Freelance autodesk inventor jobs algeriaprojekty


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    2,000 freelance autodesk inventor jobs algeria ofert prac znalezionych
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    Witam serdecznie. Szukam osoby/ osób, które lubią pisać - potrzebuję tekstów na stronę o tematyce biznesowej (o biznesmenach np Steve Jobs i firmach IT np. Apple). Artykuły i notatki różnej długości od 1000 to 5000 znaków. Proszę o podanie ceny za 1000 znaków. Na początek będę potrzebował około 100 tekstów. Zachęcam do licytacji.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    Witam, Zlecę wykonanie animacji w 3Ds Max. Chodzi o 30 sek. reklamę dowolnego przedmiotu lub 2min. animację jakiejś akcji. Czas realizacji około 2 tygodni. W reklamie liczy się pomysł oraz mile widziane akcenty humorystyczne. Wyłącznie Autodesk 3DSMAX. Więcej info

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Poszukuje dobrego fachowca w pozycjonowaniu. Do wypozycjonowania mam 2 serwisy w na słowa 1. find job , jobs 2. used cars Jeśli będziemy zadowoloni z efektów gwarantujemy kolejne zlecenia, więc proszę brać to pod uwagę że naszą współpraca może być stała jeśli jakość będzie dobra i cena również

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Captive Digital & Creative jest grupą dynamicznych młodych ludzi realizujących ambitne, ciekawe, estetyczne projekty internetowe w okolicach, gdzie niegdyś grasował Kuba Rozpruwacz. Zabytkowa wiktoriańska zabudowa za oknem połączona z potężnymi wieżowcami poblis...życzeń: * PHP/MySQL * JavaScript, może jakieś biblioteki jak Prototype, jQuery, Mootools * XHTML/CSS * co najmniej podstawy konfiguracji Apache, PHP i MySQL Chętnie także: * SEO * Photoshop * XML * Subversion aka SVN * znajomość wzorca projektowego MVC Prosimy nadsyłać, co kto uzna za stosowne - CV, linki do poprzednich prac, próbki kodu, rekomendacje, oczekiwania płacowe itp. na adres Zrozumiemy listy po polsku, angielsku, włosku i hiszpańsku. ;)

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Graficzka ze znajomością after effects, photoshopa i ilustratora, z doświadczeniem przy tworzeni spotów reklamowych przyjmie dodatkowe zlecenia

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Pilnie Poszukujemy... Kandydatów na konsultantów / freelance gotowych na podjęcie pracy przy projektach na terenie Szwecji. Visma Software Spółka z o.o. będącą częścią norweskiego Koncernu IT w chwili obecnej już jako niezależna firma na terenie Polski po zmianie nazwy na ScandiSoft Sp. z o.o. rozszerza swoją ofertę. Od kilku miesięcy z dużym sukcesem wykonujemy outsourcing i prace programistyczne na terenie Szwecji dla firm zarówno ze sfery Visma jak i z poza niej. Otrzymujemy coraz więcej zapytań od różnych skandynawskich firm związanych z wynajęciem polskich konsultantów do różnych projektów i na różne okresy (od 1 miesiąca do 12 miesięcy), praca głównie do wykonania na terenie Szwecji. Średnie w...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlece wypozycjonowanie domeny . na słowa klucze jak: - job - uk job - uk jobs - jobs Domena , język angielski. Prosze o oferty z przybliżoną ceną i czasem. Żądane min. TOP5

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zadanie polega na wypelnieniu forum dyskusyjnego postami. Tematy, odpowiedz, powinny być z tematyki CAD, CAM, CAE, PDM Opgogramowania Autodesk, EdgeCAM, UGS, i itp. Do zadań nalżeny dodanie postów oraz tworzenie nowych użytkowników. Najlepiej jak była by to osoba znająca temat (student mechaniki, automatyki, architektury, itp) umiejąca brać czynny udział w dyskusjach. Przykładowe fora to W zależności od złożonych ofert może zostać wybrane kilka lub żadna.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    The Convolution Rooms is a young, forward looking company based in Earl Shilton, Leicester that covers all aspects of media under one roof. We are currently looking for a talented, open minded PHP/MySQL programmer to work on interesting and challenging in-house and external projects. The candidate must have excellent knowledge of PHP5 and MySQL. Must have id...covers all aspects of media under one roof. We are currently looking for a talented, open minded PHP/MySQL programmer to work on interesting and challenging in-house and external projects. The candidate must have excellent knowledge of PHP5 and MySQL. Must have idea about e-commerce and CMS systems. Must be self-motivated and have positive attitude. To apply send your CV and Cover letter to jobs@

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    UWAGA: to jedna z 2 ofert, tutaj szukamy osoby która TYLKO wykona FRAGMENTY aplikacji, a nie całą aplikację. Zachęcamy do odpowiedzi w obu ofertach (różne ceny) - pełen opis (ang.) Celem jest stworzenie programu który ma osadzony w sobie odtwarzacz animacji (avi i inne), oraz dostęp do stron www. * Dla Widows * Dla MacOS * Dla Linux (tutaj można pominąć obsługę flash oraz obsługę niektórych kodeków) * Używając otwartych darmowych narzędzi (LGPL, BSD itd) które można używać do closed-source komercyjnych aplikacji * Odtwarzanie animacji (zalecamy bibliotkę GStreamer) * GUI z "skórkami" (zalecamy bibliotkę wxWidgets) * Dostęp do WWW, w tym https, <form>, cookies, javascript, oraz flash. Zalecamy np WebK...

    $2 - $1222
    $2 - $1222
    0 składanie ofert

    UWAGA: to jedna z 2 ofert, tutaj szukamy osoby która TYLKO wykona CAŁĄ APLIKACJĘ wraz z supportem/usuwaniem błędów. Zachęcamy do odpowiedzi w obu ofertach (różne ceny) Budżet to do 12.000 pln (za w pełni dopracowany, *bardzo* staranny program, z dodatkowymi funkcjami i szczegółami do omówienia później) Oferta tylko dla poważnych wykonawców. - pełen opis (ang.) Celem jest stworzenie programu który ma osadzony w sobie odtwarzacz animacji (avi i inne), oraz dostęp do stron www. * Dla Widows * Dla MacOS * Dla Linux (tutaj można pominąć obsługę flash oraz obsługę niektórych kodeków) * Używając otwartych darmowych narzędzi (LGPL, BSD itd) które można używać do closed-source komercyjnych ...

    $2 - $2037
    $2 - $2037
    0 składanie ofert

    We&#8217;re looking for experienced Free-lance web developers to engage in extending a large-scale web project in our Poznan headquarter. WE ARE LOOKING ONLY FOR THE PEOPLE FROM THE REGION OF POZNAN who would work freelance both in our office and at home. We're offering two different positions: 1. A potential candidate would take part in developing solutions for the back-end of the application, i.e. database layer, middle-tier business components and interfaces, e.g. Web-Services, for the presentation layer. Required technical skills are: - Very good knowledge of Visual Studio (Visual C#), Web Ser-vices, (N)Hibernate! - Very good knowledge in programming web technologies - Knowledge of English is mandatory Optional skills: - PHP, HTML, ASP.NET, ADO -...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Jestem przedstawicielką firmy zajmującej się doradztwem personalnym HRC. Obecnie dla naszego klienta poszukuję osób do współpracy na zasadzie freelance (choć nie wykluczona jest umowa o pracę - do uzgodnienia) przy wdrożeniach systemów Axapta i Navision i CRM. Jest to prężnie rozwijająca się firma z branży IT, zajmująca się wdrożeniami systemów klasy ERP, MES/LES, systemów CRM , Systemu WORKFLOW wraz z archiwum elektronicznym, systemu do zarządzania Tożsamością, Business Intelligence. Jest to firma z Warszawy. Osoby zainteresowane współpracą bardzo prosiłabym o przesłanie na ke@ aktualnego CV.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Firma informatyczna poszukuje osoby, która nawiązałaby współpracę w zakresie tworzenia aplikacji internetowych oraz stron www na zasadach freelance. Od kandydata oczekujemy: - bardzo dobrej znajomości programowania (PHP 5, SMARTY, JavaScript, AJAX, XHTML, CSS, mile widziane Zend Framework oraz Prototype ), - bardzo dobrej znajomości baz danych MySQL, - terminowego wywiazywania się z powierzonych zadań Wszystkich zainteresowanych prosimy o przesłanie swojego CV na adres Preferowane osoby z okolic Łodzi i Warszawy. Zastrzegamy sobie prawo do odpowiedzi wybranym kandydatom.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...added ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phase 2: Internal and External Task Module Connected to Phase 1. Customers should here be able to see order status online by logging in or entering order number Task Module should work internal in the company for us to be able to forward jobs in between staff and so that we are able to change the status of jobs. This should be connected to our website to customers can see the products status in realtime. After Successful Completion of Phase 1 we will want you to make Phase 2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need experts that are experienced in the field, No fi...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, Jestem zainteresowany zamieszczaniem kr...bez błędów. Przesłany materiał może zostać odrzucony, jeśli zostanie uznany za nieodpowiedni ( niezgodny z tematyką, zawierający błędy, zawierający skopiowane fragmenty źródeł). Rozliczenie - raz w miesiącu. Proszę o precyzyjne oferty zainteresowanych, zawierające przede wszystkim cenę jednego newsa (zakładając długość 1000 znaków) oraz o wysłanie przykładowego newsa na adres e-mail jobs (at) Można dołączyć krótką informację o sobie (motywacja, zainteresowania). Zleceniobiorca zostanie wybrany na podstawie jakości przesłanej próbki oraz proponowanej ceny. PS. Jeśli cena jest do negocjacji, proszę podać wartość orientacyjną. -- Pozdrawiam, Robert Rychcick...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...strony za 200 zł - odpuść sobie. - jeśli jesteś uczniem czy studentem (w sensie wspomnianych programów - nie licytuj i nie wysyłaj wiadomości) - mile widziana f-ra vat choć niekoniecznie. - jeśli nie masz czego przedstawić w portfolio, albo Twoje projekty są kompletnym badziewiem, pozbawionym smaku - tym bardziej nie jest to zlecenie dla Ciebie. Oczekuję propozycji od wolnych strzelców (freelance) choć niekoniecznie. Ważna jest dla mnie cena, ale bardziej jakość. Zależy mi na bardzo dobrym grafiku. który umie praktycznie wykorzystać możliwości Gimpa i Swisha. Jeśli dobry jesteś w jednym z tych dwóch elementów - również napisz. Aha - i nie biorę pod uwagę ofert z kosmicznymi propozycjami cenowymi - to chyba jasne. Kontakt ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Tłumaczenia plików językowych C.R.E. Loaded OSCommerce na język polski. Pliki mozna pobrac w dwóch paczkach: Adam

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a seasoned Business Development Manager with a robust background in the staffing industry and extensive experience in European markets. The primary focus of this role will be to increase our client base, specifically for blue-collar jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors. Key Responsibilities: - Identify and pursue new business opportunities - Develop and implement strategic plans to penetrate the European market - Utilize sales and negotiation skills to secure partnerships Ideal Qualifications: - Proven track record in business development within the staffing sector - Strong knowledge of the manufacturing and construction industries - Extensive experience dealing with European markets Skills: - Exceptional sales and negotiation skills - In-depth ...

    $28 / hr Average bid
    $28 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    Ciao! Sto cercando un Social Media Manager freelance che mi aiuti nella gestione strategica dell’account Instagram e Facebook del mio studio di yoga. Di cosa ho bisogno? - Creazione di un piano editoriale coerente e strategico - Supporto con idee creative per post e stories - Programmazione e pubblicazione dei contenuti (Meta Business Suite o simili) - Integrazione dei nostri eventi nel piano editoriale Cosa farò io? - Scriverò personalmente le didascalie - Risponderò ai commenti e ai messaggi Requisiti fondamentali: - Esperienza dimostrabile nella crescita di account social (portfolio con case studies o dati di crescita richiesti) - Ottima conoscenza di Instagram e Facebook - Capacità di sviluppare strategie di contenuto effica...

    $138 Average bid
    $138 Średnia Oferta:
    11 składanie ofert

    Writing & Content Creation Blog posts & articles Website copywriting Technical writing Proofreading & editing Copywriting for marketing (sales pages, email sequences) Design & Graphics Logo design Website & app design Social media graphics Illustration & digital artwork Print design (flyers, brochures, business cards) Web Development & Programming Website design & development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) WordPress development E-commerce store setup (Shopify, WooCommerce) Mobile app development (iOS/Android) Custom software development Marketing & Social Media Social media management SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Paid advertising (Google Ads, Facebook Ads) Email marketing campaigns Content marketing strategy Video & Animation Video editing Motion g...

    $27 / hr Average bid
    $27 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    28 składanie ofert

    We are seeking a proficient freelance Multilingual AI System Developer to create an advanced cold calling and inbound calling system with seamless integrations for email, SMS texting, and calendar scheduling. The AI system will cater to our real estate and construction businesses, enhancing lead generation, qualification, and appointment setting processes with multilingual capabilities. **Key Tasks:** 1. Develop a multilingual AI system to manage outbound and inbound calls for the real estate and construction industries. 2. Integrate email, SMS texting, and calendar scheduling functionalities into the AI system to facilitate communication and appointment management across multiple languages. 3. Design tailored scripts for outbound calls to identify potential property sellers and c...

    $1302 Average bid
    $1302 Średnia Oferta:
    76 składanie ofert

    I am working on various projects across different industries. I’m seeking a talented an...landing pages. ✔ Excellent time management and organizational skills to meet deadlines efficiently. ✔ A strong portfolio showcasing successful, conversion-focused copywriting work. Preferred Skills (Nice to Have): • Experience with A/B testing copy for performance optimization. • Knowledge of SEO and writing for paid ads (Google Ads, Meta, LinkedIn, etc.). Project Details: • Engagement Type: Freelance / Project-based • Compensation: Competitive and based on experience & project scope • How to Apply: Submit your portfolio, relevant samples, and rates. If you’re a results-driven copywriter passionate about creating impactful, persuasive content that con...

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    30 składanie ofert

    ...Title: Shopify Developer (Freelance) Job Description: We’re looking for a Shopify Developer with a great design eye and common sense to quickly and efficiently customize Shopify theme home pages. Your main task will be to add 2-3 banners and 4-6 categories (provided to you) to ensure the design looks polished and optimized for conversions. All stores will follow a cookie-cutter layout, built in a Shopify development store, so the process is streamlined. Ideal candidates should have experience with Shopify customization and a strong sense of aesthetics for eCommerce sales. ✅ Requirements: Shopify theme customization experience Strong design sense and attention to detail Ability to make quick, smart design decisions Efficient and reliable freelancer This is a freelance...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    79 składanie ofert

    Seeking an Experienced Arabic Fiction Writer for a 5-Book Sci-Fi/Dystopian Series Job Type: Freelance Project Duration: Long-term (5 books, 400-500 pages, approximately 100,000 words per book) Language: Arabic (Native-level proficiency required) Project Overview I am seeking a skilled and imaginative Arabic fiction writer to bring my 5-book sci-fi/dystopian series to life. The series is set in a futuristic world dominated by advanced technology and societal divisions, where power struggles, rebellion, and survival take center stage. The story will explore themes of control, oppression, virtual reality, and the blurred line between what is real and what is not. It requires a writer with strong world-building abilities, an engaging storytelling style, and the skill to craft multi-...

    $754 Average bid
    $754 Średnia Oferta:
    23 składanie ofert

    We are looking for a YouTube SEO Expert & Channel Manager to optimize and manage our international YouTube channel. This is a freelance position requiring 5-6 hours per week at the start, focusing on SEO optimization, publishing, and performance management (no content creation required). Responsibilities: Upload & schedule videos according to our content calendar. Optimize SEO: Titles, descriptions, tags, thumbnails, and playlists. Improve discoverability using keyword research and YouTube analytics. Monitor performance: Views, watch time, engagement, and SEO ranking. Suggest and implement strategies to boost video and channel growth. Stay updated on YouTube algorithm changes and best practices. Requirements: Proven experience as a YouTube SEO ...

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    66 składanie ofert

    We are looking for an experienced Weweb/Xano builder to assist our team in setting up two independent web apps that feed into and from shared databases (users, properties, vendors, leads, jobs, etc.) The UI designs will be supplied on Figma. Platform 1 is a customer-facing user console where users can manage their properties/buildings and quotation/job tickets. Platform 2 is a white-labelled vendor back-office from which vendors manage leads and jobs and generate various types of property survey reports for the users and their properties/buildings. Property survey reports are delivered to customers via PDF/mail and via their user profile on Platform 1. Our own build team consists of two English-speaking persons with rudimentary no-code knowledge and no prior build experi...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    32 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer who can design and implement an employment agency website using a ThemeForest template. The main focus of the site will be job listings but it will also include: - An 'About Us' page - Detailed information on our service offerings - A comprehensive 'Contact Us' section - Employee profiles complete with certificates - A feature for employers to post jobs - Employees profile and Certificate - Comparison and search filter by salary, country, experience, gender, age, location - An interactive chat function for interviews between employees and employers - A secure payment gateway that accepts Visa/Master cards, PayPal, and Alipay - Three multi-language wmpl- Thai, English, Chinese, Myanmar The site needs to accommodate th...

    $162 Average bid
    $162 Średnia Oferta:
    117 składanie ofert

    Website & LMS Developer (Education Sector) ? Remote / Hybrid / Chester, UK ? Contract / Freelance / Permanent ? Competitive – Based on Experience About Us We are a growing training provider specializing in health and social care, delivering accredited qualifications and professional development courses. As we expand, we are seeking a talented Website & LMS Developer to design and develop a high-quality, user-friendly education platform with an integrated Learning Management System (LMS) and learner portal. Key Responsibilities ✅ Design and develop a professional, branded, and mobile-responsive website ✅ Integrate and customize an LMS (e.g., Moodle, LearnDash, Totara, or custom-built solutions) ✅ Create a secure learner portal with login access for course materials, p...

    $691 Average bid
    $691 Średnia Oferta:
    171 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a talented freelance designer who can create a professional and unique logo for our new venture in digital payments. The logo should be modern, sleek, and representative of innovation in the digital payments space. Key Deliverables: - A logo that embodies a spirit of modernity and innovation - High-quality versions suitable for use on our website Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in logo design, particularly for tech or finance sectors - Strong portfolio showcasing modern and sleek designs - Ability to understand and represent abstract concepts visually Please note that the style and color scheme for the logo have not been predetermined, providing an opportunity for you to bring your creativity into play.

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Średnia Oferta:
    17 składanie ofert

    ¡Se busca programador freelance para automatizar procesos con Make! ¿Eres un programador freelance con experiencia en automatización de procesos utilizando Make? Buscamos un programador freelance con experiencia en la automatización de procesos utilizando Make. El trabajo es 100% remoto, por lo que podrás trabajar desde cualquier lugar del mundo. Serás responsable de crear e implementar flujos de trabajo automatizados para una variedad de tareas. Es importante que tengas excelentes habilidades de comunicación y que puedas trabajar de forma independiente.

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a comprehensive job board. Key Features: - A robust job listing and search functionality. The primary purpose of the site is to connect job seekers with potential employers. Search Functionality: - The job search should be primarily location-based. Users should be able to find jobs based on their geographical preferences. Special Filters: - The location-based search should incorporate specific filters including: - Distance from the user - City and state/province - Zip/postal code Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in web development, particularly in creating job boards or similar platforms. - Proficiency in implementing complex search functionalities and filters. - Strong understanding of user-friendly interface design....

    $2155 Average bid
    $2155 Średnia Oferta:
    199 składanie ofert

    I am in need of a skilled 3D designer to create a static model of a casual dress for me. The reference video is provided. You do not need to do the automation, only static dress in 3D without the human model either. The designer need to send back the .OBJ file back to me. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (e.g., CLO 3D, Blender, Autodesk Maya) - Experience in fashion design and garment modeling - Attention to detail, able to replicate designs from reference images - Good communication skills, able to understand and incorporate feedback I look forward to seeing your proposals. Best performers can get more project works in the next stage. : ) Please show your passion and talents.

    $15 Average bid
    4 zgłoszenia

    I'm Heshan Kavinda, a freelance writer with extensive experience in writing product descriptions and travel and lifestyle blog posts. Key Tasks: - Craft engaging and informative product descriptions - Write professional and informative travel and lifestyle blog posts Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and editing skills - Experience in product description writing - Familiarity with travel and lifestyle topics - Ability to adopt a professional and informative tone I look forward to discussing your project further and helping you connect with your audience.

    $387 Average bid
    $387 Średnia Oferta:
    44 składanie ofert
    Service Marketplace Development
    6 dni left

    ...talented developer to create a service marketplace website akin to freelancer. The platform should enable customers to post job requests, get quotes from service providers, and facilitate all communication and transactions. Key Features: - Dual User Registries: The platform will need to accommodate both customers and service providers. - Job Posting and Bidding System: A comprehensive system where jobs can be posted and bids can be placed. - Service Provider Profiles: Profiles for service providers should include reviews and ratings. - Communication Tools: A messaging and notification system to keep all parties updated. - Payment Integration: A secure payment gateway to facilitate safe transactions. - Responsive Design: The website should be mobile-friendly and accessible across...

    $428 Average bid
    $428 Średnia Oferta:
    77 składanie ofert

    Hello, I am looking for an web developer/designer to create a simple yet attractive website for my company, which sells kids’ art. I need a site that functions as an online store with a beautifully designed main page that reflects the creativity and charm of the art. Project Details: • Website Type: E-commerce store for kids’ art • Pages Required: • A visually appealing main page • A simple online store page for displaying and selling products • Design: Bright, playful, and engaging design to appeal to families and art enthusiasts • Functionality: • Easy navigation and responsive design for both desktop and mobile devices • Basic e-commerce features (product listings, shopping cart, checkout process) . I look forward to working with yo...

    $189 Average bid
    $189 Średnia Oferta:
    181 składanie ofert

    We are looking for talented translators who can accurately handle subtitle translation for Chinese short dramas (approximately 120 mins). The ideal candidate should have strong language skills in both Thai/Vietnamese/Malay/Indonesian/Japanese and Chinese, as well as a good understanding of cultural nuances. Also, we look for...Requirements: Ability to maintain confidentiality and complete tasks within deadlines Additional Information: - Expense payment: The payment for the translation would differ based on the duration of the video. It will be $1.40/min for Thai, Vietnamese, and Malay, $1.00/min for Indonesian and Japanese. - Project starting date: TBA If you have the required skills and are available to work on a freelance basis, please apply with your resume and samples of prev...

    $135 Average bid
    $135 Średnia Oferta:
    7 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking assistance with web scraping for daily job openings in the technical field, specifically for Software Developer roles. The ideal freelancer will help me send my resume to these positions and get me interview calls for both national and international opportunities. Key Responsibilities: - Daily web scraping for Software Developer job openings - Assisting with sending my resume to these positions - Facilitating discussions before meetings - Aiming to get interview calls Skills Required: - Proficiency in web scraping - Experience in the technical job market - Good communication skills - Understanding of Software Developer roles

    $49 Average bid
    $49 Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert
    Evaluate My UK Tax Situation
    6 dni left

    I'm seeking a tax professional to assess my tax situation in the UK. As a full-time employee with two Jobs , I want to ensure that I'm on the correct HMRC tax code and not overpaying or underpaying my taxes. Ideal Skills: - Comprehensive knowledge of UK tax regulations - Familiarity with HMRC tax codes - Experience in tax evaluation for full-time employees Please note, I've been in the same position for a while and haven't changed jobs recently. Your expertise will be crucial in helping me understand my tax situation better.

    $28 / hr Average bid
    $28 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    6 składanie ofert
    6 dni left

    ...personalizados e econômicos para ajudar a melhorar a produtividade de empresas em todo o mundo. Oferecemos uma gama de serviços inteligentes de suporte ao cliente, incluindo suporte multilíngue ao cliente, moderação de conteúdo baseada em inteligência humana e artificial, serviços de operador de chat e a plataforma de IA conversacional TIRO. Descrição da função Esta função de suporte de bate-papo IM freelance, remoto e em outro idioma (BRASIL) requer experiência profissional na Itália, além de excelentes habilidades de comunicação. Como especialista em suporte por bate-papo IM em idioma não inglês (BRASIL), espera-se que você constr...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert
    Multirotor Drone CG Analysis
    6 dni left

    Position: Mechanical Designer (Freelancer) Project: CG Analysis on a multirotor at various banking angles Employment Type: Freelance Location: Remote About the Project: We are seeking an experienced freelancer to conduct a comprehensive Center of Gravity (CG) analysis on a multirotor drone at various banking angles. The project aims to assess the CG shifts, stability, and performance impact under different flight conditions. Key Responsibilities: • Perform detailed CG analysis for a multirotor drone at various banking angles. • Generate simulation models to validate findings (preferably using tools like ANSYS, SolidWorks, or MATLAB). • Collaborate for technical clarifications and regular progress updates. Requirements: • Proficient in CAD software. • Has a...

    $102 Average bid
    $102 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    Freelance Thai-English / English-Thai Translator & Interpreter Wanted We are an international consultancy agency looking for a new colleague to assist us with Thai-English and English-Thai translations during business conversations. Having recently launched in Thailand in Q4 2024, we are now establishing our first connections with Thai companies. To support this, we are searching for a freelance translator who can assist us during online meetings, translating between Thai and English in real time. Role & Responsibilities: Provide live translation (Thai-English / English-Thai) during online business meetings (approx. 4 hours per week). Participate in phone and video conference calls. Reach out to potential clients with a simple script (e.g., "Do you need help with...

    $19 - $37 / hr
    Wyróżniony Pilny Ukryte
    $19 - $37 / hr
    2 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an expert in FiveM RP server customization. Key areas of focus include: - User Interface & Game Mechanics: Enhancements to the user interface, game mechanics, MLOs and scripts are needed to provide a unique and engaging player experience. - Customizing Game Mechanics: I want modifications made to the economy and jobs, combat system, and vehicle handling to offer a distinctive gameplay. - Custom Scripts: The addition of specific custom scripts is necessary. This includes custom missions and an inventory system. - Develop a custom weapon system with unique attributes and balancing. - Implement a housing system where players can purchase, furnish, and customize their own homes. - Design faction mechanics allowing players to create, join, and manage gangs or ...

    $566 Average bid
    $566 Średnia Oferta:
    3 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking dynamic and result-driven Freelance Business Development Consultants to generate quality leads and secure projects for our company. With a flexible work schedule and performance-based pay, this role is an excellent opportunity for those with strong marketing skills and a solid network. Services: - Branding & Corporate Identity - UI/UX Design & Web Designing - Web & Software Development - Web Applications, CRM & ERP Solutions - Pre-press, Poster & Banner Designing - Social Media Handling - Android & iOS App Development Expectations: - Generate a minimum of 5 successful projects monthly - Expand business opportunities both within and outside Kerala - Target: Startups, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Corporate clients Compensation: - ₹30...

    $249 Average bid
    $249 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    Freelancer – Candidate Sourcing Specialist We are looking for a Freelance Candidate Sourcing Specialist to help us identify and connect with potential candidates for our 3-month HR Training Program. If you have experience in recruitment, lead generation, or candidate outreach, this is a great opportunity to work remotely with flexible hours! Responsibilities: ✔ Source and connect with potential candidates interested in HR training ✔ Promote the HR Training Program through various channels (social media, job portals, groups, etc.) ✔ Generate leads and encourage candidate sign-ups ✔ Maintain a database of interested candidates and follow up as needed ✔ Provide weekly updates on sourcing progress Requirements: ? Experience in recruitment, candidate sourcing, or lead generation ...

    $9 Average bid
    $9 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an experienced developer to create a unique Garry's Mod DarkRP server. The server should feature: - Custom Jobs and Roles: These should be a mix of existing game lore and original concepts. Your creativity and understanding of the game will be key to designing engaging and balanced roles. - Unique Weapons and Items: All weapons and items should be thematic, fitting a specific setting or story that we will collaboratively design. You should have experience in balancing gameplay with interesting and fun items. - Custom Maps or Environments: These should be designed to enhance our unique story and gameplay. Skills in map design will be highly beneficial. Ideal candidates should have a deep understanding of Garry's Mod and DarkRP, with proven experience ...

    $494 Average bid
    $494 Średnia Oferta:
    20 składanie ofert
    Motion Graphics Animation
    6 dni left

    ...Effects/Blender) What I'll Provide: - A concise script - Logo files - A reference video for guidance Ideal Candidate: - A beginner looking for their first project on Freelancer - Skilled in 3D motion design and creating smooth animations - Capable of delivering professional, high-quality work under tight deadlines Future Prospects: - This project has the potential to evolve into a permanent freelance role for the right candidate. If you're eager to showcase your skills, don't hesitate to apply!...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Średnia Oferta:
    13 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a skilled app developer to create a matchmaking platform specifically for domestic helpers in Singapore. Key Features: - Profile Browsing: The primary functionality of the app will be enabling users to browse profiles of domestic helpers. Profile Details: Each profile should comprehensively detail: - Work Experience: A history of the helper's previous jobs and roles. - Skills and Qualifications: A rundown of the helper's skills, certifications and qualifications. - Availability: A clear indication of the helper's availability for work. - linked to Facebook profiles for easy reference Backend Requirement: This project will also require a backend system that can authenticate the Foreign Identification Number (FIN) of helpers in Singapore. Ideal Sk...

    $29 / hr Average bid
    Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $29 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    57 składanie ofert

    I am working on various projects that require a highly skilled and insightful Content Writer to create educatio...studies. ✔ Excellent time management and organizational skills to meet deadlines efficiently. ✔ A strong portfolio showcasing educational, informative, or research-based writing. Preferred Skills (Nice to Have): Experience with AI-assisted writing tools like ChatGPT or Jasper. Understanding of content strategy, lead generation, and audience retention. Project Details: Engagement Type: Freelance / Project-based Compensation: Competitive and based on experience & project scope How to Apply: Submit your portfolio, relevant samples, and rates. If you are passionate about creating meaningful, high-impact content that educates and informs, I’d love to ...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    24 składanie ofert

    I'm in search of a talented Figma designer who can work on both mobile apps and websites, with a focus on creating visually appealing and innovative designs. Project Scope: - Designing a productivity-focused mobile application. - Crafting a website aimed at showcasing products and services. The designing for both mobile apps and websites, with a strong portfolio showcasing previous work in the productivity and e-commerce sector. Key Skills: - Proficiency in Figma - Strong understanding of UX/UI principles - Experience in designing mobile apps and websites - Creative thinking and design innovation - Previous work in productivity apps and e-commerce websites Please note, this is a freelance, fixed-price job. Only individual designers should apply; companies will not...

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Średnia Oferta:
    35 składanie ofert