Convert shapefile to kml with attributesprojekty


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    2,000 convert shapefile to kml with attributes ofert prac znalezionych

    I have a working C# Windows Forms desktop simple application and now I want to use some forms from this project to create a new, simpler project that will be a much smaller subset of the original one. After that I want to develop it further. But that will be Stage 2, another project, for now in Stage 1 I mainly want to do extraction of some ready made forms/functions from the current project, add some simple new navigation and change communication. Some background domain intro The app is for creating parameters for acoustic modes correction. The main UI functional screen called FormGeneratorModow allows to define or modify parameters of 1..21 modes which collectively are grouped in an object called a Mode Set (MS). So an MS can have 1..21 modes that are...

    $477 Average bid
    $477 Średnia Oferta:
    9 składanie ofert

    Zlecę wykonanie aplikacji w technologii ASP.NET realizującą operacje CRUD na dwóch tabelach z relacją jeden-do-wielu. Models: -own data validators -view atributtes -min 2. tables with realtion one-to-many Controllers: -linking permissions of logged in users with controllers (attributes using roles) -login and role membership -LINQ View: -possibility + example of manual view extension -partial views + communication with the basic view -use of basic helpers + own ones -use of own layouts AND: -modification of REST routing -application state management -placing the page on Azure

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Celem projektu jest stworzenie statycznej, responsywnej strony na podstawie designu przygotowanego w pliku o formacie AI lub PDF, wraz z pociętymi zasobami graficznymi do odpowiednich plików jpg/png. Konwersja dotyczy jednej, w miarę długiej strony informacyjnej. Oprócz standardowej struktury header-content-footer, strona zawiera kilka sekcji w tle (film, grafika), które powinny być osadzone jako parallax. Konwersja css/js powinna opierać się na frameworku Bootstrap. Szukam dobrej współpracy do kolejnych podobnych projektów.

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    We are looking for graphics to convert / create views in a mobile application. The application will be in the financial field (fintech), available in appstore and google play. Poszukujemy grafika do zamiany/wykreowania widoków w aplikacji mobilnej. Aplikacja będzie z dziedziny finansowej (fintech), dostępna w appstore oraz google play.

    $126 Average bid
    $126 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert
    KML Generator
    Zakończone left

    Przygotowanie generatora KML ( Keyhole Markup Languag ) z pliku CSV zawierającego np 1000 rekordów w formacie: 1. Nazwa 2. Opis 3. Szerokość geograficzna 4. Długość geograficzna 5. Ikona 6. Kolor Ikony 7. Promień okręgu 8. Przezroczystość okręgu 9. Kolor Okręgu

    $160 Average bid
    $160 Średnia Oferta:
    4 składanie ofert

    Mam kupiona templatke do magento2, chce ja poprzerabiac. Interesuje mnie wspolpraca osoba/firma z Polski

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    Poszukuję frontend developera, który zakoduje w HTML projekt, który przygotowany jest w formacie PSD. Preferowane użycie AngularJS 1.x lub 2.x. Do zakodowania strona główna oraz 6-8 podstron. I'm looking for frontend developer who will be responsible for conversion from PSD to HTML (using AngularJS 1.x or 2.x). There are main page plus 6-8 subpages.

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    Zlecę skonfigurowanie posiadanego przeze mnie template'u WordPress na działającą stronę WWW. Treść do wstawienia do template jest zapisany w MS Word. Domena i serwer też są gotowe. Data realizacji - do 15.09.2015

    $117 Average bid
    $117 Średnia Oferta:
    21 składanie ofert

    Poszukuje osoby do wykonania szablonu newslettera

    $39 Average bid
    $39 Średnia Oferta:
    5 składanie ofert


    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    7 składanie ofert

    ...pokusić się na pierwsze zadanie, które jest nierozerwalnie połączone z drugim. Jednakże prosiłbym o odrębną wycenę tych dwóch zadań z zastrzeżeniem że możliwe jest uczestnictwo również w jednym zadaniu tymbardziej drugim. Zadanie1 Pierwsze zadanie opracowanie danych przestrzenno-opisowych w celu późniejszego wyświetlania, edycji ich na www. Dane dostarczam ja. Będą to dane z CODGiK takie jak - BazaDanchObiektówTopograficznych (shapefile,gml), NumerycznyModelTerenu (Ascii), ortofotomapa (geotiff), archwalne ortofotomapy, mapy topograficzne z terenu jednej z gmin. Dane opisowe, graficzne czy inne dostarczam ja. Uzupełaniacie i wiążecie te dane aby mogły być wyświetlane na geoserwerze. 20-25 warstw tematycznych, w formie rastrowej, wektoro...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Potrzebujemy delikatnej modyfikacji systemu pracującego na Drupal 6 i Ubercart 2: - modyfikacja Ubercart Advanced Catalog: wyświetlanie ceny dla domyślnie wybranej opcji dla Options w Attributes jako ceny głównej w katalogu produktów w przypadku kiedy cena produktu domyślnego wynosi 0, chcemy pokazać cenę dla tej opcji. - integracja Node Import i Node Import Update z Node reference poprzez nie tylko title/NID, ale też SKU lub dowolne pole CCK. Jak widać zlecenie jest bardzo szczegółowe, także poszukujemy doświadczonego developera Drupala. UWAGA: Więcej info w naszych pozostałych zleceniach.

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ... a) Songs attributes b) Albums attributes c) Collection attributes d) Songs / Albums / Collections / Artists administration e) General attributes a) General information b) Graphic design c) Logo d) Menu e) Modules General information a) Music Vendor I bought this script which has many great features, like file directory security, pay-pal payment, mailing lists all transactions are checked to prevent fraud and spoofing location of files are hidden and cannot be deduced by casual browsers of the web site downloads are limited by time and number of attempts all completed sales are recorded in the database customer is sent an email with a link to the dow...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Prowadzę portal dla Polonii jednego z miast w UK. W związku z rozwojem, potrzebujemy aplikacji, która będzie pozwalała wrzucać ludziom ogłoszenia z różnych działów ( coś na zasadzie tego: ;Itemid=331) Ogłoszenia powinny być dodawane bez opcji rejestrowania, zdjęcia w ogłos...ogłoszeniach, i w liście głównej ogłoszeń, również powinny pojawiać się miniaturki zdjęć, które po najechaniu na nie kursorem, powiększają się. Dział powinien być maksymalnie prosty w obsłudze, a najnowsze ogłoszenia, powinny się pojawiać również na stronie głównej mojego portalu. Proszę o oferty, czas wykonania również będzie się liczył, w trakcie wybierania najlepszej oferty. Kontakt: email: kml@ gg: 11750024

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...wprowadzenie kilku poprawek na stronie: 1. Prominent Call to Action This would be an additional sidebar or footer element that could be added to all the pages in the website. The new section would include links to: a) Email Newsletter sign up form – This would submit the user’s details (name, telephone and email address) to an email address at ClearView for manual processing. b) Live Chat – This would link to the live chat facility mentioned below. c) Call Me Back form – This would link to a simple call me back form that would email ClearView communications. For (a) and (b) you will need to create a form handler to convert the submission into an email to the client....

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, potrzebuje prostego menadżera plików w javie: File Manager Create a file manager with a look similar to Windows/Norton/Midnight Commander (two folder panels) or Windows Explorer (with tree-like left navigation panel). Features * Each panel displays the following file information: o is a directory? o name, o attributes (readable, writable, executable). * Enable the following file operations: o copying, o renaming, o moving, o creating files and directories, o removing files and directories. * Periodically update the directory view (if needed, i.e., when new files [dis]appear). * Enable changing the current directory. * Store vis...

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Witam, Potrzebuję Szablon ligowy pod cms KML. Mogę też kupic Nowy skrypt ligowy. Proszę podawać ceny za szablon unikalny!!

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...wizytówki zawierający jej tło. (Na powyższym rysunku "linia cięcia" oznacza miejsce gdzie tło to zostanie odcięte.) - Wszystkie istotne elementy takie jak loga, zdjęcia, obrazki, muszą znajdować się w bezpiecznej odległości od krawędzi (4mm od krawędzi projektu czyli 2mm od krawędzi wizytówki pozbawionej spadów) - nie powinny wychodzić poza obszar linii "Ograniczenie dla ważnych elementów". - Rozdzielczość minimum 300DPI, - Paleta barw CMYK ewentualnie RGB (Dla projektów tworzonych w PhotoShop, Gimp, itp). - Wszystkie czcionki muszą być zamienione na krzywe (convert to curves - w anglojęzycznych wersjach programów) - dotycz...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Witam, prowadzę portal , który jest de facto forum phpbb3. Chciałbym zmienić go na portal z prawdziwego zdarzenia. Mogę zainwestować pieniądze. Chciałbym żeby było to coś podobnego do , , Powinny tam znaleźć się - galeria zdjęć, - gry, - blogi - rozbudowany dział ogłoszeń - katolog firm - opcja tłumaczenia strony na inne języki - kanały RSS. Kontakt: kml@ GG: 11750024

    $203 Average bid
    $203 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Zlecę modyfikację skryptu plugina Google Maps dla Joomla. Modyfikacja powinna zmienić dwie funkcjonalności: 1. Po kliknieciu na marker powinna otworzyć się kolejna strona w tym samym oknie (_self) 2. Po kliknieciu na link w infowindow (otwieranym po kliknięciu na marker) również strona powinna wyświetlić się w tym samym oknie. Plugin pracuje z plikami kml. Jeżeli taka modyfikacja jest niewykonalna, w grę wchodzi również wykonanie nowego plugina od podstaw o funkcjonalności zbliżonej do plugin_googlemap. Preferowana jest modyfikacja kodu. Proszę zaznaczyć w ofercie, którego rozwiązania dotyczy: modyfikacji czy wykonania nowego plugina

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert
    48021 Aplikacja iPhone
    Zakończone left

    Funkcjonalność: 1) Wyświetlanie splashscreena w postaci grafiki pobranej z serwera 2) Wyświetlanie na mapie zdefiniowanych punktów a) 4 kategorie punktów, możliwość wyświetlania jedynie wybranych b) łącznie około 2000 punktów c) dane o punktach zawierają współrzędne geograficzne, nazwę, rodzaj, ulicę z numerem d) preferowana obsługa punktów w formacie KML/GPX/CSV lub zaproponowanie konwersji po stronie serwera na podstawie jednego z w.w. formatów e) przejście do aktualnej lokalizacji f) Po wybraniu palcem punktu (pinezki) wyświetlenie informacji o rodzaju (plus zdefiniowana ikona graficzna dla danego rodzaju), nazwie i ulicy. 2) Nakładka na Safari z otwartą określoną stroną 3) Nakładka na Safari z otwartą określoną st...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    Zlecę wykonanie: - 20 ikonek o tematyce wakacyjnej - każda ikonka z osobnym cieniem - wymiary i...wykonanie: - 20 ikonek o tematyce wakacyjnej - każda ikonka z osobnym cieniem - wymiary ikonki: 32 x 32, wymiary cienia: 59 x 32 - przykład: ikona: cień: ikona: cień: - ikonki bez zamknięcia w kwadracie czy kole - przezroczysty obrys jak na przykładach - kolorowe, wakacyjne Chętni na wykonanie zlecenia proszę o przesłanie kilku przykładowych, wykonanych wcześniej ikonek. Jest to bezwzględny warunek rozpoczęcia współpracy. Preferowana faktura vat.

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    Instalacja na server programu ImageMagick i sox Path to sox and ImageMagick binary not found ImageMagick () Example: /usr/local/bin/mogrify Example: /usr/local/bin/convert Example: /usr/local/bin/composite SoX () Example: /usr/bin/sox phpinfo jest to portal DATING chat+Video dla osoby co maja pojecie to jakies 10 minut pracy

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert
    12936 Algorytmy
    Zakończone left

    ...weights sum up to the capacity of the bin. 2. When playing a game you are at position 0 initially. You can perform three types of moves, improving your position by 1, 2 or 3. Write a dynamic programming algorithm that computes in how many ways you can improve your position from 0 to n. For example, if n = 3, you can make it in 4 ways: 1+1+1 or 1+2 or 2+1 or 3. Hint: write it as a recurrence, then either use memoization or change to the botom-up computation. 3. Tchesio hits the road again, serious: On his trip from Nowy Sącz to Lisbon which is m kilometres long there are n gas stations at distance a[1]<a[2]<...<a[n] from the origin. The tank has capacity c litres and the machine burns p litres per 100 kilometers. Compute the minimum number of s...

    $2 - $12
    $2 - $12
    0 składanie ofert

    ...dodatkowe punkty z dowolnie definiowanymi informacjami dotyczycymi np. Okolicy, szlaku wodnego etc. Funkcje dodatkowe atrybuty szlaku wodnego (nurt, szerokosc, ograniczenia predkosci, trudnosci) integracja wyswietlanie zdjec z lub flickr, interesujace miejsca z wikipedii, kamienie milowe (oznaczenie kilometrów szlaku) Eksport do urzadzen GPS (gpx-file) Eksport google earth (kml-file) Ewentualnie inne parametry trasy, które mozna wyczytac z google maps, a które moga byc interesujace dla wodniaków Logbuch (dane do uzgodnienia) Panel administratora aktywacja/deaktywacja/edycja danych uzytkownika mozliwosc wysylania biuletynu txt/html mozliwosc definiowania wyswietlania regionów o szczególnych walorach dla sportowców wo...

    $611 Average bid
    $611 Średnia Oferta:
    1 składanie ofert

    ...ofercie dostać informację w jakiej technologii będzie to robione oferty proszę przesyłać na: arturm@ - zależy mi na czasie, tak więc proszę nie czekać na zakończenie aukcji ze swoją ofertą. Szczegóły poniżej: WEBSITE SPECS FOR NETKITCHENS SUMMARY 1. Australian company supplying kitchen cabinets and benchtops (both separately and as complete kitchens) to trade and retail customers throughout Australia 2. Full CMS site with integrated e-commerce shop 3. Unique shop functions – multivel membership, various discounts per level/individual, subproducts, attributes, swap image function for colour attribute, search per price bracket, multiple image per product (see Special Shop Functions below). 4. Possible integration with Virtu...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...Australian company supplying kitchen cabinets and benchtops (both separately and as complete kitchens) to trade and retail customers throughout Australia 2. Full CMS site with integrated e-commerce shop 3. Unique shop functions – multivel membership, various discounts per level/individual, subproducts, attributes, swap image function for colour attribute, search per price bracket, multiple image per product (see Special Shop Functions below). 4. Possible integration with Virtual Kitchen software. DESIGN Main kitchen image dominating the Home page, possibly rotating in flash. Underneath featured category images (linked to relevant categories), editable through admin. Prominent link/icon to Virtual Kitchen. VISITOR INTERFACE 1...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...common axis. Fish collagen is a completely natural protein extracted from specific types of fish. So far, in the world of cosmetics, only anima! collagen has been used. However, due to mad cow dis-ease, animal collagen has been systematically withdrawn from the market and has now been successfully replaced by protein extracted from fish. After carrying out tests, it was found to have better cosmetic properties than animal collagen. This is due, in part, to the very delicate collagen extraction process used, which preserves its triple-helix structure. Polypeptides and amino acids, which occur naturally with collagen, are extracted in the same technological process, making the resulting protein even more effective. The most valuable collagen is extracted ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert

    ...common axis. Fish collagen is a completely natural protein extracted from specific types of fish. So far, in the world of cosmetics, only anima! collagen has been used. However, due to mad cow dis-ease, animal collagen has been systematically withdrawn from the market and has now been successfully replaced by protein extracted from fish. After carrying out tests, it was found to have better cosmetic properties than animal collagen. This is due, in part, to the very delicate collagen extraction process used, which preserves its triple-helix structure. Polypeptides and amino acids, which occur naturally with collagen, are extracted in the same technological process, making the resulting protein even more effective. The most valuable collagen is extracted ...

    min $2
    min $2
    0 składanie ofert a crypto gateway server application that will allow me to convert M0 funds to USDT on the Global Server. Here are the key requirements for the project: - Cryptocurrency: The application should be able to convert M0 funds from a specified cryptocurrency to USDT. In my case, I need it to work with a specific cryptocurrency that I will specify later. - Programming Language: I would like the server application to be built using Python. The developer should have experience with Python and be able to write clean, efficient code. - Payment Gateway: I need the application to be integrated with a payment gateway that will allow me to receive payments in USDT. The developer should have experie...

    $50 / hr Average bid
    $50 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    Seeking a skilled professional to convert a gif design file into a high-resolution (4K) WordPress slide - 4 pieces - 4 slides Key Requirements: - Convert into a WordPress slider - Increase the resolution to 4K (3840x2160) - Ensure the slides transition using a 'Slide' effect Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with WordPress and PSD to WordPress conversions - Proficiency in creating high-resolution slides - Ability to implement specific slide transition effects

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Średnia Oferta:
    43 składanie ofert

    I am looking for a skilled freelancer to help convert my service provider website into a mobile app. The mobile app will have the same design and functionality as the website's mobile version. Once developed, the app needs to be prepared for publishing on the Google Play Store. Key Requirements: Expertise in WebView or similar technologies to seamlessly transform a website into an app. Experience with app development and Google Play Store submission. Ensure the app replicates the mobile design and functionality of the website. If you have relevant experience and can deliver a high-quality app ready for publishing, please apply with your portfolio and estimated timeline.

    $461 Average bid
    $461 Średnia Oferta:
    29 składanie ofert
    HTML Email Creation
    6 dni left

    Design Brief: HTML Email for Crown Booths Project Overview Crown Booths aims to increase its corporate client portfolio by targeting past clients who booked our services for weddings, engagements, and birthdays. The goal is to offer these clients an exclusive promotion of 20% off any package for their place of employment. The email should be fun, engaging, and visually appealing while maintaining a professional tone suitable for corporate promotions. ________________________________________ Objective • Convert past clients into corporate bookings by promoting a 20% discount. • Highlight versatility: Team building days, galas, and end-of-year parties. • Create a memorable impression that encourages recipients to act immediately. ___________________...

    $77 Average bid
    $77 Średnia Oferta:
    76 składanie ofert

    ...looking for a professional who can convert my AutoCAD files into a format suitable for 3D printing. The primary purpose of the 3D printed model is to build a modular model of a house and compare possible options. Key Responsibilities: - Split one existing plan into multiple modular plans which together give the total model - Convert AutoCAD files into 3D printable files. - Work closely with me to finalize the modularity of the the 3D model. - add modules as we understand options - Potentially add levels of detail as necessary. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AutoCAD. - Experience with 3D printing and corresponding software. - Excellent English/German communication skills for collaboration. While the scale of the model is yet to be defi...

    $23 / hr Average bid
    $23 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    59 składanie ofert

    ...**HARD-CLOSING SALES EXPERT** to convert our free trials into paid subscriptions. If you’ve got the grit, confidence, and closing skills to handle our lazy agents who need a push, Propli wants YOU! **Position Details:** - **Location:** Remote (preferably familiar with Costa del Sol and Costa Blanca markets) - **Company:** **Propli** – Spain’s Most Advanced MLS for Real Estate Agents **About Us:** Propli is transforming the real estate industry in Spain, empowering agents with innovative tools to streamline their business. With a stronghold in the Costa del Sol and Costa Blanca regions, we offer an AI-driven MLS platform and an extensive portfolio of developments. **What You’ll Do:** - **Close Deals...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking an experienced cold caller for my marketing focused lead generation campaign. - Main Objective: The primary goal of this project is lead generation. I'm looking for someone who can effectively reach out to potential clients and convert them into leads for my marketing business. - Industry: The target industry is marketing. Therefore, familiarity with this industry could be beneficial for understanding the target audience and potential clients. - Skills Required: - Excellent communication skills - Proven experience in cold calling - Understanding of lead generation processes - Knowledge of the marketing industry is a plus

    $360 Average bid
    $360 Średnia Oferta:
    10 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for an experienced Android developer who can create a Figma design for a modern-style Android app, then convert that design into XML for the app's development, and finally publish the app on the Google Play Store. Key Responsibilities: - Create a modern design in Figma based on project requirements. - Develop the app using XML. - Handle the entire process of app publishing. - Publishing app to your console and then transfer to us Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Figma for UI/UX design. - Extensive experience in Android app development and XML. - Prior experience in app publishing is a must. Please note that core app functionality and primary features have not been defined yet. Your input and expertise in these areas will be highly valued.

    $133 Average bid
    $133 Średnia Oferta:
    16 składanie ofert
    Scanned PDF to MS Word Conversion
    6 dni left

    I need a freelancer to convert a scanned PDF document into an MS Word document. The main requirement is that the Word document should be an exact replica of the PDF. This will involve more than just converting the text; it will require careful attention to detail to ensure that the formatting, layout, and other elements of the document are preserved as closely as possible. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word - Attention to detail - Experience with document formatting and conversion Scanned pdf document to convert is 260 pages. Example page attached.

    $45 Average bid
    $45 Średnia Oferta:
    174 składanie ofert

    ...professional to ensure the entry, processing and management of data in our systems. The ideal candidate will be proficient in office tools such as Word, Excel, Google Sheets, and will also have skills in data security and the use of Adobe InDesign. Responsibilities: - Enter, verify and update data accurately in databases or documents. - Organize and structure files and databases for optimal accessibility. - Use tools such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and Google Sheets for data management. - Respect data security protocols to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of information. - Create or modify graphic documents and media using Adobe InDesign. - Produce detailed reports and share them with relevant teams. - Collaborate with o...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    46 składanie ofert

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create an HTML-based interactive form. This form will incorporate three psychological assessments: the Harvard Garner Multiple Intelligence Test, the Mackenzie Multi Theory Test, and the Big Five Test. Key Requirements: - The form will need to perform several calculations based on the test scores. This includes score tallying, average calculations, and percentile rankings. - The form should have the ability to convert the completed tests into a PDF, which can be saved for future reference. - A print functionality is also required, allowing the tests to be printed out if necessary. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in HTML and JavaScript - Experience with creating interactive web forms - Fam...

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Średnia Oferta:
    26 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a proficient React developer to convert our Figma designs into responsive code for the User Dashboard. Key Tasks: - Convert Figma designs of the User Dashboard into React - Ensure the design is responsive across all devices Functionality: - The dashboard will primarily be an Admin dashboard, so it will require specific features associated with Admin functionalities. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in React - Experience with Figma to code conversion - Familiarity with designing responsive interfaces - Prior experience with Admin dashboard development - Knowledge in integrating with Database Systems Please provide examples of your previous work, particularly projects involving Admin dashboards and Figma to R...

    $487 Average bid
    $487 Średnia Oferta:
    97 składanie ofert

    ...architect specializing in modern residential design to assist with a new build project in the Reigate area of England. Key Responsibilities: - Take project through the planning application stage including all local council requirements. - Collaborate with me to design a contemporary, stylish yet functional high end family home. - Create detailed, accurate architectural plans and blueprints for the new build. Ideal Skills and Experience: - A complete understanding of the application and approval process in Reigate and Banstead Council - Proven experience in residential architecture, particularly with modern designs. - Strong portfolio of previous new build projects. - Excellent understanding of contemporary design principles. - Ability to co...

    $32633 Average bid
    $32633 Średnia Oferta:
    21 składanie ofert

    I need to convert tables from a MS Word file into a MS Excel file. The project involves: - Transferring all tables from the Word file into one Excel sheet - Performing basic cleanup to remove empty rows and columns Ideal candidate should be proficient in MS Excel, have a keen eye for detail and able to perform basic data cleanup tasks. Experience with data entry and Excel is highly preferred.

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Średnia Oferta:
    79 składanie ofert

    I need a modification in my PrestaShop 8.2 backoffice. Specifically in ...requirements are as follows: - Implement an alphabetical sorting feature for the list of combinations. - The sorting must be applied to the following attributes: Size, Color, and Material. - Insert a checkbox in the button to select all combinations at once. This feature should work like the current functionality when generating combinations. Please note that the alphabetical order feature is needed only for combinations, not for attributes. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in PrestaShop, particularly version 8.2. - Strong understanding of eCommerce platforms and backoffice management. - Experience in customizing PrestaShop features. - Ability to implement ...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Średnia Oferta:
    33 składanie ofert

    I'm in need of a skilled graphic designer to create a vintage 90s rap-style T-shirt design featuring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This design is for my clothing brand, Knowledge Matters, which aims to educate and inspire youth about Black history. ( DESIGN MUST BE IN COLOR. NO BLACK AND WHITE IMAGES. CONVERT BLACK AND WHITE IMAGES INTO COLOR) Submit multiple designs looking to pick more then one design Please create a front and back design to put for t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts etc. Key Design Elements: - Use of Civil Rights Movement imagery to honor Dr. King's legacy. - Incorporation of inspirational quotes that reflect his powerful message of equality, peace, and justice. - The design should be appealing to both fans of nos...

    $16 Average bid
    20 zgłoszenia
    Arduino to Padauk Code Conversion
    6 dni left

    I am looking for an experienced coder to convert my Arduino code to work with the Padauk PMS152. This is for a customized application aimed at enhancing my business operations. Key Responsibilities: - Retain and adapt the specific functionalities from the Arduino code: sensor data handling, communication protocols, and actuator control. - Ensure the converted code is optimized for a Padauk PMS152. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience with both Arduino and Padauk coding and a good understanding of developing custom applications for business purposes. Familiarity with sensor data handling and communication protocols is crucial. Please include in your proposal examples of similar projects you have completed.

    $88 Average bid
    $88 Średnia Oferta:
    8 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a skilled translator to convert my English marketing documents into captivating content for a student audience. The ideal candidate will have: - Proven experience translating marketing materials. - A knack for understanding and communicating with students. - Strong English proficiency with a keen attention to detail. - Ability to maintain the original document's intent, style, tone, and context. This project involves translating a variety of documents, so familiarity with marketing terminology and an ability to adapt content for a younger audience are key.

    $409 Average bid
    $409 Średnia Oferta:
    54 składanie ofert

    I have a JPEG cover for my e-book. I need an expert to convert it to the Amazon required format. - The cover is currently in JPEG and needs resizing to meet Amazon's size and dimension requirements. - No design adjustments are needed, just conversion and resizing. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in graphic design and e-book cover formatting - Familiarity with Amazon's e-book cover specifications - Quick turnaround time - Attention to detail in resizing without compromising the design integrity.

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Średnia Oferta:
    66 składanie ofert

    I have a iimage that needs transformation into a DWG file. The image quality isn't perfect, but it's still manageable. Key Requirements: - Basic Outline: The DWG file needs to represent a basic outline of the project. - General Proportions: Specific dimensions or measurements aren't necessary, just the general proportions of the project. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in AutoCAD and other relevant software. - Previous experience in creating DWG files. - Able to work with sub-optimal images and still deliver high-quality work.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Średnia Oferta:
    79 składanie ofert

    I'm seeking a professional translator to convert our marketing-focused English website content into {Target Language}. The initial task will be the translation of our Home page, with the potential for future work on additional website sections if this project goes well. Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in translating marketing material - Exceptional understanding of the {Target Language} - Ability to maintain the persuasive tone of the original content - Familiarity with website content translation - SEO knowledge is a plus Please note that the aim of this translation is to reach a wider audience and maintain the effectiveness of our marketing strategy.

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Średnia Oferta:
    40 składanie ofert