Check connection vbscriptprojekty
ZL...wystarczajacej jakosci daj mi znac podesle nowe/ Vehicle Graphics Shop front letters menu top -- home, contact us + miejsce na 1-2 wiecej w przyszlosci menu lewa strona /+drop menu/ -3-4 przyciski z istniejacej strony / content Kingsign Signmakers over 27 years experience in the Sign Making Business ! - tutaj bedzie zdjecie budynku /wstaw cokolwiek text ze strony wstaw ten baner -->check out our online text ze strony Visit our Showroom in St. Patrick's Mills, Douglas, Cork or phone 021 4897700 bedzie zdjecie /wez jedno ze strony prawa kolumna --- banery a quote promotions 3. Full Colour Prints Showroom Footer --- copy costam + design cos tam podobalo sie:
Prosta aplikacja w PHP pozwalajaca na generacje formularzy HTML. (drag&drop wybrane miejsce: pola tekstowego, radio_button, check listy, obrazka o ustalonych wymiarach) + przygotowanie tych formularzy do wyslania danych do bazy MySQL. (odpowiedni schemat nazewnictwa) (warszawa)
... Home * procenty bankowe co leca jako marque sprobuj znalezc jakiegos rssa zeby sie updatowaly same * "Please select from options below" wrzuc jako mosmodule, sprawdz ze efekty mouseover dzialaja, ja sobie potem polinkuje; w tym samym module moze byc przycisk Apply Online i animowany gif * ponizej tresc strony Home moduly-formularze * Free Morgage Health Check - user wypelnia i idzie na thank you page, admin dostaje alert mailowy ze cos przyszle, dane wchodza do bazy do ktorej jest dostep w adminie, tam mozna przejrzec te dane i je wyeksportowac - prawdopodobny nastepny etap projekty bedzie wykorzystywanie tych danych do automatycznego tworzenia dokumentow (na to bedzie oddzielna wycena) * Apply Online (tam gdzie prowadzi przycisk Appl... magazynu oraz składać zamówienia, które zapisali na kartce. Osoba obsługująca program księgowy, nie będzie musiała ręcznie wprowadzić zamówienia do programu. Ogólny schemat działania systemu: Program księgowy eksportuje do oddzielnych plików DBF dane o kontrahentach, asortymencie towarów oraz zamówieniach. Lokalny serwer PHP parsuje pliki DBF oraz łączy się z bazą danych MySQL(remote connection), która znajduje się w Internecie. Następnie eksportuje dane z plików DBF do odpowiednich tabel/pól w bazie danych MySQL. Z bazą danych będą łączyć się urządzenia mobilne, które będą pobierać dane oraz uaktualniać swoją bazę w telefonie, którą wykorzystuje aplikacja. Dzięki aplikacji będzie można...
Dane przesyłane na mail. Ankieta będzie "podczepiona pod link do strony głównej Co do konfiguracji, to powinna mieć możliwość dokładania i odejmowania pytań w zakresie od 1 do 30. Powinna też mieć możliwość wybierania czy też dobierania rodzaju formatu pytania czyli wyboru czy dane pytanie ma być wielokrotnego wyboru czy też jednokrotnego lub tekst...przesyłane na mail. Ankieta będzie "podczepiona pod link do strony głównej Co do konfiguracji, to powinna mieć możliwość dokładania i odejmowania pytań w zakresie od 1 do 30. Powinna też mieć możliwość wybierania czy też dobierania rodzaju formatu pytania czyli wyboru czy dane pytanie ma być wielokrotnego wyboru czy też jednokrotnego lub tekstowego - pola typu text, ratio, check...
...Moje strony, Moje dane, Pomoc, Kontakt, O nas. Proces tworzenia strony będzie wyglądał następująco: użytkownik podaje adres email lub loguje się w przypadku, gdy jego adres jest już w bazie, wybiera kategorię i adres www w subdomenie serwisu, wypełnia formularze danych odpowiednie do wybranej kategorii. Są to : informacje kontaktowe; informacje podstawowe i szczegółowe o ofercie (menu wyboru, check boxes i puste pola tekstowe) - będzie 8 różnych kategorii; dodawanie zdjęć; wybór layoutów i podkładów muzycznych. Następnie użytkownik przechodzi do płatności. Po dokonaniu płatności otrzymuje gotową stronę pod wybranym przez siebie adresem. Strony utworzone przez użytkowników będą wyświetlać się na stronie "Moje strony...
...parked on that extension. Please try again. pbx-transfer: Transfer. privacy-incorrect: I'm sorry, that number is not valid. privacy-prompt: Please enter your ten-digit phone number, starting with the area code. privacy-thankyou: Thank you. privacy-unident: The party you are trying to reach does not accept unidentified calls. ss-noservice: The number you have dialed is not in service. Please check the number and try again. transfer: Please hold while I try that extension. tt-allbusy: All representatives of the household are currently assisting other telemarketers. Please hold and your call will be answered in the order it was received. tt-monkeys: (sound of monkeys screaming; 16 seconds) tt-monkeysintro: They have been carried away by monkeys. tt-somethingwrong: S...
...zdarzeniem: on (rollover) { fscommand („”);}. Po najechaniu myszą na billboard rozwija się pełny obszar reklamy (M2). 2.4. M2; obszar klikalny, warstwa button. 2.5. M2; warstwy reklamy muszą być rozgrupowanie; 2.5.1. Na warstwie umieszczamy wywołanie funkcji: getURL i ustalamy parametry: URL: , Window: _blank Expression: zaznaczamy check box (Flash 5.0) Variables: Don’t send 2.5.2. Eksportujemy kreację do pliku .swf i nadajemy nazwę zgodnie ze specyfikacją dotyczącą nazewnictwa materiałówBłąd! Nie zdefiniowano zakładki.. 2.5.3. Dla każdego rodzaju kreacji .swf należy stworzyć alternatywny plik .gif lub .jpg Wraz z kreacją .swf należy dostarczyć heksadecymalny kolor tła. Punkt pomij...
posiadam przygotowany arkusz kalkulacyjny zawierający wyrażenie po angielsku - tematyka: fora phpbb łącznie jest do przetłumaczenia 444 frazy począwszy do najwyklejszego 'All' do krótkich zdań pierwszych 10 wierszy wygląda następująco: Access Name Action All Backup Categories Category Check All Confirm Create a New Forum Date Created proszę podawać cenę i czas za wykonanie całego tłumaczenia najważniejszymi kryteriami są: cena i czas dane kontaktowe ze mną to: dawid_chojnacki@ i GG 9997149 aby wyprzedzić pytania - znaków jest prawie 30 tys. Dawid Chojnacki
Zlecę korektę/uzupełnienie funkcji sklepu Zainstalowałem Os commerce milestone 2.2 W administratorze, po zalogowaniu, w zakładce: "Narzędzia" pod linkiem "Zarzadzanie biuletynem" wyświetla mi się komunikat: Biuletyn Rozmiar Moduł Wysłany Status Działanie 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-20, 20' at line 1 select newsletters_id, title, length(content) as content_length, module, date_added, date_sent, status, locked from newsletters order by date_added desc limit -20, 20 [TEP STOP] Jak wobec tego dodać wpis, uzupełnić, aby funkcja mogła działać, być aktywowana? Jeszcze jedno, zapomniałem, sciagnąłem i wyedytowa...
...upon purchase payment clearance) however manual payments will only be made once a week”. • Accept Terms and Conditions (create blank page, admin to fill content) 4. Congratulations, you have successfully signed up with our Affiliate Program, please check your inbox for a sample email to forward to your contacts 5. Auto-email gets sent (admin-editable): Please forward this to your friends and contacts: I just found this amazing site selling a book on how to never again pay a speeding fine! Check it out at If you decide to buy, please enter AFFILIATE CODE in the Affiliate Code box. 6. When a purchase with a code is confirmed, the system auto-remits $10 to the affiliate’s paypal account 7. Affiliates page ...
Witam! Chodziłoby o poprawę błędów w kodzie do standardów W3C - zgodność z Validatorem. Błędy obecne: Proszę o poważne oferty, termin realizacji po 6.05.2006.
...measured, inspected and a photograph taken to produce property sales leaflets. The organisation would like to introduce IT into their operation and run a common database that can be accessed by all branches. This system would allow transfer of property sales details, including pictures between all branches. It is not envisaged that access will be required frequently enough to warrant any permanent connection. In your report you should evaluate off the shelf computer systems, hardware and software. You should identify suitable computer types, processors, hard disks, RAM, monitor, operating system, with typical costs and explain why the system you are advising should be adopted....
Potrzebny jest katalog, czyli zdjęcia i opisy produktów (podobny do katalogów sklepów internetowych), ale bez części dotyczącej koszyka, cen, zakupów. Wizytujący witrynę - po tworzeniu własnego konta - powinien mieć możliwość "rezerwowania" produktów (najlepiej przez kliknięcie na check-box przy zdjęciu produktu). Po wykonaniu rezerwacji wysyłane jest powiadomienie mailem na dwa adresy: jeden stały (właściel witryny), drugi zmienny: właściciela hurtowni, która prowadzi dany produkt. Z panelu admina powinno być widać, ile rezerwacji danego produktu wykonano w danym okresie. Najchętniej widziane znalezienie i zainstalowanie oprogramowaia open source, które ma takie funkcje.
I'm in need of an eye-catching banner for my company, Scurty, to promote a specific offer on Facebook. The banner must convey a promotional offer and be done today. Key Requirements: - The banner needs to be designed using our company colors. - It must include our company logo...logo. - If I don't like the initial design, we can cancel the milestone. The ideal candidate for this task should have: - A strong background in graphic design, particularly for social media. - Experience in designing promotional banners. - A quick turnaround, as this is an urgent request. Please note, the banners need to be in French. If you're not proficient in French, you will need to double check your translations or have access to a French speaker. I look forward to seeing your bids... PDF or other shareable formats. - Send reports via email or integrate with management systems (e.g., Super Dispatch). 5. **Database Integration:** - Secure storage of data and images in a database. - Ability to access inspection history for audits or future references. 6. **Offline Capabilities:** - Perform inspections without an internet connection, with automatic synchronization when the connection is restored. 7. **Notifications and Alerts:** - Automated reminders for pending inspections. - Notifications about newly added or recently inspected vehicles. 8. **Intuitive Interface:** - Responsive and user-friendly design for mobile devices (iOS and Android). - Simplified navigation for drivers with limited technology e...
...intended to inspire curiosity and exploration in children. Here's a detailed breakdown: Key Elements: Main Character: A boy with curly brown hair, big blue eyes, and a friendly smile. He wears a white lab coat over casual clothes, suggesting he is a budding scientist or inventor. He is holding a laboratory flask in one hand and a small white mouse in the other, highlighting his curiosity and connection with scientific experiments. Background: Books: A stack of colorful books in the background symbolizes knowledge, learning, and discovery. Plants and Vials: Green plants and glass vials add a natural and scientific touch, evoking a laboratory or experimental garden. Lighting: A soft, purple glow suggests a magical or otherworldly laboratory environment, adding intrigue and ...
...that highlight their personality or role in the story, much like Marvel heroes are presented. - Optional Backgrounds: While the focus is on the characters, some illustrations might benefit from minimal or thematic backgrounds to enhance the scene. Image 2: The 2 main characters Olympus and Figaro. A tender portrayal of the bond between these two characters. This image will focus on their connection, highlighting both their individual strengths and the deep emotional support they provide one another throughout the story. - Figaro is an orange monkey with big brown eyes and white around his eyes. He has a Braided Tail that is 3 times his length. Detailed Character Description for Olympus and Figaro Olympus: 1. General Appearance: * A 13-year-old boy with transparent, c...
...notebooks in your bibliography (if you used any). While you can use ChatGPT or other Large-Language Models (LLMs) to better understand the module and assessment, you should be careful not to copy the content as this will be flagged as generated by ChatGPT and could lead to academic irregularities. Therefore, you should ensure that the report and implementation are your own work. You have one chance to check the similarity between your work by submitting your report and source code to Draft folder on NOW Dropbox. Turnitin similarity score should be somewhere around 30% for the report and around 60% for the code...
...MM_UAT and given the required grants. I want the MM_UAT user only to see the DB_OBJECTS of other schemas or specific schema. My required DB_OBJECTS like tables, views, functions and procedures seems OK. but there's a problem. If I right click and open a package like PRODN.PKG_REPORTS and i click "view spec & body", i cannot see the body i see only the specs. I have given extra permissions as well to check if they work: GRANT EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE TO MM_UAT; GRANT DEBUG CONNECT SESSION TO MM_UAT; GRANT SELECT ANY DICTIONARY TO MM_UAT; GRANT SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE TO MM_UAT; GRANT SELECT ON DBA_SOURCE TO MM_UAT; GRANT EXECUTE ON PRODN.PKG_REPORTS TO MM_UAT; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW SYS.PRODN_PKG_BODY_VIEW AS SELECT * FROM DBA_SOURCE WHERE OWNER = 'PRODN'...
... Canadian, and British accents. To ensure the success of this project, we require a quiet environment and a stable internet connection. ➡️Project Details:- The project involves recording 823 words and short phrases using our application. It is essential that the recordings are of high quality and meet the specified if any phrases are rejected then they will have to be redone as well ?Payment Terms:- Payment will be made only for qualified data that meets the project's requirements. Therefore, it is crucial that the recordings are done according to the instructions provided. ?Key Requirements:- - Quiet environment - Stable internet connection - Recordings should be done in only American, Canadian, and British accents - Recordings should be clear and of high qu...
I required New EA based on Example file. I share the Sample file check with Strategy Tester, I required exactly how its functioning. Can i Share you the file details ?
I need a seasoned React Native developer to fix an RTL issue in my app. The issue is that when switching from English to Arabic, both the text and layout directions are not changing as they should. Key Requirements: - Expertise in React Native - Strong understanding of RTL (Right-to-Left) layouts - Previous experience troubleshooting ...and layout directions are not changing as they should. Key Requirements: - Expertise in React Native - Strong understanding of RTL (Right-to-Left) layouts - Previous experience troubleshooting similar issues - Ability to work with both iOS and Android platforms The app's source code can be found here: Please check the code first and test your solution, if you can solve it.
I am seeking a LinkedIn specialist to assist with the following tasks: Data Research: Conduct research to identify ideal prospects for my business, considering to ensure the data is accurately refined for targeted outreach. Data Organization: Collect and organize prospect data in a well-structured format, such as a spreadsheet or database, ensuring accuracy and consistency across all entries. Familiarity with Sales Navigator and other tools is essential for maintaining data integrity. Personalized Messaging: Craft and send personalized connection requests and messages to prospects, introducing them to my business and encouraging engagement. You will leverage Sales Navigator and other tools to create compelling, customized messages that drive positive ...
...engagement. - Ensured submitted data is stored in a database, enhancing user registration and involvement. - **Database Management**: - Leveraged **Mongoose** as an Object Data Modeling (ODM) tool for **MongoDB**, a NoSQL database. - Stored data in a JSON-like format, allowing for flexible and rapid development. - **Database Connection**: - Connected the MongoDB database to the Node.js application by installing Mongoose and using established connection commands: ```javascript ('mongodb://localhost:27017/yourdbname', {...}); ``` - **Schema Design**: - Designed a **Mongoose schema** to define document structure within the MongoDB collection, ensuring data consistency and correctness. - Example of model creation: ```javascript cons... that we have the access. Conditions to be applied: - The token has at least 40 wallets as holders. - Each of these wallets holds at least 0.50% of the token’s supply. The script should function as follows: 1. *Monitor New Listings:* The script must continuously track new tokens listed on the Solana Radium exchange. 2. *Verify Token Holders:* After a new token is listed, the script will check the token’s holders to ensure there are at least 40 wallets holding at least 0.50% of the total supply each. 3. *Automatic Trading:* Once the above conditions are met, the script will place an automatic order of 0.10 SOL on the Solana network to buy the token. 4. *Telegram Notification:* The script should send a notification to a Telegram channel when an order is placed, w...
I'm in need of an experienced Laravel and Android Developer to connect my app with the admin panel focusing on user management. The project involves: - User Registration and Login: Facilitating new user sign-ups and existing user log-ins seamlessly. - User Profile Updates: Ensuring users can update their profiles and these changes reflect in r...differentiating access and capabilities based on user roles. The ideal candidate for this job must have proven experience with Laravel and Android development. They should be capable of creating a system that allows for real-time updates between the app and the admin panel. Strong understanding of user management systems is a plus. I'm looking for a professional who can deliver a smooth and efficient connection between the app ...
...Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube for our clients - Create and Edit content in line with the latest industry trends - Keep main feeds and stories fresh and engaging - Post, schedule, and stay consistent across platforms Engage with fans every day Reply to comments, handle DMs, reshare content Build the community through targeted outreach and real connection Get creative with content Bring ideas to life through posts and stories Double-check captions, hashtags, and post quality Keep track of what’s working, meet deadlines, and stay organized with visual assets Stay on top of social media trends Share the latest platform tips and tricks with the team Optimize and evolve strategies to keep clients ahead of the curve What You Bring: - 2+ years in social media ...
...sitemap to help Google index your pages. Monitor errors, page indexing, and CTR metrics. 10. Create and Submit an XML Sitemap Free & Simple: Generating and submitting an XML sitemap is free, and it helps search engines crawl your site more effectively. How to Apply: Use tools like to generate a sitemap and submit it to Google via Search Console. 11. Ensure Secure (HTTPS) Connection Free SSL Certificate: Many web hosting providers offer free SSL certificates, which are necessary for HTTPS encryption. How to Apply: Ensure that your website is served over HTTPS, which is now a ranking factor for Google. 12. Optimizing Content for Featured Snippets Free & Manual: While optimizing for featured snippets doesn’t have a direct cost, it requires an...
I'm looking for a professional SEO audit to assess the technical health of my website. To conduct a comprehensive SEO audit and deliver a detailed, actionable SEO and content strategy tailored to drive organic growth, improve website rankings, and generate leads. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in SEO audits. - Proven content design Strategy. - Expertise in identifying technical website issues. - Access to professional SEO tools. - Ability to provide clear, actionable recommendations.
...NSE, BSE or Options, selecting stocks and their expiry with strike price, deciding whether to Buy or Sell options, choosing time frames, candle types and utilizing 50 inbuilt indicators, setting dynamic stop-losses and trigger prices. - Backtesting: The system will run the users' strategies on historical data and provide results on the number of profitable trades versus losing ones. - Broker Connection: The platform will connect with brokers such as Zerodha, Andle One, Groww, Upstox, Flyers, and Dhan. - Admin Functions: The admin will have the ability to create packages based on the number of backtests, strategies etc. and integrate payment gateways such as Razorpay and PayU. The most critical feature of the platform is the strategy creation. Users should be able to create ...
I have an Microsoft MVC Web App with a target framework of .NET 8.0 that a...view all static pages correctly. I am unable to connect from the Azure Web App to the Azure SQL Database. I keep getting the following error .......[03:29:46 ERR] An exception occurred while iterating over the results of a query for context type ''. .......: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized. I understand its a connection string issue and maybe also a firewall rule issue. I require a genius to just talk me through these issues so i can successfully retrieve data from the database. Also i would like to use Entra ID passwordless for the final Azure Web App. Also i would like to use Entra ID passwordless for the final Azure Web App.
We are looking for a retired structural engineer in Perth to collaborate with our team. Your role will involve reviewing and certifying structural drawings — no drawing work required! We handle all architectural plans, connection details, and documentation. About the Role: • Flexible, minimal commitment – great for someone who’s retired but wants occasional work. • Projects include patios, sheds, retaining walls, pools, and small/simple renovations. • All you need to do is review, stamp, and sign off on the drawings we prepare. What We Need: • Qualified structural engineer with the ability to certify drawings. • Based in Perth, WA. • Registered and capable of signing off on residential projects. We look forward to working with yo...
I'm looking for a talented developer to create an AI-driven software solution that checks the copyright status of both videos and images before they're shared on Facebook and Instagram. This tool should notify users with a warning when copyright infringement is detected. Key Features: - Check both video and image copyright status - Specifically tailored for Facebook and Instagram - User notifications for copyright infringements Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in artificial intelligence and image processing - Understanding of copyright law - Experience in developing software for social media platforms Join me in promoting responsible and legal content sharing!
I need a mobile container app for my web-based web app. My current web app is built on Custom HTML/CSS/JS, and I want this to be usable as a mobile app for both Android and iPhone. Key Features: - Push Notifications: The app should be capable of sending and receiving push notifications. - Offline Support: When there's no internet connection, it should show a customized offline page. Ideal Candidate: - Proficiency in Custom HTML/CSS/JS is essential. - Prior experience in building mobile container apps is highly preferred. - Skills in implementing push notifications and offline support are crucial. - A keen eye for detail to ensure the offline page is customized and user-friendly.
...seamlessly tell a story across all 12 tiles What We’re Looking For: ? Experience in designing for fashion or lifestyle brands ? Expertise in creating engaging Instagram grid layouts ? A passion for storytelling and strong attention to detail If you’re ready to Unearth your creativity and help us launch this exciting campaign, we want to hear from you! No AI generated please use photos attached Check out our social @unearthstyleco...
We’re Hiring a Freelance Videographer! No AI generated content please Unearth Style Co. is on the hunt for a creative and skilled videographer to bring our vision to life! ? What We Need: • 12 engaging Instagram reels min 1 min long showcasing our clothing brand • A mix of outdoor adventure shots, lifestyle content, and product-...versatility, and exploration What We’re Looking For: • Experience in creating high-quality, scroll-stopping social media content • A passion for storytelling and an eye for detail • Familiarity with fashion or outdoor adventure brands is a bonus If you’re ready to Unearth your creativity and work with a brand that loves adventure as much as you do, we want to hear from you! No AI generated content Check...
...a color dropper to identify the red color code on the chart. I will need a text box to type in a variance so that the system picks up all of the colors within that range. Once the colors are found I will need to place green dots over where it finds the red color. Once it finds all of the red color the system will need to print the Time, Value and "Differential" in a data table I will need a check box for adding and removing rogue points that are not supposed to be there. When I hover my mouse over a yellow dot it should display the Time and Value at that specific location. I will need the image read with automation which should be able to pick up the Chart Put On Time, Date, Taken Off Time , Date and the data on the barcode read. I want to get to where everything ...
I'm looking for an expert in ReactNative and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) to help integrate a native bridge in my app. The primary use of this connection will be controlling a health kit device - specifically for heart rate monitoring. Key Requirements: - Expertise in ReactNative and BLE connections - Experience with creating native bridges for app development - Previous work with health kit devices is a plus - Ability to implement device control features - Knowledge in heart rate monitoring tech is desirable Please only bid if you have proven experience in these areas. Your role will be crucial in ensuring the app can effectively control the health kit and monitor heart rates.
Seeking a full-time member to join our team. We're a real estate photography agency based in New York. The job will start with a 3-week trial period at 48 ...budget for the job is $2/hr USD. Requirements -- Available Mon - Sat, 9am - 7pm NYC time -- Great visual eye -- Attention to detail -- Fluent in English -- Great communication (verbal and written) -- Patience -- Experience with Google Docs, Google Calendar, & Microsoft Excel preferred -- Content writing experience is a plus. -- Newsletter management is a plus. Roles & Responsibilities -- Quality check photos and provide feedback to photo editor. -- Schedule photography appointments with clients and photographers. -- Respond to customer inquiries via email promptly. -- Send lead generation messages. -- Online r...
My current Python script for sending LinkedIn connection requests is crashing. I need a freelancer to debug it and fix the issue. The script typically crashes when it is sending a connection request. It is essential to have experience with Python, LinkedIn automation and script debugging to fix this issue and help me get the script back in working order. Ideal skills: - Python - LinkedIn automation - Selenium Please provide a bid if you have the relevant experience and can help me resolve this issue.
...99999)}" self.client.username_pw_set('iotlesson', 'iotlesson123456!') self._prepare_graph_window() print("Class is created") #This function starts the endless loop def start(self): ('', 8883) self.client.loop_start() print("Starting") () #The following function is called after the connection def _on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc): print("Client connected") ('iotlesson_eventbus/grafeio113/out/#') #The following function is callback for when a new message is received def _on_message(self, client, userdata, msg): if == 'iotlesson_eventbus/grafeio113/out/ZWave_8_Metered_Wa...
I'm looking for a professional to boost fan engagement and community for a basketball initiative primarily through Instagram and Twitter. Key requirements: - Develop and implement engaging social media campaigns - Increase community interaction and fan involvement - Promote basketball content on Instagram and Twi...content on Instagram and Twitter Ideal skills include: - Expertise in social media marketing - Strong understanding of basketball culture and community - Proficiency in creating interactive and engaging content Experience in managing fan engagement in sports, particularly basketball, will be a major plus. The goal of this project is to foster a vibrant online basketball community, enhancing fan connection and interaction through well-planned and executed social m...
...editor works without Safe Mode. Reactivate plugins one by one to identify conflicts. Switch to a Default Theme: Temporarily switch to a default theme like Twenty Twenty-Three. Check if the Elementor editor works correctly. If it does, your theme may be causing the issue. Increase PHP Memory Limit: Edit the file to add: php Copy code define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M'); Check File Permissions: Ensure proper file permissions for your WordPress files: 755 for directories. 644 for files. Clear Cache: Clear your browser cache and any WordPress caching plugin. 5. Test and Verify Everything Steps: Test Forms: Check that all fields (including checkboxes and reCAPTCHA) work as expected. Confirm submission notifications are sent correctly. Test Double ...
I require a skilled React developer to create a web-based attendance system. This system should allow multiple companies to manage their own employee attendance. Key Features: - Employee check-in/check-out: The system should have a simple interface for employees to log their working hours. - Leave Management: A component for tracking and managing employee leave requests is necessary. - Attendance Reporting: The system should be capable of generating reports based on attendance data. Authentication: The system should use a straightforward email and password authentication method for user access. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React and web development - Experience in creating attendance or similar management systems - Understanding of implementing email/password based authe...
I'm looking for an expert who can help me integrate a voice bot into my WordPress site. The bot is currently available on a separate page and I need someone to modify its code and replicate its functionality into a new voice bot that will be placed in the bottom left side of every page on my site. Please check the voice bot in this link Key Responsibilities: - Modify the existing voice bot code to fit the new location - Ensure exact functionality replication from the original bot - No visual styling changes needed, keep the bot as is Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML and JavaScript - Experienced with WordPress - Strong problem-solving skills - Attention to detail The screenshots are provided. I need the HTML/JavaScript code for the voice bot which
My personal WordPress Moodle LMS is facing a critical issue. It is showing a "Fatal Error" message, preventing access to the site. I need a skilled professional who can troubleshoot and fix this issue promptly to restore my blog. Experience with WordPress and handling database-related problems is essential. Please see this video to explain the issue The error is here
...purchase is confirmed. *** Maximum 7 days, if not will cancel the project. *** ALL FEATURES ON DOC, has to be done. QRcreation---- The couple fills out a form on Web Novios- DONE A QRfrom the Frontend Web Guests is sent to their email in the language that the bride and groom have selected in the form. REVIEW The QRgenerates a dynamic URL of the Guest Web Frontend with the correct language. CHECK AS THERE ARE 3 LANGUAGES The QRis sent to the email indicated in the form once you have made the purchase. LACK BACKEND-This whole part is fundamentally for mobile and 90% is completed. Main Page When incorporating the frame, when the image is moved from the mobile, the frame blinks. Load new page to “Send Memory” When Sending a Memory, load a new page (this is alre...
I am launching an active wear brand and need a skilled social media manager to develop and oversee our social media strategy from scratch. The primary platforms will be Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Key Responsibilities: - Create and implement an engaging social media strategy to boost customer interaction and brand loyalty. - Develop content that fosters community building and brand connection, prioritizing customer engagement over product showcases or testimonials. Ideal Skills: - Proven track record in social media management, particularly for lifestyle and fashion brands. - Exceptional content creation and community engagement skills. - Familiarity with Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube's algorithm and best practices. This project is perfect for someone passionate a...