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2,000 avr attiny2313 clock ofert prac znalezionych
Trophy icon Professional Framed Poem with Graphic
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I wrote a poem about my grandfather, titled "My Grandfather Clock," and I'd like it made into a piece of art that I can hang on the wall. I'm open to ideas, but I am picturing the text of the poem on the lefthand side of the picture, with an image of a grandfather clock on the right, viewed from a slight angle so that the clock faces towards the text of the poem. I would then overlay (or underlay) a picture of my grandfather's face over the face of the clock, faded around the edges so that it is a smooth transition (but with the clock's hands still visible?). Alternatively, there could be a frame on the wall (in the same picture, near the clock) that had my grandfather's face in it. The text of the poem would be in an el...

$20 Average bid
38 zgłoszenia

Necessary customizations Projects Menu I would like to customize the graphic highlighted in red as follows: Material / Services cost: Here you should have the total sum of all expenses that I add at work, such as Cost of materials, cost of subcontracts and other expenses that I register for the project. Labour cost: Here you should have the total sum of costs that I have with the team that clock in / clock out the project. Total Invoices: Here you should add the total invoices that I send to the client. All invoices that I send in this project must be added here. Profit: Here in this option the system should take the total invoices and subtract Material / Services cost, Labour cost. Task Menu I would like to customize the field highlighted in red as follows: I want ...

$276 Average bid
$276 Średnia Oferta:
3 składanie ofert

Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.

Wyróżniony Pilny Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności

(VERILOG PROJECT) ADD A RESET INPUT TO THE PROCESSOR 1. Provided processor design implements the register resets using initial blocks and for loops. Initial blocks cannot be synthesized. Remove all the initial blocks and change the registers in the processor to resettable and synthesizable ones. Add a reset input to the processor and in testbench apply reset signal for 2 clock cycles before the processor runs the instructions. This reset should write all 0’s to register file registers, instruction memory, program counter and any other register that should be reset using this signal. 2. Do all necessary changes in the data path and control units. (You may need to change width of the alu_control signal from 3 bits to 4_bits, etc.) 3. Update the “’Parameter.v” f...

$50 Average bid
$50 Średnia Oferta:
5 składanie ofert

We need some doodle drawings created for our...want some drawings that illustrate the key features of our application. We will need a number drawn. Initially I want to find a person who can create the drawings in WEBP format or GIF. The drawing ideas would be to the style of the attached Image, black plus one primary color such as blue or orange. 1. A powder coating spray gun spraying color (simulate spraying) 2. A clock being repaired (parts animating back into clock (hand watch)) (simulate repairs) 3. A box being constructed (simulate manufacturing) 4. A work order being written out, JOB no, customer name, 5. Updates being sent to a phone, (Job ready) 6. Customer accepting and estimate (APPROVE button) 7. Customer making payment (Invoice payment) 8. Customer rating a ...

$386 Average bid
$386 Średnia Oferta:
23 składanie ofert

...our token. As long as you hold the tokens in our wallet you will have access to all of our products and services. We have an exciting and diverse team of young successful entrepreneurs who now want to provide an opportunity for others, allowing them to have access to applications and services that will enable them to build a business that is prepared for the future. We currently work around the clock in 2 different time zones, so working hours are very flexible and you can work remotely from anywhere. We have an enormous vision that we are truly excited to execute, so if you want to be part of a revolutionary new cryptocurrency project, look no further! Job Description We are looking for a blockchain developer who will be responsible for developing or integrating a 3rd party ...

$2456 Average bid
$2456 Średnia Oferta:
18 składanie ofert

...our token. As long as you hold the tokens in our wallet you will have access to all of our products and services. We have an exciting and diverse team of young successful entrepreneurs who now want to provide an opportunity for others, allowing them to have access to applications and services that will enable them to build a business that is prepared for the future. We currently work around the clock in 2 different time zones, so working hours are very flexible and you can work remotely from anywhere. We have an enormous vision that we are truly excited to execute, so if you want to be part of a revolutionary new cryptocurrency project, look no further! Job Description We are looking for a blockchain developer who will be responsible for developing or integrating a 3rd party ...

$8700 Average bid
$8700 Średnia Oferta:
5 składanie ofert
I need an illustrator
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Illustrate a book approx 14 pictures. Mother and a child from birth to growing up. Soft and dreamy with a slightly hidden clock on every page. A mother reminiscing, “ If only I could turn back the hands of time.” This is how dreamy I want the pict to be. Soft pastels a bit of water color around the picture and hiding the clock a bit with the watercolor. I’m a newly divorced grma whose written several books. Not much of an income at all. I know if your the right artist do to do it will be a top seller and this will become a win win situation

$211 Average bid
$211 Średnia Oferta:
36 składanie ofert
AVR microcontroller
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need help in experiment, which describes a tasks to be completed for the ATmega8515. Using AVR Studio 4 to complete the task and compile/assemble an assembly language project.

$20 Average bid
$20 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Proszę, Zarejestruj się lub Zaloguj, żeby zobaczyć szczegóły.

Ukryte Projekt z Umową o Zachowaniu Poufności

Design and implement a class of vector clocks that support the following functionality: • Initialize a vector clock for n processes. All cells start at 0. During initialization, the owner process’ index should be specified. Let this value be stored inside the owner field. • Advance local time by 1 unit. • Update this clock based on another vector clock. • Check if this clock equals another (the result will be boolean). • Compare this clock against another. The result will be -1 if this is smaller than that; 0 if this and that are concurrent; and 1 if this is not less than that. • Print the current clock reading on screen (e.g., [0,1,0] for n = 3).

$150 Average bid
$150 Średnia Oferta:
6 składanie ofert

Job Description: Teach the English language to European students online and evaluate their performance based on set guidelines The teachers will work from home and clock in the teaching website before the class time, conducting all lessons on their schedule Doing corrections and conducting effective instruction during the classes Doing assessments and tests for the students Provide personalized lesson for every single student Requirements: A Clean accent English speaker Has Min 1 year teaching experience Patient and can manage having classes with any age group Have a reliable workstation with stable power supply and internet connection Energetic, patient, responsible and cheerful Required Working hours: 1)Monday - Friday 9pm - 5am / Night Shift 2)Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm...

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Średnia Oferta:
10 składanie ofert

...the sessions of lessons and tasks to be done for the staff. A client pays a yearly subscription and then pays a number of sessions each time. The administrator adds the sessions once paid by the client. The schedule application for an equestrian club must allow the following functionalities: - Each client must be able to view his own schedule - Each instructor displays his own schedule and can clock in and out. - An administrator has access to all the schedules, globally or by client or by employee (instructor, groom, janitor, housekeeper...). - The schedule must be organized in autonomous sessions that can be moved independently of the others. - An administrator can add a session or a task to the schedule by creating the first session/task and specifying the number of repet...

$450 Average bid
$450 Średnia Oferta:
8 składanie ofert

...inside a microcontroller. The FPGA system clock is going to be 40MHz-60MHz. The SPI SCLK and the FPGA system clock are asynchronous. The SPI slave is used to read/write fabric RAM registers that control the behaviour of the FPGA design or present FPGA design status information to the SPI master. The SPI slave is also used to stream data from FPGA block RAM. The block RAM has 32 bit data width. The SPI master shall perform 16 bit accesses at a time with data shifted into master on rising edge of SCLK and shifted into slave on falling edge of SCLK. A slave select line exists to tell the FPGA of start and end of transmission. The main challenege in this design is that since the FPGA system clock is not greater than or equal to 4 times the SPI SCLK clock, i...

$206 Average bid
$206 Średnia Oferta:
14 składanie ofert

Need an intranet website that will allow users to Clock-In & Clock-Out. User will login to clock_in or Clock out, they can enter vacation / holidays & Lunch breaks as well 1 report for users for them to view their week & the same report for administrator to view all or 1 employee We need basic Login logic and we need to assign users to Roles Bilingual (English & French)

$284 Average bid
$284 Średnia Oferta:
19 składanie ofert
Guard patrol app
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* able to track the guard through GPS. * clock in /out. * electronic reports. * unlimited users.

$554 Average bid
$554 Średnia Oferta:
24 składanie ofert
Jpeg Decomposition
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I have an image of a clock. It needs to be separated into 2 layers, one for the face and numbers, and one for the hands. Minor tweaks are necessary as well. The image will be provided at the time of order placement. If you have the appropriate Photoshop skills to do this, please include with your bid one (1) public link to a previous work. Please describe in a sentence or two what that work represents. Please do not send files. Bidders following these instructions will be considered. Over-budget bids will not be considered.

$21 Average bid
$21 Średnia Oferta:
23 składanie ofert

i need to design a 3d enclosure for my electronic project dimension are 75 mm x 75mm height will be 90mm it will simply add 4 stacked 4 channel relay module inside it one on top of another () so need to fasten the screw the top design need to look impressive so that it does not ruin the looks of a beautiful design of home when installed it will sit on top of existing switch board (modular) so need some king of option to fix there on top it will have some holes for some LED indicators need this in blender so that i can easily customise the size and 3d print the prototype

$23 Average bid
$23 Średnia Oferta:
23 składanie ofert

I have a clock tool with lots of functionalities. I need to re-develop it with new design and add some more functionalities to it. Developer needs to have excellent command on JavaScript and its libraries for canvas programming such as and Fabric.js. Visit link for reference:

$707 Average bid
$707 Średnia Oferta:
5 składanie ofert
Tech article
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...the use of modern technology, be it any part of life, here we talk about education. The reliance and dependence of such an innovation, that simply makes life an easy, smooth journey is completely unavoidable these days even in schools, universities and colleges. Students today can make use of technology in the following ways: Internet connection and round the clock connectivity The internet has grown in importance by many folds, over the process of decade. Its importance in the education world can now never be undermined. Despite the chances of fraud and drawbacks, the use of the internet is like a blessing for students. Today, the internet is something that is present in almost everything we use. From television to gaming ...

$267 Average bid
$267 Średnia Oferta:
12 składanie ofert


$761 Average bid
$761 Średnia Oferta:
38 składanie ofert

Hello I am looking for some to make this clock exactly the same in this youtube video, Very easy, 5 minutes

$17 Average bid
$17 Średnia Oferta:
17 składanie ofert

I need help with Timing of clock signals in digital circuits in VHDL. I will share more details in chat.

$60 Average bid
$60 Średnia Oferta:
7 składanie ofert
Manpower Geo Tracking
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I need an app - where I can track the attendance of the manpower at the site. Features: 1. Site location (Geo-fencing of 500m) 2. CLock in & Clock out option (need to collect the timestamp).

$319 Average bid
$319 Średnia Oferta:
4 składanie ofert

...coding and programming to ensure that every Friday each new charts are made live to users. The charts will be a countdown of the Top 100 most streamed, downloaded songs on the site per genre/category. Admin, should also be able to manually input a new release or a single and album release into the charts. There are 10 charts on the platform which are all country specific. 2.) Add a countdown clock to countdown the charts to Friday 3.) The script already lets artists who sign up to the premium package to upload their singles and albums . However, you will Provide an opportunity for artist to have a dashboard which shows how much money they have earned from their content that they upload on the site and provide an automatic facility for them to be able to withdraw 90% of the re...

$211 Average bid
$211 Średnia Oferta:
8 składanie ofert

I have a clock tool with lots of functionalities. I need to re-develop it with new design and add some more functionalities to it. Developer needs to have excellent command on JavaScript and its libraries for canvas programming such as and Fabric.js. Visit link for reference:

$738 Average bid
$738 Średnia Oferta:
5 składanie ofert
Trophy icon artwork for a front page of a book
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Our company is a Business Coaching company called Business on Purpose. I have written a book called 5 Keys to Successful Business Planning. We would like to update the front page of the book where this Logo appears The 5 Keys are Foundation, Support, Learning, Character, Vision. The current logo is outdated and I want something fresh. it could be themed around Keys, Hands on a clock, I want some fresh and thoughtful ideas.

$74 Average bid
37 zgłoszenia

Hello! As the tittle.I want to create a business card as well as complete the messages that I want to convey. I'll leave the clock file. You can choose the photo you like and add it to my message. Here is the message I want to record. Also My name is Thanh Huong and I want to incorporate my name into everything. 1 . Mua bán đồng hồ treo tường xưa , đồng hồ tủ và các loại đồng hồ để bàn. 2. Cách thức mua hàng. - Khách cọc 10% giá trị sp và ship COD. Khách trả phí . - Khách chuyển 100% được miễn ship. Có vấn đề hay thắc mắc gì vui lòng liên hệ 0919999785 em sẽ giải quyết .

$27 Average bid
$27 Średnia Oferta:
24 składanie ofert

...the lemon.I do not know the name of the font so just choose one that is closely similar to the one provided. The only thing getting changed are the eyes and mouth.I have an example for what I want the eyes and mouth to look like. The colors stay the same and a font that's similar to the one already available. Thank you for reading. **for the rough draft with the clock(Refer to Design#1) ...can you have the numbers on the clock have a drip effect like how it's displayed on the "squeeze out the hype" (refer to Design #2) Rough draft design? This project is very dear to me. Take your time on it because I need the designs to be very well made and tip would be to have the colors pop out(very vivid). This is so I can start my own clothing/apparell bu...

$269 Average bid
34 zgłoszenia

...the same and the lemon.I do not know the name of the font so just choose one that is closely similar to the one provided. The only thing getting changed are the eyes and mouth.I have an example for what I want the eyes and mouth to look like. The colors stay the same and a font that's similar to the one already available. Thank you for reading. **for the rough draft with the clock...can you have the numbers on the clock have a drip effect like how it's displayed on the "squeeze out the hype" design? I am a college student so funds are limited. My offer for this project is $250. No negotiations. This project is very dear to me and I need it completed by May 19th. Take your time on it because I need the designs to be very well made and tip would be to...

$126 Average bid
Wyróżniony Pilny
$126 Średnia Oferta:
23 składanie ofert

Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) in VLSI

$85 Average bid
$85 Średnia Oferta:
5 składanie ofert

Deliverables: A simple FAT-FS driver for microSD connected via 4-bit SDIO to an STM32L4S5 processor. 1) Simple demo will compile and run on a STM32L4S5 processor with recent version IAR. 2) Able to create file, write bytes to a file, and read back from file. 3) Source code with instructions - to allow us to successfully replicate. 4) prefer HAL library compatibility. 5) Should include STM32C...driver for microSD connected via 4-bit SDIO to an STM32L4S5 processor. 1) Simple demo will compile and run on a STM32L4S5 processor with recent version IAR. 2) Able to create file, write bytes to a file, and read back from file. 3) Source code with instructions - to allow us to successfully replicate. 4) prefer HAL library compatibility. 5) Should include STM32CubeMX file (configured for HSI c...

$170 Average bid
$170 Średnia Oferta:
3 składanie ofert

Note:- i want this by today 11:00 or 12:00 'o' clock i will pay 1200 only if you instead in this price please bid. Connect Flutter WooCommerce with SMS alert SDK (OTP Login) I am looking for a solution for login on flutter woocommerce android App with existing customer to enable OTP based login We can look at two ways of solving the problem i.e Firebase or my current sms alert and OTP login Plugin used for the website ( Provide sdk for support as well) for OTP login.

$65 Average bid
$65 Średnia Oferta:
3 składanie ofert

if u experience with assembly i need your help

$23 Average bid
$23 Średnia Oferta:
4 składanie ofert
C++ simple project
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...Program is 407 lines long. It is the Intention Repeater MAX. It repeats your intention billions of times per second, and works with a Servitor to help manifest what you are intending into reality. The fix I need is that I am benchmarking how many iterations are in a second, and then using that # of iterations for each second. But processor speeds vary during runtime. So I can't get an exact clock. I want the timer to update every second as close as possible. The # of total iterations and frequency (iterations/second) are already in there. How can we do this without having to benchmark first? This is free, open-source on my gitHub: If you feel it's doing nothing just writing to a variable repeatedly, we

$30 Average bid
$30 Średnia Oferta:
4 składanie ofert

Note:- i want this by today 9:00 or 12:00 'o' clock i will pay 1k only if you instead in this price please bid. Connect Flutter WooCommerce with SMS alert SDK (OTP Login) I am looking for a solution for login on flutter woocommerce android App with existing customer to enable OTP based login We can look at two ways of solving the problem i.e Firebase or my current sms alert and OTP login Plugin used for the website ( Provide sdk for support as well) for OTP login.

$7 - $18
$7 - $18
0 składanie ofert 407 lines long. It is the Intention Repeater MAX. It repeats your intention billions of times per second, and works with a Servitor to help manifest what you are intending into reality. The fix I need is that I am benchmarking how many iterations are in a second, and then using that # of iterations for each second. But processor speeds vary during runtime. So I can't get an exact clock. I want the timer to update every second as close as possible. The # of total iterations and frequency (iterations/second) are already in there. How can we do this without having to benchmark first? This is free, open-source on my gitHub: If you feel it's doing nothing just writing to a variable repeatedly

$146 Average bid
$146 Średnia Oferta:
4 składanie ofert
Trophy icon 3D Rendering of a Kitchen Design
Zakończone left

I would like to have a 3D rendering of a kitchen designed. I would like it to be modern with elements of traditional African design. The 1st image is the colors the client wants. The countertop should be black. The second image is the actual space for the design. The 3r... The second image is the actual space for the design. The 3rd image is a hand sketch with dimensions. The next 2 images are some ideas of what can be incorporated in the kitchen - they will be modified to bring in the African cultural elements into the space. The hanging lamps could go above the kitchen nook. The last image is of some of our traditional patterns. They could go over part of the clock, hanging light, maybe a couple of drawers. It should include a small wine rack, glass rack, spice rack & a reci...

$100 Average bid
32 zgłoszenia

Note:- i want this by today 6:00 or 8:00 'o' clock i will pay 1k only if you instead in this price please bid. Connect Flutter WooCommerce with SMS alert SDK (OTP Login) I am looking for a solution for login on flutter woocommerce android App with existing customer to enable OTP based login We can look at two ways of solving the problem i.e Firebase or my current sms alert and OTP login Plugin used for the website ( Provide sdk for support as well) for OTP login.

$7 - $18
$7 - $18
0 składanie ofert

Note:- i want this by today 6:00 or 8:00 'o' clock i will pay 1k only if you instead in this price please bid. Connect Flutter WooCommerce with SMS alert SDK (OTP Login) I am looking for a solution for login on flutter woocommerce android App with existing customer to enable OTP based login We can look at two ways of solving the problem i.e Firebase or my current sms alert and OTP login Plugin used for the website ( Provide sdk for support as well) for OTP login.

$15 Average bid
$15 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Note:- i want this by today 6:00 or 8:00 'o' clock i will pay 1k only if you instead in this price please bid. Connect Flutter WooCommerce with SMS alert SDK (OTP Login) I am looking for a solution for login on flutter woocommerce android App with existing customer to enable OTP based login We can look at two ways of solving the problem i.e Firebase or my current sms alert and OTP login Plugin used for the website ( Provide sdk for support as well) for OTP login.

$7 Average bid
$7 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert

Note:- i want this by today 6:00 or 8:00 'o' clock i will pay 1k only if you instead in this price please bid. Connect Flutter WooCommerce with SMS alert SDK (OTP Login) I am looking for a solution for login on flutter woocommerce android App with existing customer to enable OTP based login We can look at two ways of solving the problem i.e Firebase or my current sms alert and OTP login Plugin used for the website ( Provide sdk for support as well) for OTP login.

$12 Average bid
$12 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert
Flutter project
Zakończone left

i want this by tommorro by morning 9:00 'o' clock i will pay 900 inr last Connect Flutter WooCommerce with SMS alert SDK (OTP Login) I am looking for a solution for login on flutter woocommerce android App with existing customer to enable OTP based login We can look at two ways of solving the problem i.e Firebase or my current sms alert and OTP login Plugin used for the website ( Provide sdk for support as well) for OTP login.

$128 Average bid
$128 Średnia Oferta:
1 składanie ofert
Flutter project -- 2
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i want this by today 9:00 'o' clock i will pay 800 last Connect Flutter WooCommerce with SMS alert SDK (OTP Login) I am looking for a solution for login on flutter woocommerce android App with existing customer to enable OTP based login We can look at two ways of solving the problem i.e Firebase or my current sms alert and OTP login Plugin used for the website ( Provide sdk for support as well) for OTP login.

$7 - $18
$7 - $18
0 składanie ofert
Flutter project
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i want this by tommorro 6:00 'o' clock i will pay 800 last Connect Flutter WooCommerce with SMS alert SDK (OTP Login) I am looking for a solution for login on flutter woocommerce android App with existing customer to enable OTP based login We can look at two ways of solving the problem i.e Firebase or my current sms alert and OTP login Plugin used for the website ( Provide sdk for support as well) for OTP login.

$11 Average bid
$11 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert
Sam software
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A school/staff management system that can check attendance by taking input from either bio or card swip and output text message to students parents phone or device when child clock in and out. Also to manage staff attendance

$405 Average bid
$405 Średnia Oferta:
7 składanie ofert
Create a 3D rendering
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We got 2 similar products and we need a 3D rendering for each one, of course we also need to get the source file. The products are two DMD clock, rectangle shape. One is LED surface, the other one is glass surface, both are metal frame. Please see the photos in attachment.

$158 Average bid
$158 Średnia Oferta:
48 składanie ofert
Proteus 8 MICRO Project
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I am building a simple 8086-based microprocessor system, and I need s...accessibility of the first byte, first two bytes, last byte and last two bytes of EACH of the chips. The RAM chips should be addressed at random addresses selected by YOU, DO NOT USE THE FIRST OR THE LAST BLOCKS of address space for this purpose, let your choice be random for each of the memory chips. The design should include a separate clock generator, you are expected to present the signals using Proteus’s Digital Analysis. Make sure you use an 8082A clock generator, avoid using the 8086’s internal generator. The project is fairly simple, and implementing it by someone who knows his work shouldn't take longer than a day or two. ONLY PAYING FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH, PLEASE DON'T NE...

$20 Average bid
$20 Średnia Oferta:
2 składanie ofert
Clock Game
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an overlay.... start game button - enter game game container area question number(js for loop) of 10 - title - exit button (modal button leave game or cancel) question area game information - Select correct time (hover over the (i)) - Look at the clocks time, Select the correct time from options a-d below and submit your answer. clock area static clock, random times generated. answer area 1 correct time from option a - d displayed 3 incorrect options displayed a - d submit button must have: needs to be clearly sectioned containered rowed col'd requirements - html, js, css use from css colours and font and part of the js is in there but not to be copied as not all functional if at all. needs to function on desktop, laptop, ta...

$177 Average bid
$177 Średnia Oferta:
18 składanie ofert