Archicad delhiprojekty
Szukam osoby do wykonywania serii modeli do archicad, posidam już inne modele, do nowych należy przeżucić menu i je podłączyć. Zlecenia stałe dla osoby w temacie, obiekty proste w swojej funkcji Wymagania: -własna komercyjna wersja archicad (podaj nr klucza do sprawdzenia) -polska faktura vat
Szukam specjalisty od ArchiCAD-a, którego zlecenie będzie polegało na implementacji gotowych danych inwentarzowych w programie. - Dane są już w formacie cyfrowym, więc cały proces powinien przebiegać sprawnie. - Idealnym byłby kandydat, który ma doświadczenie w pracy zarówno z inwentaryzacją, jak i z samym ArchiCAD-em. - Konieczne jest dogłębne zrozumienie struktury danych przy ich wbijaniu do programu, aby zapewnić precyzyjność i dokładność. Szukam osoby, która potrafi szybko i efektywnie realizować powierzone jej zadania, nie tracąc przy tym na jakości końcowego produktu. Jeżeli masz doświadczenie w pracy z ArchiCAD-em i inwentaryzacją, czekam na Twoją ofertę. Warunki konieczne: -własna komercyjna wersja archicad (musisz podać n...
Witam, poszukuje modelarza znającego program Archicad, mam stałe zlecenie wykonania modeli domów jednorodzinnych w archicad. Płacę od razu po akceptacji modelu. Ile płacę? 110-150zł za model w zależności od skomplikowania. Mało? W ciągu miesiąca zlecam od 8 do nawet 30 modeli na dzień dzisiejszy. Czas wykonania jest dla mnie bardzo ważny. NIe w tygodniach a w dniach. Modele z przeznaczeniem pod wizualizację zewnętrzną, a więc środek to tylko zaznaczenie ściany/stropu. CO w zakresie? Ściany, tarasy, lampy, okna, drzwi, daszki, dachy, rynny, rury spustowe, słowem to co na zewnątrz plus kawałek jakiegoś terenu na którym to ma stać. Praca na bibliotekach z archicada, nic dodatkowego. Tylko polscy wykonawcy, mówiący i rozumiejący po polsku, znający polskie...
Szukam modelera w programie archicad, najlepiej wersja 23 w góre, b2b, do wykonania proste modele budynków bez wnętrz: ?Ściany z oknami i drzwiami ?Stropy międzykondygnacyjne tylko żeby były ?Dach ze świetlikami, rynnami i rurami spustowymi ?Ściany wewnętrzne tylko zaznaczone że są ,mniej więcej jak na projekcie, ale tylko mniej więcej ?Jeśli są np betonowe pergole to też ?Jeśli jest wrysowany taras, zaznaczyć go stropem ?Fundament tylko to co nad ziemią ☃️Bez lamp ☃️Bez ozdób które widać na załącznikach Modele na podstawie przesłanych projektów. Ważny jest dla mnie czas wykonania czyli ok 3-5 dni Oferuje 25usd za model. TYLKO ARCHICAD , ONLY ARCHICAD
Zlece wykonanie prostych modeli w archicad 26, są.to bryły domów wg przesłanej dokumentacji rysunkowej: rzuty, przekroje, elewacje, pzt. Szczegółowość jak w załącznikach ale bez drewna i drugiego koloru,.bez dachówki ale z dachem. Wykonany przez Ciebie model ma być bazą do dalszych prac. Złóż oferte jeśli masz robić i jak, jeśli sie uczysz archicada,.dziękuję. Priorytetowy element zlecenia: modele muszą być wykonane na legalnym oprogramowaniu. Możesz się wylegitymować oryginalną.komercyjną kicencją?
Szukam osoby do rysunków: -układ funkcionalny -instalacje wod-kan i elek -kolorystyka ścian -podził podółg -sufity podwieszane -rozrysowanie łazienki -rozrysowanie kuchni -ewentualnie rozrysowanie innych mebli na wymiar -kosztorys z aktualnymi i lokalnymi produktami -ewentualne zmiany -rysowanie wg. schematu -ARCHICAD -MOŻE BYĆ ZDALNIE
Poszukujemy do stałej współpracy osoby która będzie modelować elementy architektoniczne na podstawie rysunków 2D w Archicad, Autodesk Revit lub innym narzędziu. Nie jest wymagana jakakolwiek wiedza architektoniczna, tylko samo wyczucie przestrzeni. Średni miesięczny budżet na tego typu prace szacujemy na poziomie 5000 zł. Konieczne będzie wdrożenie Ciebie w nasz proces, oraz dobre praktyki i reguły modelowania.
Szukam osób do nagrywania kursów wideo. Stała współpraca. Proszę o paro minutowe próbki wideo żeby usłyszeć głos oraz ocenić znajomość tematu. Proszę o cenę dla 1 godziny materiału. Poniżej lista tematów przykładowych: ( jeśli jesteś dobry w czymś innym, napisz inventor cad kuchnie archicad revit auto cad
Szukam osoby, która wykonałaby około 50 lamp do zastosowania przy projektowaniu budynków, Archicad i podobne programy. Lampy można oglądnąć w Salonie Firmowym w Krakowie, Galeria Bronowice. Lampy można zobaczyć również na / Lamp jest generalnie więcej, i będzie jeszcze więcej - więc pracy sporo. Zainteresowanych proszę o oferty (od sztuki, za całość)
...współpraca: Po prawidłowo zrealizowanym zlecenie możliwość nawiązania stałej współpracy. W zanadrzu szykuje się składanie średnio 4 katalogów domów gotowych (Nasz drugi rozwijany obecnie biznes) w roku, wraz z materiałami reklamowymi na potrzeby targów budowlanych (ulotki, roll-up, plakaty, foldery). Mile widziane umiejętności robienia profesjonalnych wizualizacji domów budowanych w AutoCad, ArchiCad, wykańczanych w Photoshop i 3DMax. Jednocześnie będziemy chcieli zlecić zrobienie portalu (dodawanie news, pod stron, forum, sklep internetowy z projektami domów) - od strony informatycznej i graficznej. Generalnie to zlecenie jest tylko testem dla dalszej długotrwałej obopólnej współpracy. Możliwość zatrudnienia na umo...
Poszukuję osoby, która napisze prosty program w Delphi albo w Javie, do zliczania czasu przerw pracowników (zliczanie czasu po kliknięciu przycisku Przerwa), który jest w stanie badać akcje w skype (połączenie, czas trwania rozmowy) oraz blokować strony www. Program powinien łączyć się z baza danych MySQL na serwerze w Internecie aby zapisywać przerwy w bazie. Szczegółową specyfikację prześlę na email.
Zlecę wykonanie prostej wizualizacji w programie ArchiCAD lub podobnym. Do wykonania elewacje + rzuty + 3d. gg:817939
Witam, Poszukujemy osoby, która podejmie się konwersji wcześniej przygotowanych przez nas modeli 3D do formatów dla architektów (Arcon, Autocad 2D + 3D, Archicad). Pliki przygotowane będą w formacie 3dsmax 2010 lub .3ds . Modeli będzie >50 , w późniejszym okresie kolejne modele. Odpowiadamy na wybrane oferty Pozdrawiam i zapraszam do składania ofert
Witam, poszukuje osoby ktora bylaby w stanie nauczyc mnie w szybkim tempie podstaw programu ArchiCad - obsluga na OSX !! ArchiCad 14 + Artlantis. Przerysowywanie rzutów budynków (import bibliotek) + aranzacja pomieszczen wewnetrznych + wizualizacja w Artlantis. (prawdopodobnie w gre wchodzi tez przeinstalowanie calego programu, chyba nie posiadam wszystkich funkcji...) Sprawa jest bardzo pilna. Szukam osob z okolic Katowic (Sosnowca) - oferty z dojazdem lub bez.
Mam prosty domek (typu kontener działkowy) wyrenderowany w ArchiCAD-zie, zadanie polega na wkomponowaniu go w zdjęcie tła. Czyli mając plik domku i .jpg tła; ustawić odpowiednio domek i dobrać światło w ArchiCAD, następnie obróbka 2D - osadzić domek w terenie i dopracować grunt (kształt terenu pod domek, dodanie chodnika) otrzymując wynik jako .jpg Tutaj przykład dobrego wyniku podobnego zadania W sumie 3 takie operacje dla różnych ustawień domku/tła. Później możliwe kolejne, podobne zlecenia. Bardzo proszę podawać koszt
Witam serdecznie. Poszukuje pomocy w przetłumaczeniu programu z Delphi na PHP. Program ma za zadanie wczytać z bazy danych odpowiednie dane, przetworzyć je przy pomocy algorytmu (posiadam owy algorytm w Delphi) i wyeksportować wynik do pliku tekstowego. Aplikacja przykładowa w Delhi pobiera dane z pliku tekstowego. W Delphi program posiada około 480 linijek kodu. Mile widziany będzie też opis jak działa program - sposób liczenia.
Witam, zlecenia polega na skonstruowaniu w programie ArchiCad, domku na wzór tego umieszczonego na obrazku poniżej. Jest to projekt studencki, także głównym kryterium wyboru będzie najprawdopodobniej cena. Chodzi jedynie o zewnętrzną formę, bez wyposażenia ani jakichkolwiek wnętrz. Również otoczenie, jakakolwiek roślinność jest zbędna. Jak więc widać praca nie jest wymagająca. Proszę o nieumieszczenie ofert "do negocjacji" Wymiary są dowolne, byle zachować proporcje.
Zadanie polega na umeblowaniu gotowego wnętrza mieszkania w programie ArchiCad. Plan znajduję się tutaj: Praca nie jest wymagająca i z pewnością nie zajmie wiele czasu. Proszę tylko o konkretne oferty!
Zadanie polega na umeblowaniu gotowego wnętrza mieszkania w programie ArchiCad. Plan znajduję się tutaj:
Poszukuje jednej osoby na stanowisko Architekt Informix/Delhi Osoba ta będzie odpowiedzialna za rozwój systemu napisanego w Informix i Delhi Jest pomysł przeniesienia rozwiązania na platformę DB2. - Trzeba będzie się wykazać samodzielnością i doświadczenie w wyżej opisanych technologiach Praca w Warszawie
Looking for a Skilled YouTube Video Editor for a Delhi to Ladakh Road Trip Series! Are you a passionate and detail-oriented video editor with a knack for creating engaging travel content? I'm looking for a freelancer to edit the remaining 9 episodes of my Delhi to Ladakh road trip motovlog series. Project Overview: Content: Motovlog of a road trip from Delhi to Ladakh and back. Source Footage: 3-5 hours of footage per episode, single camera angle. Final Video Length: Approximately 20 minutes per episode. Audio: Integrated with the video, no separate audio editing required. Editing Style: Highlight the main portions of the road journey. Utilize timelapses and strategic cuts to keep the pace engaging. Emphasize funny moments and speaking segments. Maintain the cu...
...(opt-in location sharing).{I don't have the api keys for it yet. Show that it is coming soon ] Connection Workflow Send friend requests or direct messages. "Mutual Connections" shown on profiles. 5. Discussion Forums Public Groups Topics: General, Cultural Heritage, Religious Discussions. Features: Polls, emoji reactions, threaded replies. Private Groups Use Cases: Local chapters (e.g., "Delhi Abbasis"). Professional networks (e.g., "Abbasi Doctors"). Moderation: Admins approve members. 6. Help Hub Request Assistance Categories: Financial, Medical, Education. Form: Upload documents (e.g., medical bills) for verification. Donation & Support Transparency: Track donations (e.g., "₹10,000 raised for Ahmed’s surgery")....
Join Our Team at Eviva Tour Vietnam Requirements - Fluent in Indian languages with excellent communication skills. - Residing in New Delhi or Mumbai. - University students are welcome to apply. Job Details - Part-time, 2 hours/day, 10 hours/week. - Sales calls and client engagement. If you’re passionate about travel and connecting with people, we’d love to hear from you! #EvivaTourVietnam #SalesRecruitment #PartTimeSales #IndianSalesRepresentative
I need assistance with an Archicad .pln file that needs to be split into five documents. Each document should zoom into the master plan and include a key like the master document. Requirements: - Splitting the provided Archicad file into 5 documents, each focusing on a zoomed area of the master plan - Each document needs to be A4 size output in PDF, with the orientation (landscape or portrait) determined based on what works best - Tidying and aligning street names, building names, landmarks, keys and symbols within each document to make them cleaner - Including a border for each zoomed area - Retaining existing scales - Each document should include a key and should be as close up as possible - Each file should be close up with a key that is in the corner The ide...
I'm reaching out to find a professional sales support specialist to aid in the sales for a solar power plant in NCR Delhi. The purpose of this plant is to cater to both commercial energy production and residential energy supply, so the ideal candidate should have experience in targeting these segments. Key Responsibilities: - Lead Generation: Identify potential buyers in commercial businesses, residential homeowners and government entities. - Customer Outreach: Initiate contact with potential customers and promote the benefits of solar energy. - Lead Closure: Convert leads into sales through effective communication and persuasive skills. Ideal Skills: - Previous experience in sales, particularly in the renewable energy sector, would be a big plus. - Excellent communication an...
I'm Ramesh from Delhi, India, seeking a night shift female assistant for my massage products business. Freshers are welcome, and nationality is not a barrier. Key responsibilities include handling client inquiries, demonstrating products over video calls, and managing appointments and schedules. Qualities I'm looking for: - Good communication skills: You'll need to interact with clients and demonstrate products, so being able to clearly convey information is essential. - Flexibility in working hours: This is a night shift role, and sometimes you may need to adjust your schedule to accommodate client needs. Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience, and will be given right for the right person.
I'm seeking a skilled videographer for an upcoming exhibition on March 6th in delhi. The job involves filming for 2.5 hours, capturing a variety of shots including crowd interactions, speakers, and exhibition displays. Key Responsibilities: - Recording high-quality footage in Ultra HD (4K) - Editing 35 clips post-event Ideal Candidate: - Experienced with corporate videography - Flexible and able to adapt to team requirements - Able to deliver professional editing Perks: - Potential for a long-term B2B partnership - Opportunities for future corporate catchups and exhibitions Please respond with your portfolio, specifically any similar corporate work.
I need to create a website in shopify / wordpress such that i get I need the website like this one 99% the same rest i will guide you , we have to work on this. In the above URL there are multiple cities , but i need 3 cities only pune , mumbai , delhi . I need the categories to be mostly same like in above website , rest we will discuss . I need the website to be responsive.
I'm looking for a talented video editor to create Instagram ads for our real estate projects, focusing on area highlights and amenities...for property walkthroughs - Incorporating our company logo and colors, and contact information into the videos An understanding of the real estate market in Delhi NCR, India, is highly desirable. This knowledge will help you to effectively highlight the unique selling points of our properties and their locations. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in video editing software (e.g. Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Previous experience in real estate video editing is a plus - Familiarity with Instagram's video specifications and advertising guidelines - Understanding of the luxurious and elegant aesthetic - Knowledge of Delhi...
I'm seeking a skilled photographer based in Delhi, NCR to capture customer interactions at my cafe and shop. Key Responsibilities: - Photograph customer interactions in a candid and engaging manner - Deliver high-quality images suitable for testimonial and promotional use - Capture the daily activities and atmosphere of the cafe and shop Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in event and portrait photography - Excellent at capturing candid moments - Experienced in documenting daily routines - Able to deliver high-quality images on time
I'm looking for a skilled React Native developer to help me update my existing iOS and Android app. The app needs some refreshing in the following areas: - **User Interface Design**: The current UI needs a modern touch. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in UI/UX to enhance the overall user experience. - **New Features**: We want to keep our users engaged, so the addition of new, exciting features is a must. An innovative mindset would be a plus. - **Performance Improvements**: The app's speed and responsiveness need to be optimized. The developer should have experience in improving app performance. The scope of this project is quite vast, so the ideal freelancer should be well-versed in React Native, have a keen eye for design, and be able to think creatively ...
I'm looking for an experienced accountant to join our CA firm in East Delhi. The ideal candidate should have a strong knowledge of GST, TDS, and income tax. Key Responsibilities: - Proficient use of Tally for all accounting tasks - GST filing - TDS calculation - Income tax return filing - Assisting with audit processes The right candidate for this role will: - Have previous experience in accounting roles - Be knowledgeable about GST, TDS, and income tax - Be proficient in Tally - Be able to assist with audit processes - Be detail-oriented and able to meet deadlines.
We need a floor plan of an apartment in ArchiCad. The apartment has one floor and an attic. Both are to be drawn. As this is the upper floor, there are also sloping ceilings. What we can supply are floor plans as scans. However, some of these are difficult to read. However, we can of course measure each wall to the millimeter if you have any queries. We can also provide all angles, such as those of the sloping roof. We can also provide photos of the interior and exterior. The aim should be to obtain a 3D view in which we can then draw or place both the electrics and furniture. retrieving specific FIRs from the Delhi and Punjab police. I need the FIRs submitted to Delhi and Punjab police by the US Embassy, which are referred to in this article: The FIRs relate to: Red Leaf Immigration Private Limited, Overseas Partner Education Consultants, and Infowiz Software Solution. They should be available on the police websites. The relevant extract from the article is: "As per reports, ED started this investigation on the basis of FIRs registered by the Punjab Police and Delhi Police. The FIRs were registered on the complaint of the Overseas Criminal Investigations Office of the US Embassy, New Delhi." Ideal Skills and Experience: - Familiarity
...conversion from leads to orders. ? Revenue Target: Achieve monthly/quarterly revenue goals based on agreed sales forecasts. ? Follow-Ups & Engagements: Minimum 60-80 customer interactions per month via calls, emails, and virtual meetings. ? Pipeline Management: Ensure at least 20-25 active deals in the sales pipeline at any time. Preferred Region: ? India – Targeting key industrial hubs such as Delhi-NCR, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, and Coimbatore. Requirements: ✔️ Education: B.E. / in Electronics, Electrical, Instrumentation, Telecommunications, or Computer Science Engineering. ✔️ Experience: 2+ years in B2B sales of Industrial Networking, Edge Computing, Industry 4.0, and SD-WAN solutions. ✔️ Strong communication, negotiation, and relati...
I'm looking for a creative and motivated social media content creator/manager/intern from the Delhi NCR region. The initial engagement will be for 1-3 months, with a high probability of extension based on performance. Please provide your monthly bid. Q. how skilled you are at creating (not necessary editing) reels/shorts Q. Vlogging or podcasting? Q. Define a sample achievable target criteria
I'm seeking a full-time virt...your success will be measured based on the number of accounts you convert. Key Responsibilities: - Call potential clients and pitch them on the benefits of opening a demat account - Use your sales skills to convert calls into successful account openings - Provide support to customers during their account setup process Ideal Candidate: - Located in West Bengal, Maharashtra, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh or Madhya Pradesh - Has previous telecalling experience in the financial sector - Demonstrates a strong knowledge of trading and demat accounts - Proven track record in sales conversion - Exceptional communication skills Your experience and skills will greatly contribute to the success of this project. I look forward to rece...
Please quote for the production of architectural construction drawings for alterations and additions to an existing terrace house, using ArchiCAD 21. Refer to the attached schedule of drawings that need to be completed. Please find attached: - an example of the benchmark drawing and detailing that is required, project 1717 - current set of plans, elevations + 1 x section for this project 2342 - cover page w/ breakdown of the staged drawings required Once the job is assigned, further details, architectural drawings + structural drawings will be provided to assist. Note a .pla file of ArchiCAD 21 will be provided for you to work for all the drawings. Payments will be processed over 5 milestones with a submission and review at each stage: Milestone 1 – 75% of six sect...
I'm seeking a Google Ads professional who specializes in Search Ads and has experience targeting multiple cities in India, both metro and tier 2 cities, on a low budget. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement a cost-effective Google Search Ads campaign aimed at boosting online sales. - Target a diverse range of locations, from major metro cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore to tier 2 cities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record with low budget Google Ads campaigns. - In-depth knowledge of Search Ads and Google Ads platform. - Experience targeting various cities across India. - Ability to strategize ad placements to effectively increase online sales.
I am looking for an Archicad professional with extensive experience in a variety of tasks such as 3D modeling, drafting and documentation, and rendering and visualization.
I need an expert in ArchiCAD to create a model and corresponding sheets for a single storey building on a sloped site, based on a completed design in Autocad. The sheets required include: - Floorplan - Site Plan - Roof Plan - Elevations - Window Schedule You'll need to provide ArchiCAD templates to match the sheets in Autocad. The level of detail expected in the ArchiCAD model is basic massing and structure. The sheets should highlight architectural features, rather than structural elements. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency in ArchiCAD and Autocad - Experience with architectural modelling - Understanding of constructing detailed architectural sheets
I'm looking for a seasoned Location Manager based in Delhi / NCR, India, with over 5 years of experience specifically working for online ad films. This professional will be critical in scouting suitable filming locations, managing permits and permissions, as well as arranging the necessary logistics. Essential Responsibilities: - Scouting locations: Identifying and proposing potential filming sites that meet the creative and practical needs of our online ad productions. - Managing permits and permissions: Ensuring all necessary filming permits and permissions are obtained in a timely manner to avoid production delays. - Arranging logistics: Coordinating the transport of crew and equipment to and from filming locations, as well as ensuring locations are properly prepared for sh...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to conduct field sales visits with the objective of generating leads in the industrial sector. Your primary tasks will include: - Conducting in-person meetings: Engaging with potential clients face-to-face to establish relationships and uncover opportunities. - Delivering product presentations: Showcasing our products to prospective leads and demonstrating their value and relevance to the industrial sector. - Attending networking events: Representing our company at industry-related events to connect with potential clients and partners. Ideal candidates for this project should have significant experience in B2B sales, particularly within the industrial industry. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are a must, as is the ability to e...
I'm seeking a Delhi NCR based environmental consultancy expert for initial air quality clearance for an industrial plant. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive pollution/environment clearance consultancy focused on air quality - Expertise in assessments for industrial plants - Familiarity with Delhi NCR regulations and compliance requirements - Strong communication skills for clear updates and recommendations - Capacity for proactive problem-solving Your Role: - Conduct initial assessments - Provide guidance for necessary compliance measures - Assist in the final approval process Ideal Experience: - Prior consultancy experience in environmental clearances - Proven track record with industrial plants - Strong understanding of air quality standards in India - Ex...
Content Writer | SEO & Engaging Copy Expert I am a skilled Content Writer with experience in creating engaging, well-researched, and SEO-optimized content for various industries. My writing is tailored to attract, inform, and convert readers. What I Offer: ✔ Blog & Article Writing – High-quality, researched, and engaging content on any topic. ✔ SEO Content – Optimized articles with the right keywords to boost rankings. ✔ Website Content – Clear and compelling text for landing pages, service pages, and more. ✔ Product Descriptions – Persuasive and detailed descriptions that drive sales. ✔ Proofreading & Editing – Refining content to ensure clarity, grammar accuracy, and professionalism. I am committed to delivering high-quality content that meets ...
This requirement is in Delhi, India. I am seeking a skilled biographer, personal historian, or oral storyteller to capture the rich life experiences of an 80-year-old individual. This project involves conducting in-depth interviews, collecting personal anecdotes, and crafting a compelling narrative that reflects their unique journey in a book format. The ideal candidate should have a passion for storytelling and a strong ability to connect with people. If you are dedicated to preserving legacies through written words, we want to hear from you. Top Qualities We’re Looking For: - Empathy & Listening Skills: Ability to connect with an elderly subject and make her comfortable. - Storytelling Talent: Can turn raw interviews into a compelling, engaging narrative. - Writing &am...
Convert PDF Apartment Layout to Archicad 26.
I’m a Principal Software Engineer from IIT Delhi, currently working at a top MNC. I’m on the lookout for a sales partner with a robust network among university students studying computer science in Asia. My aim is to sell my Data Structures and Algorithms live course, which is incredibly beneficial for students preparing for job placements for top Tier companies such as Amazon, Google, Meta, Adobe etc. Key Responsibilities of the Sales Partner: - **Online Promotions**: Leverage various internet platforms to reach potential customers. - **Campus Outreach**: Directly connect with students through university channels. - **Network Referrals**: Utilize personal and professional networks for referrals. Preferred Platforms for Online Promotions: - **Social Media**: Use popul...
I'm seeking an experienced Archicad professional to create a comprehensive architectural model. The model should be detailed and encompass both exterior and interior features. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with Archicad - Strong understanding of architectural design - Ability to create detailed, precise models - Experience modelling both exterior and interior features Please include examples of similar projects you've successfully completed in your bid.
...magazine focuses on recognizing remarkable leaders and empowering them to create a distinctive edge in the competitive business world. Insights Business Magazine publishes articles covering a wide range of topics including startup ideas, finance, marketing, technology, and more. Role Description This is a full-time on-site role for an Editor in Chief at Insights Business Magazine located in Delhi, India. The Editor in Chief will be responsible for overseeing the editorial content, managing a team of writers, ensuring the quality and consistency of articles, and setting the editorial tone and direction for the magazine. Qualifications Experience in editorial management and content creation Strong leadership and team management skills Excellent communication and writing ski...