant advantage. We have already started the front end design and reached to 70% completion but need to achieve 100% in very limited time of 4-5 hours

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    24 składanie ofert

    Work Order: Salesforce Integration Project Name: Salesforce Integration Implementation Date: 3.4.2025 Prepared By: Daniel Hughes Objective: This work order outlines the installation and configuration of Salesforce integration into the application. The integration will enable seamless data exchange between Salesforce and the application, ensuring enhanced sales data insights, automation, and improved user experience. Scope of Work: Salesforce API Integration: Connect the application with Salesforce using Salesforce API. Configure OAuth authentication for secure data access. Enable real-time data sync between Salesforce and the application. Data Mapping & Synchronization: Identify and map relevant Salesforce objects (e.g., Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, A...

    $750 - $1500
    $750 - $1500
    50 składanie ofert

    ...should function similarly to Icon Hover Effect: Change the red/pink highlight to gold (including the favourite icon). 2. SHOP PAGE Pop-up: The pop-up design is good, but the content needs to be revised, and a different image should be used instead of the watch. Image Sizes: Dial-only images should be uniform in size. The Tiffany Blue Sky-Dweller appears oversized and needs resizing. Currency Display: Should be based on the user’s IP. Supported currencies: GBP (£) USD ($) HKD ($) EUR (€) AED (د.إ) Progress Bar Colour: Change from red/pink to gold. Negotiation Feature: Users must sign up to negotiate prices for Non-Custom Watches. Header Image: Needs to be changed. Upload Products: Ensure all products are uploaded and that the Call-To-Actio...

    $144 Average bid
    $144 Średnia Oferta:
    130 składanie ofert

    I'm looking to develop a cryptocurrency exchange platform that supports a mix of popular and emerging cryptocurrencies. The main goal of this platform is to offer the cheapest transaction fees in the market. Key Features: - User-Friendly Interface: The platform should be intuitive and easy to navigate. - Advanced Trading Tools: The exchange should have sophisticated tools for experienced traders. - High Security Measures: Given the nature of cryptocurrency, implementing top-notch security protocols is paramount. User Authentication: - The platform should primarily use Password and Email for user authentication, however, it should be built with scalability in mind to potentially incorporate Two-factor authentication (2FA) or Biometric authentication in the future. Ide...

    $503 Average bid
    $503 Średnia Oferta:
    127 składanie ofert The slide should compare these companies based on the following aspects of financial risk management for the Treasury department at these companies: - Credit Risk - Market Risk - Foreign Exchange (FX) Risk - Interest Rate (IR) Risk - Liquidity Risk - Commodity Price Risk - Use of Derivatives for hedging purposes - Value at Risk (VaR) - Important -Where does it employ the use of VaR? -Credit Risk? Market Risk? or Both? Scope does not include front line business risk, and limited to financial risk within Treasury alone, and what risks they are exposed to when raising financing and cash

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Średnia Oferta:
    39 składanie ofert a middleman service for in-game item trading, allowing users to safely exchange items across different games for real money or in-game currencies. The platform will act as a secure intermediary to facilitate trades, ensuring fairness and preventing scams by using bots to verify and execute transactions. **Core Features:** - **Middleman Service:** The platform will allow users to create a trade room where they can securely exchange in-game items or currencies. - **Bot Intervention:** Automated bots will verify, secure, and execute the trade to ensure that both parties fulfill their end of the transaction. - **In-House Payment System:** An internal wallet system will allow users to store platform-specific currency, which can be exchanged for real money or used w...

    $3190 Average bid
    $3190 Średnia Oferta:
    78 składanie ofert insensitive. Use USPS two letter state code conventions. State code must display as upper case. Prompt user with adequate instructions for each required input Input prompts must appear on the same line on which the data is entered. Output should be readable. Use spaces, tabs, and formatting to de-uglify the console output. All output must be spelled correctly. Dollar amounts must appear in currency format (two decimals and a dollar sign). Dollar amounts in the invoice must line up and must be right justified. Ensure that all input fields contain user input values. Ensure that all user input values are correct for the type of information being collected (for example: quantities and zip codes are numerals, names are letters). - A comprehensive system description. - Clear pr...

    $202 Average bid
    $202 Średnia Oferta:
    33 składanie ofert

    Overview We are seeking a dynamic and results-driven Medical Sales Person to join our team. We are looking for an active paramedic who has significant experience in the field of Paramedicine and would like to supplement their income by selling our unique Badger Skin Reusable Slider system. The Badger Skin Slider is ...a difference in the healthcare sector and possess the drive to succeed in a competitive environment, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity as a EMS Medical Sales Person for Badger Skin Medical. Payment will be commission based, 10% of sales and $50 flat fee for every trial that you set up. This product can be sold internationally, and you will sell in your local country and currency. You will be working with governmental and private sector ambulance...

    $1572 Average bid
    $1572 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert insensitive. Use USPS two letter state code conventions. State code must display as upper case. Prompt user with adequate instructions for each required input Input prompts must appear on the same line on which the data is entered. Output should be readable. Use spaces, tabs, and formatting to de-uglify the console output. All output must be spelled correctly. Dollar amounts must appear in currency format (two decimals and a dollar sign). Dollar amounts in the invoice must line up and must be right justified. Ensure that all input fields contain user input values. Ensure that all user input values are correct for the type of information being collected (for example: quantities and zip codes are numerals, names are letters). - A comprehensive system description. - Clear pr...

    $176 Average bid
    $176 Średnia Oferta:
    17 składanie ofert
    WHMCS JazzCash Plugin Development
    4 dni left

    I'm seeking a developer to create a JazzCash plugin for WHMCS. Key Requirements: - The plugin should support payment processing and recurring billing. - The level of integration with JazzCash should be basic, limited to just payment processing. - The plugin must support multiple currencies. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WHMCS and plugin development. - Experience with Ja...developer to create a JazzCash plugin for WHMCS. Key Requirements: - The plugin should support payment processing and recurring billing. - The level of integration with JazzCash should be basic, limited to just payment processing. - The plugin must support multiple currencies. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WHMCS and plugin development. - Experience with JazzCash integration. - Skilled in multi-currency p...

    $63 Average bid
    $63 Średnia Oferta:
    21 składanie ofert

    ----------------------------IMPORTANT : PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORD BIDDING----------------------- We Urgently need to migrate 10 modules from our old Codeigniter web app admin area to our New Laravel web application admin area : 1-convert 2-integrate 3-let work 4-respect our new web app admin pages design style and 5-translation, language and currency switch must work in all modules. please notice that : 1-each module has many tabs pages inside (we changed modules structure style in new web app, check) 2-each module has his own config page wich has many tabs inside (in top right admin config menu, check) 3-some modules like : Clients, drivers, partners, affiliates, jobseekers has user area too (check in old web app) Key Requirements: 1. Immediate start: This is an urgent ta...

    $171 Average bid
    $171 Średnia Oferta:
    88 składanie ofert