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    2,000 epassporte transactions time ofert prac znalezionych

    Jesteśmy szwalnią z dużym doświadczeniem, ale relatywnie niewielkim zespołem, realizującą projekty głównie dla klientów w Polsce, a czasami za granicą. Szukamy wsparcia administracyjnego – osoby, która pomoże w obsłudze klienta, zarządzaniu stroną internetową, dokumentacją oraz uporządkowaniu pracy. Praca zdalna, z szacowaną liczbą godzin w miesiącu od 30 do 80. Oferujemy elastyczne godziny pracy. Do zadań będzie należeć: zdalna obsługa klienta, odpisywanie na maile i sporadycznie obsługa połączeń przychodzących, przygotowywanie dokumentów, umawianie spotkań online, wsparcie w obsłudze działu produkcji. Wymagania: odpowiedzialność i dotrzymywanie terminów, znajomość języka angielskiego minimum na poziomie B2, umiejętność obsługi komputera oraz p...

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    12 składanie ofert

    I am looking for an experienced programmer to create a manual bot based on the CCXT library that allows trading on the Bybit, Kucoin and Binance Futures platf...interface (GUI) and will allow trading using stop market orders. Required skills: Python programming experience. Knowledge of Bybit, Kucoin and Binance Futures API. Understanding the mechanisms of the futures market and stop markets. Ability to create graphical user interfaces (GUI). Bot features: Integration with Bybit, Kucoin and Binance Futures exchanges. Possibility to manually execute transactions on the futures market. Support for stop market orders, enabling users to control risk and minimize losses. If you are interested in this project and meet the above requirements, please contact me to discuss the details of t...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    Komunikator powinien zawierać: wysyłania wiadomośći, usuwania ich itp.(real-time) znajomych, dodawania i usuwania oraz wyszukiwania tworzenia oraz zarządzania grupami (muszą być proste systemy ról) załączania plików - obrazków oraz filmów oraz ich kompresja rejestracji oraz logowania + weryfikacja maila rechapty (nie może być od google musi być napisany od zera) szyfrowanie wiadomości włączania grupy do społeczności wyszukiwania serwerów społeczności musi być prosty, strona musi być ładowana przez VPN Budżet-1600zł

    $445 Average bid
    $445 Średnia Oferta:
    20 składanie ofert statements in the MT940 format and configuring the automation of the accounting process of individual transactions in the SAP S4 Hana system. At the moment, everything is posted manually and we want to improve this process a bit. We are thinking about creating two additional technical accounts in SAP for inbound and outbound transactions. After manually uploading the bank statement in the MT940 format using the FF_5 transaction, we expect SAP to transfer all transactions to technical accounts and further to Vendor and Customer accounts (probably it should search for the agreed scope and invoice number and by the amount) and to GL accounts ( searching for repeatable transactions, e.g. Bank charges looking for a transaction name). At end of the semi-aut...

    $1251 Average bid
    $1251 Średnia Oferta:
    2 składanie ofert

    PHP Developer on full time Nasz produkt – Aukcje | Ogłoszenia | Oferty pracy Opis Stanowiska • Programowanie aplikacji internetowych w PHP • Udział w pracach projektowych i analitycznych. • Analiza wymagań i szacowanie pracochłonności Wymagania: • 4-letnie doświadczenie w programowaniu w PHP. • Znajomość relacyjnych baz danych (MySQL). • Umiejętność tworzenia i aktualizowania dokumentacji technicznej oraz projektowej. • Podstawowa znajomość technologii frontend’owych (HTML5, jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS). • Znajomość systemów kontroli wersji (GIT). Mile widziane: • Doświadczenie w integracji systemów przez API (REST). • Znajomość podstawowych wzorców projektowych. • Kreatywność w obs...

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    24 składanie ofert

    PHP Developer on full time Nasz produkt – Aukcje | Ogłoszenia | Oferty pracy Opis Stanowiska • Programowanie aplikacji internetowych w PHP • Udział w pracach projektowych i analitycznych. • Analiza wymagań i szacowanie pracochłonności Wymagania: • 4-letnie doświadczenie w programowaniu w PHP. • Znajomość relacyjnych baz danych (MySQL). • Umiejętność tworzenia i aktualizowania dokumentacji technicznej oraz projektowej. • Podstawowa znajomość technologii frontend’owych (HTML5, jQuery, Bootstrap, AngularJS). • Znajomość systemów kontroli wersji (GIT). Mile widziane: • Doświadczenie w integracji systemów przez API (REST). • Znajomość podstawowych wzorców projektowyc...

    $1259 Average bid
    $1259 Średnia Oferta:
    17 składanie ofert

    Opis Projektu Szukamy doświadczonego PHP Developera z Polski, który dołączy do działu IT Aligato. Jako PHP Developer dołączysz do zespołu w dziale iT i będziesz zajmować się tworzeniem nowych funkcjonalności oraz utrzymaniem stabilności działania dotychczasowych produktów. Nasz produkt: – to platforma aukcyjna pozwalająca na kupno i sprzedaż dla każdego małego i dużego. Jest to solidna alternatywa dla drogich konkurencyjnych usług. PHP Developer Lokalizacja: Programista z Polski Miejsce pracy: okolice Gorzów Wlkp. lub zdalnie Opis Stanowiska Programowanie aplikacji internetowych w PHP Udział w pracach projektowych i analitycznych. Analiza wymagań i szacowanie pracochłonności Wymagania: 4-letnie doświadczenie w programowaniu w PHP. Znajomość relacyjnych baz dan...

    $580 Average bid
    Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $580 Średnia Oferta:
    18 składanie ofert

    Witam poszukuje osoby która będzie w stanie pomóc mi w dokończeniu projektu w Cryengine. Projekt to cos w stylu Architecture Real-time w Cryengine 3. Pomoc w oświetleniu, kolizji, animacji itp. Przykładowy film :

    $18 - $153
    $18 - $153
    0 składanie ofert

    ...naciśnięty slider jedzie od 0 do (). W tym samym czasie 'L' rusza się według T: (t)[0] jest jedna ręka, (t)[0] center, i (t)[0] droga. Manualnie ruszenie reku tez rusza 'L'. Można kamerkę w 3D obrazie ruszać, ale to zmienia tylko perspektywę. -- A Fragment which shows a 3D rotating 'L' shape on top and a slider on the bottom with a "play" button. You are given a time series of the three points defining the L: List<Point3D[3]> T; When the play button is pressed, the slider on the bottom moves from 0 to (). As it moves, the L shape rotates according to T: so that (t)[0] is the coordinate of the top arm of the L, (t)[1] the middle, (t)[2] the other arm. It also rotates when dragging the slider manually. You can r...

    $6 - $203
    $6 - $203
    0 składanie ofert

    Proszę o przygotowanie skryptu integrującego Magento z Zaufane Opinie Ceneo. Wzór: <script type="text/javascript"><!-- ceneo_client_email = ‘pełny adres e-mail klienta’; ceneo_order_id = ‘123SK-23’; ceneo_shop_product_ids =‘#234#w475xk#5402#’; ceneo_work_days_to_send_questionnaire = 3; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> Trzeba dopisać pobieranie z bazy właściwych wartości (zamiast przykładowych wpisów z powyższego przykładu. Link do dokumentacji: Na stronie mam już jakiś skrypt ale niestety teraz nie działa (nie wiem dlaczego).

    $6 - $18
    $6 - $18
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, otwieramy rekrutacje do stworzenia profesjonalnego teamu do pracy nad kilkoma dużymi projektami. Jesteśmy firmą z dużym kapitałem i innowacyjnymi pomysłami, które chcemy zrealizować. Interesuje nas jedynie stała współpraca full time. Obecnie trwają prace nad pierwszym projektem. Zapraszam do przyjęcia zlecenia i omówienia szczegółów.

    $11854 Average bid
    $11854 Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    About us: Friskylabs, is a young, dynamic internet software company located in the heart of Silicon Valley in California. We build social applications with tens of millions of active users. We are one of largest developers on the Facebook platform. Our team members work remotely all over the world including San Francisco, Belgrade, Warsaw, Cracow, and the Caribbean, one of the two founders is Polish. We are looking for talented and highly motivated programmers (back-end, front-end, or both) who want to join us and build great social and mobile applications working from their homes. We offer: * Competitive compensation: $2,000 (USD) monthly for a start, $3,000 after the trial period, $4,000 for proven team members * Opportunity to learn from the best: we know how to build interne...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Job description Remote work out of your home - Monday thru Friday 4 hours per day " between 5 pm to 1 am standard polish local time you can choose your hours" Our company is a full-service design, development and marketing firm in New York. Our work covers web, mobile and print projects. We love what we do and that drives us to work every day! We're seeking a solid technical project manager with a proven history managing software projects (web preferred), requirements gathering, scope management, solid written and verbal communication skills, and a strong understanding of website projects. In short - we need someone who really gets what we do. Ideally we'd like you near Katowice but if you're reeeally good &#8211; location is irreleva...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ... a) General information b) Graphic design c) Logo d) Menu e) Modules General information a) Music Vendor I bought this script which has many great features, like file directory security, pay-pal payment, mailing lists all transactions are checked to prevent fraud and spoofing location of files are hidden and cannot be deduced by casual browsers of the web site downloads are limited by time and number of attempts all completed sales are recorded in the database customer is sent an email with a link to the download area All pages written in PHP and script is NOT encrypted Files are not accessible via a normal href link and hence cannot be downloaded by unauthorized users. Incorporates testing via

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    + Serwis internetowy pokazujący na jednej stronie czas w różnych miastach świata [w rodzaju ]. Dynamiczna zmiana zakresu wyświetlanych informacji [pozycje zegarów, wybór miast, format wyświetlania daty, itd] -

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Poszukuję programisty Java (freelancera) do prac przy dużym projekcie w IBM MDM w Warszawie, na zasadzie Time and Material Wymagania: - Bardzo dobra znajomość języka Java (minimum 2 lata doświadczenia) - Dobra znajomość JEE w zakresie JMS, EJB, JNDI, Web Services - Dobra znajomość Eclipse - Znajomość SQL (IBM DB2) - Mile widziane: WebSphere, Rational Software Architect, IBM MDM Ponieważ narzędzie IBM MDM nie jest powszechnie znane wpisuję to jako mile widziane, każdy kto spełnia powyższe wymagania w miesiąc się douczy, choć nie ukrywam, że jeżeli trafi się ktoś z udokumentowanymi referencjami w tym narzędziu to będzie preferowany. Praca na miejscu u mojego klienta w Warszawie (centrum) od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach 8.00-16.00. To jest twarde wymaganie nie można...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Potrzebujemy stworzyć i wdrożyć system komunikacji/płatności pomiędzy czymś w rodzaju sklepu internetowego, a firmowymi kontami w 3 różnych bankach, do których jest dostęp przez internet ale w formie standardowej, czyli możliwości wzrokowego przeglądania stanu konta on-line. Chodzi o automatyczne pozyskiwanie dużej ilości danych (dużo transakcji) w czasie rzeczywistym. W chwili zaksięgowania przelewu z banku płatnika przez bank odbiorcy, selektywna informacja o takiej transakcji ma niezwłocznie i automatycznie znaleźć się w odpowiednim miejscu w systemie i zostać zdefiniowana jako transakcja zrealizowana dnia tego i tego o tej i tej godzinie w kwocie X a płatnikiem jest Y o numerze konta Z. Opóźnienie nie powinno być większe niż kilkanaście sekund w st...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Poszukuję freelancera na kwiecień do tworzenia aplikacji webowych. Warunki koniecznie: 1. Dobra lub bardzo dobra znajomość Ruby On Rails 2. Doświadczenie w tworzeniu serwisów webowych 3. Zamieszkanie w Krakowie lub okolicach (gotowość do 1 spotkania w tygodniu) 4. Praca w domu, pięć dni w tygodniu 8h przez 4 tygodnie- wykonywanie zleconych rzeczy 5. Podpisanie umowy o poufności 6. Uczciwość! Kwestia warunków prawnych współpracy pozostaje do uzgodnienia wg preferencji. Forma i transze płatności również do uzgodnienia (dziennie, tygodniowo itd.)

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...cashback transactions. Coupon Management: Create, update, and delete coupons. Bulk upload coupons via CSV. User Management: View, edit, and manage registered users. Track user activity and rewards. Content Management: Manage blog posts and news articles. Approve or reject user reviews. Analytics Dashboard: Track website performance, user engagement, and coupon usage. Technical Requirements Frontend: Developed in modern JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React, Vue, or Angular). Fully responsive design with cross-browser compatibility. Backend: WordPress as a Headless CMS. REST API or GraphQL integration for data exchange. Database: Use WordPress’s default database for backend operations. Development Workflow: Code versioning using Git. Pair programming mode...

    $384 Average bid
    $384 Średnia Oferta:
    30 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking assistance with managing my financial records for the year-end. This includes categorizing transactions, reconciling accounts, and generating reports for my income and expenses. Your expertise will help me keep track of my financial health and prepare for the upcoming year. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in bookkeeping - Experience with income and expense management - Excellent analytical skills to reconcile accounts - Ability to generate clear and concise financial reports - Familiarity with various bookkeeping software

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert and companion mobile application that acts as a global marketplace and virtual exhibition space for artists and art collectors. The platform will provide artists with the ability to showcase their work professionally, connect with collectors, and control the sales process while maintaining a simplified and engaging interface. We would like to prevent circumventions by facilitating all transactions within the platform and positioning the website as a professional representation service for artists to secure future commissions. The goal is to create a streamlined, simplified experience that balances functionality, security, and cost. ________________________________________ Core Features: 1. User Types: • Artists: o Simplified Profile Design: Each artist's pr...

    $4152 Average bid
    $4152 Średnia Oferta:
    40 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking assistance with managing my financial records for the year-end. This includes categorizing transactions, reconciling accounts, and generating reports for my income and expenses. Your expertise will help me keep track of my financial health and prepare for the upcoming year. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in bookkeeping - Experience with income and expense management - Excellent analytical skills to reconcile accounts - Ability to generate clear and concise financial reports - Familiarity with various bookkeeping software

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    48 składanie ofert

    As data research request we are looking for a professional analyst with profound experience collecting, structuring and reviewing stock market quotations of companies: 1. Data bank provider: Bloomberg, Standard & Poors, Eulerpool 2. Backed by a license from Bloomberg, Standard & Poors or Eulerpool 3. Key objective is the identification of a statistically relevant number of companies or cases fulfilling quantitative criteria to be defined later

    $600 Average bid
    $600 Średnia Oferta:
    11 składanie ofert

    Full-Stack Developer with React and Expertise We are seeking a talented Full-Stack Developer to join our team full-time on a monthly basis. The ideal candidate will have strong proficiency in web development technologies, particularly React and , with a solid understanding of both front-end and back-end development. The role involves contributing to the ongoing development of an AI-powered web application tailored for the construction industry. This is an exciting opportunity to work on a cutting-edge project that leverages artificial intelligence to address real-world challenges in construction. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with the team to design, develop, and maintain the web application. - Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code for both front-end and back-end

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    133 składanie ofert

    I'm looking to develop a comprehensive platform that merges 's client-focused booking system with 's backend management tools. The platform needs to encompass: - tools. The platform needs to encompass: - Project workflows - Financial tools (Invoicing, Expense tracking, Financial reporting) - Automation for DEAP submissions - Client portals - Assessor dashboards - Customizable profile pages The highest priority for me is a user-friendly design. The platform should also facilitate secure payment processing, integrated solely for Credit/Debit Card transactions, and adhere to GDPR compliance. Skills and experience in designing intuitive interfaces, implementing secure payment systems, and ensuring data protection compliance are essential for this pr...

    $463 Average bid
    $463 Średnia Oferta:
    155 składanie ofert

    ...using the `/customer/set_risk_action` endpoint. --- ### **2. Payment Page** - **Endpoint**: - Create a payment page at `/paymentrequest` where logged-in users can initiate payments. - **Implementation Details**: - Use Paystack's `/transaction/initialize` and `/transaction/verify` endpoints to process payments. - On successful payment verification: - Record the transaction in a `transactions` table, capturing all necessary details (e.g., customer ID, amount, status, Paystack reference). - Credit the customer's account in the `customerdeposits` table by updating their balance. - **Error Handling**: - Implement robust error handling for failed payments, incomplete verifications, or API call issues. - Log errors for debugging and system monitori...

    $460 Average bid
    $460 Średnia Oferta:
    129 składanie ofert

    ...used for data summary and alaysis. Key Requirements: - Construct visualizations in the form of charts and graphs. - Provide insights from the data that can help in making informed decisions. Detailed Data Structure: SharePoint 2 lists. List A - Document Status List B - Transactions List A has following columns: - Title - Document Number - Status - Assigned To - Type - Full or Part - Modified List B has following columns: - Document Number (look up from list A) - Task Name (text) - Target (a number) - Course - Total Time - Utilization Expected Power BI Dashboard: Summary of the above, I keep it open for your to come up with a very visual dashboard. Key highlights, Show all documents that were modified today by default, which means there will be Date filter by defa...

    $138 Average bid
    $138 Średnia Oferta:
    51 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a professional with deep knowledge in blockchai...integration to bring my idea to life. The primary goal of this project is to build a Raspberry Pi that integrates with blockchain for the purpose of handling secure cryptocurrency transactions. Key Aspects of the Project: - Utilizing Raspberry Pi for blockchain integration - Focused on facilitating secure cryptocurrency transactions - Ensuring smooth and efficient software integration with sensors Ideal Skills and Experience: - Profound understanding of blockchain technology - Expertise in working with Raspberry Pi - Strong background in software and sensor integration - Experience with secure cryptocurrency transactions If you have the necessary skills and experience to turn this idea into a reality...

    $107 Average bid
    $107 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    Hello, I am looking to integrate WalletConnect into my TokenLite platform, which is built on the Laravel framework. The goal is to enable users to connect their decentralized wallets (e.g., MetaMask, Trust Wallet) and perform token purchase transactions securely and seamlessly. Below are the key requirements and expectations for this project: Project Details: Wallet Connection: Users should be able to connect their wallets using WalletConnect. The connection will be established via QR code or deep link sharing on the frontend. The connected wallet address and connection status should be sent to the Laravel backend for storage and further processing. Transaction Handling: When a user initiates a payment, the transaction signature should be requested through WalletConnect. The La...

    $128 Average bid
    $128 Średnia Oferta:
    79 składanie ofert

    ...scheduled intervals. - Group Chat and Notifications: A built-in chat feature for group members along with notifications for contributions, milestones, etc. - Notifications and Reminders: Timely reminders for contributions and updates on savings progress. - Security and Privacy: Ensuring user data and transactions are secure and private is paramount. - Savings Progress Tracker: Visuals and metrics to illustrate the group's saving journey. - Transaction History: A transparent log of all transactions. - Payment Integration: Seamless integration with payment platforms, primarily Stripe. - Group Management: Features that allow users to manage their groups effectively. - Group Creation: Enabling users to create their own savings groups. - Payout Schedules: Clear and organiz...

    $2722 Average bid
    $2722 Średnia Oferta:
    89 składanie ofert

    As an abstract artist, I am seeking a proficient website developer to create a customized, aesthetically pleasing yet elegant e-commerce website. The primary purpose of this website is to sell my artwork, prints and merchandise. Key Requirements: - Multi-Currency Support: The website should facilitate transactions in different currencies to cater to my global clientele. - Multiple Payment Options: The site must support a variety of payment methods including Credit/Debit cards, PayPal, Netbanking and UPI. - Attractive Graphics: The website should reflect my artistic style and be visually appealing, yet maintaining a level of elegance. Ideal Skills: - E-commerce Website Development: Proven experience in creating e-commerce platforms is crucial. - Graphic Design: A background in gr...

    $84 Average bid
    $84 Średnia Oferta:
    44 składanie ofert enhance user experience. - **Order Tracking & History**: A system enabling users to track their orders and view their order history. User Authentication: - **Email and Password**: The app should support user registration and login through email and password. Payment Gateway Integration: - **PayPal & Stripe**: The app needs to be integrated with PayPal and Stripe for seamless and secure transactions. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in e-commerce app development. - Proficiency in cross-platform mobile app development (iOS & Android). - Knowledge of integrating secure payment gateways. - Ability to implement user-friendly features and interfaces. My goal is to have a functional, efficient, and user-friendly e-commerce app that meets these specifications. Plea...

    $1213 Average bid
    $1213 Średnia Oferta:
    184 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of an experienc...panel focusing on user management. The project involves: - User Registration and Login: Facilitating new user sign-ups and existing user log-ins seamlessly. - User Profile Updates: Ensuring users can update their profiles and these changes reflect in real-time. - User Roles and Permissions: Implementing a system for differentiating access and capabilities based on user roles. The ideal candidate for this job must have proven experience with Laravel and Android development. They should be capable of creating a system that allows for real-time updates between the app and the admin panel. Strong understanding of user management systems is a plus. I'm looking for a professional who can deliver a smooth and efficient connection between t...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    45 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a dedicated, full-time salesperson who specializes in lead generation. I own a company in Rajasthan and need someone who can manage cold calling, cold emailing, and lead generation effectively. Key Responsibilities: - Lead Generation: This is the primary skill we need. You should be able to identify potential leads and convert them into prospective clients. - Cold Calling: You will be tasked with reaching out to these leads, introducing our services, and creating interest. - Cold Emailing: In addition to calling, you'll be sending out emails to potential leads, promoting our company and services. Ideal Candidate: - Web Services Knowledge: You should have a good understanding of web services. This could include web development, digital marketing and e-comm...

    $336 Average bid
    $336 Średnia Oferta:
    17 składanie ofert

    Hi There !! We are looking for full stack Laravel developer to join us for one of our US based client full time basis. Requirements: Full-Stack developer with 3-5 years of experience. • Hands-on experDse in PHP, WordPress, Laravel, CodeIgniter. • Socket Programming for real-time communication for simple chat applications. • Worked on complex front-end logic for beKer UI display and complex components • Web: HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, tailwind CSS. • OperaDng System: Windows 98, Windows XP, Ubuntu (Linux) • Development Tools: Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text • Version control: SVN, Git – Bitbucket & GitHub Bug/task tracking: JIRA, Open Project, Slack, Docker • Database: MySQL Your Duties: ...

    $998 Average bid
    $998 Średnia Oferta:
    56 składanie ofert industry standards for smart contracts and blockchain projects. 3. No Backdoors: • The contract must not contain any backdoors or hidden access points. • The project will undergo a third-party security audit to verify this condition. 4. Security-Focused: • Implement strong mechanisms to prevent attacks (e.g., reentrancy attacks, overflow/underflow errors). • Ensure safe handling of transactions and wallet integrations. 5. Features of the Meme Coin: • Customizable tokenomics (e.g., total supply, burn rate, reward systems). • Support for popular blockchain standards like ERC-20 or BEP-20. • Optional features such as airdrops, staking, or governance mechanisms (to be discussed). 6. Documentation: • Provide detailed documentati...

    $1028 Average bid
    $1028 Średnia Oferta:
    134 składanie ofert
    Laravel SMS API Integration
    6 dni left

    I need an experienced Laravel developer who can integrate the SMS Activate API into my Laravel application, handle CSS adjustments, and enable logging for user transactions. Key Requirements: - Integration of the SMS Activate API with the Laravel application. - CSS adjustments to ensure smooth functionality and user experience. - Implementing a system to debit user accounts upon successful API requests and code receipts. - Creating a transaction history page for users. - Setting up an admin dashboard with comprehensive transaction logs. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Laravel and RESTful API integration is a must. - Experience with CSS tweaking. - Prior work with SMS APIs preferred. - Skills in creating user-friendly transaction history pages and admin dashboards.

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Średnia Oferta:
    62 składanie ofert

    2 dollars per hour ONLY to start, later up to ...e-commerce website using WordPress. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience with WordPress and Elementor, as well as a knack for innovative design and functionality. Key project requirements include: - Proficient use of Elementor for WordPress to design a user-friendly, attractive website. - Implementation of a secure and reliable payment gateway for seamless transactions. - A strong focus on innovative solutions to elevate the site's features and usability. It's crucial that the freelancer is not only technically skilled but also has a creative mindset to bring fresh ideas to the project. Please apply only if you have a proven track record with WordPress e-commerce sites and can provide ex...

    $47 / hr Average bid
    $47 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    147 składanie ofert

    We are Pi vendor looking to purchase Pi coin at $0.45 per Pi. I understand the importance of establishing trust, so I'm open to beginning with small transactions, even as little as 1 Pi, and gradually increasing the amount after each successful transaction.

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an exceptional part-timer to assist us with sales promotion on the Amazon sales platform. Your primary responsibilities will include: - Executing advertising campaigns on Amazon - Enhancing our product visibility and sales Skills and experience ideally suited for this job include: - Proficiency in managing and optimising Amazon advertising campaigns - Understanding of sales promotion strategies - Excellent communication skills for potential customer interactions - Previous experience with Amazon sales platform is a plus

    $50 / hr Average bid
    $50 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    I need a comprehensive app for my spin studio that caters to both iOS and Android users. Key Features: - Bike Booking: The primary function of the app. It should facilitate seamless bike reservations for the riders. - Payments and Memberships: The app should handle all financial transactions and membership management. - Reporting and Analytics: The app needs to provide insightful reports about the studio's operations. - Dynamic Ride Addition: The app should allow for the flexible addition of special rides. User Roles: The app should cater to three distinct user roles: - Spin Instructors: They should have the ability to manage rides and see how many riders have signed up for their class and also switch classes with other spin instructors. - General Staff: They need access to...

    $15 - $25 / hr
    Ukryte Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności
    $15 - $25 / hr
    36 składanie ofert

    ...user-friendly website for service booking and customer management from the ground up. ________________________________________ Project Scope Core Features 1. Service Booking System: o Interactive interface for customers to:  View available services with descriptions and pricing.  Select desired Service(s), dates and times for appointments.  Confirm bookings via email or SMS notifications. o Real-time availability to prevent overlapping appointments. 2. Customer Management: o Customer profiles storing contact details and booking history. o Option for customers to log in and manage their bookings (reschedule, cancel, etc.). o Loyalty points or rewards system for returning customers. 3. Admin Dashboard: o Comprehensive calendar view of all bookings. o Ability to modify, add, or d...

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Średnia Oferta:
    148 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a seasoned WooCommerce...plugin aimed at enhancing our site's functionality. The primary focus of this plugin is on user and event logging. Key Requirements: - Develop or customize a plugin that enhances our current tracking capabilities. - The plugin should enable user activity tracking, event notifications, and detailed reporting. - including event log and tracking of database log including kitchen log, event log, transactions, refund, void and cash drawer Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress and WooCommerce is a must. - Previous experience in creating or customizing plugins is highly desirable. - Strong understanding of user and event log functionalities. - Ability to deliver a plugin that enhances site functionality without compromis...

    $127 Average bid
    $127 Średnia Oferta:
    172 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a Flutter developer with experience in integrating Google Maps for a real-time driver tracking feature in my app. The app currently shows drivers' locations with a delay, but I need it to update every second to reflect drivers' real-time positions. The map is currently set for view-only user interaction. Ideal skills: - Proficient in Flutter - Extensive experience with Google Maps API - Strong understanding of real-time data integration Key requirements: - Update the map to display drivers' locations in real-time - Ensure the map remains view-only, with no interactive elements outside of the current setup Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Średnia Oferta:
    82 składanie ofert

    I need a professional to convert a PDF statement containing financial transactions into an Excel file. The transactions should be organized in Excel exactly as they appear in the PDF.

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Średnia Oferta:
    84 składanie ofert

    I need a freelancer to convert my PDF bank statement into an Excel format. The Excel file should provide a summary of my transactions.

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Średnia Oferta:
    367 składanie ofert

    I'm managing an innovative social media and freelancing platform (CawGO) that seeks to revolutionize global collaboration and transactions. We need seasoned SEO and digital marketing professionals to boost engagement on the platform and drive user interaction. You can Visit the Site: Technologies used in website: TechStack (CawGO) : Its MERN React, Express Js, Mongo DB , Node.js, Typescript, AWS server , Also ( Tailwind CSS , And Capacitor ) for Application Platform Overview: 1. Social Media Functionality: Users can connect, post requirements, and engage with others in a social-style interface. 2. Freelancing Ecosystem: A requirement posting and bidding system. 3. Multi-Platform Access: Available on both web and mobile applications. 4. Target Markets: Initial launch focused

    $93 Average bid
    $93 Średnia Oferta:
    63 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced Wordpress developer with a solid background in WooCommerce and Stripe integration. Im...solid background in WooCommerce and Stripe integration. Im facing problem in Stripe Account Verification. Task Is - 1. help me to verify my stripe account. 2. Integrate with my wordpress website. Key requirements: - Implement Stripe Checkout without design customization. I want to keep the default layout. - Ensure smooth integration with WooCommerce, catering specifically for digital product transactions. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven track record in Wordpress and WooCommerce development. - Extensive experience with Stripe Checkout integration. - Strong understanding of digital product e-commerce. - Ability to deliver high-quality work within a speci...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Średnia Oferta:
    88 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an expert in Power Automate to help me transfer data from a TXT file, structured according to the Cuaderno 43 banking standard, to a Dataverse table. Key Requirements: - The data to be transferred pertains to bank transactions. - The source file is in TXT format. - The data transfer should be monitored. All errors should be logged and notifications sent in case of any issues. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Power Automate. - Experience with Dataverse. - Familiarity with the Cuaderno 43 banking standard. - Strong attention to detail for error tracking and notifications.

    $400 Average bid
    $400 Średnia Oferta:
    22 składanie ofert

    I need a Wix Studio expert to develop a standalone payment plugin for my site. The plugin should be able to handle cash transactions, as I am not looking to support online payment methods like credit/debit cards, PayPal, or cryptocurrency at this stage. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Wix Studio - Strong understanding and expertise in plugin development - Ability to create standalone systems - Experience with payment systems Please provide examples of similar work you've done in your proposal.

    $1042 Average bid
    $1042 Średnia Oferta:
    145 składanie ofert