Customized articulate presenter design different lookprojekty


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  • customized articulate presenter design different look
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2,000 customized articulate presenter design different look ofert prac znalezionych

Poszukuję osoby z co najmniej rocznym doświadczeniem w tworzeniu szkoleń e-learningowych w Articulate Storyline. Mile widziana umiejętność obsługi narzędzi Adobe XD. Poszukuję osoby sumiennej i dokładnej.

$598 Average bid
$598 Średnia Oferta:
6 składanie ofert

Discrete optimization ( project for universities) Time: 2.5 weeks Project topic: Compare different graph coloring algorithms Technology of execution: C ++ The content of the task: Please write a program in C ++, which will compare the difference in speed, amount of data, etc. of coloring graphs with any algorithms (at least 3). It would be good if the project included comments and the code was clear and legible. ----------------------------------------------------- Optymalizacja Dyskretna ( projekt na uczelnie) Termin: 2,5 tygodnia Temat projektu: Porównaj różne algorytmy kolorowania grafów Technologia wykonania: C++ Treść zadania: Proszę o napisanie programu w C++, który będzie porównywał różnice w szybkości, ilości danych itp d...

$60 Average bid
$60 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert

Like that: 3 different graphics. Text: "1 rok Gwarancji Producenta".

$17 Average bid
$17 Średnia Oferta:
9 składanie ofert

...objectives: to prepare Wordpress plugin which will replace now existing solution used to add client's personal galleries. Galleries and accesses are created by website administrator but at now it's highly complicated and need to be improved and make more user friendly. Plugin requirements: - to add photo gallery (gallery template can not be modified, gallery features can be reduced e.g some customized function are not necessary , but frontend temaplate must stay as it looks now) - CMS admin create galleries and set access for clients (single gallery can have only one access) - admin has an possibility to edit or delete access with the gallery for any user...

$24 / hr Average bid
$24 / hr Średnia Oferta:
6 składanie ofert

...objectives: to prepare Wordpress plugin which will replace now existing solution used to add client's personal galleries. Galleries and accesses are created by website administrator but at now it's highly complicated and need to be improved and make more user friendly. Plugin requirements: - to add photo gallery (gallery template can not be modified, gallery features can be reduced e.g some customized function are not necessary , but frontend temaplate must stay as it looks now) - CMS admin create galleries and set access for clients (single gallery can have only one access) - admin has an possibility to edit or delete access with the gallery for any user ...

$192 Average bid
$192 Średnia Oferta:
17 składanie ofert

Dzień dobry, Poszukuję osoby z bardzo dobrą znajomością standardu SCORM oraz zagadnień związanych z tworzeniem kursów e-learningowych. Konieczne będzie zmontowanie ekranów w Articulate Storyline na podstawie podanego scenariusza. Preferowana osoba z Warszawy, jednak praca zdalna również jest możliwa.

$481 Average bid
$481 Średnia Oferta:
8 składanie ofert

I need a fresh look for my website Potrzebuję odświeżyć stronę na miarę obecnych czasów (responsive, googlable, etc.) NOT in Joomla!, WP etc. NIE na bazie Joomla, WP etc. Just a clean php/html/css/js Czysty php/html/css/js

$93 Average bid
$93 Średnia Oferta:
14 składanie ofert
Amazon link grabber
Zakończone left!+Your+Life

$4 / hr Average bid
$4 / hr Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert

Witam, Poszukuję osoby solidnej i sumiennej do tłumaczenia opisów gier online np "You were able to learn how to fly, but Icebergs stopped you and crushed your dreams. Now you're back for revenge! Use the left/right arrows or A/D to steer, space bar to use boost, any key to activate special sleighs. (All controls can be customized in the option menu, with the possibility to use the mouse instead of the keyboard)" Praktycznie wszystkie opisy są bardzo kró dyspozycji daje prosty panel, gdzie znajdują się wpisy gier online z angielskimi opisami i tam tylko będzie trzeba przetłumaczyć opis. Do tłumaczenia będzie kilkanaście tysięcy ę podawać ceny za 100 lub najlepiej 1000 gier.

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Witam, Poszukujemy osoby która podejmie się produkcji nieskomplikowanego szkolenia e-learningowego za pomocą narzędzia Microsoft PowerPoint. W chwili obecnej posiadam...wynagrodzenie. Wówczas model współpracy będzie wyglądać następująco: otrzymasz od nas komplet materiałów przygotowanych w Wordzie. Twoim zadaniem będzie, aby na ich podstawie zbudować prosty *scenariusz szkolenia*. Wówczas, na bazie stworzonego przez Ciebie scenariusza, będziesz mógł/mogła przystąpić do realizacji kolejnych ekranów szkoleniowych. Bardzo mile widziana jest znajomość narzędzia Articulate, a także jego wykorzystanie podczas pracy nad niniejszym zleceniem. Uwaga ------------------ Oferty proszę umieszczać wyłącznie w niniejszej aukcji, bądź na ad...

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Witam, Jestem zainteresowana zleceniem stworzenia platformy e-learnigo...kodu platformy pod wyszukiwarki internetowe (możliwość edycji metadanych) 4. Integracji z Google Analytics oraz Google Web Optimizer 5. Forum do dyskusji użytkowników kursów 6. Możliwości śledzenia postępów ucznia - statystyki z kursu (oraz możliwość przesyłania ich pod wskazany adres e-mailowy np. co tydzień) Wszystkie moje materiały są wykonane za pomocą programu wspierającego e-learning ARTICULATE STUDIO '09 dokładny opis znajduje się tutaj: Jeśli są Państwo zainteresowani wykonaniem tego zlecenia proszę o wstępną wycenę i kontakt. Zastrzegam prawo do anulowania aukcji. Pozdrawiam Agnieszka Łomża @

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Web app dla Iphone oraz innych smartphoneow o zblizonych rozmiarach ekranu. Aplikacja musi miec wyglad stosowany w aplikacjach iphone, w oparciu o css. Aplikacja bedzie sie kontaktowac z serverem poprzez web services.

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Poszukujemy samodzielnego programisty SYMBIAN OS 60, który wykona aplikację mobilną na telefon Nokia. Aplikację będzie wspierać siły sprzedaży w...samodzielnego programisty SYMBIAN OS 60, który wykona aplikację mobilną na telefon Nokia. Aplikację będzie wspierać siły sprzedaży w punktach sprzedaży (sklepach), oraz realizować cele marketingowe. W ramach aplikacji należy wykonać: - komunikację z aplikacją centralną, - moduł zbierania ankiet, Wymagamy od wykonawcy aplikacji: - Znajomości Platform/OS: S60/Symbian, - Znajomość Symbian C++ (Customized C++) - Wiedzy z zakresu IDE: Carbide, CodeWarrior, - Znajomości Symbian S60 Developer Libraries, QT for S60, - Znajomości UI application, application framework, messaging framework. Więcej informacji: oferty@

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

...fully customized, so we can add our own metatags, text, links, logos etc. We need this homepage be hosted on our hosting account (have already one of 5GB space and 2,5TB transfer) We already have this account, we also have the domain, which points to that account What we need is to create a homepage where we could implement that original homepage of securepaynet. The rest of site will be working as it is now, only the homepage we need (so we can optimize it much better) Please, view as the BEST example, and view their source code, as the best example We need the same - some of our text added, metatags created by ourselves and so on. Please, look that the rest of their pages point to securepaynet address, so they have only the homepage customized.

$2 - $163
$2 - $163
0 składanie ofert

Witam, szukam osób / firmy, która ma już doświadczenie z systemem portalowym LIFERAY, lub są absolutnie pewne że sobie z nim poradzą. Potrzeba mi zrobić look & feel, wg wytycznych. Grafika jest już gotowa, pokażę ją osobom które udokumentują swoją wcześniejszą styczność z liferayem. Obowiązuje wersja 4.2 lub 4.3 ( jeszcze nie wiem ) Cena - na razie proszę o orientacyjne kwoty, po zobaczeniu grafiki dokładne. Miile widziany wykonawca z Lublina lub okolic.

min $2
min $2
0 składanie ofert

Ponieważ konto hostingowe/shellowi jakie posiadam standardowo nie obsługuje funkcji curl oraz pcntl, a skrypt który ma tam pracować wymaga obsługi t...obsługuje funkcji curl oraz pcntl, a skrypt który ma tam pracować wymaga obsługi tych bibliotek zlecę doinstalowanie do istniejącego php dodatku php5-pnctl. Jeżeli będzie problem z doinstalowaniem dodatku może być także nowa instalacja php5 z obsługą curla oraz pcntl. Instalacja na koncie na ---> dokładne informacje w sekcji Compiling a Customized PHP 5 Dane do dostępu do konta shell: pisz gg:8222224 elgrey@ Zlecenie ekspresowe, myślę że dla wprawionego w instalacje php to max 0,5 h. Płatność natychmiastowa.

$5 Average bid
$5 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert
Casual 1-Minute Video Recording
6 dni left

I'm looking for someone who can record a casual, friendly 1-minute video based on a script I'll provide. The presenter should be an English speaker with a friendly tone. You can choose to record the video indoors or outdoors based on what you think works best. Please provide examples of previous videos you've made. No editing or special requirements.

$26 Average bid
$26 Średnia Oferta:
18 składanie ofert

I'm seeking native Polish speakers for a pro...of audio. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Native-level proficiency in Polish - Clear and articulate speech - Experience in conversational recording - Ability to engage in natural, flowing dialogue - Availability for potential follow-up recordings or edits Conversations will be conducted between two participants. While the specific subjects of the dialogues will be disclosed in further detail during our chat, the themes may encompass typical aspects of daily life, work or business, and travel. Please note, conversations are to be freeform, not strictly adhering to a pre-written script. Instead, they should evolve organically around the designated topics. I look forward to discussing the specifics with i...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Średnia Oferta:
3 składanie ofert

I need a casual American spokesperson for a 1-minute video reading a testimonial script. The tone should be friendly and easy-going, reflecting a casual style. The video should feature the spokesperson in various settings - a car, an office, and a home. Final deliverable should be in MP4 format. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - good vid...easy-going, reflecting a casual style. The video should feature the spokesperson in various settings - a car, an office, and a home. Final deliverable should be in MP4 format. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - good video recording and sound quality - Experience in acting or public speaking - Ability to convey a casual, friendly tone - Understands the importance of clear, articulate speech in a testimonia...

$14 Average bid
$14 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert
Twitch Intro
9 dni left

Twitch Intro Here are some examples of Twitch Intro Videos. 1) 2) These are very advanced, and i do not need anything so complicated. I already have a "starting soon" intro so just looking for something a bit better. Thinking something customized and can contain a loop. Goal is to have a 5 minute video. Need this down now as our event is in 12 hours. Here is our stream --

$20 Average bid
$20 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

I'm seeking assistance in creating an informative PowerPoint presentation using Canva. The ideal candidate should have strong content writing skills to help articulate the message effectively and design skills to ensure the presentation is visually appealing. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Canva and PowerPoint - Experienced in designing presentations - Strong content writing skills - Ability to create informative content in an engaging manner - Understands the principles of good design The goal is to produce a clear, coherent and visually engaging presentation. Prior experience in creating similar content is highly beneficial. Please provide examples of previous work in your proposal.

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a skilled ghostwriter who can help me articulate my life story into an engaging, inspirational non-fiction book. Key Responsibilities: - Transform my life experiences into compelling narratives - Write in an inspirational tone that encourages readers Ideal Skills: - Exceptional writing and storytelling abilities - Experience in writing non-fiction and autobiographies - Ability to convey an inspirational tone - Good understanding of the self-help genre

$12500 Average bid
$12500 Średnia Oferta:
6 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a skilled writer to aid in crafting an appeal letter regarding an accusation of plagiarism against a student. Details: - The letter needs to address the accusation of plagiarizing, with the goal of appealing the decision that the student must retake the class. - The appeal letter should be professionally written, clear, a...of appealing the decision that the student must retake the class. - The appeal letter should be professionally written, clear, and concise. - Prior experience in writing appeal letters or similar correspondence would be advantageous. - An understanding of academic integrity matters would be helpful to effectively address the issue. Your expertise in persuasive writing and your ability to articulate our position will be key to the success ...

$117 Average bid
$117 Średnia Oferta:
19 składanie ofert

...system for users to select topics and dates for presentations. • Automated Teams call link generation and scheduling. • Automatic email notifications to the presenter, providing a folder or site with reference materials to assist in creating PowerPoint presentations. 2. User Engagement & Idea Submission: • A questionnaire for users to submit training ideas. • Submitted ideas will be published to a list and trigger email notifications to Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) across seven different technologies. 3. Site Navigation & Resources: • A sidebar featuring apps and news updates. • Links to pages dedicated to the seven different technologies. • A dropdown menu for easy navigation. • A basic training guide expla...

$100 Average bid
31 zgłoszenia

1. Please set a realistic bid, no budget discussions Description: I have 10 different modules (approximately 20x20mm) that share a similar form factor. I want various 3D printed enclosures (FDM/FFF) that can be connected like DIN rail clamps, including end caps. The enclosures will differ depending on the module header. Each enclosure should include a DIN rail mounting (no extra parts). Externally, the enclosures should have a uniform/similar appearance and size with an attractive design. I need the 3D files in Inventor (ipt) or alternatively in STEP format. 3D-Files of the modules will be provided after initial discussion and project start.

$140 Average bid
$140 Średnia Oferta:
47 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a professional writer to help craft a compelling personal statement for my graduate school medicine application. Key requirements: - Extensive experience in writing for college admissions, particularly for medical schools. - Ability to articulate my passion for medicine, my relevant experiences, and my future aspirations in a persuasive and engaging manner. - Familiarity with the specific qualities and values that medical schools typically look for in applicants. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past.

$94 Average bid
$94 Średnia Oferta:
39 składanie ofert

I'll create a chrome extension to auto posts in different groups of facebook by a delay timer using javascript and html+css

$30 Average bid
$30 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a professional who can create a bespoke eCommerce web portal for be developed using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, , Angular, Node.js). - It should include a robust product management system, a comprehensive seller management system, and an efficient order management system. - We will Provide Design UX/UI. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in MEAN stack development. - Prior experience in eCommerce portal development. - Strong knowledge in multi-vendor platform creation. - Excellent skills in product, seller and order management system integration. I'm looking for a freelancer who can deliver a high-quality, customized eCommerce web portal that meets all of the above specifications. Please provide relevant examples from your portfolio that align with my proj...

$309 Average bid
$309 Średnia Oferta:
21 składanie ofert

...background issues, misaligned bullets, duplicated headlines, varying font sizes, broken references, and spacing inconsistencies. • Consistent Naming: Ensure all resource names use sentence case. • Link Cleanup: Remove outdated/broken links, clean up journal references, and remove outdated recommended reading from TNG articles. • Video Descriptions: Add missing descriptions for videos, including presenter name and video length. • Content Verification: Ensure all assets (videos, descriptions, and links) are correctly matched (e.g., the “How to navigate your career options” video must align with its description). How to Apply: To ensure that you fully understand the project and are not auto-bidding, please include the following statement at the ...

$44 Average bid
$44 Średnia Oferta:
62 składanie ofert

My personal YouTube channel has been suspended. YouTube claims I have been submitting abusive legal requests, leading to a copyright strike and ban. I'm in dire need of a professional who can help me navigate this predicament and recover my channel. Ideal candidates for this job should: - Have substant...I have been submitting abusive legal requests, leading to a copyright strike and ban. I'm in dire need of a professional who can help me navigate this predicament and recover my channel. Ideal candidates for this job should: - Have substantial experience with YouTube's appeal process - Be knowledgeable about copyright regulations on the platform - Possess excellent communication skills to articulate the situation to YouTube Please, only bid if you can genuinel...

$17 Average bid
$17 Średnia Oferta:
9 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a professional to establish a comprehensive LinkedIn automation process using N8N. Key Responsibilities: - Use specified keywords or phrases to identify suitable LinkedIn profiles. - Collect information from profiles includi...Create a web-based interface for tracking all activities, such as sent requests, accepted requests, and delivered messages. - Extract emails from LinkedIn and send them automated emails. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with LinkedIn automation. - Mastery in N8N or similar no-code platforms. - Deep understanding of LinkedIn's ecosystem and various job roles. - Exceptional skills in crafting customized, professional communications. This project is not solely focused on general automation, but on strategic and thoughtful engagem...

$8 Average bid
$8 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

...details. 5. Have an interface where I can track all the activity, including requests sent, accepted, and messages delivered.   6. Extract emails from LinkedIn send them automated mail Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with LinkedIn automation. - Proficiency in N8N or similar no-code platforms. - Excellent understanding of LinkedIn's ecosystem and its job roles. - Strong skills in creating customized, professional communication. Please note, this project is not just about generic automation, but about thoughtful, strategic engagement on the platform....

$54 Average bid
$54 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert

...Management of fish stocks and all relevant data per tank • Daily water parameter recording per tank (manual entry) with automatic alerts for critical values • Tracking of fish species, quantity, weight, age, and mortality rate • Historical data & stock development tracking • Reporting features for all relevant areas 3.2 Fish Feeding • Documentation of daily feeding amounts • Stock management of different feed types • Planning & administration of feeding schedules with automatic alerts for low stock levels 3.3 Work & Cleaning Management • Planning & documentation of cleaning tasks (including daily reports) • Stock management of cleaning agents • Automated reminders for scheduled cleanings 3.4 Employee Work Hours &bu...

$2391 Average bid
$2391 Średnia Oferta:
74 składanie ofert

AI-Powered Voice Assistant Using Twilio, OpenAI, Whisper, and Eleven Labs Project Overview This project aims to develop an AI-powered voice assistant that can handle incoming phone calls, transcribe spoken words into text, generate AI-based responses, and convert the responses into human-like speech. The system will uti...voice API. Features ✅ Real-Time Speech Transcription – Converts voice input into text using Whisper. ✅ AI-Powered Responses – Uses OpenAI's GPT to generate intelligent replies. ✅ High-Quality Voice Output – Generates human-like speech via Eleven Labs. ✅ Seamless Call Integration – Uses Twilio for call handling and response playback. ✅ Scalability – Can be expanded to support multiple languages, customized responses, and enhanced A...

$86 Average bid
$86 Średnia Oferta:
18 składanie ofert

AI-Powered Voice Assistant Using Twilio, OpenAI, Whisper, and Eleven Labs Project Overview This project aims to develop an AI-powered voice assistant that can handle incoming phone calls, transcribe spoken words into text, generate AI-based responses, and convert the responses into human-like speech. The system will uti...voice API. Features ✅ Real-Time Speech Transcription – Converts voice input into text using Whisper. ✅ AI-Powered Responses – Uses OpenAI's GPT to generate intelligent replies. ✅ High-Quality Voice Output – Generates human-like speech via Eleven Labs. ✅ Seamless Call Integration – Uses Twilio for call handling and response playback. ✅ Scalability – Can be expanded to support multiple languages, customized responses, and enhanced A...

$47 Average bid
$47 Średnia Oferta:
17 składanie ofert, geometric lines and a minimalist style. • Typography: Use a geometric sans-serif font, such as Futura or Avenir, with customized elements. The letters “J” and “K” should be intertwined or connected subtly, with the tail of the J flowing into the vertical line of the K. • Gold on Matte Black: The logo should feature gold as the primary color (preferably matte or brushed gold for a high-end feel), with the background in matte black. The gold can be in embossed or foil stamp form for extra luxury. • Geometric Elements: Incorporate subtle geometric lines or a thin gold circle around the logo, or a fine line beneath the “JK” to add structure without crowding the design. • Monogram Version: I’d also like a ...

$91 Average bid
$91 Średnia Oferta:
112 składanie ofert

I need an expert to set up ClickUp with QuickBooks Online. The primary focus of this project is to enhance our task and project...up ClickUp with QuickBooks Online. The primary focus of this project is to enhance our task and project management for client projects. Key Requirements: - Integration of ClickUp with QuickBooks Online - Configuration of ClickUp for managing client projects - Implementation of automated task updates and customized task templates within ClickUp Ideal Skills: - Previous experience with ClickUp and QuickBooks Online - Proficiency in project management software - Ability to create customized task templates - Knowledge of automation in task updates A successful project will result in a streamlined process for tracking task progress and improving clie...

$17 - $143
$17 - $143
4 składanie ofert
Crafting an Academic Statement
5 dni left

I'm looking for a talented writer who can help me create a compelling personal, professional statement for my foundation applications in the Arts & Humanities. Key requirements: - Exceptional writing and storytelling skills - Understanding of Arts & Humanities - Experience with academic application statements Your task will be to articulate my passion, experiences, and aspirations in a way that resonates with admission committees. I need a statement that not only highlights my qualifications but also conveys my unique perspective and dedication to the field.

$24 Average bid
$24 Średnia Oferta:
75 składanie ofert

I'm seeking a professional developer for creating a customized E-commerce site on Shopify. This platform will be used to sell physical products. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Shopify development - Experience with E-commerce website creation - Ability to design for selling physical products holypeach33 @ g mail dot com Ideal Skills: - Custom-built Shopify solutions - SEO and digital marketing knowledge - Strong UI/UX design skills Please include relevant examples of your previous work in your bid.

$1051 Average bid
$1051 Średnia Oferta:
107 składanie ofert

I need a freelancer who can help customize my basic Zoho quotation template and product master. Key tasks include: - Adjusting the layout and design of the quotation template, specifically the header and footer, and the table format. - Modifying or adding fields related to product details in the quotation template. Your goal will be to ensure the product master relates and fits into the customized quotation template seamlessly. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in Zoho, specifically in customizing quotation templates and product masters. - Strong design skills to adjust layout and design elements in a professional and visually appealing manner. - Attention to detail to accurately modify product detail fields.

$35 Average bid
$35 Średnia Oferta:
6 składanie ofert

I'm looking for a professional to customize my Microsoft Dynamics CRM system. The customizations will be focused on lead generation and social media content management, specifically for the Australian NDIS and Aged Care sectors. The areas of the CRM system that will need to be customized include: - Lead Management: This will require the creation of custom lead forms, as well as the implementation of lead scoring and ranking systems and automated lead assignments. - Social Media Integration: This will involve linking the CRM with various social media platforms to facilitate content management and tracking. - Reporting and Analytics: I need comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities to monitor the effectiveness of the lead management and social media integration. I am s...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Średnia Oferta:
26 składanie ofert
Photo Editing for a Softer Look
5 dni left

I need a professional photo editor to help me look less intense in my photo, with a few key adjustments: - Soften the Facial Expression: A slight smile or more neutral expression can make me appear more approachable. - Improve Lighting: Even lighting can reduce harsh shadows and create a more flattering look. - Adjust the Hair: A more polished or slightly styled look can enhance the image. - Color Correction: The only color correction needed is adjusting the contrast to make the photo look more natural and less severe. The background does not need any changes, and I would appreciate slight retouching to smooth skin texture and adjust facial tones to reduce the appearance of stress or tiredness. Ideal skills for this project include photo editing, retouching,...

$16 Average bid
$16 Średnia Oferta:
71 składanie ofert
Professional Pitch Deck Design
5 dni left

we are looking for a professional pitch deck to attract investors and secure funding for our startup. Scope of Work: Design a compelling and visually appealing pitch deck. Clearly articulate our business model, value proposition, and market opportunity. Include key financial projections, competitive analysis, and go-to-market strategy. Provide a clear roadmap for product development and regulatory compliance. Ensure the pitch deck is investor-ready with a strong narrative and persuasive content. Requirements: Prior experience in creating pitch decks for fintech, AI, or trading-related startups. Strong understanding of financial markets, trading platforms, and broking services. Ability to present complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. Expertise in PowerPoint,...

$68 Average bid
$68 Średnia Oferta:
12 składanie ofert

...platform. The design should reflect the latest trends in healthcare tech while ensuring ease of use, accessibility, and trustworthiness, key elements for medical platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze and understand the existing platform’s design, functionality, and user feedback. - Collaborate with internal stakeholders (including developers and product managers) to gather project requirements and insights. - Propose new design concepts for both desktop and mobile platforms, focusing on modern aesthetics, ease of use, and an overall improved user experience. - Implement changes that improve user engagement, retention, and interaction. - Ensure all designs adhere to healthcare industry standards for accessibility, compliance, and security. - Deliver a co...

$149 Average bid
$149 Średnia Oferta:
119 składanie ofert

Design logos as per the provided information

$41 Average bid
$41 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

I'm in need of a native Norwegian speaker to record various "wake up words" for a voice assistant. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native Norwegian speaker - Experience with voice recording - Clear and articulate speech - Ability to follow instructions precisely - Prior experience with voice assistant projects is a plus

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Średnia Oferta:
7 składanie ofert

I'm seeking native Polish speakers for a pro...of audio. Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Native-level proficiency in Polish - Clear and articulate speech - Experience in conversational recording - Ability to engage in natural, flowing dialogue - Availability for potential follow-up recordings or edits Conversations will be conducted between two participants. While the specific subjects of the dialogues will be disclosed in further detail during our chat, the themes may encompass typical aspects of daily life, work or business, and travel. Please note, conversations are to be freeform, not strictly adhering to a pre-written script. Instead, they should evolve organically around the designated topics. I look forward to discussing the specifics with i...

$23 / hr Average bid
$23 / hr Średnia Oferta:
12 składanie ofert

...offer customized hosting plans, domain registration, website design, and maintenance services. Our expert team ensures round-the-clock support, enabling businesses to establish and grow their online presence effortlessly. Job Description: We are seeking a highly skilled, detail-oriented Freelance Senior UI/UX Designer (Part-Time) with over 6 years of experience to join our dynamic team. In this role, you will lead the design of user interfaces and experiences for our suite of healthcare applications, including Electronic Health Records (EHR), telemedicine platforms, and patient management systems. You will collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to ensure designs are visually compelling, user-friendly, and compliant with industry standards. Key Responsi...

$585 Average bid
$585 Średnia Oferta:
23 składanie ofert

I am looking for a talented web developer who can create a customized website for my new startup idea(agriculture). Need both App and web application The website will be a blend and combination, like OLA and Big basket (App and Web application) Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proficiency in creating complex, customized websites is a must. - Integration Skills: Ability to seamlessly integrate various features like Google Maps and payment gateways. Experience with startups will be a plus. I'm looking for someone who is innovative, dedicated and can bring my vision to life.

$753 Average bid
$753 Średnia Oferta:
41 składanie ofert

I need an expert to set up ClickUp with QuickBooks Online. The primary focus of this project is to enhance our task and projec...up ClickUp with QuickBooks Online. The primary focus of this project is to enhance our task and project management for client projects. Key Requirements: - Integration of ClickUp with QuickBooks Online - Configuration of ClickUp for managing client projects - Implementation of automated task updates and customized task templates within ClickUp Ideal Skills: - Previous experience with ClickUp and QuickBooks Online - Proficiency in project management software - Ability to create customized task templates - Knowledge of automation in task updates A successful project will result in a streamlined process for tracking task progress and improving clie...

$112 Average bid
$112 Średnia Oferta:
20 składanie ofert