Evaluation essay example thesisprojekty
I am looking for a graphic designer who will prepare a design / concept for colors and the appearance of one page / screen for my simple android application. the screen consists of several text fields, one graphic / icon one field for entering the evaluation with a slider, plus and minus buttons, entering from the keyboard one field to enter a possible short comment keyboard (called automatically) and 3 buttons sending settings test I will send an example to an email the locat...
...International to międzynarodowa, specjalistyczna platforma promująca osiągnięcia nauki, a także wspierająca krajową i międzynarodową współpracę pomiędzy naukowcami, wydawnictwami czasopism naukowych oraz jednostkami naukowymi. Opis systemów: Publishers Panel ICI Science Evaluation ICI World of Journals , Opis stanowiska: - rozwój oraz utrzymywanie istniejących systemów, - rekomendowanie rozwiązań systemowych, - aktywne poszukiwanie nowych rozwiązań w celu optymalizacji
...International to międzynarodowa, specjalistyczna platforma promująca osiągnięcia nauki, a także wspierająca krajową i międzynarodową współpracę pomiędzy naukowcami, wydawnictwami czasopism naukowych oraz jednostkami naukowymi. Opis systemów: Publishers Panel ICI Science Evaluation ICI World of Journals , Poszukujemy minimum trzyosobowego zespołu składającego się z: - 1 Senior Java Developera - 2 FullStack Java Developerów Opis stanowiska: Senior Java Developer
Potrzebuje zmienic szablon bloga z thesis 1.8 na responsywny i dobrze czytelny , i to tak zeby zachowac pozycje SEO w wyszukiwarce google. Nowy szablon juz mam, trzeba dopasowac na nowo po zmianie szablonu , byc moze poprzenosic meta tagi i inne tego typu sprawy wordpresowe, doinstalowac i skonfigurowac popup itd.
...(również sprawdzenie czy są aktywne lub nie) 3) Sprawdzenie za pomocą DNS lookup nazwy hostów 4) Policzenie uniklanych IP, w celu oszacowania pakietów hostingowych Prosze o kontakt z oszacowaną ceną i czasem wykonania zlecenia (zależy mi na szybkim wykonaniu) Pozdrawiam Michał *********************************************** Hi, I am making a research on the web hosting market for my thesis and I was wondering if it is possible to estimate the number of hosting packages in Poland. This is why I am looking for someone who will help me to write and run a program that will count the number of .pl domains (active and not active), associate them with hosting players in Poland (, , etc. but also private servers) and will estimate the number of hos...
...(również sprawdzenie czy są aktywne lub nie) 3) Sprawdzenie za pomocą DNS lookup nazwy hostów 4) Policzenie uniklanych IP, w celu oszacowania pakietów hostingowych Prosze o kontakt z oszacowaną ceną i czasem wykonania zlecenia (zależy mi na szybkim wykonaniu) Pozdrawiam Michał *********************************************** Hi, I am making a research on the web hosting market for my thesis and I was wondering if it is possible to estimate the number of hosting packages in Poland. This is why I am looking for someone who will help me to write and run a program that will count the number of .pl domains (active and not active), associate them with hosting players in Poland (, , etc. but also private servers) and will estimate the number of hos...
...(również sprawdzenie czy są aktywne lub nie) 3) Sprawdzenie za pomocą DNS lookup nazwy hostów 4) Policzenie uniklanych IP, w celu oszacowania pakietów hostingowych Prosze o kontakt z oszacowaną ceną i czasem wykonania zlecenia (zależy mi na szybkim wykonaniu) Pozdrawiam Michał *********************************************** Hi, I am making a research on the web hosting market for my thesis and I was wondering if it is possible to estimate the number of hosting packages in Poland. This is why I am looking for someone who will help me to write and run a program that will count the number of .pl domains (active and not active), associate them with hosting players in Poland (, , etc. but also private servers) and will estimate the number of hos...
Szukam developera wordpress specjalizującego się w platformie Thesis. Głównym zadaniem developera będzie wdrożenie uzgodnionej struktury wordpress opartej na Thesis i Marketers Delight. Liczę tutaj na aktywność ze strony developera w proponowaniu najlepszych jego zdaniem rozwiązań. Kolejne zadania to instalacja potrzebnych wtyczek, oraz optymalizacja serwisu pod kątem SEO. Dodatkowe wymagane umiejętności developera - znajomość i umiejętność intalacji pluginów z płatnym contentem, lead pages, połączenie z mailchimp. Zależy mi na tym, żeby developer był z Warszawy, lub spod Warszawy. Chciałbym uczestniczyć w pracach wdrożeniowych i tym samym uczyć się tematyki wordpress.
Zlece wykonanie modyfikacji w serwisie zbudowanym na Thesis 2.0. pozdrawiam Jerzy Domanski
Napisanie prostej aplikacji w c# , WCF i winForms lub WPF - przy użyciu biblioteki thinkGeo (map suite routing) część funkcjonalności tak jak jest w code sample (C:Program Files (x86)ThinkGeoMap Suite Routing Evaluation Edition 5.5HowDoISamplesCSharp HowDoISamplesCSharp Desktop HowDoISamplesbin) tylko trzeba by to przerobić na WCF i połączyć funkcjonalność w jednym okienku.
Program musi zaladowac co najmniej 3 warstwy (mapy lub wektory) oraz nowe okno z rezulatami. interfejs (form) okna powinien miec podstawowe funkcje (Drop down menu): - File (open, quit, save) - Layers (add layer, clear layer) - Tools (zoom) - MCE (linear, weighted sum) mozliwosc definicji (wyboru) wartosci dla wazenia w MCE (multi-criteria evaluation) dla wyswietlanych warst. Okno z warstwa powinnno wyswietlac nazwe pliku na ramce oraz miec opcje przesuniecia w roznych kierunkach oraz mozliwosc przyblizenia lub oddalenia. Wazne jest zeby program/kod byl w pelni opisany w (poszczegolne funkcje) To ma tylko dzialac, moze wygladac nie profesjonalnie - kod Do tworzenia interfejsu mam pomoc Mapwindow () oraz biblioteke (scrypt) do kalkulacji MCE, oraz kilka
...dostępna gdyż czasami nie mam czasu na wprowadzanie zmian/korekt w danym projekcie, a czasem są to rzeczy pilne. Wymagam znajomości xhtml/css, frameworka jquery, budowy wordpressa (jego bazy, systemu szablonów) i rozeznania w obsłudze, konfiguracji i modyfikacji wordpressowych wtyczek (next-gen, wp-ecommerce, cforms etc). Dodatkowym atutem będzie znajomość popularnych szablonów wp jak Classipress czy Thesis oraz umiejętność pisania pluginów pod ten system. Ze swojej strony gwarantuję łatwość w komunikacji (sam jestem koderem więc zrozumiemy się na pewno) i szybkość wpłat. Proszę o podanie: 1. stawki godzinowej netto 2. wyceny średnio-skomplikowanego wdrożenia wp (blog, galeria zdjęć, formularz kontaktowy, elementy ajax) 3. linku do portfolio (osoby l...
...outputs and deliverables; - An appropriate mix of skills for the project; - That the risks associated with the work have been considered; - Evidence of ability to meet the required deadline; - Clear, easy to understand costs for the project, with a clear rationale/ breakdown of costs provided. . Tender proposals will be evaluated by ESW. . The evaluation criteria, in no particular order, to be used to evaluate the proposals are as follows: - Ability to meet the required deadlines; - Accessibility; - Creativity; - Feasibility of approach and timescale; - Relevant experience and track record; - Risk assessment and management; - Understanding the issues; - Val...
Program stworzony w VB.Net z graficznym interfejsem Program musi zaladowac co najmniej 3 warstwy (mapy lub wektory) oraz nowe okno z rezulatami. Interfejs okna powinien miec belke z opcjami: File (open, quit, save) Layers (add layer, clear layer) MCE (linear, weighted sum) mozliwosc definicji (wyboru) wartosci dla wazenia w MCE (multi-criteria evaluation) Okno z warstwa powinnno wyswietlac nazwe pliku na ramce oraz miec opcje przesuniecia w roznych kierunkach oraz mozliwosc przyblizenia lub oddalenia. Wazne jest zeby program/kod byl w pelni opisany w (poszczegolne funkcje) TO ma tylko dzialac, moze wygladac nie profesjonalnie - kod Do tworzenia interfejsu mam pomoc Mapwindow () oraz biblioteke (scrypt) do kalkulacji MCE, oraz kilka plikow do sprawdzenia
Program stworzony w VB.Net z graficznym interfejsem Program musi zaladowac co najmniej 3 warstwy (mapy lub wektory) oraz nowe okno z rezulatami. Interfejs okna powinien miec belke z opcjami: File (open, quit, save) Layers (add layer, clear layer) MCE (linear, weighted sum) mozliwosc definicji (wyboru) wartosci dla wazenia w MCE (multi-criteria evaluation) Okno z warstwa powinnno wyswietlac nazwe pliku na ramce oraz miec opcje przesuniecia w roznych kierunkach oraz mozliwosc przyblizenia lub oddalenia. Wazne jest zeby program/kod byl w pelni opisany w (poszczegolne funkcje) TO ma tylko dzialac, moze wygladac nie profesjonalnie - kod Do tworzenia interfejsu mam pomoc Mapwindow () oraz biblioteke (scrypt) do kalkulacji MCE, oraz kilka plikow do sprawdzenia
Szukam osoby ktora podjelaby sie napisania pracy/eseju po angielsku badz po polsku na ponizszy temat Since the "credit crunch" and recent recession(s), Governments have been encouraged to "stimulate" the economy: 1. Discuss the policies/strategies the last(UK-Brown) overnment implemented to encourage this. Is there evidence that they were successful? you can also use examples from other developed countries-eg USA, Ireland, etc, in order to develop your argument We hear frequently statements from the present Government on the need to cut Government spending: 2. Discuss the changes (in context of policy) the present Government plan Will they work? What might be their impact? Globally some countries have been able to cope with the present crisis/recession bett...
temat: Explain what is meant by the "European Social Model" with specific reference to the typology provided by Sapir. Discuss the reasons why the European Social Model, as characterised by France, has found renewed favour in the recent economic crisis. dlugosc: 2800slow posiadam materialy (artykuly) oraz prezentacje ktore zawieraja wiekszosc informacji potrzebnych do napisania tego eseju. bardziej szczegolowe wytyczne przekaze na maila.
Esej w jezyku angielskim temat: Explain what is meant by the "European Social Model" with specific reference to the typology provided by Sapir. Discuss the reasons why the European Social Model, as characterised by France, has found renewed favour in the recent economic crisis. dlugosc: 2800slow posiadam materialy (artykuly) oraz prezentacje ktore zawieraja wiekszosc informacji potrzebnych do napisania tego eseju. bardziej szczegolowe wytyczne przekaze na maila.
Esej w jezyku angielskim temat: Explain what is meant by the ‘European Social Model’ with specific reference to the typology provided by Sapir (’05). Discuss the reasons why the European Social Model, as characterised by France, has found renewed favour in the recent economic crisis. dlugosc: 2800slow posiadam materialy (artykuly) oraz prezentacje ktore zawieraja wiekszosc informacji potrzebnych do napisania tego eseju. bardziej szczegolowe wytyczne przekaze na maila.
1. Introduction: 4. Findings: 4.1. General properties of the atmosphere: a. Troposphere b. Stratosphere c. Ionosphere 4.2. The composition of unpolluted air at sea level: 4.3. What constitutes a good fuel: 4.4. The evaluation of the social value of fossil and alternative fuels and the use of unleaded petrol: 4.5. What are the sources of pollutants from fuel combustion and what impact do they (COx, SOx, NOx, and O3) have on the environment: 4.6. Formation of acid rain from acidic gases and their effect on soils, plant life and masonry: 4.7. The method of limiting and eliminating pollutant production: 4.8. The effect of CFC on the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere: Introduction musi zostac napisane na temat: "The properties of the atmosphere and what makes a goo...
Zlecę napisanie essayu na 1500 slow na temat: :" Evaluate the extent to which different employee voice schemes are used in practice, including an explanation of the key differences between union and non-union voice arrangements." Dalsze szczegóły wyślę osobom zainteresowanym na maila.
Szukam osoby, która wypozycjonuje w Google serwis, dotyczącego portalu piszącego eseje. Interesuje mnie tylko pozycjonowanie pod wyniki na terenie USA. Hasła custom essay, term paper, research paper, writing service
...providing Internet Access for visitors and guests, but denying them accessing the internal network; and (2) sales databases and accounts can only be accessed by authorized staff. Step7 Internet Access and Network Servers You need to provide required network servers (DNS server, DHCP server, E-mail server, Radius server, etc.) to allow this WLAN to function as well as Internet Access. Section 2 Evaluation After you complete your initial design, the proposed network needs to be evaluated against four criteria: availability, scalability, manageability and compatibility. • Briefly explain the meaning each criterion; • Discuss how your design has met each of them. Section 3 Deployment of WLAN with enterprise-level security To secure a WLAN, both e...
Zlecę napisanie pracy: 3. FOR AND AGAINST ESSAY - THE INTERNET - A BLESSING OR A CURSE? - why is it so popular? / how has it developed through the years? - why is it useful? - who are the recipients?- what are the advantages and disadvantages for different age groups? w języku angielskim, możliwie prostym, z prostą gramatyką, 1200 słówek
...animation, law and finance, and information technology. Our official website: ● Key Responsibilities Help Tencent games (such as "Honor of Kings") complete localization from English to the target language, using X-bench, Crowdin, Trados, and other required tools. The work includes translation, proofreading, editing, image/video inspection, testing games, Translation Quality Evaluation (TQE), Language Quality Assurance (LQA), and continuous game optimization according to the habits and preferences of users whose mother language is the target language. ● Qualifications be a Native speaker of the target language. work in game localization before and be proficient in translation and proofreading. Source Language is fluent enough to collaborate with the international
...animation, law and finance, and information technology. Our official website: ● Key Responsibilities Help Tencent games (such as "Honor of Kings") complete localization from English to the target language, using X-bench, Crowdin, Trados, and other required tools. The work includes translation, proofreading, editing, image/video inspection, testing games, Translation Quality Evaluation (TQE), Language Quality Assurance (LQA), and continuous game optimization according to the habits and preferences of users whose mother language is the target language. ● Qualifications be a Native speaker of the target language. work in game localization before and be proficient in translation and proofreading. Source Language is fluent enough to collaborate with the international
...animation, law and finance, and information technology. Our official website: ● Key Responsibilities Help Tencent games (such as "Honor of Kings") complete localization from English to the target language, using X-bench, Crowdin, Trados, and other required tools. The work includes translation, proofreading, editing, image/video inspection, testing games, Translation Quality Evaluation (TQE), Language Quality Assurance (LQA), and continuous game optimization according to the habits and preferences of users whose mother language is the target language. ● Qualifications be a Native speaker of the target language. work in game localization before and be proficient in translation and proofreading. Source Language is fluent enough to collaborate with the international
...animation, law and finance, and information technology. Our official website: ● Key Responsibilities Help Tencent games (such as "Honor of Kings") complete localization from English to the target language, using X-bench, Crowdin, Trados, and other required tools. The work includes translation, proofreading, editing, image/video inspection, testing games, Translation Quality Evaluation (TQE), Language Quality Assurance (LQA), and continuous game optimization according to the habits and preferences of users whose mother language is the target language. ● Qualifications be a Native speaker of the target language. work in game localization before and be proficient in translation and proofreading. Source Language is fluent enough to collaborate with the international
We are a call center looking for spanish speaker agents. You need to have computer (no smartphone, no tablet), speed internet , usb headset, dedicated space where to work. Computer knowledge and fast learning attitude are must. Salary 3$/hour If you have read bid for 10$ CV for evaluation part time or full time option Working hours between 9am to 10 pm local time
I'm in need of a service that can provide an image, a definition, and an example sentence for a significant number of words (more than 100). This is for the American Language Course, which is a book used to teach English to international military students. These words will be provided by me in sections. I have attached an PowerPoint example for section 7.1. Key Requirements: - Ability to source or create suitable images for each word. Any type of image is acceptable (stock images, custom illustrations, etc.) just as long as it appropriately represents the word. Preferably realistic. ChatGPT works. - Strong understanding of language to craft clear, concise definitions and example sentences. - Creativity and resourcefulness in finding or creating engaging and rel...
I need an experienced WordPress professional to set up a WPLMS installation on my WordPress subdomain, and integrate a series of quizzes and tests into the platform. Key Tasks: - Implement WPLMS on my WordPress subdomain - Load a variety of quizzes and tests (Multiple choice, True/False, Essay/Short Answer) - Format the quizzes and tests according to a provided design template - Use a provided set of questions and answers to populate the quizzes and tests Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress and WPLMS - Experience with quiz/test integration on eLearning platforms - Familiar with implementing and customizing WordPress themes - Able to adhere to provided design templates and brand styling Please note, I will provide the questions and answers, as well as the outlin...
We're seeking a seasoned digital marketing consultant with 3-5 years of experience to review and enhance our Google and Facebook marketing strategies. Key Responsibilities: - Google Ads: Primarily focusing on refining our Keyword Strategy to increase our visibility and reach. - Faceb...Facebook marketing strategies. Key Responsibilities: - Google Ads: Primarily focusing on refining our Keyword Strategy to increase our visibility and reach. - Facebook Ads: Conducting a thorough Performance Analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Google Adwords and Facebook Ads - Strong analytical skills for performance evaluation - Proficiency in keyword strategy development - Excellent understanding of target audience...
I'm seeking a professional for a 3-day evaluation test on a React-based financial chart. The primary objective of this project is to enhance the usability of the chart, specifically focusing on the user experience. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough usability tests over a 3-day period. - Identify potential areas of improvement within the user interface and ease of navigation. - Provide actionable recommendations to enhance the overall user experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with React and financial charting tools. - Strong background in user experience design. - Proven track record of usability testing and implementing improvements. - Excellent communication skills for clear reporting. The primary user of this chart will be financial anal...
I'm seeking someone to perform a code review on an app that's currently being built. The focus should primarily be on the code structure and organization. This initial task will only require a couple of hours of wo...organization of the code. - Possibly carry out a small amount of other tasks. The app is being built using JavaScript/React. A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is ready for you to sign if you are serious about taking on the work. Ideal skills for this job include: - Expertise in JavaScript/React - Strong understanding of code structure and organization - Experience in code review and performance evaluation I'm looking for someone who can deliver high-quality work in a short amount of time. If I like your work, I will consider hiring you for a significant ...
...includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant projects. Writing Samples: Examples of your rewritten content or original blog posts. Approach: A description of your rewriting process and how you ensure uniqueness and quality. Timeline: An estimated timeframe for completing the project. Pricing: Your rate per article or the total project cost. Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on: Writing quality and style. Experience and expertise. Proposed timeline and pricing. Understanding of the project requirements....
...includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant projects. Writing Samples: Examples of your rewritten content or original blog posts. Approach: A description of your rewriting process and how you ensure uniqueness and quality. Timeline: An estimated timeframe for completing the project. Pricing: Your rate per article or the total project cost. Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on: Writing quality and style. Experience and expertise. Proposed timeline and pricing. Understanding of the project requirements....
...network (CNN) for image analysis (chart patterns). • A recurrent neural network (RNN) or transformer for sequential numerical data. 4. Training: • Feed the “before” data (images + numbers) as input. • Use the “after” data (movement labels or price changes) as the target output. • Train the model using a loss function like mean squared error (regression) or cross-entropy (classification). 5. Evaluation: • Test the model on unseen chart data to ensure accuracy and robustness. • Use metrics like precision, recall, and F1-score (classification) or RMSE (regression). 6. Prediction: • Develop an interface to input real-time chart data. • The AI generates predictions on likely price movements. 7. Deployment: &b...
...includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant projects. Writing Samples: Examples of your rewritten content or original blog posts. Approach: A description of your rewriting process and how you ensure uniqueness and quality. Timeline: An estimated timeframe for completing the project. Pricing: Your rate per article or the total project cost. Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on: Writing quality and style. Experience and expertise. Proposed timeline and pricing. Understanding of the project requirements....
...includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant projects. Writing Samples: Examples of your rewritten content or original blog posts. Approach: A description of your rewriting process and how you ensure uniqueness and quality. Timeline: An estimated timeframe for completing the project. Pricing: Your rate per article or the total project cost. Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on: Writing quality and style. Experience and expertise. Proposed timeline and pricing. Understanding of the project requirements....
...includes the following: Relevant Experience: A brief overview of your writing experience and relevant projects. Writing Samples: Examples of your rewritten content or original blog posts. Approach: A description of your rewriting process and how you ensure uniqueness and quality. Timeline: An estimated timeframe for completing the project. Pricing: Your rate per article or the total project cost. Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated based on: Writing quality and style. Experience and expertise. Proposed timeline and pricing. Understanding of the project requirements....
Objective We are seeking an experienced market researcher or strategist to conduct a detailed market analysis and competitor evaluation within the financial services industry. The purpose is to identify market gaps, unmet consumer needs, and emerging opportunities to inform the design of our products and services. This analysis will serve as the foundation for our business strategy, focusing on the following categories: Loans Credit Cards Insurance Taxation Stock Market and Trading Investments Wealth Management Since our website and platform are still in development, this project will operate from a blank slate perspective and guide our strategic direction. The emphasis is on industry-wide trends and competitor insights, rather than direct comparisons. Scope of Work The freelance...
I'm in need of a compelling scholarship essay focused on my career goals and incorporating a personal story that inspired my career choice. Key points: - The essay needs to be focused on my career goals. - It should include a specific personal experience that inspired my career choice. - The overall tone should be suitable for an academic scholarship. Ideal skills would include excellent writing and storytelling abilities, understanding of scholarship essay expectations, and a knack for crafting persuasive narratives. Prior experience with academic writing or scholarship essay crafting would be a significant advantage.
...Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Edward M. Kennedy. OR any of from the attached list of common essay subjects. OR any from these two links of past recipients and senators Use these guidelines for Bibliographies and Citations: Requirements: Must be no more than 1,000 words but must be minimum of 700 words. Citations and bibliography are not included in the word count. Must have 5 sources at minium. Essay should NOT include identifying information about the author. 1. Demonstrated understanding
...easily. For efficiency, we are no longer retouching the skin or skin tone in Lightroom. We do not use photoshop and are not looking to use it either. Test Project If selected as a potential fit, we will provide you with a Lightroom catalog containing anchor images. You will edit a few sample photos and then see what you do with the rest. Please note that this test is non-commercial and for evaluation only. Please let us know if you have a rate for this. How to Apply -Share examples of relevant editing work. If you have before/after samples or can describe your editing workflow, even better. -Briefly explain why you’re a great fit, how you handle feedback, and how you ensure confidentiality. -Let us know you have a private workspace and fully understand the importance of ...
...to long-term collaboration, as I will be working with several designers from this contest. Landing Page Structure in ASCII : Here is the proposed structure for the landing page : Deliverables: • Complete design provided in Figma, Adobe XD, or any professional tool. • Versions for both desktop and mobile. • A professional, modern, and visually appealing design. Evaluation Criteria: 1. Adherence to the structure provided (ASCII plan). 2. Creativity and overall design quality. 3. Design optimized for conversions (visible CTA buttons, easy navigation). 4. Aesthetic appeal and professional look. Landing page i like : - - - - - Feel free to ask any
...long-term collaboration, as I will be working with several designers from this contest. Landing Page Structure in ASCII : Here is the proposed structure for the landing page : Deliverables: • Complete design provided in Figma, Adobe XD, or any professional tool. • Versions for both desktop and mobile. • A professional, modern, and visually appealing design. Evaluation Criteria: 1. Adherence to the structure provided (ASCII plan). 2. Creativity and overall design quality. 3. Design optimized for conversions (visible CTA buttons, easy navigation). 4. Aesthetic appeal and professional look. Feel free to ask any questions if you need further clarification. I look forward to seeing your creative designs and working long-term with talented designers from thi...
...Create a logo that can be used across different platforms, including the website, social media, and advertising materials. Deliverables 1. A minimum of 3 logo concepts 2. Each concept should include: - A color version - A black and white version - A reversed version (light-colored background) 3. Vector files (AI, EPS, or SVG) for each concept 4. Rationale behind each design concept Evaluation Criteria 1. Creativity and originality 2. Relevance to the brand and its values 3. Memorability and scalability 4. Versatility across different platforms 5. Overall aesthetic appeal. How to Participate 1. Read the contest description carefully. 2. Create your logo design concepts. 3. Submit your designs along with a brief explanation of your design choices. 4. Ensure you meet...
I'm looking for a professional business evaluator to assess my wholesale business, which sells to local stores. The primary purpose of this evaluation is to make my business attractive to potential buyers. Your tasks will involve: - Comprehensive evaluation of the business - Establishing a competitive and fair selling price - Suggesting potential improvements to increase business appeal Ideal candidates will have a strong background in business valuation, particularly in the retail sector, and experience in advising on business sales.
I'm seeking an experienced penetration testing professional to conduct a thorough black-box evaluation of my website, JobX.ae. The focus of the testing will encompass: - Website infrastructure - User authentication - Data storage and transmission - Server - All potential vulnerabilities In addition, the penetration testing should adhere to the OWASP Top Ten compliance standards. ISO 27001 and GDRP is a plus. After the assessment, I would like to receive comprehensive reports detailing the findings, along with recommendations on how to safeguard raw data and code to eliminate any potential backdoors. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in black-box penetration testing - Deep understanding of website infrastructures and user authentication ...
I'm seeking AI professionals in the US, specifically in Machine Learning, to collaborate on grant proposals. The primary focus is on Research and Development. Key Responsibilities: - Model Development: Designing innovative machine learning models for various research projects. - Data Preprocessing: Handling and preparing data for model training and evaluation. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Machine Learning, particularly in model development and data preprocessing. - Strong understanding of the research and development process. - Excellent grant writing skills. An NDA will be required for details. Grant requirements apply so if you are not a US citizen located in the US, please do not apply as during the due diligence process you will be eliminated.