Example grantwriter bid proposalprojekty
...market. You don’t need any experience or specific skills - the willingness to work and determination are enough. As my collaborator, you will be responsible for acquiring clients who are interested in redesigning or creating websites. I will assist you in this by providing a special form that you will fill out with the client, allowing me to determine the pricing. Then, I will prepare a graphic proposal and, upon the client’s approval, I will sign a contract with them. That's when we will settle with you. I impose no restrictions on how you obtain clients. You can make calls, dig up old websites, distribute flyers, or even use your own contact database. What matters most to me is the end result, and that's what we'll settle upon. We can start our coll...
I need ebook in English about NFT (non-fungible tokens) targeted at artists. Chapters proposal: * What are NFT * Why artists should be interested in NFT * NFT use-cases for artists * Examples of artists and art using NFT * Instructions on how to emit your first NFT I need 200-250 pages.
Good morning We are looking for a new graphic design for our product, which is Chocolate on a Stick. We are only interested in the graphics of the cardboard box. Carton Front Presenting the product... We are only interested in the graphics of the cardboard box. Carton Front Presenting the product and interesting graphics Back of the Carton Presenting interesting graphics on which the and EAN codes. Carton dimension: 75mmx140mm (Width x Height) Graphic Design only with English Subtitles. We don't have a specific name for this product, you can suggest something. Please send me your graphic proposal and the price for its implementation in a message. We will only consider offers with the visualization sent from you. In the attachment the current graphic that we want to change. g...
Poszukuję programisty PHP znającego dobrze Git do pomocy przy projektach głównie na Wordpress ale nie tylko. Praca od drobnych zmian w wyglądzie strony, po samodzielne pisanie pluginów wg wskazówek klienta. Znajomość Laravela będzie dodatkowym atutem, choć nie jest wymagana. Możliwa dłuższa współpraca. Praca płatna godzinowo. Tylko dla programistów z Polski. This Job proposal is for Polish programmers only. Don't waste my and your own time for this project if you're not Polish, you will be rejected regardless your other skills match project criteria or not.
Witam, Zalezy mi na zbudowaniu strony tj : Chodzi o podobna stronę lub niemal że taka sama. Strona ma byc tak samo prosta i intuicyjna jak powyżej. Bardzo zalezy mi na zrobieniu strony tj - lecz bardziej rozbudowanej i bardziej zaufanej. Jezeli jestes w stanie to wykonać napisz. Oczywiście tez chcialbym aby osoba ktora bedzie wykonywała projekt dodał wszystkie aukcje - dodatkowo podpięcie - panel admin ( z panelu admina chciałbym miec mozliwość dodawania bidów danym użytkownikom. Użytkownicy po wykupieniu bidów chciałbym aby mieli możliwość rozpoczęcie licytacji w momencie jak bedzie 5 sekund do konca itd - najwiecej funkcji jak to mozliwe) - istnieja gotowe szablony. Jezeli chcesz z niego skorzystać oczywiście sie na to zgadzam.
do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd laksj dlkasj d do not bid do not bid alksjd lak...
...szary (dowolne np. #606060) Elementy zamówienia: przyklejone (css position fixed) logo + menu + przycisk "wystaw zgłoszenie" + mail użytkownika ze zdjęciem (akcja rozwinięcia opcji po kliknieci w mail) Menu które podobają mi się to np. przykład w pliku png example menu 1 oraz example menu 2 (laptop, tablet) example menu 3 oraz example menu 4 (mobile) pozycji Nagłówek "Lista zgłoszeń" 1. Lista pozycji powinna mieć menu w postaci zakładek (Typ1, Typ2, Typ3) ( przykład w pliku png example tab) 2. elementy na kliknietej zakładce np. Typ1 - Nr zgłoszenia format 10/01/2014 - status zgłoszenia (nowe/dane do uzupełnienia/zakończone) - zajawka (30 znaków ze zgłoszenia) - typ usług...
Website modernisation - we’re aiming to be more esthetic and ergonomic. Website concerns recreat...by the lake. The offer is aimed mainly to seniors and average income families. We’re not looking for the whole website project – we’re in need for graphical elements, such as: stock photos, background graphics, button graphics (and/or other elements) and improving existing website (screenshots in enclosure). The result should be consistent and well looking. We expect esthetically presented proposal, and, after accepting providing us with the source files in one of the widely-used formats (Adobe Photoshop, Corel, GIMP, InkScape also accepted) If you wish, you can combine all elements in a wordpress or joomla template. Please don’t hesitate to conta...
Witam, Zlecę modyfikację oraz optymalizację skryptu PHP PRO BID Interesuje mnie optymalizacja (uruchomienie aukcji noclegowych) Modyfikacja (chciałbym dodać możliwość umieszczania w aukcjach) - informacji typu PIKTOGRAMY (np. wyposażenie pokoju, co w ofercie, udogodnienia, położenie) - mapę interaktywną (coś jak: ) - płatności zintegrowane z PAY U - zamiast wysyłki to wprowadzić cenę za "rezerwację" - dodać kalendarz, tak aby aukcja wystawiona wcześniej określała rezerwacje możliwość rezerwacji obiektu noclegowego na termin późniejszy np. dzisiaj wystawiam aukcje oferty w okresie sylwestra - sklepy zmienić na obiekty noclegowe Te zamiany ww. mogą być jedynie słowne (np. zamiast wysyłka to cena rezerwacji/przedpłaty).
... 1. The successful bidder will explain how the website will be developed, in what language and on what platform (to use open source software). 1. All costs should be clear and transparent, clarifying the number of days each individual working on the activity will provide, in order to assist the evaluators in determining the value for money of a proposal. Please also show any contingency items. 2. Tenders should include: - Completed cover sheet. (The completed cover sheet will not count towards the page limit); - Description of the proposed work; - Detailed programme of the work to be undertaken, including a work plan showing key date/milestones and deliverables; - ...
Witam, zlecę kilka modyfikacji skryptu aukcyjnego (do wyboru WeBid lub Pro Bid). Niektóre modyfikacje są kluczowe jak np: - możliwość zakładania pomimo aukcji także ogłoszenia stałe (kupię, sprzedam, zamienię, poszukuję). - możliwość dodawania komentarzy nie tylko dla kupców, sprzedających ale i pożyczających -- dodawanie stałych pozycji (jak w linku) - opis, recenzje, kto przeczytał, kto czyta, kto ma zamiar przeczytać + kto posiada, sprzedaje, chce kupić, sprzedać, zamienić. - podział na: autorów, wydawców, kategorie, najbardziej lubiane, najczęściej komentowane, nowe pozycje) - system ocen (lubię, nie lubię) coś jak: (flixter users i Critics ) - możliwość tworzenia własnych kolekcji np: filmy, gry, albumy muzyczne, książki a w nich
Witam, Napiszę krótko, w miarę jasno.. Szukam osoby, która wykona mi modyfikacje na skrypcie PHP PRO BID Zmiany jakie mnie interesują to m.in. 1. Udoskonalenie "sklepów" (stores). Stworzenia opcji na wzór sklepów , gdzie będzie można zajrzeć w dane, dodać własny szablon, własne produkty, a użytkownik będzie odznaczał się. 2. Dodać możliwość zatrzymania czasu tj. dodawania nie tylko aukcji ale i ogłoszeń (jak w sklepie, bez limitu czasu tylko do wyczerpania asortymentu np: wydawnictwo/antykwariat doda 2 książki X to po ich wykupieniu znika z asortymentu danego wydawnictwa/antykwariatu...) 3. Dodać opcje takie jak: - posiadane pozycje, przeczytane, oczekiwane na przeczytanie, do pożyczenia (jak n...
1) Design 3 of my websites are included in hand picked list: All of them PR 3 so I decided it is time to make it better and bigger. Redesign is badly needed. I am looking for web... 2) Programming I need also person to implement for me: 2a) adding image option to my posts so it can be use as real estate platform 2b) aggregation function - multifeeds from other websites. SimplePie works on my hosting nicely so you can use this platform although if there is better solution out there - please use it. Please PM me with your proposal, vision, portfolio, price, etc. Cheers KONTAKT PO POLSKU Nie ma najmniejkszego problemu abyśmy rozmawiali po polsku. Pozdrawiam i czekam na oferty.
We are looking for a detail-oriented person for: internet research, organization...detail-oriented person for: internet research, organization of data, and some simple product translation (English to Polish). Will pay an hourly rate. Interested candidates must be able to take instructions and communicate in written or spoken English. If you are interested, send responses in English (and only in English) and send us your resume or a summary of your experience, along with your proposal for an hourly rate. While not required, if you have blogging experience let us know. Ideal candidates should be prepared to start immediately and have availability for a minimum of 40 hours over the next week (or more) and part-time over several months. Send responses to: wickerparkmark...
Witam, zlecę przetłumaczenie jednego skryptu. Dokładnie chodzi o w probid-6.03. Proszę o wycenę zlecenia. Pozdrawiam :)
I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a compelling school prospectus primarily targeting parents. The prospectus will be designed for a CDR format. Key Requirements: - The prospectus should highlight our school's unique academic programs and extracurricular activities, as well as our admission procedure. - The design should be engaging, professional, and suitable for our inte... Key Requirements: - The prospectus should highlight our school's unique academic programs and extracurricular activities, as well as our admission procedure. - The design should be engaging, professional, and suitable for our intended audience. - Prior experience in designing school prospectuses or similar materials is highly desirable. Please provide samples of relevant past work w...
I'm seeking a talented web developer who can create a full-scale, modern and minimalistic portfolio website for me. Key elements of the project: - The website should be designed with a clean, simple aesthetic that aligns with modern minimalistic design principles. - While I haven't specified particular elements for the site, there's potential to integrate features such as an image gallery...for the site, there's potential to integrate features such as an image gallery, client testimonials and an about me section. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proven experience in full-scale website development. - A strong portfolio of modern and minimalistic design work. - Excellent understanding of user experience design principles. Please include relevant examples of your...
I'm looking for an SEO expert to help increase the traffic to my blog posts. The primary objective is to enhance visibility and drive more visitors to my site through improved ranking on Google. Key Responsibilities: - SEO optimization of existing and future blog posts - Keyword research and integration - Developing a comprehensive SEO strategy tailored for blog content I...Responsibilities: - SEO optimization of existing and future blog posts - Keyword research and integration - Developing a comprehensive SEO strategy tailored for blog content Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO, specifically with blog content - Deep understanding of Google’s ranking algorithms - Proficiency in keyword research tools and SEO software Please provide examples of your previous work in yo...
I'm looking for a skilled video creator to develop an engaging mixed media video showcasing how Freelancer.com connects talented individuals with incredible opportunities. The video will be aimed at aspiring freelancers and should highlight key aspects of the platfor...record in creating similar mixed media content and should be able to bring the Freelancer logo to life in a dynamic and inspiring way. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience with mixed media content creation - Understanding of the gig economy and freelancing - Ability to convey complex ideas in an engaging manner - Creative storytelling skills In your proposal, please include examples of similar projects you have completed, and a brief outline of how you would approac...
Online Drone Repair Management System – Web-Based Platform Project Overview: I am looking for an experienced web developer or a team to build a web-based Drone Repair Management System that will allow my service center to manage drone re...Freelancer Requirements: ? Must have experience in developing web-based service management systems. ? Prior experience in payment gateway integration is a plus. ? Should be able to provide post-launch support & minor modifications. ? Portfolio of similar projects is highly preferred. Project Timeline & Budget: Estimated Timeline: 3-4 weeks If you have the required expertise, please submit your proposal with: ✅ Your portfolio showcasing similar projects. ✅ Estimated cost and timeframe for development. ✅ Tech stack you suggest using...
I'm seeking an experienced ad marketer to help boost sales in my game account store. This professional will create and manage effective paid ad campaigns primarily on Meta Ads and Google Ads. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement paid ad campaigns to boost sales - Target experienced gamers, my primary customer base - Achie...Requirements: - Proven experience in paid advertising, particularly on Meta Ads and Google Ads - Strong understanding of the game account marketplace - Ability to analyze and optimize campaign performance from a data-driven perspective The budget for this project is flexible, and I'm open to a long-term collaboration if the results meet expectations. Please include samples of your previous work in your proposal. Looking forward to discussing t...
...[e.g., 1 week] for review. Developer Requirements Experience with web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and photo editing integrations. Familiarity with APIs like Photo Editor SDK, Canva API, or AI-based image processing tools. Previous work samples of interactive tools or photo editing features are a plus. Clear communication and ability to meet deadlines. Next Steps Please provide a brief proposal outlining your approach, estimated cost, and timeline. Include any similar projects you’ve worked on. I’m excited to collaborate on this innovative feature to enhance my dental practice’s online presence! Update to Original Project Description (Posted on [March 5, 2025 ] Update (March 11, 2025): Thank you for your interest in developing the " Studio Smile To...
Project Title: Website Makeover, Rebranding & Modern Instant Quoting Form Update Description: I am looking for a skilled web designer & developer to revamp my janitorial services website () with a modern, professional, and high-converting design. The project will in...Strong background in UX/UI design, branding, and web development. • Familiarity with janitorial/commercial cleaning service websites (preferred but not required). • Ability to integrate modern quoting systems and dynamic forms. • Strong communication skills and ability to deliver on time. If you have examples of similar projects or creative ideas for this redesign, please include them in your proposal! Looking forward to working with a talented designer/developer to elevate my brand and webs...
...Portfolio/examples of similar AI-generated videos. Tools/software you will use (AI image generation, animation, voice, editing). Estimated timeline and total cost. Any creative ideas or suggestions to enhance this project. ? Goal: Deliver a high-quality, cinematic AI video of Shaktimaan vs Frost King, suitable for YouTube, that looks like a real modern superhero showdown. ? Contact: Please start your proposal with "Frozen City Hero" so I know you read the full job post....
I'm seeking a professional and elegant van wrap design for my mobile grooming business. The design should be modern and sleek, appealing to pet owners who appreciate quality service. Key elements to incorporate: - My business logo - Contact information - Images depicting the grooming services we offer - Uniform design -Company color Color Scheme: - I'm open to creative suggestions, so ...information - Images depicting the grooming services we offer - Uniform design -Company color Color Scheme: - I'm open to creative suggestions, so feel free to propose a palette that aligns with the professional and elegant theme. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Vehicle Wrap Design Previous experience in designing for vehicle wraps is a plus. Please include your portfolio...
✅ Includes High-Traffic Requirements (10,000 Daily Visitors, 300 Concurrent Users) ? Project Overview: We are looking for an experienced freelancer to fully migrate our infrastructure from AWS to a cost-effective, high-performance ...DigitalOcean, Cloudflare Pages & CDN. ✅ High-traffic website optimization (10,000 daily users, 300 concurrent). ✅ SEO best practices to preserve organic traffic. ✅ Performance tuning for API-heavy and static site architectures. ? How to Apply ✅ Provide details of previous high-traffic site migrations. ✅ Describe your migration strategy (zero-downtime approach). ✅ Share your estimated timeline and budget proposal. ? Looking for a skilled freelancer to migrate our AWS-based infrastructure while maintaining SEO, performance, and reliability? Apply no...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor with experience in creating content tailored for Instagram. Key Responsibilities: - Edit raw footage into a concise, engaging social media ad - Incorporate elements that boost product visibility and appeal - Ensure the video is optimized for Instagram's platform and viewer habits Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with social media video editing, ...product visibility and appeal - Ensure the video is optimized for Instagram's platform and viewer habits Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience with social media video editing, particularly for Instagram - Strong understanding of product promotion strategies through video content - Ability to deliver high-quality work within a tight deadline Please include examples of your previous work...
I'm seeking a skilled graphic designer to create a modern logo for my company. The design should align with a minimalist aesthetic, capturing the essence of contemporary styles while remaining simple and clean. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Strong understanding of modern and minimalist...design principles - Ability to translate brand essence into visual representation - Excellent communication skills for discussing design concepts Specifics: - The logo must be designed predominantly in blue and white. These are the specific colors I have in mind for my brand. - A portfolio demonstrating experience with modern and minimalist design styles is highly desirable. Please submit your proposal with relevant sample...
I'm looking for a skilled app developer to create a rideshare application for both iOS and Android platforms. The app should support three user roles: Rider, Driver, and Admin. Key Features: - Real-time Ride Tracking: The app needs to offer a reliable and user-friendly interface for tracking rides in real-time. - Payment Integration: This includes support for various payment methods such ...and rate each other is crucial. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in mobile app development, particularly rideshare applications. - Expertise in creating secure and seamless payment integrations. - Ability to design intuitive and engaging user interfaces. - Experience in implementing review and rating systems in apps. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in your ...
I have a small e-commerce website that requires some plugin connections. The specific plugins that need to be configured properly include the payment gateway (PayPal), inventory management system, and the Australia Post plugin. Key Requirements: - You will need to connect the PayPal payment gateway, ensuring that all transactions are secure and seamless. - The inventory ...e-commerce website plugin integration is a must. - A strong understanding of PayPal's integration process will be very beneficial. - Experience with inventory management systems and logistics plugins will be highly regarded. - Excellent problem-solving skills to troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the integration process. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your prop...
I'm in need of a talented designer who can create eye-catching, bold and vibrant graphics for my Instagram. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in creating social media graphics, specifically for Instagram - Ability to design visually appealing graphics that align with a bold and vibrant style - Experience in graphic design for a pamphlet is a plus - Understanding of Instagram's design tre...vibrant graphics for my Instagram. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in creating social media graphics, specifically for Instagram - Ability to design visually appealing graphics that align with a bold and vibrant style - Experience in graphic design for a pamphlet is a plus - Understanding of Instagram's design trends and audience engagement strategy Please include examples of similar work...
I'm looking for a developer to create a secure crypto escrow wallet for holding transactions. The wallet should support Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Ripple (XRP), USDT . Key features: - Two-factor authentication for enhanced security - Comprehensive transaction history tracking - Automated notifications for transaction updates Ideal candidates should have a strong background i...enhanced security - Comprehensive transaction history tracking - Automated notifications for transaction updates Ideal candidates should have a strong background in cryptocurrency development, specifically in creating secure wallets. Experience with implementing two-factor authentication and transaction tracking systems is a plus. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in y...
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer with expertise in logo creation, particularly in an illustrative style. The logo will be specifically tailored for my Twitter presence. Key Requirements: - Design an illustrative logo that aligns with my brand identity. - Experience and portfolio showcasing previous illustrative logo designs. - Understanding of Twitter's design requirements and const...Requirements: - Design an illustrative logo that aligns with my brand identity. - Experience and portfolio showcasing previous illustrative logo designs. - Understanding of Twitter's design requirements and constraints. - Ability to deliver high-quality, scalable designs suitable for a variety of uses on the platform. Please share your relevant experience and examples of similar work...
I'm seeking a professional engineer or firm with extensive experience in solar power plant design, specifically a 3 MW front-of-the-meter Solar PV Power Plant on vacant land in California. The design must prioritize cost-efficiency while also meeting several key specifications: - Design Elements: Durability and longevity of materials are crucial. The design should also facilitate ease of mai...diagrams, equipment sizing calculations, and DC system design. The ideal freelancer for this project should be well-versed in California's regulatory requirements for solar power plants and have a strong background in cost-optimizing such designs. Previous experience with vacant land solar farms will be highly advantageous. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed...
I’m looking for a skilled developer *based in India* to build a Twitter (X) bot that auto-comments on crypto posts with custom mess...creatively with tailored comments. - Stay within Twitter’s automation/spam rules to protect my account. Skills Required: - Expertise in Twitter API (X API) integration. - Bot development experience (Python, Node.js, etc.). - Knowledge of social media automation and anti-spam practices. - Bonus: Familiarity with crypto marketing or Twitter’s crypto scene. Bidding Instructions: In your proposal, include: 1. Examples of bots or Twitter projects you’ve built (links or screenshots). 2. Your approach (e.g., tools, how you’ll manage custom comments and Twitter limits). 3. Any suggestions to boost the bot&...
I'm seeking an experienced web developer to create a WordPress site for selling stock photos. Key features should include: - Dual account registration: Users should have the option to sign up using either an email/...experienced web developer to create a WordPress site for selling stock photos. Key features should include: - Dual account registration: Users should have the option to sign up using either an email/password or their social media accounts. - Setting up account configurations: This includes user roles, permissions and features available to free vs paid accounts. While the client did not specify, a proposal that includes a suggested payment method setup will be viewed favorably. Experience in eCommerce and WordPress is essential, with a portfolio of similar projec...
I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to create an academic scientific poster for educational purposes. The poster should aim to present my research proposal in a manner accessible to the general public. Key Requirements: - Design the poster to effectively communicate the content of a research proposal. - Use clear, engaging visuals and language to make complex concepts understandable for a non-specialist audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in creating academic or scientific posters. - Strong graphic design skills, and experience in in-design/illustrator - Ability to simplify complex scientific content for general public. - Experience working on educational materials.
I'm seeking an expert in Cin7 to assist with setting up inventory management for my consumer electronics business. Key areas of focus: - Comprehensive setup of inventory management within Cin7 - Optimizing processes for tracking and managing physical goods - Creating templates to look exactly what we currently use. - fix integration of cin7 and shopify / orders not flowing through/showin...use. - fix integration of cin7 and shopify / orders not flowing through/showing correctly. Ideal Freelancer: - Extensive experience with Cin7, particularly in inventory management - Previous work with consumer electronics inventory preferred - Ability to deliver a seamless, efficient setup Please provide your relevant experience with Cin7 and managing inventory for consumer electronics in your ...
I'm looking for a seasoned digital marketing expert to design and implement a Google Ads campaign for my plumbing business. The primary goal of this campaign is to generate leads. My business focuses on: - Routine plumbing maintenance - Installation of plumbing systems The target audience for this campaign includes: - Homeowners The ideal candidate fo...plumbing systems The target audience for this campaign includes: - Homeowners The ideal candidate for this project should possess: - Proven experience in creating successful Google Ads campaigns - Knowledge about the plumbing industry would be a plus - Skills in targeting diverse audience segments - Ability to track and analyze campaign performance for continuous improvement. Please submit your proposal detailing your relev...
I'm looking for a digital menu board for my fast-food restaurant. This will be a multiple screen setup showcasing our menu items with prices. Key Requirements: - Design of a digital menu board suitable for a fast-paced, high-demand environment - Experience with creating content for digital menu boards - Ability to design for a multiple screen layout Skills and Experience: - Proficiency ...for a fast-paced, high-demand environment - Experience with creating content for digital menu boards - Ability to design for a multiple screen layout Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in relevant design software - Previous experience with digital signage - Understanding of the fast food industry and its unique requirements Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in y...
✅ Includes High-Traffic Requirements (10,000 Daily Visitors, 300 Concurrent Users) ? Project Overview: We are looking for an experienced freelancer to fully migrate our infrastructure from AWS to a cost-effective, high-performance ...DigitalOcean, Cloudflare Pages & CDN. ✅ High-traffic website optimization (10,000 daily users, 300 concurrent). ✅ SEO best practices to preserve organic traffic. ✅ Performance tuning for API-heavy and static site architectures. ? How to Apply ✅ Provide details of previous high-traffic site migrations. ✅ Describe your migration strategy (zero-downtime approach). ✅ Share your estimated timeline and budget proposal. ? Looking for a skilled freelancer to migrate our AWS-based infrastructure while maintaining SEO, performance, and reliability? Apply no...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a web-based application similar to the design tool found at Key Features: - Design Customization: The primary function of this tool will be allowing users to customize their designs. - Color Options: Users should be able to select from a wide range of color options to personalize their design...creating interactive design tools. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles to ensure the tool is user-friendly. - Knowledge of color theory and shape recognition could be a plus. The ideal candidate for this project would be someone with a strong portfolio in web-based app development, particularly in creating design customization tools. Please include similar projects you have worked on in your proposal.
...follow-up and consultation approach 4. Prepare proposal templates 5. Develop objection handling guide Collaboration Requirements - Frequent communication (multiple times daily) - Responsive and adaptable approach - Willing to work closely together - Cost-optimization opportunities What We Need - SaaS sales experience - Understanding of AI technologies - proficiency - Strong research and writing skills - Creative problem-solving Important Notes - Work in Progress: Some components can be completed with guidance to reduce costs - Seeking a collaborative partner for daily (potentially multiple times daily) updates - Open to splitting tasks to optimize project budget - Ongoing communication and quick iterations are crucial Send a detailed proposal with your approach and...
...Facebook & Instagram Ads Manager ? YouTube & Google Ads ? LinkedIn Ads (Bonus) ? Google Analytics & Tracking Pixels ? A/B Testing & Retargeting Strategies ? Compensation ? Freelance/Contract Basis – Pay based on experience & results ? Part-time to start (5-10 hours/week), with potential for full-time ? Bonus incentives for hitting KPIs & ad performance milestones ? How to Apply ? Send your proposal with: ✔ Your experience managing paid social campaigns (specific case studies/results preferred). ✔ Platforms you specialize in (Facebook, IG, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.). ✔ Your typical ad budget management range (e.g., “I manage $5K-$50K/month in ad spend”). ✔ Why you’re a great fit for Success Can’t Buy Me Love! ✔ Your pricing ...
...should also provide a detailed report of their findings, including any conclusions or recommendations they have made. The project has a tight deadline, and the expert should be able to work quickly and efficiently to meet the deadline. They should also be available to answer any questions or concerns that may arise during the project. If you are interested in this project, please submit your proposal along with your qualifications and experience. Please also include your estimated cost and timeline for completing the project The three hotels I want to do the web scraping for is for the following: Best Western- The Gables GL12 8DL MALT HOUSE HOTEL GL13 9BA BERKELEY ARMS HOTEL GL13 9BG I would like the next 365 days nights charged for each individual hotel for the next year. ...
I require a Massachusetts licensed structural engineer who can review my FEA reports and provide a PE stamp for a plastic, acrylic, steel and fiberglass structures located in Massachusetts... Key Responsibilities: - Review and validate FEA reports focusing on material deformation - Provide PE stamp upon successful review - Ens...validate FEA reports focusing on material deformation - Provide PE stamp upon successful review - Ensure all evaluations meet engineering standards Ideal Candidate: - Licensed professional engineer in Massachusetts or South Carolina - Extensive experience with FEA reports - Expertise in plastic structure analysis - Ability to provide PE stamp for compliance - Ability to provide COI. In your proposal please note the cost for reviewing and stamp of...
I'm seeking a skilled video editor for a personal project. I have a collection of work videos that I would like to be edited into a montage style video. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Experience with montage-style editing - Creative storytelling through editing - Attention to detail - Good communication skills Please p...personal project. I have a collection of work videos that I would like to be edited into a montage style video. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Experience with montage-style editing - Creative storytelling through editing - Attention to detail - Good communication skills Please provide samples of your past montage-style edits in your ...
I'm seeking an experienced urban planner to design plazas and town squares with a focus on user-friendly seating areas. The planner should have a keen understanding of public space dynamics and urban design principles. Key Requirements: - Design of seating areas within the plazas and town squares - Knowledge of urban pla...user-friendly seating areas. The planner should have a keen understanding of public space dynamics and urban design principles. Key Requirements: - Design of seating areas within the plazas and town squares - Knowledge of urban planning and design principles - Experience in planning public spaces Ideal Skills: - Urban Planning - Public Space Design - Landscape Architecture Please submit your proposal if you have relevant experience and a portfolio of si...
I'm in need of a skilled developer who can create a High-Frequency Trading (HFT) bot for cTrader. Key Requirements: - The bot should be specifically designed to trade on Indices, specifically the US30. - The implementation of HFT strategies is crucial. - Moving Averages, RSI, and MACD are potential indicators to consider, but I'm open to other suggestions based on your expertise. ...High-Frequency Trading strategies. - Strong background in trading Indices. - Familiarity with technical indicators, particularly Moving Averages, RSI, and MACD. - Previous experience in developing trading bots is highly desirable. I am looking for a professional who can deliver a high-quality, efficient, and reliable trading bot. Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in y...
LinkedIn Growth Specialist ...opportunities with industry peers - Drive meaningful discussions in relevant industry topics ## Requirements **Essential Skills** - Proven LinkedIn growth expertise with demonstrable results - Understanding of 2025 LinkedIn algorithm and content trends - Experience in building both personal and company page presence - Strong analytics and performance tracking capabilities Please include in your proposal: - Monthly rate and detailed service breakdown - Content creation vs. strategy guidance specifics - Weekly post frequency for both profiles - Portfolio of LinkedIn accounts grown - Detailed growth strategy and workflow plan The ideal candidate will demonstrate expertise in driving genuine engagement while building thought leadership in the AI technol...