Archicad delhiprojekty
Szukam osoby do wykonywania serii modeli do archicad, posidam już inne modele, do nowych należy przeżucić menu i je podłączyć. Zlecenia stałe dla osoby w temacie, obiekty proste w swojej funkcji Wymagania: -własna komercyjna wersja archicad (podaj nr klucza do sprawdzenia) -polska faktura vat
Szukam specjalisty od ArchiCAD-a, którego zlecenie będzie polegało na implementacji gotowych danych inwentarzowych w programie. - Dane są już w formacie cyfrowym, więc cały proces powinien przebiegać sprawnie. - Idealnym byłby kandydat, który ma doświadczenie w pracy zarówno z inwentaryzacją, jak i z samym ArchiCAD-em. - Konieczne jest dogłębne zrozumienie struktury danych przy ich wbijaniu do programu, aby zapewnić precyzyjność i dokładność. Szukam osoby, która potrafi szybko i efektywnie realizować powierzone jej zadania, nie tracąc przy tym na jakości końcowego produktu. Jeżeli masz doświadczenie w pracy z ArchiCAD-em i inwentaryzacją, czekam na Twoją ofertę. Warunki konieczne: -własna komercyjna wersja archicad (musisz podać n...
Witam, poszukuje modelarza znającego program Archicad, mam stałe zlecenie wykonania modeli domów jednorodzinnych w archicad. Płacę od razu po akceptacji modelu. Ile płacę? 110-150zł za model w zależności od skomplikowania. Mało? W ciągu miesiąca zlecam od 8 do nawet 30 modeli na dzień dzisiejszy. Czas wykonania jest dla mnie bardzo ważny. NIe w tygodniach a w dniach. Modele z przeznaczeniem pod wizualizację zewnętrzną, a więc środek to tylko zaznaczenie ściany/stropu. CO w zakresie? Ściany, tarasy, lampy, okna, drzwi, daszki, dachy, rynny, rury spustowe, słowem to co na zewnątrz plus kawałek jakiegoś terenu na którym to ma stać. Praca na bibliotekach z archicada, nic dodatkowego. Tylko polscy wykonawcy, mówiący i rozumiejący po polsku, znający polskie...
Szukam modelera w programie archicad, najlepiej wersja 23 w góre, b2b, do wykonania proste modele budynków bez wnętrz: ?Ściany z oknami i drzwiami ?Stropy międzykondygnacyjne tylko żeby były ?Dach ze świetlikami, rynnami i rurami spustowymi ?Ściany wewnętrzne tylko zaznaczone że są ,mniej więcej jak na projekcie, ale tylko mniej więcej ?Jeśli są np betonowe pergole to też ?Jeśli jest wrysowany taras, zaznaczyć go stropem ?Fundament tylko to co nad ziemią ☃️Bez lamp ☃️Bez ozdób które widać na załącznikach Modele na podstawie przesłanych projektów. Ważny jest dla mnie czas wykonania czyli ok 3-5 dni Oferuje 25usd za model. TYLKO ARCHICAD , ONLY ARCHICAD
Zlece wykonanie prostych modeli w archicad 26, są.to bryły domów wg przesłanej dokumentacji rysunkowej: rzuty, przekroje, elewacje, pzt. Szczegółowość jak w załącznikach ale bez drewna i drugiego koloru,.bez dachówki ale z dachem. Wykonany przez Ciebie model ma być bazą do dalszych prac. Złóż oferte jeśli masz robić i jak, jeśli sie uczysz archicada,.dziękuję. Priorytetowy element zlecenia: modele muszą być wykonane na legalnym oprogramowaniu. Możesz się wylegitymować oryginalną.komercyjną kicencją?
Szukam osoby do rysunków: -układ funkcionalny -instalacje wod-kan i elek -kolorystyka ścian -podził podółg -sufity podwieszane -rozrysowanie łazienki -rozrysowanie kuchni -ewentualnie rozrysowanie innych mebli na wymiar -kosztorys z aktualnymi i lokalnymi produktami -ewentualne zmiany -rysowanie wg. schematu -ARCHICAD -MOŻE BYĆ ZDALNIE
Poszukujemy do stałej współpracy osoby która będzie modelować elementy architektoniczne na podstawie rysunków 2D w Archicad, Autodesk Revit lub innym narzędziu. Nie jest wymagana jakakolwiek wiedza architektoniczna, tylko samo wyczucie przestrzeni. Średni miesięczny budżet na tego typu prace szacujemy na poziomie 5000 zł. Konieczne będzie wdrożenie Ciebie w nasz proces, oraz dobre praktyki i reguły modelowania.
Szukam osób do nagrywania kursów wideo. Stała współpraca. Proszę o paro minutowe próbki wideo żeby usłyszeć głos oraz ocenić znajomość tematu. Proszę o cenę dla 1 godziny materiału. Poniżej lista tematów przykładowych: ( jeśli jesteś dobry w czymś innym, napisz inventor cad kuchnie archicad revit auto cad
Szukam osoby, która wykonałaby około 50 lamp do zastosowania przy projektowaniu budynków, Archicad i podobne programy. Lampy można oglądnąć w Salonie Firmowym w Krakowie, Galeria Bronowice. Lampy można zobaczyć również na / Lamp jest generalnie więcej, i będzie jeszcze więcej - więc pracy sporo. Zainteresowanych proszę o oferty (od sztuki, za całość)
...współpraca: Po prawidłowo zrealizowanym zlecenie możliwość nawiązania stałej współpracy. W zanadrzu szykuje się składanie średnio 4 katalogów domów gotowych (Nasz drugi rozwijany obecnie biznes) w roku, wraz z materiałami reklamowymi na potrzeby targów budowlanych (ulotki, roll-up, plakaty, foldery). Mile widziane umiejętności robienia profesjonalnych wizualizacji domów budowanych w AutoCad, ArchiCad, wykańczanych w Photoshop i 3DMax. Jednocześnie będziemy chcieli zlecić zrobienie portalu (dodawanie news, pod stron, forum, sklep internetowy z projektami domów) - od strony informatycznej i graficznej. Generalnie to zlecenie jest tylko testem dla dalszej długotrwałej obopólnej współpracy. Możliwość zatrudnienia na umo...
Poszukuję osoby, która napisze prosty program w Delphi albo w Javie, do zliczania czasu przerw pracowników (zliczanie czasu po kliknięciu przycisku Przerwa), który jest w stanie badać akcje w skype (połączenie, czas trwania rozmowy) oraz blokować strony www. Program powinien łączyć się z baza danych MySQL na serwerze w Internecie aby zapisywać przerwy w bazie. Szczegółową specyfikację prześlę na email.
Zlecę wykonanie prostej wizualizacji w programie ArchiCAD lub podobnym. Do wykonania elewacje + rzuty + 3d. gg:817939
Witam, Poszukujemy osoby, która podejmie się konwersji wcześniej przygotowanych przez nas modeli 3D do formatów dla architektów (Arcon, Autocad 2D + 3D, Archicad). Pliki przygotowane będą w formacie 3dsmax 2010 lub .3ds . Modeli będzie >50 , w późniejszym okresie kolejne modele. Odpowiadamy na wybrane oferty Pozdrawiam i zapraszam do składania ofert
Witam, poszukuje osoby ktora bylaby w stanie nauczyc mnie w szybkim tempie podstaw programu ArchiCad - obsluga na OSX !! ArchiCad 14 + Artlantis. Przerysowywanie rzutów budynków (import bibliotek) + aranzacja pomieszczen wewnetrznych + wizualizacja w Artlantis. (prawdopodobnie w gre wchodzi tez przeinstalowanie calego programu, chyba nie posiadam wszystkich funkcji...) Sprawa jest bardzo pilna. Szukam osob z okolic Katowic (Sosnowca) - oferty z dojazdem lub bez.
Mam prosty domek (typu kontener działkowy) wyrenderowany w ArchiCAD-zie, zadanie polega na wkomponowaniu go w zdjęcie tła. Czyli mając plik domku i .jpg tła; ustawić odpowiednio domek i dobrać światło w ArchiCAD, następnie obróbka 2D - osadzić domek w terenie i dopracować grunt (kształt terenu pod domek, dodanie chodnika) otrzymując wynik jako .jpg Tutaj przykład dobrego wyniku podobnego zadania W sumie 3 takie operacje dla różnych ustawień domku/tła. Później możliwe kolejne, podobne zlecenia. Bardzo proszę podawać koszt
Witam serdecznie. Poszukuje pomocy w przetłumaczeniu programu z Delphi na PHP. Program ma za zadanie wczytać z bazy danych odpowiednie dane, przetworzyć je przy pomocy algorytmu (posiadam owy algorytm w Delphi) i wyeksportować wynik do pliku tekstowego. Aplikacja przykładowa w Delhi pobiera dane z pliku tekstowego. W Delphi program posiada około 480 linijek kodu. Mile widziany będzie też opis jak działa program - sposób liczenia.
Witam, zlecenia polega na skonstruowaniu w programie ArchiCad, domku na wzór tego umieszczonego na obrazku poniżej. Jest to projekt studencki, także głównym kryterium wyboru będzie najprawdopodobniej cena. Chodzi jedynie o zewnętrzną formę, bez wyposażenia ani jakichkolwiek wnętrz. Również otoczenie, jakakolwiek roślinność jest zbędna. Jak więc widać praca nie jest wymagająca. Proszę o nieumieszczenie ofert "do negocjacji" Wymiary są dowolne, byle zachować proporcje.
Zadanie polega na umeblowaniu gotowego wnętrza mieszkania w programie ArchiCad. Plan znajduję się tutaj: Praca nie jest wymagająca i z pewnością nie zajmie wiele czasu. Proszę tylko o konkretne oferty!
Zadanie polega na umeblowaniu gotowego wnętrza mieszkania w programie ArchiCad. Plan znajduję się tutaj:
Poszukuje jednej osoby na stanowisko Architekt Informix/Delhi Osoba ta będzie odpowiedzialna za rozwój systemu napisanego w Informix i Delhi Jest pomysł przeniesienia rozwiązania na platformę DB2. - Trzeba będzie się wykazać samodzielnością i doświadczenie w wyżej opisanych technologiach Praca w Warszawie
I'm looking for a freelancer who can physically source a specific type of rope from Sadar Bazaar in Delhi. The person should be physically located nearby in Delhi and able to explore the market to find the item.
I'm seeking an SEO expert to enhance the performance of my website, My current metrics are 8,000 impressions and 20 clicks per month. I aim to reach 50,000 impressions and 200 clicks monthly. Clicks & ...a key strategy for backlink acquisition. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in SEO with a focus on backlink building. - Experience with guest blogging and securing high-quality backlinks. - Familiarity with the cake or online delivery industry would be a plus. Keywords to Target: - birthday cake - online birthday cake - online cake delivery in delhi - online cake delivery in Noida - wedding cake delivery in Delhi - Valentine day cake online - online cake I need a professional who can efficiently boost my site's visibility ...
We are looking for a C++ developper capable of creating an addon for our architecture software Archicad using the public API (). We want to find a reliable partner for a first addon development that could open the gate for multiple addons, including maintenance and updates for each new Archicad version. The scope of the first mission is quite simple : Create an Archicad "pallette" (a small interface window with specific functions) dedicate to live layer manipulations (hide/show/select layer elements/...). The exact functionalities needed and a graphical layout will be given to the developer. The addon must be developed for Archicad 27 and 28 for Mac. A Windows version will also be needed once the Mac version is fully working and validated. Once
I have a small food outlet in New Delhi. I am looking for someone who has good experience in the food industry. Please apply if you can : - Help me with growth strategy and sales - Do or assist in Corporate Tie-ups - Help me get more customers - Increase sales online via aggregators such as Zomato etc. This project requires: - Extensive experience in the food industry - Good negotiation and communication skills Thank you
Hello, we are startup, a startup in Delhi. We have an urgent need to upgrade our web platforms, we have prototypes/db and whole workflow mapped out. We need help on 3 components: 1. We are currently finishing our website - we are struggling with layout shifts - this is the quickest and most urgent job. Currently 1 API call sends leads to ZOHO - this will need to be replaced by an API call to our in house CRM. 2. We need help finishing/building our in house CRM, ZOHO is overkill for our needs, we are building a (KISS) CRM optimised on our lead flow: we have no products and no customers, it is very straightforward 3. We need help reimplementing/upgrading our bidding platform - the actual prototype was built around ZOHO - which is a real pain - as we switch to a in house CRM, we'l...
I'm looking for a professional and corporate styled Facebook ad campaign to generate leads for our website development and mobile application development services. Targeting major tech hubs like Bengaluru and Delhi NCR, your task will be to: - Create compelling ads that highlight our web and mobile app development capabilities - Utilize a professional and corporate visual style - Drive potential leads to our services Ideal skills include: - Experience in digital marketing, particularly Facebook ads - Understanding of the tech industry in India - Ability to create visually appealing, professional ads.
We are Looking for a Expert for Physical Session to Fix and Explore Meta Business Suite Responsibilities Meta, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Google Ads etc Qualifications Expert Level only On Demand Visit our Office for Physical Session to Fix and Explore Kindly Reach Us A D Nath, GM The Detailing Gang A-133, DDA Sheds, Okhla Phase-2, South Delhi-110020 WhatsApp 7311108114
I urgently require 25 attractive girls for a wedding event, primarily responsible for guest welcoming. The event will take place across three cities - Delhi, Jaipur, and Udaipur on the 31st of January, 2024. The girls will be compensated with a payment of INR 2000 per day. Our company will provide transportation for all locations, ensuring a hassle-free experience for everyone involved. Ideal candidates should meet the following criteria: - Minimum height of 5'4" - Good-looking and presentable - Able to carry themselves with poise and professionalism The work profile includes: - Guest welcoming - Table hosting - Table service Candidates are required to have: - Black heels - Petticoat - Makeup kit - Black formal blazer - Black pants - White s...
As an international interior architect specializing in luxury hotels, I'm in need of highly skilled professionals to aid in various aspects of my projects. Key Areas of Assistance: - 3D modeling of lamps, furniture, and architectural designs using ArchiCAD. - Creating comprehensive technical drawings that include detailed fabrication drawings and annotated elevations of each wall. This role will require support across different project phases: - Concept Design: Developing initial layouts and visual concepts. - Schematic Design: Refining designs, creating detailed layouts, and specifying materials. - Construction Documentation: Producing full technical documentation for contractors. This includes 3D visuals, detailed drawings, and annotations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - P...
I'm seeking a talented photographer and video editor who can create and edit lifestyle content for my social media accounts, primarily Instagram and YouTube. The ultimate objective is to grow my follower base. Key Responsibilities: - Record high-quality, engaging lifestyl...Implement strategies to increase our follower count Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in photography and video editing - Prior work with lifestyle content preferred - Strong understanding of Instagram and YouTube algorithms - Ability to create engaging content that can go viral Perks: - All travel expenses will be covered - Opportunities to visit various locations Location: Najafgarh, Delhi - 110043. Please apply if you have a passion for creating lifestyle content and are excited about the ...
I'm seeking a seasoned business development consultant specializing in B2B sales, particularly within the medical sector and focused on the Delhi NCR region of India. Also required to reach out to leads and bring in clients. The consultant will be pivotal in crafting a comprehensive business plan from the ground up, with an emphasis on: - Market Research: Identifying potential clients and understanding market dynamics. - Sales Strategy: Developing tactical approaches to boost sales conversions and expand our client base. - Competitive Analysis: Assessing competitors and strategizing accordingly. I am starting from scratch, so the consultant will need to have a strong capacity for research and a proven track record in sales and business planning. The ideal candidate would have...
I'm seeking an experienced architectural drafter to convert my sketches and briefs into technical architectur...seeking an experienced architectural drafter to convert my sketches and briefs into technical architectural drawings for commercial buildings using ArchiCAD 27. The project involves creating comprehensive designs with detailed floor plans, elevation views, and sectional views. Additionally, you'll be responsible for converting the ArchiCAD files into a DWG drawing set. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in ArchiCAD 27 - Experience in drafting for commercial buildings - Ability to interpret sketches and briefs into technical drawings - Skills in creating detailed floor plans, elevation views, and sectional views - Competence in converting ...
Job Description: I’m seeking a talented and creative fashion designer specializing in women’s formal wear to help create a uni...strong portfolio showcasing previous work. • Excellent understanding of fabric, color, garment construction, and design principles. • Creative mindset with a strong eye for detail and trend forecasting. • Ability to adapt to client feedback and work under pressure to meet project deadlines. • Strong communication and collaboration skills. Location Preference: • The designer must be based in Delhi or Kanpur, India. If you meet the above criteria and are passionate about creating stunning women’s formal wear, I’d love to collaborate with you! How to Apply: Please share your portfolio and a brief introd...
I'm looking for a talented web designer/developer to create a professional website for my business. I want someone who is from Delhi or near by Delhi. Key Objectives: - The primary goal of the website is to attract new clients. Essential Features: - A comprehensive service showcase to inform potential customers about what we offer. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating business websites, particularly with a focus on client acquisition. - Strong portfolio showcasing service display features. - Skills in UX/UI design to ensure the website is user-friendly and appealing.
I'm looking for a talented actress based in Delhi for a supporting role in a drama project. Key Details: - Role: You'll be playing a pivotal supporting character, so ability to deliver emotional depth is crucial. - Genre: The project is a drama, so experience and comfort in this genre is a plus. - Age Range: We are looking for actresses between 26-35 years. Ideal Skills: - Strong acting skills, with ability to convey complex emotions. - Prior experience in drama roles. - Based in or willing to travel to Delhi for rehearsals and shoots. Please only apply if you fit the age range and are available for the project timeline. Looking forward to seeing your auditions!
As a second-year architecture student, I am currently working on a project and require help with creating perspective drawings for the interior view of the building. I need assistance with one-point, two-point, and three-point perspective drawings. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in perspective drawing - Experienced in architectural design - Familiar w...working on a project and require help with creating perspective drawings for the interior view of the building. I need assistance with one-point, two-point, and three-point perspective drawings. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in perspective drawing - Experienced in architectural design - Familiar with interior design elements - Ability to work with concepts and sketches Archicad revit...
Create 3D visualization from 3D modelling Archicad
Create 2D drawing and 3D modelling in Archicad from Autocad file
...discovering hidden gems in new places. Enjoys vibrant nightlife, unique events, and sharing stories with friends. Values personalization and convenience, often relying on technology for seamless experiences. Affluent Urban Millennials and Gen Z Age: 25–40 years old. Demographics: Mid to senior-level professionals, entrepreneurs, and high-earning individuals. Based in Tier 1 cities (Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai). Psychographics: Seek luxurious, exclusive, and memorable experiences. Value comfort, personalization, and unique opportunities. Willing to spend on premium, all-inclusive packages or curated itineraries. Behavior: Interested in niche luxury activities like private yacht cruises, helicopter tours, and fine-dining events. Frequently travel domest...
I'm looking for a professional, male, middle-aged, Hindi voiceover artist with a little deep and crisp voi...and crisp voice for a 23 seconds advertisement. The voiceover needs to convey excitement and should be in a clear and engaging manner to capture the listeners' attention. Specific Requirements: - The voiceover must be in a Delhi Hindi accent. - The tone should be energetic, with a touch of depth and crispness. - Excitement should be the predominant emotion conveyed through the voiceover. Ideal skills for the job include: - Professional voiceover experience, particularly in advertisements. - Ability to convey emotions effectively through voice. - Proficiency in Delhi Hindi accent. - Capability to deliver crisp and clear audio. Please provide samples of sim...
I'm looking for a professional, male, middle-aged, Hindi voiceover artist with a little deep and crisp voi...and crisp voice for a 23 seconds advertisement. The voiceover needs to convey excitement and should be in a clear and engaging manner to capture the listeners' attention. Specific Requirements: - The voiceover must be in a Delhi Hindi accent. - The tone should be energetic, with a touch of depth and crispness. - Excitement should be the predominant emotion conveyed through the voiceover. Ideal skills for the job include: - Professional voiceover experience, particularly in advertisements. - Ability to convey emotions effectively through voice. - Proficiency in Delhi Hindi accent. - Capability to deliver crisp and clear audio. Please provide samples of sim...
I'm in search of a Delhi-based digital marketing agency for a lead generation campaign. Face-to-face meetings are mandatory for this project. Ideal skills and experience for the job: -Expertise in making funnel for quality leads -WhatsApp automation -Graphic & motion graphics designs expertise - Proven track record in lead generation - Proficient in creating and executing digital marketing strategies - Excellent communication skills for in-person meetings - Knowledge of various digital marketing tools and platforms
I'm Arun Singh, a 20-year-old B.A. Hons Political Science student from Delhi University. I have one year of data entry experience with 3sigma Financial Services and another year as a domestic telecaller executive with Bharat Ayurveda. I am looking for assistance in applying for data entry jobs in the healthcare sector, where I can highlight my fast typing speed. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Resume building - Content writing - Knowledge of the healthcare industry - Ability to highlight skills effectively
I am in need of a full-fledged YouTube manager for my channel dedicated to general information topics in Hindi, covering subjects like examples : 'Delhi Pollution' 'Voting Methods in India'. Etc etc Responsibilities: - Primarily focused on the SEO of our videos. - Conducting extensive keyword research. - Optimizing metadata for maximum reach and engagement. - Implementing strategies to improve audience retention. - Run add to make things kick start - Make attractive thumbnail and suggest topic names for better ranking in youtube Your expertise and experience in these areas will be crucial to our goal of achieving monetization through inorganic growth and effective SEO strategies. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in YouTube SEO, particularly in the context...
I am a startup seeking a versatile female model for a photoshoot in Delhi. The model will showcase 100 - 150 items, including various fashion pieces and home decor items. Key Responsibilities: - Model a range of fashion items: casual wear, formal wear, and traditional wear. - Showcase a variety of home decor items, mainly decorative accessories. The photoshoot will take place exclusively in an indoor location in Delhi, India What We’re Looking For: • Dependability and Professionalism: Reliability and trustworthiness are non-negotiable. • Modeling Versatility: Ability to model both luxury and lifestyle items with confidence. • Portfolio Required: Please provide digital or physical photos or videos that demonstrate your modeling abilities. • Team...
I'm seeking a skilled photographer/videographer for a startup based in Delhi. The project involves capturing 100 - 150 fashion and home decor product items over the next few weeks. The primary purpose of this shoot is to prepare content for our website. Potential for Long-Term Collaboration Key Requirements: - Standard product shots: The majority of the shots should be standard product images, devoid of lifestyle or editorial styles. - White Background: All product shots need to be taken on a clean, white background to maintain a consistent and professional aesthetic for our website. - Exceptional Photography, Videography Skills: Expertise in high-end product photography, videography and creative social media content. - Portfolio Required: You must provide a digital or physi...
I'm looking for a skilled photographer who can capture my child's first birthday party in a candid style. Its my son's first birthday and its going to be a themed terrace party. Party is intimate with just 10 family members but decorations etc are going to be perfect. Party is in Saket, Delhi Key Responsibilities: - Capture moments both indoors and outdoors - Focus on key moments including the cake cutting, guest interactions, and games - Would also like an instagram reel for the same Ideal Skills and Experience: - Demonstrable experience in candid photography, particularly at children's events - Ability to shoot in both indoor and outdoor settings - Proficient in capturing spontaneous moments and interactions - Experience with birthday parties and similar even...
YOU HAVE TO WRITE MARIBOR IN THE CHAT SO I KNOW YOURE NOT A BOT. ALSO SEND YOUR REFERENCES AND PREVIOUS PROJECTS, if you dont you will be ignored Looking for a skilled Twinmotion designer to collaborate on an existing Archicad-based project. Tasks include: Designing realistic greenery, nature, grass, trees, and vegetation. Creating a vineyard and adding natural elements like rocks. Texturing buildings for a realistic appearance. Adding animations like opening doors. Enhancing lighting for a stunning nighttime view (exterior and interior). Fully furnishing one apartment (optional if expertise is limited). Optimizing the project for VR (RTX 4080). Option to use custom models. Additional Information: Detailed instructions and reference materials are available in a shared dri...
I'm looking for a skilled professional to document a couple of interior-designed sites in New Delhi through both photoshoots and videography. The style of the videography should be 'lifestyle', capturing the essence and livability of the spaces. Key elements to focus on: - Architectural details: I need a keen eye for capturing intricate architectural details. Ideal freelancer should have experience in lifestyle videography and interior design photography.
I'm seeking a skilled video editor from Delhi NCR with a strong understanding of the stock market. The editing will be for an educational tutorial that explains various stock market concepts. Ideal Candidates Should: - Be a resident of Delhi NCR. - Have substantial knowledge of the stock market. - Possess strong video editing skills and experience. Editing Style: The video should be edited in an 'explainer with animations' style. Video Elements: The final product will incorporate on-screen text and visual aids like charts and graphs. Skills Required: - Proficiency in video editing software. - Experience with animation and explainer video editing. - Ability to integrate visual aids seamlessly into the video. Your role will be crucial in making this educ...