Voice Over Actors do zatrudnienia w Senegal

  • Voice Over
  • Senegal
  • Online Users


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Wyświetlono 1 wyników
  • Zatrudnij     mnv3D
Zatrudnij     mnv3D

    mnv3D mnv3D

    Senegal $30 USD / godzinę
    Video Editor - 3D Animator - Motion - Roto/Paint
    0 ocen 0 ocen $30 USD na godzinę
    Very well talented Video Editor, Filmmaker, 3D Designer and Animator with over 12 Years of Experience. (Rotoscope, Camera tracking, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Illustrator etc. Our Service Keeps you Happy and we are here to serve you so do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks.
    Very well talented Video Editor, Filmmaker, 3D Designer and Animator with over 12 Years of Experience. (Rotoscope, Camera tracking, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Illustrator etc. Our Service Keeps you Happy and we are here to serve you so do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks. mniej
  • Zatrudnij mnv3D

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